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渔业补贴是一个备受争议的概念。WTO虽然在主持渔业补贴纪律的谈判,但是目前没有给出一个广为接受的渔业补贴定义。渔业补贴在国际社会被广泛运用,作为扭曲贸易流动的重要因素,应当予以规制。有害的渔业补贴应当予以禁止,取消或限制使用渔业补贴是WTO成员的共识。我国应积极参与WTO渔业补贴新纪律的谈判,表达我国的立场与关切。  相似文献   

面对渔业资源环境的不断枯竭和恶化,一方面我国政府推行伏季休渔制度,实行渔民转产转业补贴以促进渔业资源的可持续利用,而另一方面,渔业柴油补贴的实施又促使想转业的渔民继续从事渔业捕捞活动,看似矛盾的渔业补贴政策该何去何从?文章从渔业补贴政策的历史演进入手,对我国的渔业补贴政策进行了整体分析,认为我国渔业补贴政策将以促进渔业资源可持续利用为方向,逐步走向法制化,对外海和远洋渔业的补贴投入将越来越大。  相似文献   

张海萍 《河北渔业》2012,(12):37-40,53
渔业补贴是促进世界各国自身渔业发展的一项重要措施,但是近年来随着全球海洋渔业资源日趋衰退以及水产品国际贸易关系扭曲,渔业补贴的作用越来越遭到许多国家和国际组织的质疑。世贸组织《多哈部长宣言》已将渔业补贴纪律列为规则谈判之一,近些年也举行了多次谈判,在WTO主要成员国的努力下,相关规则草案的出台表明了在WTO框架下解决渔业补贴问题的可行性。本文主要对渔业补贴的定义及分类,典型国家与地区的渔业补贴状况作了分析,然后基于WTO渔业补贴谈判的进展及前景,对WTO框架下我国的渔业补贴政策现状及改进方向进行了总结。  相似文献   

所谓渔业补贴,从根本上是政府干预或缺少干预,且这种干预或减少干预对渔业部门有影响并有经济价值。据有关文献报道,就东海区为例,渔业补贴种类主要有:  相似文献   

从对国内外渔业油价补助政策的实践来看,该政策对于稳定渔业生产发展有着重要作用。通过会议座谈、重点调查和问卷调查等方法对我国现行渔业油价补助政策进行了调研分析,认为我国渔业油价补助方法不够科学合理,不仅与现行渔业政策不协调,还暴露出实际操作比较困难、支撑渔业油价补助发放的配套制度不够健全等问题。结合我国渔业产业实际,建议应调整完善海洋捕捞业和水产养殖业的油价补贴办法、统一细化全国渔业柴油补贴扣减政策、完善渔船管理和渔政执法管理相关制度等,提高渔业油价补助决策的科学性和民主性。  相似文献   

渔业一直是国际贸易的一个重要领域,而今却是补贴的重灾区。全球对捕捞船队的补贴每年知多少?这个数额的估计难度很大,因为有关政府不愿意公开这方面数据。据联合国粮农组织最新的估计,每年约140亿美元。世界银行也对补贴作了估计:“已知全球船上交货的交易额约为800亿美元,我们对补贴水平占全球渔业收入的估计为20-25叽,即约为150~200亿美元”。美国作为世界渔业大国,在渔业补贴问题上持什么立场呢?从下面这份美国向WTO贸易与环境委员会提交的报告中我们似乎看到美国政府对补贴的深恶痛绝,坚决反对的态度,报告声称对渔业部…  相似文献   

渔业补贴是渔业行业特有的政府作为或者不作为,而政府的这种作为或者不作为改变了渔业行业的短期、中期或长期潜在利润。这些变化又进一步改变了捕捞个体的捕捞行为,从而对资源的开发和使用产生重要的影响,有可能导致了资源的过度捕捞?渔业补贴所带来的实际经济效果是双方面的,即补贴的积极效果与补贴消极效果。一些看似将带来积极效果的渔业补贴政策在实际实施中却带来了消极效果,即对资源的持续利用产生的负面影响。本文主要针对渔业补贴带来的消极效果进行分析,从而使人们对于渔业补贴的政策的认识更深一步。  相似文献   

今年是中国渔业互保协会成立十五周年。作为全国第一家农业互助合作保险组织,十五年来,中国渔业互保协会在农业部及部各有关司局的支持和指导下,始终坚持“献身渔业、服务渔民”的理念,渔业互助保险工作取得了快速发展。尤其是2008年中央财政出资1000万元启动渔业互助保险保费补贴试点项目,带动落实地方配套补贴资金8680万元,极大地调动了广大渔民群众参保的积极性和主动性。  相似文献   

