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Bacterial canker is an economically important disease of tomato. Resistance induced by DL-β-Amino butyric acid against bacterial canker caused by Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. michiganensis in tomato plants was investigated. Different doses of DL-β-Amino butyric acid (250–1000 μg ml−1 doses) were tested on 3-week old plants inoculated with a 108 CFU ml−1 bacterial suspension, and disease development was evaluated after inoculation and treatment. Although in vitro growth of the bacteria was not affected by DL-β-Amino butyric acid treatment, foliage sprays of 500 μg ml−1 DL-β-Amino butyric acid significantly suppressed disease development up to 54% by day 14 after inoculation at the four different doses tested. Bacterial populations were reduced by 84% in BABA-treated plants compared to water-treated plants by day 4 after inoculation. Inoculated BABA-treated plants showed significantly higher phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity, peroxidase activity, and H2O2 concentration than inoculated water-treated plants during day 1 after treatment. These findings suggest that the DL-β-Amino butyric acid treatment resulted in an increase of these enzymes and in H2O2 concentration in planta, and was associated with induction of resistance to bacterial canker.  相似文献   

Daylily rust fungus, Puccinia hemerocallidis, was proven to host-alternate between a wild daylily, Hemerocallis fulva var. longituba, and a patrinia, Patrinia villosa. No proof was obtained for the early belief that the fungus is pathogenic to plantainlilies, Hosta species, in addition to daylilies, Hemerocallis species. The fungus seems to alternate regularly between daylilies and patrinias in Japan because most daylily species are deciduous, and a vegetatively reproducing stage of the pathogen does not seem capable of successfully overwintering free of the living host tissue.  相似文献   

Early blight of potato, caused by Alternaria solani, is a ubiquitous disease in many countries around the world. Our previous screening of several Iranian potato cultivars found that variation in resistance exists between two cultivars: ‘Diamond’ and ‘Granula’. Cultivar Diamond is more resistant to multiple isolates of A. solani when compared to cv. Granula. Furthermore, we have found that different pathogen isolates have varying degrees of infection. We monitored the activities of two pathogen-related (PR) glucanase proteins in Diamond and Granula in response to two isolates of A. solani with different degrees of virulence. ß-1,3-glucanase and ß-1,4-glucanase activities were recorded in healthy and diseased leaves of potatoes up to 10 days after inoculation. Their activities were found to be higher in diseased leaves when compared to those of uninfected leaves. Our data suggest that significantly reduced activities of theses enzymes in potato could be related to a lower degree of resistance or an increased ability of a more aggressive isolate to suppress PR protein expression.  相似文献   

