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低压条件下灌水器水力性能试验研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
在室内对内镶式、微管和补偿式3种灌水器自由出流试验表明:在2-10m压力范围内,3种灌水器的出流规律与常规不尽相同,其中内镶式滴头和微管的流量随着压力的升高,流量增大;补偿式滴头流量相对稳定,但低压时流量相对较大。同时,3种滴头在升压和降压过程中,同一工作压力时,对应的流量有所差异,但流量变化多在5%以内。  相似文献   

几种微灌灌水器均匀度试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对国产的2种压力补偿式滴头、3种稳流器、1种内镶式滴灌管和1种发丝滴头进行了水力性能测试,分析灌水器不同工作压力区间内的流态指数,并以制造偏差和流态指数为主要影响因素,对灌水器进行了水力性能评价。结果表明:压力补偿式灌水器存在最优压力区间,在此区间内灌水器流态指数较小、水力特征曲线平滑;非压力补偿式灌水器在整个压力区间内流态指数稳定、水力特征曲线稳定连续;供试的5种压力补偿式灌水器制造偏差系数较大,为0.14~0.30,而2种非补偿式灌水器制造偏差系数较小(0.02左右)。通过灌水器流态指数、制造偏差系数对综合流量偏差系数的影响的分析表明:灌水器制造偏差对系统灌水均匀度的影响很大,在进行微灌工程水力设计时,应给予高度重视。  相似文献   

将含盐水作为灌溉水源,以3种滴头(内镶贴片式滴灌管、内镶圆柱式滴灌管、内镶贴条式滴灌管)作为试验对象,研究了滴头的流量、出流均匀度变化过程,分析了滴头堵塞的主要原因。研究结果显示:在常规物理过滤有效保障条件下,随着灌溉时间的增加,滴头流量出现下降并发生堵塞,按流量下降程度由大到小排序依次为内镶贴片式滴灌管、内镶贴条式滴灌管、内镶圆柱式滴灌管。同时,3种滴头出流均匀度变化整体呈降低趋势,其中内镶贴片式滴灌管变化明显,内镶圆柱式滴灌管和内镶贴条式滴灌管变化平缓。水质检测结果和滴头堵塞物质成分分析显示,滴头堵塞以化学堵塞为主,主要成分为CaCO3和MgCO3。可为类似水质的滴灌工程设计及运行管理提供一定参考。  相似文献   

内镶补偿贴片式滴头水力性能的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着滴灌技术的发展,代表先进水平的内镶补偿贴片式滴头技术正在国内成为研发的热点。绿源公司基于现有的生产线,成功研制开发出此种滴头。着重介绍了滴头结构,并通过实验分析了影响滴头水力性能的主要因素。  相似文献   

灌水均匀度是衡量滴灌系统灌水质量和水力设计的重要指标,为探究低压条件下提高灌水均匀度的方法,试验以压力补偿内镶式滴灌带和压力补偿圆柱式滴灌管为材料,测定不同毛管入口压力、敷设长度、灌水器间距的滴头流量分布及灌水均匀度。结果表明,在低压条件下,滴灌灌水均匀度随毛管入口压力的增大及敷设长度的减小而提高,随灌水器间距的增大而缓慢降低,其中毛管敷设长度影响最大,毛管类型次之,灌水器间距最小,当两种滴灌毛管入口压力在2~5 m时,灌水均匀度均高于85%,且随入口压力的减小而缓慢降低,入口压力在0.5~2 m时,灌水均匀度显著降低,压力补偿内镶式滴灌带灌水均匀度低于80%,但压力补偿圆柱式滴灌管灌水均匀度仍高于80%;当两种滴灌毛管敷设长度在40~70 m时,灌水均匀度均高于85%,且随敷设长度的增大而缓慢降低,敷设长度在70~90 m时,灌水均匀度显著降低,当压力补偿内镶式滴灌带和压力补偿圆柱式滴灌管的敷设长度分别大于75、85 m时,灌水均匀度均低于80%。因此,为满足工程设计对滴灌灌水均匀度不低于80%的要求,压力补偿内镶式滴灌带入口压力不低于2 m、敷设长度控制在75 m以内,压力补偿圆柱式滴灌管入口压力不低于0.5 m、敷设长度控制在85 m以内;为有效降低工程投资,工程设计可适当增大滴灌毛管灌水器间距。  相似文献   

