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北欧毛皮贸易、加工、养殖业现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2 0 0 2年笔者随团对北欧丹麦、挪威、瑞典、芬兰四国的毛皮业进行了考察 ,本文主要介绍的是丹麦的自然状况、毛皮饲养者协会的组织机构和职能 ,哥本哈根毛皮中心的毛皮贸易情况 ,北欧世家皮草 (SAGA)总部设计中心及经营方式 ,毛皮分级标准和丹麦水貂饲养场的饲养管理 ,技术设备的特点。  相似文献   

毛皮动物养殖如何突破瓶颈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国毛皮动物(貂、狐、貉)皮张市场行情稳定,部分优质皮张价格较高。但要实现盈利,还需要了解我国毛皮动物行业的特点和问题。(一)我国毛皮动物养殖业存在的问题1.优良品种毛皮动物养殖比例小。良种在毛皮动物养殖业经济效益上的贡献占到近50%,优良品种,如芬兰狐、丹麦水貂、美国短毛黑水貂等,皮张较大、质量好,  相似文献   

正水貂是中国北方养殖的重要经济动物之一,毛皮价格的不断上涨推动着水貂等毛皮动物养殖业迅速发展,形成一定的产业规模。随着养殖规模扩大,水貂绿脓杆菌病(也称出血性肺炎)、水貂病毒性肠炎等传染病的发生日益频繁,严重制约着水貂养殖业的健康发展[1]。  相似文献   

人工养殖水貂常见病及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水貂是食肉目、鼬科、鼬属小型珍贵毛皮兽,其毛皮具有针毛挺直、灵活华丽、绒毛丰厚、保暖性强、皮板轻薄、柔韧结实等诸多优点,是国际裘皮贸易的三大支柱产品之一。我国的水貂养殖业于20世纪50年代开始起步,很多养殖场已经引进高质量的种兽养殖,为改良品种开了好头。目前国内养殖品种包括美国短毛漆黑水貂、辽宁金州黑色标准水貂、山东潍坊虞鑫黑色水貂、山东蓬莱刘家旺黑色水貂、丹麦红眼白貂、蓝宝石貂、银蓝色水貂、铁灰色水貂等优良种兽。至80年代中期发展到年出口500万张的养殖规模。近10年饲养数量迅速增长,据估计全国拥有水貂饲养场户5000多家,  相似文献   

中国水貂养殖业与先进国家的差距   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从水貂种群、水貂生产水平和饲养管理水平、水貂饲料加工及饲料营养配制、水貂饲养机械化水平、技术人才培训、水貂的卫生防疫和福利待遇以及水貂养殖行业的管理以及水貂皮产品的出口贸易、国内贸易、走私贸易等方面入手,分析了中国水貂养殖业以及水貂皮产品贸易的现状,并指出了中国水貂养殖业与貂皮产品同北欧、北美水貂养殖大国和强国之间的差距,在对比中找出了中国水貂养殖业与水貂皮产品贸易中存在的亟待解决的问题和影响中国水貂养殖业与水貂皮产品未来健康可持续发展的原因。最后提出了实现中国水貂养殖业和水貂皮产品贸易可持续发展的切实可行的有参考价值的对策。  相似文献   

<正>山东省文登市养殖水貂历史悠久,是全国最大的特种毛皮动物养殖基地。近几年,文登又成功引进恒德祥饲料、伍福种貂、天智皮毛、天威皮草等产业龙头项目,进一步延伸水貂养殖产业链条,形成了集饲料加工、种貂繁育、规模养殖、毛皮加工销售于一体的皮草产业链条,带动了水貂养殖业蓬勃发展。随着水貂养殖规模不断扩大,养殖配套的生意也越来越红火。泽库镇泽库村的金源冷藏厂不仅承担着全村100  相似文献   

文登区是全国最大的毛皮动物养殖基地,地处胶东半岛东端,濒临大海,海产品资源丰富,环境气候非常适合水貂养殖,近年来,文登区各级领导从实际出发,在原有畜牧养殖业的基础上,着重加强产业结构调整,大力发展水貂等毛皮动物的水产养殖产业,使毛皮动物养殖成为促进农村经济发展的重要支柱。  相似文献   

