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不同起测径对判定林木空间分布格局影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用4块100 m×100 m的天然林样地材料,分别利用Clark&Evans聚集指数法和角尺度法分析了不同起测径下林木个体的空间分布格局。结果表明:林木空间分布格局的判定与起测径的大小有关,起测径不同分布类型也会有变化,并且这种变化没有规律性,因此,在分析林木空间分布格局时应采用相同的起测径。  相似文献   

森林结构调查中最适样方面积和数量的研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以30块100 m×100 m的模拟样地为研究材料,从林木空间分布格局吻合率关系对模拟的小样方进行研究,并以1块100 m×100 m的实地调查样地为例,验证新确定样方的合理性和可行性;根据实际调查样地的调查时间来分析比较样方间的调查时间和成本,进而确定较优的样方面积和样方数.结果表明:(1)空间结构参数中的角尺度与抽取的样方面积大小和样方数量有关.随着样地面积的增大和样方数量的增加,所估计的林木空间结构均趋于稳定;(2)从林木空间格局来看,样方面积为10 m×10 m、15 m×15 m、20 m×20 m、25 m×25 m、30 m×30 m抽样数分别为42、23、12、9、4时,均能准确的表达林分的空间分布格局;(3)在考虑调查时间和成本时,样方面积为30 m×30 m、抽样数为4是林分空间结构调查时较适合样方调查面积和调查数.  相似文献   

天然红松阔叶林林木分布格局研究的最小样本量   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用角尺度法分析了天然红松阔叶林林木个体的空间分布格局,采用数学模型对抽样点数与对应林木空间分布格局吻合率的关系进行拟合,将拟合方程二阶导数开始趋近于0的点对应的样点数确定为林木空间分布格局抽样调查的最小样本量,并利用9块模拟样地及2块厄瓜多尔天然林样地的资料进行分析,进一步求证最小样本量的合理性.结果表明,天然红松阔叶林空间分布格局调查的最小样本量为49.  相似文献   

基于林分特征的林木个体信息估算可视化模拟技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以湖南攸县黄丰桥国有林场为试验区,以6块典型的杉木人工同龄纯林为研究对象,研究林木径阶与其Voronoi多边形面积间的对应关系。以模拟样地为例,在林木株数、林分算术平均胸径与样地大小设定的前提下,研究林木空间分布格局特征,建立计算机模拟点阵生成算法;利用Weibull分布模型对样地内林木径阶分布进行估算,根据林木Voronoi多边形面积与其径阶间的对应规律,对林木胸径进行分配,参考林木测树因子估计模型对林木树高与冠幅因子进行估算;采用ArcgisEngine10开发技术,开发样地Voronoi多边形分析模块,结合GDI+与MOGRE技术,建立基于林分特征的林木个体信息估算可视化模型。结果表明:林木Voronoi多边形面积的算术平均值与所对应径阶间总体呈正相关关系;林木空间格局生成算法高效且适用;林木胸径因子分配考虑了空间环境的影响,贴近林木生长规律;可视化模拟技术可直观表现以上过程与结果,增强可操作性。此方法可用于解决由林分整体特征估算林木个体信息的难题,可为林业科学研究提供基础数据,可为森林可视化模拟提供技术参考。  相似文献   

