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我国南方双季稻区冬闲田种草模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王华  杨知建  李果 《作物研究》2014,(2):201-203
利用冬闲田土秋冬种草能产生较高的经济效益和生态效益。介绍了我国南方双季稻区冬闲田的种草概况、存在的问题,提出了种植豆科(紫云英)牧草、禾本科(小黑麦、黑麦草)牧草、十字花科(油菜)牧草、豆科牧草和禾本科牧草混播4种模式。  相似文献   

我国南方具有发展草食农业的潜在条件,但长期以来,对草的认识不足,缺乏优质牧草,严重制约了我国南方草食农业的发展.文章分析了湖南发展牧草生产的优越条件,提出从引进推广优质牧草、发展优质豆科牧草、冷暖季牧草套种实现牧草周年供青和利用冬闲田种植牧草五个方面发展湖南牧草生产.  相似文献   

椰园/牧草间作:牧草的适应性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行了15种热带牧草在椰园间作的适应性试验,调查了它们的产量情况和生产参数并作统计分析。结果表明:在幼龄椰园内,间作豆科牧草和禾本科牧草,均可获得较高的经济产量;在光照强度大于30%的成龄椰园内,可间作多数禾本科牧草,并能获得一定的经济产量,但不宜间作豆科牧草;在光照强度低于30%的成龄椰园内,不宜于绝大多数牧草问作。间作于幼龄椰园的牧草产值可达1.0~3.0万元/hm2;间作于成龄椰园的禾本科牧草产值可达0.5~2.0万元/hm2。   相似文献   

试验对6 a树龄桉树人工林12个牧草间作3 a后间作系统根层结构进行研究,结果表明:间作牧草3 a后桉树根系主要分布在距树基50~100 cm的行间,间作禾本科牧草限制了桉树根系向行间(4 m)伸展,而间作豆科牧草促进了桉树根系向行间伸展。桉树根系主要集中在10~50 cm的土层,占总根量的74.81%,间作禾本科牧草抑制了桉树根系向浅层分布的可能,而间作豆科牧草后桉树根系向土壤中上层扩展,且更加集中在20~40 cm土层。  相似文献   

决明属(Chamaecrista spp)豆科牧草8个品种化感潜力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究决明属(Chamaecrista spp.)豆科牧草8个品种[圆叶决明(Chamaecrista rotundifolia)CPI86134、CPI34721、CPI86178、CPI3248、ATF2232、CPI57503和羽叶决明(Chamaecrasta nictitans)ATF2217、ATF2219]对禾本科牧草百喜草(Paspalum notatum)的化感作用,以确定该8个豆科牧草品种的化感潜力。结果表明,8个决明属豆科牧草品种具有较强的化感作用;随着浓度的逐渐降低,8个品种开花期浸提液的化感抑制作用逐渐减弱,结荚期浸提液的化感促进作用逐渐加强;同一品种,同一生长时期,不同浓度(5%、7.5%和10%)的化感作用综合效应表现不同;同一生长时期,同一浓度,不同品种的化感综合效应表现也不同。可见,决明属牧草8个品种的化感作用受浓度、生长时期和品种的影响。  相似文献   

椰园/牧草间作:主间作物之间相互的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
进行了椰园间作牧草生态系统的研究。通过不同类型椰园间作不同品种牧草的适应性试验,观测了不同主间作物栽培方式中椰园根系分布、土壤养分与温度、主间作物生长及产量等方面的变化。结果表明:(1)在种植密度为10m×6m的椰园(相对光照强度约在50%以上)中,禾本科和豆科牧草均能正常生长;在8m×6m的椰园(相对光照强度约在30%左右)中,多数牧草品种能正常生长;在6m×6m的椰园(相对光照强度不足30%)中,只有少数禾本科牧草能基本正常生长。(2)禾本科牧草与椰树组成的系统稳定性比豆科牧草的好。(3)间作物一般应距幼树1m、成龄树2m以外的地方种植。(4)合理压青培肥与科学防治金龟子害虫,有利于加强主间作物生态系统的稳定性。   相似文献   