芬兰第一个毛皮兽养殖场是建于七十多年前的银狐场.芬兰毛皮兽育种家协会,是7个地方性养殖协会的中心组织,1928年成立,其任务一向是促进毛皮兽养殖业的发展.芬兰养殖的毛皮兽多为水貂、蓝狐、浣熊和臭猫.60年代曾是狐的全盛时期.此后则被水貂所取代.最近10年来养狐数量再次猛增。1987年共产貂皮390万张,狐皮350万张,浣熊皮9百张和臭猫皮  相似文献   

1毛皮动物养殖业的市场形势毛皮动物养殖业以水貂为主,其次为蓝狐。目前毛皮市场水貂皮数量很多,价格稳中有升;改良蓝狐销售畅快。由于银狐和貉皮毛长、绒毛稀而不受市场欢迎,狐皮和貉皮需求数量大幅下降,养殖数量也随之减少。水貂是比较稳定的养殖种类,估计水貂因价格的平稳,明年的存栏量还会增加;芬兰蓝狐与地产蓝狐杂交生产的改良蓝狐因皮张大、毛质好还会受到欢迎。貉皮价格在冬季大批打皮后可能会有所降低,但因数量少,仍会有较好的经济效益。2毛皮动物养殖业的发展对策2.1因地制宜,科学管理水貂、狐、貉等毛皮动物的生产受光照和时差的…  相似文献   

山东是我国毛皮动物(水貂、狐和貉)养殖第一大省,年出栏率占全国的一半以上,近年来更是发展迅速,在部分地区已成为当地的支柱产业。但毛皮动物养殖业仍然存在养殖水平低、产业链不完善、发展不够规范等问题,笔者基于当前毛皮动物养殖形势,对加快发展山东省毛皮动物养殖业提出几点看法,以期对相关工作的开展起到推动作用。  相似文献   

丹麦水貂饲养业   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通过对丹麦 3个大规模水貂饲养场、饲养加工厂、饲养设备加工厂、取皮设备加工厂的考察 ,初步了解和认识了丹麦水貂品种的特征特性 ,饲养管理和取皮加工的系统性 ,以及丹麦水貂养殖业的特点  相似文献   


Selection was performed for high November weight on ad libitum (AL) and restricted feeding (RF) in mink in two generations. A farm fed line (FF) was maintained as a control. The estimates of heritability for November weight were large (0.62, 0.52, and 0.73 in males and 0.68, 0.51, and 0.60 in females in the FF-, AL-, and RF-line). The results indicate that selection on AL feeding increased appetite and thereby improved feed conversion ratio while selection on RF improved feed utilization. Furthermore, the results suggest that selection for August weight produces lean mink while selection for November weight produces fat mink.  相似文献   

营养状况直接影响水貂的生长发育和繁殖性能,准确评价水貂的营养状况是养殖生产中制定饲喂制度和管理措施的重要依据。介绍了目前水貂养殖生产和科研中常见的几种评价方法,旨在为我国水貂营养状况评价提供依据。  相似文献   

Isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from clinical infections in mink were subjected to serotyping and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) using SpeI. A total of 212 isolates of P. aeruginosa from the year 1998 to 2001 were included in this study: 168 isolates from mink obtained from 74 farm outbreaks of haemorrhagic pneumonia. Isolates from mink were separated into 34 distinct clones by PFGE subtyping. All isolates from mink infected during the same farm outbreak were identical, except in one case where two different strains were isolated from mink obtained from the same farm outbreak. P. aeruginosa of specific PFGE types were found to cause clusters of outbreaks on several farms within a few weeks of each other. However, PFGE types of strains causing clusters of farm outbreaks changed from year to year. These results suggest that some outbreaks of haemorrhagic pneumonia are caused by pathogenic strains of P. aeruginosa spread between farms and animals either mechanically, or through feed or water from a common source, rather than by random nosocomial infections with strains from the farm environment.  相似文献   


The effect of cage size and nest box environment on circadian rhythm and on stereotyped and non-stereotyped activities was measured for 66 farmed female mink fed ad libitum. The behaviour of the animals was recorded over 24 h on video in the months of September and October. Weight and feed consumption were measured for the 66 females and the 66 male mink placed with the females. The experiment included three cage sizes (0.10, 0.27 and 1.10 m2) and cages with and without nest boxes. In the cages with nest boxes the use of wire netting cylinders and shelves was evaluated.