[目的 ]分析阔叶红松林林分结构的标记二阶特征,探讨不同标记二阶特征函数提供的结构信息和结构形成的生态过程,为阔叶红松林保护、恢复和结构优化调整提供理论依据。[方法 ]以吉林蛟河4种不同类型阔叶红松林为研究对象,运用单变量双相关函数、标记双相关函数、标记变异函数、标记大小分化度和标记混交度等二阶特征函数,分析树种和林木大小分化空间特征。[结果 ]不同类型阔叶红松林林木分布格局差异明显,核桃楸、沙松红松林(样地A)、水曲柳红松林(样地C)和核桃楸、色木槭红松林(样地D)在一定的尺度上呈现显著聚集分布的趋势,而核桃楸、水曲柳红松林(样地B)中的林木为随机分布格局;样地A中在距离为r=0~50 m的范围内林木标记胸径趋向于小于平均胸径且相似大小林木聚集,其中,在r=0~8 m和r=13~33 m的尺度上林木胸径显著小于平均胸径,其他几类阔叶红松林仅在r小于8 m尺度内小于样地平均胸径,其它尺度上林木的胸径大小随机分布;样地B和样地C不同胸径大小的林木呈现空间上不相关的趋势,而样地D在r=0~9 m的尺度上呈现不同胸径大小的林木聚集分布;4类阔叶红松林不同大小林木的分布并非是完全随机分布的格局,样地A在r=0~21 m和r=25~33 m尺度上相似大小的林木聚集在一起,样地B和样地D分别在r=4~6 m和r=0~12 m的尺度上表现出相似大小林木显著聚集的特征,而样地C在r=0~5 m的尺度上不同大小的林木聚集分布;4类阔叶红松林内树种整体属于完全随机分布,但在一定的尺度上存在同种聚集的现象,样地A、样地B、样地C和样地D相同树种聚集的尺度范围分别为r=0~10 m,r=0~25 m,r=0~12 m和r=0~8 m。[结论 ]不同类型阔叶红松林标记二阶特征存在明显的差异,与阔叶红松林处于不同的发育阶段及干扰程度有关。标记二阶特征进一步细化了不同尺度上的树种和林木大小的分化特征。  相似文献   

沙地樟子松天然纯林的结构特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]为了解红花尔基地区沙地樟子松天然纯林的结构特征,指导沙地樟子松的保护与经营。[方法]在红花尔基地区设置2块100 m×100 m的樟子松天然纯林固定样地,利用样地内每木定位调查数据和分析统计软件进行一元分布及二元分布特征分析。[结果](1)樟子松天然林纯林直径分布为单峰或多峰山状分布,垂直结构简单,只有乔木层和草本层。(2)樟子松天然纯林的林木分布格局为均匀分布,接近随机分布,林木分布格局类型与林分密度无关;林分中樟子松个体竞争激烈,多数单元中林木呈较密集状态。(3)2块样地中随机分布状态下的林木多数为中等密集或比较密集,不同分布状态下的林木优劣性差异较小;低密度樟子松天然纯林中多数密集状态的林木为绝对优势木或优势木,而高密度林分中林木密集度分布与林木大小无关。[结论]红花尔基沙地樟子松天然林结构不合理,应选择病腐木及聚集分布的个体作为潜在调整对象,进行密度调整和结构优化。  相似文献   

磴口县沙冬青种群结构和空间分布格局的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对沙冬青的株高和冠幅进行分级,研究磴口县3个沙冬青种群的大小结构和年龄结构,应用扩散系数C、负二次指数K、平均拥挤度m*、丛生指数I、Cassie指数1/K、聚块性指数m*/m和扩散型指数Iδ7种聚集度指标确定不同生境条件下沙冬青种群的空间分布格局类型和动态,考察沙冬青种群在不同尺度上的空间分布格局.结果表明:不同生境条件下的沙冬青种群结构有差异,但都呈现衰退趋势.不同生境的沙冬青种群空间分布格局类型和聚集强度不同,聚集强度在不同尺度上表现出基本一致的变化趋势.样地2在25和100 m2的范围内集群分布, 样地3在150 m2范围内集群分布, 样地1在7个取样面积下,均成随机分布.不同发育阶段种群的分布格局为:幼龄和老龄植株均成随机分布,中龄植株呈聚集分布.环境是沙冬青种群空间分布格局形成和发展的决定因子之一.  相似文献   

【目的】植被空间格局是植物群落生态特征、种间竞争等分析的基础,对了解植物群落生态学特征及过程具有重要意义。本研究试图探讨样地林分树高和胸径的空间异质性,以期获得北京山区优势种群的空间分布格局与空间分布特征。【方法】选择生长良好的林分设置固定观测样地(100 m×100 m),对所有树木进行每木检尺,明确样地内树种组成、结构特征与径级结构,基于各立木在二维空间上的坐标构建点图,分析林木聚集特征;应用变异函数分析方法了解林木空间异质性特征,采用Kriging空间插值统计学方法分析样地内林木树高及胸径等生长特征的空间分布特征。【结果】研究样地内共有树种13种,共计株数833株,其中油松为其优势树种,占78.75%,在部分区域呈现高度聚集分布;栓皮栎、黄栌、山杏等其他树种混交分布其中,在部分区域有小范围的聚集;样地内所有林木还是优势树种油松林木,其径级分布均接近于正态分布,随着径级的增加,个体数呈先增大后减小的单峰变化趋势;树高和胸径均以指数理论模型的拟合效果较好,树高值的空间异质性不高,而胸径值的空间异质性较高,树高和胸径均表现出中等程度的空间自相关性;林木树高的空间分布呈连片分布,胸径的空间分布呈斑块分布。【结论】林分在小尺度上存在聚集效应,林木生长存在空间异质性,其空间格局表现为连片和斑块状分布。  相似文献   

