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通过对矿区不同区域内的植被群落调查分析,研究不同植被模式的植被演替进程,为矿区生态重建最优植被恢复模式提供理论依据.排土场的稳定速度比矸石山快.矿区废弃地植被演替流程图可较清晰地反映矸石山和排土场不同演替年限的优势物种的植被群落组成,在进行植被重建时,运用流程图中对应的先锋植物和适生植物构建植被群落,可大大缩短演替进程.  相似文献   

通过对乌审旗境内飞播后的毛乌素沙地植被进行调查研究,初步得出以下结论:毛乌素沙地的演替规律是,第一阶段为先锋阶段,植被表现为籽蒿+羊柴群落;第二阶段为过渡阶段,植被表现为羊柴+油蒿群落;第三阶段植被表现为羊柴群落。人为干扰在一定程度上决定着羊柴群落的演替,合理放牧和经营管理可使羊柴群落处于相对稳定的阶段。  相似文献   

采用乡土植物、地带性植物优先原则,物种多样性原则进行恢复植物物种选择,同时结合植物群落的演替理论、植物种群的生态位理论、植被恢复的美学理论等对其恢复植物进行组合设计,提出了新河高速公路路域边坡及相似类型的裸露边坡地区在植被恢复中可供选择利用的5种植物组合:①苦楝(或香樟)+美丽胡枝子+葛藤+坡柳+狗牙根组合;②山黄麻+清香木+含羞草+皱叶狗尾草+地果+牛筋草组合:③黄金间碧玉+棕叶芦+椭圆叶木蓝+皱叶狗尾草+掌叶鱼黄草+竹节草组合;④五节芒+绢毛木蓝+委陵菜(或草玉梅)+稗+密花葛(或粉葛、苦葛)+山麦冬组合;⑤羊蹄甲(或苹婆)+香花崖豆藤(或多花崖爬藤)+地果+积雪草(或杠板归)组合。  相似文献   

抚仙湖流域区磷矿开采废弃地植物群落演替的研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
通过对云南省抚仙湖流域区1—5年的磷矿开采废弃地植物群落物种组成、结构及其与环境的关系等设样调查,探讨了植被恢复中植物群落演替的一般规律。调查研究表明,1—5年磷矿开采废弃地植物群落的次生演替以菊科的牛尾蒿、加蓬和1年生禾草为先锋植物迁移定居开始,而后是多年生草本和蝶形花科的波叶山蚂蝗等陆续出现并在一定地段形成优势。演替的方向符合复生演替规律;演替速度较快,表明该地区具有较强的植被恢复能力。  相似文献   

以贺兰山采煤迹地的沙蒿、猪毛蒿、中亚滨藜、盐生草、灰绿藜、中亚紫菀木6种先锋乡土植物作为实验材料,用采煤迹地的煤渣土、风沙土、煤渣土覆土(混合土)3种处理进行盆栽实验,观测乡土植物种子在3种土壤环境中的萌发率,筛选适合用于生态恢复的乡土物种,为贺兰山采煤迹地的生态恢复提供资料。研究表明:6种植物发芽率均为风沙土混合土煤渣土,而且灰绿藜种子无论是在培养箱还是在不同土壤环境中各项生长指标都高于其他物种。提出了合理采用煤渣土上覆土的方法并选用灰绿藜或中亚滨藜乡土物种,对贺兰山采煤迹地进行生态修复既能降低成本又能提高植被盖度。  相似文献   

为研究香格里拉市高寒山区工程边坡迹地植物群落结构,以香格里拉普朗尾矿区工程边坡迹地为研究对象,研究其植物群落的物种组成、物种相似性及物种多样性。结果表明:工程迹地乔木层的优势种主要是丽江云杉,灌木层优势种以川滇高山栎为主,其次是滇西北小檗和西南蔷薇,草本层优势种以苔草、蒿等植物为主,未受破坏的自然林地植物优势种更为多元化;工程迹地1年自然恢复样地与自然群落样地物种相似性指数较小,为0.03~0.30;工程迹地多年自然恢复样地物种与自然群落样地物种相似性系数较高,最高为0.43;F1样地草本层Simpson多样性指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均较大,但不同工程迹地之间差别较小。草本层自然恢复较快,在演替早期,草本植物中的蒿、苔草、野青茅及西南鸢尾等植物,可作为工程迹地植被恢复的先锋植物。  相似文献   