Farm mink, fed ad libitum, had their primary activity period from 04:00 to 10:00 h. There was no food anticipatory activity, but the actual feeding at noon caused an interruption of the animals' resting period. Mink in cages without nest boxes performed more stereotyped behaviour than mink with nest boxes. There was no effect of cage size on the measured behavioural elements. Mink were passive for more than 70% of the day and night and preferred to rest together. Apart from resting in the nest box, mink preferred to rest on shelves above floor level. Lacking the possibility of using a nest box and performance of stereotyped behaviour increase the feed intake of farm mink. A large variation between animals, having a significant effect on all the measured behavioural elements, indicates different coping patterns and/or stress sensitivity.  相似文献   


Eighty farm mink were used to investigate whether access to swimming water and:or difference in cage size led to a difference in the level of stereotypies. Half of the animals grew up with free access to swimming water, and the other half without. In addition, two different cage sizes were used. Over 2 weeks the animals were scanned a total of 141 times. Animals in small cages had a higher level of stereotypies and were more active than those in large cages. No difference between animals with swimming water and animals with an empty basin was detected. The level of activity was lowest in animals in large cages, although not significantly so when water was present. The results presented here do not offer any support for the claim that farm mink with access to swimming water have a lower level of stereotypies than mink with access to an empty basin. Whether swimming is a behavioural need in farm mink is still debatable.  相似文献   

貂犬瘟热病的诊断   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
貂犬瘟热是危害貂、狐、貉最严重的烈性传染病之一。作者对某貂养殖场的病死貂进行临床症状观察,病理剖检及实验室诊断,通过病毒的分离培养及鉴定,确诊病死貂为貂犬瘟热病毒感染。鉴于养殖场中该病的存在及对养貂业的危害,建议加强对貂犬瘟热病的诊断及监控。  相似文献   

Data collected from an outbreak of excessive mortality of mink kits in 4 Danish mink farms in 1982 were analysed. The mortality of the mink kits was found to be highest for the kits from Aleutian Disease (AD)-positive females, and the Scanblack mink was found to be the most frequently affected mink type. Furthermore the mortality was found to depend on the farm of origin and to be highest for the lastest born kits. The age of the females and their location in sheds were found not to influence the mortality of the kits. However, the mortality for the Pastel mink decreased with increasing distance from the Scanblack mink. The possibility that the excess mortality of the kits might be due to an AD-virus infection is discussed.Key words: mink, neonatal mortality, mink kits, Aleutian Disease, analytic epidemiology  相似文献   

The acid-base balance in small carnivores (mink, Mustela vison) was examined during 6 feeding periods, when the same animals were given different feeds during a prolonged time. The feeds consisted of normal farm feed to which different amounts of sulphuric acid-preserved feed and feed silaged with organic acids were added (Tables I--II). When the pH of the feed was decreased to below 5.5, the acid-base balance of the animals was changed and metabolic acidosis occurred (Tables III--V, Fig. 1). On neutralization of the acid-preserved feed a normal acid-base balance could be maintained. However, the growth of the animals was reduced after prolonged feeding with silage as they lost weight during the following periods (Table vii).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study, in which the farm was used as the statistical unit, was to find factors affecting mink mortality under farm conditions. Mortality was hypothesised to be affected by factors including, among others, variables describing the amount (level) and variation in composition and quality of the feed. Other explanatory variables applied in the study included farm size and age. Factor analyses were performed for variables of feed composition and quality in order to condense the variable information and to facilitate the selection of explanatory variables. This report presents a preliminary regression model for female mink mortality factors describing feed level and variation, and farm size, as explanatory variables. The regression model emphasized among other factors the importance of a constant albumin quality and a constant energy level.  相似文献   

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