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为积累城市流浪猫管理经验,做好流浪猫人兽共患病监测预警,2019年2—5月,上海市动物疫病预防控制中心实施了流浪猫TNR试点工作。通过制定方案、招募志愿者、问卷调查、实施流浪猫TNR和满意度调查等方式,摸清该小区犬猫数量;对捕获的38只流浪猫实施绝育手术和人兽共患病检测,进行标记后放归;满意度调查结果显示,该小区流浪猫数量激增和叫声扰民现象有效缓解,小区环境卫生状况明显改善;实践发现流浪猫TNR全面推广和全覆盖捕获难度较大,存在一定的手术风险等问题,由此提出加大经费支持和宣传引导,强化志愿者培训和个人防护,加强流浪猫TNR配套技术研究和保障能力等建议。  相似文献   

为调查和了解上海市某区流浪猫狂犬病免疫抗体情况,科学评估流浪猫狂犬病这一公共安全风险程度,在开展流浪猫TNR(捕获-绝育-放归)救助工作时,采集了63只流浪猫血进行血清学调查。通过调查发现,某区流浪猫群体的狂犬病免疫抗体平均阳性率为14.29%,其中,生活在中心城区的流浪猫狂犬病免疫抗体阳性率高于周边街镇的流浪猫,雌性流浪猫狂犬病免疫抗体阳性率高于雄性。结合本次调查结果,笔者提出要加大宣传力度、鼓励对家养猫和流浪猫开展狂犬病免疫、避免与流浪猫接触及出现情况(抓伤或咬伤)及时接种狂犬病疫苗的建议,以降低狂犬病猫传人风险。  相似文献   

为了客观评价农村食品安全状况,找出农村养殖户畜禽产品安全隐患和监管中存在的主要问题,推动农村食品安全建设,确保人们饮食安全,根据江苏省食品安全委员会办公室《2006年度江苏省食品安全调查与评价工作实施方案》精神,我们于2006年4月15日至5月15日对本县的三个调查点白塔镇、双店镇、横沟乡的畜禽养殖、屠宰加工、经营等情况进行了全面调查,现将有关情况报告如下:  相似文献   

对全国葶苈子药材的生态适宜性开展评价,为优质葶苈子药材的栽培与选育提供理论依据。通过网络资料查阅和实地采集,收集了葶苈子药材共839个样点信息,其中播娘蒿430个样点,独行菜409个样点,综合55个生态因子,应用GIS和Maxent模型分析葶苈子药材在全国的生态适宜性分布。建立的Maxent模型预测效果良好(训练集和验证集特征曲线下面积均大于0.9),影响全国葶苈子药材生态适宜性的主要环境因子是降雨、温度、海拔、酸碱度、植被类型、土壤亚类等;全国内中药葶苈子最适宜生境主要集中在河北、河南、山西、山东、陕西、宁夏、甘肃南部、四川西部等地。对葶苈子分布区进行了生长等级划分,为葶苈子药材资源的调查研究、人工种植、划分优质产地、资源调查提供理论依据。  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展,人们生活水平的提高呈现出全方位多角度的变化,尤其是精神层面上的变化越来越大。猫狗等宠物进入千万家庭,给人们带来精神上的愉悦和帮助。然而,由于相关法律法规的不健全,以及饲养人的疏忽或道德观念的缺失导致大量宠物动物流浪在社会中。据笔者在成都某高校校区所做的流浪猫调查报告显示,单是流浪猫一种动物,在1千亩的调查范围内就有100多只。  相似文献   

为了解我市全价饲料在养猪业的应用效果,1990年开展了全价饲料饲喂仔猪效益的跟踪调查,并与推广前的(1989)年母猪生产性能调查数据对比,经数理统计方法(AST—P/280计算机处理)进行显著性检验。一、调查方法调查由九人组成。饲喂组选择江南、江北二大区域的三个区,一个直属镇的八个样点;对照组为一个区一个直属镇的五个样点。调查采用询问畜  相似文献   