本文综述国内外采用野生抗盐植物、禾本科与豆科牧草、抗盐经济林木、花卉与抗盐农作物品种改良利用盐碱地的成就,抗盐种质资源开发利用现状与前景。  相似文献   

盐碱地的生物改良与抗盐植物的开发利用   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文综述国内外采用野生抗盐植物、禾本科与豆科牧草、抗盐经济林木、花卉与抗盐农作物品种改良利用盐碱地的成就,抗盐种质资源开发利用现状与前景。  相似文献   

1999~2011年,针对云南干热河谷自然生态条件,从国内外收集、引进278份牧草资源。根据牧草种质植物学特征和生物学习性,开展了137份牧草资源调查,经生育期、营养价值、生产价值及抗逆性评价,筛选出热研4号王草、红象草、热研8号坚尼草、多花黑麦草、百喜草、新银合欢、木豆、热研2号柱花草、甘农3号紫花苜蓿、提那罗新诺顿豆等一批适应干热河谷种植、应用在本区生态养殖和生态环境建设的优良牧草。这些牧草表现出一定的速生性,生长季生物产量高。其中热带牧草抗逆性强,能够抵御干热河谷高温干旱生态环境;豆科牧草粗蛋白含量  相似文献   

国外绿肥、牧草引种试种报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1984年,我所受省科委情报所的委托,对引进国外优良绿肥、牧草进行为期三年的试种试验.该项是由澳大利亚华侨邱文明先生先后提供豆科绿肥11种,禾本科牧草7种在我所进行试种观察,并从中筛选出适合我区发展的种类品种5~7个.经三年工作,已基本完成任务,于1987年8月上旬,由省情报所组织了验收组,通过验收肯定了在闽南三角州的经济条件和我所的实际情况下发展以豆科绿肥为主的方向.现将试验结果总结如下:  相似文献   

The morphological concept of Trichoderma koningii is found to include several species that differ from each other in details of phenotype (including conidium morphology, growth rate) and biogeography. Phylogenetic analysis utilizing partial sequences of the translation-elongation factor 1 alpha (tef1), as well as fragments of actin and calmodulin genes, indicate that phenotypic characters typical of T. koningii evolved independently in three well-separated main lineages. Combined molecular and phenotype data lead to the development of a taxonomy with the recognition of twelve taxonomic species and one variety within the three lineages. These lineages include: (1) T. koningii and T. ovalisporum and the new species T. caribbaeum var. caribbaeum, T. caribbaeum var. aequatoriale, T. dorotheae, T. dingleyae, T. intricatum, T. koningiopsis, T. petersenii and T. taiwanense; (2) the new species T. rogersonii and T. austrokoningii, and (3) the new anamorph T. stilbohypoxyli.Trichoderma koningii s. str. is an uncommon species restricted to Europe and eastern North America; T. caribbaeum var. aequatoriale, T. koningiopsis, and T. ovalisporum were isolated as endophytes of trunks of Theobroma species in tropical America, and T. ovalisporum from the woody liana Banisteropsis caapi in Ecuador; T. koningiopsis is common in tropical America but was isolated also from natural substrata in East Africa, Europe and Canada, and from ascospores in eastern North America, and as an endophyte in Theobroma species; T. stilbohypoxyli, originally described as a parasite of Stilbohypoxylon species in Puerto Rico, is found to be more common in the tropics, besides an endophytic isolate from Fagus in U.K. The additional new species are known almost exclusively from their teleomorphs. Isolates of T. ovalisporum and T. koningiopsis may have biological control potential. A morphophenetic key and a set of tools for molecular species identification were developed.Taxonomic novelties:Trichoderma austrokoningii/Hypocrea austrokoningii Samuels & Druzhinina sp.nov., T. caribbaeum var caribbaeum/H. caribbaea Samuels& Schroers sp.nov., T. caribbaeum var. aequatoriale Samuels & H.C. Evans var.nov., T. dingleyae/H. dingleyae Samuels & Dodd sp.nov., T. dorotheae/H. dorotheae Samuels & Dodd sp.nov., T. intricatum/H. intricata Samuels & Dodd sp.nov., T. koningiopsis/H. koningiopsis Samuels, C. Suarez& H.C. Evans sp.nov., T. petersenii/H. petersenii Samuels, Dodd & Schroers sp.nov., T. rogersonii/H. rogersonii Samuels sp.nov., T. stilbohypoxyli Samuels & Schroers sp.nov., T. taiwanense/H. taiwanensis Samuels & M.L. Wu sp.nov.  相似文献   

