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对徐州市城区常绿阔叶树种资源现状进行了实地调查。结果表明,在徐州城区园林中应用的能够露地越冬的常绿阔叶树种共计约43种,隶属于22科、32属,应用形式主要有行道树、园景树、基础种植、绿篱、地被。文中还分析了徐州市常绿阔叶树种应用现状。    相似文献   

秦皇岛市园林绿化树种的选择及配置   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了进一步搞好园林绿化,创建美好的城市形象,通过调查分析,对秦皇岛市林绿化树种的选择和配置进行了论述。认为树种选择的原则,在乡土树种为主,选择抗逆性强,既有观赏价值又有经济价值的树种,速生树与长寿树相结合;在树种配置上,应视具体情况,根据园林美学原则,进行孤植,对植,丛植,聚植,林植,充分发挥树木和个体美和群体美的艺术效果。  相似文献   

包头市城市森林绿地树种选择及效果评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以包头市东河区、青山区、昆都仑区、九原区、开发区等五个城区中公园、行道、游园、小区、厂区、防护带等景观类型中树种和群落为调查对象,利用植物物种数、丰富度、多样性指数、重要值等指标对包头市城市绿地植物群落进行调查,用层次分析法评价,对包头市城市绿化树种现状进行分析。针对出现的问题提出在今后城市绿化树种增加种类增加层片和季相,提高绿化的稳定性及不同时间的观赏要求,加大对乡土树种的开发和应用,提高适应性,以减少经济造价。    相似文献   

呼和浩特市园林树木病虫害防治措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,由于城市园林树木配置不合理,城市不良的生态状况以及气候异常等诸多因素的影响,园林内的病虫害发生较为普遍。本文提出了呼和浩特市园林树木病虫害的防治措施。  相似文献   

"林带+林区+园林"——广州城市森林的总体布局与构建   总被引:5,自引:10,他引:5  
广州城市森林的总体格局是"林带+林区+园林",通过建设环城绿带、城市隔离绿带、主干道景观林带、城区周边大面积林区和城区各类园林绿地,在城市中心保留绿心,以各类绿带作为生态廊桥,连接中心城区的园林绿地和城郊的森林绿地,形成"点成片、线成带、面成区"的格局,力求将城市自然生态环境与岭南文化景观有机的结合。  相似文献   

Traditional agroforestry systems in the communal areas of Zimbabwe are described. There are systems centered on main fields, on home gardens, on homesites and on grazing areas. In the main fields, the major tree-related management practice is the conservation of preferred indigenous fruit trees. Fruit trees are also the focus of forestry activities around the gardens and the homesite; but here it is the planting of exotic species. In a localized area of Zimbabwe Acacia albida is important in fields. There is almost no use of tree fallows in Zimbabwe. Trees in grazing areas have numerous roles, but at present there is little knowledge about traditional management practices in these areas. In the development of agroforestry systems in Zimbabwe it is suggested that those systems designed to improve fodder production will make a significant contribution to farm productivity because of the importance of cattle in the farming system and the present fodder shortage. Interventions involving the planting of fruit trees are likely to be very successful, as there is much interest in such planting. Another area that needs to be developed is that of tree plantings to improve soil fertility.  相似文献   

南非观赏植物资源丰富。本文介绍了南非园林绿化上常用的外来树种蓝花楹、美丽异木棉、火焰木、茶花、筋杜鹃等;常用的本土植物非洲朴、吊瓜树、南非羊蹄甲、硬骨凌霄、紫雪花、天堂鸟、百子莲等。  相似文献   

外来林业有害生物在全球范围内严重发生,难以早期预防。近年来,多国开展了哨兵树的研究以提前了解和预警潜在的林业有害生物,取得了一定进展。哨兵树是指在高风险地区被用于调查与监测有害生物的发生从而提供预警信息的一类树木。哨兵树研究主要是通过植物园现有的引种树木和人为引种种植树木2种方式开展。根据研究目的与方法,哨兵树研究可分为国外种植哨兵树、哨兵树苗圃和哨兵植物园。哨兵树代表性的研究有欧洲在全球高风险地区种植欧洲树种与进口树种、新西兰监测全球海外植物园引种的新西兰树木和国际植物园保护联盟成立的国际植物哨兵网络。文中介绍哨兵树的概念,总结其研究现状,展望研究前景,以期为构建我国外来林业有害生物的早期预防与预警体系提供参考。  相似文献   

曹雪芹的《红楼梦》是我国第一部用较多笔墨全面、完整地描写园林艺术的古典小说,书中有关园林的论述,综合了我国南北方古典园林的特点,凝铸了千百年来人们关于园林的审美思想,不仅阐述了园林的物质美和精神美,还着意刻划了园林的真善美和意境美。本文对曹雪芹的园林美学思想进行了系统的分析,抓住了其园林美学的思想本质——“天然图画”,即中国古典园林的自然美与人工美的结合,同时还对其园林美学思想的形成进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

