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为了筛选出适合河南地区种植的优良西瓜品种,笔者调查了参试西瓜品种在嫁接成活率、生长势、抗性、果实成熟期、果实形态、产量及果实品质性状等方面的差异。结果显示,小果型西瓜品种‘小玲’‘众天玉’‘早春翠玉’和中果型西瓜品种‘黑美人’综合性状表现突出,品质优,可在河南地区大面积推广种植。中果型西瓜品种‘金美人’‘早春黄冠’‘惠玲’‘丽玲’‘早春艳玉’5个品种和小果型西瓜品种‘众天红’和‘朝霞’2个西瓜品种综合性状较好,生产上具有推广前景。‘宝凤’嫁接成活率较高、瓜皮较薄,但品质一般。  相似文献   

‘粉蓝’兔眼蓝莓适宜授粉品种的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以蓝莓‘杰兔’、‘芭尔德温’和‘蒂芙蓝’为授粉品种,对‘粉蓝’进行异花授粉,以其自花授粉为对照,研究了不同授粉品种对‘粉蓝’坐果率和果实性状的影响,以期为其栽培中选择授粉品种提供参考依据。结果表明:‘粉蓝’兔眼蓝莓虽然具有一定的自交亲和性,但自交后坐果率偏低且显著低于异花授粉,以‘杰兔’和‘芭尔德温’为授粉品种的坐果率显著高于用‘蒂芙蓝’作为授粉品种的坐果率。同时以‘杰兔’和‘芭尔德温’为授粉品种获得的果实单果重与可溶性固形物含量均显著高于用‘蒂芙蓝’授粉和‘粉蓝’自交获得的果实。这些结果表明‘杰兔’和‘芭尔德温’为‘粉蓝’较适宜的授粉品种。  相似文献   

11个草莓品种在河南郑州栽培比较试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以引进的10个草莓品种‘甘露’‘山东二号’‘天仙醉’‘章姬’‘久香’‘香野’‘红颜’‘白雪公主’‘宁玉’‘艳丽’和河南省主栽品种‘甜查理’为试验材料,研究了11个品种的植株生长特性、果实经济性状、物候期、抗病虫性及产量。结果表明:‘香野’和‘甘露’抗病虫性强、果实品质好、产量较高,适合在河南省郑州市自采园区种植;‘山东二号’和‘宁玉’在果实可溶性固形物含量、果实硬度、产量、抗病虫性及果实成熟期方面表现较好,可作为‘甜查理’的替代品种栽培。  相似文献   

苹果专用授粉品种生物学特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以8a生‘红芭蕾’、‘红绣球’、‘红玛瑙’及‘全家红’4个苹果专用授粉品种为试材,对其植物学特征和生物学特性进行了观测。结果表明:‘红绣球’树体健壮,生长紧凑,占用空间小,与栽培品种花期相遇,雄蕊数量多,果实小,为较适宜的苹果专用授粉品种;‘红芭蕾’和‘红玛瑙’为备选授粉专用品种;‘全家红’表现较差。  相似文献   

作者以当地种植合作社主栽的8个甜樱桃品种‘红灯’‘美早’‘布鲁克斯’‘萨米脱’‘黄蜜’‘先锋’‘雷尼’‘拉宾斯’为试验材料,分析测定其单果重、硬度、可食率、出汁率、可溶性固形物含量、总酸含量、总糖含量、维生素C含量及固酸比9项指标。结果表明,8个甜樱桃品种均能在寒亭区开花结实,且坐果率高,果实品质好,产量高,经济效益好。各品种之间果实品质存在差异:单果重,‘萨米脱’‘美早’表现突出,‘先锋’‘拉宾斯’果较小;可食率,‘萨米脱’‘美早’‘布鲁克斯’‘雷尼’‘红灯’均表现突出,‘黄蜜’最低;出汁率,‘美早’‘红灯’‘萨米脱’‘黄蜜’‘雷尼’均表现突出,‘布鲁克斯’最低;果实硬度,‘布鲁克斯’‘先锋’‘美早’高,‘雷尼’‘黄蜜’低;可溶性固形物含量,‘美早’‘红灯’‘萨米脱’高,‘雷尼’‘黄蜜’低。供试的8个甜樱桃品种均表现较好,可在寒亭区种植,‘美早’‘红灯’‘萨米脱’综合性状表现好于其他品种,可重点推广;‘先锋’综合表现略差,‘布鲁克斯’裂果较明显,不建议扩大推广。  相似文献   

