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题 目 桑 树大棚育苗移栽建园的探讨桑园返盐问题及对策桑叶片培养中影响因子的研究概况虫螨克防治桑瘿蚊的药效和毒性测定引进农桑品种提高蚕桑经济效益蜗牛的习性与防治桑树系列复合增效肥主成份配比与 应用果桑大107葛山栽培技术不同剪梢程度对春叶产量的影响应用桑树叶片长宽信息估测叶面积DMSA~f桑蚕杀虫双毒害的解毒应用 研究不同产茧水平桑园施肥现状及肥力的 调查种菜养鹅是桑园立体开发的新途径桑树新品种高效育苗技术的研究l不同 品种、方法嫁接体育苗成活率差异及 效益分析天达~2116~f.面肥在桑树上的应用 初报6.9%威霸WS等…  相似文献   

题目期(页)桑树幼年桑园间作杂交桑的增产效果1(24)桑苗圃的化学除草1(27)人工智能技术在桑病虫预报中的应用1(29)银杏桑树复合栽培技术1(47)桑树繁殖与嫁接体育苗1(50)桑桑间作及大棚养蚕新技术1(58)桑苗繁育技术的革新与推广应用2(10)桑螟化学防治策略研究2(22)不同配方施肥对种茧育的影响2(31)桑云斑天牛发生规律及综合防治措施2(58)桑园间套增效益提高蚕业竞争力2(60)桑园白蚁的危害与防治2(61)桑树应用百禾福有机复合肥的效果研究3(13)桑螟防治有效药剂适期的探讨…  相似文献   

雷扶生 《广西蚕业》2004,41(12):38-40
回顾我站40年来在桑树研究领域的进展和广西桑树栽培技术的进步,主要表现在研究推广应用杂交实生桑优良组合(简称杂交桑)及其相配套的栽培技术,改变过去广西以种植钦州荆桑地方品种为主的低产桑园的落后面貌,使广西桑园的产量和质量得到显的提高,进而促进广西蚕桑生产的发展。  相似文献   

湖北省桑树栽培现状与发展建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李勇  胡兴明  吴恢  叶楚华 《中国蚕业》2010,31(2):30-33,37
通过调查分析湖北省在桑树分布、品种资源、桑园管理、桑园病虫草害防治及桑园复合经营等现状和目前存在的桑园单位面积效益低、利用率不高、降低成本的技术应用少、经营规模小等问题;提出了加强桑园管理、提高桑园经济效益、加强政策导向着力提高桑园利用率、重视节本增效和提高叶丝转化率栽桑技术的研究与应用、重视桑园的适度经营等发展建议。  相似文献   

雷扶生 《广西蚕业》2004,41(Z1):38-40
回顾我站40年来在桑树研究领域的进展和广西桑树栽培技术的进步,主要表现在研究推广应用杂交实生桑优良组合(简称杂交桑)及其相配套的栽培技术,改变过去广西以种植钦州荆桑地方品种为主的低产桑园的落后面貌,使广西桑园的产量和质量得到显著的提高,进而促进广西蚕桑生产的发展。首先在桑品种的更新换代和桑树良种化方面做出很大成绩。20世纪60、70年代,广西栽培的桑品种主要是广西的地方品种,如钦州、灵山的钦州荆桑;合浦的常乐桑、浦北的六万山桑;恭城、平乐的沙油桑等,其中栽培应用最多的主要是钦州荆桑。这些地方品种大多是自然杂交实生…  相似文献   

题目期(页)桑树桑树转基因植株的叶片蛋白质含量分析1(14)桑螟对氨基甲酸酯类农药的抗性调查1(20)过度用药诱发桑园叶螨成灾原因分析1(43)山区载培农桑品种冻害及其防御技术1(47)新一代桑品种产质量比较试验2(16)毒死蜱取代甲胺磷防治桑园害虫效果探讨2(20)桑园省力化栽培试验2(29)桑树嫁接体育苗的生产应用及技术要点2(34)夏季桑树小苗移栽新技术2(51)桑树的夏季芽接技术2(54)袋接体塑料薄膜小拱棚建园技术应用简报2(55)丘陵山地栽种果桑大10的主要技术2(57)桑花叶病病原及化学药剂治疗的研究3(13)我场桑园主要病虫害的综合防治3(42)杭州市…  相似文献   

