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河北省小五台山国家级自然保护区蜘蛛名录(Ⅱ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2004和2005年对小五台山国家级自然保护区内蜘蛛多样性的再次调查、采集、鉴定和整理,补充未记录的蜘蛛77种,至此,小五台山的蜘蛛共有31科114属234种.  相似文献   

为了揭示蜘蛛群落在马尾松林中的地位和作用规律,于1995年4月至1996年6月对湖南新邵、长沙、岳阳3县不同立地条件马尾松林抽样调查90块样地.马尾松林蜘蛛群落计有25科62属107种.在马尾松林垂直分布的4个层次中蜘蛛群落具有明显的分层特征.灌木层的蜘蛛种类最丰富,林冠层次之.这两层蜘蛛对整个蜘蛛群落的稳定和控制害虫危害功能的发挥起决定作用,树干层和地面层蜘蛛处于过渡和补充地位.植被盖度对蜘蛛群落多样性和稳定性有显著影响,林龄的影响则不明显.  相似文献   

从前,园音寺的横梁上的一只蜘蛛有了佛性。有一天,佛主光临了圆音寺,对蜘蛛说:"我来问你个问题,世间什么才是最珍贵的?"蜘蛛想了想,回答说:"世间最珍贵的是‘得不到’和‘已失去’。"佛主点头离开了。过了一千年,佛主又来了,对蜘蛛说:"那个问题你有更深刻的认识吗?"蜘蛛仍说:世间最珍贵的是得不  相似文献   

1997年7~8月在湖南省永州市千家洞自然保护区进行了不同海拔、不同林分状况下灌丛蜘蛛群落调查,并应用系统聚类和主成分分析研究了蜘蛛群落结构异质性.结果表明:植物层次好,灌木种类丰富的次生林蜘蛛群落结构优于灌木单调的残次林和人工林;在影响原始次生林蜘蛛群落结构的诸因素中,人为干扰的影响作用最大.  相似文献   

<正> 蜘蛛种类多,分布广,适应性强,是农林害虫的重要天敌之一。近年来,我们结合松干蚧天敌的调查,在胶东地区的昆嵛山和招虎山等松林内,采集了一批蜘蛛标本,并对蜘蛛的发生与环境条件的关系作了初步调查。现整理如下。一、蜘蛛种类 1979-1981年,共采到蜘蛛标本47个号,经鉴定已知学名的有27种,隶属13科24属(见表1)。这些蜘蛛,多捕食松树,灌木和杂草上的害虫。其中,以美丽羽蛛、小带斑  相似文献   

蜘蛛,人们一般把它视为昆虫,其实不是昆虫。在分类上昆虫和蜘蛛只是同属节肢动物门,昆虫属昆虫纲,而蜘蛛则属蛛形纲。在外表上蜘蛛形似昆虫,但只要稍加注意,就不难看出,昆虫身体分头、胸、腹3部分,而蜘蛛只有头和腹2部分,类似细腰葫芦;昆虫有3对腿,而蜘蛛则有4对腿;蜘蛛的8只眼  相似文献   

延川不同类型枣园蜘蛛群落多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜘蛛是枣园生态系统中重要的天敌之一,研究枣园蜘蛛群落的多样性可为枣园害虫生物防治提供应用基础数据。2014年5月至10月,在延川县北村和庄头村选择4个不同管理模式的枣园样地,采用扣管法和扫网法相结合的方式进行采样,共获取蜘蛛134头,隶属于7科,其中园蛛科、蟹蛛科、逍遥蛛科、猫蛛科为优势科,狼蛛科、跳蛛科和平腹蛛科为常见类群。数据表明,评价范围内枣园的丰富度指数(dma)和多样性指数(H)较高,而其多样性指数(D)和均匀度指数(J)较低,反映出蜘蛛对不同管理模式枣园生态系统的响应;5月到7月蜘蛛数量相对稳定,7月到8月上升趋势明显,8月下旬到10月上旬开始下降;自然生长的平地枣园样地蜘蛛多样性要高于杂草单一或人工管理的其他样地,人为干扰少、相对潮湿的生态环境,更有利于蜘蛛栖息生活。  相似文献   

蜘蛛是华北农区的主要天敌种群之一,本文研究了农田蜘蛛种群结构及优势种在林带-田埂-农田环境的分布动态。结果表明:(1)研究地区游猎型蜘蛛的优势种为中华狼蛛(Lycosa sinensis Schenkel)和中华平腹蛛(Gnaphosa sinensis Simon);(2)林带和田埂在农作物栽种前和成熟后是蜘蛛栖息和获取食物的主要场所,是农林复合系统中蜘蛛种群的重要种库;(3)耕作活动对蜘蛛种群有较强的负面影响,林带环境具有维持蜘蛛种群稳定性的作用;(4)蜘蛛密度与距林带距离呈负相关性,且在距林带一定范围内密度变化极其显著(P=0.001,α=0.05),表现出明显的林带效应。  相似文献   