‘状元红’是从‘红灯’嫁接苗无性系中发现的早熟芽变品种。果实肾形,果皮紫红色,色泽鲜艳,有光泽,果肉较软,肥厚多汁,风味甜酸可口,平均单果质量11.3 g,最大单果质量14.3 g。可溶性固形物含量20.7%,pH值3.5,干物质含量22.1%,可溶性糖含量13.8%,总酸含量0.75%,维生素C含量118 mg·kg~(-1)。品质上。果实发育期42 d左右,比‘红灯’早熟3~5 d,在大连地区6月上旬果实成熟。‘状元红’早果性好,栽后3 a见果,丰产性好。树体和花芽抗寒力均较强,抗细菌性穿孔病、叶斑病及早期落叶病能力较强;与生产上常用品种对比,其树体抗流胶病能力较‘佳红’‘红蜜’‘红艳’‘美早’品种强。较耐贮运。适合在山东、山西、陕西、四川、河南、河北等甜樱桃适栽区种植。  相似文献   

【目的】分析6个杏李品种果实中的糖酸组分及甜酸风味特征,为杏李果实评价及品种改良提供依据。【方法】以‘风味玫瑰’‘恐龙蛋’‘味帝’‘味王’‘味厚’和‘风味皇后’6个杏李品种为试材,采用高效液相色谱法测定果实中的糖酸组分及含量。【结果】(1)6个杏李品种果实中总糖的平均含量(ω,下同)为105.44 mg?g-1,4种糖平均含量由高到低的顺序为葡萄糖果糖蔗糖山梨醇,总糖含量的高低顺序为‘风味皇后’‘味王’‘恐龙蛋’‘味帝’‘味厚’‘风味玫瑰’。(2)6个杏李品种果实中总酸的平均含量为8.57 mg?g-1,7种有机酸平均含量的高低顺序为苹果酸酒石酸奎宁酸琥珀酸草酸枸橼酸莽草酸,总酸含量的高低顺序为‘风味玫瑰’‘味王‘味帝’‘味厚’‘风味皇后’‘恐龙蛋’,其中‘恐龙蛋’‘味帝’和‘风味皇后’3个品种不含酒石酸,‘风味皇后’中不含琥珀酸,‘味厚’中不含莽草酸。(3)6个杏李品种果实风味为甜或酸甜,甜酸比由高到低依次为:‘风味皇后’‘恐龙蛋’‘味帝’‘味王’‘味厚’‘风味玫瑰’。【结论】杏李成熟果实中糖积累类型均属于己糖积累型,以积累果糖和葡萄糖为主;有机酸积累以苹果酸为主。筛选出2个高果糖品种‘味帝’‘风味皇后’和1个高山梨醇品种‘味厚’。  相似文献   

引进‘夏黑’、‘喜乐’、‘京亚’、‘巨玫瑰’和‘里扎马特’5个鲜食葡萄品种,在避雨设施条件下栽培,对物候期和果实主要经济性状进行观察。结果表明,5个品种在泰安地区适应性较好,较抗病,生长势强,产量高,品质佳,具有较高的推广价值。  相似文献   

以中熟品种‘黄冠’和晚熟品种‘雪花’‘鸭梨’和‘迎霜’的果实为试材,测定其不同采收期果实的硬度、可溶性固形物含量、淀粉含量,分析其变化规律及各指标间的相关性,并观察不同采收期果实切面I-KI溶液染色变化,综合评判各品种的成熟期及适宜采收期,以期了解梨果实成熟过程中淀粉的变化规律,探究利用碘-淀粉染色图判断梨果实成熟期的可行性。结果表明:1)随着采收期的延长,梨果实硬度逐渐下降,可溶性固形物含量逐渐升高,淀粉含量逐渐下降。2)淀粉含量的变化与其硬度和可溶性固形物含量变化存在较强的相关性;3)果实横切面的染色程度随成熟度的提高逐渐变浅。‘黄冠’和‘雪花’梨果实的淀粉水解先发生在果心周围,逐渐向外扩散,染色图呈现出较明显的区域和颜色变化。而‘鸭梨’和‘迎霜’梨果实染色区域变化不明显,呈现出整体颜色逐渐变浅的变化。根据梨果实染色情况将其划分为6个等级,染色等级为3时,适宜作为冷库长期贮藏,染色等级4~5时,适宜作为鲜食或加工。综上,果实淀粉含量的变化能够在一定程度上反映其果实成熟度及内在品质,但不同品种淀粉水解特性不同,利用淀粉染色图谱判断果实成熟期需依品种而定。  相似文献   

研究不同苹果品种在套袋和不套袋情况下果实的外观和内在品质,认为‘红露’、‘瑞维纳’、‘新世界’、‘华金’、‘青香’5个品种在套袋和不套袋情况下果实表光较好,适宜作为不套袋栽培的苹果品种进行推广利用。同时,研究5个品种的植物学性状、生物学性状、抗逆性以及套袋和不套袋果实的外观和内在品质,不套袋果实的可溶性固形物含量、硬度、口感和风味均显著好于套袋果实。  相似文献   