合肥市夏季流浪猫流浪狗行为时间分配的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
城市中不断增多的流浪猫、狗日益引起人们的关注。2008年7月10~18日,在合肥市区的街道和居民区等区域,对流浪猫、狗进行了调查和行为研究。流浪猫、狗每天的主要活动是觅食和休息。其中流浪狗全天行为时间分配中,休息行为占35.71%,觅食行为占10.36%,觅食活动(觅食、走动、跑动和观望)约占48.74%,安全防护(警戒、威吓、叫吠和逃逸)约占10.23%;而流浪猫休息行为占32.04%,觅食行为占7.35%,觅食活动占43.88%,安全防护占16.52%。流浪狗1d有3次觅食高峰,主要集中在清晨:流浪猫的主要觅食活动在傍晚后。  相似文献   

为了掌握牦牛隐孢子虫病流行规律,笔者于2006年5~6月对我县牦牛隐孢子虫病流行情况进行了调查,报告如下。1材料与方法 1.1粪样采集随机采集德加、二塘、巴燕、石大仓4个乡镇的102户农户散养的牦牛新鲜粪样190份(其中35份为腹泻牦牛粪样,46份有腹泻病史牦牛粪样),每头份20~200g左右,分装于干净塑料袋,  相似文献   

采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)方法,对北京动物园流浪猫及部分野生动物弓形虫IgG抗体进行检测。检测发现,286份流浪猫样品中,阳性率为20.98%;155份野生动物样品中,阳性率为19.35%;不同种属野生动物弓形虫阳性率差异显著(P0.01),其中,猫科、象科动物阳性率较高,分别为43.75%和57.14%。野生动物与其场馆内流浪猫弓形虫阳性率呈正相关性,且野生动物弓形虫感染多见于流浪猫出入频繁的场馆,如象馆、狮虎山等,表明二者有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

仔猪红痢是近几年在北京市郊区发现的新病,1965年前后才引起人们的重视。最初在海淀和丰台两区发现,以后也相继见于朝阳、石景山区。此外,湖北省新洲县和阳新县种畜场及一些公社的猪场也发生本病。北京市畜牧兽医站1972年在北京市郊区调查仔猪红痢流行情况,据13个点的调查材料,13个点共产猪202窝,1,733头,死  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: i) To establish the seroprevalence of Feline Coronavirus (FCoV) infection in two defined groups of cats in Sydney: owned and feral cats; ii) to identify factors associated with an increased risk of infection with FCoV; and iii) to establish the seroprevalence and FCoV antibody titres of owned cats with immunohistochemically confirmed feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). DESIGN: Prospective multi-institutional cross sectional study. Procedure Serum samples from owned cats presented to three inner city veterinary clinics in Sydney and feral cats from a colony in South Western Sydney over an 11-month period were tested for FCoV antibodies using the Immunocomb test kit. The relationship between serological score and six major factors (breed, age, gender, number of cats per household, living environment and health status) in the owned cat sample population was analysed and compared to cats with FIR RESULTS: The seroprevalence of FCoV infection in the sample population of owned and feral cats was 34% and 0%, respectively. The median Immunocomb scores of DSH, Persian, Siamese and Devon Rex cats were significantly lower than that of Burmese, BSH, Abyssinian, Birman, Ragdoll and Russian Blue. The median lmmunocomb score of pedigree cats less than 2 years-of-age was significantly higher than for pedigree cats greater than 2 years-of-age. This distinction was not evident in DSH cats in these age groups. The number of cats per household at the time of blood collection had a strong positive association with Immunocomb score. The median Immunocomb score of cats with immunohistochemically confirmed FIP was significantly higher than cats in the sample population of owned cats but there was sufficient overlap between these two groups to make definitive diagnosis of FIP by serology impossible. CONCLUSION: This represents the first seroprevalence study of FCoV in Australia. The major determinants of antibody score of owned cats identified in this study were breed, age and the number of cats per household. The significant relationship between the breed of the cat and the FCoV antibody titre further supports the notion, proposed previously by the authors, that breed related differences exist in the immunological response to FCoV infection.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study examined the occurrence of Tritrichomonas foetus, and other intestinal parasites, in feral and shelter cats in Prince Edward Island (PEI). Fecal samples were collected from 100 feral cats, 100 cats from the PEI Humane Society, and 5 cats from a private residence. The occurrence of T. foetus, based on fecal culture, was 0% in feral and shelter cats. A single positive sample was obtained from an owned Abyssinian cat that was imported to PEI. Intestinal parasites were identified via fecal flotation in 76% of feral cats and 39% of cats from the humane society. Feral cats had a higher incidence of Toxocara cati than cats from the humane society (P < 0.001), conversely, shelter cats had a higher incidence of Cystoisospora spp. (P < 0.001). These results suggest that while T. foetus is not of importance in feral and shelter cats in PEI, imported cats could serve as reservoirs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare seroprevalences of antibodies against Bartonella henselae and Toxoplasma gondii and fecal shedding of Cryptosporidium spp, Giardia spp, and Toxocara cati in feral and pet domestic cats. DESIGN: Prospective cross-sectional serologic and coprologic survey. ANIMALS: 100 feral cats and 76 pet domestic cats from Randolph County, NC. PROCEDURE: Blood and fecal samples were collected and tested. RESULTS: Percentages of feral cats seropositive for antibodies against B. henselae and T. gondii (93% and 63%, respectively) were significantly higher than percentages of pet cats (75% and 34%). Percentages of feral and pet cats with Cryptosporidium spp (7% of feral cats; 6% of pet cats), Giardia spp (6% of feral cats; 5% of pet cats), and T. cati ova (21% of feral cats; 18% of pet cats) in their feces were not significantly different between populations. Results of CBCs and serum biochemical analyses were not significantly different between feral and pet cats, except that feral cats had a significantly lower median PCV and significantly higher median neutrophil count. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that feral and pet cats had similar baseline health status, as reflected by results of hematologic and serum biochemical testing and similar prevalences of infection with Cryptosporidium spp, Giardia spp, and T. cati. Feral cats did have higher seroprevalences of antibodies against B. henselae and T. gondii than did pet cats, but this likely was related to greater exposure to vectors of these organisms.  相似文献   

