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有机胂化合物是一类抗球虫、抑制有害细菌繁殖的促生长剂,在美国、加拿大的饲料及饲料添加剂工业和养殖业中得到广泛使用,我国近几年来开始研究并应用有机胂作为畜禽饲料添加剂。王书华等(1993)在仔猪日粮中添加98mg/kg的对氨基苯胂酸(ArsanlicAcid)和100mg/kg的土霉素,仔猪日增重和饲料转化率分别提高17%和13%,邓跃林等(1983)在生长猪日粮中添加60mg/kg的对氨基苯胂酸,日增重提高16.5%,饲料报酬提高10.6%。柏秋圃等(1992)在肉仔鸡日粮中添加对氨基苯胂酸90mg/kg,日粮蛋白质水平降低了2个百分点,而肉仔鸡肌肉、肝…  相似文献   

对氨基苯胂酸,又称阿散酸,为化学合成的生长促进剂。它能促进蛋白质同化,改善肠道细胞代谢,抑制肠道有害细菌,起着生长促进和抗菌双重作用。用于幼龄猪和家禽,能够促进生长、提高产蛋率和饲料报酬,在低蛋白水平日粮中作用更为显著。欧美一些国家已广泛应用对氨基苯胂酸,效果良好。我国近年开始研究应用,在肉仔鸡和猪应用方面有报道,尚未见蛋鸡应用报道。本试验旨在研究对氨基苯胂酸在低蛋白水平日粮中对产蛋鸡生产性能的影响。l材料与方法1.1对氨基苯胂酸系浙江黄岩精细化工厂产品。白色结晶粉末,含量98.5%以上。1.2试验时间与…  相似文献   

本研究通过断奶仔猪、生长猪和肥育猪3个试验研究了日粮添加洛克沙胂对猪生产性能及血液指标的影响。试验分别选择96头杜×长×大三元杂交断奶仔猪(8.29±0.99)kg、生长猪(32.68±3.43)kg和肥育猪(62.74±8.89)kg,随机分为4个处理,每个处理6个重复,每个重复4头猪,公母各半。处理1为对照组,日粮中不添加洛克沙胂,处理2、3和4分别在日粮中添加50、100 mg/kg和150 mg/kg洛克沙胂。基础日粮为玉米-豆粕型,各处理日粮营养水平均为等能量、等蛋白。结果表明:日粮中添加洛克沙胂能显著提高断奶仔猪与生长猪日增重和饲料转化效率(P<0.05),减少仔猪腹泻率(P<0.01)。但对肥育猪增重效果不明显(P>0.05);日粮中添加洛克沙胂使动物血红蛋白、肌酐和谷草转氨酶含量升高,白蛋白含量降低(P<0.05)。表明洛克沙胂对猪具有一定的促生长效果,可增加动物血液运氧能力,但同时有可能对动物肝脏、肾脏造成一定损伤。  相似文献   

近年来,有机胂制剂(如:对氨基苯胂酸)作为促生长类饲料添加剂在国外已得到了广泛地应用,有机胂制剂能促进生长,提高饲料效率,使骨髓造血机能活跃,促使红细胞和血色素增生,不仅起着补充必要微量元素胂的作用,还能抑制肠道中部分有害细菌的生长,起着抗生素一样的作用。日粮中添加高铜,在生产实践中现已开始应用。本试验旨在探讨日粮中添加有机胂制剂和高铜对肥育猪生长性能的影响。1.材料与方法1.1.药品:浙江黄岩市荣耀化工厂生产的有机胂制  相似文献   

本试验探讨断奶仔猪日粮中添加不同抗菌素(100mg/ kg磺胺二甲嘧啶 50mg/kg口服氨苄青霉素 100mg/ kg土霉素、100mg/ kg杆菌肽锌 20mg/kg硫酸抗敌素、100mg/kg硫酸新霉素、50mg/kg洛克沙胂 50mg/ kg喹乙醇、300mg/kg痢特灵)对断奶仔猪生长性能和腹泻的影响。试验结果表明,断奶仔猪日粮中添加抗菌素的日增重和日耗料与对照组相比无显著差异(P> 0.05);但添加 50mg/ kg洛克沙胂 50mg/ kg 喹乙醇组的饲料增重比明显优于对照组(P<0.05);添加抗菌素各组的腹泻情况均比对照组有所改善。从生长性能及腹泻情况综合考虑,断奶仔猪日粮中添加50mg/kg洛克沙胂 50mg/kg喹乙醇稍好于添加其它抗菌素。  相似文献   

