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阿特拉津降解细菌的筛选和鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从营口农药厂排污口、药厂周围受污染土壤及未受污染农田分别采集活性污泥和土样,共富集分离到以阿特拉津作为唯一氮源生长的28个菌株。对所分离到的菌株进行降解能力的测定,筛选到降解能力相对较高的2个菌株,其降解率分别为62.7%、58.3%,分别编号为AT1、AT3;对AT1、AT3菌株进行初步鉴定,分别为芽孢杆菌(Bacillus sp.)、假单胞菌(Pseudom onas sp.)。  相似文献   

微生物降解阿特拉津的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
除草剂阿特拉津长期使用所造成环境污染问题的日益加重,受污染土壤、水体的生物降解、生态修复等诸多问题也受到人们的广泛关注,本文综述了降解阿特拉津的微生物类群、阿特拉津降解酶以及微生物对阿特拉津的作用方式和降解途径,并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

粘土矿物固定化微生物对土壤中阿特拉津的降解研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以粘土矿物为载体,采用吸附挂膜法对已筛选的阿特拉津降解菌株进行固定化,并应用固定化微生物降解土壤中的阿特拉津。结果表明,该菌株在粘土矿物上生长良好,根据菌种生理生化特性、环境扫描电镜图片以及16S rDNA基因的相似性分析初步鉴定该菌株为Ochrobactrum sp.。接种降解菌能明显加快阿特拉津在土壤中的降解速率,粘土矿物固定化微生物的降解效果要明显优于游离菌,粘土矿物粒径越小,固定化微生物的降解效果越好,纳米粘土矿物固定化微生物的降解效果要好于原粘土矿物。用一级动力学方程描述阿特拉津在土壤中的降解过程,不同土壤中阿特拉津的降解速率不同。阿特拉津在红壤、砂姜黑土、黄褐土中的降解半衰期(t1/2)分别为36.9、49.1、55.0 d,投加纳米蒙脱石固定化降解菌后的半衰期则分别为16.3、25.3、21.7 d。  相似文献   

The weathering of different brick samples ina range of aggressive environments has been studied.Brick samples were prepared using two clay types (fromGranada, Spain), different additives, and a range offiring temperatures (850–1100 °C). The brickscompositional and textural characteristics wereevaluated using XRD, SEM, hydric tests and mercuryintrusion porosimetry (MIP). The samples weresubjected to accelerate aging, including wet-dry,freeze-thaw and salt crystallization cycles. The decayof the bricks in polluted atmospheres was simulated ina static chamber containing sulfur dioxide (SO2)at 25 °C and 50% relative humidity. Samplesfired at 1000 °C proved to be the most durable,with better hydric behavior (fast drying and slowwater absorption) and fewer micropores. However, theywere not suitable for salt-rich environments (badperformance in the salt decay test). Samples fired at850 °C turned out to be more resistant to saltdecay, but they showed a poor hydric behavior (slowdrying and rapid water absorption) and littleresistance to freeze-thaw and wet-dry cycles. Samplesfired at 1100 °C had good hydric behavior, theyperformed well in the salt decay test, but they didnot perform as well as the samples fired at1000 °C in most accelerated aging tests. Gypsumformed on all the brick samples submitted to SO2atmosphere regardless exposure time (e.g. gypsumappears following just 24 h of exposure),composition, or firing temperature. Samples withdeposited particulate matter collected from vehicleexhausts (diesel, as well as leaded and non-leadedgasoline motor cars) resulted in the fastest gypsumdevelopment and greater abundance. On the other hand,the blank samples, and the samples withpollution-derived dust collected from historicalbuildings showed little gypsum development. Theimplications of these results in historicalbrick-building preservation in a range of aggressiveenvironments, and in polluted atmospheres inparticular, are discussed.  相似文献   