低成本省力化栽桑技术的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国已育成了若干适合条桑育,适于扦插的桑品种及适于种子直播的杂交桑,为建立高密度低成本桑园打下了基础。推广了直接用袋接体,硬枝扦插和杂交种直接建园和初试了中晚秋条桑收获技术。今后的研究方向是选育发根性强,高产优势,适合条桑收获的桑树品种及以条桑收获为主的提高劳动生产率的栽培技术。  相似文献   

桑园立体栽培技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为提高桑园空间与光能利用率,在桑园采用不同的桑树品种搭配、进行高低立体交叉栽植,合理调整桑树单株与群体、乔木桑与灌木桑之间的生长关系;科学地采伐与用叶,上层与下层结构的立体开发,利用生长时差、搞好桑园的养用结合。挖掘桑园栽培上的“漏损”潜力,建立高效率的复合群体,形成配套的立体栽培技术模式。促使增株增条快,投产早,成本低,产出高;产叶量比同等栽植密度的普通桑园第1年至第4年(春)分别增长28.15%、35.82%、38.45%、36.90%。  相似文献   

为了掌握隔年伐条对桑园桑树产叶量的影响,探讨桑园因采用隔年伐条技术而带来的节本增效效果,我们对不同栽植密度、不同品种、上年不同伐条形式(眷伐或夏伐)实行隔年伐条,并对隔年伐条桑园不同剪梢程度处理,其它日常管理工作相同,结果表明:桑园隔年伐条可提高桑园产量和质量,提高蚕业经济效益。  相似文献   

桑疫病是蒙自市冷泉镇春季主要桑树病害,影响春蚕的饲养量和春蚕收蚁时间。本文对不同海拔不同地块桑园的桑疫病危害程度和发生规律进行了调查分析,提出了防治措施。桑园桑疫病细菌的存在是桑疫病发生的前提条件,低温、冰雹、北风是桑疫病发生的诱因。桑疫病的危害程度与桑园的海拔高度、桑树品种、地形、管理水平以及提前预防、灾后防治措施有关。  相似文献   

The issues and challenges facing us in ensuring the survival of as many species and ecosystems as possible call for a renewed research focus to address how to improve management strategies and policy making now and into the future. The key issues to be addressed by activities of the International Union of Forest Research Organization's (IUFRO) Task Force on Endangered Species and Nature Conservation include such issues as: (i) preventing species from being listed by maintaining species populations at sufficient levels that they do not require listing; (ii) recovering threatened and endangered species; (iii) developing management practices and strategies; (iv) balancing actions affecting suites of threatened or endangered species; (v) developing conservation strategies for species without definitive taxonomic treatments; (vi) dealing with global change; (vii) dealing with invasive species; and (viii) restoring critical habitats.  相似文献   

An attempt to predict the rate of spread of and economic losses due to Parafiliaria bovicola infections in Swedish cattle was made for a 20-year period using the best epidemiological data available. By 1990, yearly losses in the absence of a control program may amount to 40 million Swedish crowns (8 million U.S.$). The estimated losses were compared to four presumptive eradication measures: (i) pharmaceutical treatment of cows with cutaneous Parafilaria bleeding, (ii) culling of bleeding cows, (iii) indoor management of bleeding cows, and (iv) pharmaceutical treatment of young livestock going to slaughter. Only the first three control programs will theoretically result in eradication of the parasite. The calculated benefit—cost ratios were 30.0, 5.9, 5.9 and 1.9 for (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv), respectively.  相似文献   

The future of veterinary parasitology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Current evidence suggests research in veterinary parasitology is in decline despite its importance. This is particularly true in the UK where research funds have been diverted into BSE. Decline in interest in veterinary parasitology is at least in part due to the success of major pharmaceutical companies in producing a range of effective and safe anti-parasitic drugs. Research is needed because of the effects of parasites on animal welfare and the economic costs of parasites. However, there is little information on the actual costs of animal parasites. Another major reason for research is the development of drug resistance in protozoa, helminths and arthropods of veterinary importance. This is a serious problem particularly for sheep and goats in the southern hemisphere. A prioritised list of research requirements is suggested: (i) new drugs; (ii) resistance management; (iii) vaccines; (iv) breeding for resistance; (v) improved diagnostics; (vi) zoonoses; (vii) global warming and parasites. There is a major political challenge to raise the profile of veterinary parasitology and thus the funding essential for its advancement and the continued welfare and productivity of animals.  相似文献   