本文旨在筛选出适合修复荒漠化的喀斯特地貌先锋植物和耐旱的乡土植物,为喀斯特荒漠化的恢复与重建提供理论支撑。以石漠化严重的天等县驮堪小流域为研究对象,在该区域内随机选取了2个500 m~2的样方,调查分析其野生植被资源和植物群落结构。调查发现,该区域植物群落主要为草丛、灌丛、偶尔藤刺灌丛;群落正由草丛→灌丛演替,少部分由灌丛→藤刺灌丛演替,且零星出现了几棵阔叶落叶乔木;表明该石漠化区域植被正逐步恢复,处于自然恢复更新的初级演替阶段。对其植物物种组成和区系成分分析表明:调查记录共66种植物,隶属39科59属,主要以热带亚热带成分为主;优势灌木主要有勾儿茶、聚花野丁香、雀梅藤;优势草本有金丝草、割鸡芒、画眉草、马唐。对其植物特性及用途进行分析发现,耐贫瘠的先锋植物主要有芒萁、金丝草、狗尾巴草、芒等;耐旱且能够保持水土的植物较多,主要有聚花野丁香、青香茅、微毛柃、地果等;喀斯特地貌特有植物有青篱柴和三脉叶荚蒾。由此可知,青篱柴、聚花野丁香、雀梅藤、勾儿茶、金丝草、青香茅、芒萁等植物可作为喀斯特石漠化地区恢复的优先考量植物。  相似文献   

选取河西走廊中部封育3、5、8、12、13、14年和未封育的荒漠植被,采用样带结合样方法进行野外植被调查,运用重要值、Levins生态位宽度指数和Pianka生态位重叠指数进行研究,分析了荒漠植被对资源的利用情况,揭示不同封育年限荒漠植被群落中种群生态位格局。结果表明,随着封育年限的延长和群落的演替,物种丰富度指数先增高后降低;物种均匀度指数和多样性指数呈先增高后降低再增高的变化趋势;物种重要值呈先降低再增高又降低的变化趋势。生态位宽度大的主要集中在盐生草、驼蹄瓣、刺沙蓬、苔草、沙蒿、画眉草、锋芒草、羊茅、红砂、青蒿等,说明这些植物适应环境能力强,能够充分利用环境资源,而且在群落中处于优势地位。  相似文献   

长江口北支湿地植物多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对长江口北支湿地植物资源野外调查的基础上,分析了种子植物的物种组成、区系特征、湿地植物群落类型及其特征和典型湿地植物群落多样性。研究结果表明:长江口北支湿地分布有种子植物57科157属212种,其中裸子植物5科6属6种,被子植物52科151属206种(包括单子叶植物8科31属37种,双子叶植物44科120属169种),主要由草本植物组成。野生植物区系简单,植被演替还处在初级阶段,以湿生的和水生高等草本植物为主,世界广布和泛热带分布型占主导;菊科、禾本科、豆科为植物区系的骨干。海三棱蔗草群落、藤草群落、芦苇群落、大米草群落为该区四种典型湿地植物群落,群落的单纯度指数除芦苇群落的较低外,其他三种群落均很高,物种多样性指数、物种丰富度指数、均匀度指数除芦苇群落的较高外,其他三种群落均很低,验证了物种多样性与物种丰富度、均匀度呈正相关,与单纯度呈负相关的结论。  相似文献   

选取藏东南6条不同发生年限的泥石流沟,以时空替代法,分析不同年限泥石流沟沉积区植被演替物种多样性特征,揭示藏东南泥石流沉积区植被演替过程中物种多样性的变化特点。结果表明:演替过程中,物种丰富;先锋种的出现与海拔有一定的关系,2 700~3 000 m海拔,乔木先锋种为藏川杨,灌木先锋种为鸡骨柴和高丛珍珠梅,草本植物为苔草;3 300~3 600 m海拔,乔木先锋种为糙皮桦,灌木先锋种为云南锦鸡儿和高丛珍珠梅,草本植物为西南草莓;随着演替的进行,植被群落趋于稳定,物种的丰富度指数和Shannon-wiener多样性指数呈先增高后降低的趋势;演替初期植被群落物种丰富度一般表现为草本层灌木层乔木层;灌木层、草本层物种多样性水平随时间有所降低,优势度、均匀度一般表现为乔木层灌木层草本层。对于该区泥石流沉积区植被群落的恢复,应遵循各个泥石流沉积区特殊的环境小气候,做到因地制宜,使泥石流沉积区得到迅速的治理。  相似文献   