世界上已知蜘蛛35000多种,绝大部分布在农田、森林和果园内。它们以捕食各种小型动物为主,是农林害虫的重要天敌之一。1979—1981年我们在胶东半岛地区松林内采到蜘蛛27种,隶属于13科24属。其中最常见的有美丽羽蛛、横纹金蛛和大腹圆蛛。现将这三种蜘蛛的形态及简要生  相似文献   

蜘蛛种类多,数量大,遍于森林、草原、山川、湖泊、农田及果园,能捕食多种昆虫。在研究蜘蛛的生活习性、捕食情况、生活史和利用蜘蛛防治害虫时,必须进行蜘蛛人工饲养。  相似文献   

The Kenyan coastal forests make up one of the World 25 Biodiversity Hotspots. They consist of over 140 fragments (the majority with areas less than 0.5 km2) of the once extensive Zanzibar-Inhambane lowland moist forest. The over 60 known Mijikenda sacred Kaya forests and groves scattered along the coastal hinterland form the greater part of this ecosystem. The forests are of biological and cultural significance, and this has been recognized nationally and internationally, with some now listed as World Heritage Sites. The forests are protected by councils of Kaya elders who regulate use of their resources. Increasing human population and subsequent rise in demand for forest products and land for settlement has put a strain on these relic forests. Farm encroachment and extraction of forest products in different Kaya forests have affected the vegetation ecology at varying levels. This study investigated the spatial species distribution, association and regeneration potential of commonly utilized plants in one of these traditionally managed ecosystems. A modified nested plot method was used to collect data in the field.Using TWINSPAN multivariate, and indicator species analysis, two plant communities (Asteranthe and Bridelia) and an undifferentiated vegetation type were identified. Species association in Asteranthe consisted largely of forest dependant species, with a significant presence of woody climbers. It was comprised of two sub-communities namely Manilkara and Scorodophloeos. In contrast the second plant community, Bridelia, was dominated by light demanding species. It comprised one sub-community (Catunaregam) and a seral stage (Keetia). The species diversity and richness was higher in the Asteranthe community compared to Bridelia. Some of the forest species commonly utilized by the local people were observed to regenerate both in open and closed forest habitats while others had seedling recruitment confined to closed forest.Despite some coastal forests showing physiognomic similarity, detailed study shows intra-variation linked to topography, exposition, type and intensity of human perturbation both currently and in the distant past. Clearly, vegetation patterns of coastal forests of eastern Africa change at fairly short intervals.Recruitment of forest specialists is likely to decline if closed forests are opened up by farm encroachment, however their less specialized counterparts can pioneer in re-colonization of disturbed sites if conservation is strengthened. There is need to invigorate traditional management systems of forests with cultural significance by recognizing and giving increased legal mandates to the local custodians.  相似文献   

We summarized the status of wolves (Canis lupus), elk (Cervis elaphus), and woody browse conditions during the 20th century for the upper Gallatin elk winter range in southwestern Montana, USA. During this period, wolves were present until about the mid-1920s, absent for seven decades, and then returned to the basin in 1996. A chronosequence of photographs, historical reports, and studies indicated willows (Salix spp.) along streams became heavily browsed and eventually suppressed following the removal of wolves, apparently due to unimpeded browsing by elk. However, after wolf establishment in 1996, browsing intensity on willows lessened in some areas and we hypothesized that, at both a landscape and fine scale, browsing pressure reflects terrain configurations influencing predation risk (nonlethal effects), in conjunction with lower elk densities (lethal effects). We measured browsing intensity and heights of Booth willow (S. boothii) along 3000 m reaches of the Gallatin River and a tributary to examine the potential influence of wolf/elk interactions upon willow growth. Where the Gallatin Valley is relatively narrow (high predation risk), willows began releasing in 1999 and by 2002 were relatively tall (150–250 cm). In contrast, willow heights along a wider portion of the Gallatin Valley, along the open landscape of the tributary, and an upland site (all low predation risk) generally remained low (<80 cm). We identified terrain and other features that may contribute to the perceived risk of wolf predation, by elk for a given site. Although alternative mechanisms are discussed, changes in willow communities over time following wolf removal and their subsequent reintroduction were consistent with a top-down trophic cascade model involving nonlethal and possibly lethal effects. If similar top-down effects upon vegetation hold true in other regions of North America and other parts of the world where wolves have been extirpated, wolf recovery may represent a management option for helping to restore riparian plant communities and conserve biodiversity.  相似文献   

