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通过对一对初配东北虎繁殖全过程的总结,即对母虎发情行为、公母虎合笼交配、妊娠判定、产前准备、产后护理、仔虎的生长发育情况的详细观察与分析,为初配东北虎的繁殖提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

2017年3月19日昆明动物园1头雌性东北虎产下3只幼仔。本项研究通过监控视频,使用瞬时扫描法,记录了雌虎及幼虎在此日后30 d内的行为并进行了整理和分析;观察结果显示,雌虎在哺乳初期的行为以休息和哺乳为主,分别占到了行为总频率的55.13%和19.21%,而幼虎在哺乳初期的行为以休息和吮乳为主,分别占到了71.25%和12.98%。不同时期雌虎出现的休息、哺乳、亲幼虎行为差异显著(P<0.05),移动、进食和其他行为的差异极显著(P<0.01);幼虎表现出的休息、吮乳、拱拔、张望、玩耍和其他行为在6个时期都呈现极显著差异(P<0.01),亲雌虎行为差异显著(P<0.05),而移动行为在不同时期的差异不显著;幼虎在哺乳初期还有新的行为发育出现。  相似文献   

刘金  刘丙万  马国庆 《野生动物》2007,28(3):52-53,21
东北虎是世界上八个虎亚种中体型最大的。20世纪50年代以前,人们对东北虎的系统地位、生态、行为和生存状况研究很少。20世纪50年代以后,我国科研人员对东北虎开展了一系列的研究。除了东北虎的生态、行为、种群和栖息地现状以外,还对东北虎的生理生化指标、疾病和野化野放做了大量细致的工作,为实施东北虎的有效保护提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

A captive 9-yr-old female Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) at the Lisbon Zoo was treated with equine chorionic gonadotropin followed 80 hr later by human chorionic gonadotropin to stimulate follicular development and ovulation, respectively. Forty-one hours after the second hormone administration, the tiger was subjected to transvaginal artificial insemination with diluted fresh semen containing 500 x 10(6) motile spermatozoa obtained from an 8-yr-old male Siberian tiger via electroejaculation. After anesthesia, the female tiger was placed in an inclined position with the hind limbs elevated during and after the insemination and was maintained in this position for 15 min to minimize semen reflux. An anesthetic reversal agent was then administered. After a 103-day gestation, the female gave birth to three apparently healthy cubs that survived 24-48 hr. These results demonstrate that transvaginal artificial insemination can be successfully performed in the Siberian tiger to produce full-term offspring.  相似文献   

Severe hemorrhagic enterocolitis was observed in a Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) and a lion (Panthera leo). Both animals developed acute depression, anorexia, and bloody diarrhea several days before death. Small and large intestines were diffusely congested, edematous, necrotic, and filled with hemorrhagic fluid, and mesenteric lymph nodes were enlarged and congested. Pure and abundant growth of gram-positive bacilli was obtained in culture under anaerobic conditions from the livers of both felines. Identification of highly virulent Clostridium perfringens Type A was based on pathologic lesions, hemolytic patterns, morphologic structure, and polymerase chain reaction. Animal inoculation assays indicated that C. perfringens Type A played an important role in the pathogenesis of both felines.  相似文献   

为了深入了解黑龙江穆棱东北红豆杉国家级自然保护区兽类组成及东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)猎物资源现状,于2016—2018年在保护区内布设40个红外相机监测点和7个大样方调查兽类多样性和分析东北虎主要猎物资源。相机监测累计照相日12250个,共获得有效独立照片1139张,从中鉴定出野生兽类4目8科17种,其中国家一级重点保护动物有东北虎和东北豹(Panthera pardus orientalis)。样方调查记录到兽类足迹261条,足迹识别出兽类4目7科10种,其中包括国家一级重点保护动物东北豹1种,东北虎主要猎物野猪(Sus scrofa)、马鹿(Cervus elaphus)、西伯利亚狍(Capreolus pygargus)和梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)4种。兽类物种相对丰富度分析表明,相对丰富度最高的是西伯利亚狍和狗獾(Meles leucurus),赤狐(Vulpes vulpes)和东北豹最低。猎物资源分析表明,保护区内分布有西伯利亚狍681只,野猪510只,马鹿35只,梅花鹿27只,4种动物的生物量分别为西伯利亚狍生物量为20210.94 kg,野猪生物量为64735.00 kg,马鹿生物量为6023.25 kg,梅花鹿生物量为1635.00 kg,保护区东北虎可捕食的主要猎物生物量为92604.19 kg。研究表明,保护区内兽类种类虽然较多,但东北虎、东北豹、梅花鹿和马鹿数据仍然较少,需要重点加强保护。  相似文献   

