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QTL基因型值对标记辅助导入的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在标记辅助导入QTL的过程中,利用指数法进行背景选择。研究结果表明基因型值的大小对于导入QTL的频率和两个背景QTL的频率以及受体遗传背景的恢复影响很小,对于两个背景性状来说,基因型值较大时要比较小时获得更大的遗传进展。对于前景性状来说,在横交阶段,基因型值较大时要比较小时获得更大的遗传进展;而在回交阶段,结果正好相反。  相似文献   

猪育种中DNA标记辅助选择方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA标记辅助选择(简称MAS)为猪的育种提供了一个新的突破性方法,作者将从MAS的原理和实施方案、猪的基因图谱、猪育种中的若干重要DNA标记、MAS应用效果的理论研究和MAS应用实践等方面,综述其在猪育种中的应用研究进展。  相似文献   

分子标记及其在标记辅助选择中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用分子标记来进行标记辅助选择,已经成为当今家畜育种的一种趋势。笔者对目前常见的几种分子标记进行了简要介绍,并就分子标记在标记辅助选择中的应用,特别就分子标记在标记辅助选择中分子标记图谱的构建、分子标记的筛选、QTL定位和与分子标记的连锁分析3个方面的应用作了较详尽的综述。  相似文献   

本文对标记辅助选择的原理,常用的数学模型,标记辅助导入的方法,及其影响标记辅助选择的因素,作了比较详细的介绍,并且对其所出现的问题提出了作者的一点看法.  相似文献   

分子标记辅助选择在家禽育种中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分子标记辅助选择(MAS)可在增加选择强度、提高选择准确性、利用遗传变异及扩大有效群体大小方面发挥作用.鸡的快慢羽基因、矮小型基因及裸颈基因等作为标记基因在鸡的遗传育种中已逐步得到应用,但由于还存在理论、统计学及成本上的局限性,MAS还不能在家禽育种中广泛应用,随着分子遗传、数量遗传理论及计算机技术的不断发展,MAS在家禽育种中的应用前景广阔.  相似文献   

分子标记是目前研究比较多的一类遗传标记,遗传标记主要包括有形态学标记、细胞学标记、生化标记和分子标记等.前3种是基因表达的结果,是对基因差异的间接反映,易受环境和其他因素的影响.而分子标记直接从DNA分子水平上反映差异,不受环境、发育阶段、组织等的影响,稳定可靠,多态性好,因而在家畜育种中被广泛利用,特别是在标记辅助选择中.标记辅助选择利用分子标记与QTL之间的连锁不平衡,通过对分子标记的选择来实现对QTL的选择达到家畜育种目的.  相似文献   

标记辅助选择技术与传统育种方式相结合,可大大提高动物育种效率,缩短育种周期。因此,加强标记辅助选择技术在山羊育种中的应用研究具有重要的实践意义。文章综述了标记辅助选择在动物育种应用中的基本策略、影响选择效率的因素及其在山羊育种中的应用,同时探讨了该技术在动物实际育种中应用较少的原因,并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

标记辅助选择是近些年随着分子标记技术的发展而出现的一种新型选种方法,被认为是提高育种选择效率的一种有效方法。此文系统地综述了近年来猪重要经济性状的主效基因或数量性状座位(QTL)定位及猪标记辅助选择的应用概况、实施方法和策略等方面的研究进展,并在此基础上就当前应用分子标记辅助选择进行猪经济性状遗传改良的相关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Selection index methods can be used for deterministic assessment of the potential benefit of including marker information in genetic improvement programmes using marker-assisted selection (MAS). By specifying estimates of breeding values derived from marker information (M-EBV) as a correlated trait with heritability equal to 1, it was demonstrated that marker information can be incorporated in standard software for selection index predictions of response and rates of inbreeding, which requires specifying phenotypic traits and their genetic parameters. Path coefficient methods were used to derive genetic and phenotypic correlations between M-EBV and the phenotypic data. Methods were extended to multi-trait selection and to the case when M-EBV are based on high-density marker genotype data, as in genomic selection. Methods were applied to several example scenarios, which confirmed previous results that MAS substantially increases response to selection but also demonstrated that MAS can result in substantial reductions in the rates of inbreeding. Although further validation by stochastic simulation is required, the developed methodology provides an easy means of deterministically evaluating the potential benefits of MAS and to optimize selection strategies with availability of marker data.  相似文献   