Elevated landslide rates in forested landscapes can adversely impact aquatic habitat and water quality and remove and/or degrade soil resources required for forest regeneration. As a result, understanding the associations between management actions, natural factors, and landslide rates is important information needed for land managers. An unusual and powerful storm in early December, 2007, caused record flooding and thousands of landslides across southwest Washington and northwest Oregon, USA, and provided a rare opportunity to examine the effects of both natural factors and forest management practices on landslide density. Landslide inventory data were collected from both aerial photos and systematic field surveys to provide a broad survey database that was used to develop estimates of landslide density and to examine associations between landslide density, precipitation, topography, and forest stand age across a 152,000 ha forested landscape in the Willapa Hills, Washington. We estimated the probability of detecting landslides on aerial photos for six strata defined by forest stand age and a broad range of rainfall intensity, expressed as percent of the 100-year, 24-h, maximum rainfall. Key findings are that landslide detection probability decreased with increasing stand age, but was similar across rainfall intensities. The overall fraction of field-detected landslides that were not detected on 1:12,000-scale aerial photos was 39%. Very few landslides occurred in the 0–100% of 100-year rainfall category, regardless of stand age or slope gradient class. At higher rainfall intensities, significantly higher landslide densities occurred on steep slopes (>70% gradient) compared to lower gradient slopes, as expected. Above ∼150% of 100-year rainfall, the density of landslides was ∼2–3 times larger in the 0–5 and 6–10 year stand age categories than in the 11–20, 21–30, 31–40, and 41+ categories. The effect of stand age was strongest at the highest rainfall intensities. Our results demonstrate that ground-based landslide inventory data are required in order to correct for detection bias from aerial photos, develop reasonable estimates of landslide density across environmental gradients such as rainfall magnitude and topography, and make unbiased interpretations of relationships between forest management associations and landslide occurrence.  相似文献   

Pinelands in a 49 ha naturally-regenerated, mature flatwoods forest in north Florida were clearcut harvested in the fall of 1978, site prepared by burning, shearing and piling, discing, and bedding, and planted to slash pine (Pinus elliottii) in 1979. Three vegetation surveys were conducted: one prior to harvest in the summers of 1977 and 1978, and two subsequent to planting in the summers of 1980 and 1981.Cover and frequency of all plant species encountered were assessed on permanent transects. Foliage biomass by species was assessed by destructive sampling of distinct subplots within permanent plots. The aim was to assess plant species cover, frequency, and biomass responses to the forest operations imposed.Pine was eliminated as a dominant genus by harvesting. Planted pines were a fast increasing, but not dominant, component of the vegetation at 2 years of age. Previously dominant shrubs were severely reduced — often by approximately two orders of magnitude. Indeed, woody species were severely reduced: woody cover from 151 to 12% of surface area at plantation age 2 years; woody biomass from 6223 to 521 kg/ha.Conversely, herbaceous species were substantially increased: herbaceous cover from 38 to 51% of surface area at 2 years; herbaceous biomass from 382 to 1439 kg/ha. Thus, a predominantly woody ecosystem was converted to a predominantly herbaceous one for 2 years following planting.There was little change in plant species richness as a result of forest operations. Plant diversity changes were mixed the 1st year but diversity substantially increased the 2nd year. Comparisons with a companion study (Conde et al., 1983) suggest that, while increases in diversity following maximum site preparation may lag increases following minimum site preparation, cover, frequency, and biomass diversity all converge to common values after 2 years despite disparity in treatments.  相似文献   

Invasion of natural ecosystems by exotic plant species is a major threat to biodiversity. Disturbance to native plant communities, whether natural or management induced, is a primary factor contributing to successful invasion by exotic plant species. Herbivory by both wild and domestic ungulates exerts considerable impact on structure and composition of native plant communities. Intensive herbivory by ungulates can enhance exotic plant invasion, establishment, and spread for three reasons: (1) many exotic plants are adapted to ground disturbances such as those caused by ungulate feeding, trampling, and movements; (2) many exotic plants are adapted for easy transport from one area to another by ungulates via endozoochory and epizoochory; (3) many exotic plants are not palatable or are of low palatability to ungulates, and consequently, their survival is favored as ungulates reduce or eliminate palatable, native plants. Ungulate herbivory is a chronic, landscape-scale disturbance capable of influencing plant communities as much as episodic events such as fire. Consequently, ungulate herbivory has the potential to facilitate the invasion and establishment of exotic plants in the interior Pacific Northwest where ungulates occupy nearly every ecosystem. Moreover, ungulate herbivory has intensified in many ecosystems, owing to the addition of domestic ungulates with that of existing, wild ungulates, coupled with the reduction or elimination of migratory movements and predators that previously regulated wild ungulate populations and influenced their distributions. Despite the observational evidence for ungulate herbivory as a strong facilitator of exotic plant invasion and establishment, current knowledge of cause–effect relations is severely limited by a lack of manipulative experiments. Most studies have been observational, unreplicated, and lack the experimental controls needed to eliminate or account for confounding sources of variation. Heightened attention to conservation of biodiversity will increase the importance of managing ungulates in balance with the plant communities that support them.  相似文献   