对1窝4只白化孟加拉虎从1日龄到70日龄的人工育幼全过程进行了详细记述,对代乳犬和幼虎的饲养,幼虎的脐部护理,视觉器官发育、听觉器官发育、牙齿发育、行为观察、体重增长情况、体长和尾长增长情况、室温判定等进行了全面记述和分析讨论。结果显示:幼虎4—6日龄脐带脱落,8~10日龄眼睛睁开,12~16日龄具有防御意识,50日龄能够看15~20m,65日龄30颗牙齿基本长出。随着日龄增加,幼虎体重、体长、尾长均呈现线性增长,且在1月龄内增长速度受初生重影响很大。  相似文献   

朱蕴杉  张庆  许鲁 《野生动物》2010,31(1):45-48
对饲养东北虎的野化训练,是东北虎日常饲养管理的重要环节,更是实现日后放虎归山的基础性工作之一。本文是在东北虎繁育中心为期1个月的调查研究基础上,研究了人工模拟条件下对饲养东北虎野化训练的现况,指出管理方式、饲喂模式等制度上原因对饲养东北虎野性和行为恢复的影响是东北虎野化训练存在的主要问题。同时为今后东北虎野化训练提出了改进设想。阐明人工模拟野生生境困难和食物链模拟困难是饲养东北虎野化训练难以展开的主要原因。  相似文献   

A 13-yr-old Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) was presented for an acute onset of paraplegia. Spinal imaging that included plain radiographs, myelography, and computed tomography performed under general anesthesia revealed lateralized spinal cord compression at the intervertebral disc space L4-5 caused by intervertebral disc extrusion. This extrusion was accompanied by an extensive epidural hemorrhage from L3 to L6. Therefore, a continuous hemilaminectomy from L3 to L6 was performed, resulting in complete decompression of the spinal cord. The tiger was ambulatory again 10 days after the surgery. This case suggests that the potential benefit of complete spinal cord decompression may outweigh the risk of causing clinically significant spinal instability after extensive decompression.  相似文献   

Fibroblast cultures of a skin biopsy from an adult intact male Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) revealed an abnormal standard and G-banded karyotype diploid chromosome number of 2n = 39 XXY due to an extra sex chromosome as opposed to the expected 2n = 38 XY. The tiger was euthanatized 1 yr later due to acute multifocal intervertebral disc disease. Histopathology of the reproductive tract demonstrated a paucity of seminiferous tubules and these were devoid of spermatagonia. An increase in fibrous connective tissue was noted in sections of the prostate and epididymis, and expansion of the fibrous interstitium was observed in the testes.  相似文献   

东北虎(Panthera tigris altaicca)是森林生态系统中体型最大的猫科动物,其生存状况是森林生态系统健康与否的重要指标。林分等环境因子是其栖息地的重要组成部分。本研究利用独立样本Mann-Whitney U/检验对比分析俄罗斯与中国东北地区东北虎柄息地林分等环境因子特征的差异。研究结果发现,在俄罗斯境内东北虎偏爱分布于林型为红松针阔混交林、平均树高15-25 n、林龄100-149 a、郁闭度0.5-0.7、平均胸径为20-29 cm、林分蓄积量为100-120 m^3/hm^2的林分内;在中国东北地区,东北虎则更偏好林型为阔叶混交林、平均树高10-15 m、林龄为幼龄林和中龄林、郁闭度0.6-0.7、平均胸径为10-20 cm、林分蓄积量小于100 m^3/hm^2的林分内;俄罗斯及中国东北地区东北虎分布区林分组成存在显著差异,其中平均树高、林龄、平均胸径、林分蓄积量明显低于俄罗斯东北虎栖息地内的林分特征,存在极显著差异(P〈0.001),郁闭度不存在显著性差异(P=0.180)。  相似文献   

A captive adult male Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) was treated for chronic footpad ulcers associated with pacing on concrete cage surfaces. Combination therapy of oral fluoxetine and acepromazine administration to diminate pacing behavior, daily application of moisturizing ointment, and oral vitamin E supplementation resulted in complete resolution of all footpad lesions. Subsequent clinical episodes completely resolved with similar treatments.  相似文献   

顾佳音  刘辉  姜广顺 《野生动物》2013,(4):229-237,248
对东北虎种群的科学监测是采取有效保护、管理及恢复措施的基础,而准确的个体识别又是保证有效监测的前提。尤其是在中国,在野生东北虎种群数量很少,种群密度极低的情况下,能根据它留下的各种信息进行个体识别就显得尤为重要。目前,用于野生东北虎个体识别的技术主要有:足迹识别、DNA识别、条纹识别以及气味识别等。本文对这几种技术的特点、研究进展、应用注意事项等做了介绍,并且结合中国的实际情况,分析每种技术在中国的适用性,认为如果要建立中国的东北虎种群数量数据库,足迹识别和DNA识别比较适合在中国现有东北虎分布区推广使用。通过足迹识别,信息容易获取,也是最经济和比较成熟的方法;由于种群密度低,含DNA的遗传样本虽不能每次都采集到,但可以长期积累;现阶段条纹和气味识别只能起到辅助的作用。  相似文献   