There is an increasing demand in the market to improve strawberry quality by promoting human-health compounds content, as these may play a significant role in the prevention of chronic diseases. Strawberry cultivars, environmental conditions, and agronomical conditions have an effect on fruit characteristics; therefore, it is necessary to constantly generate information about the cultivar response to different production areas and cultural practices. The goal of this work was to evaluate the effect of two planting dates, two harvest dates, and four strawberry cultivars on total phenolic acid (gallic acid equivalent), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and soluble solid content?titratable acidity-1 (SSC?TA-1) ratio in Huelva, Spain. Sixteen treatments resulted from the combination of four cultivars, two planting dates, and two harvest dates. Strawberry ‘Camarosa’, ‘Sabrosa’, ‘Aguedilla’, and ‘Fuentepina’ were selected for both seasons and planted on 7 Oct. (early planting) and 21 Oct. (late planting). Mid-February and mid-April were considered early and late harvest, respectively. Nutraceutical and organoleptic responses were specifics for each cultivar. The highest SSC?TA-1 ratio was observed in ‘Fuentepina’ planted late and harvested early. ‘Aguedilla’ resulted in the highest phenolic content when harvested in the late season. Additionally, phenolic content was significantly higher when using late planting combined with late harvest in most of the cultivars. Late harvested ‘Camarosa’ showed the highest TA concentration, whereas ‘Sabrosa’ resulted in the highest SSC regardless of harvesting date. Additionally, ‘Aguedilla’ and ‘Sabrosa’ showed the highest ascorbic content. Strawberry quality could be improved by selecting the adequate planting and harvesting dates according to specific cultivars.  相似文献   


The two cultivars (Romina and Cristina) recently released from the Marche Polytechnic University (Ancona, Italy) strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) breeding program, show high adaptability to non-fumigated soil. Furthermore, ‘Romina’ showed very early ripening, conic or bi-conic fruit shape, good taste with high sweetness, high firmness and shelf life, and high vitamin C and folate contents. ‘Cristina’ showed very late ripening, high productivity, large fruit of conical shape, good taste, and high vitamin C and folate contents. The European Union patents of ‘Romina’ and ‘Cristina’ have been transferred to the United States, and nursery production has begun following United States rules to determine future market interest.  相似文献   


Influence of initial transplant size on yield components was investigated using two strawberry cultivars over a three-year period. Plants were sorted into three groups according to crown size each fall before transplanting.

Fruits were harvested once a week over a ten-week period each year. There were marked differences between ‘Chandler’ and ‘Camarosa’ cultivars. Transplants of the ‘Chandler’ cultivar with larger crown diameters produced significantly greater early and total marketable yield than transplants with smaller crown diameters. Regression analysis of yield components against initial crown diameter revealed a positive relationship between total fruit numbers produced per plant and initial crown size for both cultivars. Total weight of marketable fruit produced per plant was positively associated with initial crown diameter of transplants. Relationships between initial crown diameter and early yield components were not as consistent among the two cultivars tested. Early yield components of ‘Chandler’ were all correlated to initial crown diameter of transplants. The size of the transplant did not influence early yield components of ‘Camarosa’ except for fruit size. There was a significant relationship between the postharvest dry weight of plants and initial crown diameter of transplants.  相似文献   

以‘红颜’‘章姬’2个草莓品种脱毒苗和常规苗为试材,比较脱毒苗与常规苗在植物学生长特性和果实抗病性方面的表现,以期为上海地区草莓优质种苗的繁育、母苗选择、育苗方式的选择提供科学指导。结果表明:脱毒苗在炼苗期叶片病虫害发生率控制在0%~6%。在相同栽培模式下,‘红颜’脱毒苗的生长势较常规苗株高、冠径、单株匍匐茎和单株花序分别增加了8.40 cm、1.70 cm、1.75条、1.77个;‘章姬’脱毒苗的生长势较常规苗株高、冠径、单株匍匐茎和单株花序分别增加了3.89 cm、0.74 cm、1.60条、1.10个。同时‘红颜’脱毒苗定植后果实病害发生率从常规苗的17.33%降低到脱毒苗的2.66%;‘章姬’脱毒苗定植后果实病害发生率从常规苗的13.33%降低到0%。不同栽培模式下繁苗,‘红颜’脱毒苗在单层X支架式栽培下生长势较单层单列式栽培模式下株高、冠径和单株匍匐茎数目分别增加了6.10 cm、2.48 cm与2.77条。‘红颜’‘章姬’脱毒苗比常规苗在繁苗期生长势更旺盛,‘红颜’脱毒苗在生产时期果实病害发生率比常规苗极显著性降低,‘红颜’脱毒苗采用常规地垄式栽培比立架栽培植株生长势和繁苗率高。  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the cropping systems in northern European countries such as Norway and Finland. Winter injury commonly occurs in strawberry fields in northern climates and inadequate snow cover further aggravates the problem. During the last decade there has been an increase in programmed “out-of-season” strawberry production. Greenhouse producers aim for year-round production, whereas those using polyethylene tunnels extend the main production season to include May/June and September/October. The dominant strawberry cultivars in Nordic countries are ‘Senga Sengana’ for the processing industry and the Dutch cultivar ‘Korona’ is preferred for direct fresh market consumption due to its good flavor and high yields. Recently, ‘Honeoye’ has gained considerable interest among Danish and Swedish growers due to its high productivity and its relatively low susceptibility to grey mold. In Finland, the Norwegian cultivar ‘Jonsok’ is one of the most popular cultivars due to its high tolerance to winter injury and grey mold.  相似文献   


