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Amphiploids were produced from pentaploid hybrids between Vaccinium corymbosum (4x) and Vaccinium ashei (6x) by colchicine treatment. Seeds of each parental species and those obtained by the interspecific crossing were treated with colchicine at 0, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/l for 7 days, and the ploidy level of the seedlings was determined with flow cytometry. Either amphiploid (10x) or ploidy chimera (5x + 10x) was obtained from interspecific hybrid seeds treated with all colchicine concentrations, while no chromosome-doubled plants were obtained from both parents. Cross direction in interspecific hybridization affected the results of colchicine treatment and amphiploids were obtained only when V. corymbosum was used as the seed parent. In this cross, 17–25% of the seedlings turned to be amphidiploids or ploidy chimeras by treating with 500 mg/l colchicines for 7 days. These results indicate that susceptibility to colchicine may increase in the interspecific hybrid compared with the parental species but only when V. corymbosum was used as female parent.  相似文献   

Strawberry cultivation is not popular in Bangladesh due to the unpredictable climatic conditions and lack of proper cultivars. Using somaclonal variation, several new promising selections were generated and evaluated for their flowering and fruiting ability, adaptability and sustainability. To induce variation, plants were regenerated using various tissue culture techniques. Our results suggested that a high concentration of BAP in culture medium successfully resulted in the induction of somaclonal variation. Among the tissue culture techniques adopted in this study, meristem culture was most effective for induction of somaclonal variation. Twenty five putative somaclones with better horticultural features were subsequently selected and field evaluated for three clonal generations. Several of the selections reverted back to their original phenotype within 2–3 vegetative propagations. Three of the stable selections were distinct from each other in terms of fruit and other horticultural characters, and have potential for commercial cultivation in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Vine cacti have economic potential as exotic fruits in semi-arid and arid lands due to their high water use efficiency. The goal of this study was to attain autopolyploid plants by applying the antimitotic agents colchicine and oryzalin on axillary vegetative buds and germinating seeds. The diploid Hylocereus monacanthus and the tetraploid H. megalanthus; the interspecific triploid hybrid S-75, were studied. The effects of different concentrations and exposure times on bud survival and germination rate were recorded. A negative effect on vegetative bud survival was observed in the triploid hybrid. An inhibitory effect on germinating seeds was species specific, being greater on H. monacanthus with oryzalin and on H. megalanthus with colchicine. Putative polyploids were identified by comparing stomatal density between donor plants and plants arising from treated buds or seeds. Flow cytometric analysis and chromosome counts confirmed polyploidization in 14 autotetraploid H. monacanthus, 1 autohexaploid S-75 hybrid, and 14 autooctaploid H. megalanthus. This is the first report of artificial autopolyploidization in species of vine cactus, providing valuable novel plant material for further breeding programs.  相似文献   

The tips of cotyledon-stage seedlings of three crape myrtle cultivars (“Zi Wei”, “Hong Wei” and “Yin Wei”) were treated with colchicine. Various concentrations of colchicine and different treatment durations were tested. Seedlings of “Zi Wei” treated with 0.5% colchicine for 72 h and seedlings of “Yin Wei” treated with colchicine (0.2% for 96 h, 0.5% for 48 h and 0.8% for 72 h) demonstrated high rates of mutation; “Hong Wei” showed a slightly lower rate. The highest rate of morphological variation was 54.17% and this was achieved when tips were treated with 0.5% colchicine for 72 h. Putative tetraploid plants were identified with morphological and cytological variations, such as larger and thicker leaves, darker green coloration, larger stomata, lower density of stomata across the lower leaf epidermis and increased numbers of chloroplasts per stomata guard cell. Flow cytometric analysis demonstrated that the nuclear DNA content of 15 of these putative tetraploids (of which 7 were “Zi Wei”, 5 were “Yin Wei”, and 3 were “Hong Wei”) was indeed doubled relative to that of control diploid plants. The chromosome number of the tetraploid plants was 2n = 4x = 96, while that of the control diploid plants was 2n = 2x = 48. Ornamental characteristics were also enhanced in the tetraploid plants, with increased diameter of the individual flowers and greater basal length of the petals and claws. Pollen diameter and the size of capsules and seeds were also significantly greater than those of diploid plants.  相似文献   

