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繁殖母羊是羊群正常发展的基础,而繁殖母羊的饲养管理包括空怀期、妊娠期和哺乳期3个阶段,饲养好与坏是羊群能否发展、品质能否改善和提高的重要因素。各个阶段的饲养管理抓的好坏是决定羊群质量的关键。  相似文献   

繁殖母羊是羊群正常发展的基础,而繁殖母羊的饲养管理包括空怀期、妊娠期和哺乳期3个阶段,饲养好与坏是羊群能否发展、品质能否改善和提高的重要因素。各个阶段的饲养管理抓的好坏是决定羊群质量的关键。  相似文献   

正能繁母羊是羊场迅速扩繁的基础,每年母羊都要经历1~2次配种、妊娠、哺乳这一复杂的生理过程,特别是小尾寒羊因其产羔多的因素,母羊体质往往更弱。因此,只有优化母羊各环节的饲养管理、合理安排免疫接种、及时开展驱虫以及做好圈舍的卫生消毒,才能保证能繁母羊的体质健康,提高产羔率和羔羊成活率。1优化母羊各环节饲养管理1.1配种前期母羊配种前期必须拥有一个良好的体质,刚刚参与配种的育成母羊至少要达到75%的体成  相似文献   

繁殖力是单个种羊繁殖后代的能力,是养羊业中的重要环节,母羊繁殖性能的高低直接影响养羊户的生产效率,只有提高羊群繁殖力才能增加羊群数量和提高质量,获得较好的经济效益.在养羊过程中影响母羊繁殖性能的因素很多,如羊的品种、饲养管理、环境和营养供给等,若有一个方面做的不够,都能影响母羊的繁殖能力,给养羊带着不小的经济损失.本文将对母羊的饲养管理作一概述,以期对大家有所帮助.  相似文献   

正繁殖母羊饲养得好坏是羊群能否发展、品质能否改善和提高的重要基础。根据繁殖母羊所处生理时期的不同,以及不同生理时期母羊对营养需要的不同及日常管理侧重点不同,对繁殖母羊应分别做好配种前、怀孕前期、怀孕后期和哺乳期的饲养管理。1配种前母羊的饲养配种前的母羊没有妊娠或分泌乳汁的负担,因此  相似文献   

针对规模舍饲羊场繁殖效率低、管理难度大等问题,从科学搭配日粮和分类组群来加强饲养管理保障羊群健康,从持续不断选育高繁羊群比例和科学选配来提高母羊胎产羔数,从提高产后及早发情的母羊比例和适当采取繁殖调控技术来缩短产羔间隔提高年产羔数,从羔羊护理和及早诱食来提高羔羊成活率;制定羊群周转计划保持合理羊群结构、树立精品意识提高可繁母羊比例、高度重视生产数据统计、及时淘汰不孕不育母羊和提高羊群管理水平等方面论述提高繁殖效率的关键技术措施.  相似文献   

绒山羊的繁殖力.首先决定于它本身的繁殖能力,其次是人类对其自然繁殖规律的认识和掌握。再次是采取有效的措施发挥其繁殖潜力。1注意选种.是提高绒山羊繁殖力的根本措施 选种对母羊的繁殖力有很大影响、生产实践证明.产双羔母羊的后代各产次的双羔率都高于产单羔母羊及其后代、所以选留双羔率高的母羊及后代母羔羊作种是提高繁殖力的根本措施之一。说明选择双羔母羊补充母羊群作种.能够提高羊群的产羔率。同时从终生产羔率高的母羊所产公羔中留作种羊,多代使用这样选出的种公羊配种、对提高全群的产羔率具有更大的作用。2加强饲养…  相似文献   

(一)培育母羊选择和培育多胎个体,多选留多产母羊,发现有多产母羊,从其家族中选留公母羊,母羊产得多,其后代雌性羊也产得多。合理的羊群结构是实现肉羊高效生产的必需条件,繁殖母羊在群体中所占比例大小,对羊群增殖和饲养效益影响很大,可繁殖母羊比例应在羊群中应占60%~70%,推行当年羔羊当年育肥出栏,及时淘汰老、弱、病、残母羊,补充青壮母羊参与繁殖。  相似文献   