研究了阜新新邱露天矿排土场植被恢复过程中主要种群的生态位特征,结果表明:(1)在研究区域内,猪毛菜(Artemisia scoparia)的生态位宽度最大,对资源的利用能力最强,对环境的适应性也是最强的,与伴生物种的重叠值也是很高的,但并没有出现明确的关系;(2)黄花蒿(Artemisia annua)与羊草(Aneurolepidium chinense),蒙古蒿(Artemisia mongolia)与早熟禾(Poa annua)之间的生态位重叠最高,说明它们对空间资源的利用效率比较高,能充分利用资源;(3)猪毛菜、黄花蒿、蒙古蒿同属于菊科草本植物,对环境的生存条件比较相似,所以它们存在较强的竞争关系。这些结论有助于了解生态恢复中的种群生态适应性。  相似文献   

Analysis of organic acids in seleted forest litters of Northeast China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Larch(Larix olgensis), Manchurian ash(Fraxinus mandshurica), Korean pine(Pinus koraiensis) and White birch(Betula platyphylla) are the major planting species in northeast China. The samples of forest litters were collected from the stands of the above 4 species in Laoyeling and Jianlagou experiment stations of Maorshan Exp. Forest Farm (45°12′–45°30′N, 127°30′–127°48′E), Northeast Forestry University, in early October 2002. Quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis were carried out on the organic acids existing in freshly fallen litters (L layer) and hemi-decomposed litters (F layer) of the four forest species by using Gas Chromatogram system. A wide variety of organic acids were identified, including oxalic, malonic, fumaric, succinic, maleic, malic, citric, C16:O, C18:O, C18:1, C18:2, C18:3 and C20:O acids. In respect of L litters of all samples, the oxalic acid content (over 30 mg/g) was the highest of the seven low-molecular-weight organic acids identified, while the content of oleic or linoleic (above 40mg/g) was found to be highest among the six high aliphatic acids identified. As to F litters, oxalic acid content was also the highest, followed by linoleic and oleic. For the same tree species or the same forest, the kinds and contents of organic acids in L litters were more abundant than that in F litters. Foundation item: This paper is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (30170768) Biography: SONG Jin-feng (1976-), female, doctor postgraduate, Harbin 150040, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

Eight provenances of 19-year-oldPicea koraiensis Nakai from the provenance trials of Maoershan (45°20′N, 127°30′E), Liangshui (47°10′N, 128°53′E) and Jiagedaqi (50°24′N, 124°07′E) in Northeast China were investigated to analyze the genetic variation in growth characteristics (tree height and diameter) and wood characteristics (tracheid length, tracheid diameter, tracheid wall thickness, annual ring width as well as wood density). Great variation in height growth and breast height diameter growth was observed among the provenances, and along with the increase of tree age, these provenances presented different geographic adaptability. The growth characteristics ofPicea koraiensis stand at age of 10 in Maoershan and Liangshui provenance trials had a positive correlation with longitude, and with increase of tree age to 15 and 19, the tree growth of the provenances displayed a significant positive correlation with latitude as well as altitude. For wood characteristics, great variation was also found among the provenances. There exists a close relation between growth characteristics and wood properties of the provenance. The height and breast height diameter growth of the provenance had a positive correlation with tracheid diameter and annual ring width, and a negative correlation with tracheid wall thickness and wood density. Genetic performance of the provenance in all above characteristics was also investigated in order to provide more useful information for comprehensive selection of this species for pulpwood and plywood production. Foundation item: The paper was supported by National Key Project of The State Forestry Administration. (96-011-01-06) Biography: WANG Qiu-yu (1957-), female, professor in College of Life Sciences, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   

科尔沁位于我国东北部,地处东北平原向内蒙古高原的过渡地带(42°41'-45°15'N,118°35'-123°30'E),是受荒漠化影响较重的地区。利用外业调查数据,依据地表形态和生态状况的变化,确定了植被盖度、裸沙地占地百分比和土壤质地3 项评价指标,并建立了基于遥感的科尔沁沙质荒漠化评价指标体系,其中裸沙地占地百分比用混合像元分解的方法获得。利用外业调查的数据对该指标体系进行验证,结果表明该指标体系适于研究区域的荒漠化评价。表4参11。  相似文献   

I "trod notionClimate warming is one of the most serious environment problems. It is sure that the present elevation of COZ and other greenhouse gases such as CH4,NzO, Of induced by human activities were makingglobal climate to go through inexperienced changes(Zhao et al. 1998i Wu 1989). The ecosystems distributed in high latitude area were likely to experiencemuch bigger change according to some previous researches (Shetwood 1983). This is the main reasonthat we focus on effects of possi…  相似文献   