The ability to enrich a breed with favourable alleles from multiple unlinked quantitative trait loci (QTL) of a donor breed through marker-assisted introgression (MAI) in a population of limited size was evaluated by considering the effects of the proportion selected, the size of the marker intervals, the number of introgressed QTL and the uncertainty of QTL position. Informative flanking markers were used to select progeny with the largest expected number of donor QTL alleles over five generations of backcrossing and five generations of intercrossing. In the backcrossing phase, with 5% selected and 20 cM marker intervals for three QTL, there were sufficient backcross progeny that were heterozygous for all markers, and QTL frequencies dropped below 0.5 only because of double recombinants. For higher fractions selected, longer marker intervals, and more QTL, frequency reductions from 0.5 were greater and increased with additional generations of backcrossing. However, even with 20% selected, three QTL, and marker intervals of 5 or 20 cM, mean QTL frequencies in generation 5 were 0.35 and 0.30, sufficient to allow subsequent selection of QTL in the intercrossing phase. After five generations of intercrossing, over 90% of individuals were homozygous for all QTL, and 85% when five QTL were introgressed. The higher the proportions selected, the longer the marker intervals, and larger numbers of introgressed QTL increased the number of intercrossing generations required to achieve fixation of QTL. Location of the QTL in the marked intervals did not affect QTL frequencies or the proportion of QTL lost at the end of the introgression programme. In conclusion, introgressing multiple QTL can be accomplished in a MAI programme of limited size without requiring that all individuals selected during the backcrossing phase to be carriers of favourable alleles at all QTL.  相似文献   

Recovering native uniqueness has major importance for breeds with historic introgression. The aim of the study was to estimate population genetic parameters for two local red cattle breeds from Northern Germany and to study possibilities to reverse introgression. Genealogical information consisted of 90,783 individuals for German Angler and 187,255 individuals for Red Dual-Purpose cattle breed, with additional information on sex, born, breed, status, and conventional breeding values. It is concluded that the native genetic contribution could be included as an additional trait in the total merit index in order to recover a part of the native genetic background. Native contributions should be estimated in the long term from marker data in order to account for Mendelian sampling. The maintenance of a sufficient genetic diversity of native alleles can be achieved by an advanced OCS with appropriate constraints.  相似文献   

Livestock plays an important role in the livelihoods of millions of poor smallholders within developing countries. Although it has been recognized that smallholders could benefit from genetic improvement strategies (breeding programmes), the challenges associated with establishing genetic improvement strategies for smallholder systems are considerable, resulting in limited successes to date. This paper considers the potential role of marker-based selection to genetic improvement strategies for smallholder production systems, taking into account the socio-economic, infrastructural and institutional issues. The paper stresses that no genetic improvement strategy, with or without the use of markers, is likely to succeed unless a systems approach is applied and other system constraints are met. The marker-based selection technologies discussed in this paper include marker- and gene-assisted selection, marker-assisted introgression and genomic selection. The issues addressed include the priorities of marker-based selection against other genetic improvement strategies, the potential benefits of these technologies to smallholder producers, and conditions under which marker-based selection will most likely succeed in smallholder production systems. We suggest that, of these marker-based selection technologies, marker-assisted introgression and the emerging technology of genomic selection appear to offer the most promise to smallholders, although this is yet to be clearly demonstrated. In relation to genomic selection, developing countries should maintain a ‘watching brief’ on this technology, but simultaneously act now so that they can capitalize on this technology if and when it becomes applicable in the future.  相似文献   

Forelimb‐girdle muscular anomaly is a hereditary disorder of Japanese Black cattle characterized by tremors and astasia caused by hypoplasia of the forelimb‐girdle muscles. The locus responsible for this disorder has been mapped on a middle region of bovine chromosome 26. In this study, we applied marker‐assisted selection to identify the carriers of this disorder. Four microsatellite markers, DIK4440, BM4505, MOK2602 and IDVGA‐59, linked to the disorder locus were genotyped in 37 unaffected offspring of a carrier sire. Transmission of the mutant or wild‐type allele of the disorder locus of the sire to the 37 offspring was determined by examining the haplotypes of these markers. The results showed that nine and 18 of the 37 animals possessed the paternally transmitted mutant and wild‐type alleles, respectively, and therefore, the nine animals with the mutant allele were identified as carriers. We concluded that the marker‐assisted selection using these four markers can be applied for the identification of the carriers of forelimb‐girdle muscular anomaly of Japanese Black cattle.  相似文献   

