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2005年7月,我园一幼年赤大袋鼠因笼舍结构不善导致右后肢跖骨骨折,开始采用夹板外固定,未能达到理想的治疗效果,后经全身麻醉后采用接骨板内固定术结合外固定,骨折愈合良好。报告如下:1临床症状2005年7月5日,饲养员称一幼龄赤大袋鼠(雌性,体重10.5kg)右后肢跛行,不敢着地。捕捉  相似文献   

<正>由于鹤类骨骼为含气骨,跖骨长、骨壁薄、术后护理难等因素限制,国内外治疗鹤类下肢骨骨折,治疗效果、功能恢复均不理想。笔者试用石膏绷带固定法治疗2例鹤类跖骨骨折病例均痊愈,且功能恢复良好。现报告如下:1发病情况及临床症状病例1:2011年2月15日展区内成年雄性白枕鹤(体重:11kg)因发情打斗,不能站立,左下肢血流不止。临诊见左跖骨中段和近跗关节处2处骨折,表皮撕裂,断骨外露,2处创腔内布满泥沙污物,出  相似文献   

<正> 一九七一年元月间,患马由于受惊右后肢落入枕木孔中,闭合性全骨折,患马7岁、毛色枣红、膘情中上,三肢踏地,患肢屈曲,骨断端左右摆动,检查患部疼痛不安。触诊,第三、第四跖骨全骨折,第三跖骨的骨折在附关节下方6公分处,第四跖骨的骨折在第三跖骨  相似文献   

犬骨折大多是因管理不当,流浪犬被车撞,互踢,踏入坑道,棒打,石击等所致.本人在临床上接手一例跖骨骨折,是由铁器所致.临床症状;患后肢跖骨部肿胀,红肿,三支脚走路,患肢提起不能着地,患肢活动范围在180度旋转.触摸跖骨部有断端,并有断端线,旋转跖骨部能听到断端有骨摩擦音,并有疼痛感.初步诊断为跖骨完全骨折.有条件的情况也可用X光拍照可以确诊.  相似文献   

山羊骨痂镁含量的测定与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨骨痂中矿物元素镁与骨折愈合的关系 ,对两组人工制造的跖骨骨折山羊分别采用 2 0 μА微电流刺激愈合和自然愈合。待达到临床愈合后 ,分别取其骨折愈合处的骨痂 ,用塞曼偏振原子吸收分光光度计测析骨痂镁含量与微电流和骨折愈合的关系发现 :2 0 μА微电流能明显提高山羊骨痂镁的含量 (P<0 .0 5 )。推断 Mg2 在骨折愈合的三个阶段起到了重要的作用 ,从而促进了山羊骨折愈合的进程  相似文献   

文章就接诊的一例犬因高空坠落而发生骨折的病例,经数码X线摄影检查(CR)确诊为肱骨远端干骺端骨折,然后制定治疗方案:经呼吸麻醉,选择肱骨外侧髁手术通路,采用螺钉加克氏针的内固定方式,将骨折部位进行解剖学复位,经过后期护理,犬恢复良好。  相似文献   

奶牛四肢骨折虽不是临床上的常见病,但发生后如不采取合适的治疗措施,会导致奶牛终生残废,最终淘汰,给养殖户造成巨大的经济损失。笔者于2005年5月遇到一奶牛跖骨骨折病例,通过采取双层竹板夹固定法治疗60d而治愈。  相似文献   

<正>牛常因外界因素的影响而发生四肢骨折,特别是跖骨以下(后肢)及掌骨以下(前肢)的部位最易发生骨折,由于该部位肌肉组织不丰富,绝大部分的骨折为开放性的骨折。发生开放性骨折后,大部分患牛因多种原因没有采取治疗而直接被淘汰,对养殖户带来了一定的损失。在临床上对经济价值较高的患牛,可以考虑选择治疗。笔者在临床上根据当地医疗条件曾治疗9例开放性的骨折(其中1例为掌骨开放性骨折)的病例,7例愈后良好,生产能力  相似文献   

不锈钢固定骨折部位在人医已普遍应用。应用在兽医临床上在我局尚属首创,并取得了满意效果。我场八队阎风歧3月龄奶母犊牛1头,87年8月25日下午在放牧途中被摩托车撞倒,造成右后肢第三、四跖骨下1/3处开放性骨折。于当天晚间22时在畜主家手术,采用不锈钢板固定骨折断端而治愈,现报告如下。  相似文献   

<正> 近年来我们在石膏夹板绷带外配合应用柱栏保定法,治疗9匹马,其中系骨骨折3例,掌骨骨折4例,跖骨骨折1例,前臂骨骨折1例得到较满意的效果,现将方法介绍  相似文献   

