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本文以东阿拉善—西鄂尔多斯狭域特有 1 5种荒漠植物为研究对象 ,采用“3S”技术与野外调查相结合 ,同时结合前人研究经验 ,确定其现存分布范围、数量。研究制定东阿拉善—西鄂尔多斯地区特有植物濒危分级标准的定量化指标。通过对评价指标的定量化和权重分配处理 ,求得 1 5种荒漠植物的“濒危系数”和“优先保护值” ,并进行濒危等级划分。从而真实、客观、全面地反映该区域特有植物的濒危状况和急需优先保护程度。  相似文献   

利用3S技术对东阿拉善———西鄂尔多斯地区特有15种濒危植物的面积进行统计处理,绘制出斑块面积变化曲线图,用数字回归方法得出曲线的数学方程。然后找出各植物种斑块面积变化剧烈程度与层次分析法确定的植物优先保护序的相关关系,并进行比较分析。  相似文献   

中国珍稀濒危荒漠植物区系地理相似性的定位研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以中国西北部 ( 1 )准噶尔盆地、( 2 )塔里木盆地、( 3 )东疆哈 -吐盆地、( 4)柴达木盆地、( 5)河西地区、( 6)阿拉善高原、( 7)阿拉善东部地区作为珍稀濒危荒漠植物区系定量分析单位。应用 Jaccard、Ciechanowski( Sprensen)和 Ochari相似系数 ,根据 50种珍稀濒危荒漠植物的地理区系分布进行统计分析 ,建立 7个植物区系间的相似矩阵 ,进行聚类分析。结果表明 :中国西北地区珍稀濒危荒漠植物区系之间的相似关系 ,以准噶尔和东疆吐 -哈盆地间相似关系最为紧密 ,阿拉善东部地区较为孤立  相似文献   

14种荒漠植物茎的解剖结构特征分析   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
本文对分布于西鄂尔多斯-东阿拉善地区14种荒漠植物茎的解剖结构进行了观察和对比分析。结果表明:这14种荒漠植物都具有显著的旱生结构特征,突出表现在:(1)表皮都具角质层;(2)次生维管组织发达,且多具异常结构;(3)皮层细胞中普遍含叶绿体。说明荒漠植物可通过增加贮水的薄壁细胞、产生异常结构和在缩小叶面积的同时却在皮层细胞中发育叶绿体等多种途径来适应干旱少雨、风大沙多、光照强烈的荒漠环境。  相似文献   

阿拉善—鄂尔多斯是我国西北干旱区特有植物的集中分布区,有中国种子植物特有属15个。其中,当地特有属5个、戈壁荒漠特有属2个、蒙古高原特有属1个。有当地种子植物特有种128个,其中贺兰山等山地特有种62个、平原荒漠特有种66个。该中心特有植物的性质,表现为古地中海旱生植物后裔的古老性和温带干旱荒漠性质,以及山地森林植物与华北或东亚植物的亲缘联系  相似文献   

基于GIS的三江源地区物种多样性保护优先性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据我们的多次科考调查和青海省对野生动物的调查结果等有关资料图件,对三江源地区的物种多样性和人类干扰因素等进行了分析和评估。选择9种鸟类、15种哺乳动物、20种植物作为本研究的指示物种,利用GIS制作了主要的珍稀濒危野生动植物分布图。选择放牧、人口、居民点、公路等因素作为生物多样性的主要干扰因素,制作出三江源地区干扰强度空间分布图。然后根据物种的丰富度和特有性、脆弱性和干扰程度等指标分析了三江源地区物种多样性保护优先性地区,做出了物种多样性保护优先地区空间分布图。  相似文献   