对氨基苯胂酸对生长猪的应用效果浙江省农科院畜牧兽医研究所楼洪兴,许松浙江省海宁市良种场黄吕元,葛爱珍据国外试验应用,对氨基苯胂酸是一种主要用作幼龄猪和禽的生长促进剂,能增强抵抗力、促进畜禽生长、提高产蛋率、改善饲料利用效率和蛋白质营养代谢,与土霉素等...  相似文献   

钟华宜  李敬 《饲料工业》1996,17(1):21-23
添加对氨基苯胂酸对生长肥育猪生产性能的影响中国科学院长沙农业现代化研究所钟华宜,印遇龙中国科学院长沙农业现代化研究所黄瑞林,李铁军化工部饲料添加剂中心李敬对氨基苯胂酸(ArsanilicAcid)为有机胂制剂、是国外70年代开发的饲用合成抗菌素,是一...  相似文献   

李连任 《中国家禽》2005,27(15):30-30
阿散酸是常用的有机砷制剂,化学名称叫对氨基苯胂酸,可促生长、提高饲料利用率、增加产蛋、增强皮肤和卵黄色素沉淀,并能抑制球虫卵和支原体、抗大肠杆菌和防治拉稀等作用。夏季日粮中添加阿散酸,可有效缓解热应激,对提高鸡的产蛋性能有明显作用,推荐添加剂量为60mg/kg。  相似文献   

本试验采用饲养试验和消化代谢试验研究了植酸酶对生长猪生产性能和养分消化率的影响,饲养试验通过96头20kg左右的工白×荣昌F1杂交猪分别喂给8种不同成分的日粮,消化试验通过20kg左右长白×荣昌F1杂交公猪12头分别喂给3种不同成分的日粮。试验结果表明:在20-60kg生长猪无矿物质磷日粮中添加300mg/kg植酸酶,日增重提高14.5%(P<0.05)。饲料效率无明显影响,总磷和植酸磷的全消化道消化率分别提高39.3%(P<0.05)和38.4%(P<0.05),氮的沉积效率增加14.4%(P<0.05),生长猪日粮添加植酸酶对干物质,粗蛋白质,粗脂肪,粗纤维,粗成分,无氮浸出物,总能和钙的消化率无影响。  相似文献   

基础日粮添加普乐生与“大江551”对比试验为探讨普乐生(对氨基苯胂酸)的效果,浙江省嘉兴黑猪原种场于1993年8月27日至10月25日在本场选择4窝48头长嘉乳猪,按窝分成2组,一组基础日粮(消化能3.23兆卡/千克,粗蛋白19.68%,赖氨酸1.卫...  相似文献   

本试验就饲粮铁、铜水平对早期断奶仔猪(30日龄)生长发育及组织中铁、铜含量的影响进行了研究。结果指出:在含铁70mg/kg及含铜10mg/kg的基础饲料中以硫酸亚铁形式添加35及70mg/kg铁和以硫酸铜形式添加125及200mg/kg铜时,对仔猪生长性能、组织器官的发育以及品骨、肾脏中的铁含量没有影响,但饲粮铁水平的增加可导致肝脏和脾脏铁含量的增加。在饲粮中添加35mg/kg及70mg/kg的铁时,可使肝脏铁含量增加14.6%和55.0%(P<0.01),使脾脏铁含量增加15.1%(P<0.05)及22.9%(P<0.01)。在仔猪饲粮中添加200mg/kg铜,可使仔猪日增重和采食量分别提高9.7%和16.2%,使肾脏和肝脏铜含量分别增加104.6%(P<0.01)和434.0%(P<0.01),使肝脏铁含量降低19.4%(P<0.05)。添加125mg/kg铜,使肾脏和肝脏铜增加27.9%和93.4%(P<0.01),使肝脏铁降低9.4%。  相似文献   

采用单因子试验设计,将30头体重(34.93±2.46)kg的DLY生长猪随机分为5个处理,研究饲粮添加不同水平丙谷胺和含CCK抗体卵黄粉对生长猪生产性能、养分消化率和内分泌激素的影响。5个处理分别为对照组(C)、C+含CCK抗体卵黄粉400mg/kg、C+含CCK抗体卵黄粉800mg/kg、C+丙谷胺500mg/kg和C+丙谷胺1000mg/kg。结果表明:添加CCK抗体卵黄粉400mg/kg组试猪全期日增重(ADG)提高11.10%(P>0.05),饲料增重比(F/G)降低8.33%(P>0.05)。丙谷胺500mg/kg组全期ADG提高6.02%(P>0.05),F/G降低7.54%(P>0.05),同时饲粮干物质、有机物和粗蛋白质的消化率显著改善(P<0.05)。添加含CCK抗体卵黄粉或丙谷胺均有降低试猪第1周末采食前后及试验结束时血清尿素氮含量的趋势。同时,添加含CCK抗体卵黄粉有降低试猪第1周末采食前后血清CCK浓度的趋势。含CCK抗体卵黄粉或丙谷胺对血清瘦素和胰岛素含量均无显著影响。  相似文献   