长白山阔叶红松林的空间分布格局   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
为进一步揭示天然阔叶红松林的空间结构规律,为合理选择种群结构研究方法提供借鉴,在长白山自然保护区内设立面积为1 hm2的固定样地,对样地内的林木进行每木调查和坐标定位.运用均匀度理论对不同径阶大小的林木进行空间格局分析,并运用均匀度、点格局、角尺度3种格局研究方法对样地中的主要树种及林分整体的空间格局进行对比分析.结果表明:1)小径阶林木的分布状态为集群分布,随着径阶的增大,林木由集群分布向随机分布转变.2)阔叶红松林的格局分布为集群分布,这主要受到了演替阶段和林分年龄的影响.3)3种方法在格局不太明显的种群上存在一定的差异,但这3种方法在格局检验上各有优势.  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物南方铁杉种群结构与空间分布格局研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了揭示南方铁杉的种群特征,在九龙山自然保护区南方铁杉主要分布地设置400 m2样方10个,以种群年龄结构和存活曲线分析南方铁杉种群的基本数量特征,应用扩散系数、丛生指标、聚块性指数、平均拥挤度指数、负二项式分布参数、Cassie指标6种聚集强度指数和Greig-Smith和Kershaw 2种格局规模分析方法确定不同年龄阶段、不同空间尺度下的南方铁杉种群空间分布格局.结果表明:不同样地南方铁杉种群年龄结构存在一定差异,但不同种群均表现为增长型,幼年阶段的个体较丰富,成年个体数量相对较少;不同年龄阶段种群,空间分布格局差异主要体现在:幼苗和幼树阶段都为集群分布,中树和大树向随机分布发展;不同区组大小的南方铁杉种群分布格局不同,但在不同样地之间差异不明显,南方铁杉种群的聚块规模大体为8 m2和32 m ;种群环境因子的主成分分析结果表明,岩石裸露率、土壤有机质含量、郁闭度和土壤水分含量是影响南方铁杉种群结构和空间分布格局的最重要因素.  相似文献   


Forest carbon sinks significantly contribute to mitigation of atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide. Thus, estimating forest carbon is becoming important to develop policies for mitigating climate change and trading carbon credits. However, a great challenge is how to quantify uncertainties in estimation of forest carbon. This study investigated uncertainties of mapping aboveground forest carbon due to location errors of sample plots for Lin-An County of China. National forest inventory plot data and Landsat TM images were combined using co-simulation algorithm. The findings show that randomly perturbing plot locations within 10 distance intervals statistically did not result in biased population mean predictions of aboveground forest carbon at a significant level of 0.05, but increased root mean square errors of the maps. The perturbations weakened spatial autocorrelation of aboveground forest carbon and its correlation with spectral variables. The perturbed distances of 800 m or less did not obviously change the spatial distribution of predicted values. However, when the perturbed distances were 1600 m or larger, the correlation coefficients of the predicted values from the perturbed locations with those from the true plot locations statistically did not significantly differ from zero at a level of 0.05 and the spatial distributions became random.  相似文献   