肉羊繁殖性能的高低对于肉羊养殖经济效益影响很大,目前大多数的肉羊养殖都普通存在着母羊繁殖性能不高的问题,主要表现在母羊发情排卵异常,母羊配种受胎率低,产羔数量少,羔羊的成活率低,母羊的泌乳量不足等,会影响到羊群的增殖速度,从而影响肉羊养殖的经济效益,因此需要采取有效的措施来提高母羊的繁殖性能,加强种羊的选育和培育工作,调整羊群中公母的比例,开展经济杂交,采用先进繁殖技术,同时要加强饲养管理。  相似文献   

繁殖是养羊业生产中的关键性环节。无论是发展羊群数量,还是提高羊群质量,都必须通过繁殖过程来实现。因此,要采用多种方法和途径提高奶山羊的繁殖力。1注重基础母羊群多胎性能的选育母羊的多胎性能直接影响整个羊群的繁殖力。因此,应首先选择繁殖性能较好的母羊组建基础群,以后各世代繁殖过程中不引进其他种羊,实行闭锁繁育。同时避免全同胞(亲兄弟姐妹)的近亲交配,将第三世代群体近交系数控制在12.5%以内。  相似文献   

The late pregnancy is a critical period of fetal growth and development. As approximately 80% of fetal body weight is obtained during late gestation, so that the amount of energy needed for the ewes at this period is much greater than the other periods. Now ewes with multiple fetuses are mutton sheep breeding cultivation objectives, however,under the grazing or confined feeding conditions where nutrient requirement can't satisfy the nutrient requirement of sheep, especially for pregnant ewes with twins or more lambs.The body glycogen and protein as well as body fat will be mobilized for energy needed for the fetal growth and reproduction, which would lead to bad influence on ewes (metabolic disorders, liver function damage, pregnancy toxemia, embryonic development and health) and also on lamb (weak lamb, dead lamb and health). Therefore, investigating the effects of dietary energy levels during late gestation on the ewe's health and growth performance of lambs are essential for the sustainability of livestock production systems. This review summarized the effect of different energy levels on the ewes' health, reproductive performance of the ewes, lactation performance, embryo development and the growth of lambs, then expounded the roles of energy in later gestation. When the dietary energy of ewes in late gestation are restricted, the weight, breast development, lactation capacity, pregnancy rate will all be decreased, and the growth rate and organ development of embryos and lamb will also be restricted.  相似文献   

能量对妊娠后期母羊健康及其羔羊的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张帆  刁其玉 《中国畜牧兽医》2017,44(5):1369-1374
妊娠后期是胎儿生长发育的关键时期,胎儿体重增长的80%在此阶段完成,因此该阶段母羊的能量需要量大于其他生理阶段。高产多胎是肉用种母羊的重要培育目标,当母羊处于营养水平较低的草场或舍饲条件下,怀双羔或多羔母羊的日粮能量水平不能满足其营养需要时,母羊会动用体内的糖原、体蛋白和体脂以弥补能量不足,致使母羊的代谢紊乱,肝机能受损,产生羊妊娠毒血症,影响母羊的健康和胚胎的健康生长,产出弱羔、病羔,并可能影响产后羔羊的健康生长。因此,研究妊娠后期能量水平对母羊健康、胚胎发育、羔羊生长及肉羊养殖业的发展都有重要的指导意义。作者对不同能量水平对妊娠母羊的健康、繁殖性能、泌乳性能、胚胎与羔羊生长的影响展开讨论,阐明妊娠后期能量的作用。当母羊妊娠后期能量受到限制时,母羊的体重降低,乳腺发育受阻,泌乳能力下降,受胎率下降;同时胚胎的生长速度降低,影响胚胎与产后羔羊组织器官发育和正常生长。  相似文献   

