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皂荚是我国特有的多功能生态经济树种,具有广阔的发展前景,但在发展过程中存在着苗木产量低、质量差等瓶颈问题。为了快速培育出皂荚良种壮苗,通过多年的播种育苗实践,总结出皂荚播种育苗技术要点,以期提高皂荚播种育苗技术水平,为辽东山区发展皂荚产业提供技术参考。  相似文献   

皂荚又名皂角、扁皂角,是中国特有的苏木科皂荚属树种之一,为落叶乔木,寿命长达600年,盛果期有200年,广泛分布在我国南北各地。皂荚具有重要的和潜在的开发利用价值,尤其是在西部大开发、退耕还林、天然林保护等工程建设中,皂荚将是一种不可多得的多功能生态经济树种。  相似文献   

正完成单位:山西省林业科学研究院内容简介:皂荚(Gleditsia sinensis)是一种典型的生态经济型乔木树种,具有良好的生态、经济、社会效益。皂荚刺是传统中药材,近年来研究表明,其具有良好的抗癌作用;皂荚种子含瓜尔胶,是我国重要的战略原料资源。本项目围绕生态林业建设、农村产业结构调整和低质  相似文献   

皂荚是一种多功能的乡土树种、一种典型的生态经济型树种,具有耐热、耐寒、固氮、改土、节水、抗盐碱、抗病虫害等多种优良性状。文章从皂荚产业发展概况、作用、经验等3个方面,概述了皂荚产业是一项适应当前经济新常态、引领群众致富的朝阳产业。  相似文献   

皂荚树是典型的多功能生态经济型树种,是践行"两山"理念、实现"两山"转化的最佳树种;是同时具有短期收益、多种收益、永续收益和高效收益的珍稀树种。皂荚树即可作为生态造林树种,又可作为果树和木本中药材种植。示范区以结刺型、结果型、刺果兼用型和绿化型为良种选育方向,以产刺、产果和绿化大树为培育重点,融合药用、食用、化工、绿化和树下种养等多个方向,增加短期收入,降低投入风险。创新选育的皂荚新品种"天丁1号"获国家植物新品种权;创新探索的"皂荚树五大直接经济收入、十大产业开发方向"高效益种植模式获得亩年收入3万元以上的经济效益。  相似文献   

皂荚育苗技术要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
皂荚 (GleditsiasinensisLam .)属苏木科皂荚属 ,系高大乔木 ,最高可达 30m ,胸径 1.2m ,寿命可长达 6 0 0年之久 ,盛果期2 0 0年。其荚果和种子的生物化学成分丰富 ,质量优良。皂荚作饲料用 ,牲畜吸收和产肉量等指标均优于大豆 ;亦是医药、食品、洗涤品、饮料、保健品等天然绿色原料。其木材力学性质好、韧性强、硬度高 ,可作优良的工艺用材 ;该树种抗旱、抗寒、能固氮、抗逆性强 ,适应性广 ,是天然林保护、退耕还林工程建设的优选树种 ,同时也是城乡景观林、道路绿化的好树种。皂荚是生态经济型多用途树种 ,具有较…  相似文献   

本文介绍了皂荚的栽培技术,论述了皂荚的生态效益、药用功能和实用价值,介绍了皂荚的果荚、种子、皂刺的经济价值,以期对皂荚资源的综合加工与开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

皂荚根系发达,具有耐旱、耐寒、固氮和抗病虫害等特点,是营造水土保持林和防风固沙林的优良树种之一.通过多年的育苗造林实践,现将皂夹育苗造林技术要点介绍如下.  相似文献   

试验结果表明,绒毛皂荚嫁接时应选择同属北美皂荚、山皂荚(日本皂荚)3种植物作砧木:北美皂荚作砧木时,其成活与生长稍好于皂荚,但生产上大量繁殖时可选择乡土树种的树种的皂荚作砧木;芽接较枝接效果稍好,圃接较掘接效果好。  相似文献   

皂荚是一个多用途生态经济型乡土树种,广泛用于营建景观林、农田防护林、水土保持林、经济林、工业原料林等。提出了山西皂荚发展区域规划和重点布局,并介绍了皂荚栽培技术。  相似文献   