Tree planting for dryland salinity control in Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dryland salinity is emerging as a major form of land and water degradation in southern Australia, particularly in Western Australia, South Australia and Victoria, and to a lesser extent in New South Wales, Tasmania and Queensland.Tree planting, in combination with other vegetation treatments, is regarded as a leading solution to dryland salinity. Research has now shown that planting trees can significantly lower groundwater tables, and thereby reverse the causal process of salinisation. Substantial progress has been made towards answering the basic questions of which species to grow, how to plant, where to plant, at what density and configuration to plant, and how much area to plant. The economic potential for commercial tree planting has given impetus to partial reforestation in higher rainfall (> 600 mm yr–1) areas. Even so, serious constraints are apparent, relating primarily to cost, uncertainty and attitude. The future should bring increasing community input and control, technical refinement and gradual adoption, provided all aspects of the issue are well researched, relevant information is well communicated and programmes are well administered. Some specific requirements for future research are identified in this review.  相似文献   

为进一步掌握河源市城区彩叶植物种类、观赏特性及应用状况,对河源市城区主要公园、广场、单位、居住区、道路绿化等绿地开展实地调查。结果表明,河源市城区绿地彩叶植物种类较为丰富,共有62科108属149种,以乔灌木为主,有114种,占比76.51%;景观可持续时间长,全年有彩叶植物景观可赏;植物配置形式丰富多样,以基础种植、丛植、片植和列植居多。基于调查结果,提出河源市城区绿地应合理运用彩叶植物配植结构、增加乡土彩叶植物应用和加强养护管理等建议。  相似文献   

环市路是广州市重要主干道路,其道路绿化的安全性是城市绿化管理工作的的重要内容之一。采用视觉评估法(Visual Tree Assessment,VTA)以及无损检测法对环市路行道树树木风险进行综合评估,并分析树木形态因子与风险因子间的相关性。结果发现,环市路11.2%的行道树存在安全风险,不同树种的安全隐患率差异较大,且树木形态因子与风险因子间存在显著的相关性。并从树木安全风险评估与管理角度探讨行道树种植设计、施工及日常管养,推动城市绿化精细化管理。  相似文献   

The low proportion of forested land and continuing degradation of existing forest cover are serious threats to the sustainability of forestry in Pakistan. Farm forestry has been identified as a feasible solution, particularly in the plain areas. Applying the Theory of Planned Behaviour in a survey of 124 farmers in Dera Ismail Khan district of Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province showed that farmers’ willingness to grow trees on their farms is a function of their attitudes towards the advantages and disadvantages of growing trees, their perception of the opinions of salient referents and factors that encourage and discourage farm level tree planting. Farmers viewed farm forestry as economically beneficial and environmentally friendly. Tree planting was perceived as increasing income, providing wood for fuel and furniture, controlling erosion and pollution and providing shade for humans and animals. Farmers saw hindrance in agricultural operations and the harbouring of insects, pests and diseases as negative impacts of tree planting; however, these were outweighed by their perceptions of positive impacts. Tree growing decisions of farmers were influenced by the opinions of family members, owners/tenants, fellow farmers and village elders. The factors that significantly predicted farm level tree planting were availability of barren land, lack of markets, lack of nurseries and damage caused by animals and humans. Farm forestry programmes are more likely to be successful if they acknowledge and address the factors which underlie farmers’ reasons for planting or not planting trees.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONUrban forestry means different things to differentpeople, depending on one’s perspective. Some peopleview urban forestry in terms of economic values,rather than cultural or social values, whereas othersmay perceive it in terms of all three types of values.As such, the management of urban green spaces maybe tailored to suchvalues. To Kuchelmeisterand TREECITY (1998), urban greening and urban forestry aretwo different fields altogether. They referred to urbangreening as t…  相似文献   

