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番茄病毒病是陆地和保护地番茄的重要病害,苗期受病毒病的为害可导致毁种。常见的有花叶、条斑、蕨叶型病毒3种,以花叶型最为普遍。一般年份使番茄减产20%~30%,个别年份减产60%以上,严重影响着番茄的产量和质量。1 症状1.1 花叶型 是田间常见的病征,苗期和成株期均可发病,田间常见的有两种类型,一是在番茄叶片上  相似文献   

湖北省甘薯病毒病主要有皱缩花叶型、卷叶型、叶片斑点型(含黄斑型和紫环斑型)等三种症状类型。对三种类型的病株样本进行了电镜观察,结果表明,卷叶型、黄斑型和紫环斑型的病株叶片中均有长线形病毒粒子,长度为1 050m~1 650m,形态和大小无明显差异,皱缩花叶型病株叶片中有时也可观察到长线形病毒。用三种症状类型病株与巴西牵牛靠接,巴西牵牛和甘薯植株成活率达90%以上,巴西牵牛染病率可达80%以上。嫁接后的巴西牵牛叶片表现皱缩而且褪绿症状者,电镜检测均有病毒,因此,巴西牵牛可以用作甘薯病毒病诊断的指示植物。  相似文献   

2010-2012年对兰州市不同绿化带及试验种植区三叶草病毒病症状表现和发病情况进行了调查。田间调查表明,三叶草病毒病在调查区普遍发生,平均发病率为28.14%,病情指数为17.45,主要症状为黄斑花叶、斑驳花叶、花斑花叶、丛簇矮化、皱缩褪绿、环斑及环纹。白三叶草和红三叶草发病高峰期及表现症状明显不同,4月下旬到5月上旬白三叶草达到发病高峰,主要症状为黄斑花叶;6月红三叶草达到发病高峰,主要症状为花斑花叶、丛簇矮化。环境对三叶草病毒病发生有重要影响,当温度为25 ℃,相对湿度为45%时发病最重,病情指数分别为7481、74.07。DAS ELISA 检测表明, 田间三叶草病毒病主要病原为苜蓿花叶病毒(AMV)和白三叶草花叶病毒(WCMV),检出率分别为100%、83.3%,复合侵染率为83.3%。寄主范围测定表明AMV可侵染6科16种植物,WCMV可侵染豌豆、菜豆、昆诺藜等。  相似文献   

以往,黑龙江省大豆上很少发生病毒病,即使是花叶病株,也很难发现,近年来,许多地区陆续报道大豆病毒病发生日趋严重,其症状除花叶以外,还出现许多新的类型,病害常年引致减产,流行年则可造成毁灭性灾害,对我国大豆生产威胁极大。 东北农学院试验站1975年发现少数黄斑花叶型及顶枯型病株,1977年已发展到有些地块发病率高达50%以上,重者接近100%,1977及1978年发病盛期,我们曾在黑龙江省南部的阿城县、哈尔滨、五常、呼兰、双城、绥化,北部的北安、克山,东部的牡丹江、宁安、密山、佳木斯、友谊农场,吉林  相似文献   

鲁鸿巨 《植物保护》1965,3(3):93-93
近几年来,湖北一些地方甘薯病毒病的发生为害,有逐渐加重的趋势。1964年,作者在郧县朋(亻于)公社蹲点,发现大田发病率竟高达40%,一般发病率在15%左右。发现两种类型:即花叶型病毒和皱叶型病毒。病株(胜利百号)的叶片形成不整齐的缺刻形,周椽呈波纹状,叶面起皱、缩小;叶片的  相似文献   

番茄病毒病的症状病原及防治王秀芬(河北农业大学农学院保定071001)—、症状番茄病毒病主要有花叶型、茶斑型和蕨叶型。1、花叶型番前叶片上出现轻微斑驳或有明显花叶,新叶小,叶脉紫色,植株矮小,果实表面为花脸状。2、条斑型此症状主要表现在茎、果上,在茎...  相似文献   

1974—1984年在宁夏山区8个县及引黄灌区部分县对马铃薯病害进行了普查。记载了发生较重的真菌病害7种、细菌病害四种、放线菌病害1种、病毒病病害9种,总计21种。田间肉眼可见总病株率平均51.9%,是造成本区马铃薯单产降低的主要原因。在病害中发生最严重的是病毒病,占44.34%,其中以花叶型最多、卷叶型次之,矮生型分布最少。从70年代的  相似文献   

