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Some characteristics of cell-free preparations of Marek's disease virus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Biological diversity among serotype 2 Marek's disease viruses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Selected biological characteristics were determined for 14 low-passage serotype 2 Marek's disease virus (MDV) isolates. Four of these isolates were also tested after extensive serial passage in chicken embryo fibroblast cultures. Observations were made on replication in vitro and in vivo, pathogenicity by in ovo inoculation, antigenicity, and protection against virulent MDV challenge. Among the low-passage isolates, there were some differences in pathogenicity after in ovo inoculation but relatively little difference in other characteristics, with the exception of the HN-1 strain, which replicated more rapidly in cell culture but produced generally lower in vivo responses than other isolates. After extended in vitro passage, isolates replicated much more readily in cell culture and produced lower pathologic responses in vivo than low-passage isolates, as has been reported for serotype 1 isolates. No antigenic differences among isolates were detected, but high-passage isolates induced lower levels of precipitating antibodies than low-passage isolates, indicating a possible reduction in A antigen production. The observed diversity associated with strain and passage level may be of value in the selection of optimum vaccine strains.  相似文献   

Dilution of Marek's disease (MD) vaccines is a common practice in the field to reduce the cost associated with vaccination. In this study we have evaluated the effect of diluting MD vaccines on the protection against MD, vaccine and challenge MD virus (MDV) kinetics, and body weight when challenged with strains Md5 (very virulent MDV) and 648A (very virulent plus MDV) by contact at day of age. The following four vaccination protocols were evaluated in meat-type chickens: turkey herpesvirus (HVT) at manufacturer-recommended full dose; HVT diluted 1:10; HVT + SB-1 at the manufacturer-recommended full dose; and HVT + SB-1 diluted 1:10 for HVT and 1:5 for SB-1. Vaccine was administered at hatch subcutaneously. One-day-old chickens were placed in floor pens and housed together with ten 15-day-old chickens that had been previously inoculated with 500 PFU of either Md5 or 648A MDV strains. Chickens were individually identified with wing bands, and for each chicken samples of feather pulp and blood were collected at 1, 3, and 8 wk posthatch. Body weights were recorded at 8 wk for every chicken. Viral DNA load of wild-type MDV, SB-1, and HVT were evaluated by real time-PCR. Our results showed that dilution of MD vaccines can lead to reduced MD protection, reduced relative body weights, reduced vaccine DNA during the first 3 wk, and increased MDV DNA load. The detrimental effect of vaccine dilution was more evident in females than in males and was more evident when the challenge virus was 648A. However, lower relative body weights and higher MDV DNA load could be detected in chickens challenged with strain Md5, even in the absence of obvious differences in protection.  相似文献   

Witter RL 《Avian diseases》2002,46(4):925-937
Studies were conducted to better understand the relationship among Marcek's disease (MD) vaccine strains between induction of protective immunity and the degree of attenuation (or virulence). To obtain viruses at different stages of attenuation, very virulent plus MD strains 584A and 648A and selected clones of these strains were serially passaged in chicken and duck cells. These viruses were considered fully attenuated after passage for 70-100 times in chicken embryo cell cultures until they no longer induced gross lesions in susceptible, maternal antibody-negative (ab-) chickens. Lower passages of the same strains were considered partially attenuated, provided their virulence was less than that of the parent strain. Four of five partially attenuated preparations derived from MD virus strains 584A and 648A or the previously attenuated Md11 strain induced 28%-62% higher levels of protection in maternal antibody-positive (ab+) chickens against virulent MD challenge than the fully attenuated counterpart viruses. The partially attenuated 584A/d2/3 strain replicated in chickens but was totally nonprotective. Data from two subsequent trials in ab+ chickens confirmed that protection induced by the partly attenuated (passage 80) preparations was 79% and 118% higher, respectively, than that induced by the fully attenuated (passage 100) preparations of strain 648A. However, in one trial with ab- chickens, no difference in protection between partially and fully attenuated virus was observed. Strong protection (up to 85%) against highly virulent challenge also was provided by preparations of 648A at passages 40-60, which were moderately oncogenic when used alone. Partially attenuated strains tended to replicate to higher titers in both ab+ and ab- chickens compared with fully attenuated vaccines. Also, ab+ and ab- chickens vaccinated with partially attenuated strains developed three- to nine fold more extensive microscopic lesions in peripheral nerves at 14 and 22 days after virulent challenge than chickens vaccinated with fully attenuated strains. When measured in ab+ chickens, loss of lesion induction by 648A was achieved 30 passages earlier (at passage 70) than when measured in ab- chickens. Thus, maternal antibodies appeared to abrogate the pathogenicity of some partially attenuated strains. These studies establish for MD the principle that at least some partially attenuated MD viruses may replicate better and induce stronger immunity against virulent challenge than fully attenuated preparations of the same strain, at least when tested in ab+ chickens. Moreover, depending on passage level, partially attenuated vaccine strains may be relatively innocuous for ab+ chickens, causing few or no lesions.  相似文献   

