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Organic farming in Europe has increased during the last decade but the market share is still relatively low with less than 3% of farmed arable land and an even smaller proportion of farm animal species raised in organic livestock production systems. In many aspects, the biological and ethological needs of animals in organic farming systems are better met than on conventional farms. Emphasis is placed on high standards in product quality, animal health and welfare. However, limitations due to the strict organic rules place high demands on management qualifications. Practical experience shows that organic livestock production is certainly no guarantee of good animal health and welfare. It is suggested to develop quality assurance programmes for process quality assessment to ensure a certain level of management standard. Epidemiological studies are needed to evaluate health risk factors for health and welfare problems in organic livestock production. The concept of organic animal farming can only fulfil the criteria for sustainability, if all requirements on animal health and welfare, together with product quality and ecological soundness, are strongly considered and controlled.  相似文献   

随着我国养殖业规模化、集约化发展,畜禽养殖已成为农业面源污染的主要来源之一。畜禽粪污的资源化利用,既是保障畜牧业健康可持续发展的关键,也是实现生态文明建设及人类命运共同体可持续发展长期目标的重要举措。种养结合农业生产模式为实现畜禽污染控制与经济发展的协调统一提供了可行性。通过对畜牧业生产、加工、消费过程中的温室气体来源的分析,总结归纳畜禽养殖源头减量、过程控制、末端处理的一般性解决方案,为具有类似特点的农户、养殖企业和地方政府提供参考,以期提高畜禽粪便的资源利用效率,推进畜牧业碳中和。  相似文献   

规模养猪场粪便和污水治理模式的调查与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着畜牧业和畜禽规模化养殖迅速发展,粪便和污水对农村环境造成的影响越来越大,粪便资源化利用及污水的有效治理问题日益受到社会关注。畜禽养殖污水尤其以规模养猪场、养牛场治理难度较大,为摸清养猪场粪便利用、污水治理现状,探索可行的治理方式,笔者对辽宁省内一些规模养猪场进行了专题调研和分析,提出了一些治理和发展建议。  相似文献   

The modern consumer is increasingly concerned about the welfare of farm animals which are kept in intensive systems on specialised farms where the health and well-being is almost completely dependent on the will, ability and care of the farmer. Further demands related to animal production are consumer health (quality and safety of food products), the protection of the environment and cheap food. The currently used husbandry systems are man made and emphasise automation which requires permanent critical observation of the welfare of the animals. Ethological indicators are equally important as health and performance to evaluate keeping systems. Future animal farming will be influenced by new technologies such as electronic animal identification and milking robots, and more important by biotechnology and genome analysis. Veterinary surgeons and farmers have to co-operate on the basis of scientifically sound animal welfare schemes which help to protect our farm animals in modern and intensive livestock production systems.  相似文献   

畜禽场氨减排技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,随着规模化养殖业的迅速发展,畜禽饲养密度不断增大,导致养殖业氨排放量大幅上升,严重影响畜禽健康及其生产性能,同时造成大气污染,因此开展养殖场氨减排技术研究对于畜禽健康、产品安全和环境改善均具有重要意义。着眼于畜禽内源氨营养调控、畜禽舍内原位净化和粪污处理过程三个重点环节,综述了多种氨减排技术,包括从源头的饲料优化、粪便除臭剂使用、舍内空气净化及粪污处理过程中的固液分离、表面覆盖等技术,对于养殖业氨减排具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

Development in organic farming has been stimulated by farmers and consumers becoming interested in healthy food products and sustainable environment. Organic agriculture is a holistic production management system which is based on the principles of health, ecology, care, and fairness. Organic development in Uganda has focused more on the crop sector than livestock sector and has primarily involved the private sector, like organic products export companies and non-governmental organizations. Agriculture in Uganda and many African countries is predominantly traditional, less mechanized, and is usually associated with minimum use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and drugs. This low external input agriculture also referred to as “organic by default” can create basis for organic farming where agroecological methods are introduced and present an alternative in terms of intensification to the current low-input/low-output systems. Traditional farming should not be confused with organic farming because in some cases, the existing traditional practices have consequences like overstocking and less attention to soil improvement as well as to animal health and welfare, which is contrary to organic principles of ecology, fairness, health, and care. Challenges of implementing sustainable organic practices in the Ugandan livestock sector threaten its future development, such as vectors and vector-borne diseases, organic feed insufficiency, limited education, research, and support to organic livestock production. The prospects of organic livestock development in Uganda can be enhanced with more scientific research in organic livestock production under local conditions and strengthening institutional support.  相似文献   

