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Discussion about Saving Energy in Refrigeratory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Food refrigeration is regarded as a high energy consuming trade. Under the long period system of state operated enterprise,there are many phenomenons of ignoring energy management and wasting energy. Energy consuming is not very clear for production.Consuming in our country is far more than the international standard and there is a distance between the middle_westland and the eastland. As a enterprise that faces the international market,it is important for it to strength the management so that the cost can be reduced. Considering those phenomenons of ignoring energy management and wasting energy in refrigeratory at present, some measures such as improved the unreasonable operation process, strengthening the energy management and automation to realize automatizing operation are improved to reduce the cost for refrigeratory trades.  相似文献   

针对大宗农产品多次丰产滞销、采后损失大等产业难题,结合我国当前农业生产和农村经济体制,通过设计、性能测试、贮藏试验,研制出一种大宗蔬菜产地节能贮藏库,其特征为:库房可周年使用,造价低于标准冷库50%,能耗减少90%;库体围护结构总热阻R≥1.83 m2·h·℃·kJ-1,导热系数K≤0.55 k J·m-2·h-1·℃-1,库温几乎不受外界温度影响;设置轴流风机强制通风,库内不同位置温差△T≤2℃;采用无冷桥设计,减少耗冷结霜量;采用DL-4.3/20型制冷设备,控温范围-5~15℃,精度±0.5℃;采用PLC温度控制系统,贮藏温度可均匀、稳定地控制在(0±0.1)℃。马铃薯贮藏180 d,VC含量、腐烂发芽率、还原糖含量、淀粉含量、呼吸强度等综合指标均优于对照。大宗蔬菜产地节能贮藏库是集自然冷源降温、机械制冷、保温控温等功能于一体的节能贮藏设施,适合大宗农产品的长期贮藏。  相似文献   

Aimins at the state that present central air- conditioning systems performance in high ineffective energy consumption, this paper studies the reasons of ineffective energy consumption and the key technique to solove the problem. A set of energe saving device for central air - conditioning systems is developed. A system dynamical mathematical model is established in theory, and an optimal performance pattern is fired. The central air - conditioning system can work in the optimal pattern with effective comfortability and saving energy by using. The device may save power rate to 22.6% by survey and may have broad market prospect in the southern area.  相似文献   

隧道式干燥机节能研究现状及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍隧道式干燥机的节能研究现状。研究将各种节能措施与隧道式干燥机有机结合起来,对不同物料的最佳干燥工艺,以达到最大程度节能降耗的目的。  相似文献   

冷藏库的节能途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了冷库的现实作用和功能特点,论述了冷库的节能方法,对我国冷库的设计与运行管理具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

This paper points out the problems in air conditioning and the urgent need in energy saving. By observations and analyses, it shows that the idea of making use of natural resources to improve the indoor air may date back to ancient times. This paper also examines the feasibility of taking advantage of dry or wet bulb temperature, solar energy, underground rock etc. to regulate the room temperature. Finally, it concludes that the above mentioned old idea has such characteristics as energy saving, low cost and less pollution. Therefore, it is a good green plan in energy saving air conditioning.  相似文献   

This paper describes the familiar ways for the energy saving of the municipal water-supply systems and the basic methodologies for the optimal pump operations. A recommendation of the most-used nonlinear programming and the lately developed genetic algorithm of the water distribution systems is also provided. Advantages and disadvantages of each approach are presented,along with the comment of the corresponding applications.At the last part of this paper, the author puts forward his suggestions, at the basis of the summary and conclusion of energy saving and optimization of the municipal water-supply systems.Through this paper, the author hopes to review the state of existing ways and methodologies of the water-supply systems,and to recognize the future work that for us to do.  相似文献   

Intelligent buildings are more convenient and comfortable, however, their energy consumption during the operation arouses a big concern in society. In this article air - conditioning system operation control is studied mainly, meanwhile, to develop a kind of energy - saving air - conditioning system and put forward a strategy of energy conservation in air - conditioning, based on the calculation of the target on - line optimized function.  相似文献   

In this paper according to the relationships between indoor-outdoor climate parameters, indoor thermal environment parameter and heat insulation parameters of enclosure, the control condition of indoor thermal environment and the control parameters of heat insulation-energy saving are advanced. Prescribing a quality limit for the parameters, the control indexes for the heat insulation energy saving of the enclosure are given.  相似文献   

为获得香蕉种植收益最大时的定植期,本文尝试利用系统动力学建模方式,对香蕉定植期进行选择。该模型通过模拟海南岛西部采用较多的一年一造种植方式,考虑香蕉价格和果串钟随季节的波动。模型只需输入逐周气温数据既可以输出该轮种植期内的总收益。模型的准确性经过2007-2008年东方地区香蕉发育情况拟合与验证。模拟结果表明在第22-25周(即5月下旬到六月中上旬)定植香蕉可以获取最大经济收益,与其他定植期相比可以增加经济受益40%。该模型的建立为下一步估算气候变化对香蕉种植的经济影响奠定基础。  相似文献   