阿拉巴斯山地区为干旱区第三纪残遗植物的避难所,是内蒙古地区植物特有现象最明显的地区。共有维管植物251种。地带性植被为草原化荒漠,主要群落类型为四合木荒漠、半日花荒漠、绵刺荒漠、沙冬青荒漠等荒漠群系。以戈壁种和东阿拉善种为主的荒漠成分构成了本地区植物区系的主体。古老残遗种及特有种在植物区系和植被组成中均起主导作用。但是这块宝地目前面临严重破坏,应该尽快成立阿拉巴斯第三纪残遗植物保护区。  相似文献   

阿拉善荒漠区种子植物区系特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阿拉善荒漠区地处典型的内陆干旱区,属温带荒漠气候,是亚非大陆戈壁荒漠区的东翼。本文对阿拉善荒漠区种子植物区系的组成、特点及性质进行了分析,并与邻近地区的植物区系进行了比较分析。经统计本区有种子植物(包括部分栽培种)87科377属1091种,野生种子植物82科367属1073种。主要结论为:1)植物种类较丰富;2)特有成分突出,共有中国特有属14个,其中当地特有属5个,分别是:四合木、绵刺、革苞菊、连蕊芥、百花蒿,多为单种属或寡种属;3)区系起源古老;4)与蒙古、古地中海、华北或东亚以及青藏高原植物区系关系密切。  相似文献   

西鄂尔多斯草原化荒漠植物群落多样性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
西鄂尔多斯位于我国阿拉善—鄂尔多斯生物多样性中心的核心区域,是生物多样性研究的关键地带。由于自然和人为因素的影响,目前区域生境破碎化程度高、群落多样性受到严重威胁,为了修复破碎生境、合理建植植被,采用样方法,对12个主要群系,共53个样地进行了详细的调查和分析。结果表明:1西鄂尔多斯荒漠植被中含有单种属和寡种属植物,如四合木属(Tetraena)、绵刺属(Potaninia)、沙冬青属(Ammopiptanthus)等;2在生活型谱组成上,灌木比相邻荒漠化草原高出13.1%,并在不同生境中成为群落的建群种或优势种;3在水分生态类型谱中,虽以典型旱生植物占优势,但强旱生植物比相邻荒漠化草原高15.9%;4典型的草原化荒漠群落〔如霸王(Zygophyllum xanthoxylon)、绵刺(Potaninia mongolica)、沙冬青(Ammopiptanthus mongolicus)、四合木(Tetraena mongolica)群落〕的物种多样性在草本层片与灌木层片的相互作用下,群落具有更高的多样性和稳定性;5与荒漠化草原相比,西鄂尔多斯草原化荒漠群落之间具有更高的β多样性,能容纳更多的群落共同存在。  相似文献   

阿拉善荒漠特有珍稀濒危植物绵刺克隆生长构型研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
绵刺是阿拉善荒漠特有珍稀濒危植物 ,其具有独特的克隆生长构型 :由枝条下垂形成长间隔物的典型的游击型克隆生长构型和由根茎处形成的典型的密集型克隆生长构型。本文以环境塑造与克隆生长构型的可塑性关系研究绵刺的克隆生长构型 ,揭示其对环境表现出生态对策的高度适应性和可塑性  相似文献   

大豆对灰斑病菌15号小种的抗病基因定位及标记检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确大豆对灰斑病菌15号小种的抗性位点,以大豆抗病品种垦丰16、感病品种绥农10及其杂交F2、F3代群体为试验材料,在接种鉴定的基础上,运用SSR标记技术及分离群体组群分析法(BSA法)对垦丰16抗病基因进行了定位,并应用108份大豆新品系对标记进行了符合性检测。结果表明,垦丰16对15号小种的抗性受1对显性基因控制,抗病基因位于大豆染色体组的J连锁群上,将该基因定名为Rcs15。用Mapmaker/Exp 3.0 b进行连锁分析,获得了5个与抗病基因紧密连锁的SSR标记:Satt 529、Satt 431、Sat_151、Satt 547和Sat_224,标记与抗病基因间的排列顺序和遗传距离为Sat_151-10.7 cM-Satt 529-18.5 cM- Rcs15-6.7 cM-Satt 547-7.8 cM-Sat_224-10.7 cM-Satt 431。标记符合性检测结果显示,Satt 547和Sat_224的检测准确率达到85%以上,可用于分子标记辅助选择育种和抗源筛选。  相似文献   