阿特拉津在土表的光解行为动力学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了阿特拉津在土壤表面的光解行为的动力学,并研究了各种因素对光解的影响。实验表明,土壤粒度、湿度、pH值、有机质、腐殖酸和表面活性剂都影响阿特拉津在土壤中的降解。在太阳光辐射下,阿特拉津在土壤表面降解速率常数为0. 08~0. 17d-1,光解深度为0. 3mm以内,半衰期为4~8d。  相似文献   

The fate of atrazine and metolachlor,applied as a mixture, in soil taken from twopesticide-contaminated sites in Iowa (denoted as Alphaor Bravo) were determined in laboratory studies. Atrazine and metolachlor degradation, as well asatrazine mineralization, were greater in soilcollected from Kochia scoparia L. (Schrader)rhizosphere than in soils from unvegetated areas. Theradiolabeled 14C-carbinol and14C-morpholinone metabolites were identified in14C-metolachlor-applied soil 60 d aftertreatment. The half-life for atrazine in Alpha soilwas significantly less in the rhizosphere soil (50 d)than in unvegetated soil (193 d). Quantities ofspecific atrazine degraders were one to two orders ofmagnitude greater in Bravo soils than in Alpha soils. In an experiment with plants present, significantlymore 14C-atrazine was taken up by K.scoparia (9.9% of the applied 14C) than by Brassica napus L. Significantly less atrazine wasextractable from soils vegetated with K.scoparia than from soils vegetated with B.napus or unvegetated soils.  相似文献   

Atrazine degradation in soil microbial fuel cells (MFCs) under different anode depths and initial concentrations is investigated for different redox soil conditions, and the microbial communities in the anode and different layers are evaluated. Atrazine degradation is fastest in the upper layer (aerobiotic), followed by the lower layer (anaerobic). A removal efficiency and a half-life of 91.69% and 40 days, respectively, are reported for an anode depth of 4 cm. The degradation rate is found to be dependent on current generation in the soil MFCs rather than on electrode spacing. Furthermore, the degradation rate is inhibited when the initial atrazine concentration is increased from 100 to 750 mg/kg. Meanwhile, the exoelectrogenic bacteria, Deltaproteobacteria and Geobacter, are enriched on the anode and the lower layer in the soil MFCs, while atrazine-degrading Pseudomonas is only observed in very low proportions. In particular, the relative abundances of Deltaproteobacteria and Geobacter are higher for lower initial atrazine concentrations. These results demonstrate that the mechanism of atrazine degradation in soil MFCs is dependent on bioelectrochemistry rather than on microbial degradation.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根(AM)真菌对土壤中阿特拉津降解的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于盆栽高粱(Sorghum,龙杂一号)条件下研究了丛枝菌根(AM)真菌根内球囊霉(Glomus intraradices,GI)和摩西球囊霉(Glomus mosseae,GM)降解土壤中阿特拉津的效用。结果表明,阿特拉津(浓度为50 mg/kg)污染土壤中,供试AM真菌都能够侵染高粱根系形成菌根,而且GM比GI侵染效果好,最高侵染率可达到90.5%,显著提高了植株的生物量。接种AM真菌后土壤中阿特拉津的残留浓度显著低于不接种对照处理,并且接种GM比GI对阿特拉津的降解效果显著。接种GM处理的土壤中阿特拉津最高降解率达到了91.6%,其中菌根效应占22.6%。接种AM真菌的宿主植物根际土壤中微生物数量多于不接种处理,且GM优于GI处理,说明AM真菌能促进根际微生物的繁殖。此外,接种AM真菌后能显著增加土壤中脲酶活性,但对过氧化氢酶活性影响不显著。认为GM是一株比较理想的修复阿特拉津污染土壤的AM真菌。  相似文献   

土壤中有机农药的自然降解行为   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
卢桂宁  陶雪琴  杨琛  易筱筠  党志 《土壤》2006,38(2):130-135
有机农药是一类典型的环境污染物,自然降解是其在土壤中消除的主要过程。本文阐述了土壤中有机农药生物降解、光解、水解和化学氧化等自然降解机制,综述了土壤中有机农药自然降解的研究方法及研究现状,指出了目前自然降解研究中存在的一些问题并展望了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