灌水器作为滴灌系统的核心部件,其性能直接影响到滴灌系统的灌水质量和使用寿命。【目的】针对我国滴灌系统推广应用中普遍存在的灌水均匀度低、滴头易堵塞等技术问题,在对压力补偿式滴头工作原理研究的基础上,优化设计滴头的压力补偿区和流道结构。【方法】通过对比分析,选定硅胶作为弹性膜片的原材料,并确定了弹性膜片的结构参数;根据Ansys-Fluent软件模拟的不同流道结构的流场分布特点及流道不同结构参数条件下的水力性能特点,确定了滴头流道的结构形式和结构参数。【结果】通过产品试制及实测试验,研发的压力补偿式滴头的制造偏差系数为2.05%,流态指数为0.048,灌水均匀度为96.34%。【结论】结构优化的滴头的压力补偿性能好,灌水均匀度高,可在高效滴灌技术中进一步推广。  相似文献   

压力补偿式滴头结构优化及性能测试   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
灌水器作为滴灌系统的核心部件,其性能直接影响到滴灌系统的灌水质量和使用寿命。【目的】针对我国滴灌系统推广应用中普遍存在的灌水均匀度低、滴头易堵塞等技术问题,在对压力补偿式滴头工作原理研究的基础上,优化设计滴头的压力补偿区和流道结构。【方法】通过对比分析,选定硅胶作为弹性膜片的原材料,并确定了弹性膜片的结构参数;根据Ansys-Fluent软件模拟的不同流道结构的流场分布特点及流道不同结构参数条件下的水力性能特点,确定了滴头流道的结构形式和结构参数。【结果】通过产品试制及实测试验,研发的压力补偿式滴头的制造偏差系数为2.05%,流态指数为0.048,灌水均匀度为96.34%。【结论】结构优化的滴头的压力补偿性能好,灌水均匀度高,可在高效滴灌技术中进一步推广。  相似文献   

为了探明弹性片性能与滴头水力性能之间的关系,提高建立压力补偿滴头设计方法,采用滴头样品进行水力性能测试,研究了弹性片硬度和厚度对迷宫流道结构滴头流量系数、流态指数、起调压力、补偿区间的影响.结果表明:弹性片硬度和厚度对滴头流量影响具有统计学意义(P≤0.01),且硬度对滴头流量的影响程度大于厚度;弹性片硬度和厚度均与流量系数、起调压力、补偿区间呈正相关关系,与流态指数呈负相关关系;存在适宜的弹性片特性范围,使不同结构压力补偿滴头拥有较小的起调压力、最小的流态指数和最大补偿区间.该试验滴头在弹性片硬度为60 HA、厚度为1.2 mm时,流态指数最小,其值为0.078.建立了弹性片特征参数与滴头流量、流态指数、起调压力和补偿区间的数学关系,可为压力补偿滴头的快速开发提供一定的理论依据.  相似文献   

为探究压力补偿滴头流动阻力产生的主要部位、变化及对滴头流量的影响,采用基于雷诺平均维纳-斯托克斯(RANS)模型的瞬态和稳态流固耦合计算方法,模拟研究了压力补偿滴头流体与弹性片之间的相互作用,分析了工作压力0~300kPa范围内弹性片变形、流动阻力与流量之间的关系。结果表明:数值模拟能够准确预测一定工作压力范围内压力补偿滴头的流量,不同工作压力下滴头流量模拟值与实测值的平均误差为12.32%。弹性片的变形经历快速变形、缓慢变形和长期微小变形3个阶段。随着弹性片变形程度增加,迷宫流道压力损失占比逐渐减小,压力补偿腔和副流道压力损失明显增加。流动阻力主要发生在迷宫流道、弹性片与凸台之间,弹性片接触凸台前,流动阻力主要取决于迷宫流道的能耗,滴头流量随工作压力的增加而增长。弹性片接触凸台后,流动阻力为工作压力的线性函数,滴头流量在一定压力范围内保持恒定;主流道结构影响压力补偿滴头的最小补偿压力,副流道结构对压力补偿滴头的流量调节作用具有重要影响。  相似文献   

北京绿源塑料联合公司绿源灌溉系统北京绿源塑料联合公司是从事微灌技术开发、示范推广的专业性公司。研制了内镶式滴灌管,同时从以色列引进了补偿式滴头和旋转式微喷头制造技术,使我国的微灌灌水器制造技术一跃赶上国际先进水平。经过5年的努力,圆满地完成国家“八五...  相似文献   

基于流固耦合方法的压力补偿滴头水力特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用流固耦合方法对压力补偿滴头水力特性进行了数值模拟,得到了该滴头的压力流量关系、内流场分布及膜片变形量。通过与试验实测结果的对比分析表明,数值模拟与实测的滴头压力流量关系较接近,为研究压力补偿滴头内流场分布与水力特性之间的关系提供了一种新途径。  相似文献   

