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2007年7月4~11日,对湖南两江峡谷森林公园夏季鸟类资源进行了调查。通过样线调查法并结合鸟网捕捉,共记录到68种鸟类,隶属于14目31科,占湖南省400种鸟类的17.00%。其中53种属东洋界种类、3种属古北界种类、12种属广布种;留鸟60种、夏候鸟8种。8种鸟类属国家Ⅱ级保护动物,占鸟类物种数的11.76%。根据调查结果与分析,提出了鸟类资源保护与利用的合理性建议。  相似文献   

从购自湖南、江西等地的野生鸟类中,对死亡的鸟进行剖检并对从咽喉部和气管内检获的寄生虫进行透过处理、测量和鉴定。结果表明,检获的寄生虫是鸡气管比翼线虫(Syngamus trachea)。  相似文献   

缘起营盘 2002年国庆节期间,我们参加了在江西省吉安市遂川县营盘圩乡召开的"中日江西营盘圩鸟类环志研讨会"。这是根据2001年4月东京会议确定的关于中日开展鸟类环志合作精神,开展的继"中日湖南屏风界鸟类环志研讨会"之后的第二次合作。此次活动是遂川县首度开展的鸟类环志工作,也是营盘圩乡历史上最大规模的"外事活动"。2003年9月中下旬,我们再次来到这个江西省海拔最高的  相似文献   

黑龙江珍宝岛自然保护区鸟类多样性及保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑龙江珍宝岛国家级自然保护区位于虎林市东部,总面积23750hm^2。多样的生态环境,为鸟类提供了良好的栖息生境。本区共记录有鸟类251种,占全省鸟类种数的67.84%,包括雀形目鸟类106种,占本区鸟类种数的41.15%;非雀形目鸟类145种,占本区鸟类种数的58.85%。从留居类型看,包括夏候鸟132种,冬候乌9种,旅乌66种,留鸟39种,偶见5种。从区系特征上看,本区共有古北界鸟类161种,占本区鸟类种数的6414%;东洋界鸟类7种,占2.79%;广布种83种,占33.07%。有国家Ⅰ级重点保护鸟类9种,国家Ⅱ级重点保护鸟类43种,列入CITES附录的有49种,列入IUCN《世界鸟类红皮书》的有30种。许多种类处于濒危状态,有些种类已经在本区绝迹。本文在对保护区鸟类多样性进行分析的同时,对鸟类资源的保护及濒危鸟类的恢复提出了建议。  相似文献   

本名录首次编著湖南脊椎动物含家畜家禽、鸟类兽类及两栖爬行动物寄生虫共计367种,隶属于8门10纲28目100科206属,其中原虫40种,吸虫109种,绦虫50种,线虫126种,棘头虫5种,蜱螨昆虫37种,有14对尚属首次报道的省记录。  相似文献   

本名录首次编著湖南脊椎动物含家畜家禽、鸟类兽类及两柑爬行动物寄生虫共计367种,隶属于8门10纲28目100科206赂,其中原虫40科,吸虫109科,绦虫50种,线虫126种,棘头虫5种,蜱螨昆虫37种,有14种尚属首次报道的省记录。  相似文献   

观赏鸟饲料的研制与应用王水明(苏州市新城饲料厂215008)鸟类经过长期的进化和演变,出现了许多种类,有以谷物食性为主的鸟类,如鹦鹉;有以杂食性为主的鸟类,如相思;有以昆虫食性为主的鸟类,如画眉。杂食性鸟和昆虫食性鸟俗称软食鸟。谷物食性的鸟类以谷物为...  相似文献   

《中国鸟类志》是赵正阶先生遗著。该书为精装本,大十六开,分上、下两卷,上卷为《中国鸟类手册》再版,下卷为首次出版。总计鸟类1288各,分属于20目89科。其中上程为非雀形目。  相似文献   

鸟类,特别是濒危鸟类同工酶的分析,长期以来一直受到组织学样品来源上的限制。因为在分析实验中普遍采用血液和各种新鲜组织为分析材料,这常常要损伤或杀死动物,对濒危鸟类的保护是不利的。本文以生长羽毛的羽髓组织为材料,进行了乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)同工酶的凝胶电泳分析。所得谱带清晰,重复性好,且对鸟体无伤害,是濒危鸟类同工酶分析的理想方法。  相似文献   