Recovering the native genetic background of a breed and increasing the founder genome equivalent (FGE) that is contributed by a breed to the gene pool of the species can increase its value for conservation. The suitability of several strategies was compared, whereby a hypothetical multi‐breed population, the core set, was used to approximate the genetic diversity of the species. Twenty‐five generations of management were simulated based on genotypes of German Angler cattle. The scenarios were compared when the kinship reached 0.10. The native contribution (NC) increased in a population with 400 births per generation from 0.317 to 0.706, whereas 1,000 births enabled to reach 0.894. This scenario maximized the NC, constrained the native kinship, and the kinship of the core set so that its genetic diversity could not decrease. It increased the proportions of mainstream breeds because their genes were removed from the target breed. A substantial increase of the FGE was achieved in some other scenarios, which arose from reduced genetic overlap and from increased diversity within the breed. The latter factor is especially important for breeds with high contributions to the core set.  相似文献   

本研究针对猪育种中重点考虑的窝产活仔猪数(NBA)、达100 kg体重日增重(ADG)、饲料利用率(FCR)、达100 kg体重的背膘厚(BF)、肌内脂肪含量(IMF) 5个性状,利用连锁平衡(linkage equilibrium,LE)、连锁不平衡(linkage disequilibrium,LD)标记和直接标记(direct marker,DR)3种类型的分子遗传标记,设计了3个规模不同的基础群,母猪数分别为100、200、300头,公猪数都为10头,基础群个体间无亲缘关系,育种群实施闭锁繁育。用Monte Carlo方法模拟了MAS的5个世代选择试验。育种值估计采用标准BLUP(Standard BLUP,SBLUP)模型(此育种值作为对照)、QBLUP模型(使用DR标记)、MBLUP模型(使用LD和LE标记)。结果表明,利用DR标记在各种情况下都比利用LD和LE标记获得的选择效率高;5个性状中,MAS对低遗传力、限性性状NBA的选择效率最高;当性状的QTL方差占遗传方差基本相同时,中等遗传力性状FCR的选择效率比高遗传力性状BF的更高;当性状的遗传力差异不大时,QTL方差占遗传方差比例大的性状FCR的选择效率比QTL方差占遗传方差比例小的性状ADG的更高。当利用QBLUP模型时,MAS对NBA的选择效率最高,ADG的选择效率最低。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare the family, educational and animal-related backgrounds and career aspirations of students who were selected on the basis of academic criteria with those selected using additional criteria. METHODS: Questionnaires were completed during class time in the first few weeks of enrolment by incoming veterinary students at the University of Sydney, who had been selected on the basis of academic background, and at Charles Sturt University, selected using more broadly-based criteria. The data were transferred to an Excel spreadsheet, and frequency distributions and chi2 statistics estimated using the SAS System for Windows 8. RESULTS: Students selected principally on academic criteria alone had higher average UAI scores, were more likely to have completed high school in a capital city, and to have parents with higher education levels than those selected using additional criteria. Both groups indicated that their choice of veterinary science was based largely on their affinity for animals and keenness to work in a veterinary practice. However, those at CSU placed much greater importance than those at Sydney on a desire to live and work in a rural area, and a desire to help farmers. The broad-based selection methods were the main reasons for students applying to CSU whereas the reputation of the university was the main attraction for Sydney students. Two-thirds of CSU students, but one-third of Sydney students, planned to enter rural mixed practice when they graduated, and most planned to stay for at least 10 years. Conversely, no CSU students, but 42% of those at Sydney, planned to enter small animal practice initially. The percentage planning to work full-time in the first, fifth and tenth year after graduation was not significantly different between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Criteria which included actual experience with farm animals have resulted in the selection of more students who plan to enter and remain in rural mixed practice. Further studies over the longer term will be necessary to assess the extent to which these plans are realized.  相似文献   

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