Ectoparasites are a common and important cause of skin disorders in cats. Ectoparasites are capable of disease transmission and can cause life-threatening anemia in young or debilitated animals. The objective of this study was to determine the potential feline ectoparasites in domestic cats by using a cohort of feral cats from north central Florida that have not received veterinary care and have no known exposure to insecticide application. A total of 200 feral cats were randomly selected for this study. Four monthly sessions were scheduled for feral cat ectoparasite examination and sample collection. Five minutes flea combing revealed that 185/200 (92.5%) of the cats were infested with fleas. The cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis was the most common flea infesting 92.5% feral cats (mean = 13.6; standard deviation +/- 16.4 fleas per cat). Pulex simulans was identified on 9/200 (4.5%) (mean = 1 +/- 0.50 fleas per cat). Echidnophaga gallinacea was found on 11/200 (5.5%) of cats (mean = 14.8 +/- 9.63 fleas per cat). There was a significant difference (P = 0.0005) in the average number of C. felis counted per cat between months. Mean counts in June (18.3 +/- 2.4) and July (16.6 +/- 2.1) were significantly (P < 0.01) higher than in August (8.4 +/- 2.5) and September (7.7 +/- 2.0). Only 15/200 cats had skin disease. Flea infestation may potentially be the underlying cause in 10/15. Otoscopic examination of both ears revealed mite movement and black ceruminous exudate typically indicative of the presence of Otodectes cynotis in 45/200 (22.5%) cats. Examination of a swab specimen from both ear canals of all cats revealed O. cynotis in 74/200 (37%) cats. Of 74 cats positive on ear swab, 8 (10.8%) showed a normal ear canal appearance (no or mild ceruminous exudate) in both ears upon otoscopic examination. A total of nine ticks were recovered from five cats. The number and species of ticks recovered were: one adult female Rhipicephalus sanguineus; one adult female Amblyomma americanum; one adult male A. americanum; five adult female Dermacentor variabilis; and one adult female Ixodes scapularis. All superficial skin scrapes were negative. Hair clippings from the abdomen of all cats revealed 2/200 (1%) of the cats were infested with Felicola subrostratus.  相似文献   