Elaeocarpus yellows” (ELY) is a widely reported phytoplasma disease of Elaeocarpus zollingeri trees in Japan. The phytoplasma associated with ELY (ELY phytoplasma) had not been identified at the species level because its 16S rRNA sequence had yet to be reported. Here, we report the results of a sequence analysis based on 16S rRNA and secA gene sequences, which showed that the ELY phytoplasma is related to ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma malaysianum’. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing the occurrence of ‘Ca. P. malaysianum’ outside Malaysia and the infection of E. zollingeri by the phytoplasma.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, extensive research on the wild-plant pathosystem, Lactuca serriola (prickly lettuce)–Bremia lactucae (lettuce downy mildew), has been conducted in the Czech Republic. Studies focused on pathogen occurrence and distribution, host range, variation in symptom expression and disease severity, interactions of B. lactucae with another fungal species (Golovinomyces cichoracearum) on L. serriola, variation in resistance within natural populations of L. serriola, the structure and dynamics of virulence within populations of B. lactucae, sexual reproduction of B. lactucae, and a comparison of virulence structure and changes in B. lactucae populations occurring in wild (L. serriola) and crop (L. sativa) pathosystems. The incidence of B. lactucae on naturally growing L. serriola and other Asteraceae was recorded. Lactuca serriola was the most commonly occurring host species, followed by Sonchus oleraceus. Over the duration of these studies, the incidence of B. lactucae in L. serriola populations varied between 45–87%. Disease incidence and disease prevalence were partly related to the size, density and different habitats of L. serriola populations. In addition to B. lactucae infection, infection by the lettuce powdery mildew fungus (Golovinomyces cichoracearum) was quite common, including co-infection. Variation in resistance to B. lactucae was studied by using ten isolates (NL and BL races with known virulence patterns) at a metapopulation level, i.e. 250 L. serriola samples representing 16 populations from the Czech Republic (CZ). Our comparisons revealed broad variation in host resistance among host populations and also intrapopulation variability. In the CZ populations, 45 resistance phenotypes were recorded, the most frequent were race-specific reaction patterns. Structural and temporal changes in virulence variation of B. lactucae populations on L. serriola were studied during 1998–2005. Altogether, 313 isolates of B. lactucae originating from the Czech Republic were examined for the presence of 32 virulence factors (v-factors), and 93 different virulence phenotypes (v-phenotypes) were recorded. A study of v-factor frequency showed that common v-factors in B. lactucae populations match some of the race-specific resistance genes/factors (Dm genes or R-factors) originating from L. serriola. The highest frequency was recorded by v-factors v7, v11, v15–17, and v24–30. In contrast, v-factors (e.g. v1–4, 6, and 10) matching Dm genes originating from L. sativa were very rare. This demonstrates the close adaptation of B. lactucae virulence to the host (L. serriola) genetic background. Temporal changes in virulence frequencies over the period were recorded. In many v-factors (v11, v14, v16, and v25–28), fluctuations were observed, some (v14 and v17) shifting to higher frequencies, and others (v5/8 and v23) decreasing. The occurrence of mating types was studied (1997–1999) in a set of 59 B. lactucae isolates. Both compatibility types (B1 and B2) were recorded; however the majority of the isolates (96%) were type B2. A comparative study of B. lactucae virulence variation between the wild (L. serriola) and crop (L. sativa) pathosystems showed major differences. Migration and gene flow between both pathosystems and the potential danger of wild B. lactucae populations for cultivated lettuce are discussed. This paper summarizes comprehensive and unique research on an oomycete pathogen (B. lactucae) that is shared between a crop (lettuce, L. sativa) and its close wild relative (prickly lettuce, L. serriola). The data demonstrate clear evidence about race-specific interactions, variation and changes in virulence, and coevolutionary relationships in the wild pathosystem L. serriolaB. lactucae. Conclusions contribute to the broadening and better understanding of gene-for-gene systems in natural host–pathogen populations and their relationships to crop pathosystems.  相似文献   

Plant pathogenic oomycetes, including biotrophic downy mildews and hemibiotrophs/necrotrophs such as Phytophthora and Pythium, cause enormous economic losses on cultivated crops. Lettuce breeders and growers face the threat of Bremia lactucae, the causal agent of lettuce downy mildew. This pathogen damages leaf tissues and lettuce heads and is also frequent on wild Asteraceae plants. The interactions of Lactuca spp. with B. lactucae (abbr. lettuce–Bremia) display extreme variability, due to a long co-evolutionary history. For this reason, during the last 30 years, the lettuce–Bremia pathosystem has been used as a model for many studies at the population, individual, organ, tissue, cellular, physiological and molecular levels, as well as on genetic variability and the genetics of host–parasite interactions. The first part of this review summarizes recent data on host–parasite specificity, host variability, resistance mechanisms and genetics of lettuce–Bremia interactions. The second part focuses on the development infection structures. Phenotypic expression of infection, behaviour of B. lactucae on leaf surfaces, the process of penetration, development of primary infection structures, hyphae and haustoria are discussed in relation to different resistance mechanisms. In the third part, the components of host resistance and the variability of defence responses are analysed. The role of reactive oxygen species (ROS), antioxidant enzymes, nitric oxide (NO), phenolic compounds, reorganization of cytoskeleton, electrolyte leakage, membrane damage, cell wall disruption, hypersensitive reaction and plant energetics are discussed in relation to defence responses. In general, the extreme variability of interactions between lettuce and Bremia, and their phenotypic expression, results from diversity of the genetic background. Different mechanisms of resistance are conditioned by an orchestra of defence responses at the tissue, cell, and molecular levels. The various events responsible for defence involve a complex interaction of the processes and reactions mentioned above. This review also provides an overview on the timing of pathogen development, host pathological anatomy, cytology and physiology of lettuce–Bremia associations. The significance of these factors on the expression of different resistance mechanisms (non-host and host resistance, race-specific and race non-specific resistance, field resistance) is discussed.  相似文献   

Four Rhododendron hybridum plants (from cvs Moravanka and Don Juan), all exhibited symptoms of shortened axillary shoots, reduced leaves with vein clearing and yellowing, undeveloped flowers, and general stunting in a rhododendron nursery garden in southern Bohemia in 2007. Electron microscopy examination of ultra-thin sections revealed the presence of numerous polymorphic phytoplasma-like bodies in the phloem tissue of leaf midribs and petioles. The phytoplasma etiology of this disease was further confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using universal phytoplasma primers. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of amplification products obtained with a R16F2/R16R2 primer pair from all symptomatic plants indicated the presence of phytoplasma from the 16SrVI-A subgroup. A detailed comparison of the amplified sequences and phylogenetic analysis confirmed that the phytoplasma belonged to the subgroup 16SrVI-A (clover proliferation phytoplasma group). This is the first report of the natural occurrence of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii’ in plants of Rhododendron hybridum.  相似文献   