茶园间种泡桐生态及经济效益的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
倪善庆  竺肇华 《林业科学》1990,26(6):561-566
前言茶树原产于我国云贵高原亚热带—热带湿润季风地区。在强光、高温、低湿条件下,茶树生长不良,茶叶品质下降。近二十多年来,世界主要产茶国家先后致力于改变茶园生态环境而提高茶叶品质的研究。我国早在唐代、宋代就有了茶粮间作、茶桐间作的记载。1959年云南普文农场在热带茶园成功地建立了橡胶与茶树间作的胶茶人工群落。1970—1985年唐荣南、王融初分别成功地建立了湿地松与茶树、葡萄与茶树的人工群落。本试验试图选用强阳性、深根落叶阔叶树——泡桐与茶树间作,建立多层次的复合生态系统,改善茶叶品质,促使茶叶稳产高产,同时提供部分优质木材,取得较高的经济效益。  相似文献   

印榕仙人掌利用现状及其发展前景   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
印榕仙人掌用途非常广泛,可作果、菜、药、饲料用的经济植物,又是荒山绿化、水土保持、改善生态环境的先锋树种。同时,也是胭脂虫的优良寄主植物以及、办公室的净化,街道、公园、单位绿化美化的好树种。我国金沙江、澜沧江、怒江、元江等干热、半干热河谷,山大、坡陡、石多,造林极为,可用印榕仙人掌绿化、固土、保水,这将会产生明显的生态、经济和社会效益。本文就印榕仙人掌的综合利用以及发展前景提出几点建议,供西部地区实施退耕还林(草)、生态环境治理时参考。  相似文献   

壳斗科树种育苗技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
壳斗科树种在我国林业生产中占有重要的地位,具有很强的涵养水源、保持水土、防灾减灾等生态功能,其木材、树皮、果实及叶等均具有重要经济价值.研究它们的种苗繁育技术对于人工规模化栽培具有重大意义.本文从播种育苗、容器育苗、无性繁殖等方面综述了壳斗科树种育苗技术研究进展,并对其今后育苗方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

文章在分析宁夏生态经济型林业发展现状的基础上,以生态学、恢复生态学和生态经济学为理论基础,围绕“生态”“经济”两条主线,以林业资源保育和增加植被盖度为切入点,由北向南将宁夏构建为3个林业生态功能区,即宁夏干旱带贺兰山及引黄灌溉绿洲生态网络体系建设区、宁夏中部干旱风沙带灌草配置区、宁夏南部半干旱带水土保持和水源涵养林区,实行多林种、树种,多序列的资源优化配置,以期形成产出效益的多样性和受益的社会性。  相似文献   

Agroforestry systems (AFS) derived from the cactus forest “chichipera” and cultivated with “milpa”, the traditional multi-crop system of maize-beans-squash were studied in the Tehuacán Valley, Mexico. Plant management types practiced by people, role of agricultural and forest resources in households’ subsistence, and consequences of changes in AFS were investigated through ethnobotanical, ecological, and economic approaches. People maintain in this AFS 122 plant species that provide useful products for 14 different purposes. Nearly 90% of useful plants are native to the region, representing 54% of all plant species recorded in the chichipera forest. Management strategies were identified occurring on 63 species at landscape, parcel, and individual plant levels. About 67% of managed plant species are left standing during clearance of vegetation; 35% are transplanted to the parcels’ surrounding area, 32% receive particular protection, and 10 species from other areas are cultivated inside the fields. During years of higher rainfall (~745 mm) AFS supply nearly 75% of the maize grain and 50% of the maize straw used as fodder by households. AFS with intermediate vegetation cover have higher economic value than monocultures and forest. However, plots with low forest cover and monocultures are progressively more common as consequence of socio-cultural processes. Local traditional ecological knowledge and management techniques are crucial for managing resilience of these AFS.  相似文献   