Objective   To evaluate the effectiveness of bovine freeze-dried amniotic membrane (FD-AM) (Amnisite-BA™) in the surgical treatment of corneal ulceration in dogs.
Animals studied   Eight normal Shih-tzu dogs.
Procedures   The corneas of 16 eyes were scored with an 8.0-mm trephine under general anesthetic and 100% ethanol was applied to remove a standardized button of corneal epithelium. The eyes were treated as described below and the corneas were evaluated 48 h later. The dogs were divided into four treatment groups: (i) control, (ii) amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT), (iii) nictitating membrane flap and (iv) contact lens. The proportion of the corneal wound that healed was calculated and all eyes were enucleated. Histological sections of cornea were assessed with the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) assay.
Results   The proportion of corneas healed in the different treatment groups was (i) 38.02%, (ii) 89.15%, (iii) 52.31%, and (iv) 60.56%. Epithelial healing was significantly increased in the AMT group (ii) ( P  = 0.001) while groups (iii) and (iv) were not significantly different from the control group ( P  = 0.537 and P  = 0.198, respectively). The number of PCNA positive cells was (i) 275.00, (ii) 740.50, (iii) 285.75 and (iv) 420.59, these varying compared with the control group with statistical significance of (ii) P  = 0.002, (iii) P  = 0.999, and (iv) P  = 0.467. The greatest healing rate and epithelial cell proliferation was achieved with AMT compared to the other treatment regimes.
Conclusions  The results of this study show that FD-AM transplantation is an effective treatment for enhancing canine corneal wound healing and suggest that the approach will provide superior results compared to conventional treatments for the condition.  相似文献   

Emergency vaccination is one of several measures which may be deployed to control outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease. It can be a valuable adjunct to the application of the essential zoosanitary controls which must include rapid diagnosis, tracing, movement control and disinfection and which may also include slaughter of infected and in-contact animals and their safe disposal. Criteria which determine the successful application of emergency vaccination include access to vaccine(s) that (i) contain virus strain(s) of sufficient antigenic relatedness to the outbreak strain(s) (ii) are of the required type of vaccine formulation (iii) have acceptable innocuity and potency (iv) have appropriate availability, including quantity and immediacy of supply and (v) meet considerations of cost. Contingency planning should include provision for emergency vaccination and must address the complex decisions of not only when, where, and how to apply vaccine but also its economic consequences. Computer modelling may be a useful aid to cost benefit and decision support systems in this context. Planning must be detailed and regularly reviewed and should ensure, (i) that the legal and financial aspects are catered for (ii) that any contractual supply agreements are in place (iii) that information is collected and its currency maintained on the species, numbers and whereabouts of susceptible livestock (iv) that vaccination teams are formed and trained (v) that the vaccine cold chain is established and maintained (vi) that supplies of vaccination equipment are held in readiness and (vii) that briefing materials are available to inform the various stakeholders on relevant aspects of emergency vaccination. Knowledge concerning the characteristics and performance of emergency vaccines is summarised and areas identified for further research.  相似文献   