采用纳米Fe3O4/微生物联合体系降解溶液中2,4-D和阿特拉津,考察了不同2,4-D和阿特拉津初始浓度、微生物接种量、纳米Fe3O4投加量、溶液pH值等对降解效果的影响。结果表明,纳米Fe3O4/微生物联合体系对2,4-D和阿特拉津的降解率显著高于纳米Fe3O4和微生物单一体系;2,4-D和阿特拉津初始浓度在0~10 mg·L^-1、微生物接种量在0~12 mg·L^-1、纳米Fe3O4的投加量在0~200 mg·L^-1范围内,2,4-D和阿特拉津的降解率随其初始浓度、微生物接种量和纳米Fe3O4 投加量的增大而增加。溶液pH3.0左右、2,4-D和阿特拉津初始浓度10 mg·L^-1、微生物接种量12 mg·L^-1、纳米Fe3O4投加量200 mg·L^-1,是反应的最佳条件,此实验条件下反应7 d,2,4-D和阿特拉津的残留率分别降低至35.7%和54.0%。  相似文献   

运用恒温培养法研究了菲在不同土壤中的降解动态,结果表明未灭菌土壤中菲半衰期仅5.1d,而灭菌土壤中半衰期为前者4倍,可见土壤微生物发挥了重要作用;从试验土壤中分离到一株菲高效降解菌,经16SrDNA鉴定为产碱杆菌;优势菌最高可以耐受500mgL-1左右的菲,降解菲的最适温度25℃和pH为7,土壤接种优势菌后有助于加快菲的降解;从该优势菌中提取的粗酶液米氏常数为50.30nmolml-1,最大降解速率为171.33nmolmg-1min-1。  相似文献   

Rice husk application and its long-term effects on charge characteristics and elemental composition of a chemically degraded Oxisol have not been rigorously studied. The objective of the study was to determine the ability of composted rice husk (CRH) to preserve organic carbon (C), generate negative charge, and release various ions in heavy clay Oxisol. The topsoil and subsoil, representing natural and erosion conditions, respectively, were incubated with CRH for 24 months. Results showed carbon types of CRH, as revealed by solid-state cross-polarization magic angle spinning 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (CP/MAS 13C NMR) spectroscopy, were relatively unchanged from months 5 to 12 after incubation, indicating limited decomposition. Carbon types were dominated by O-alkyl and di-O-alkyl C with small proportions of alkyl, methoxyl, aromatic, phenolic, and carboxyl C. After 24 months of incubation, O-alkyl and di-O-alkyl C decreased, indicating susceptibility, whereas alkyl, methoxyl, aromatic, and phenolic C increased, indicating resistance to decomposition. Values of pH0 and point zero net charge (PZNC) were measured using potentiometric titration and ion adsorption indices, respectively. Values of pH0 and PZNC decreased during CRH incubation for both topsoil and subsoil, suggesting the increase of soil negative charge. Total negative charge for topsoil and subsoil increased from 2.7 to 3.5 cmolc/kg and 2.5 to 3.2 cmolc/kg, respectively. This reflects that CRH was able to mask soil positive charge to increase negative charge. In situ soil solution study indicated CRH could release various elements in the order of potassium (K) > sulfur (S) > natrium (Na) > silicon (Si) > magnesium (Mg) > calcium (Ca). In addition, toxic elements, aluminum (Al) and manganese (Mn), were significantly suppressed. The implication of the study is that CRH offers a means to increase cation exchange capacity and nutrient content of highly weathered soils while preserving organic C, thereby reducing CO2 emission from agriculture.  相似文献   