王芳  赵文双 《野生动物》2003,24(3):11-11
辽宁省辽阳市地处辽东山地丘陵向辽河平原的过渡地带,东部为千山山脉余脉,西部为辽河平原的一部分、境内既有森林、农田、又有湿地,地理位置优越,生态环境独特,鸟类资源丰富。为了有效保护、持续利用、科学管理这一地区的鸟类资源。1998年4月2000年8月对辽阳市范围内的鸟类资源进行了一次全面调查。通过这次调查摸清了辽阳市鸟类资源的种类,掌握了部分国家重点保护和有重要经济价值鸟类的数量、分布及生境状况、并对全市的鸟类资源进行了综合评价、提出了保护管理与合理利用对策。  相似文献   

2019年10月3日,在湖南省长沙市烈士公园(112°59′55.74″E,28°12′48.08″N)内一池塘周边的阔叶林中观察并拍摄到一种鹟科鸟类。经查阅文献,对比该鸟的形态特征后,鉴定为绿背姬鹟(Ficedula elisae),为湖南省新纪录鸟种。  相似文献   

本文记述寄生于红嘴相思鸟[Leiothrixlutea(scopoli)]肌胃的一线虫新种。新种特征:缺侧翼,具粗大环纹,雄虫尾部腹面复盖盾片和大小相等的尾翼,尾乳突排列对称且肛后乳突特大,引带铲形,有别于其他种。  相似文献   

2001-2006年,通过对湖南省屏风界候鸟种类及迁徙规律的调查,表明屏风界候乌资源较为丰富,共环志鸟类26科95种,其中国家Ⅱ级保护鸟类18种。同时摸清了该地区候乌迁徙的主要规律,对候鸟迁徙通道的形成原因进行了分析,为该地区鸟类资源的有效保护和管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Two surveys of opinions about wildlife conservation were carried out in Hunan Province, China, before and after the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic. Hunan is the northern neighbor of Guangdong Province, where the first SARS case was reported. The custom of consuming wild meat was not common in Hunan 30 years ago. However, in recent years, consumption of wildlife such as snakes has spread to northern China. We handed out 1300 questionnaires between 22 February and 10 May 2002, before the SARS epidemic. Survey sites included the provincial capital, major cities, towns, and villages in Hunan. Another 1300 questionnaires were distributed between 10 March and 10 May 2004, after the SARS epidemic. The 2004 survey covered the same sites as the 2002 survey. Questionnaire recovery rates for the 2002 and 2004 surveys were 81.2% and 84.6%, respectively. The valid return rate was 73.0%. Frog, snake, hare, and pheasant were the wild meats most frequently eaten by local people. At the time of the first survey, more than 80% of interviewees claimed to have eaten frogs. That number had reduced to 60% by the time of the second survey. Monkey, Chinese pangolin, and bear paw were the wild meats least frequently eaten. Although palm civet was suspected to be the carrier of SARS, it was interesting to note that, after the SARS epidemic, the proportion of people surveyed who ate palm civets had declined only slightly. The results of the surveys indicate a low level of conservation consciousness; however, after the SARS and bird flu epidemics, there were obvious changes in the conservation consciousness of people in Hunan Province. We recommend some measures that could be taken to change the habits of people who consume wildlife.  相似文献   

2018年春、夏季,采用样线法对黄盖湖5种生境类型鸟类群落结构进行调查。记录鸟类15目40科119种25816只,雀形目占51.26%,反嘴鹬(Recurvirostra avosetta)、灰翅浮鸥(Chlidonias hybrida)是优势种,主要居留型留鸟50种。3月鸟类最丰富(87种,9084只),4月鸟类最少(60种,2677只),不同月份间鸟类多样性指数、均匀度指数、优势度指数差异不显著。鸟类群落结构生境间变化明显,养殖塘中鸟类最丰富(77种,9716只),明水面最少(15种,1917只),各生境间的鸟类多样性(χ^24=21.561,P=0.000)、均匀度(χ^24=20.168,P=0.000)、优势度指数(χ^24=21.983,P=0.000)均显著差异,明水面生境中鸟类多样性、均匀度指数最小,而优势度指数最大。鸟类群落结构在养殖塘与湖滩生境间相似性最高(0.692),为中等程度相似;明水面与林地生境间相似性最低(0.046),为极不相似。湖泊湿地鸟类保护不仅要优化生境资源的空间配置,还应该重视养殖塘作为退化湖泊湿地重要替代生境的地位,加强养殖塘生境水位管理和降低人为干扰。  相似文献   