Novel food and non-food uses for sorghum and millets   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
Sorghum and millets have considerable potential in foods and beverages. As they are gluten-free they are suitable for coeliacs. Sorghum is also a potentially important source of nutraceuticals such antioxidant phenolics and cholesterol-lowering waxes. Cakes, cookies, pasta, a parboiled rice-like product and snack foods have been successfully produced from sorghum and, in some cases, millets. Wheat-free sorghum or millet bread remains the main challenge. Additives such as native and pre-gelatinised starches, hydrocolloids, fat, egg and rye pentosans improve bread quality. However, specific volumes are lower than those for wheat bread or gluten-free breads based on pure starches, and in many cases, breads tend to stale faster. Lager and stout beers with sorghum are brewed commercially. Sorghum's high-starch gelatinisation temperature and low beta-amylase activity remain problems with regard to complete substitution of barley malt with sorghum malt . The role of the sorghum endosperm matrix protein and cell wall components in limiting extract is a research focus. Brewing with millets is still at an experimental stage. Sorghum could be important for bioethanol and other bio-industrial products. Bioethanol research has focused on improving the economics of the process through cultivar selection, method development for low-quality grain and pre-processing to recover valuable by-products. Potential by-products such as the kafirin prolamin proteins and the pericarp wax have potential as bioplastic films and coatings for foods, primarily due to their hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

Résumé Fusarium culmorum et, dans une moindre mesure,F. avenaceum, F. sambucinum, Colletotrichum coccodes etCylindrocarpon sp. ont été isolés de tubercules entreposés en atmosphère contr?lée (AC) et atteints de pourriture grave. Des expériences d'inoculation de tubercules avec 10 espèces ou variétés fongiques et conservation en AC à 8 et 10°C ont montré que: 1) les champignons non pathogènes en atmosphère normale (ex.:Cylindrocarpon sp.) le devenaient en AC, 2) ceux qui étaient faiblement pathogènes en atmosphère normale étaient nettement plus virulents en AC (ex.:F. culmorum), 3) les espèces ou variétés virulentes en conditions d'air normales (Fusarium sulphureum etPhoma exigua var.foveata) ne provoquaient pas de pourriture plus grave en AC et leur activité pouvait même être légérement freinée.
Summary The extensive rotting of tubers which occurred during storage trials in controlled atmospheres has led to a mycological and pathological study of the rots. The most frequently isolated species wasFusarium culmorum althoughF. avenaceum, F. Sambucinum, Coletotrichum coccodes and aCylindrocarpon sp. were also present. Tubers of cvs Bintje and Ulla were inoculated with 19 isolates of 10 fungal species or varieties associated with rotting of stored tubers (Table 1). The tubers were incubated at 8 or 10°C in normal or controlled (2% O2:1% CO2, 2% O2:6% CO2, 2% O2:12% CO2, 6% O2:6% CO2) atmospheres and the extent of rotting was determined a month later (Tables 2 and 3 and Fig. 2). Species which were weakly virulent in a normal atmosphere (variousFusarium spp. andPhoma exigua var.exigua) were clearly more aggressive in the controlled atmosphere and this was especially evident in the case ofF. culmorum. Species ot pathogenic in a normal atmosphere under experimental conditions (Colletotrichum coccodes, Cylindrocarpon sp.,Phoma eupyrena) caused rotting in the controlled atmosphere. The two species which were virulent in a normal atmosphere (F. sulphureum andP. exigua var.foveata) were also virulent in the controlled atmosphere and in some cases the extent of rotting was even less. As a general rule, rotting caused by weakly virulent fungi was greater in both cultivars in the controlled than in a normal atmosphere.