An efficient protocol for in vitro maturation of very immature, <10 mm, avocado embryos has been developed. The efficiency of plant recovery as well as the quality of the resulting plants was greatly improved by including a maturation phase prior to induction of germination. The influence of different factors, such as the gelling agent, organic supplements or abscisic acid, on embryo maturation and subsequent germination was tested. Optimum conditions were met when maturation was carried out in B5m medium supplemented with the Jensen's amino acids, an extra 88 mM sucrose and 6 g l−1 agar as gelling agent. At these conditions, embryos which had been collected 68 days after pollination germinated at a 65% rate in solid medium, giving rise to healthy and vigorous plantlets. Anatomical differentiation and storage product accumulation occurring during the in vitro maturation phase were studied by means of histological techniques. Results obtained revealed that, at the end of the in vitro maturation period, embryos resembled the pattern previously established for avocado embryos matured under in vivo conditions: histodifferentiation had been accomplished and starch granules and protein bodies were abundant.  相似文献   

The establishment of in vitro cultures of Echinacea angustifolia D.C. was obtained directly from sections of flower stalks of adult plants. The shoot formation was obtained from this plant material placed on a modified MS basal medium named CH supplemented with 0.5 mg L−1 6-benzylaminopurine (BA). The in vitro propagation procedure of E. angustifolia consisted of three distinct phases: an initial regeneration phase from stalk sections (IP shoots on basal medium with 0.25 mg L−1 BA), an elongation phase on active charcoal and an axillary proliferation of the shoots (AP shoots on basal medium with 0.5 mg L−1 BA).Regenerating calli were established from leaves of in vitro shoots cultured on CH medium supplemented with 3 mg L−1 BA and 0.5 mg L−1 indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Developed shoots from the callus cultures were subcultured on the CH medium with 0.5 mg L−1 BA (leaf regenerated shoots: LR shoots). The secondary metabolite content of the in vitro plant material was compared with that of the greenhouse growing plants. The quali-quantitative LC-DAD-ESI-MS analysis on the extracts from axillary proliferation shoots (AP shoots) showed significant production of caffeic acid derivatives while leaf callus and LR shoots, accumulated mainly alkamides. These results showed that the proper choice of the procedures for in vitro multiplication allowed us to obtain plant biomass able to produce the active compounds typical of E. angustifolia plants.  相似文献   

Characteristics such as flower form, size and color of outer and inner perianths, anthocyanins in outer perianths, size, color and fertility of pollen and self-fertility of diploid and tetraploid lines regenerated via protoplast culture of Iris fulva were examined and compared with those of the diploid wild line. Among these characteristics, flower form, inner and outer perianth sizes of the tetraploid lines were noticeable, because these lines had upward flower forms and bigger flowers than diploid lines. Furthermore, reciprocal crosses between diploid or tetraploid lines of I. fulva and I. ensata and those of I. fulva and I. laevigata were performed. Three seedlings were obtained from the cross of tetraploid I. fulva × diploid I. laevigata through embryo rescue. One of them was identified as the interspecific hybrid between tetraploid I. fulva and I. laevigata by flow cytometoric (FCM), cytological and molecular (RAPD) analyses. This is the first report on production of hybrids from these lines. I. fulva has unique brown flowers, and this trait could be very useful for flower color breeding of I. laevigata which lacks this color. Therefore, the hybrid of I. fulva (4×) × I. laevigata may be the best available gene source for brown color breeding of this species.  相似文献   

In the present paper we report on the effects of the insertion of the Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolC gene in the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L., formerly Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cultivar Tondino. Several transgenic lines were successfully obtained, between which two clones, rolC1 and rolC3, were chosen for the analysis of morpho-productive traits as well as of the endogenous levels of auxin and abscisic acid. Consistent with the known phenotypic effect of this gene, the transformed tomato plants were significantly shorter than the corresponding controls. On the other hand, even if yield was not affected by the transformation in terms of average number of fruits produced, fruit weight was significantly lower in the transgenics with respect to the controls. Therefore, insertion of the rolC gene does not lead to an improvement in plant productivity.  相似文献   