百合无症病毒单克隆抗体制备及快速检测方法的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
百合无症病毒(Lily symptomles virus,LSV)属于线形病毒科(Flexiviridae)、麝香石竹潜隐病毒属 (Carlavirus),是危害百合的主要病毒之一。LSV 的寄主范围很窄,只限于百合科(Liliaceae)植物, 单独侵染百合常为隐症,与其他病毒复合侵染时产生花叶、畸形、坏死斑等症状,严重影响百合切花的经济价值。近年来,我国百合种植规模不断扩大, 病毒病发生日趋严重。为了防止病毒随种球扩散与传播,迫切需要建立灵敏、快速的病毒检测方法。我们在百合病毒分子生物学研究的基础上,首次成功制备了LSV单克隆抗体,建立了以单抗为核心的间接抗原包被ELISA(ACP-ELISA)、三抗体夹心ELISA(TAS-ELISA)、免疫斑点法(Dot-ELISA) 和组织印迹法(Tissue blot-ELISA)等快速检测 LSV的方法。  相似文献   

玉米矮花叶病(MDMV)又叫花叶病毒病。玉米整个生育期均可感病,其中以苗期到7叶期发病最盛。被害玉玉病叶褪色失绿呈斑驳花叶状,早期感染的幼苗,根茎腐烂,过早死亡,病株均有不同程度的矮化,发病早,矮化严重,果穗短小,甚至无果穗;发病迟,株高基本正常。一般病田病株减产50%-70%,为控制该病的发生,近几个结合田间发病规律调查,进行了预防和发病后防治试验,并提出综合防治对策,收到了良好效果。  相似文献   

百合主要病害及其防治   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
周晓燕 《植物保护》2002,28(1):57-58
百合,属百合科百合属,多年生宿根植物,又名野百合,药百合.欧洲各国主要作为花卉栽培,我国栽培百合主要是采收其鳞茎作为食用或药用.由于百合是餐桌上的佳肴,滋补上品,同时也是高档名花,经济效益颇丰,近年来在大理州,把发展百合生产作为调整农业产业结构,实现高产高效农业的一条有效措施,百合种植面积逐年扩大,发展较快.但近年来大理州百合种植受到病害的严重威胁,主要有百合叶枯病、疫病、鳞茎基腐病、病毒病等,这些病害常常混合发生,加重了危害.一般发病率为10%~15%,重者可达20%~30%.有的地块发病相当严重,甚至毁产.  相似文献   


Grassy stunt disease, ragged stunt virus and rice tungro virus, are among the most widespread and damaging rice diseases in Indonesia. Yield losses due to grassy stunt and the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) in the period 1974–77 were more than US$510 million. Ragged stunt virus is a new disease which is widespread in Indonesia and has been reported in several rice growing countries in Asia since 1977. Loss figures for ragged stunt are not available, however, individual farmers have suffered 100% yield loss in infected fields. Tungro and grassy stunt are controlled by resistant varieties but there are no commercially available varieties with resistance to ragged stunt.  相似文献   

引起番茄植株坏死病的病毒研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 2004~2005年,在上海郊区夏番茄上连续发生严重的植株坏死病。表现为番茄植株矮化、顶端坏死、果实畸形和整株枯萎症状,并在叶柄和茎干上出现不规则坏死条斑,具有典型的病毒病特征。通过采集典型病叶、病果,进行病毒分离、dsRNA分析、寄主生物学研究、病毒纯化、病毒蛋白分析、组织病理学与形态学观察和ELISA检测,初步确定是由番茄花叶病毒(Tomato mosaic virus,ToMV)和黄瓜花叶病毒(Cucumber mosaic virus,CMV)侵染。经5次心叶烟单斑分离,获得N5分离物,对CP基因克隆测序的结果确定该分离物为ToMV。寄主反应测定显示,N5的寄主反应与常规ToMV株系存在明显区别,主要表现为常规番茄品种上出现严重坏死。进一步接种GCR品系番茄鉴定N5与ToMV-1株系相似。因此,作者认为,在上海地区番茄上流行并引起坏死病的主要病原可能是ToMV-1株系的1个变异株。  相似文献   

Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Potato virus Y (PVY), Tomato bushy stunt virus nipplefruit strain (TBSV-Nf), and an unknown spherical virus were isolated from nipplefruit (Solanum mammosum) cultivated in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. The spherical virus was identified as Grapevine Algerian latent virus nipplefruit strain (GALV-Nf) from the genus Tombusvirus, based on its physical properties, serological relationships, and analysis of genomic RNA. The genomic RNA of GALV-Nf is 4731 nucleotides long and encodes five open reading frames as well as those of other tombusviruses. Nipplefruit infected with GALV-Nf had severe stunting, leaf deformation, and clear mosaic symptoms. This is the first report of an isolation of GALV in Japan. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Novel and severe symptoms of chlorosis, rugosity, leaf strapping and dark green islands, designated as sweetpotato severe mosaic disease (SPSMD), were caused by dual infection of Sweet potato mild mottle virus (SPMMV; Ipomovirus ) and Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV; Crinivirus ) in three East African sweetpotato cultivars (Tanzania, Dimbuka and New Kawogo). The storage root yield was reduced by ∼80%, as compared with healthy plants under screenhouse conditions in Uganda. Plants infected with SPMMV or SPCSV alone showed nonsignificant or 50% yield reduction, respectively. SPCSV reduced resistance to SPMMV in sweetpotato, similar to the situation with resistance to Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV; Potyvirus ) that breaks down following infection with SPCSV, followed by development of sweet potato virus disease (SPVD). In single virus infections with SPMMV and SPFMV or their coinfection, cvs Tanzania and Dimbuka were initially systemically infected, displayed symptoms and contained readily detectable virus titres, but new leaves were symptomless with very low virus titres, indicating recovery from disease. In contrast, cv. New Kawogo remained symptomless and contained low SPMMV and SPFMV titres following graft inoculation. These moderate and high levels of resistance to SPMMV and SPFMV, respectively, were lost and cultivars succumbed to a severe disease following coinfection with SPCSV. The synergistic interactions increased titres of SPMMV and SPFMV RNA by ∼1000-fold as quantified by real-time PCR, whereas SPCSV titres were reduced twofold, indicating an antagonistic interaction. Coinfection with SPMMV and SPFMV caused no detectable changes in virus titres or symptom severity.  相似文献   

A total of 52 faba-bean (Vicia faba L.) fields, located in the main growing areas in Morocco were surveyed for viruses. From 240 samples with symptoms suggestive of virus infection, the following viruses were detected using electron microscopy, serology, and biological indexing: Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV), broad bean mottle virus (BBMV), broad bean stain virus (BBSV), broad bean true mosaic virus (BBTMV), pea earlybrowning virus (PEBV), pea enation mosaic virus (PEMV), pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV), and a complex of luteoviruses including bean leafroll virus (BLRV). This is the first report of the occurrence of BBTMV, PEMV, PSbMV, and the luteoviruses (including BLRV) of faba bean in Morcco. The luteoviruses and BBMV were found to be the most prevalent. They were detected in 56 and 50%, respectively, of the surveyed fields; while AMV, BBSV, and PEBV were found in single fields only. The remaining viruses were less prevalent, and were detected in a range of 4 to 15% of the fields surveyed. The incidences per field of the prevalent viruses varied and ranged from 1 to 33% for BBMV and up to 20% in the case of luteoviruses. BBMV was found confined to the central and northern parts of the country, BBTMV and PEMV mainly occurred in the central area, while the luteoviruses and BYMV were spread over the faba-bean growing regions of the country.  相似文献   

一种引起花生严重矮化的黄瓜花叶病毒的(CMV)株系鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 根据病毒生物学特性、颗粒形态和血清学性质,明确由山东泰安花生矮化病株上分离的一个病毒分离物为黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)一个株系,并暂定名为CMV花生矮化株系(CMV-CS)。CMV-CS引起花生叶片显著变小,植株严重矮化以及蚜传效率低而不同于我国花生上流行比较普遍的CMV-CA株系。  相似文献   

豌豆病毒病病原研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 1986年至1990年,从豌豆田中采集了150余份病毒病样本,鉴定出蚕豆萎蔫病毒(BB-WV)、芜菁花叶病毒(TuMV)、马铃薯Y病毒组分离物、黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)、莴苣花叶病毒(LMV)、大豆花叶病毒(SMV)、豌豆花叶病毒(PMV)、菜豆黄花叶病毒(BYMV)和苜蓿花叶病毒(AMV)等9种病毒。样本中,BBWV所占的比例最高,达59.2%,其次为CMV,占15.5%。BBWV常与CMV复合侵染豌豆,LMV发生也较普遍。田间调查表明,豌豆病毒病发病率因种植地区及品种不同而有差异,平均发病率为12.4%。  相似文献   

