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内蒙古牛羊肉类产业化发展探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛羊肉类产业是内蒙古具有资源优势、市场优势和比较优势的产业。近20年来,内蒙古肉类产业发展迅速,特别是牛羊肉类已成为内蒙古农村牧区经济发展的支柱产业。充分发挥资源优势和区域优势,不断增强市场竞争力,变优势资源为优势产业,是新阶段推进农牧业和农村牧区经济结构战略性调整的重要举措,是促进农牧业专业化生产、集约化经营,发展现代农牧业,提升农牧业质量、效益和综合竞争能力的战略选择,是解决“三农三牧”问题、提高农牧民组织化程度、增加农牧民收入、加快农村牧区小康建设的突破口和有效途径。  相似文献   

鸡痘是由鸡痘病毒引起的一种传染病,多发于秋季和初冬,吸血昆虫库蜢、蚊、蝇是其主要传播媒介,引起雏鸡和育成鸡发育受阻,产蛋率下降,若并发其他传染病、寄生虫病和卫生条件、营养状况不良时可引起大批死亡,特别是雏鸡死亡率高达50%,造成经济损失更为严重。本试验结合临床症状、病理变化和实验室检查诊断本次疫病是鸡痘病毒和巴氏杆菌混合感染。  相似文献   

营销是苦中作乐,更是智商、情商和辛勤汗水的融合创造。营销永远是个动词,只能在实干中总结经验,从实践中来,到实践中去。没有现代营销管理理论和实际经验武装和指导的营销会缺乏眼界、高度和深度,只有听来和学来的一知半解的理论而缺乏实干经验及与市场实际的对接、创新和变通则会是东施效颦、亦步亦趋。实战经验和技巧是宝贵的营销财富,结合实战去提升才会有所斩获。  相似文献   

土地资源对人类是至关重要的。土地是人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础,是社会生产的劳动资料,是农业生产的基本生产资料,是一切生产和一切存在的源泉,是不能出让的存在条件和再生产条件。没有土地,人类就不能生存,就像人需要空气、水、阳光一样。国民经济各行业的发展也离不开土地,充足的、优质的、合理分布的土地是顺利发展国民经济的必备条件之一。但是随着人口的增长,人类需求的增加,土地资源紧缺的状况也日益严重,所以应该对土地采取正确的管理制度,这样才能保护好我们赖以生存的土地。  相似文献   

微量元素锌在猪中的作用及其发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微量元素是动物健康和维持正常生理机能所必需的物质,在动物体内主要是酶的必需组成部分(辅酶、辅基),参与体内一系列生理、生化反应,参与蛋白质、氨基酸、核酸、碳水化合物和维生素营养代谢过程。我国是养猪大国,研究和满足猪对微量元素的需要量,发挥猪最大的生产潜力,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

7月10日,“祥云”在内蒙古自治区的传递结束了,留给草原的是光明、希望和激情,带走的是,草原儿女的誓言和祝福——确保北京空气质量,祝福北京奥运会留给世界一片绿色。 有学者说过,绿是内蒙古的魂。三天来,“祥云”走过呼和浩特市、鄂尔多斯市、包头市和赤峰市。“祥云”火炬手手相传,绿色梦想心心相连。  相似文献   

猪传染性胃肠炎是猪的一种高度接触性肠道疾病,以严重腹泻、呕吐和脱水为主要特征。尤其以10日龄以内的仔猪发病率和死亡率高,随着年龄的增长,死亡率逐渐下降,成年猪一般很少死亡。1流行病学本病毒易感动物是猪,不分年龄、性别、品种,均可发病。其主要传染源是病猪和带毒猪,通过它们的分泌物、乳汁、呼出空气等向外界排毒,污染周围环境、饲料、饮水、用具、空气等。通过消化道和呼吸道传染给易感猪只。  相似文献   

企业采购能力的强弱,是衡量企业综合竞争力的关键要素之一。尤其是以兽用疫苗为主导的高新技术企业,面临着研发、生产、推广和销售等各个层面的市场竞争和技术革新,随着市场竞争的加剧,企业从重视生产、营销,逐步发展到重视采购、物流和供应链的优化升级。因此,采购竞争优势已经成为企业竞争力的一部分,能否在企业自身采购管理中实现创新和优化,是企业不断发展的关键。  相似文献   