In Norway and Finland strawberry cultivation in greenhouses is limited. However, interest in strawberry cultivation in greenhouses or under high tunnels is increasing rapidly. Controlled environments offer growers an opportunity to produce strawberries year-round, and specifically during the off-season (September to June) when Norwegian and Finnish strawberries are not readily available and carry a high price. In Norway, Grimsby Gartneri has developed one method for winter production of strawberries, using artificial light. In this system ‘Korona’ strawberry plants are induced to flower three times during the season using artificial short days resulting in a continual harvest from November until June. In Finland, there are few greenhouse strawberry producers. They grow Junebearing cultivars and obtain a maximum of two crops a year, in the spring and in the fall. Artificial light is not used in this production system. In order to develop out-of-season strawberry production in Finland, artificial short day treatments have been studied at the University of Helsinki since 1998  相似文献   

草莓叶面积简易测定方法   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
以透明方格法作对照,分别与叶面积的其他简易测定法(叶长度×叶宽度的系数法、叶长度与叶面积的回归法、叶宽度与叶面积的回归法)比较。结果表明吐德拉(Tudla)叶面积的每种测定方法,以叶宽度与叶面积回归法最精确,计算公式是=7.0918x-13.4784穴公式中的x是叶宽度,y是叶面积,以下相同雪;鬼怒甘(Kinuama)叶面积的测定法也是叶宽度与叶面积回归法最精确,公式是=7.3187x-14.3288。杜克拉(Dukela)叶面积的测定法,推荐用叶宽度与叶面积的回归法,公式是=6.6393x-10.6411。y=a+bx^y=a+bx^y=a+bx^  相似文献   

孙兆法  张淑霞  李梅  李凌 《园艺学报》2011,38(6):1121-1126
 采用迁光试验研究长日照植物蒲包花‘秀丽’的限界性诱导光周期,不同发育阶段对光周期的敏感性和光周期处理对盆花品质的影响,并推测了童期长度。连续短日照和经7 d长日照后移至短日照的蒲包花,从处理到开花的天数显著长于长日照14 ~ 42 d后移至短日照的处理,而14 ~ 42 d长日照转移的处理之间差异不显著,表明14 d的长日照处理足以促进蒲包花开花,其限界性诱导光周期在7 ~ 14 d之间,长日照14 d以后蒲包花的花芽发育对光周期不敏感。长日照7 d后转到短日照,从处理到现蕾的天数减少而从现蕾到开花的天数增加,顶花芽败育,侧芽萌发开花,表明长日照7 d促进了花芽分化,但此时花芽发育对光周期仍敏感。本试验条件下,生长至3对叶片时蒲包花已结束童期。长日照促进株高和主枝长度的增加,21 d长日照后转移到短日照的处理,株高、主枝长度显著大于14 d时转移的处理,开花整齐,盆花品质显著提高。长日照转到短日照时,地上部鲜质量、根鲜质量、总质量均随着迁光天数的延迟而下降;短日照转到长日照时则相反。9月上旬播种育苗,在3对叶片时开始长日照处理21 d,蒲包花‘秀丽’可在1月上旬始花,保证春节上市。  相似文献   


Commercial strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa) are one of the most investigated berries for nutritional and nutraceutical properties. A strawberry breeding program, including inter-specific back-crosses, is now producing new genotypes with increased vitamin C, folates, and phenols combined with important commercial traits. The release of new cultivars with a high content of bioactive compounds, which may contribute to health, wellness, and reduced disease risk, is expected from this program. The ultimate goal is to properly obtain and integrate new scientific knowledge from genetic, agronomic, and biomedical studies that may bring acceptance from food agencies for specific health claims on new strawberry cultivars.  相似文献   

 ‘薄壳1号’是仁用杏‘优一’的实生栽培变种,丰产性强,盛果期平均株产杏核11.1 kg,出仁率42.35%~45%。核壳厚度0.9~1.12 mm,具有结果量越大,核壳越薄的特性。  相似文献   

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