Fifteen longitudinal fractures involving the medial condyle of the third metatarsal bone were diagnosed in racing Thoroughbreds and Standardbreds. Twelve were repaired surgically with lag screws placed through stab incisions. Two of the horses suffered catastrophic fracture of the third metatarsal bone during recovery from anesthesia, and 3 more sustained complete fractures within 4 days of the repair. Of 3 horses with fractures treated without surgery, 2 healed without complication. Preoperative radiography did not demonstrate a nonlongitudinal fracture component in any of the horses that sustained complete fractures. The complete fractures were uniformly "Y" shaped. Horses in which the fractures healed had a good prognosis for return to racing.  相似文献   

A 4-mo-old, 185-kg male giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata) was presented due to stifle effusion and lameness of 3-wk duration. Radiographs revealed a fracture of the extensor fossa of the lateral trochlear ridge of the femur at the origin of the peroneus tertius. Under anesthesia, dysfunction of the reciprocal apparatus was documented by flexing the stifle while the tarsus remained extended. An avulsion fracture of the origin of the peroneus tertius and extensor digitorum longus muscle was diagnosed. An exploratory arthroscopy of the femorotibial joint was followed by arthrotomy to excise the large bone fragment from its soft tissue attachments. Because of the fractious temperament of the animal, postoperative care was restricted to stall rest for 3 mo, and no postoperative complications arose. Only a mild residual lameness remained by 6 mo after surgery.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe focal destructive lesions of the proximal sesamoid bones (PSBs) as a complication of dorsal metatarsal artery catheterization performed for direct blood pressure monitoring during equine general anesthesia. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: Three client-owned horses. METHODS: A dorsal metatarsal artery was catheterized in each of 3 horses for direct blood pressure monitoring during anesthesia. Radiography, ultrasonography, synoviocentesis, and arthroscopy were used to diagnose postoperative lameness that occurred in the limb used for blood pressure monitoring. RESULTS: Horses developed severe lameness, localized to the fetlock region of the catheterized limb within 21 days of surgery. Antibiotic therapy was administered. Surgical debridement was possible in 1 horse. Two horses that had lesions that were inaccessible, failed to respond to medical management and were euthanatized. The 3rd horse that had surgical debridement of affected bone, survived. Changes in hospital protocol, by improving aseptic technique during catheter insertion and use of new manometer tubing and heparinized saline for each arterial catheter inserted in the dorsal metatarsal artery, have eliminated this complication. CONCLUSIONS: Diagnosis and treatment of destructive lesions of the PSB were difficult. Strict aseptic technique should be followed during insertion of arterial catheters. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Focal destructive lesions of the PSB subsequent to dorsal metatarsal arterial catheterization is a rare but serious complication of equine anesthesia.  相似文献   

An open proximal metatarsal fracture was identified in a 9-month-old calf. Open reduction, internal fixation, and external coaptation were used to repair the fracture. The calf recovered without complications and was reported to be sound 6 months after surgery.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate clinical findings, complications, and outcome of horses and foals with third metacarpal, third metatarsal, or phalangeal fractures that were treated with transfixation casting. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. Animals-29 adult horses and 8 foals with fractures of the third metacarpal or metatarsal bone or the proximal or middle phalanx. PROCEDURES: Medical records were reviewed, and follow-up information was obtained. Data were analyzed by use of logistic regression models for survival, fracture healing, return to intended use, pin loosening, pin hole lysis, and complications associated with pins. RESULTS: In 27 of 35 (77%) horses, the fracture healed and the horse survived, including 10 of 15 third metacarpal or metatarsal bone fractures, 11 of 12 proximal phalanx fractures, and 6 of 8 middle phalanx fractures. Four adult horses sustained a fracture through a pin hole. One horse sustained a pathologic unicortical fracture secondary to a pin hole infec-tion. Increasing body weight, fracture involving 2 joints, nondiaphyseal fracture location, and increasing duration until radiographic union were associated with horses not returning to their intended use. After adjusting for body weight, pin loosening was associated with di-aphyseal pin location, pin hole lysis was associated with number of days with a transfixation cast, and pin complications were associated with hand insertion of pins. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated that transfixation casting can be successful in managing fractures distal to the carpus or tarsus in horses. This technique is most suitable for comminuted fractures of the proximal phalanx but can be used for third metacarpal, third metatarsal, or middle phalanx fractures, with or without internal fixation.  相似文献   