恶唑菌酮土壤降解影响因子研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李彦文  杨仁斌  郭正元 《土壤》2007,39(3):474-478
探讨了土壤环境中的主要因素:土壤微生物、温度、含水量、pH值以及施用有机肥对恶唑菌酮降解的影响。结果表明:土壤微生物对恶唑菌酮在土壤中的降解起着重要作用,相同条件下灭菌土壤的降解半衰期是非灭菌土壤的27.6倍。环境温度、土壤含水量等对恶唑菌酮降解也有影响,在15℃~40℃的试验条件下,随着温度升高,恶唑菌酮的降解速率加快,特别是15℃~25℃温度范围内降解速率上升较快;过高和过低的土壤含水量都不利于土壤中恶唑菌酮的降解,土壤含水量为50?~100?时适宜恶唑菌酮的降解;此外施用有机肥会加速恶唑菌酮的降解;而土壤pH值对降解的影响不显著。  相似文献   

Soybean is an important grain crop for Brazil, and phosphorus (P) plays an important role in improving yield of this crop in Brazilian Oxisols. Data are limited on influence of P sources and rate on soybean yield, yield components, and P-use efficiency. A field experiment was conducted for 3 consecutive years to determine response of soybean to three fertilizers (single superphosphate, Yoorin, and Arad) with 0, 17.5, 35, and 52.5 kg P ha?1 (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg P2O5 ha?1). Grain yield was significantly influenced by phosphorus fertilization. Overall, maximum grain yield was produced by application of single superphosphate, followed by Yoorin and Arad. Number of grains per pod and 100-grain weights were also influenced significantly by P fertilization. Shoot dry weight, number of pods per plant, and grain harvest index had a significant positive association with grain yield. Phosphorus uptake in grain was about six times more than uptake in shoots, and P uptake in grain had a significant positive association with grain yield. Phosphorus-use efficiency (kg grain/kg P applied or uptake) decreased with increasing P rate, and it was greater for single superphosphate than for Yoorin and Arad sources of P fertilization. However, P-utilization efficiency (kg grain plus straw yield / P uptake in grain plus straw) was greater under Yoorin treatment compared to the two other sources of P.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were conducted to compare the infrared spectrophotometry (TPH-IR) and gas chromatography (TPH-GC) measurements of total petroleum hydrocarbon in soil samples.Real world soil samples containing #2 to #6 fuel oils, mechanical lubricating oil, diesel fuel, kerosene, jet fuel andweathered gasoline were extracted with trichlorotrifluoroethane(Freon-113) and methylene chloride. The extractants were analyzed using gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) and infrared spectroscopy (TPH-IR) methods.A paired statistical t-test was applied to compare the average of paired differences in the analytical results. Statistical tests were evaluated with graphical presentation of the results. In general, a trend was observed in the measured concentrations.Total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) concentrations measured withTPH-IR had the highest readings. The same samples extracted withmethylene chloride and analyzed with GC-FID showed lower concentrations than the TPH-IR method while the GC-FID analysisof the same samples extracted with Freon-113 produced the lowestconcentrations. Laboratory experiments indicated that TPH concentrations measured with the TPH-IR method were higher thanthe actual quantities of petroleum hydrocarbon in the soil samples.  相似文献   

Billions of dollars are spent annually in Brazil on imported phosphorus (P) fertilizers for agricultural crops produced on Oxisols. Phosphate fixation by Oxisols is a main limitation to crop productivity because these highly weathered soils have a high phosphate adsorption capacity. The objective was to determine whether reaction of an Acric Oxisol with citrate increases P availability. Columns of P-amended subsoil material were leached with 1 mM citrate solution, and effluent was monitored. Solid-phase speciation was measured for different stages of leaching using X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy at the P K-edge. When soil columns were leached with up to 56 column pore volumes of 1 mM citrate solutions, no P was detected in column effluent samples, whereas aluminum (Al) and iron (Fe) increased up to 30 and 1.4 µmol L?1, respectively. The XANES analysis suggested that with increased leaching, a minor proportion of phosphate adsorbed on Fe-oxides increased as phosphate adsorbed on Al-oxides decreased. The results indicated that citrate tends to induce minor species redistribution of phosphate between Al- and Fe-oxide bound forms, but P mobilization was trivial compared with complexometric mobilization of Fe and Al.  相似文献   