Summary An investigation has been carried out in the forest of Latemar (the Italian central eastern Alps), dominated byPicea excelsa withAbies alba, Larix europaea andPinus cembra, on the interactions between humus type (tabs 1, 2), litter and understory (including natural regeneration) composition on one hand and tree layer canopy and altitude on the other hand. Starting from ecological profiles, entropy-species (fig. 2, tab. 3) and entropy-factor have been calculated for the factors examined (tab. 4). This way it has been possible to determine the mutual information, the correct ecological profiles and the species groups index for the humus type (tab. 5), height (tab. 6) and canopy (tab. 7), which has allowed to grade species behaviour as regards investigated factors and consequently to single out three groups of species with similar ecological requirements (tab. 8). Moreover litter-humus entropy (tab. 9) and the same cybernetic parameters have been determined for the factor humus. The distribution of each group of species index is characterized by different combination of local factors (tab. 8): Humus type variations depend to a great extent on tree layer canopy and, through this layer, on the resulting litter composition and density: the “correcting” action of grasses with a low C:N on humus evolution is evident (tab. 10). From the silvicultural standpoint, leaving out uniform methods on large areas and chiefly clearcuts, an elastic treatment seems to be recommended, adhering to the actual conditions of forest and soil structure in order to achieve the density with major chances to secure favourable conditions of bioclimate, understory, humus and consequently regeneration. In the “semplified” forest ecosystem, as the investigated one, where natural levels of consumers (herbivores and carnivores) are actually missing, functionality may be secured through proper cuts only and by regularly restoring the nutrients of the litter, here almost entirely vegetal, to the cycle.   相似文献   

从生态与经济效益兼备的原则出发 ,推荐了适于滇西北造林的 6类乡土灌木树种。通过对这些树种生态习性、利用价值等的介绍 ,从而提出了其作为本区经济林的下层树种以及固土保水造林树种的推广应用。  相似文献   

核桃是四川特色经济林树种,具有显著的经济、生态和观赏效益,在乡村振兴战略中可作为特色绿化树种进行应用。文章阐述了核桃的主要习性、生态功能和绿化景观功能,分析了在乡村绿化中的栽植技术要点和病虫害防治技术,为核桃在乡村绿化中广泛应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Agroforestry is a promising method for enhancing land-use sustainability in the Bolivian Andes. However, its benefits in terms of rural development are under-recognized due to gaps in understanding users?? perceptions while taking into consideration both local and global environmental goals. Our study aimed to narrow these gaps by developing an analytical framework for analyzing the site-specific socio-ecological factors and interactions related to local woody species and assessing their ecological, economic, and socio-cultural plant values in order to identify the most promising agroforestry species. The framework was then tested in an indigenous community at 2,760?C3,830?m?a.s.l., incorporating vegetation surveys, environmental studies, and interviews on plant functions. Ecological, economic, and socio-cultural values and the ecological apparency of plants were calculated, and detrended correspondence and principal component analyses helped to reveal the socio-ecological context of significant factors for plant distribution and uses. Results showed dominating seral woody species along an altitudinal gradient. Although shrubs were more ecologically apparent than trees, trees were perceived to be more valuable as the usefulness and cultural importance of species increased with plant height and timber availability. Phytosociological factors played a minor but still significant role in perceived usefulness. Schinus molle and Prosopis laevigata (<3,200?m a.s.l.), Polylepis subtusalbida (>3,200?m a.s.l.), and Baccharis dracunculifolia (both zones) were evaluated as most promising for agroforestry use. In conclusion, our analytical framework proved to be a valuable tool for context-specific agroforestry plant selection. Nonetheless, economic, technical, and socio-cultural limitations of cultivating native agroforestry species were revealed as well. Agroforestry science and practice should, therefore, focus on enhancing reproductive potentials of existing woody vegetation, as well as problem-oriented horizontal dialogues between indigenous, expert, and scientific actors.  相似文献   

广东象头山国家自然保护区的物种多样性及其保护   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
广东省惠州市博罗县中部横亘着两大山系 :东为象头山系 ,西为罗浮山系 ,广东象头山国家级自然保护区 (以下简称保护区 )位于象头山 ,距惠州市 1 8km ,地理坐标为东经 1 1 4°1 9′2 1″~ 1 1 4°2 7′0 6″,北纬2 3°1 3′0 5″~ 2 3°1 9′43″。境内海拔高度 30~ 1 0 2 4m ,森林覆盖率达 88 4%。保护区内高于 0℃的积温为 61 36 0℃ ,高于 5℃的积温为 5 85 2 7℃ ;日平均气温通过 5℃的植物生长期长达 345~ 365d ;年降水量 2 31 8 5mm ,各月均有降水 ,以 4— 9月降水量最多。雨热同季 ,对植物生长极为有利。这里地层古老 ,山势陡峭 …  相似文献   

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