滴灌灌水器多类型流道的微压水力性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微压条件下灌水器的水力性能相对于常压时会发生不同程度的变化。通过试验研究了八种灌水器在微压条件下的流态特征、出水均匀度及抗堵塞性能。结果表明,非压力补偿式滴灌产品在微压和常压下的流量变化率没有明显波动,清水下出水均匀性良好,而抗堵塞性能较差;压力补偿式滴头因为在微压下存在启动水压而影响了工作状态,当超过启动水压后其出水均匀性与常压时没有明显变化,抗堵塞性能良好,但是流量随压力增大而增大,没有起到压力补偿作用。  相似文献   

Flushing is an important maintenance task that removes accumulated particles in microirrigation laterals that can help to reduce clogging problems. The effect of three dripline flushing frequency treatments (no flushing, one flushing at the end of each irrigation period, and a monthly flushing during the irrigation period) was studied in surface and subsurface drip irrigation systems that operated using a wastewater treatment plant effluent for three irrigation periods of 540 h each. The irrigation systems had two different emitters, one pressure compensating and the other not, both molded and welded onto the interior dripline wall, placed in laterals 87 m long. Dripline flow of the pressure compensating emitter increased 8% over time, while in the nonpressure compensating emitter, dripline flow increased 25% in the surface driplines and decreased 3% in the subsurface driplines by the emitter clogging. Emitter clogging was affected primarily by the interactions between emitter location, emitter type, and flushing frequency treatment. The number of completely clogged emitters was affected by the interaction between irrigation system and emitter type. There was an average of 3.7% less totally clogged emitters in flushed surface driplines with the pressure compensating emitter as compared to flushed subsurface laterals with the nonpressure compensating emitter.  相似文献   

The accurate evaluation for the pressure head distribution along a trickle (drip) irrigation lateral, which can be operated under low-pressure head, dictates to precisely determine the total energy (head) losses that incorporate the combined friction losses due to pipe and emitters and, the additional local losses, sometimes called minor losses, due to the protrusion of emitter barbs into the flow. In routine design applications, assessment of total energy losses is usually carried out by assuming the hypothesis that minor losses can be neglected, even if the previous experimental studies indicated that minor losses can become a significant percentage of total energy losses as a consequence of the high number of emitters (with reducing the emitter spacing) installed along the lateral line. In this study, first, simple mathematical expressions for computing three energy loss components—minor friction losses through the path of an integrated in-line emitter, the local pressure losses due to emitter connections, and the major friction losses along the pipe—are deduced based on the backward stepwise procedure, which are quickly implemented in a simple Excel spreadsheet, to rapidly evaluate the relative contribution of each energy loss component to the amount of total energy losses. An approximate combination formulation is finally proposed to evaluate total energy drop at the end of the lateral line. For practical purpose, two design figures were also prepared to demonstrate the variation of total friction losses (due to pipe and emitters) with emitter local losses, and the variation of pipe friction losses with emitter minor friction losses, versus different emitter spacing ranging from 0.2 to 1.5 m, and various total number of emitters, regarding two kinds of the integrated in-line emitters. Comprehensive comparison test covering two design applications for different kinds of integrated in-line and on-line emitters indicated that the present mathematical model is simple, can be easily adaptable, but sufficiently accurate in all design cases examined, in comparison with the alternative procedures available in the literature.  相似文献   

为了研究弹性膜片参数对管上式压力补偿灌水器水力性能的影响和内部补偿腔压力补偿原理,以Supertif-03120-0003型号的压力补偿灌水器为原型件,通过3D打印技术制作管上式灌水器试验件,测试入口压力为0~350 kPa时的压力-流量曲线,分析弹性膜片(天然橡胶材质)的厚度与硬度对其水力性能的影响;借助ADINA软件,采用流固耦合的计算方法,分析了压力补偿灌水器内部补偿原理及水力性能.结果表明:弹性膜片厚度一定,随着硬度增加,灌水器的出流量和起调压力均呈现增大的趋势;弹性膜片硬度一定,随着厚度增加,灌水器的出流量和起调压力均呈现增大的趋势,在起调压力点之后,灌水器出流量的增长速率减慢,最终压力-流量曲线趋于平缓.在此灌水器内部结构下,膜片参数存在最优选择,即厚度为1.4 mm,硬度为50HA;压力-流量关系的数值模拟值与实测值比较接近,两者最大偏差小于5%,说明采用ADINA软件模拟得出的压力-流量关系与实测值具有较好的一致性.该方法为压力补偿灌水器的进一步研发提供了可视化途径.  相似文献   