Forests play an important role in carbon sinks and mitigation of atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and greenhouse effect. Given that sample plots used for collection of forest carbon observations are often much smaller than the map units of forest carbon at regional, national, and global scales, scientists are currently experiencing two challenges. The first challenge is to produce reliable maps of forest carbon using the data from inconsistent sizes of plots and image pixels. Also, because estimates of forest carbon normally contain uncertainties, the second challenge is to accurately model propagation of uncertainties from input data to output results. In this study, a methodology for mapping and analyzing spatial uncertainty of forest carbon estimates was developed to address these challenges. The methodological framework consisted of two methods. The first one was up-scaling method that combined and scaled up existing national forest inventory plot data and satellite images from smaller sample plots and image pixels to larger map units. The second one was spatial uncertainty analysis and error budget method that entailed modeling propagated uncertainties through a geostatistical mapping system. A case study using 46 permanent national forest inventory plots from Wu-Yuan County, Jiangxi, China, was undertaken to test this methodology. The results showed that this method reproduced not only the spatial distribution of forest carbon but also the spatial pattern of variances of its estimates and was able to quantify the contributions of uncertainties from the field plot data and satellite images to the uncertainties of forest carbon estimates. Thus, this study, to some extent, overcame the gaps that currently exist in the generation and assessment of forest carbon estimation maps. Moreover, the results showed that in this case study, the variation of the band ratio defined as (TM2 + TM3 + TM5)/TM7 contributed more uncertainties to the estimates of forest carbon than the variation of the plot data. In addition, we also found out that the product of the input plot forest carbon variance and the band ratio variance, implying the interaction between these two variables, reduced the uncertainties of the forest carbon estimates.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3):137-143
The main issue in forest inventory is the reliability of data collected, which depends on the shape and size of inventoried plots. There is also a need for harmonisation of inventoried plot patterns in West Africa. This study focused on the impact of plot patterns on the quantitative analysis of two vegetation types of West Africa based on case studies from Benin. Twenty and fifteen plots of 1 ha each were demarcated in dense forest and woodland, respectively. Each 1 ha plot was divided into 100 quadrats of 100 m2 each and diameter at breast height (dbh) of trees was recorded in each quadrat. The required time to measuring trees diameter in each 1 ha plot was also recorded to compute the mean inventory effort. From the 100 quadrats in each 1 ha plot, 14 subplots of different shapes and sizes were considered by grouping together adjacent quadrats. The basal area of each subplot was computed and the relationship between estimation bias of the basal area and the size of subplots was modeled using Smith's Law (Smith 1938). The mean absolute error of the shape parameter c of Weibull distribution was computed for each of the subplot shape, size and direction. The direction and shape of subplots did not influence significantly (P > 0.05) the precision of the quantitative analysis of vegetation. However, square subplots were suitable in practice. On the contrary, plot size was significantly (P < 0.05) and inversely correlated to estimation efficiency. The optimal plot size for quantitative analysis of vegetation was 1 800 and 2 000 m2 with an inventory effort of 0.51 and 0.85 man-days per subplot in woodland and dense forest, respectively. It is concluded that use of standard sample sizes will help to harmonise a forestry database and to carry out comparisons at regional level.  相似文献   

基于GM(1,1)的天然次生林空间结构预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】系统地分析已有天然次生林林分空间结构数据,通过灰色模型预测天然次生林林分空间结构各指标未来的发展趋势,对天然林经营具有十分重要的意义。【方法】以湖南大围山自然保护区典型次生林为研究对象,依据结构化森林经营理论,选取了混交度、竞争指数、角尺度、空间密度指数、开阔比数、大小比数、林分综合均质性指数作为天然次生林林分空间结构合理性评价与预测的量化指标,构建了基于GM(1,1)的天然次生林林分空间结构灰色预测模型。模型将2008年林分空间结构各指标的平均值作为初始值,并在研究区设置了面积为20 m×20 m的5个研究样地(M1,M2,M3,M4,M5),利用保护区2008-2018年典型样地林分空间信息,预测了研究区调研样地2019年-2021年林分空间结构各指标未来的变化趋势。【结果】利用精度检验机制对该模型的精确度进行了有效性检验,检验结果表明,所有指标预测合格概率P合=71.43%,良好的概率P良好=22.86%,优的概率P优=5.71%,表明该预测模型符合精度检验要求。【结论】样地未来3 a各指标整体变化尺度不大,林分空间结构基本稳定。从各指标在2008-2018年时空上的变化规律来看,各样地林分平均竞争指数、平均大小比数及平均空间密度指数是影响林分均质性指数的关键指标。  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of forest stand structure often results from repeated small disturbances, but structural variation also arises in a stand that has regenerated after a single large stand-replacing disturbance. We explored the structural variation within a subalpine Abies forest in Japan that regenerated after a large typhoon in 1959. In 2004, four 50 × 50 m plots were established at two sites in the regenerated forest. To characterize local stand structure within each plot, we determined the stem density, stand basal area, mean diameter at breast height (DBH), and coefficient of variation (CV) of DBH in 10 × 10 m subplots. We analyzed the spatial distribution pattern of the trees in each subplot using the L(t) function and categorized the distributions as clumped or non-clumped. The analysis revealed marked variation among subplots in the stand’s structural characteristics. Although the spatial distribution patterns of the trees in all plots were clumped, 11 of 50 subplots at one site and 39 of 50 subplots at the other site were non-clumped. Subplots with a clumped distribution pattern generally had a smaller basal area, smaller mean DBH, and greater CV of DBH than subplots with the same density but a non-clumped pattern. These results illustrated the spatial heterogeneity of forest structure that can arise in Abies forest that has experienced a large disturbance, probably because of the different densities and distribution of saplings surviving the disturbance and the different forest growth dynamics that result.  相似文献   