按照国家对石油价格改革财政补贴政策的规定,近日,农业部办公厅、山东省海洋与渔业厅下发《紧急通知》,为依法从事近海捕捞、内陆捕捞及养殖并使用机动渔船的渔民和渔业企业(含远洋渔业企业)发放油价补贴。此次补贴资金是上半年预拨资金,全年的补贴资金根据全年油价涨跌情况明年初统一清算,多退少补。  相似文献   

渔业补贴是渔业行业特有的政府作为或者不作为,而政府的这种作为或者不作为改变了渔业行业的短期、中期或长期潜在利润.这些变化又进一步改变了捕捞个体的捕捞行为,从而对资源的开发和使用产生重要的影响,有可能导致了资源的过度捕捞.渔业补贴所带来的实际经济效果是双方面的,即补贴的积极效果与补贴消极效果.一些看似将带来积极效果的渔业补贴政策在实际实施中却带来了消极效果,即对资源的持续利用产生的负面影响.本文主要针对渔业补贴带来的消极效果进行分析,从而使人们对于渔业补贴的政策的认识更深一步.  相似文献   

An econometric analysis, known as a panel data analysis, was conducted to understand the nature and the magnitude of the effect caused by subsidies to fishery productions. Published data on government financial transfers for OECD member countries from 1996 to 2002 were used for this purpose. The result of the panel data analysis indicated that certain financial transfers have brought small but positive influences to economic indicators on fisheries of aggregated OECD countries, while either no or negative effects were recognized in other financial transfers. Different magnitudes of influences were observed according to the types of the transfers. Also, there are cases where two types of financial transfers provide offsetting effects to a single economic indicator. Specifically, the total volume of fishery production for OECD countries is positively influenced by government direct payment programs, but negatively affected by the amount of general services provided by the governments. This study can be regarded as a useful first attempt to examine the empirical link between productions and subsidies of the fishery sectors.  相似文献   

This paper provides both an estimate and assessment of subsidies in fisheries in the North Atlantic. The subsidies are estimated, on the basis of data taken from an OECD study and the Sea Around US Project database, to be in the order of US$ 2.0–2.5 billion per year. The assessment of the impact of the subsidies upon resource management and sustainability requires an examination of the underlying economics of subsidies in fisheries. There is general agreement, to which we subscribe, that fisheries subsidies do great harm by exacerbating the problems arising from the ‘common pool’ aspects of capture fisheries. Many economists, however, believe it that, if the ‘common pool’ aspects of a fishery could be removed by, for example, establishing a full‐fledged property rights system, the negative impact of fisheries subsidies would prove to be trivial. This paper demonstrates that the aforementioned comfortable belief is unfounded. Fisheries subsidies can be seriously damaging, even if the ‘common pool’ aspects of the fishery are removed. There is also a widely held belief among economists and government officials that subsidies used for vessel decommissioning schemes, far from being harmful, actually have a beneficial impact upon resource management and sustainability, or are at worst, neutral. About 20% of the fisheries subsidies in the North Atlantic are directed towards these purposes. In this paper, we argue that these seemingly beneficial subsides can, in fact, be highly negative in their impact.  相似文献   

The western and central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) tuna fishery is one of the world's largest in terms of both catch volume and value, providing over half of global tuna catch with a landed value of US $5.84 billion in 2017. Fishing is conducted by both large‐ and small‐scale fleets, with fisheries subsidies disproportionately benefiting the former. The primary objective of this study was to determine the optimal distribution of effort between two large‐scale fisheries (LSF) and two small‐scale fisheries (SSF) in the WCPO under three scenarios: to maximize industry benefits, minimize subsidization or maximize food supply. The objective was approached using a bioeconomic game‐theoretic model. Results indicate opposite distributions of effort to maximize industry benefits (all fishing conducted by LSF) or to minimize subsidization (all fishing by SSF), with more balanced effort distributions to maximize food supply. Total value of capacity‐enhancing subsidies in optimal scenarios ranged from $1.4 billion when industry benefits were maximized to $0.2 billion when subsidization was minimized. Investigation of suboptimal scenarios reveals the flexibility of these results, with wide ranges in outputted state variables for a given goal. Difficulty was encountered in modelling the SSF sector due to data deficiencies, a well‐recognized issue in managing SSF. Investments towards “data equity” to help ensure that management decision‐making can properly account for the SSF sector would be useful. This study has implications for the objectives we set in fisheries management, and the potential trade‐offs, often value‐driven in nature, that we must make explicit in that management.  相似文献   

