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The wild South American camelids developed a strategy of seasonal reproduction during spring and summer with singleton birth. The photoperiod is one of the factors that may modulate this seasonality where light would be translated into a hormonal signal. This study evaluated the influence of changes in daily light intensity on melatonin concentration in captive guanacos under a long‐day photoperiod (16 hr light/8 hr dark; 33 ‘28′S). Mean melatonin concentration was 28.3 ± 20.3 pg/ml, with a maximum of 52.14 ± 17.19 pg/ml at 23:30 and minimum of 14.29 ± 6.64 pg/ml at 08:30 (p < .001). There was a negative association between light intensity and melatonin concentration (r = ?0.57; p < .001). The results indicate that guanacos respond to variation in daily environmental light with a hormonal response and point to a circannual rhythm as a function of the photoperiod.  相似文献   

This study evaluated ovarian activity in late gestation and post‐partum in guanacos in captivity. Follicular dynamics was monitored every second day from 40 days before and other 40 after delivery by transrectal sonography and by plasma steroids concentrations. Seven out of eight (87.5%) of gestating females presented ovarian follicular activity under progesterone levels >3 nmol/l with maximum follicular size of 8.42 ± 0.83 mm from days 23 to 1 before delivery. After delivery, all females have follicular wave development from day 0 to 38, with larger follicular size and longer follicular wave phases and interwave interval when compared with pre‐partum data. During post‐partum period, there was a close relationship between follicle size and estradiol‐17β concentration, with r = 0.69 at the beginning of growth phase and r = 0.86 in association with the largest dominant follicle. Plasma estradiol‐17β concentration varied from 11.92 to 198.55 pmol/l. Plasma estrone sulfate, free estrone and progesterone returned to baseline concentrations during peripartal period and remained basal thereafter. The results described follicular activity during late gestation and early post‐partum period. These findings provide relevant information to understand physiological changes occurring during this reproductive key period in seasonal breeders with long gestation duration as New and Old World camelids.  相似文献   

This is the first morpho-histological comparison of guanaco ovaries between reproductive (long-days) and non-reproductive (short-days) seasons, and oestrogen receptor-alpha (ERα) and beta (ERβ) detection. Different stages of follicle development were found in the cortical area, but no corpus luteum was detected. The size and frequency of antral follicles and large atretic follicles were higher in long-day ovaries than short-days, consistent with ovarian activity in this season. Differential expression of ERα and ERβ was observed in follicles at different stages of development between short and long days. These data reveal histological and molecular differences between reproductive and non-reproductive seasons of guanaco ovaries.  相似文献   

Natural antibodies are an important component of innate humoral immunity but have not been investigated to any great extent in wild mammals. In the current study, serum natural antibody titres were measured by hemagglutination assay for two South American herbivores, the guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and the capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris). Results indicated that capybaras had antibody titres on average more than four times higher than guanacos (median titres 1:256 and 1:4, respectively), suggesting differences in investment in constitutive humoral immunity between the two species.  相似文献   

The biology of the Sarcocystis sp. that infect guanacoes was studied by feeding the infected meat to dogs, cats, rats and mice. Tissues from guanaco, heavily infected with macrocysts, were fed to these animals and their faeces collected daily and examined for the presence or absence of sporocysts. It was shown that only dogs were suitable definitive hosts. The effect of cooking and freezing on the viability of this protozoan organism was also investigated. Freezing to -18 degrees C and -24 degrees C and cooking were effective for inactivating Sarcocystis in guanaco meat. These methods could therefore be used instead of condemning guanaco carcasses infected with Sarcocystis.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of different photoperiods and melatonin treatment on plasma prolactin concentrations in guanacos, a South American camelid, in captivity. Fourteen adult female guanacos, not gestating or lactating and isolated from males, were studied. The control group was exposed to natural daylight, during short days (N = 7, 10L:14D) and long days (N = 7, 16L:8D). The treatment group (N = 7, 10L:14D) received melatonin implants every 23 days for 6 weeks during long days. Blood samples were taken at intervals of 1 week for 3 weeks, starting the third week of treatment. Prolactin concentrations were measured using competitive ELISA. Plasma concentrations of prolactin in non-lactating female guanacos have seasonal changes, with a higher concentration (p < .001) in short days (3.50 ± 2.24 ng/ml) than long days (1.10 ± 0.91 ng/ml). Melatonin treatment significantly decreases (p < .05) plasma concentrations of prolactin on the 21st day after the treatment. These findings are the first report of an endogenous circannual rhythm of plasma prolactin concentration and the action of melatonin treatment on prolactin secretion in this wild camelid.  相似文献   