Wild and feral medium-sized mammals were live trapped at two natural protected areas within the Mexico City limits to determine antibody prevalence for the most common infectious diseases (rabies, toxoplasmosis, and canine parvovirus) in dogs and cats. Mammals were trapped during the dry (March-April) and rainy seasons (July-August) of 1996 and 1997. A total of 68 individuals were captured, representing 8 species: opossums (Didelphis virginiana), ringtails (Bassariscus astutus), spotted skunks (Spilogale gracilis), weasels (Mustela frenata), rock squirrels (Spermophilus variegatus), Mexican gray squirrels (Sciurus aureogaster), feral cats (Felis catus), and feral dogs (Canis familiaris). There was marked seroprevalence for parvovirus (86.6%) and lower seroprevalences for both toxoplasma (23.9%) and rabies (17.9%). There were no significant prevalence differences among mammals in both protected areas, which were of contrasting size and isolation (i.e., small and isolated versus large and nonisolated). We suggest that high seroprevalence of these three infectious agents in wild mammals is a result of the high densities of feral dogs and cats in the two areas sampled. Feral dogs are able to maintain the infectious agents in these localities regardless of the protected area size and isolation. However, the native mammals of the small and isolated reserve are more vulnerable to infectious diseases because of small population size and genetic bottlenecks. Our results indicate that natural areas in and around Mexico City are a refugium for latent infectious agents, several of which are zoonotic. These findings suggest that conservation measures, such as eradication of feral mammals and vaccination programs, in the protected areas and surrounding areas could be beneficial.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish clinical features, course of illness, and treatment outcome of cats with diarrhea and concurrent infection with Trichomonas organisms. Prevalence of fecal trichomonads in a geographically comparable population of healthy indoor and feral cats also was assessed. DESIGN: Longitudinal study and a cohort study. ANIMALS: 32 cats with diarrhea and naturally acquired trichomonosis that were native to North Carolina, Virginia, Connecticut, and Tennessee; 20 healthy indoor cats; and 100 feral cats. PROCEDURE: Trichomonosis was diagnosed in 32 cats by identification of organisms in fresh feces or by protozoal culture of feces. RESULTS: Diarrhea associated with the large intestine and trichomonosis were diagnosed in 32 cats. Median age of the cats was 9 months; 23 cats were < or = 1 year old at the time of diagnosis. Two cats developed diarrhea accompanied by infection with Trichomonas organisms after the addition of an infected kitten into the home. Duration of diarrhea ranged from 2 days to 3 years. Six cats had a coexisting enteric infection. Treatment with antimicrobials improved fecal consistency and reduced the number of flagellates in the feces, but did not eliminate infection. Diarrhea (with microscopically detectable flagellates) was observed shortly after antibiotics were discontinued. Trichomonads were not recovered from feces of any healthy indoor or feral cats. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Our findings suggest that trichomonosis may be a cofactor in development of diarrhea in young cats. Trichomonas organisms were not identified as part of the indiginous fauna of healthy indoor or feral cats.  相似文献   

Feral cats are considered as strays and are more likely to hunt in the street. We investigated the effect of environmental adaptations on the structures of lingual papillae in feral cats, which could be used as forensic evidence for their identification. There are no reported studies about the structural comparison of lingual papillae between suckling and adult feral cats. The present study described the lingual papillae of both suckling and adult cats macroscopically and microscopically via light and scanning electron microscopy. A total of nine tongue samples each for suckling and adult feral cats were examined grossly and histologically. Papillae distributions of suckling cats were similar to those observed in adult cats. Meanwhile, the shapes of those papillae were markedly different from that of corresponding papillae in adults. The change in taste bud position and size seemed to be related to the progressive growth of the papillae between adult and suckling cats; absence of taste buds in foliate papillae of feral cats at any stage; and marginal papillae which were a characteristic feature for all suckling cats. All previous elements could be affected by the specific feeding behaviour and mastication mode adaptation in suckling and adult feral cats which might help to identify suckling and adult feral cats among other breeds and animal species. We anticipate these findings may provide promising forensic evidence to discriminate between adult and suckling feral cat remains as well as prediction of environmental harshness and feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