The energy consumption and sight pollution of glazing curtain wall are two problems to be urgently managed. Intelligent curtain wall is a new type one of energy conservation and environment protection, in which the thermal channel to save building energy consumption and automatic sunshade to adjust sunlight are adopted. Four engineering examples of oversea intelligent curtain wall are briefed. The construction and energy saving principle of ventilative curtain wall as the core technique of intelligent curtain wall are presented. The earliest ventilative curtain wall in China Mainland, and its test results of heat preservation in winter are stressed. The design experience of how to choose three key parameters: the width of thermal channel, the layout of inlet and outlet and the type of glass is discussed.  相似文献   

就冷库设计及制冷设备运行过程中的主要节能途径进行了分析,在阐述冷库围护结构节能设计、制冷设备节能的基础上,概述了冷库运行管理中的主要节能降耗方式.  相似文献   

According to the principles of various methods and energy consumption characteristics in Chongqing, new method of energy saving calculation is proposed for public buildings. It's shown that building envelope, facilities and energy management play the key role in energy saving reconstruction. Considering the difficulty of measuring adjustment quantity, the calculation should be under some certain prerequisites (design conditions), also the prevailing industry standards can be fully utilized. During the energy saving calculation, another key point is how to reflect the contribution rate of the single technologies for energy saving reconstruction.  相似文献   

A coking plant extended many times, and its capacity of the cooling water system is not match with it, the consumption of new water is much more than that used by others in the same industry. The water system renovation is addressed for an extended coking plant. The installation of two 600 m3/h cooling towers and restoration the existing two cooling towers are to promote the cooling capacity so that the amount of discharge and feed could be reduced. At the same time, the pipe net for waste water reutilisation is installed, by which part of the waste water is reused as supplement water for quenching hot coke and the other was piped to ironworks for reuse. With the field test, the water consumption per ton of coke production is cut down from 9.03 m3 to 3.21 m3. And the annual water saving is more than 6×106 m3. Furthermore, the electric consumption is reduced by 2×106 kWh and about 3×106 yuan of annual running cost is saved.  相似文献   

笼养蛋鸡健康养殖技术研究的现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋鸡笼养因其突出的优点必将仍是中国以及许多国家主要的养殖模式,笼养蛋鸡健康养殖是目前急需解决的问题.在对畜禽健康养殖发展的重要性和基本概念进行界定的基础上,从优良品种选育、饲养方式完善与替代、饲养环境优化、优质饲料生产与配制、动物疫病防控、健康养殖管理6个方面对国内外笼养蛋鸡健康养殖调控技术研究现状进行了综述,最后探索性地提出了中国笼养蛋鸡健康养殖技术研究的发展趋势.  相似文献   

西北地区马铃薯节水种植制度的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马铃薯是西北地区重要的粮食作物,干旱是限制该区域马铃薯发展的主要因素之一。在总结近10年来,甘肃、宁夏、陕西、青海等西北地区主要省份马铃薯生产发展趋势的基础上,分析了该区水资源储量和农业用水利用现状。从农业生产应用的角度,分别就工程与设施节水技术、农艺节水技术和结构型节水技术,阐述了西北地区马铃薯节水种植制度的发展。  相似文献   

大豆抗旱节水生理及水肥一体化栽培技术研究初报   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了明确旱作农业区大豆抗旱节水栽培技术,确保大豆生产可持续发展,根据黑龙江省旱作农业区特点,针对大豆抗旱节水生产技术进行了试验研究。结果表明:(1)大豆行间覆膜可提高土壤含水量,与不覆膜相比提高1.19个百分点;(2)喷施土壤调理剂明显改善土壤物理性状,容重低于播前;(3)覆膜配合合理施肥在一定程度上改善了大豆光合作用指标,其产量及水分利用效率高于其它处理。  相似文献   

北枣南种速生高产新技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国传统枣树栽培方式在北方五省(山东、河北、河南、山西、陕西)是育苗、起苗、定植、定干和整形等,导致因起苗伤根太多而使栽植成活率低、长树慢,影响枣树速生、多结、高产特性的发挥。而海南省采用就地播种育苗,并采用丛状留株建园及改用拉倒篱壁整枝的新模式,既可实现666.7m2栽555株枣树的高密度,又可充分发挥枣树的速生和高产特性。海南省枣树建园当年即可大量挂果,甚至连续挂果,第1年株产枣果2.6kg,666.7m2枣园产枣果1443kg,第2年株产枣果4.8kg,666.7m2枣园产枣量2664kg。  相似文献   

As a large burning coal country, resolving the SO2 letting problem is the most important thing in the environment protection work. Electric power industry reveals the supply's load rate declining and the discrepancy between apex and vale augments year after year. It makes the load adjustment become an imminency task in the electric power industry. The article popularizes the light power saving technology in the inhabitant living lighting power through reinforcing the DSM technology. It studies the influence on energy and environment after using the technology. It studies avoidable electricity quantity, avoidable electricity power, avoidable apex load, avoidable coal consuming and avoidable SO2 lettling. At last, it makes a concrete analysis with a city's example.  相似文献   

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