A 10-yr-old male Masai giraffe (Giraffe camelopardalis tippelskirchi) presented with acute right forelimb lameness. Radiographs revealed a fracture of the medial claw of the distal phalanx penetrating into the distal interphalangeal joint. The giraffe was sedated while it was standing in a chute, and a wooden "hoof block" was applied to the lateral claw of the same limb. The animal was no longer lame 3 days after the procedure. Subsequent treatments included vitamin E, phenylbutazone, and glycosaminoglycans. For 7 wk it was maintained in a small holding yard on packed sand during the day and on deep sand during the night. The hoof block slowly wore down, and at 7 wk, it was placed back on concrete in the evening. At 8 wk, the block had completely worn off and the animal was no longer lame, but radiographs indicated minimal fracture healing. Radiographs performed at 7 mo indicated that there was still a radiolucent zone at the fracture line but calcification was evident at the margins of the fracture.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old National Hunt Thoroughbred mare presented with sudden onset left hindlimb lameness after race training on the gallops. Clinical examination revealed a marked painful reaction over the proximal metatarsal region but no other obvious abnormalities were detected. Survey radiographs at the yard did not reveal any abnormalities. Nuclear scintigraphic examination 3 days after injury revealed focal marked increased radiopharmaceutical uptake in the proximal metatarsal region. Subsequent radiography revealed an incomplete, articular fracture of the proximal left third metatarsal bone. Repair of the fracture using 3 × 4.5 mm cortical screws placed in lag fashion was performed under standing sedation following perineural analgesia. Follow-up radiographs demonstrated progressive healing of the fracture. The mare returned to race training 8 months after the fracture was repaired and raced successfully 12 months post injury.  相似文献   

Metacarpal fractures were more common than metatarsal fractures in this retrospective study of 37 dogs. Fractures of one metacarpal or metatarsal bone occurred In 24 per cent of the dogs, two metacarpal bones in 16 per cent, three metacarpal or metatarsal bones in 19 per cent, and four metacarpal or metatarsal bones in 41 per cent. Eighty-seven per cent of the dogs with fractures of four bones had fracture displacement or malalignment of at least one digit. Progressive fracture healing usually occurred Irrespective of stabilisation method. For malaligned fractures, however, external coaptation did not consistently improve alignment. Fracture alignment was consistently Improved by open reduction and internal fixation of acute fractures with bone plates. Fractures of four bones occurred most often In the distal metacarpus as opposed to the proximal metatarsus. Therefore, open reduction and internal fixation may be more commonly indicated for severe metacarpal fractures, because fracture displacement or axial1 malalignment was significantly associated with fractures of the mid or distal regions of the metacarpus or metatarsus (P=0.052).  相似文献   

Metacarpal (22) and metatarsal (11) fractures in 33 dairy cattle were treated by application of short or full limb casts. Twelve fractures involved the distal physis (6 closed, 6 open) and 21 fractures were nonphyseal (17 closed, 4 open). All physeal fractures were noncomminuted and 11/12 were classified as Salter-Harris type II. Eleven (52%) of nonphyseal fractures were comminuted. Closed fractures were reduced and a cast was applied after manual restraint, sedation with xylazine (along with use of ropes), or general anesthesia. Open fractures were best treated with the cow under general anesthesia. These fractures were carefully debrided, lavaged, and reduced, and a cast was applied. Antibiotics and analgesics were given parenterally. All cattle were restricted to a box stall during fracture healing. Fracture healing generally was rapid and uncomplicated. No closed fracture perforated the skin. Fracture healing was characterized radiographically by extensive circumferential periosteal new bone growth, closure of the distal physis, and preservation of articulations adjacent to the fracture site. Follow-up ranged from 6 to 78 months (mean, 32 months). Thirty of 33 (91%) cattle survived for a long period. All cows with closed (23) and 7 of 10 (70%) with open fractures survived. Three cows were euthanatized; 2 developed severe osteomyelitis and one fractured her metatarsus above a short cast. All 30 surviving cattle were considered by their owners not lame on the previously injured limb, with no noticeable angulation, bowing, or shortening. No deleterious effects on milk production were detected.  相似文献   

Nuclear scintigraphy was used to evaluate healing of third metacarpal bone (MC III) fractures in 2 horses (horses 1 and 2) and a third metatarsal bone fracture in 1 horse (horse 3) after stabilization of each fracture with 2 broad dynamic compression plates. In horse 1, the fracture had uniform uptake of 99mTc methylene diphosphonate on days 1, 15, and 30 after surgery. The fracture healed, and the horse was discharged from the clinic on day 52. In horse 2, a 6-cm photopenic region (ie, area of low radioactivity) was seen over the diaphysis of MC III on day 3. The region persisted and became more distinct by day 32. The diaphysis of MC III sequestered, and horse 2 was euthanatized on day 44. In horse 3, vascularity was seen bridging the fracture on day 5, with a 3-cm photopenic region over the dorsal diaphysis of the third metatarsal bone. By days 18 and 32, uptake of 99mTc methylene diphosphonate in the region had increased, indicating vascularization of the site. the fracture healed, and horse 3 was discharged from the clinic on day 47. Our findings indicated that serial nuclear scintigraphy can be used to evaluate fracture vascularization after surgery in horses.  相似文献   

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