鸟击事件是长期以来威胁飞行安全的一个国际性难题,目前,国际民航组织(International civil aviation organisation,ICAO)已经将鸟击灾害列为“A类航空灾难”,鸟击防范领域的研究也逐渐受到人们的重视。香柱菌(Epichloё)侵染宿主禾草后形成的共生体可产生有毒生物碱,将共生体发展为高毒驱鸟草种并应用于机场,可以减少鸟击事件的发生。醉马草(Achnatherum inebrians)自身携带甘肃香柱菌(Epichloё gansuensis)和醉马草香柱菌(Epichloё inebrians),野外自然生长的醉马草均为醉马草内生真菌共生体。本文主要通过对比当前国内机场主要驱鸟方式,提出用含有Epichloё属内生真菌的机场驱鸟草替代现有机场草坪草,可作为一种新型驱鸟方式;回顾了当前国外驱鸟草的应用及优势;分析了内生真菌醉马草作为驱鸟草的潜力和存在问题;并对禾草内生真菌的应用及人工栽培醉马草进行展望。  相似文献   

Piñon (Pinus spp.) and juniper (Juniperus spp.) removal is a common management approach to restore sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) vegetation in areas experiencing woodland expansion. Because many management treatments are conducted to benefit sagebrush-obligate birds, we surveyed bird communities to assess treatment effectiveness in establishing sagebrush bird communities at study sites in Utah, Nevada, Idaho, and Oregon. Our analyses included data from 1 or 2 yr prior to prescribed fire or mechanical treatment and 3 to 5 yr posttreatment. We used detrended correspondence analysis to 1) identify primary patterns of bird communities surveyed from 2006 to 2011 at point transects, 2) estimate ecological scale of change needed to achieve treatment objectives from the relative dissimilarity of survey points to the ordination region delineating sagebrush bird communities, and 3) measure changes in pre- and posttreatment bird communities. Birds associated with sagebrush, woodlands, and ecotones were detected on our surveys; increased dissimilarity of survey points to the sagebrush bird community was characterized by a gradient of increased juniper and decreased sagebrush cover. Prescribed fires burned between 30% and 97% of our bird survey points. However, from 6% to 24% cover of piñon-juniper still remained posttreatment on the four treatment plots. We measured only slight changes in bird communities, which responded primarily to current vegetation rather than relative amount of change from pretreatment vegetation structure. Bird communities at survey points located at greater ecological scales from the sagebrush bird community changed least and will require more significant impact to achieve changes. Sagebrush bird communities were established at only two survey points, which were adjacent to a larger sagebrush landscape and following almost complete juniper removal by mechanical treatment. Our results indicate that management treatments that leave residual woodland cover and are not adjacent to extensive sagebrush stands are unlikely to establish sagebrush birds.  相似文献   

2013年4月-2013年5月,通过对西昌青山机场附近6种生境9个样方进行了19次实地调查,共记录到春季鸟类6目21科37种,通过对体重威胁等级、集群状况、密度、重要系数、分布系数进行量化考核,得出最具威胁和威胁较大的鸟类有10种,如家燕、树麻雀、山麻雀、家鸽等,并提出了一些鸟撞防治对策。  相似文献   

Since 1996, the emergence of Asian-origin highly pathogenic avian influenza subtype H5N1 has spurred great concern for the global poultry industry. In the United States, there is concern over the potential of a foreign avian disease incursion into the country. Noncommercial poultry operations, such as upland game bird facilities in the United States, may serve as a potential source of avian disease introduction to other bird populations including the commercial poultry industry, backyard flocks, or wildlife. In order to evaluate how to prevent disease transmission from these facilities to other populations, we examined biosecurity practices and bird movement within the upland game bird industry in the United States. Persons that held a current permit to keep, breed, or release upland game birds were surveyed for information on biosecurity practices, flock and release environments, and bird movement parameters. Biosecurity practices vary greatly among permit holders. Many facilities allow for interaction between wild birds and pen-reared birds, and there is regular long-distance movement of live adult birds among facilities. Results suggest that upland game bird facilities should be targeted for biosecurity education and disease surveillance efforts.  相似文献   

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