The heart of 12 adult llamas, one female and 11 males, 2-7 years of age, was studied gross-anatomically (absolute and relative heart weight) and microscopic-anatomically (left and right ventricular wall, left auricle). Comparing the 9 younger animals (2-3 years old) with the 3 older llamas (5-7 years old) a significant increase of the absolute heart weight and of the number of capillaries per mm2 and a significant decrease of the intercapillary distance in the left ventricular wall was found. This results in an increase of capillarity in the studied heart regions (5.5% compared to 6.9%). The simultaneous increase of the capillary-to-myocyte-ratios from 0.9 to 1.1 shows a significant correlation to the cross-sectional area of the myocytes (r = 0.79) and an also significant but negative correlation to the number of myocytes per mm2 (r = -0.82). In both groups the cross-sectional area of the myocytes and their diameter differs significantly in the three regions of the heart (left ventricular wall--214 micron 2 resp. 17.5 microns; right ventricular wall--156 micron 2 resp. 15.5 microns; left auricle--96 micron 2 resp. 11.5 microns). It is to be supposed, that the morphological conditions of the cardiac vascular supply of llamas living in an altitude of 4000 m are improving with age.  相似文献   

In the present study a cytological, histological and morphometrical comparison between the ovaries of the llama, the cow and the sheep is presented, at two phases of the ovarian cycle. There were found differences in the amount of primordial and primary follicles, the size of secondary follicles and follicular cells, and type and distribution of the connective tissue inside the stroma of the ovary. It would be necessary to study the fine structure of the ovary and the so-called "embryological remnants", for its permanent appearance in most (50%) of the ovaries.  相似文献   

Lamanema chavezi is a characteristic helminth of llamas and alpacas in Peru and Chile. However, its overall geographic range has not been well defined. This report documents the presence of L. chavezi in llamas from Argentina.  相似文献   

For the control of scabies in tylopodes (L. bactrianus, L. guanicoe, L. glama) and brown bears 0.2 mg/kg body weight (1 ml/50 kg body weight) of Ivermectin subcutaneously injected proved to be remedy of choice. In Kodiak-bears the oral application of Ivomec-solution was effective against ascariasis, not, however, in polar bears. Sufficient effect was reached only once, whereas Equalan-paste proved to be highly effective. Despite of strong hygienic measures continous follow-up treatment for the prevention of re-invasion is indispensible.  相似文献   

转移因子 (TransferFacfor简称TF)存在于致敏的白细胞中 ,是一个可透析的相对分子质量低的物质。对热不稳定 ,5 6℃ 30min即被灭活。同时 ,耐反复冻融 ,在 - 2 0℃下可长期保存不丧失活性。TF是细胞免疫反应中的重要物质 ,能特异地和非特异地增强细胞免疫反应。抗体是构成机体体液免疫的主要物质 ,它主要存在于血液、淋巴液、黏膜分泌物和组织液中 ,是构成机体体液免疫的主要物质 ,统称为免疫球蛋白 (Immuoglobulin) ,简称lg ,免疫球蛋白G ,即IgG是哺乳动物血清中的主要免疫球蛋白 ,约占血清Ig的…  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetic behaviour of ivermectin was investigated in adult llamas (Lama glama) by using high performance liquid chromatography with a lower limit of quantification of 2 ng/ml to measure its concentration in serum. Llamas were treated with one of three commercial formulations (injectable, pour-on or oral paste) at dosages recommended by the manufacturer, or with an experimental injectable sustained-release formulation. In five llamas given 1 per cent ivermectin subcutaneously at 200 microg/kg, the median peak serum concentration (Cmax) was 3 ng/ml and the area under the serum concentration-time curve (AUC) was 13.5 ng x day/ml. In six llamas treated topically with 0.5 per cent ivermedin pour-on at 500 microg/kg, Cmax was 2.5 ng/ml or less and the AUC was 7.75 ng x day/ml or less. In seven llamas with measurable concentrations of ivermedin, the median times to peak serum concentration (tmax) were six days after subcutaneous injection and seven days after treatment with the pour-on formulation. In six llamas, the serum concentration of ivermectin remained less than 2 ng/ml for 124 hours after treatment with a 1.87 per cent oral paste at 200 microg/kg. In five llamas treated subcutaneously with 25 per cent ivermectin sustained-release microspheres at 1500 microg/kg, the median Cmax was 5 ng/ml and the median AUC was 224 ng x day/ml.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution of cell bodies and fibres containing neurotensin (NT) in the brainstem of the alpaca using an indirect immunoperoxidase technique. Immunoreactive fibres were widely distributed throughout the brainstem, whereas the distribution of cell bodies was less widespread. Immunoreactive perikarya were only found in the mesencephalic and bulbar reticular formation, periaqueductal grey, nucleus of the solitary tract, laminar spinal trigeminal nucleus and in the inferior colliculus. A high density of fibres containing NT was found in the dorsal nucleus of the raphe, marginal nucleus of the brachium conjunctivum, locus coeruleus, inferior colliculus, inter‐peduncular nucleus, substantia nigra, periaqueductal grey, reticular formation of the mesencephalon, pons and medulla oblongata, nucleus of the solitary tract, laminar spinal trigeminal nucleus, hypoglossal nucleus, inferior central nucleus and in the tegmental reticular nucleus. The widespread distribution indicates that NT might be involved in multiple physiological actions in the alpaca brainstem; this must be investigated in the future as alpacas lives from 0 m above sea level to altitudes of up 5000 m and hence the involvement of this neuropeptide in special and unique regulatory physiological mechanisms could be suggested.  相似文献   

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