This study presents data on the biomass and net aerial primaryproductivity (NAPP) of two contrasting East Anglian salt marshes.One site was at Tollesbury, Essex where the marshes are of theestuarine type and are subject to marsh degradation and erosionwhile the other site was 130 km to the north at Stiffkey, Norfolkwhere the barrier-type marshes are still actively developing withno signs of erosion. The NAPP was determined by the method ofSmalley with quadrats being harvested monthly with replacement.At the lowest levels at Tollesbury there was Pioneer Marshwhich was dominated by a mixture of Salicornia spp. and Astertripolium. At higher levels at Tollesbury there was LowerMarsh which was dominated by a mixture of Atriplex portulacoides andPuccinellia maritima. Over the four years of the studyPuccinellia became the dominant species following a markeddecrease in the extent and vigour of Atriplex. At Stiffkey theMiddle Marsh was at a much higher level and the vegetation waspredominantly a short dense sward with Atriplex portulacoides,Puccinellia maritima and Limonium vulgare together with smallerquantities of Armeria maritima and Plantago maritima. The meanNAPPs over three years of the Pioneer and Lower Marsh atTollesbury (467 & 519 g m-2 yr-1respectively) were similar butin 1993 the NAPPs recorded at Tollesbury were higher than thoserecorded at Stiffkey (625 & 583 compared with 458 g m-2yr-1).Smalleys method is difficult to apply to communities wherespecies dominance is variable, especially when dominance isshared between species with markedly different growth patterns.The results for NAPP obtained from the salt marshes at Tollesburyand Stiffkey are discussed in relation to results obtained byother workers from comparable areas in England and theNetherlands. Attention is also drawn to the possibly largerbelow-ground component of production that is frequentlyoverlooked. The importance of salt marshes in relation to othercoastal communities lies in the export of a proportion of theorganic matter produced and this mainly depends on theabove-ground production.  相似文献   

Seventy seedlots of Leucaena leucocephala, L. pallida, L. diversifolia, L. retusa, L. esculenta, L. confertifolia, L. greggii and L. pulverulenta and various hybrid combinations were examined for survival to freezing weather, biomass production, leaf protein content and in vitro dry matter digestibility in Texas. Three sites along a 600 km north-south transect were chosen to provide a wide range in exposure to freezing weather. The minimum temperature on the warmer Three Rivers site was −7 °C while the minimum temperatures on the colder Vernon site was −14 °C. At the Three Rivers site where −7 °C temperatures occurred and where forage production was a priority and some winter frost damage was not a problem, L. leucocephala K636 and hybrids containing L. diversifolia and L. pallida have the most promise. If total lack of damage to −7 °C is essential, species such as L. retusa, L. pulverulenta (seedlot 61, 62) and hybrids such as L. retusa × L. greggii (53) and L. retusa × L. pulverulenta (55) have the greatest potential. This study examined only one family from each of the cold-hardy species as a parent in the promising hybrids. As extensive intraspecific genetic variation is present within these leucaena species there is great potential to find hybrids with much better combinations of cold hardiness, forage production, leaf protein and dry matter digestibility. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

油桐立地分类及评价的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以系统理论为指导,以生态经济学原理为基础,根据中国油桐产区地域分异的自然特点,采用以定性为主,定性与定量相结合的原则,依据气候、大地形、小地形综合分析逐级控制的方法,划分出3个立地大区,13个立地小区,41个立地类型组,72个立地类型四级立地分类评价系统。并从立地质量多用途角度来评价油桐产量及其发展适宜度、林地效益。  相似文献   

森林经营是森林培育的重要措施。本文从森林经营的概念和理论入手,对森林经营目前存在的问题进行了分析,面对世界森林经营发展趋势,提出了切实可行的对策。  相似文献   

An epidemic rust, Melampsoridium hiratsukanum, originating from East Asia has spread to Europe over the last two decades. We report the first observation of this rust in the British Isles on leaves of Alnus incana and A. glutinosa. In addition to M. hiratsukanum, a native M. betulinum–like rust co‐occurred on the same leaves as a mixed infection. We also confirm that a rust on A. rubra in Western Canada is identical to M. hiratsukanum present in East Asia and Europe.  相似文献   

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