Zusammenfassung Eine starke F?ulnis von in Kontrotrollierter Atmosph?re gelagerten Kartoffelknollen veranlasste eine mykologische und pathologische Untersuchung. Der am h?ufigsten isolierte Pilz warFusarium culmorum. F. avenaceum, F. sambucinum, Colletotrichum coccodes undCylindrocarpon sp. wurden ebenfalls bestimmt. Neunzehn St?mme von 10 Pilzsorten oder-Arten welche bei Lagerf?ulnis vorkommen (Tab. 1) wurden auf Knollen der Sorten Bintje und Ulla inokuliert. Die Lagerung wurde bei 8 oder 10°C under Normalbedingungen oder kontrollierter Atmosph?re durchgeführt (2% O2:1% CO2, 2% O2:6% CO2, 2% O2:12% CO2, 6% O2:6% CO2). Der F?ulnisgrad (Abb. 1) wurde nach einem Monat bonitiert. Die Ergebnisse sind in den Tabellen 2 und 3 dargestellt und in der Abb. 2 illustriert. Unter in Normalbedingungen nur schwach virulente Arten (verschiedeneFusarien undPhoma exigua var. exigua) waren deutlich aktiver in kontrollierter Atmosph?re. Dies was besonders der Fall fürF. culmorum. Pilze, die im Versuch unter Normalbedingungen nicht pathogen waren (Colletotrichum coccodes, Cylindrocarpon sp., Phoma eupyrena), haben unter kontrollierter Atmosph?re Sch?den verursacht. Hingegen werden die beiden unter Normalbedingungen sehr pathogenen Arten (F. sulphureum undP., exigua var.foveata), durch kontrollierte Atmosph?re wenig beeinflusst. Es wurde sogar in einigen F?llen eine gewisse Verringerung des F?ulnisbefalls beobachtet. Ganz allgemein haben die getesteten kontrollierten Bedingungen die Entwicklung der Pilzf?ulnis an beiden Kartoffelsorten gef?rdert, speziell durch Pilzarten, welche unter Normal-bedingungen wenig Sch?den verursachen.

为了促进贵州观光农业与生态环境的协调发展,本研究对传统绿肥贵州山地景观化利用潜力进行评价。以贵州主要种植的传统绿肥光叶苕子(Vicia villosa var.)、紫云英(Astragalus sinicus L.)、箭筈豌豆(Vicia sativa L.)、肥田萝卜(Raphanus sativus L.)、山黧豆(Lathyrus cicera L.)、油葵(Oil-sunflower)、二月兰[Orychophragmus violaceus (L.) O.E. Schulz]为研究对象,分析其花朵时空分布特征、花朵视觉特性等景观效益,以及各绿肥作物的生长特性及养分效益。二月兰的开花时间最早,随后是肥田萝卜、山黧豆、紫云英,接着是光叶苕子、箭筈豌豆,而油葵是夏季绿肥,初花期为6月中旬,花穗期17~43 d,花期长短表现依次为二月兰>肥田萝卜>油葵>光叶苕子>紫云英>山黧豆>箭筈豌豆。花朵分布高度为油葵150~200 cm、肥田萝卜75~95 cm、二月兰与光叶苕子及箭筈豌豆25~50 cm、紫云英和山黧豆15~25 cm。单株花朵数光叶苕子最多。单朵花面积油葵最大。单株花面积光叶苕子最大。结合观光与保育目标,可利用绿肥作物打造2—3月间的二月兰蓝紫色花海,3—4月间的紫云英紫红色花海、肥田萝卜白色花海,4月间的光叶苕子紫色花海,6—7月间的油葵黄色花海,以丰富贵州观光休闲农业的观光色调,延长观光时间,实现观光品牌的多样化。  相似文献   