种养平衡是区域畜牧业发展的重要趋势之一,测算区域畜禽养殖潜力将成为各地区畜牧业发展的重要工作。本文基于种养平衡理念,认为区域畜禽养殖潜力是植物粪肥养分需要量扣除掉畜禽粪肥养分生产量后的数值空间,并利用此方法测算了吉林省松原市5个县市的畜禽养殖潜力。结果表明:按照粪肥提供氮素占总氮素15%的比例来计算,松原市可容纳的畜禽粪污总量约为3.80万t,目前的养殖数量已经占用2.88万t,还有0.92万t的养殖空间,但个别县市畜禽养殖潜力已经接近极限。提高农户粪肥施用比例,区域畜禽养殖潜力将有很大的增加空间,如果减少猪而增加其他畜禽养殖也能提供养殖空间。北方区域畜禽养殖规模增长必须充分考虑种养平衡的关系,畜禽养殖潜力不大的区域不宜盲目增加养殖规模。  相似文献   

过去几十年来,由于饲用抗生素在畜牧养殖业中的滥用,导致畜禽正常的肠道菌群被破坏并引起肠道细菌耐药性和环境污染等一系列问题,严重损害了畜禽的肠道健康。同时,近年来集约化养殖已经成为畜牧业的发展方向,养殖规模越来越大,如何有效地提高畜禽免疫力已然成为重点的研究方向。健康的肠道是保障畜禽健康生长的基础,保持健康的肠道菌群,能有效提高动物机体的免疫力和抗病能力。甘露寡糖是一种绿色新型饲料添加剂,作为一类功能性寡糖,具有改善畜禽肠道健康和提高免疫应答等作用。在猪生产中,添加甘露寡糖能够提高断奶仔猪的生长性能和免疫力。在家禽生产中,添加甘露寡糖能够改善家禽肠道菌群并提高生产性能和肉品质。作者主要介绍了甘露寡糖的结构及理化性质、改善肠道健康和免疫调控机制及其在断奶仔猪、育肥猪、蛋鸡和肉鸡生产中的应用效果。重点总结了甘露寡糖对畜禽肠道健康和免疫的调控机制及免疫途径,旨在为甘露寡糖在肠道健康和免疫调控方面的深入研究及其在畜禽养殖中的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

近几年,随着临夏州畜牧养殖业的快速发展,与之相伴的畜禽养殖粪污污染问题也成为临夏州现代畜牧养殖业绿色发展的制约因素,不仅导致环境的污染,也造成了资源的浪费,文章结合当地实际,为实现畜牧业绿色发展,就畜禽养殖粪污资源化利用提出建议及对策,供参考。  相似文献   

畜禽场排放的氨气、硫化氢、挥发性有机物等恶臭污染严重危害人畜健康和周边环境,恶臭污染问题亟待解决。目前,畜禽场除臭方法多样,包括物理法、化学法和生物法。本文论述了微生物除臭技术的原理及在畜禽场以微生物添加剂的形式用于源头除臭、以生物过滤和喷洒的形式用于过程除臭、以发酵液等形式用于末端除臭的应用和研究进展,对微生物除臭技术现状和发展趋势进行简要分析。  相似文献   

在家禽业发展的同时,应该按照加强废弃物无害化处理,发展绿色环保饲料,坚持种养结合的发展思路,对家禽业进行规范化管理,以减少家禽生产废弃物对环境造成的危害。  相似文献   

物联网技术结合畜牧业是现代规模化养殖场的未来发展趋势。通过对物联网技术应用可以降低饲养成本,提高经济效益,改善养殖环境,提高生产效率,降低淘汰率,提高成活率,奠定产业基础,引领全产业链发展。本文重点围绕家禽、单胃动物、瘤胃动物的饲养管理出发,分析了物联网技术在畜禽养殖领域中的各种应用,通过自动化的监测从而实现养殖场带来增收并且提供更健康、更营养的产品,以及在物联网技术推广过程的现状以及存在的问题并且提出相应的建议。旨在为物联网技术在畜禽行业的发展,达到降本增效和转型升级的目的提供一定的理论基础作为支撑。  相似文献   

随着畜牧业的快速发展,畜禽废弃物已成为制约畜牧业快速发展的关键性因素,是整治农村人居生活环境与乡村振兴所面临的一大难题。本文通过分析畜禽养殖场废弃物及农作物秸秆资源化利用现状,立足当地资源优势,提出对畜禽废弃物及农作物秸秆进行合理利用的发展对策,通过变废为宝,综合合理利用,农村的人居环境得到显著改善。  相似文献   

国际草田耕作制度研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
豆科牧草与其他牧草或作物间套作或轮作是国际牧草耕作制度研发方向。发展有机、可持续的、绿色和生物多样性的农牧业是发达国家牧草耕作制度的基本政策,保护当地植物和生物多样性是非洲国家牧草耕作制度发展前沿,将家畜养殖和农牧业生产相结合、集雨和地膜覆盖种植牧草和新技术应用是亚洲部分国家牧草耕作制度研发方向。  相似文献   

