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由于工业的快速发展,大气中的O3和CO2浓度有逐年上升的趋势,对植物产生了很大的影响。目前,植物对O3和CO2浓度变化的复合作用的响应机制研究已经成为生态学研究的热点问题。文中阐述了O3和CO2浓度升高及其复合作用对植物的形态特征、光合作用、抗氧化系统及生物量等生理生化机制的影响,指出目前研究中存在并有待进一步研究的问题,以期为进一步开展高浓度O3和CO2对植物生理生态学影响研究提供科学参考和理论依据。  相似文献   

有些植物对大气污染的反应远比人敏感得多,例如人在二氧化硫浓度达1—5ppm时,嗅觉才能感觉到;10—20ppm时才有刺激感觉。而某些敏感植物处在0.3ppm浓度下几小时,就会出现受害症状。有些气体毒性很大(如有机氟),但无色无臭,不易感觉。然而某些植物却能及时作出反应。因此利用某些敏感植物来监测大气中有毒气体的浓度,指示环境的污染程度是十分可靠而又方便的办法。关于植物对大气中常见有毒气体的敏感性、抗性和吸收力的测定,我国和欧美、日本都作了大量调查和实验,找出了一批敏感性很强的监测植物。当然同一植物对不同的有毒气…  相似文献   

大夫山森林公园大气环境中污染物浓度变化及评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
利用长期定位观测方法对大夫山森林公园的大气质量进行监测,分析了大夫山森林公园大气污染源的种类、数量、分布规律,包括NO、NO2、NOx和SO2浓度的日变化规律、季节变化规律进行了探讨。在此基础上,通过分析森林公园大气污染物超标率和分担率情况来评价大夫山森林公园大气质量的影响。结果表明,大夫山森林公园的大气质量非常良好,SO2和NOx秋冬季对大气环境有轻微污染,污染分担率最大的SO2,其次是NOx,而NO和NO2对大夫山森林公园环境不产生影响。为进一步提高森林公园的大气环境质量,建议增加冬季常绿阔叶树种。    相似文献   

大气中的重金属主要以PM2.5等颗粒物为载体在大气中悬浮和扩散,植物叶表面复杂的微观形态结构可以吸附PM2.5等颗粒物,对消减近地表的大气重金属发挥着重要作用。文中对植物叶片吸附与吸收PM2.5等颗粒物中重金属的能力和影响因素等进行综述,并针对目前研究的不足提出展望:1)深入探讨大气颗粒物中重金属的化学形态与其在大气—植物系统中的化学行为关系,进一步阐述植物叶面吸附和吸收重金属的相关机理;2)大气颗粒物粒径越小,附着的重金属含量越高,但关于亚微米级颗粒物(PM1)的研究十分有限,进一步探究植物叶面对亚微米级颗粒物中重金属的吸附和吸收有助于筛选更高效的城市绿化树种;3)需要从角质层厚度、结构组成等角度深入探讨角质层吸附和吸收大气重金属的差异,为实现大气重金属污染治理的精准化和专业化提供科学依据。  相似文献   

城市园林绿地消减大气PM2.5浓度研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
园林绿地能有效消减城市空气中的PM2.5浓度,缓解大气污染状况。文中结合现有研究,综合阐述园林绿地消减PM2.5浓度的作用机理,探讨园林绿地消减PM2.5浓度的日变化和年变化规律及其原因,分析园林绿地中植物种类、绿地结构、绿地面积和宽度对大气PM2.5浓度的消减作用,总结温度、相对湿度、风速、车流量等环境因子以及不同污染条件对PM2.5浓度分布和扩散的影响,提出了园林绿地消减PM2.5浓度的研究趋势,指出应进一步探讨PM2.5对植物生长的影响、城市园林绿地消减PM2.5浓度的尺度效应、城市绿色空间滞尘功能评估以及PM2.5的消减量与健康效益的关联性等。  相似文献   