The present study confirmed that Marek's disease (MD)-associated nuclear-inclusion (NI) formation in the feather-follicle epithelium (FFE) is related to mortality from MD; it also presented useful data on the epidemiology of MD in HVT-vaccinated field chickens. Incidence of NI formation in the FFE of chickens on six rearing farms varied greatly by age and flock, but most of the field flocks showed biphasic peaks of incidence of NI in chickens consisting of a small peak at an early age (usually at 2-4 weeks of age) and a large peak between 13 and 16 weeks of age. MD tended to occur in chickens over 20 weeks old, and almost all MD-affected chickens showed NI formation persistently in the FFE, usually between 13 and 20 weeks of age. Chickens that were healthy at the end of observation showed either transient NI formation, usually between 13 and 16 weeks of age, or no detectable NI formation. Incidence of NI formation in the FFE of chickens at 19-20 weeks of age was related to mortality from MD: chickens with NI formation had a MD mortality rate of 66.7%, whereas chickens without NI formation had MD mortality of only 0.8%.  相似文献   

最新研究发现,鸡马立克氏病病毒(MDV)基因组编码的miRNAs在肿瘤发生发展中发挥了重要的调控作用.为阐明强弱毒株编码的miRNA差异表达与病毒复制的关系,本研究采用SYBR Green荧光定量PCR方法检测了MDV CVI988疫苗株和MDV GA强毒株编码的M4-5P、M8-3P和M12-3P 3种miRNAs在肝脏和胸腺中的动态表达特征.结果表明,强弱毒株编码的这3种miRNAs在病毒感染过程中具有明显的差异性,其中GA株编码的miRNAs表达量高于CVI988株,这是由于强弱毒株在体内的复制滴度差异造成的,表明在感染前期miRNAs的表达量与病毒载量有关.该研究为进一步研究miRNAs的功能提供了实验依据.  相似文献   

针对马立克病毒(MDV)毒力逐渐上升的现状,本研究对国内MDV流行强毒株进行了致弱研究。本实验采用近年来从东北、四川2地区免疫发病鸡场中分离的4株MDV流行强毒株(L-SY、L-MS、L-CZ、L-ZY),经噬斑纯化后,采用鸡胚成纤维细胞(CEF)传代培养至75代~85代,获得了4株高代次细胞毒株(L-SYp85C、L-MSp75C、L-CZp75C、L-ZYp75C)。并分析了L-SYp85C和L-MSp75C毒株的体外、体内生长特性和对SPF鸡的致病力。结果表明,L-SYp85C和L-MSp75C株在CEF适应性显著提高;以10倍感染剂量感染的SPF鸡,在12周内均未发生MD肿瘤,体重平均值与对照组体重平均值差异不显著;检测7d~45d羽髓中病毒载量,均低于106copies/106cell,显著低于亲本毒株。同时,4株传代毒株132bpr基因拷贝数显著增加。上述结果为MDV强毒株的致弱研究以及进一步筛选MDV弱毒疫苗株提供了实验依据。  相似文献   

The protective effect of a lyophilized vaccine against Marek's disease ("Keramvac"--Pfizer), prepared from a cell-free turkey's herpesvirus (strain FC 126), was compared in field trials with losses in the group of non-vaccinated chickens. Under the indicated conditions, the vaccine had only a 50.86% effectiveness. The possible causes of the reduced vaccination effect are discussed with regard to the pathomorphological and virological findings suggesting, among others, an increased incidence of the symptoms of the classical form of Marek's disease in the population investigated.  相似文献   

R L Witter 《Avian diseases》1991,35(4):877-891
In earlier studies, a revertant serotype 1 Marek's disease virus (MDV), clone Md11/75C/R2, was found to be a highly protective vaccine virus but was mildly pathogenic for susceptible chickens. The term "revertant" indicates that the virus, after attenuation, gained virulence following backpassage in chickens. The present study is an attempt to develop a more attenuated but still protective vaccine virus from Md11/75C/R2. Forty-two derivative viruses or clones from Md11/75C/R2 were evaluated. Two of these, designated clones R2/23 and R2/29, induced viremia but little or no pathology in preliminary trials and were selected for further study. In a series of nine trials, both clones provided protection against challenge with very virulent MDV strains that was superior to that induced by turkey herpesvirus (HVT) and was not significantly different (P greater than 0.05) from that induced by a bivalent (HVT + SB-1) vaccine. Both clones appeared fully attenuated based on pathogenicity tests in susceptible antibody-negative chickens. Both clones gained virulence on backpassage in chickens, but this seemed of little concern because neither virus spread by contact to other chickens. Although the two clones were very similar, clone R2/23 appeared to have a slightly lower pathogenic potential following backpassage and thus best meets the combined criteria of safety and efficacy.  相似文献   