Thirty-six crossbred barrows with an average initial age of 42 d and BW of 13.8 kg were placed in individual metabolism crates in a 35-d experiment to evaluate the supplementation of a semipurified diet with graded levels of crystalline niacin. Response criteria were energy and N balance, growth performance, occurrence of niacin deficiency diarrhea, and urinary excretion of the niacin metabolite N(1)-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxylamide (PYR). The basal diet met the true ileal Trp requirement of growing swine, and supplementation with 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, or 44 mg of niacin/kg made 6 treatments. Pigs were observed for scours twice daily, and pig BW and feed consumption were determined weekly. Total urine collections and fecal grab samples were made twice daily from each pig from d 28 to 35. Pigs fed the diet containing 14 mg of niacin/kg absorbed and retained more (P < 0.05) grams of N/d, had a greater N digestibility (%, P < 0.05), a greater ADFI and ADG (P < 0.10), and no diarrhea (P < 0.05) compared with pigs fed the diet containing 6 mg of niacin/kg, and pigs fed the diet containing 10 mg of niacin/kg were intermediate in ADG. There were no additional improvements in the response criteria with niacin supplementation greater than 14 mg/kg. Urinary PYR criteria (mg/L and mg/d) were greater (P < 0.001) for pigs fed the diet containing 44 mg of niacin/kg than for pigs fed the diets containing 6 to 22 mg of niacin/kg. However, urinary PYR criteria for pigs fed the diets containing 6 to 22 mg of niacin/kg did not differ from each other, indicating that PYR was not a sensitive indicator of niacin status for growing swine. Niacin treatment did not affect the percentages of N retained/N absorbed, N retained/N intake, DE, or ME. In conclusion, 14 mg of crystalline niacin/kg of semipurified diet adequate in Trp was the minimum concentration of niacin that maximized N utilization and growth performance, and prevented niacin deficiency diarrhea of growing swine in the current experiment. Because practical feed ingredients may be sources of available endogenous niacin, supplementation of practical diets with 100% of the current NRC requirement for niacin should provide adequate niacin for growing swine.  相似文献   

杜洛克母猪生长、肥育阶段补充维生素E和维生素C的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在生长猪日粮(含添加剂VE 7 IU/kg)中添加VE 50IU/kg和VC 100 mg/kg,对杜洛克生长母猪的生产性能无明显影响,肥育猪日粮(含添加剂VE 4.9 IU/kg)中添加VE 25 IU/kg和VC 50 mg/kg,可提高日增重8.6%,单位增重的饲料消耗下降11. 7%。表明杜洛克母猪肥育日粮的VE和VC水平可能应高于生长阶段。  相似文献   

Changes in the activity of enzymes involved in oxidative metabolism of glutamine, and in protein content, in the epithelial tissue along the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of growing pigs exposed to nivalenol (NIV) in the diet were investigated. The epithelial tissue was taken from the stomach, small intestine and colon of three groups of animals fed diets without NIV (control), with inclusion of 2.5 mg NIV/kg diet (low dose) and with inclusion of 5.0 mg NIV/kg diet (high dose). The activities of glutaminase, glutamate dehydrogenase, oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase and alanine aminotransferase were determined. In the control pigs the activities of oxoglutarate dehydrogenase and alanine aminotransferase were higher (P < 0.05) in the epithelium of the small intestine as compared with the stomach and colon, while there were no differences in the activities of glutaminase, glutamate dehydrogenase and isocitrate dehydrogenase. With increasing inclusion of NIV in the diet the activity of oxoglutarate dehydrogenase decreased (P < 0.05) in the epithelium of the small intestine and colon, and the activity of alanine aminotransferase tended (P = 0.07) to increase in the epithelium of the small intestine. The activities of glutaminase, glutamate dehydrogenase and isocitrate dehydrogenase remained unaffected by the inclusion of NIV in the diet. In the control pigs the protein content in the epithelium of the small intestine was higher (P < 0.05) than in the stomach and colon, while there were no effects of NIV inclusion in the diet on the protein content. It can be concluded from the present study that the epithelial tissue of the small intestine and colon of pigs exposed to a diet containing NIV will have a reduced enzymatic capacity to utilise alpha-ketoglutarate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA-cycle), suggesting an impaired energy supply to these organs.  相似文献   