以2年生晚松盆栽苗为供试材料,从抗大气环境中SO2污染方面对晚松的抗逆能力进行了定量评价,为晚松的园林应用提供理论依据。研究表明,晚松叶绿素a、b对模拟SO2污染反应敏感,叶绿素b所受伤害大于叶绿素a,类胡萝卜素较不敏感。过氧化物酶活性的提高有助于减轻膜脂过氧化造成的伤害,从而使其在SO2污染胁迫较轻(10 mmol/L)时免受伤害。  相似文献   

使用2015~2017年我国29个城市的空气污染物PM2.5、PM10、O3浓度和气象要素(包括气压、气温、相对湿度、降水量、风速、日照时数)日数据,对每个城市空气质量变化特征与气象要素的月平均值进行了线性相关和多元回归模型分析,然后Meta分析合并相关系数和回归系数。结果表明:PM2.5浓度与所有气象变量(除风速)呈相关、PM10浓度与所有气象变量呈相关,而O3也与所有气象变量(除相对湿度)呈相关,但O3与气象变量的相关方向和PM2.5、PM10相反。通过对污染物浓度和气象变量的多元回归分析,21个城市的空气污染都得到较好程度的解释(R2>0.5)。同时,对影响PM2.5、PM10和O3的主要气象因素的效应进行了合并。  相似文献   

通常空气中的有害气体是从叶片上的气孔闯入植物体内的 ,叶片受到侵害后 ,首当其冲表现出的是肉眼看得见的是各种伤斑。不同气体引起的伤斑并不一样。二氧化硫引起的伤斑出现在叶脉间 ,呈点状或块状。氟引起的伤斑大多集中在叶子尖端和叶片边缘 ,呈环状或带状。植物不但能告诉我们大气中是否存在污染物质 ,而且能粗略地反映大气对环境的污染程度。不同植物对不同污染物质的敏感度是不同的 ,对某一种污染物质特别敏感的植物就可以作为这一种污染物质的报警器。有不少优良的敏感植物可以作为各种大气污染物质的指示植物。唐菖蒲可用于监测大气…  相似文献   

本文系统地综述了国际上开展与全球气候变化有关的大气CO2浓度增加对植物和生态系统影响研究的实验技术方法和细胞、叶片和个体水平对CO2反应的最新研究成果,人工气候模拟装置和测定技术;大气CO2浓度增加对细胞、叶片及个体植物生长的影响;主要的研究结论。  相似文献   

以郑州市数码公园为例,研究不同植物群落对大气颗粒物污染的影响。2020年4月—2021年3月,监测郑州市数码公园内不同植物群落结构(乔灌草、乔草、乔灌、灌草、草坪)在春夏秋冬四季的PM2.5和PM10浓度以及温度、湿度和风速等气象因子,分析不同植物群落PM2.5、PM10浓度的变化规律,并研究其与气象因子的相关性。研究结果表明,不同样地内PM2.5和PM10浓度日变化基本一致,呈早高晚低趋势。不同样地内PM2.5和PM10浓度均表现为秋冬季高,春夏季低;PM2.5和PM10浓度高低依次为草坪和广场样地>灌草和乔草结构样地>乔灌草和乔灌结构样地;复合群落结构绿地对颗粒物滞尘能力大于单一群落结构。乔灌草、乔灌结构样地对PM2.5和PM10的阻滞率较高。PM2.5和PM10浓度...  相似文献   

Tropospheric ozone (O3) is considered to be the air pollutant relating to the decline of Fagus crenata forest in Japan. In the present study, we assessed a risk of O3 impact on the growth of F. crenata in Japan, giving consideration to the effects associated with atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition based on the experimental study, national monitoring data for oxidant concentration and atmospheric N deposition, and a national vegetation survey. The average and maximum O3-induced relative growth reduction (RGred) of F. crenata across Japan were estimated to be 3.2 and 9.7%, respectively. Current levels of atmospheric N deposition were found to significantly affect the sensitivity of F. crenata to O3. When the N deposition was assumed as zero, the estimated average and maximum RGred were 2.3% and 5.7%, respectively. The inclusion of atmospheric N deposition data thus increased the estimated values for average and maximum RGred (by 38% and 71%, respectively). Our results demonstrate that a change in the sensitivity to O3 associated with atmospheric N deposition is an important consideration in the risk assessment of O3 impact on the growth of F. crenata in Japan.  相似文献   