Résumé La capacité infectieuse de 5 espèces ou variétés deFusarium responsables de la pourriture des tubercules est étudiée.F. roseum var.sambucinum possède la capacité infectieuse la plus importante.F.r. var.arthrosporioides etF.r. var.culmorum sont, à l'inverse, caractérisés par une capacité infectieuse faible, ils ne produisent des pourritures qu'à des doses élevées de spores et sont rapidement limités par la cicatrisation. Enfin,F. solani var.coeruleum etF.r. var.graminearum possèdent un comportement intermédiaire. Le niveau de ‘virulence’ des 5Fusarium apprécié sur 9 cultivars, est identique mais leur niveau ‘d'agressivité’ varie; ils sont doués d'une agressivité non-spécifique (l'ensemble desFusarium provoque sur un cultivar déterminé, le même niveau de maladie) ou spécifique (une espèce ou variété deFusarium possède un comportement déterminé sur un cultivar qui ne correspond pas à celui des autresFusarium). Il est traité dans la discussion-conclusion de l'apport de ces résultats dans un programme de sélection vis-à-vis des Fusarioses.
Summary The objective of this study is to confirm the infective potential of 5 species or varieties ofFusarium causing dry rot in potato tubers (F. roseum var.sambucinum (F.r. samb.), F. solani var.coeruleum (F.s. coer.), F. roseum var.arthrosporioides (F.r. arth.), F. roseum var.culmorum (F.r. culm.) andF. roseum var.graminearum (F.r. gram.)) in relation to different factors: inoculum level, wound type, time taken for wound healing, physiological age of tubers and cultivar. At low inoculum levels, certainFusarium can be highly aggressive, for exampleF.r. samb. and to a lesser extentF.s. coer. andF.r. gram., whereas others (F.r. arth. andF.r. culm.) can initiate a rot only when the inoculum level is high (Fig. 1 and Table 1). With respect to wounding (Tables 2 and 3),F.r. samb. causes extensive lesions regardless of wound type in contrast to the otherFusarium which do so only when the wounds are deeper than 2 mm. The reaction of the differentFusarium to wound healing is variable (Fig. 2). Some(F.r. culm. andF.r. arth.) are usually not affected whereas with others infection is arrested after a longer healing time: 8 days in the case ofF.s. coer. andF.r. samb. and longer withF.r. gram. Wound healing reaction can modify the relative ranking order of cultivars; a cultivar classified as resistant to aFusarium in the absence of healing can find itself grouped with the less resistant ones after wound healing probably because of a rate of healing lower than that of the other cultivars (Table 4). Behaviour of the different species and varieties ofFusarium is not affected differently by the physiological age of tubers; disease level is lower in young than in older tubers (Table 5). Moreover, cultivar reaction is more pronounced on young than on older tubers.

Zusammenfassung Das Ziel dieser Studie ist es die Infektionskapazit?t von fünf Arten oder Sorten des für die Trockenf?ule der Kartoffelknollen verantwortlichenFusarium zu pr?zisieren (F. roseum var.sambucinum (F.r. samb.), F. solani var.coeruleum (F.s. coer.), F. roseum var.arthrosporioides (F.r. arth.), F. roseum var.culmorum (F.r. culm.) undF. roseum var.graminearum (F.r. gram.)) im Bezug auf diverse Faktoren: Inokulumdosis, Art der Verletzung, Wundheilungsdauer, physiologisches Alter der Knollen und Sorte. GewisseFusarium zeichen sich schon bei einer schwachen Dosis durch eine erh?hte Agressivit?t aus; dies ist der Fall fürF.r. samb. und mit verminderter St?rke, fürF.s. coer. undF.r. gram., die anderen hingegen (F.r. arth. undF.r. culm.) k?nnen nur bei gr?sseren Dosen von Impfstoff zu einer F?ule führen (Abb. 1 und Tab. 1). Was die Verletzungen betrifft (Tab. 2 und 3) provoziertF.r. samb. gr?sseren Schaden bei jeglicher Art von Verletzung im Gegensatz zu den anderenFusarium die nur bei einer Mindesttiefe der Verletzungen von 2 mm zu einer starken erkrankung fürhren. Im Bezug auf die Wundheilung sind unterschiedliche Reaktionen der verschiedenenFusarium zu beobachten (Darstellung 2); gewisse sind selten begrenzt (dies ist der Fall fürF.r. culm. undF.r. arth.), andere kommen nach einer l?ngeren Wundheilungszeit zum Stillstand: 8 Tage fürF.s. coer. undF.r. samb. oder noch l?nger fürF.r. gram. Die Vernarbungsreaktion kann das ungef?hre Sortenklassement ver?ndern; eine für ein Fusarium wenig empfindliche Sorte kann zu den Empfindlichsten geh?ren durch ihres Verhalten bei der Wundheilung, wenn ihre Vernarbungszeit l?nger dauert als die anderer Sorten (Tab. 4). Die verschiedenen Arten oder Sorten desFusarium reagieren auf gleiche Weise was das physiologische Alter der Knollen betrifft. Der Krankheitsbestand ist auf jüngeren Knollen schw?cher als auf ?lteren (Tab. 5). Weiter ist das Verhalten der verschiedenen Sorten deutlicher bei den jungen Knollen als bei alten.