Effects of zeolite a or clinoptilolite in diets of growing swine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Growth, nutrient balance, plasma ammonia levels and urinary p-cresol excretion were evaluated in growing pigs fed diets containing various levels of zeolite A or clinoptilolite. In one growth trial, crossbred pigs averaging 25 kg initial body weight were assigned to diets containing no zeolite, .3% zeolite A or .5% clinoptilolite for a 6-wk growing phase trial. Average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADF) and feed/gain (F/G) were unaffected by supplementation of either zeolite in the diet, but metabolizable energy (ME) utilization was improved by feeding diets containing either zeolite. A second growth trial utilized the same crossbred pigs, which averaged 65 kg initial body weight, and were assigned to diets containing no zeolite, 1% zeolite A or 5% clinoptilolite for an 8-wk finishing phase trial. Average daily gain, ADF, and ME utilization were unaffected by feeding either zeolite diet, while F/G was increased in pigs fed the diet containing 5% clinoptilolite. In two nutrient balance trials, 16 crossbred pigs averaging 7.5 kg in initial body weight were fed diets containing 0, 1, 2 or 3% zeolite A in one trial and 16 crossbred pigs averaging 7.0 kg initial body weight were fed diets containing 0, 2.5, 5.0 or 7.5% clinoptilolite in a second trial. In both trials, digestible energy, ME, N-corrected ME and ME corrected for N balance and zeolite levels were linearly reduced as increasing amounts of either zeolite were fed. Daily fecal N increased and apparent digestibility of N was linearly reduced by feeding increasing amounts of zeolite A or clinoptilolite. Biological value of protein was improved linearly as higher levels of zeolite A were fed, indicating that there may be some ammonia binding to zeolite A in the gastrointestinal tract. Net protein utilization was reduced by feeding increasing levels of clinoptilolite in the diet. Calcium, P, Mg, Na, K and Fe retentions were linearly reduced by feeding increasing amounts of zeolite A in the diet, while increasing levels of clinoptilolite caused only P retention to be linearly reduced. Both free and conjugated forms of urinary p-cresol were linearly reduced by feeding increasing levels of clinoptilolite. Plasma ammonia levels were reduced at subsequent bleedings after a meal and by increasing levels of clinoptilolite.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of dietary copper and vitamin E in diets containing 6% rapeseed oil on the performance and the antioxidative and oxidative status of growing pigs. The 10 dietary treatments consisted of a basal diet (9 mg of vitamin E/kg feed, 15 mg of Cu/kg feed), the basal diet + 6% rapeseed oil (Diet 1; 18 mg of vitamin E/kg feed, 15 mg of Cu/kg feed), and Diet 1 plus supplements of vitamin E (0, 100, and 200 mg of dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate/kg feed) and copper (0, 35, and 175 mg of Cu/ kg feed) in a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement of treatments. Eight or nine pigs were given ad libitum access to each diet from 25 to 100 kg of live weight. The inclusion of rapeseed oil tended (P < .10) to improve ADG and feed utilization. Compared with the addition of 35 mg of Cu/kg, the addition of 175 mg/kg improved growth rate and increased feed intake early in the experiment, but, over the total experiment, neither 35 nor 175 mg of Cu/kg affected performance. Compared with the addition of 100 mg of vitamin E/kg or no addition, the addition of 200 mg/kg reduced ADG over the total experiment (P = .05). The antioxidative and oxidative status of the pigs was evaluated in terms of blood and liver concentrations of antioxidants (alpha-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, vitamin A, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase), prooxidants (Cu), concentrations of lipids (triglycerides and cholesterol), fatty acid composition, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS), and clinical chemical (creatine kinase and glutamate-oxaloacetate-transaminase) and hematological variables that indicate the level of oxidative stress. There were no vitamin E deficiency signs or increased oxidative stress in pigs fed low dietary vitamin E levels, and no prooxidative effect of Cu was found. Increasing dietary levels of vitamin E increased the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in plasma and liver. Supplementation with Cu increased liver concentrations of Cu and alphatocopherol. The progression in liver TBARS was reduced by the addition of vitamin E and Cu. The addition of rapeseed oil changed the fatty acid composition of liver, increased alpha-tocopherol concentration in plasma and Cu concentration in liver, and reduced the rate of lipid oxidation in liver. In conclusion, even though the effects were minor, vitamin E, Cu, and rapeseed oil improved the antioxidative status of the live pigs.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究在小麦基础饲粮中添加木聚糖酶对生长猪生长性能、营养物质表观消化率、血清生化指标及肠道微生物菌群的影响,探讨适宜的木聚糖酶添加水平。选择80头健康、平均体重40 kg的"杜×长×大"生长猪,随机分为5个处理,每个处理4个重复,每个重复4头猪。正对照组饲喂玉米-豆粕型基础饲粮,负对照组饲喂小麦-豆粕型基础饲粮,木聚糖酶组分别饲喂在负对照基础饲粮上添加500、1 000和2 000 U/kg木聚糖酶的试验饲粮。试验期28 d。结果表明:1)小麦基础饲粮中添加木聚糖酶可极显著提高生长猪平均日增重(P<0.01),显著或极显著提高平均日采食量和营养物质表观消化率(P<0.05或P<0.01),其中2 000 U/kg木聚糖酶组效果最好,平均日增重和平均日采食量分别提高了26.0%和16.5%(P<0.01);2)小麦基础饲粮中添加木聚糖酶显著或极显著提高了生长猪血清葡萄糖、三碘甲腺原氨酸、四碘甲腺原氨酸和D-木糖含量(P<0.05或P<0.01),极显著降低血清尿素氮含量(P<0.01);3)饲粮组成和木聚糖酶可显著影响猪肠道微生物菌群,添加木聚糖酶可维持动物肠道微生物菌群的平衡,2 000 U/kg木聚糖酶组肠道菌群结构和玉米-豆粕饲粮饲喂条件下接近。由此可见,添加2 000 U/kg的木聚糖酶可显著改善饲喂小麦基础饲粮生长猪的生长性能和营养物质表观消化率,维持肠道微生物菌群的平衡。在木聚糖含量为11.2%的生长猪小麦基础饲粮中,木聚糖酶的适宜添加水平为2 000 U/kg。  相似文献   