This paper reports two newly recorded species, lsohypsibius lunulatus Iharos, 1966 and lsohypsibiusprosostomus Thulin, 1928, of the genus lsohypsibius (Tardigrada; Hypsibiidae) from China. The specimens of lsohysibius lunulatus were collected from Taibai Mt (34°18′N, 107°42′E) at 2,500 m a.s.1, and those oflsohypsibius prosostomus from Taibai Mt (34°10′N, 107°35′E) at 2,000 m above sea level. All specimens are deposited at the College of Life Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University, China. A key to the Chinese species of lsohypsibius was also given.  相似文献   

This paper reports three newly recorded species, Diphascon modestum Binda, Pilato and Dastych, 1984, Diphascon nobilei Binda, 1969, and Diphascon triodon Maucci, 1996, of the genus Diphascon (Tardigrada; Hypsibiidae) from China. Five specimens of Diphascon modestum were collected from Taibai Mt. (34°18′N, 107°42tpE) at 2,500 m above the sea level (a.s.l.), two specimens of Diphascon nobilei were collected from Tonggu County, Jiangxi Province (28°31’N, 114°26′E) at 900 m a.s.l, and one specimen of Diphascon triodon was collected from Linzhi County, Tibet (29°40′N, 94°23′E) at 3,500 m a.s.l. All specimens are deposited at the College of Life Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University, China. A key to the Chinese species of Diphascon was also given. Foundation project: This study was supported by scientific research foundation project of Shaanxi Institute of Education (No. 07KJ37Q)  相似文献   

森林道路对山雀类利用人工鸟巢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2002 年11月至2003年6 月间, 在韩国安养首尔大学冠岳植物园(37°25'05"N,126°56' 85"E)阔叶林、针叶林和针阔混交林内研究了森林道路对山雀类利用人工鸟巢的影响。对在人工巢箱中繁殖的山雀类,杂色山雀(Parus varius)、沼泽山雀( P. palustris)和大山雀(P. major)的繁殖对的数量、巢位、窝大小、卵重及卵大小进行了调查。调查结果显示,在 3 个研究区,杂色山雀在森林内部(距离道路 75–150m)的繁殖对数量,比森林边缘(距离道路 0–75 m)多,其窝大小、卵重等尺寸也明显比森林边缘高,但沼泽山雀基本不受森林道路的影响。在人类活动频繁的地区人工巢箱为洞穴鸟类提供良好的繁殖条件。人工鸟巢的设置将有利于这些鸟类的保护和管理。表 3 参 16。  相似文献   

Abies nordmanniana and Abies lasiocarpa, established for Christmas tree production in southwestern Norway (58°44′N, 5°38′E), were treated with different weed control methods, including chemicals, use of black plastic mulch, grass or clover as ground cover, living mulch and mechanical hoeing. Ground cover with black plastic mulching resulted in the best growth and quality in A. lasiocarpa; the least favourable treatment was when grasses were allowed to grow close to the trees. Unless measures were taken to remove this competing vegetation, the ground cover grew over the trees, smothering 94% of them. A. nordmanniana plants grew to the same height on plots with no weed control as on plots with thorough weed eradication. Stem diameter decreased on plots with ground vegetation compared to seedlings grown in the weed-free environment. The use of Trifolium repens as ground cover decreased height growth by 30% compared to thorough weed control. Both grasses and clover sown as living mulch, damaged the trees more than did natural weed vegetation.  相似文献   

乌兰布和沙漠植被及其保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
乌兰布和沙漠降雨稀少,生态环境脆弱,有种子植物49科169属312种,以蒙古种、戈壁—蒙古种、戈壁种以及古地中海区系的荒漠成分占主导地位;自然植被为亚洲中部荒漠区与草原区的分界线,主要有梭梭、柠条、白刺和油蒿、沙冬青+白刺+油蒿、白刺+红砂、白刺+霸王+油蒿、籽蒿+沙竹、芦苇、白刺+芨芨草等9类群丛。由于不合理的利用,草场植被逐年退化,正朝着极度荒漠化演变。对植被状况和平缓沙丘及半固定、半流动沙地等不同立地条件的草地,应因地制宜,造(林)封(育)飞(播)结合,开展综合治理,恢复植被,遏制沙漠化加重的趋势。  相似文献   

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