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切片巧筛木屑浙江省湖州人造板厂樊颂贤纤维板生产备料中通常用削片机切削枝桠材,并用风机将木片送入料仓。对木片的质量要求之一是必须适当控制木片的木屑含量。由于国内多数生产厂家原料均为季节性收购,枝桠径级日渐趋小,陈柴比例较多,木片中的木屑有增多的趋势。1...  相似文献   

面对目前中纤板市场低迷的形势,山东东营人造板厂通过市场调研,决定改变过去使用枝桠材、树根等低档劣质原料生产中密度板材的做法,生产部分高精端产品,以满足国内外高端客户制作高档家具、高档装饰材料的需求。利用去皮新鲜杨木纤维颜色洁白、柔长细腻的特点,使用造纸用去皮鲜杨纯净木片作为木质原料,利用进口生产线设备精度高、可控性能好的特点,对热磨、干燥、  相似文献   

合理利用森林资源,大搞木材综合利用,已成为发展林业建设的当务之急。而在大搞木材综合利用中,将大量的采伐剩余物,造材剩余物,加工剩余物加工成工艺木片,为生产各种人造板纸浆造纸等提供原料,最大限度地利用每一立米木材,又是当务之急。现就生产枝桠木片等方面的情况与问题,提提个人的看法。  相似文献   

日本日棉集团代表团到合浦县考察木片生产最近,日本日棉集团代表团在平息北京反革命暴乱后,冲破国际上的各种谣传,应邀到我区合浦县进行木片生产考察。日本朋友对合浦县大力发展桉树速生丰产林的生产十分称赞。他们参观县木材公司筹建的木片加工厂时对该厂白手起家、艰苦创业的精神十分赞赏。并对该厂在生产过程中存在的一些问题,提出了改进意见,表示愿意对木片生产提供先进设备和技术,愿意包销该厂产品,愿意进行长期合作。  相似文献   

驿马林场木片生产报告王云章(磐石县驿马林场)磐石县驿马林场,木片生产管理基本达到集约经营,在省内同行业中,建度最快、质量最好,成本最低,利润最高。1伐区生产从8月中旬陆续开始,9月5日采伐作业者王会朋入库第一车枝诬材;削片生产从9月22日第一根枝桠材...  相似文献   

把小木片办成大产业赵晓琦(林业部林业产业司北京100714)木片是由森林采伐中的枝桠、梢头、造材截头、木材加工剩余物、抚育采伐的次小薪材和残次林改造的非规格材经加工生产而成的,可代替原木用作生产人造板和制浆造纸原料。一、发展木片生产的基本情况(一)木...  相似文献   

论述了利用伐区剩余物枝桠材、小径木经修圆铣节机铣削树节,以便于环式剥皮机剥皮,并设计组合型削片机。为了提高袋装木片的堆积密度,用相同的方法装更多的木片,设计开发了木片压缩打包机。采用风选去除木片中的木屑,降低了生产成本。  相似文献   

小型枝桠削片机的结构分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
小型枝桠削片机主要用于伐区加工直径为60~80 mm的枝桠,要求其体积小、结构简单、移动方便和易于操纵,因此在结构设计上有其特殊性.在分析其结构特点的基础上,找出影响木片加工质量的因素,提出改进建议,以利于产品的设计和改进.  相似文献   

小径木、枝桠材生产木片压缩打包的工艺设备常玉宏,钱昭国(长春市通达轻工技术研究所长春130041)(内蒙古淖源林业局牙克石市022189)林纸结合是发展中国林业及造纸工业的必由之路。木浆造纸是林产工业的主要产业,发展木片工业,充分利用小径材、间伐材和...  相似文献   

随着我国“天保”工程的实施,人造板需求量的大幅度增加,使生产人造板的原料木片市场显 得非常紧俏。本文从木片生产的内外部条件和木片生产效益的有效途径两方面阐述了如何开拓市场,开发原 材料,提高木片质量,建立木片生产基地等问题;并对有关部门提出了切实可行的管理扶持方面的建议。  相似文献   