畜禽生产中,抗生素的不合理使用在畜禽产品中极易形成抗生素残留超标的安全隐患,不仅威胁人类健康,也制约着养殖业的可持续发展。益生菌正是在这种情况下作为抗生素的有效替代品应用于动物饲料中。但是,有关益生菌制剂发挥益生作用的机理还不是很清楚,而通过现代生物技术对有益菌株进行遗传标记,是研究和阐明其在动物体内作用机理的重要技术手段和有效途径之一。绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,GFP)作为新的报告系统,已开始逐渐应用于饲用微生物的动态监测和作用机理研究中,且已表现出良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Rangelands in Europe are imprinted by livestock production and embedded in mosaic landscapes of grasslands, croplands, woodlands, and settlements. They developed as social-ecological systems: People managed rangelands in order to maintain or enhance their ecosystem services, which in turn supported their well-being. The appreciation of ecosystem services provided by rangelands depends on the broad, socioeconomic aspirations and abilities of the managers and the capital available to achieve these aspirations. Here we propose four archetypical social-ecological system representations for European rangelands along the dimensions of socioeconomic aspirations (i.e., oriented toward conventional or sustainable production) and available financial capital (i.e., low or high) to employ farming technologies on rangelands. The four archetypes are aspiration misfit, pockets of sustainability, techno-dependence, and money dependent sustainability. We describe the landscape physiognomy, ecosystem service appreciation, and management-related synergies and trade-offs in ecosystem services supply related to each archetype and formulate a number of research questions to document and further understand them as social-ecological systems. We include the importance of urbanization, land grabbing, and institutional networks in shaping the social-ecological archetypes of rangelands and the relationship between our social-ecological archetypes and the resilience and transformability of rangelands.  相似文献   

畜禽粪便资源化处理的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国畜牧业规模化、集约化的快速发展,畜禽粪便对环境的污染问题日益受到人们的关注。本文综述了畜禽粪便的资源化处理和利用技术,从肥料化、饲料化和能源化的角度,分析了各种资源化技术的优缺点,其中采用热解技术处理畜禽粪便展现出较好的发展潜力,不仅具有处理效率高、周期短,可以快速杀死粪便中的致病微生物,有效降低环境负荷的特点,且低成本的畜禽粪污处理后还可以获得高附加值的生物能源。分析了采用热解技术处理畜禽粪便的研究现状及存在问题,同时对热解技术处理畜禽粪便的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

夏季高温环境下,畜禽极易发生热应激。畜禽发生热应激后其生产性能降低,严重影响养殖效益。营养调控措施是根据畜禽的发育规律,通过调配适宜的营养成分和含量,降低热应激对畜禽的生长过程的影响,使畜禽养殖朝着健康、绿色、持续、高效的方向发展。从调节电解质、矿物质、维生素等营养调控的角度综述了热应激防控的最新研究进展,以期为防控热应激和寻找新的措施、最大限度地降低畜牧业生产损失提供有益的思路。  相似文献   

陈继发 《中国畜牧兽医》2021,48(7):2424-2430
蛋白质是动物饲粮的第二大成分,然而中国饲料蛋白质原料资源日益短缺,严重制约了畜牧业的健康可持续发展。黄粉虫(Tenebrio molitor L.)食性广、繁殖快、产出高,属于可再生的生物资源,其干物质中粗蛋白质、甲壳素、不饱和脂肪酸、维生素等含量较丰富,能够提取具有抗菌、抑炎、免疫调节等功能的生物活性物质,如抗菌肽、凝集素,且具有生长快、易规模饲养、占用土地少等优点,有望成为一种新型蛋白质饲料资源,进而缓解当前饲料蛋白质原料不足的现状。有研究表明,黄粉虫可以部分替代饲粮中的常规蛋白质饲料原料,提高畜禽生长或生产性能,改善产品品质,以及提高畜禽机体健康水平。作者阐述了黄粉虫的营养成分、畜禽对黄粉虫营养物质的消化率,在参考国内外最新研究成果的基础上综述了黄粉虫部分替代常规蛋白质饲料原料,改善畜禽生长或生产性能,提高肉禽屠宰性能,改善家禽产品品质,调节畜禽机体物质代谢,增强机体免疫和抗氧化功能以及改善肠道健康的作用,并对其在畜禽生产中的应用前景进行展望,以期为推广黄粉虫在畜牧业中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The paper agrees with three fundamental points raised by Vetter (in this issue), whilst highlighting an emerging trend in wildlife land use, which should be considered in policy making. Firstly, the paper supports the argument that communal rangelands are important as objects of biodiversity conservation and, secondly, the argument that livestock production alone is not sufficient as a mechanism for alleviating poverty, but rather livelihoods diversification and multisectoral strategies are required for this purpose. Lastly, the paper supports the need for mechanisms to ensure tenure security for sustainable use of communal rangelands. I argue that the historical shift to wildlife land use previously observed on private farms in South Africa is now inevitable on communal rangelands and will require explicit consideration in the policy on communal rangelands. Although such development in the communal rangelands has potential to meet the important goals of livelihoods diversification as indicated by Vetter, it also has potential to threaten existing rural livelihoods. The paper suggests several issues to be considered as wildlife becomes part of the rural landscape in some areas, in addition to issues raised by Vetter relevant to policy making.  相似文献   

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