Water temperature and system pressure effect on drip lateral properties   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A study was conducted at the department of Agricultural Structure and Irrigation, Harran University, Sanliurfa, Turkey, to determine the effect of increased irrigation water temperature at various irrigation system pressures on emitter flow rate, lateral elongation, and Standard Flow Rate Index for six different brands of drip laterals. Test materials consisted of seven pressure and seven non-pressure compensating irrigation laterals from different manufacturers. Tests results showed that (a) tensile resistance stress tests indicated that 25% elongation levels were reached at about 40 kg of load. On average, pressure compensating laterals reached 25% elongation at 38 kg, while non-pressure compensating laterals reached 25% elongation at 32-kg load. There was no clear indication of the tested brands’ lateral wall thickness on the measurement, (b) pressure-regulated drip emitters had no or limited flow rate change due to increased irrigation water temperature, whereas non-pressure compensating emitters had significantly (P < 0.05) increased flow rates, and (c) finally, increased irrigation water temperature resulted in decreased flow rate variations that had a positive effect on standard deviation. Standard uniformity values improved with decreased flow rate variations in drip emitter flow rates.  相似文献   

地下滴灌灌水器负压吸泥影响因素试验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为了探究引起地下滴灌系统灌水器负压吸泥的影响因素,通过对比试验,研究分析了土壤类型、单次灌水量、灌溉次数、灌水器类型、保水剂和灌水间隔等6个因素对灌水器负压吸泥的影响规律。结果表明,1流量可调式灌水器出水孔外部及内部存在负压吸泥并引起堵塞情况。外部出水孔有3个被堵塞的所占比例最多,为26.7%;泥沙分布主要集中在灌水器出水孔的内侧附近,有极少部分泥沙甚至可以越过内凸边缘,进入灌水器内圈。2压力补偿式灌水器抗负压吸泥的能力强于流量可调式灌水器,压力补偿式灌水器外部出水口及内部未发现有泥沙,而流量可调式灌水器外部出水口及内部有泥沙;灌水器在红壤土中比黄沙土中更容易出现负压吸泥情况,灌水器在红壤土中的内部泥沙量是黄沙土中的1.12~1.76倍。3灌溉方式(单次灌水量、灌溉次数、灌水间隔)对灌水器负压吸泥的影响显著。单次灌水量小的灌水器内部泥沙量较多,灌水器单次灌水量为170 m L内部泥沙量是250 m L的1.61~2.94倍;灌溉次数与负压吸泥量成正比,灌溉次数为16次的内部泥沙量是8次的3.48~5.41倍;在同一灌溉次数的条件下,灌水间隔长度与负压吸泥量成正比。4保水剂能够有效阻隔泥沙进入灌水器内部,在添加了保水剂的灌水器中,其内部未出现负压吸泥的现象。  相似文献   

Emitter discharge of subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) decreases as a result of the overpressure in the soil water at the discharge orifice. In this paper, the variation in dripper discharge in SDI laterals is studied. First, the emitter coefficient of flow variation CV q was measured in laboratory experiments with drippers of 2 and 4 L/h that were laid both on the soil and beneath it. Additionally, the soil pressure coefficient of variation CV hs was measured in buried emitters. Then, the irrigation uniformity was simulated in SDI and surface irrigation laterals under the same operating conditions and uniform soils; sandy and loamy. CV q was similar for the compensating models of both the surface and subsurface emitters. However, CV q decreased for the 2-L/h non-compensating model in the loamy soil. This shows a possible self-regulation of non-compensating emitter discharge in SDI, due to the interaction between effects of emitter discharge and soil pressure. This resulted in the irrigation uniformity of SDI non-compensating emitters to be greater than surface drip irrigation. The uniformity with pressure-compensating emitters would be similar in both cases, provided the overpressures in SDI are less than or equal to the compensation range lower limit.  相似文献   

Control of emitter clogging in drip irrigation with reclaimed wastewater   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
Summary Experiments were carried out to evaluate the performance of various types of drip irrigation emitters, widely used in Israel, using waste water from a storage reservoir. Fine particulate matter agglomerated by microbial by-products and in-line developed biomass were the principal clogging agents. Clogging fluctuated, increased as water quality deteriorated and decreased when it improved. There were definable differences between emitters of various types as to their clogging susceptibility which were not directly correlated with differences in emitter flow-rate, although, for any particular type, the emitter with smaller discharge was always more sensitive to clogging. The clogging process generally started with emitters located at the far end of the lateral and partial emitter clogging was more common than complete plugging. Overflow was also found in most emitter types and was more common in regulated emitters. Reliable long term operation of most emitter types was achieved with filtration at 80 mesh (180 m opening) combined with daily chlorination and bimonthly lateral flushing. Regular lateral discharge monitoring was found to be a convenient way to detect the initiation of the clogging process. Chlorination was most efficient when applied before the emitters became massively clogged.  相似文献   

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