罗峻 《中国畜牧业》2013,(21):60-61
一、英国畜牧业基本情况 畜牧业是英国农业的重要组成部分,其产值约占农业总产值的2/3,比重远远高于种植业,以饲养牛、羊、猪和家禽为主。英国畜牧业的特点是经营规模大,集约化、专业化和社会化程度高,实行机械化、自动化作业。英国畜牧业还具有饲料报酬率高、畜禽个体产量高、生产周期短等特点。养牛业是英国最重要的畜牧产业,养牛业产值占畜牧业总产值的一半以上。目前,英国牛的品种接近20个,有奶牛和肉牛,主要分布在东南部,主要产品是牛肉、牛奶、黄油和奶酪。  相似文献   

为了确定干旱区蒲公英的营养价值和饲用性能,以种植两年的蒲公英,年刈割四茬的混合草粉为试验材料,分析其营养成分,并做为添加料饲喂“岭南黄”小公鸡育肥。结果显示,蒲公英的粗蛋白质含量是苜蓿(甘农3号)的93.08%,无氮浸出物含量是1.29倍,粗脂肪含量是1.49倍,粗纤维含量是48.87%,粗灰分含量是1.24倍|含有丰富的维生素维生素C、维生素E、VPP、β-胡萝卜素、维生素B1、维生素B2,其中维生素B2质量分数最高|Na、Mg、Fe、K、Ca、Cu、Zn、P、Mn和Co等矿质元素质量分数较高,尤其是K元素的质量分数最高,且Ca和P含量比例是1:2.8,适合动物营养需求。蒲公英草粉添加到家禽日粮,鸡发病率降低20%和死亡率降低10%,以添加量为10%~20%效果最好。 [关键词]蒲公英|营养成分|维生素|饲用性能  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟是一种急性传染病,不仅发病率较高,死亡率也高,已被列为法定报告动物疾病,是我国重点防控的动物疫病之一。非洲猪瘟的危害性较强,一旦出现会大面积扩散,病情控制的难度较大,会带来难以估量的损失。在养猪中,做好非洲猪瘟的预防工作,充分认识非洲猪瘟的危害性,保障养殖业的发展和消费者的健康。  相似文献   

Supplementation of branched‐chain amino acid (BCAA) is often used to attenuate exercise‐induced skeletal muscle damage and promote adaptation, but no definitive conclusion on the benefits of BCAA on muscle recovery after injurious exercise can be drawn. Exploration of the systematic BCAA alteration in muscular injury‐repair stage per se without any BCAA supplement should provide some useful information in favour of BCAA application in muscle regeneration after injury. One bout of 90‐min downhill‐running exercise was performed to cause rat skeletal muscle injury. After exercise, myofibrillar BCAA concentrations showed minor changes compared with exercise before, while serum concentrations of BCAA were lower after exercise. Especially, serum leucine, isoleucine and total BCAA concentrations 2 weeks post‐run were significantly lower than normal values of exercise before (p = 0.008, p = 0.041, p = 0.015). The data demonstrate that a single eccentric exercise can significantly decrease the serum BCAA concentrations, which mean high utilization of BCAA for myogenesis after injurious exercise.  相似文献   

On 31 March 2013, the National Health and Family Planning Commission announced that human infections with influenza A (H7N9) virus had occurred in Shanghai and Anhui provinces, China. H7N9 cases were later detected in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. It was estimated that the virus first spread northward along the route taken by migratory birds and then spread to neighbouring provinces with the sale of poultry. Epidemiological studies were carried out on samples from the external environment of infected cases, transmission routes, farmers markets and live poultry markets. Phylogenetic study of viral sequences from human and avian infections in Zhejiang showed that those from Shanghai and Jiangsu provinces along Taihu Lake were highly homologous with those from the external environment. This suggests that avian viruses carried by waterfowl combined with the virus carried by migratory birds, giving rise to avian influenza virus H7N9, which is highly pathogenic to humans. It is possible that the virus was transmitted by local wildfowl to domestic poultry and then to humans, or spread further by means of trading in wholesale poultry markets. As the weather has turned warm, and with measures adopted to terminate poultry trade and facilitate health communication, the epidemic in the first half of the year has been kept under control. However, the infection source in the triangular area around Taihu Lake still remains. The H7N9 epidemic will probably hit the area later in the year and next spring when the migratory birds return and may even spread to other areas. Great importance should therefore be attached to the wildfowl in Taihu Lake as the repository and disseminator of the virus: investigation and study of this population is essential.  相似文献   