杨树工业用材林的定向培育   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文列泽了国外利用杨树作为工业用材和采取定向培育所取得的成功经验。讨论了我国杨树人工林发展的现状及存在的问题,为杨树人工林朝着具有“定向、速生、丰产、优质、稳定、高效”等目标发展提供了参考性建议。  相似文献   

综述了电镜技术在核桃属植物中的应用研究进展,主要包括核桃孢粉学、花芽分化形态特征、嫁接愈合组织细胞学、核桃枝叶与果皮种子超微结构、核桃木材与核桃壳加工性能分析、核桃病虫微小器官鉴别方面的应用研究;指出了今后在本学科的研究中还需引进先进的电镜设备,结合现代核桃产业发展需求,在核桃芽接愈伤组织形成,病原菌辨别与分类和木材质量分析等方面有待于深入研究。  相似文献   

利用杨树人工林剩余物生产刨花板可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The composite board industry in Iran is obliged to use residues from forest operation as well as wood industry for competing with paper industry because of shortage of wood. In the present study we investigated the residues from poplar plantation used for particleboard production. Three kinds of wood materials, poplar branches, small diameter poplar wood (3–8 cm) and beech wood, were used in the experiment of particleboard production. The results demonstrated that the characteristic of particleboard made from poplar branches and small diameter wood is comparable to that made from mature beech wood. To avoid too much residual acid in the final board, the properties of boards produced with 1.5% hardener at 175°C press temperature are acceptable, although the properties of particleboard produced with 2% hardener were higher than were higher than that of the board produced with lower hardener (1% or 1.5%).. The MOR, MOE and IB of particleboard made from branches were measured as 14.57, 2015, and 1.32 MPa, respectively, while The MOR, MOE and IB of particleboard produced from small diameter poplar wood were 19.90, 2199, and 1.86 MPa, respectively. The thickness swelling of boards made from branches after 2 and 24 h immersion in water was 20.14% and 31.26%. The utilization of branches and very small diameter wood of poplar is recommended for the survival and developments of particleboard industry in Iran.  相似文献   

 Whole-tree harvesting at clearcutting sites using cable yarding systems and processors disrupts the process of nutrient return via leafy and woody slash otherwise left on the forest floor. This study examined the effect of placing slash chips around trees planted in a clearcut area. Chips made from branches with needles (branch chips) and three types of wood scrap chips (wood chips) were prepared for the study. Changes in the thickness of slash chip layers and in the concentration and weight of decomposing chips were measured. The nutrient effect of applying chips to the soil was analyzed, and the effects of chip coverage on weed control were measured. The branch and 18-mm-thick wood chips were stable on slopes; 9- and 4-mm-thick wood chips readily shifted to the lower and outer positions in the plots. On branch chips and wood chips, the annual rate of decomposition (k) calculated by exponential model was 0.69–0.7 and 0.04–0.17/year, respectively. Branch chips provided more nutrients for decomposers, and were rapidly decomposed during the first month. Nevertheless, the nutrient effect on the soil could not be confirmed. Placing branch or wood chips around planted trees effectively eliminated the need for weeding for 1 year, but these light materials did not suppress shrub sprouting. Received: November 14, 2001 / Accepted: September 26, 2002 Acknowledgments The authors thank the graduates of Kochi University, especially Ms. Y. Shinnobu, Ms. A. Fujita, Ms. A. Sugiyama, and Ms. Y. Suzuki for their help with the field work and chemical analyses. This study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 09660164) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. Correspondence to:J. Gotou  相似文献   

The pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, is the causal agent of pine wilt disease and is transmitted to new host trees by beetles of the genus Monochamus. The increasing interest in imported wood chips from North America for paper production and energy purposes and the corresponding phytosanitary risk of non‐vector transmission of B. xylophilus has been discussed since 1984, the year of the first interception of B. xylophilus in wood chips in the European Union. The long‐term survival of B. xylophilus in wood chips and its non‐vector spread from infested wood chips to non‐infested trees were studied. Pinus sylvestris logs were inoculated with a suspension of B. xylophilus to produce infested wood chips. During the long‐term storage test, B. xylophilus in P. sylvestris wood chips were examined. Four variants, including sealed and openly stored wood chips at both 15°C and 25°C, were studied. For the test of non‐vector spread, B. xylophilus ‐infested wood chips were placed on three‐ to four‐year‐old P. sylvestris saplings under different conditions. Bursaphelenchus xylophilus survived for more than 1 year at both temperatures in the sealed wood chips, which was significantly longer than for the openly stored variant at 25°C. Temperature, tree condition and wood chip location all influenced non‐vector spread through wood chips. Of the 480 trees that were in contact with infested wood chips and showed clear symptoms of pine wilt disease, B. xylophilus were extracted from 42 pines at 25°C and one pine at 15°C. The highest B. xylophilus infestation rates resulting in clear pine wilt disease symptoms (75%) were found in infested wood chips directly attached to stem‐wounded trees at 25°C. However, more variants exhibited B. xylophilus infestation at this temperature; trees with stem or root injuries plus direct contact with infested wood chips to the wounded part were primarily affected. Moreover, non‐vector spread was also detected in stem‐ and root‐injured pines without any direct contact with infested wood chips. Our results confirmed that B. xylophilus can survive for long periods in wood chips and can be transmitted from infested wood chips to damaged trees, but the likelihood of such PWN establishment should be low compared to spread through vectors. These findings must be considered in the pest risk analysis of B. xylophilus, and studies using outdoor trials should be carried out to complete this pest risk analysis.  相似文献   

为探究竹木复合砧板基材对其硬度和甲醛释放量的影响,分别选择基材为木材、竹材和人造板的3类竹木复合砧板,测定并分析其硬度与甲醛释放量。结果表明:基材为木材和竹材的竹木复合砧板硬度大于基材为人造板的竹木复合砧板硬度;基材为人造板的竹木复合砧板甲醛释放量大于基材为竹材和木材的竹木复合砧板甲醛释放量。研究结果可为生活中选择竹木复合砧板提供参考。  相似文献   

刨花形态,树皮含量及石膏质量与石膏刨花板性能的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张奕 《木材工业》1991,5(1):11-15
对刨花形态、树皮含量及石膏粉质量与石膏刨花板性能之间关系的研究结果表明:保持一定的刨花长度有利于提高石膏刨花板的静曲强度;石膏刨花板的静曲强度随着木刨花中树皮含量的增加而下降,但把树皮作为填料加入石密刨花板能使板子强度得以提高,不同产地的石膏粉制成的石膏刨花板性能差异很大,按建筑石膏粉标准测定的性能指标及相组成与石膏刨花板的性能之间无显著的相关关系。  相似文献   

王芳  黄洛华 《木材工业》2000,14(4):28-29,32
通过使用LLM型UF树脂制造橡胶木和赤桉中密度纤维板的研究,评价用该树脂制造橡胶木和赤桉中密度纤维板的适应性。橡胶木和赤桉各50%比例温和后施以LLM型UF树脂,按照MDF常规工艺压制9,12,16mm的试验板。结果表明:板材物理力学性能及甲醛释放量指标均达到GB11718.2-89标准规定的要求。  相似文献   

从胶水类型、施胶方法以及关键工艺参数等方面探讨了竹木复合刨花板的生产工艺,综合结果表明,竹木复合刨花板批量生产的工艺参数为:低摩尔比环保树脂胶、搅拌气流式喷胶法、竹刨花比例40%~60%、用胶量70 kg(干胶)·m-3、热压压力2.0 MPa、热压温度170℃、热压时间20 s·mm-1、刨花颗粒(芯层)0.5~1.0 mm、板厚8.8 mm。生产的竹木复合刨花板产品质量执行国家标准,质量可以达到国标A类刨花板一等品标准。  相似文献   

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