  • ? This review considers potential effects of atmospheric change and climate warming within the timberline ecotone of the Central European Alps. After focusing on the impacts of ozone (O3) and rising atmospheric CO2 concentration, effects of climate warming on the carbon and water balance of timberline trees and forests will be outlined towards conclusions about changes in tree growth and treeline dynamics.
  • ? Presently, ambient ground-level O3 concentrations do not exert crucial stress on adult conifers at the timberline of the Central European Alps. In response to elevated atmospheric CO2 Larix decidua showed growth increase, whereas no such response was found in Pinus uncinata. Overall climate warming appears as the factor responsible for the observed growth stimulation of timberline trees.
  • ? Increased seedling re-establishment in the Central European Alps however, resulted from invasion into potential habitats rather than upward migration due to climate change, although seedlings will only reach tree size upon successful coupling with the atmosphere and thus loosing the beneficial microclimate of low stature vegetation.
  • ? In conclusion, future climate extremes are more likely than the gradual temperature increase to control treeline dynamics in the Central European Alps.
  •   相似文献   

    Clones of eastera white pine (Pinus strobus) selected for their sensitivity to sulfur dioxide (SO2) were fumigated in a controlled environment chamber. Sulfur dioxide alone and in combination with ozone (O3) at concentration 5 parts per hundred million (pphm) of air by volume of each gas for independent 2-hr exposures was toxic to new needles. Severest injury resulted from a discontinuous fumigation with 5 pphm O3 and 5 pphm SO2for 2 hr in separate fumigations, followed 24 hr later by a 2-hr exposure to a mixture of these gases, each at 5 pphm. The rapidity of lesion development and total injury to new needles were less following a single 2-hr fumigation with an O3-SO2mixture than when a single 2-hr fumigation with SO2alone was used. Ozone and SO2reacted to reduce injury. These plants were not injured by O3used alone. New needles receiving only filtered air or new needles on resistant plants were not visibly affected by any treatment. Acute injury induced by the O3-SO2mixture developed differently from injury induced by SO2alone.  相似文献   

    The purpose of this study was to describe changes in the deposition of air pollutants and the response of spruce trees in the period of 1998–2005. The investigation was carried out in twelve sites, mainly national parks. Air pollution level, that is, SO2, NO2, and O3 concentrations in the air, as well as throughfall and soil solution chemical composition was analysed. The reaction of trees was described based on a stand health parameter, that is, defoliation. A decrease in the concentration of SO2 and NO2 in the investigated period was observed. In most of the analysed sites, ozone concentrations in the growing season exceeded the level regarded as harmful to plants. Annual loads of nitrogen and sulphur reaching the forest soil exceeded 10 kg/ha. The data collected for the analysed period confirmed that the health status of forests at the investigated sites did not show a general tendency towards improvement. Also, no dependency between the air pollution level and defoliation rate was found.  相似文献   

    大气污染是人类面临的严重环境问题之一,植物除了可以监测大气的污染外,在近地表大气污染物的清除中起着重要作用。利用植物净化大气污染物是1种低碳、有效、非破坏型的环境污染修复方式,植物净化污染大气的思想及其技术对城市园林绿化、环境规划和生态环境建设等具有直接的指导意义和应用价值。笔者介绍了大气污染的种类、植物净化大气污染的机理、植物净化大气污染的主要过程,提出了筛选高效净化植物、开发联合修复技术、培育转基因净化植物及合理植物配置等是未来研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

    This study confirms that CO2 uptake of European conifers increases during needle maturation. Extensive investigations with grafts of several species show that this increase may even mask a deleterious effect of a weak SO2 stress. In plants which are not dependent on air-borne SO2 for S nutrition CO2 uptake was not favored by SO2. Peroxidase activity of tree foliage may be a valuable stress indication, particularly in areas with light air pollution. It is, however, not specific for air pollution and seems to be most suitable for “active” monitoring.  相似文献   