Microbiological aspects of poultry processing   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The microbiological condition of poultry carcasses is shown to be influenced by the general hygiene in the processing plant which is largely determined by (i) the quality of the raw materials, (ii) the design of plant and buildings, (iii) personal hygiene and (iv) cleaning efficiency. The standard of hygiene is dealt with under (i) assessment of contamination on surfaces, (ii) estimation of contamination on carcasses, including bacteria of public health significance and (iii) other measurements of value. Microbiological sampling of surfaces and carcasses is discussed and standards are suggested for water supplies, surfaces and carcasses. Data are presented from 430 frozen eviscerated carcasses sampled over the period of 12 months from a large processing plant.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine (i) the effects of protein-rich trees (PRTs) and (ii) the effects of leucaena treated with NaOH solution and leucaena plus polyethylene glycol (PEG) on nutrient digestibility, nitrogen (N) balance, urinary purine derivatives excretion and blood metabolites in Thai swamp buffaloes. In Experiment 1, animals were fed with rice straw as a basal diet and one of the four PRT supplements: (i) oven-dried rain tree pods (RTPP, control); (ii) sun-dried leucaena leaves; (iii) sun-dried cassia leaves and (iv) sun-dried mulberry leaves. Fibre digestibility and N balance were lower (P < 0.05), but microbial N in the rumen was higher (P < 0.05) in animals supplemented with RTPP than in those fed with the other supplements. In Experiment 2, animals were fed with rice straw as a basal diet and leucaena were treated in one of three ways: (i) untreated (control), (ii) leucaena treated with NaOH solution and (iii) leucaena + PEG. Fibre digestibility and N balance in the rumen improved (P < 0.05) in animals supplemented with leucaena + PEG, but microbial N was not increased. The study demonstrated a way of using local PRTs for a suitable and worthwhile method to improve the quality of buffalo feeding systems in the tropics.  相似文献   

Cancer is one of the most common causes of death in dogs. The availability of multiple treatment modalities and novel therapeutic targets make the correct diagnosis, prognostic stratification, and the identification of treatment effect predictive factors an issue of major debate in cancer management. Selection of high and low risk patients and the type of systemic or local treatment is important in cancer management. The search for better prognostic markers and predictive factors is now focused on the molecular mechanisms which underlie tumour behaviour, such as altered cell cycle progression, proliferation, apoptosis, and angiogenesis. The ultimate goal is to identify reliable markers that can accurately diagnose and stage a tumour and predict tumour's clinical behaviour, prognosis and response to therapy. In this review, the current state of prognostication in canine tumours and promising new molecular markers are discussed. The markers are allocated to four groups according to their function: (i) proliferation markers, (ii) apoptosis, (iii) extracellular matrix and cell adhesion molecules, (iv) angiogenesis and (v) cell cycle regulators. Clinicopathological factors and histopathological grading remain the most practical parameters in decision-making. Although experimental research has shown that molecular markers have a good potential to be used as diagnostic, prognostic or predictive markers in canine tumours, insufficient evidence exists on their efficacy for routine use in veterinary oncology.  相似文献   

The 6th International Conference on Emerging Zoonoses, held at Cancun, Mexico, 24-27 February 2011, offered 84 participants from 18 countries, a snapshot of current research in numerous zoonoses caused by viruses, bacteria or prions. Co-chaired by Professors Heinz Feldmann and Jürgen Richt, the conference explored 10 topics: (i) The ecology of emerging zoonotic diseases; (ii) The role of wildlife in emerging zoonoses; (iii) Cross-species transmission of zoonotic pathogens; (iv) Emerging and neglected influenza viruses; (v) Haemorrhagic fever viruses; (vi) Emerging bacterial diseases; (vii) Outbreak responses to zoonotic diseases; (viii) Food-borne zoonotic diseases; (ix) Prion diseases; and (x) Modelling and prediction of emergence of zoonoses. Human medicine, veterinary medicine and environmental challenges are viewed as a unity, which must be considered under the umbrella of 'One Health'. Several presentations attempted to integrate the insights gained from field data with mathematical models in the search for effective control measures of specific zoonoses. The overriding objective of the research presentations was to create, improve and use the tools essential to address the risk of contagions in a globalized society. In seeking to fulfil this objective, a three-step approach has often been applied: (i) use cultured cells, model and natural animal hosts and human clinical models to study infection; (ii) combine traditional histopathological and biochemical approaches with functional genomics, proteomics and computational biology; and (iii) obtain signatures of virulence and insights into mechanisms of host defense response, immune evasion and pathogenesis. This meeting review summarizes 39 of the conference presentations and mentions briefly the 16 articles in this Special Supplement, most of which were presented at the conference in earlier versions. The full affiliations of all presenters and many colleagues have been included to facilitate further inquiries from readers.  相似文献   

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