The tetraploid of Dendranthema nankingense (Nakai) Tzvel. was induced by the colchicine treatment using nodal segments. Ploidy level was determined by an analysis of flow cytometry and chromosome counting. The morphological characteristics such as the stomata, leaves, flowers and pollen grains of the tetraploid were significantly larger than those of the diploid. The tolerance responses of the diploid and tetraploid were compared under the imposition of heat, cold, drought and salinity stress. Semi-lethal temperatures suggest that cold tolerance is improved by polyploidization, but the heat tolerance is reduced. Under drought and salt stress, the activity of peroxidase (POD) and relative water content (RWC) in the tetraploid were higher than those in the diploid. Accordingly its malondialdehyde (MDA) content maintained a lower level. The content of chlorophyll (a + b) in the tetraploid was higher, and decrease of its content was postponed in tetraploid compared with the diploid under salt stress. It suggested that polyploidization could alleviate oxidative stress, maintain good water balance and higher chlorophyll (a + b) content, thereby enhanced the drought and salt tolerance in colchicine induced tetraploid.  相似文献   

Transplanting time is determined by factors such as the field conditions, the age of the seedlings, and the size of the container, but little information is available on the effect of the genetic background on transplanting time. Here, we examined root dry weight (RDW), shoot dry weight, root/shoot ratio (RSR), time at which 50% of the germinated seedlings have expanded cotyledons (CE50), root ball formation (RBW), the length of time from the cotyledon expansion from the first to the last germinated seedling (ES) and transplanting time (TRD) in a BC1F6 population derived from Solanum lycopersicum and Solanum pimpinellifolium. All traits exhibited significant correlation with each other, except for RSR, which was only significantly correlated to RDW. A total of eight additive quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were detected for the five traits, i.e., RSR, RBW, CE50, ES, and TRD. One epistatic (QTL × QTL) interaction each was identified for RSR and TRD. QTLs for RSR, RBW, CE50, ES and TRD clustered near marker LEOH37 on chromosome 4. Clustering of ce50-4, rsr4, rbw4, and es4 with trd4 reflected the dependence of transplanting time on root ball formation, growth uniformity and early seedling growth, especially root growth. In addition, several QTLs in this study were mapped to regions where QTLs for days to flowering or number of leaves before the first inflorescence had been identified previously. This suggests that the roots may exert some influence on the flowering time in tomato.  相似文献   

A study has been made concerning the influence of two environmental factors (temperature and solar radiation) on sugar content and sucrolytic activity in cherry tomato fruits during the crop cycle. For this, Solanum lycopersicum cv. Naomi plants were grown in an experimental greenhouse. Three fruit samples were taken over the entire production period: the first sampling at the beginning of harvest [85 days after transplanting (dat)], the second at mid-harvest (160 dat), and the third at the end of harvest (229 dat). The values for temperature and solar radiation peaked in the third sampling, coinciding with an increase in lipid peroxidation, without lowering yield with respect to previous samplings. Regarding the sugar content in the cherry tomatoes, our results showed that the increase in temperature and solar radiation diminished the sucrose content at 229 dat and raised the hexoses (glucose and fructose) as well as starch content, produced primarily by the enzyme sucrose synthase. On the contrary, the rest of the enzymes responsible for sucrose degradation, acid and neutral invertases, showed no notable changes in their activity at the end of the crop cycle. In short, our results suggest that the increase in sucrolytic activity, induced mainly by sucrose synthase under these conditions, contributes to the mechanisms of antioxidant defense by supplying precursors (glucose and fructose) of antioxidant compounds in order to restrict the massive accumulation of ROS and thereby avoid the appearance of cell necrosis and reduce yield losses.  相似文献   

We established the conditions to micropropagate the ornamental prickly pear cactus Opuntia lanigera Salm–Dyck through axillary shoot development from isolated areoles. For the shoot proliferation stage different explant orientation (vertical and horizontal), type of cytokinin (BA, DAP and K), and concentrations (0, 1.25, 2,5, 5.0 and 7.5 mg/L) were evaluated. Media [Murashige, T., Skoog, F., 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco cultures. Phys. Plant. 15, 473–497: 50 and 100%], and carbohydrate concentration (0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0%) were studied to optimize individual shoot growth and elongation. Following micropropagation and plantlet acclimatization, the effects of GA3 on plant growth were determined by spraying a series of increasing concentrations (0, 150, 300 and 450 ppm). A reliable and efficient protocol of micropropagation was established for this particular plant species. The greatest propagation ratio (shoot proliferation) was obtained when explants were cultured in vertical orientation (4.975 shoots per explant) as compared to horizontal position (3.692 shoots per explant). The addition of BA to the media resulted in increased shoot number per explant (8) in comparison to K and DA, which produced only 2 shoots in average. However, after 42 days of culture, significantly higher shoot length was obtained with DAP (14 mm) compared to K and BA (4 mm). After the shoot proliferation stage, an elongation subculture was performed prior rooting in which shoot growth was enhanced when crowns of shoots were cultured in 50% of basal salt formulation of Murashige and Skoog (1962) and low sucrose concentration (2.5 and 5%). Exogenous application of GA3 after plantlet acclimatization on glasshouse conditions increased spine-hair (developed from areoles in young plants) length as part of short-term effects. However, significantly higher values were obtained in plantlets treated with 300 ppm of GA3 when compared with the rest of the treatments. At the end of the study, the most important long-term effect produced by GA3 was the suppression of total shoot growth. The micropropagation protocol described here and the conditions to grow the plants through fertigation plus the application of GA3 that induced changes in the phenotype may be used in commercial exploitations to regenerate 12,500 plantelts in average after 12 months of culture and produce healthy plants with better ornamental characteristics and higher commercial value.  相似文献   