    A risk assessment of ozone (O3) impact on the annual carbon absorption (ACA) of Japanese representative conifers was conducted based on the results of an experimental study, monitoring data of oxidant concentrations and vegetation surveys. The areas with high O3-induced reduction in ACA did not necessarily correspond to the areas with relatively high O3-exposure. Widespread distribution of O3-sensitive tree species such as Pinus densiflora and Larix kaempferi, and high ACA were important factors that induced a high risk of O3 impact on the ACA. Therefore, we concluded that not only the accumulated O3-exposure but also the variety of tree habitat, the tree sensitivity to O3 and the ACA among the tree species must be taken into account to assess the risk of O3 impact on the ACA of Japanese conifers. The O3-induced reduction in the total ACA of the three tree species in Japan was estimated to be 0.8%.  相似文献   


    Key message

    Ozone, one of the major atmospheric pollutants, alters tree growth, mainly by decreasing carbon assimilation and allocation to stems and roots. To date, the mechanisms of O3 impact at the cellular level have been investigated mainly on young trees grown in controlled or semi-controlled conditions. In the context of climate change, it is necessary to introduce a valuable defence parameter in the models that currently predict O3 impact on mature trees and the carbon sequestration capacity of forest ecosystems.


    Air pollution is an important factor that affects negatively forest ecosystems. Among oxidative air pollutants, ozone is considered as the most toxic in terms of impact on vegetation.


    This paper focuses on the negative impacts of ozone on trees in controlled conditions or in their natural environment. The current knowledge of the responses at cell level is presented and ways to improve their use for ozone risk assessment of forest stands are discussed.


    Information was collected from original papers or reviews, providing an overview of the research conducted over the last 60 years.


    The negative effects of ozone on carbon assimilation and tree biomass production were reviewed and discussed, with a focus on effects on cell processes implied in cell defence, including stomatal regulation, detoxification, signalling, and biosynthesis of wood compound.


    In the context of increasing significance of O3 flux approach, this review intends to shed light into the black box of defence processes, which are playing a crucial part within the effective O3 dose modelling. Today, it is recognized that tropospheric ozone inhibits tree growth and its role on the future carbon sink of the forest ecosystem is discussed along with the combination of other environmental factors like elevated temperature, water, and nitrogen supply, likely to be modified in the context of climate change.

    The effects of simulated acid fog (SAF) and ozone (O3) stress on the growth and physiology of beech (Fagus crenata) saplings were investigated. Three-year-old beech saplings were exposed to SAFs of pH 3 and pH 5 (control) during May 2007 to July 2008. In each SAF treatment group, half of the saplings were exposed to 60 ppb of O3 during September 2007 to July 2008. In comparison to the control saplings, those from the pH 3 treatment had lower total plant biomasses, epicuticular wax amounts, Ca2+ concentrations in their leaves, and lower starch concentrations in their leaves and roots. The effect of O3 was significant only for the starch concentration in the roots, but the O3 exposure also negatively affected the growth and physiology of beech saplings. Results show that acid fog exerts various severe effects, and that both chronic acid fog and O3 exposure suppressed the physiological functions of beech saplings.  相似文献   

    Elevated O3 levels can strongly impair the health and vitality of forest ecosystems. Free-air exposure systems reveal that forest tree and stand growth can be reduced strongly under chronic O3 stress. Detailed knowledge of the effect of O3 exposure on photosynthesis, carbon sequestration, allometry and growth during chronic stress is available. However, knowledge of growth response after O3 reduction is scarce. Here, we analyse the growth of mature Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in the free-air O3 fumigation experiment at Kranzberg Forest. We compare tree growth over a 9-year period (2008–2016) after exposure to O3 (2000–2007). During 2?×?O3 exposure, the annual basal area growth of Norway spruce and European beech decreased by 24 and 32%, respectively. After cessation of 2?×?O3 exposure, the annual basal area growth of Norway spruce and European beech not only recovered but exceeded the growth of the trees in the control condition by 14 and 24%, respectively. The growth resilience and resistance of trees previously exposed to 2?×?O3 towards drought stress and late frost was hardly lower than that of the trees in the control condition. The capacity for growth recovery even after long-term chronic O3 stress emphasizes the strong beneficial effect of air pollution control on the health of forest ecosystems and on the global land carbon sink.  相似文献   

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