我国海洋捕捞业可持续发展问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
指出了我国实现海洋捕捞业可持续发展面临着捕捞强度超出资源承受能力、远洋渔业发展减缓、捕捞结构发展不合理,海洋污染日趋严重,产品加工及设备落后、科研投入严重不足等主要问题,并探讨了捕捞渔业可持续发展相关对策。  相似文献   

A cointegration analysis is conducted to examine the effect of fishery subsidies on fisheries production using data compiled over more than 30 years in Japan. The results illustrate that one fishery production indicator (production value per fishermen) shows a positive relationship with one particular group of government financial transfer (GFT) (that is, government general service expenditures including cost for fishery managements, scientific researches, and other administrative activities). No other tested results between GFTs and fishery indicators showed a real relationship. Although further scrutiny is awaited, this study could provide an empirical basis for an argument that, under an effective fishing management system, fisheries subsidies do not necessarily cause production increases or negative impact on fishing stocks.  相似文献   

唐议  盛燕燕  陈园园 《水产学报》2014,38(5):759-768
以底拖网为代表的深海底层渔业对深海脆弱海洋生态系统的危害受到国际社会的热切关注。2003年以来联合国大会多次通过决议,呼吁各国各自并通过RFMO/As采取行动,根据预防性原则,采用基于生态系统的管理方法,评估深海底层渔业对脆弱海洋生态系统的影响,若评估表明确有重大不利影响,则应采取有效措施限制深海底层渔业以降低这种影响;FAO主要从技术角度制定了《公海深海渔业管理国际指南》,为管理公海深海渔业和保护脆弱海洋生态系统提出了技术标准和管理框架;RFMO承担着具体执行深海底层渔业管理措施和监督管理的责任,在北大西洋、地中海、南太平洋的公海和南极水域,相关RFMO已采取了暂停部分区域底拖网渔业活动、收集数据、评估底拖网对脆弱海洋生态系统的影响等措施,在北太平洋,新成立的北太平洋渔业管理委员会将公海底层渔业管理作为首要目标。环保非政府组织和部分科学家呼吁禁止公海深海底层渔业,但各国对此的立场尚不一致,产业界大多持反对立场。近期来看,尚难以全面禁止公海的深海底层渔业。中国正在发展公海大洋渔业,需对此密切关注,加强跟踪研究以支撑决策,并应发展和使用选择性渔具和对生态环境无害的作业方式,防止对脆弱海洋生态系统产生损害性影响。  相似文献   

The present study investigates the socioeconomic sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture in the South Evoikos Gulf. The results show poor labour mobility between fisheries and aquaculture. Internal geographical mobility, relatively high salaries and the relatively high educational level of the aquaculture workers contribute to the sustainability for the aquaculture sector. There is a high probability of young, low-educated individuals entering the fishing industry. Furthermore, earnings and professional training prevent people from exiting the fisheries sector, and this may act as a means towards fisheries' sustainability. Grants and subsidies do not seem to influence fishermen's decision to remain or exit the sector. On average more fishermen than aquaculture workers perceive that their profession is supported by the local community and tourist industry.  相似文献   

日本是全球重要的渔业国家。本文介绍了日本的渔业生产、渔业资源、渔业在国民经济中的地位、渔业管理以及渔业劳动力和经营状况。日本渔业以海洋捕捞为主,由于全球渔业资源衰退,国际竞争加剧以及日本国内经济的持续低迷,日本渔业在经历了上世纪80年代的鼎盛期之后呈现大幅下降趋势,面临着产业结构调整的巨大压力。  相似文献   

黄硕琳 《水产学报》1993,17(3):216-223
本文阐述了公海渔业的概念,论述公海捕鱼自由是国际海洋法中的一条基本规则,指出公海捕鱼的权利必须在国际法规定的有关规则限制下行使。根据近年来一些沿海国家试图对公海渔业进行管辖的实际状况和1992年国际上一些主要的国际渔业会议的主要精神,本文分析了国际渔业法律环境的发展趋向,预测了今后国际上进一步限制公海渔业的可能形式,并结合我国公海渔业发展的实际情况,提出我国发展公海渔业过程中应当给予重视的几个问题。  相似文献   

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