A soilborne disease of lettuce, associated with necrosis and dieback, has been found with increasing frequency in California and Arizona over the last 10 years. An isometric virus, serologically related to Tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV), was consistently isolated from lettuce plants with these disease symptoms. Back-inoculation to healthy lettuce plants and subsequent reisolation of the virus from symptomatic lettuce leaves suggested that this virus was the causal agent of this disease. A tombusvirus was also associated with a necrosis disease of greenhouse-grown tomatoes in Colorado and New Mexico. Complementary DNA representing the 3' end of viral genomic RNAs recovered from diseased lettuce and tomato plants had identical nucleotide sequences. However, these sequences were divergent (12.2 to 17.1%) from sequences of the previously described strains of TBSV, Petunia asteroid mosaic virus (PAMV), Artichoke mottled crinkle virus, and Carnation Italian ringspot virus. Additional tombusvirus isolates were recovered from diseased lettuce and tomato plants and these were most closely related to the TBSV-cherry strain (synonymous with PAMV) and to Cucumber necrosis virus based on comparison of 3'-end sequences (0.1 to 0.6% and 4.8 to 5.1% divergence, respectively). Western blot analysis revealed that the new tombusvirus isolated from diseased lettuce and tomato plants in the western United States is serologically distinct from previously described tombusvirus species and strains. Based on genomic and serological properties, we propose to classify this virus as a new tombusvirus species and name it Lettuce necrotic stunt virus.  相似文献   

The major and most widespread virus-induced disorder of almond is a complex disease called mosaic. The disease is characterized by a variety of symptoms ranging from bright chrome-yellow (calico) to chlorotic discolorations, localized necrosis of the leaf blade, leaf curling, bud failure, fasciations, rosetting, stunting and bushy growth. Three ilarviruses, apple mosaic (ApMV), prune dwarf (PDV) and prunus necrotic ringspot (PNRSV), are associated with almond mosaic throughout the Mediterranean, and are involved to different extents in its aetiology. Apple chlorotic leaf spot trichovirus (ACLSV) may also be present in mosaic-affected plants, and is sometimes associated with a chlorotic leafroll condition. Two epoviruses, tomato ringspot (ToRSV) and tomato black ring (TBRV), have been reported from the USA and Europe as the agents of diseases called yellow bud mosaic and enations, respectively. Plum pox potyvirus (PPV) and another filamentous virus, prunus latent virus (PLV), can also infect almond. Brown line and decline, a putative phytoplasma disease, occurs in California, together with the leaf scorch induced by the xylem-limited bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. A stem pitting lot associated with nepovirus infection and a graft-union necrosis apparently not caused by phytoplasmas have been reported from Italy. Infections by hop stunt viroid (HSVd) were recently reported from Spain.  相似文献   

Begomoviruses were detected in Nicaraguan fields of tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) and adjacently growing plants of pepper ( Capsicum annuum ), chilli pepper ( C . baccatum ), cushaw ( Cucurbita argyrosperma ) and Mexican fireplant ( Euphorbia heterophylla ) using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and universal begomovirus primers. All tomato and Mexican fireplant plants showing symptoms were infected with begomoviruses, while only 30–46% of the pepper, chilli pepper and cushaw plants showing symptoms tested virus-positive. No begomoviruses were found in potato. The virus species were provisionally identified by sequencing 533 bp of the viral coat protein gene ( AV1 ). Tomato severe leaf curl virus (ToSLCV), Tomato leaf curl Sinaloa virus (ToLCSinV) and Pepper golden mosaic virus (PepGMV) were found to infect both tomato and pepper. A new provisional species designated Tomato leaf curl Las Playitas virus (ToLCLPV) was detected in a tomato plant. Squash yellow mottle virus (SYMoV) and PepGMV were found in cucurbits, the latter for the first time in this host. Euphorbia mosaic virus (EuMV) was detected in Mexican fireplant. Sequencing of a larger number of PCR-amplified clones from selected plants revealed intraspecific viral sequence variability, and also multiple begomovirus infections which could represent up to three species in a single tomato or cushaw plant. Phylogenetic grouping of virus sequences did not correlate with the host of origin.  相似文献   

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