Forty-eight Duroc-cross gilts (40 kg initial BW) were fed a control or a linseed diet containing 60 g of whole crushed linseed/kg. Both diets were supplemented with 150 mg of vitamin E/kg. Eight pigs from each dietary treatment were slaughtered at 20, 60, or 100 d after the start of the experiment. There was no effect (P > 0.05) of diet on growth, carcass characteristics, or foreloin tissue composition. Feeding the linseed diet increased (P < 0.05) the content of n-3 PUFA in plasma, muscle, and adipose tissue, but docosahexaenoic acid was not (P > 0.05) altered by diet. The proportions of n-3 PUFA were highest (P < 0.01) in pigs fed the linseed-diet for 60 d, regardless of tissue (plasma, muscle, or adipose tissue) or lipid (neutral lipids and phospholipids) class. The linseed diet produced a PUFA:saturated fatty acid ratio > or = 0.4 in all groups and tissues, which is close to the recommended value for the entire diet of humans, as well as a robust decrease in the n-6:n-3 ratio. The decrease (P < 0.01) in the percentage of oleic acid in adipose tissue of pigs fed the linseed diet for 60 d could be attributed to a 40% decrease (P < 0.001) in stearoyl-CoA-desaturase activity. Diet did not (P > 0.05) affect the activities of acetyl-CoA-carboxylase, malic enzyme, or glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase in any tissues. Muscle vitamin E content was decreased (P < 0.001) 30% in pigs fed crushed linseed for 60 d, whereas lower (P < 0.001) concentrations of skatole in pork fat were observed in linseed-fed pigs at all slaughter times. Inclusion of linseed (flaxseed) in swine diets is a valid method of improving the nutritional value of pork without deleteriously affecting organoleptic characteristics, oxidation, or color stability.  相似文献   

半胱胺对生长肥育猪胴体品质的影响及其机理探讨   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
在生长肥育猪的生长期和肥育期日粮中分别添加 6 0mg/kg半胱胺和 75mg/kg半胱胺 ,经屠宰试验表明 :胴体瘦肉率提高 4 .6 3% (P <0 .0 5 ) ,胴体脂肪率降低 8.5 3% (P <0 .0 5 ) ,同时第 10肋背膘厚降低 10 .17% (P >0 .0 5 )。在日粮中添加半胱胺使血清中生长激素 (GH)和三碘甲腺原氨酸 (T3 )含量分别提高 2 4 .4 4 % (P <0 .0 5 )和 2 1.31% (P <0 .0 5 )。添加半胱胺能显著提高皮下脂肪激素敏感脂酶 (HSL)活力 38.2 3% (P <0 .0 5 ) ,有降低苹果酸脱氢酶、葡萄糖 6 磷酸脱氢酶、异柠檬酸脱氢酶活性的趋势。研究结果显示 ,半胱胺可能通过增加血清GH含量和提高HSL活力来影响胴体品质。  相似文献   

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