Ecological interactions of species and thus their spatial pat- terns may differ between homogeneous and heterogeneous forests. To account for this, techniques of point pattern analysis were implemented on mapped locations of tree individuals from two 1-ha tropicalforest plots in Vietnam. We analyzed the effect of environmental heterogeneity on tree distributions; spatial distribution patterns of dominant species; inter-specific associations; and conspecific associations between life stages. Our analyses showed that: environmental conditions were homo- geneous at plot 1 but heterogeneous at plot 2; in both plots, all six domi- nant species were aggregated at various scales up to 30 m, and tree spe- cies were aggregated at larger scales in the homogeneous site than in the heterogeneous site; attraction between pairs of species was remarkably higher at the homogeneous site while negative associations were more frequent in the heterogeneous site; some species, H. kurzii, T. ilicifolia (homogeneous plot) and D. sylvatica, S. wightianum (heterogeneous plot) showed a lack of early life-stage individuals near conspecific adults. Moreover, additional clustering of young individuals was independent from conspecific adults, except D. sylvatica in both sites. These findings are consistent with the Janzen-ConneU hypothesis. Overall, habitat het- erogeneity influences spatial patterns and inter-specific associations of the tree species and evidences of self-thinning are shown in most species.  相似文献   

土壤水分含量是对地表生态过程有着重要影响的生态因子,在三峡库区生态环境保护中具有重要作用。选取三峡库区典型植被类型杉木、马尾松混交林(A)和马尾松纯林(B),通过网格(3.00 m×3.00 m)取样,地统计学方法研究群落(30.00 m×30.00 m)0.00 - 20.00 cm土壤水分的空间特征。结果表明:(1)两种典型植物群落土壤含水量空间变异性不同,样地A和样地B土壤含水量的变异系数分别表现出弱和中等强度的变异性;(2)两种典型植物群落土壤水分具有良好的半方差结构,半方差函数曲线可以用球状模型进行拟合。土壤水分的空间相关范围存在明显的差异,有效变程分别为51.00 m和12.37 m;土壤水分分布格局呈明显的斑块状分布;(3)在本研究区域内,植被、地形和地貌等是影响土壤含水量空间异质性的主要因素。  相似文献   

We studied the impact of forest vegetation on soil erosion,surface runoff, and sediment generation by using field simulated rainfall apparatus. We measured runoff and sediment generation of five 4.5 × 2.1m runoff plots (a bare soil as a control; two Pinus tabulaeformis forestplots and two Platycladus orientalis forest with row spacing of 1 m × 1m and 1.5 m × 1.5 m, respectively) in Beijing Jiu Feng National ForestPark under three rainfall intensities (0.42, 0.83, 1.26 mm per minute).Forest vegetation significantly reduced soil erosion and sediment yield.Mean total runoff volume in the four tree stand plots was 93% of that inthe control plot, demonstrating the limited effectiveness of forest vegetation in runoff control. With increasing rainfall intensity, runoff reductionin forest plots declined from 28.32% to 2.1%. Similar trends in runoff coefficient and the relationship between runoff volume and rainfall duration was observed. Mean total sediment yield and mean sediment yield reduction rate under different treatments was 55.05% and 43.17% of those in the bare soil control plot, respectively. Rainfall intensity playedan important role in runoff and sediment generation processes, and had agreater impact on runoff than on soil erosion and sediment generation.When considering several factors in runoff and sediment transport processes, the P. tabulae form plot with row spacing at 1 × 1 m had a greater effect on soil and water conservation than did other forested plots.  相似文献   

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