为更好地指导河北省的园林绿化,针对河北省植被及园林树种比较丰富的植物园、公园、大中城市现有的主要道路、广场、居住区、企事业单位等各类公共绿地,在彩色植物种类、引种适应性、园林应用程度、栽植方式、配置形式等方面进行了实地调查。通过对河北省常见的彩色植物应用进行调查并比较其造景特色,对彩色植物在中国的发展前景提出了自己的见解,对彩色植物在园林中的配植原则和配植形式等作了理论性探讨,为更好地指导河北省的园林绿化提供了依据。  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):71-80
Despite their importance in ecosystems and biodiversity, very little is known about the health of trees in the native environments of South Africa. The vision and primary goal of the Centre of Excellence in Tree Health Biotechnology (CTHB) is therefore to promote the health of native trees by making use of biotechnology. In this paper, we use the CTHB as an example to explore the positive impacts of the Department of Science and Technology's Centre of Excellence programme on the science system of South Africa and, furthermore, to consider the programme's overall contribution to the strategic priorities set out in the South African Government's Medium Term Strategic Framework that guides the national mandate. We also discuss briefly how the outputs of the CTHB are put into practice in the form of tangible services provided to stakeholders from all sectors ranging from academia, the forestry industry and the general public through to government. Finally, we consider the various factors that have contributed to the success of the CTHB and conclude with a reflection on the far-reaching effects that a relatively small investment by the Department of Science and Technology has had on research and development in South Africa. This is not only in terms of human capacity development, but also overall research excellence. For the CTHB specifically, this initiative also has facilitated a deep appreciation of the factors threatening the health of native trees. Such knowledge provides a crucial foundation towards our understanding of the challenges associated with trees in native woody ecosystems and those propagated commercially, which have emerged and will continue to emerge as a result of trade, transport and tourism, as well as climate change.  相似文献   

广州近代城市公园设计精巧,风格独特,在岭南造园史上具有重要地位。结合历史图文资料,运用风景园林史学和风景园林美学相结合的研究方法,归纳分析其造园特征。广州近代城市公园的中西合璧特征主要体现在3个方面:因地制宜的空间布局、中西融合的建筑小品、多姿多彩的植物景观。探析其中西合璧特征,有利于丰富岭南近代园林历史与理论研究,推进对广州近代城市公园的保护与造园智慧的传承。  相似文献   

The profitability to smallholders of rubber production in Imperata infested areas of Indonesia was assessed using an existing bioeconomic model. An Imperata groundcover component was incorporated within the model as follows: tree girth = f(Imperata groundcover) = f(relative shading) = f(crown height, canopy width, tree spacing) = f(tree girth). The first two relationships represent extensions to the original model.Cumulative tree girth was predicted for rubber planting densities from 400 to 1000 stems/ha. At low tree planting rates, competition from Imperata restricts tree growth. At high tree planting rates, Imperata is controlled, but there are negative consequences from inter-tree competition. These two effects of higher planting rates counterbalanced, such that tree girth was approximately constant across the range of tree densities.Tree girth is a driving force in determining latex yield. Latex yield was translated into present value net economic returns within the model, by reference to prices and costs associated with rubber production in South Sumatra, Indonesia in 1995. Economic returns from planting 400 to 1000 trees/ha were calculated. Rubber growing by smallholders on Imperata infested land, was found to be profitable. Maximum profitability was obtained at 600 trees/ha. However, the sensitivity of net economic returns, with respect to tree density, was not great. This was due to the counterbalancing effects of changes in tree density.  相似文献   

LOW  ALAN J. 《Forestry》1986,59(1):59-84
The Falkland Islands experience a cool, windy and relativelydry climate. The soil is typically shallow peat over clay, althoughdeeper peat is locally present, and the natural vegetation isgrass-heath with no native trees or large shrubs. Climatic andsoil conditions, lack of knowledge and inadequate protectionhave hampered past attempts to establish a wide variety of treespecies. Successful results have been largely confined to favourablesites near houses and gardens. A very few sizeable tree plotsexist, notably at Hill Cove, Roy Cove, Weddell Island and CarcassIsland. Tree planting prospects were appraised during a visitin 1983. The creation of effective shelterbelts appeared feasible,using modern establishment techniques developed in upland Britain,correct species choice, careful site selection, adequate beltwidth, protection against damage, good technical supervisionand patience. The most promising species are Cupressus macrocarpa,Picea sitchensis (Queen Charlotte Islands origin), Pinus contorta(coastal origins only), Pinus radiata and Nothofagus betuloides.Using the same species, limited planting for wood productionmay also be possible on a very few sheltered, moist, accessiblesites. Small scale amenity and shelter planting for houses andgardens is clearly practicable. Imported planting stock willbe necessary due to the impracticality of raising sizeable quantitiesin the Islands.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):119-129
The development of a plantation eucalypt wood-based forest products industry in South Africa is outlined. Forest research that has contributed to increasing wood production from the ultimately finite land resource available for industrial plantations is reviewed. The application of this technology to eucalypt plantations by Sappi Forests is described and evidence for resultant increased wood production is presented. Improved silviculture, introduction of alternative species and deployment of genetically superior planting stock coupled to site classification and site-specific application of these technologies have all contributed to measured gains. The continued development and application of appropriate forest technology will be critical to a sustainable future for the industry in South Africa. Issues pertaining to this are discussed.  相似文献   

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