Improved vaccines to control Marek's disease (MD) in chickens are desired by the poultry industry but have been difficult to develop. Studies were conducted to evaluate strategies for deriving MD vaccines of high protective efficacy, irrespective of virulence. Candidate viruses from parent strains representing v and vv+ pathotypes were modified by cell culture passage, backpassage in chickens, or insertional mutagenesis following cocultivation with retroviruses. Ten strains considered most likely to exhibit high protective efficacy were selected for further study. The ability of these modified viruses to protect commercial or maternal antibody-positive (ab+) chickens against virulent MD virus (MDV) challenge was compared with that of strain CVI988, the standard commercial MD vaccine. Modified strains were also evaluated for the ability to induce lymphomas or other pathologic changes in ab+ and antibody-negative (ab-) chickens. Two of the 10 modified viruses, strains RM1 and CVI988/BP5, provided high levels of protection against highly virulent MDV challenge. The magnitude of protection was greater than that of one laboratory and two commercial preparations of CV1988, but was approximately equal to that of two other commercial preparations of CVI988 in laboratory and field tests. Three of the strains, including RMI and CVI988/BP5, induced lymphoid organ atrophy in ab-chicks but not in ab+ commercial chicks, a property designated here as L phenotype. Seven strains, including two L+ strains, were mildly oncogenic for ab- chicks, a property designated here as O phenotype. Five of these strains caused no tumors in ab+ chickens. The two fully attenuated strains induced neither lymphomas nor lymphoid organ atrophy. The L and O phenotypes appeared not to be linked, and both (especially the L phenotype) appeared associated with high levels of protection. These studies also illustrated differences in the protective efficacy of different preparations of CVI988 vaccine, indicating the need to choose carefully the most protective strains as controls for efficacy studies. A new vv+ strain, designated as 686, is described and appears useful as a challenge virus; it is the most virulent of the 48 field isolates of MDV thus far pathotyped in this laboratory. These findings support the conclusion that new virus strains with high levels of protective immunity comparable to that of CVI988 can be developed. However, the question of whether strains can be developed that exceed the efficacy of current CVI988-based vaccines remains unanswered. After more than 30 years of unsuccessful endeavor by many laboratories toward this goal, it now may be useful to consider whether the efficacy of MD vaccines is limited by some type of biologic threshold.  相似文献   

One-day-old White Leghorn and broiler chicks with maternal antibody to turkey herpesvirus (HVT) were vaccinated with 300 or 1,000 plaque-forming units (PFU) of cell-free or cell-associated HVT vaccine and challenged with virulent Marek's disease virus (MDV) by contact exposure. Broiler chicks receiving 300 PFU of cell-associated HVT had a 3.3% incidence of MD lesions, whereas only 2.0% of those receiving 1,000 PFU had macroscopic lesions. Broiler chicks vaccinated with 300 PFU of cell-free vaccine had 6.8% gross lesions, and 0.67% of the birds receiving 1,000 PFU had MD lesions. Unvaccinated broiler chickens had a 28.3% incidence of MD lesions. Unvaccinated White Leghorn chickens had a 48.9% incidence of macroscopic lesions, whereas 5.4% of the birds receiving 300 PFU of cell-associated HVT had gross lesions, and 8.3% of the birds vaccinated with 1,000 PFU had lesions. In contrast, 6.7% of the chicks vaccinated with 300 PFU of cell-free HVT had MD lesions, and only 4.0% of those receiving 1,000 PFU of cell-free HVT had macroscopic lesions.  相似文献   

B R Cho 《Avian diseases》1981,25(4):839-846
The growth and plaque formation by turkey herpesvirus (HVT) amd Marek's disease herpesvirus (MDHV) were examined in QT35 cells, a continuous fibroblast cell line derived from chemically induced tumors of Japanese quail. HVT grew and formed plaques consistently in QT35 cells when inoculated with cell-culture-propagated virus or peripheral mononuclear leukocytes (PML) from chickens that had been inoculated with HVT. Both oncogenic and nononcogenic strains of MDHV, however, failed to grow and induced neither plaques nor cytopathic effects in QT35 cells, whether inoculated with cell-culture-grown virus or heavily infected PML. When PML from chickens infected with both HVT and MDHV were assayed, only HVT plaques had developed, despite the presence in the inocula of high levels of MDHV with less HVT. The QT35 cell line provides a simple in vitro system for differentiating between HVT and MDHV and for selective isolation and identification of HVT from chickens infected with both HVT and MDHV.  相似文献   

An apparently nononcogenic Marek's disease virus (SB-1) and turkey herpesvirus could be readily isolated from spleen, bursa of Fabricius, thymus, and peripheral blood lymphocytes of chickens beginning 4 to 6 days after inoculation, but unlike infections with two isolates of oncogenic Marek's disease virus (JM-10 and CU-2), virus replication in these cells was rare, and necrosis in the organs was essentially absent. Splenic enlargement was observed regularly during the first 4 to 11 days after inoculation, and Marek's disease tumor-associated surface antigen was observed on splenic and other lymphocytes in the four viral inoculation groups. Cellular cytotoxicity of splenic lymphocytes was demonstrated in vitro with cultured Marek's disease tumor cells (MSB-1 lymphoblastoid cell line) as the target in a chromium-release assay. The four viral infections induced sensitized lymphocytes.  相似文献   

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