由于藏羊特殊的品种特性,高海拔严寒地区养殖适应性好,养殖成本相对其他类型羊较低,但自然交配情况下,空怀率高,繁殖率低。为克服藏种羊胆小易惊,调教不易,采精困难等不利因素,我们采用电刺激法促使种公羊被动排精,很大程度上降低了采精难度,提高了采精数量,在母羊集中发情季节,优秀种公羊个体可授配母羊500只以上,同时引进药物诱导母羊同期发情等技术进行人工授精,大大提升了藏羊繁殖性能,加速了我县藏羊引种改良进程,提高藏羊养殖经济效益。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the normal ranges of the most commonly used serum biochemical parameters of sheep reared under Greek breeding conditions, as well as to test for the effects of the age and reproductive status of the animals on the normal values of these parameters. In total, 200 clinically healthy Chios sheep from 10 farms were used in the experiment. For the determination of the effect of age 150 sheep were assigned in three groups. Group A consisting of 50 lambs aged 2-6 months (mean +/- SD: 4.15 +/- 1.08), group B of 50 non-pregnant ewes into lactation aged 1-3 years (mean +/- SD: 2.12 +/- 0.86) and group C of 50 non-pregnant ewes into lactation aged more than 3 years (mean +/- SD: 5.98 +/- 1.66). For evaluating the effect of reproductive status 50 pregnant ewes in dry period were used, 15-30 days before the expected day of lambing (group D), along with the 100 non-pregnant ewes into lactation of groups B and C (group E). Blood sampling was performed once, in dry ewes from December to January, and in lambs and lactating ewes from March to May. The results showed that of the 14 biochemical parameters determined in serum, six were significantly affected by the age and eight by the reproductive stage of the animals.  相似文献   

繁殖性能是羊产业的重要经济性状之一,直接关系到养羊业生产成本和效率。羊的季节性繁殖特性导致其繁殖效率低,是羊产业高效养殖的主要瓶颈。在羊生产中,营养水平直接影响母羊的繁殖性能。综述了营养水平对发情、排卵、受孕等母羊繁殖过程和羊非繁殖季繁殖性能的影响,以及精准营养调控母羊繁殖性能的研究进展,以期为进一步研究营养水平对母羊繁殖性能的调控机制提供参考。  相似文献   

The impact of pregnancy on ketone body disposal during a hyperketonaemic clamp was examined by tracer isotope dilution techniques in seven 12 h fasted sheep in three reproductive states, in the dry non-gestating period, late in gestation and during early lactation. After a sampling period of 60 min under basal conditions a DL-BHB racemate solution was continuously infused intravenously for 3 h at rates of 14.3-24.3 micromol/(kg min) to elevate the D-BHB concentration in blood plasma to values between 5 and 7 mmol/l. Two separate experiments were carried out with the same sheep in each of the three reproductive states. During pregnancy three ewes were pregnant with a single lamb and four ewes carried twins. Maximal D-BHB turnover rates fell significantly in late gestation by 26% relative to early lactation and by 22% when compared with the dry non-pregnant state. Reduction of maximal D-BHB disposal rate during late gestation was accompanied by a significant 297% (p<0.005) and a non-significant 49% increase in the basal BHB concentration in blood, a non-significant 10% and 4% decrease in the rate constant of D-BHB turnover and a non-significant 24% and 13% rise in the incremented increase of D-BHB concentration per unit D-BHB infusion, relative to the dry and the lactating period, respectively. Induction of hyperketonaemia significantly lowered NEFA and glycerol concentrations in blood by 67% and 57%, respectively, compared to the pre-infusional concentrations. The magnitude of this effect was the same in all reproductive states and was explained as a direct antilipolytic action of D-BHB on adipose tissue. It is concluded that the reduced ability of the late gestating ewe to utilize D-BHB promotes hyperketonaemia. Since hyperketonaemia exerts several adverse effects, e.g. on energy balance and glucose metabolism it appears that the impairment of ketone bodies disposal in late pregnancy facilitates development of pregnancy toxaemia, especially in ewes carrying twins.  相似文献   