A sero-epizootiological survey was conducted for Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) and Getah virus (GeV) at 10 to 20 regional horse race tracks from 1991 to 1997 in Japan. It was observed that geometrical mean (GM) antibody titer to JEV and GeV was 10 to 50 times higher than others at several race courses (RCs) almost every year. Of them, several race horses showing high antibody titer, which were suggested to be infected with the virus, were also observed in this survey. These data suggested that the viruses have spread among race horses almost every year in Japan, although, fortunately, no horse showing clinical illness due to these viruses was observed. The calendar years and the names of the race courses in which the spread of JEV was suggested were Sonoda and Nakatsu RCs in 1991, Nakatsu RC in 1992, Arao RC in 1993, Nagoya RC in 1994, Kaminoyama, Urawa, Saga and Arao RCs in 1995 and Ooi and Saga RCs in 1997. Spread of JEV was not observed in 1996. The calendar year and name of the race courses at which the spread of GeV was suggested were at Ooi, Sonoda and Nakatsu RCs in 1991, Arao RC in 1992, Nakatsu RC in 1994 and 1995, Funabashi RC in 1996, Saga RC in 1997. It was suggested that surveillance of JEV and GeV should be continued in the future in at least the southern to middle parts of Japan. It has also been suggested that it is necessary to promote the wider use of vaccines to persons related to horse racing.  相似文献   

The emergence of epidemic VEE viruses has been reported ever since the virus was first described; this phenomenon is likely to continue to occur because of the high mutation rate of these RNA viruses. A vaccine that was first developed by the US Military for human use has proved helpful in curtailing the spread of VEE virus during epizootics of the disease in equids but not during human epidemics. It has not, however, eliminated the source of these highly pathogenic and transmissible viruses. Occurrences of VEE in equids in Mexico in recent years suggest that the present vaccine is not effective in interrupting transmission of new epizootic viruses arising from what were previously known as avirulent enzootic cycles. Future vaccines against VEE should be based on immunogens derived from enzootic viruses to interrupt VEE virus transmission at the source itself rather than waiting for virulent phenotypes of VEE virus to emerge.  相似文献   

The distributions of the following feral animals are given -- cattle, buffalo, pig, goat, deer, camel, horse, donkey, fox, dog and cat -- and the native dingo. The possible role these and the native rodents, marsupials and monotremes would play should an exotic disease of livestock enter Australia is discussed. It is considered that feral animals would be important in creating foci from which the disease would spread.  相似文献   

As a result of oral vaccination of foxes (Vulpes vulpes) against rabies, this virus disease has almost been completely eradicated from West- and Central Europe. In most countries, vaccine baits were distributed twice a year: during spring (March to May) and autumn (September to October). This strategy has shown to be able to control and eventually eradicate rabies. However, it remains to be clarified if this is the most cost-effective strategy. Astonishingly, the behavioural ecology of the target species, the red fox, did receive only limited attention selecting the periods when baits should be distributed. Considering the behavioural ecology and rabies epidemiology of foxes, territory owners seem to play a key role in the spread and maintenance of rabies. Thus, oral vaccination campaigns should be targeted primarily at these animals. It is suggested that the optimal timing for bait distribution in Europe is late autumn (November) or early winter (December), depending on the prevailing climatic conditions. Additional campaigns, when financially feasible, can be implemented in order to maintain a high vaccination coverage during the remaining year. Furthermore, different baiting strategies can be selected in case of re-infection or persistent residual foci.  相似文献   

SAT型口蹄疫(foot and mouth disease,FMD)已从传统流行区域非洲大陆传播至西亚、中东地区,对我国畜牧业发展构成了潜在威胁。为评估SAT型FMD跨境传入风险,采用定性评估方法,对进境动物及动物产品传带SAT型FMD的风险进行了综合评估。结果表明,从疫区进口相关动物及动物产品传入SAT型FMD的风险高,因此需采取严格的风险管理措施,将FMD传入风险降低至我国可接受的水平。  相似文献   

兔粘液瘤病是一种自然疫源性疾病,最早于1898年发现于乌拉圭。我国目前尚未发现该病,但随着国外种兔及兔产品的进口,该病传入我国的危险性甚大,应予高度警惕。  相似文献   

The globalisation of trade with animals and animal products and increase of travel transports are very important issues with respect to prevent and control animal diseases or epizootics respectively. The disease control concepts as a complex manner should be established on scientific basis and must be permanently evaluated and updated. Outbreak investigations in order to clarify the source of infection and/or the spread of animal diseases including zoonoses are important fields of activities of veterinary epidemiologists. The application of modern epidemiological methods is the precondition of a successful disease control. On selected examples of animal diseases, the use of these methods is demonstrated. It is urgently necessary to intensify the epidemiological work in applied research and practice.  相似文献   

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