Upper respiratory infection (URI) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in shelter cats. Malnutrition, specifically vitamin A deficiency, has been associated with respiratory tract infections in humans in developing countries. The purpose of this study was to determine whether feral cats and cats in shelters have lower serum vitamin A concentrations than pet cats, because it was surmised that a vitamin A deficiency may predispose these cats to develop URI. This was a cross-sectional study in which serum retinol, α-tocopherol, γ-tocopherol and beta carotene concentrations were measured from 48 shelter cats, 56 feral cats, and 42 pet cats, using HPLC. Retinol, α-tocopherol, and γ-tocopherol concentrations were found to be significantly lower in the shelter and feral cat populations than in pet cats (p ≤ 0.0001). There was no evidence of an effect of sex or neuter status on vitamin concentrations. Sick feral cats had a higher beta carotene level than did healthy feral cats. Within shelter and feral populations, no other effect of health status was found. The lower mean serum retinol and tocopherol concentrations in the feral and shelter cat groups could be due to oxidative or other forms of stress, the amount of vitamin consumed, or combinations of these. Further studies are needed to determine whether supplementation of fat-soluble vitamins improves the health status of feral or shelter cats.  相似文献   

Two hundred feral cats from the inner suburbs of Sydney were examined post mortem for adult Dirofilaria immitis and circulating microfilariae, and 101 of these cats were tested for heartworm antigens by an ELISA. Only 2 cats (1%) had adult heartworms, the blood sample from another cat contained a single microfilaria. The blood of a further three cats contained small amounts of D immitis antigen. Although D immitis occurs in cats in Sydney, the prevalence is not high enough to warrant prophylactic treatment.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 340 pet cats presented to three inner city clinics in Sydney Australia, 68 feral cats from two separate colonies in Sydney, and 329 cattery-confined pedigree and domestic cats in eastern Australia, were collected over a 2-year period and tested for antibodies directed against feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) using immunomigration (Agen FIV Rapid Immunomigration test) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay methods (Snap Combo feline leukaemia virus antigen/FIV antibody test kit, IDEXX Laboratories). Western blot analysis was performed on samples in which there was discrepancy between the results. Information regarding breed, age, gender, housing arrangement and health status were recorded for all pet and cattery-confined cats, while the estimated age and current physical condition were recorded for feral cats. The FIV prevalence in the two feral cat populations was 21% and 25%. The majority of FIV-positive cats were male (60-80%). The FIV prevalence in cattery-confined cats was nil. The prevalence of FIV in the pet cat sample population was 8% (27/340) with almost equal prevalence in 'healthy' (13/170) and 'systemically unwell' (14/170) cats. The age of FIV-positive pet cats ranged from 3 to 19 years; all FIV-positive cats were domestic shorthairs with outside access. The median age of FIV-positive pet cats (11 years) was significantly greater than the median age of FIV-negative pet cats (7.5 years: P<0.05). The prevalence of FIV infection in male pet cats (21/172; 12%) was three times that in female pet cats (6/168; 4%; P<0.05). With over 80% of this pet cat population given outside access and continued FIV infection present in the feral population, this study highlights the need to develop rapid, accurate and cost-effective diagnostic methods that are not subject to false positives created by concurrent vaccination against FIV. This is especially important in re-homing stray cats within animal shelters and monitoring the efficacy of the new vaccine, which has not been challenged against Australian strains. The absence of FIV within cattery-confined cats highlights the value in routine screening and indoor lifestyles. This study provides cogent baseline FIV prevalences in three cat subpopulations which can be used for appraising potential disease associations with FIV in Australia.  相似文献   

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