对济南动物园笼养的1雄2雌东北虎2006和2007年的繁殖情况进行了研究。从笼养东北虎的饲养环境、发情交配、妊娠分娩、自然育幼、人工育幼及各阶段存在的问题,对笼养东北虎的繁殖进行了详细分析,同时提出了应采取的相应手段和措施,对笼养的繁殖和育幼提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Pyelonephritis, in which Staphylococcus intermedius was isolated, was diagnosed in a 4-year-old female Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica). At necropsy, the renal pelvis was dilated with a large amount of purulent exudates. Microscopically, the lesions of renal pelvis and medulla consisted of necrotic foci intermingled primarily with numerous degenerative neutrophils and a few lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages. Bacteriology showed the presence of S. intermedius. This is the first report on pyelonephritis associated with S. intermedius in wild felidae.  相似文献   

介绍了秦皇岛野生动物园幼龄东北虎缺钙症的发病情况、临床症状及治疗方法,并就幼龄东北虎缺钙症的发病原因以及东北虎纯肉日粮的合理性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

动物园是迁地保护的重要场所,研究动物行为与游客行为可以为动物和游客管理提供有价值的信息。本文分析了济南动物园孟加拉虎、非洲狮的日行为活动节律,以及其行为与游客行为之间的关系。结果显示:孟加拉虎的日行为中走动时间所占比例最大,占45. 47%;其次是睡眠,占43%,卧息占10. 88%,其他行为仅占0. 65%;非洲狮卧息时间所占比例最大,占62. 76%;其次是睡眠,占27. 82%,走动行为占7. 24%;其他行为仅占2. 18%。二者行为与游客召唤、拍照行为以及游客停留时间存在一定的相关关系。游客停留时间与孟加拉虎的活跃状态存在显著相关性;当其睡眠时,游客的召唤行为增加,游客的停留时间也随之增长。游客拍照行为与非洲狮卧息行为有一定相关性。因此动物园应增加环境丰富度,促进动物自然、多样的行为表达;加强游客教育,为游客创造更好的观赏体验,以提高动物园的综合效益。  相似文献   

An adult, captive-born Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) had been ataxic for approximately 3 mo and had been self-mutilating after an acute onset of unilateral paresis and Homer's syndrome. Histologic lesions in the cervical spinal cord were consistent with fibrocartilaginous embolic myelopathy (FCEM), and they included the presence of cartilaginous occlusion of spinal blood vessels. This is the first reported case of FCEM in a large felid and specifically a Sumatran tiger.  相似文献   

2013年3月上旬至6月底采集黑龙江省东北虎林园圈养东北虎的新鲜粪便,运用酶联免疫法(ELISA)测定圈养雄性东北虎不同年龄组春季粪便中皮质醇的含量。结果表明:壮年雄性虎皮质醇总体水平变化相对平稳,青年雄性虎皮质醇总体水平变化有小幅度的差异(P0.05),3月与4月有显著性差异(P0.05),老年雄性虎皮质醇总体水平变化差异极显著(P0.01);对于环境的改变接受能力最好的是壮年虎,青年虎次之,而老年虎则需要分泌更多的皮质醇来使其适应环境。因此,若对物种进行野化放归,壮年虎可优先考虑。  相似文献   

Therapy for pyothorax, or pleural empyema, has not been described for large felids. This case describes the successful treatment of pyothorax in a captive, large felid. A 15-yr-old multiparous, female Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) presented with nonspecific clinical signs caused by an insidious onset of pyothorax. Management of pyothorax cases in companion animals often involves thoracostomy tube placement with recurrent drainage of the pleural cavity, intensive supportive care, and monitoring. In this case, conservative management was elected because hospitalization was not a viable option. Thoracocentesis was performed to drain as much fluid from the chest cavity as possible, yielding more than 1.3 L. Corynebacterium sp. and unidentified anaerobic gram-positive cocci were cultured. Treatment included cefovecin subcutaneously, oral antibiotic therapy with clindamycin and marbofloxacin, meloxicam, and restricted exercise by minimizing access to the main exhibit. Significant improvement was noted clinically and radiographically 6 wk later, and no relapses were noted in the following weeks. An examination 11.5 mo later confirmed resolution.  相似文献   

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