Zusammenfassung Es wurde versucht, die unterschiedlichen Ausbreitungsmechanismen der beiden Lagerf?uleerregerFusarium coeruleum undFusarium sulphureum physiologisch-biochemisch teilweise aufzukl?ren Alle Isolate vonF. coeruleum undF. sulphureum vermochten Pectinmethylesterasen (PME). Polygalacturonasen (PG), Cellulasen und Proteasen zu bilden. Die Synthese der PME erfolgte bei beiden Pilzen konstitutiv und wurde durch Substratzusatz erheblich gesteigert.F. coeruleum bildete auch PG konstitutiv, nicht jedochF. sulphureum. Die Cellulase-Synthese erfolgte bei beiden Pilzen konstitutiv, die der Protease bevorzugt konstitutiv. Die Kulturdauer beeinflusste die Syntheserate der Enzyme unterschiedlich. PME und PG vonF. coeruleum zeigten im Gegensatz zuF. sulphureum keinen Aktivit?tsabfall innerhalb von 39 Tagen. Die Cellulase-Synthese des ersteren Pilzes stieg bis zum 18. Tag an, um dann langsam abzufallen, die des letzteren fiel nach starker Aktivit?t bei 3 Tagen nach 6 Tagen stark ab, um dann aber wieder über den gesamten Zeitraum stetig anzusteigen. Anders verhielt sich die Protease-Synthese, die beiF. coeruleum mit ca. 21 Tagen ihr Optimum erreichte.
Summary In vivo,Fusarium coeruleum grows intercellularly andF. sulphureum intracellularly. The possible relationship between this and the activity of various enzymes has been investigated. All isolates ofF. coeruleum andF. sulphureum were able to produce pectinmethylesterases (PME), polygalacturonases (PG), cellulases and proteases. Both fungi synthesized PME constitutively, more being produced if substrate was added. PG was formed constitutively only byF. coeruleum. Cellulase synthesis was constitutive in both fungi and protease synthesis mainly constitutive (Fig. 2). The PME activity ofF. coeruleum was influenced by the N-source. inorganic N-compounds being more effective than organic in this respect. Peptone from casein was found suitable for PG activity. In contrast to the proteases, cellulase activity. In contrast to the proteases, cellulase activity was not greatly influenced by the N-source. The PME and PG ofF. coeruleum showed no loss of activity up to 39 days. The cellulase activity of this fungus increased up to 18 days and then declined. The cellulase activity ofF. sulphureum rose to a high level on the 3rd day. decreased after 6 days but increased again between the 9th and 39th day. Protease activity inF. coeruleum reached a maximum in 33 days and inF. sulphureum in 21 days (Table 2).