通过云阳县境内旱地土壤的调查与分析,阐述了旱地土壤资源的特点,探讨了旱地土壤在利用中存在的问题及退化原因,并就防治土壤退化提出了综合治理的建议。  相似文献   

Atrazine and metolachlor degradation in subsoils   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Degradation of atrazine [2-chloro-4-etylamino-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-triazine] and metolachlor [2-chloro-N-(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N-(2-methoxy-1-methylethyl)-acetamide] in sterile and non-sterile soil samples collected at two different soil depths (0-20 and 80-110 cm) and incubated under aerobic and anaerobic conditions was studied. Under aerobic conditions, the half-life of atrazine in non-sterile surface soil was 49 days. In non-sterile subsoil, the half-life of atrazine (119 days) was increased by 2.5 times compared in surface soils and was not statistically different from half-lives in sterile soils (115 and 110 days in surface soil and subsoil, respectively). Metolachlor degradation occurred only in non-sterile surface soil, with a half-life of 37 days. Under anaerobic conditions, atrazine degradation was markedly slower than under aerobic conditions, with a half-life of 124 and 407 days in non-sterile surface soil and non-sterile subsoil, respectively. No significant difference was found in atrazine degradation in both sterile surface soil (693 days) and subsoil (770 days). Under anaerobic conditions, degradation of metolachlor was observed only in non-sterile surface soil. Results suggest that atrazine degraded both chemically and biologically, while metolachlor degraded only biologically. In addition, observed Eh values of soil samples incubated under anaerobic conditions suggest a significant involvement of soil microorganisms in the overall degradation process of atrazine under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract. Nitrogen (N) loss by leaching poses great challenges for N availability to crops as well as nitrate pollution of groundwater. Few studies address this issue with respect to the role of the subsoil in the deep and highly weathered savanna soils of the tropics, which exhibit different adsorption and drainage patterns to soils in temperate environments. In an Anionic Acrustox of the Brazilian savanna, the Cerrado, dynamics and budgets of applied N were studied in organic and inorganic soil pools of two maize (Zea mays L.) – soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) rotations using 15N tracing. Labelled ammonium sulphate was applied at 10 kg N ha?1 (with 10 atom%15N excess) to both maize and soybean at the beginning of the cropping season. Amounts and isotopic composition of N were determined in above‐ground biomass, soil, adsorbed mineral N, and in soil solution at 0.15, 0.3, 0.8, 1.2 and 2 m depths using suction lysimeters throughout one cropping season. The applied ammonium was rapidly nitrified or immobilized in soil organic matter, and recovery of applied ammonium in soil 2 weeks after application was negligible. Large amounts of nitrate were adsorbed in the subsoil (150–300 kg NO3?‐N ha?1 per 2 m) matching total N uptake by the crops (130–400 kg N ha?1). Throughout one cropping season, more applied N (49–77%; determined by 15N tracers) was immobilized in soil organic matter than was present as adsorbed nitrate (2–3%). Most of the applied N (71–96% of 15N recovery) was found in the subsoil at 0.15–2 m depth. This coincided with an increase with depth of dissolved organic N as a proportion of total dissolved N (39–63%). Hydrophilic organic N was the dominant fraction of dissolved organic N and was, together with nitrate, the most important carrier for applied N. Most of this N (>80%) was leached from the topsoil (0–0.15 m) during the first 30 days after application. Subsoil N retention as both adsorbed inorganic N, and especially soil organic N, was found to be of great importance in determining N losses, soil N depletion and the potential of nitrate contamination of groundwater.  相似文献   

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