A plant-growth-promoting fungus (PGPF), Talaromyces sp. was isolated from an agricultural field in southwestern Japan. We found that this fungus emitted several terpenoid-like volatiles including β-caryophyllene. Then we investigated the effect of β-caryophyllene on promoting the growth and inducing resistance of Brassica campestris L. var. perviridis. The compound significantly enhanced the growth of seedlings and their resistance to Colletotrichum higginsianum. On the basis of these results, we discuss the role of β-caryophyllene in the activities of PGPF.  相似文献   

The morphology of apple and pear stigma was investigated with confocal laser scanning microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The floral colonization process by Erwinia amylovora was studied with gfp-labelled bacteria and confocal laser scanning microscopy to allow the in vivo observation of the pathogen colonization on intact, viable plant tissues without any kind of staining of the specimens. The interaction on the stigma between Erwinia amylovora and Pantoea agglomerans, both labelled with genes encoding for fluorescent proteins (DsRed-GFP), was also investigated. A stylar groove, covered by papillae and dwelling from the stigma along the style, was visualized. In laboratory conditions, this groove was shown to be an important way for E. amylovora migration towards the nectarthodes. Due to its anatomical structure the groove can sustain bacterial multiplication and thus may play an important role on the interactions between the pathogen and the bacterial antagonist P. agglomerans.  相似文献   

The Rhizoctonia solani species consists of multinucleate isolates that belong to anastomosis groups AG1–AG3 and differ in virulence and host affinity. R. cerealis is a binucleate species of anastomosis group AG-D which causes sharp eyespot, a common plant disease in Poland. Rhizoctonia spp. is a ubiquitous soil pathogen that poses a significant threat for global crop production due to the absence of effective crop protection products. The aim of this study was to determine the virulence of R. solani and R. cerealis isolates towards Beta vulgaris, Zea mays, Triticum spelta and T. aestivum seedlings, to confirm the presence of endopolygalacturonase genes pg1 and pg5 in the genomes of the tested isolates and to evaluate the tested isolates’ sensitivity to triazole, strobilurin, imidazole and carboxamide fungicides. All tested isolates infected B. vulgaris seedlings. but none of them were virulent against Z. mays plants. R. solani isolates AG4 PL and AG2-2IIIB PL were characterized by the highest virulence (average infestation score of 2.37 and 2.53 points on a scale of 0–3 points) against sugar beet seedlings. The prevalence of infections caused by most of the analysed isolates (in particular R. solani AG4 J—11.8, and R. cerealis RC2—0.78) was higher in spelt than in bread wheat. The virulence of the analysed isolates was not correlated with the presence of pg1 and pg5 genes. The efficacy of the tested fungicides in controlling Rhizoctonia spp. infections was estimated at 100% (propiconazole + cyproconazole), 98.8% (penthiopyrad), 95.4% (tebuconazole) and 78.3% (azoxystrobin).  相似文献   

Resistance to infection in plants can be induced by treatment with various chemicals. One such compound is β-aminobutyric acid (BABA). Its positive effect on disease resistance has been noted in several pathosystems. Here we demonstrate that treatment with BABA protects Brassica napus plants from infection by the fungal pathogen Leptosphaeria maculans. Surprisingly, BABA also displayes in vitro antifungal activity against L. maculans with EC50 similar to the fungicide tebuconazole. Both spore germination and hyphal growth were affected. The toxic effect can be reverted by addition of trypton to the culture medium. We hypothesised that BABA might inhibit inorganic nitrogen assimilation. Suppression of disease progression in plants and antifungal activity in vitro was weaker for α-aminobutyric acid and negligible for γ-aminobutyric acid. In contrast to a resistance inducer benzothiadiazole, the effect of BABA on disease development was nearly independent of the timing of treatment, indicating possible antifungal activity in planta. On the other hand, quantification of multiple hormones and an expression analysis have shown that treatment with BABA induces a synthesis of salicylic acid (SA) and expression of SA marker gene PR-1, but no evidence was observed for priming of SA responses to L. maculans. While we have not conclusively demonstrated how BABA suppresses the disease progression, our results do indicate that antifungal activity is another mechanism by which BABA can protect plants from infection.  相似文献   