旨在研究杜蒙杂交母羊的繁殖规律。对内蒙古自治区乌兰察布市四子王旗范围内养殖的杜蒙杂交母羊(n=668)的首次发情时间、妊娠期、产羔率、产双羔率等指标数据进行整理;采用公羊试情方法,观察并记录杜蒙杂交母羊(n=302)的发情周期和发情持续时间。对上述指标数据进行分析,探究该地区杜蒙杂交母羊的繁殖规律。结果表明:杜蒙杂交母羊平均首次发情时间为8.5月龄(最早7.0月龄、最晚10.7月龄),平均发情周期为16.0 d(最短13.5 d、最长18.5 d),平均发情持续时间为24.0 h(最短20.0 h、最长27.5 h),平均妊娠期为146.0 d(最短143.0 d、最长149.0 d),产羔率为119.7%,产双羔率为19.7%。研究结果为掌握杜蒙杂交母羊自然发情规律,以及准确把握最佳配种时间提供了依据。  相似文献   

Awassi is the local breed of sheep in Jordan and is the most important breed in the semi-arid regions of the near east countries. Awassi ram and ewe lambs reach puberty at around 8 and 9 months of age, respectively. The breeding season of Awassi ewes starts as early as April and lasts through September. After puberty, Awassi rams are sexually active throughout the year. The normal estrous cycle in Awassi ewes is 15–20 days (average 17 days). Estrus ranges from 16–59 h (average 29 h) during the breeding season. The reproductive performance of unimproved Awassi sheep has been low while improved Awassi has the highest fertility and milk production and are the heaviest among all Awassi populations. The gestation length varies from 149 to 155 days (average 152 days). Hormones that are commonly used for induction and synchronization of estrus in Awassi ewes include progestins, gonadotropins and PGF2α. An Awassi ewe produces 40–60 and 70–80 kg of milk per 150-day lactation period under traditional and improved production systems, respectively, in addition to the suckled milk left for lambs until weaning. The improved Awassi has the highest milk production among all Awassi populations and may reach 506 L over 214-day lactation period. The objective of this review is to summarize the reproductive pattern and milk production of Awassi sheep in the Middle East region.  相似文献   

为探明辽西地区舍饲条件下母羊繁殖性能与缺硒的关系,本研究在对舍饲母羊繁殖性能调查和血硒含量测定的基础上,系统比较了添加不同量酵母硒对母羊繁殖性能的影响。结果表明,辽西地区3个半舍饲和3个舍饲羊群全血硒含量分别为0.0167μg/mL和0.0126μg/mL,舍饲和半舍饲羊群间血清硒含量的差异显著(P<0.05),低于正常机体需要量的0.06μg/mL;舍饲羊群的发情率、受胎率和产羔率等指标显著低于半舍饲羊群相关指标(P<0.05)。硒补充试验结果表明,无论是酵母硒还是富硒舔砖均对繁殖母羊的发情率、受胎率、产羔率和繁殖成活率有所改善,且添加0.2 mg/kg和0.3 mg/kg的酵母硒对以上各指标的影响更为显著。以上研究结果为缺硒地区繁殖母羊补硒方案提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

Insulin resistance during late gestation may act as a predisposing factor of ovine pregnancy toxaemia (OPT). To evaluate the insulin action on energy metabolism in ewes with different susceptibilities to OPT, intravenous glucose tolerance tests (1 mmol glucose/kg body weight) were performed in 5.6 ± 0.7 year old, slightly underfed German Blackheaded Mutton ewes [high‐risk (HR) ewes] and 2.5 year old, overnourished Finnish Landrace ewes [low‐risk (LR) ewes] during mid and late pregnancy, during early lactation and during the dry period. Plasma samples were analysed for glucose, insulin, non‐esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and β‐hydroxybutyrate (β‐HB). The glucose elimination rate and the glucose‐stimulated first‐phase insulin secretion were significantly (p < 0.05) lower in the HR, in relation to the LR group combining the data of all gestational stages. The basal rate of lipolysis was significantly increased in the HR ewes during late pregnancy, but the NEFA clearance after the glucose load was similar in both groups during all reproductive stages. Plasma β‐HB concentrations decreased only in the LR ewes after the glucose load during late pregnancy. Results indicate an insulin resistance in the HR ewes regarding the glucose utilization and the ketone body formation during late pregnancy. The insulin resistance in the HR ewes may represent one predisposing factor responsible for the susceptibility to OPT. Further scientific work is necessary to elucidate whether this insulin resistance was due to breed, age or nutritional state.  相似文献   

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