Résumé II a été essayé d'éclaircir en partie par la voice de procédés physiologico-biochimiques le mécanisme différent de la propagation durant la conservation des deux agents de pourritureFusarium coeruleum etFusarium sulphureum. Touslesisolats deF.coeruleum etF. sulphureum ont été capables de développer des pectines-méthylestérases (PME), polygalacturonases (PG), cellulases et protéases. Pour les deux champignons, la synthèse de PME a été réalisée de manière constitutive et sensiblement activée par l'adjonction de substrats.F. coeruleum élabore aussi le PG de manière constitutive, contrairement à F. sulphureum. La synthèse de la cellulase fut constitutive pour les deux champignons, celle de la protéase fut de préférence constitutive (fig. 2). Le taux de la synthèse des enzymes varie pendant la duréc de la culture. Contrairement àF. sulphureum, les PME et PG deF. coeruleum n'ont pas diminué leur activité durant 39 jours. La synthèse de la cellulase deF. coeruleum s'est accrue jusqu'au 18e jour pour régresser ensuite lentement, celle deF. sulphureum, après une intense activité durant les 3 premiers jours, a fortement diminué pendant 6 jours puis a augmenté de fa?on continue jusqu'à la fin de la période. La synthèse de la protéase a évolué différemment; pourF. coeruleum, elle a atteint son optimum après 21 jours environ (tableau 2).

Summary Morphological and biochemical parameters that could be involved in resistance to late blight were studied in non-infected and in infected potato hybrids resulting from a cross betweenSolanum phureja, resistant toPhytophthora infestans, and a susceptibleSolanum tuberosum. Some morphological differences between resistant and susceptible hybrids, indicating a positive correlation between stem diameter and phloem thickness in the stem and resistance toP. infestans, were observed. The lignin content in the leaves of the resistant hybrid rose upon infection byP. infestans. In the leaves of the susceptible hybrid, a diminution of the lignin content could be observed upon infection byP. infestans. In the same context, peroxidasic activity raised upon infection byP. infestans in both resistant and susceptible hybrids. Further characterization of the hybrid clones based on the polymorphism of peroxidases was attempted using isoelectric focusing.  相似文献   

Summary Field-grown tubers of 22 progenies ofSolanum tuberosum L. generated in a crossing programme involving seven parents differing in resistance toFusarium coeruleum Lib. ex Sacc. andF. sulphureum Schlect. (=F. sambucinum Fuckel, teleomorphGibberella pulicaris (Fr.) Sacc.) were wound-inoculated with a cornmeal + sand culture of each pathogen. Parental genotypes were also included. The mean lesion size of each progeny was compared in 2 years of tests, as well as with published data on glasshouse-grown tubers. ForF. coeruleum there was a high correlation between years as well as with the glasshouse data, but no such correlations were apparent withG. pulicaris. Furthermore, parental and GCA values, as well as progeny means and mid-parent scores, also correlated highly forF. coeruleum but not forG. pulicaris. Glasshouse-grown tubers of 11 wildSolanum spp. were also inoculated with both pathogens. Some resistance to one or other, or both, was apparent, particularly inS. chacoense.  相似文献   

The differences in morphological and chemical characteristics and pulpability of core and bark fiber of jute at different position, top, middle and bottom were studied. The fiber length at the middle part of both bark and core was longer than the top and bottom part. With increasing height from bottom to top lignin content is decreased and α-cellulose content increased. The bark had higher α-cellulose and lower lignin than core. The bark produced nitrobenzene oxidation products with larger syringaldehyde/vanillin (S/V) ratios than the core. The yields of nitrobenzene oxidation products in bark were higher than core. The analysis of neutral sugars suggested that xylose is the predominant sugar of hemicellulose in both bark and core. The bark had higher glucose and lower xylose as compared to core. Under identical conditions of pulping, bark gave higher pulp yield and lower kappa number than core. The bark pulp showed better bleachability than core pulp. The higher tensile index in core pulp and higher tear index in bark pulp were observed.  相似文献   

Summary The susceptibility of 43 commercially available potato cultivars to dry rot caused byF. sulphureum, F. solani andF. oxysporum under similar conditions was examined over two years. The cultivars reacted with differing levels of resistance to the dry rot species.F. sulphureum was more aggressive than the other two species and the resistance to each species was independent. The overall cluster analysis classified the cultivars into six groups. Saturna, in an individual group, is the most resistant variety to all tested species, and also toF. surphureum. Panda, Fregate, Folva, Arian and a few others in a group are resistant toF. solani. AlthoughF. oxysporum was the least pathogenetic, almost half of the cultivars are included in a resistant group to this species. There was little correlation between the rank orders of susceptibility of the cultivars to the two main pathogens.  相似文献   

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