Mexico is considered to be one of the centers of origin of grain amaranth species. Recently, plants with abnormal anatomical features were observed in experimental fields established in Central Mexico. The most noticeable symptoms, which consisted of excessive stem and bud proliferation, mosaics and unusual coloration, suggested that they might be phytoplasma-induced disorders. Thus, different accessions of grain amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus and A. cruentus) plants were subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis specifically designed to detect these pathogens. Two universal phytoplasma-specific primer pairs were tested in a nested PCR assay, with primer pair P1/tint (followed by primer pair R16F2/R16R2). Further DNA sequencing analysis of the resulting amplicons indicated that these phytoplasmas may be related to others already affecting important agricultural crops in Mexico, such as soybean. Data are presented that disclose the etiology of these syndromes by the use of molecular techniques. To the best of our knowledge, this finding constitutes the first report of a phytoplasma-related disease in grain amaranth.  相似文献   

Spinach is one of the most nutritious green-leaf vegetables. In the spinach production, diseases cause a significant loss in both yield and quality. Improving disease resistance is one of the major challenges in spinach breeding. Arabidopsis nucleoporin CONSTITUTIVE EXPRESSER OF PATHOGENESIS-RELATED GENES 5 (CPR5) functions as a negative regulator of plant cell death and immunity as cpr5 mutant exhibits spontaneous cell death and heightened immunity. In addition, CPR5 play a role in trichome development as the majority of cpr5 mutant trichomes are branchless whereas wild type trichomes are often three-branched. In the spinach genome, we identified a homolog of Arabidopsis CPR5, referred to as Spinacia oleracea CPR5 (SoCPR5). To investigate the function of SoCPR5, we introduced SoCPR5 into Arabidopsis cpr5 mutant. Our data showed that both spontaneous cell death and heightened immunity were suppressed in the SoCPR5-transgenic cpr5 mutants, verifying that SoCPR5 functions as its Arabidopsis counterpart in plant cell death and immunity. SoCPR5 also fully restored wild type trichome phenotype of the cpr5 mutant. Our study therefore indicates that the function of SoCPR5 is conserved between plant species and SoCPR5 can be applied for genetic manipulation of plant immunity in spinach.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of resistance to benzimidazole fungicides with laboratory and field mutant isolates of Botrytis cinerea was investigated. After chemical mutagenesis with N-methyl-N-nitrosogouanidine (NMNG) two different benzimidazole-resistant phenotypes were isolated on media containing carbendazim or a mixture of carbendazim and diethofencarb. The mutant isolates from the fungicide-mixture-containing medium were moderately resistant to carbendazim with wild-type tolerance to diethofencarb while mutant isolates from carbendazim-containing medium were highly resistant to carbendazim but sensitive to diethofencarb. The studied field isolates were highly resistant to benzimidazoles and sensitive to diethofencarb. Study of fitness characteristics of benzimidazole highly-resistant isolates showed that the resistance mutation(s) had no apparent effect on fitness-determining parameters. Contrary to this, the moderately benzimidazole-resistant strains, with no increased diethofencarb sensitivity, had a significant reduction in certain ecological fitness-determining characteristics. Analysis of the sequence of the β-tubulin gene revealed two amino acid replacements in the highly benzimidazole-resistant mutants compared to that of the wild-type parent strain. One was the glutamic acid (GAG) to alanine (GCG) change at position 198 (E198A), identified in both laboratory and field highly benzimidazole-resistant isolates, a mutation previously implicated in benzimidazole resistance. The second was a novel benzimidazole resistance mutation of glutamic acid (GAG) to glycine (GGG) substitution at the same position 198 (E198G), identified in a highly benzimidazole-resistant laboratory mutant strain. Molecular analysis of the moderately benzimidazole-resistant strains revealed no mutations at the β-tubulin gene. A novel diagnostic PCR-RFLP assay utilising a BsaI restriction site present in the benzimidazole-sensitive (E198) but absent in both resistant genotypes (E198G and E198A) was developed for the detection of both amino acid replacements at the β-tubulin gene.  相似文献   

After the reappearance in Italy of a foliar disease of lamb’s lettuce (Valerianella olitoria L. Poll. syn. V. locusta L. Betcke) incited by Phoma valerianellae, we set out to measure the level of seed infection by this fungus, using a plating test, and to develop a molecular method for quick and reliable detection of the pathogen in seeds. All six samples of lamb’s lettuce seed tested were contaminated by P. valerianellae at levels of 0.6% to 15%. Surface disinfection of seeds did not eliminate the contamination and only reduced it to between 0.1% and 10%. The need for a sensitive, reliable and rapid diagnostic method for early identification of the fungus exists. We have developed a PCR-based method to identify the fungus in seeds. Variation within the internal transcribed spacer (ITS1, 5.8S sequences and ITS2) region of the rDNA (ITS) was used to characterize the P. valerianellae strains and to design specific primers within the ITS region.  相似文献   

The bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) is associated with huanglongbing (HLB) in citrus in many countries. Despite the fact that many characteristics of the disease are known, the rate of multiplication of the bacterium within an infected tree is still poorly understood. To study this feature, we used the quantitative Real-Time polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR) assay to follow and to quantify the multiplication of CLas in grafted infected young sweet orange plants. The rate of infection by grafting reached 100% at 120 days post-inoculation (dpi) showing that grafting could easily transmit CLas. A well-adjusted linear regression equation describing the bacterial growth in planta was obtained independently with measurements taken using repeated sampling in the same plant or different plants through the analysed period. The bacterial population, measured as copy number (CN) of the 16S rDNA target gene g−1 of tissue, increased 10,000 times from 103 at 30 dpi to approximately 108 CN at 240 dpi indicating that CLas multiplication was fastest in young citrus plants. We observed a direct relationship between the concentration of pathogen and the expression of symptoms. Yellowed leaves or shoots, are commonly the first observed symptom of HLB, and were present in trees with a low amount of bacteria (105 CN g−1). Blotchy mottle symptoms were observed in trees with 107 CN g−1 of bacteria after 180 dpi. Buds taken from infected, but non-symptomatic branches were grafted on Rangpur lime and resulted in transmission rates ranging from 10 to 60%.  相似文献   

Citrus scab, caused by Elsinoë fawcettii (anamorph Sphaceloma fawcettii), is a common foliar fungal disease affecting many citrus cultivars, including grapefruit. No commercial grapefruit cultivar is resistant to scab, and the disease results in severely blemished fruit which reduces its marketability. Transgenic ‘Duncan’ grapefruit trees expressing the antimicrobial attE gene were produced via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. In in vitro leaf and greenhouse assays, several transgenic-lines had significantly lower susceptibility to E. fawcettii compared to the non-transformed control (P?P?P?attE mRNA was inversely related to the number of copies detected by Southern blot. The least susceptible line had a single inserted copy of the attE transgene whereas more susceptible lines had multiple copies. Since the attacin mode of action was thought to be specific to Gram-negative bacteria, it was unexpected to find that there was a significant activity against E. fawcettii.  相似文献   

Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (Lso)’ is a pathogen of Solanaceae but also causes serious physiological disorders in carrots and celery (Apiaceae). In carrots, this pathogen is transmitted by the psyllids Bactericera trigonica and Trioza apicalis. How vector sex influences Lso transmission has not been yet elucidated. Here we report the probing behaviours of male and female B. trigonica and their impact on Lso titre transmitted, percentage of transmission, and symptoms produced on carrots when Lso is transmitted by males or females of B. trigonica. Vector sex affected the inoculation of Lso; our results suggest that females might inoculate higher Lso titres than males. However, the percentage of transmission was not affected by vector sex at a density of one or eight psyllids per plant. The number of yellow leaves and root weight were not different when Lso was transmitted by males or females at either of the psyllid densities tested, except for groups of females whose Lso transmission resulted in a higher number of yellow leaves than did Lso transmitted by groups of males. Electrical penetration graphs (EPG) showed that the proportion of individuals who reached phloem tissues was similar for males and females. However, EPGs also showed that females probed more times, ingested longer from phloem sieve elements and reached phloem tissues more frequently than did males during an 8-h inoculation access period (IAP). Our study shows that differences in probing behaviours between males and females of B. trigonica could modulate how Lso is inoculated by psyllids. These results highlight the importance of taking sex into consideration in psyllid studies of probing behaviour and bacterial transmission.  相似文献   

Spiraea salicifolia is widely grown in China as an ornamental plant, and its roots and young leaves have many medical uses. On the campus of Northwest A&F University, we observed diseased S. salicifolia plants that had yellowed, dwarfed, deformed leaves and other symptoms resembling diseases caused by phytoplasma. This study was aimed at determining the causal agent of the disease. On the basis of phytoplasma-specific DNA amplification by PCR, a phytoplasma infection of S. salicifolia was confirmed. The phytoplasma was related to “Ca. Phytoplasma ziziphi” according to RFLP and phylogenetic analyses. This report is the first of phytoplasma infection of S. salicifolia in China.  相似文献   

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