In vitro development of isolated embryos and axillary bud proliferation were studied in Pistacia vera L. Different regulator-free nutrient media were compared to determine the effects of the mineral solution, agar and sucrose concentrations on seedling development from mature embryos. Nutrient-rich MS [Murashige, T., Skoog, F., 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tabacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant. 15, 473–479] and DKW [Driver, J.A., Kuniyuki, A.M., 1984. In vitro propagation of Paradox walnut rootstock. HortScience 19, 507–509] mineral solutions were more efficient for the development of aerial parts than nutrient-poor KN [Knop, W., 1884. Bereitung einer concentrierten nährstofflosung für pflanzen. Landwersuhssat 30, 292–294] and WT [Withe, P.R., 1936. Plant tissue cultures. Bot. Rev. 2, 419–437] solutions. Reducing the agar concentration enhanced fresh matter production and balanced seedling development. When tested at different concentrations, sucrose was found to orient mature embryo development, with the best results obtained at concentrations of 2–4%, whereas high concentrations (6 and 12%) mainly inhibited elongation of the aerial parts. Plantlets obtained previously from in vitro cultured embryos were propagated by axillary budding. High bud proliferation (six shoots per explant) was achieved when using 17.8 μM benzyladenine (BA) combined with 0.5 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). The addition of 2.9 μM gibberellic acid (GA3) to the propagation medium did not improve axillary shoot yields and on average, media with GA3 produced 2.3–2.6 elongated stems per cultured explant. Shoots were rooted in vitro in half-strength MS medium containing 12.3 μM IBA.  相似文献   

Closed cycle soilless techniques can be adopted to minimize water and fertilizer losses in greenhouse cultivation. There is a general lack of information regarding the soilless cultivation of vegetables with closed cycle subirrigation techniques, specifically when using saline water. In this study, a trough bench subirrigation system (SUB), with two fertilizer concentrations (“100%”, containing 9.8 mol m−3 N-NO3, 1.6 mol m−3 P-H2PO4, 8.7 mol m−3 K+, 2.8 mol m−3 Ca+, 1.8 mol m−3 Mg+, 4 mol m−3 S-SO4, and “70%”, containing 70% of the macronutrient concentration) in the nutrient solution (NS), was compared with open cycle drip-irrigation (DRIP with “100%” NS). For all the three treatments, NS was prepared using rain water (0.05 dS m−1) and adding NaCl (1 g L−1), in order to simulate moderate saline irrigation water. The effect of the treatments on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plant growth, yield, fruit quality, water use efficiency (WUE) and fertilizer consumption was evaluated. Substrate and recirculating NS composition were also studied. Subirrigation, regardless of NS concentration, reduced plant height (by 30 cm), leaf area (by 1411 cm2), total fresh and dry weight (by 429 and 48.5 g plant−1, respectively) but not dry matter percentage of the whole plant, with respect to DRIP. Yield was reduced when plants were subirrigated with the higher concentrated NS, but no differences with open cycle DRIP were recorded when the lower NS concentration was used in SUB. Fruit quality was not affected by irrigation system or NS concentration. The higher WUE was obtained with subirrigation. NaCl accumulated similarly over the crop cycle in recirculating NS of both SUB treatments and in growing substrates of all the three treatments. Higher salt concentration was found in subirrigated substrates, in particular in the upper part of the substrate profile. Fertilizers accumulated in the subirrigated substrates when the higher NS concentration was used, but not when the NS concentration was reduced by 30%. The results of this study indicate that tomato can be grown successfully in a closed cycle subirrigation system, using saline water, by reducing the fertilizer NS concentration normally used with traditional open cycle systems.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to elucidate how fruit growth was limited by the source and sink capacities in a Japanese (‘Momotaro York’) and a Dutch (‘Dundee’) tomato cultivar. The two cultivars were grown hydroponically with a high-wire system in greenhouses for 25 weeks, and the growth characteristics and sink strength of fruit were determined. Fruits were pruned to four (4F) or one (1F) per truss. The latter were used to determine potential fruit growth, an indicator of fruit sink strength. Growth was also determined under normal (LC) and enriched (HC, 700 μmol mol−1) CO2 concentrations to examine the effect of source enhancement on fruit production. In both cultivars under normal CO2, the growth rate of fruit pruned to 4F per truss was lower than that in 1F, indicating that maximum potential fruit growth was not achieved. Under HC conditions, fruit growth rate of ‘Dundee’ achieved in 4F trusses was lower than that in 1F. In ‘Momotaro York’ in HC, fruit growth in 4F trusses was close to potential. This implies that fruit growth was source-limited irrespective of CO2 concentrations in ‘Dundee’ cultivar while fruit growth in ‘Momotaro York’ under normal and enriched CO2 conditions was limited by source and sink strengths, respectively. Adjustments of cultural practices including increasing fruit number per truss and/or genetic approaches to enhancing fruit sink strength by breeding may improve fruit yields of Japanese cultivars under high source/sink conditions.  相似文献   

Artificial inoculation with fungal species involved in the Petri disease was performed on in vitro grapevine shoots. After 2 months, plantlets were observed and the presence of any leaf chlorosis or necrosis, considered as symptoms of the disease, were recorded. The fungal inoculation caused an increase in the number of symptomatic in vitro plants and in the incidence of external symptoms. Recovery of the fungal species was obtained after incubation of excised tissue fragments from the inoculated in vitro plants while some fertile fragments were collected also from plants without external symptoms. Higher levels of symptoms were observed in the rootstock varieties inoculated with Phaeomoniella chlamydospora while the lowest incidence was observed in the Aglianico cultivar. The possibility to correlate the visual assessment of in vitro plants with the data obtained by the analysis of digital images was confirmed.  相似文献   

Genetic variability in modern crops is limited due to domestication and breeding. To investigate genetic variation in different populations, 216 tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cultivars, hybrids, and elite breeding lines from four breeding programs were genotyped using single nucleotide polymorphism and simple sequence repeat markers. Of 47 markers analyzed, 72.3% were polymorphic in the whole collection of 216 genotypes and 51.06–59.57% showed polymorphisms in individual populations. However, genetic variation was narrow in all four populations. Nei's genetic distance varied from 0.0422 to 0.1135 between populations and from 0.0085 to 0.3187 between lines in individual populations. Cluster and principal coordinate analysis indicated that the four populations could be grouped into three clades. Lines from Shenyang Agricultural University and China Agricultural University population formed the first clade, lines from Beijing Vegetable Research Center were in the second clade, and lines from Nunhems were in the third clade. This was further supported by population structure analysis using STRUCTURE2.2, and suggested that a lack of germplasm exchange might exist among breeding programs. It might be the reason that the progress of developing new varieties with significant improvement of horticultural traits in China is slow in recent years.  相似文献   

This paper describes an efficient colchicine-mediated technique for the in vitro induction of tetraploids in Astragalus membranaceus and its confirmation by flow cytometry. Buds immersed in 0.2% colchicine solution for 36 h prior to culture induced as high as 35.3% tetraploid plants. Colchicine-induced tetraploids remained stable after 6 months in soil. Leaf characteristics of diploids and tetraploids in A. membranaceus were compared. It was determined that leaf sizes of glasshouse-grown plants and stomatal sizes of both in vitro and glasshouse-grown plants were suitable parameters for identifying putative tetraploids in A. membranaceus. As well as generating tetraploids, this technique generated mixoploids in A. membranaceus. Calli derived from mixoploid leaves, were induced to form buds and shoots. Individual shoots were classed as diploid, mixoploid and tetraploid by flow cytometry. This callus-based technique can be employed when a genome-doubling agent generates mixoploids but no tetraploid.  相似文献   

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