陆地棉对黄萎病抗性的分子标记研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
 利用陆地棉标准系TM-1和常抗棉2个陆地棉品种杂交并自交,获得109个F2单株及F2:3家系为作图群体,以SSR、RAPD和SRAP 3种分子标记进行抗黄萎病性状的分子标记筛选。结果从1611对(条)引物中仅筛选到70对(条)多态性引物,获得75个多态性位点并进行标记间的连锁性分析。75个标记构建了一个包括15个连锁群,全长535 cM的陆地棉品种间分子标记遗传连锁图,标记间平均距离为11.15 cM,有27个标记不能进入任何连锁群。连锁群的标记数最少2个,最多6个;长度从1.0 cM到92.7 cM不等。对其F2:3家系的成株期抗黄萎病性状即平均病情指数的分布进行分析,显示其呈正态分布,进一步说明陆地棉对黄萎病的抗性为数量遗传;单标记分析及复合区间作图,检测出与抗黄萎病性相关的3个QTL,分别位于第3、5、6连锁群上,贡献率分别为14.15%、3.45%和18.78%。另外,对该群体生长过程中黄萎病不同发病高峰期的病情也进行了分析。  相似文献   

A selection of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) subgroup I strains originating from Asia and Fny-CMV isolated in USA were studied for their interaction with tomato plants. All strains caused mosaic, fernleaf expression and stunting of tomato plants. Symptom expression was relatively mild after infection with Fny-CMV, T-CMV, Le-CMV and MB-CMV, whereas strains PRC-CMV, NT-CMV and K-CMV caused more severe symptoms. Biologically active clones of NT-CMV RNAs 2 and 3 were generated to construct pseudorecombinant viruses with Fny-CMV to map the symptom determining RNA. The pseudorecombinant FNF-CMV (RNAs 1 and 3 from Fny-CMV, RNA 2 from NT-CMV) showed a similar phenotype on tomatoes to those caused by NT-CMV, whereas FFN-CMV (RNAs 1 and 2 from Fny-CMV, RNA 3 from NT-CMV) induced symptoms comparable to Fny-CMV. The data indicate that CMV RNA 2 of NT-CMV is involved in the induction of severe symptoms in tomato plants.  相似文献   

This study used the pathosystem of lettuce ( Lactuca spp.) and downy mildew ( Bremia lactucae ) as a model to investigate the inheritance of nonhost resistance, and focused on the contribution of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) to nonhost resistance at various developmental stages in the lettuce life cycle. A set of 28 backcross inbred lines (BILs) of L. saligna CGN05271 (nonhost) introgressions in a L. sativa cv. Olof (host) background identified 16 introgressions that contributed to resistance at various plant developmental stages: seedlings, young plants, adult plants in the greenhouse and adult plants in the field. This paper provisionally considered these introgressions to be 16 QTLs. Of these 16 QTLs, seven were identified previously and nine were new. For 15 QTLs ( Rbq1, Rbq2, rbq3–7 and Rbq8–15 ), the resistance alleles were derived from the nonhost L. saligna ; the resistance allele of the other QTL ( Rbq16 ) was from the susceptible L. sativa cv. Olof. Of the 15 QTLs in L. saligna , only two, rbq5 and rbq7 , were found to be effective at every plant developmental stage; the other 13 QTLs were only effective at certain developmental stages. Experiments with seven B. lactucae races did not provide evidence that any QTL was race-specific. The data suggest that nonhost resistance in L. saligna is the result of cumulative effects of many resistance QTLs operating at various developmental stages.  相似文献   

Yang CH  Ho GD 《Phytopathology》1998,88(4):330-334
ABSTRACT Tomato bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is a model system for studying plant-bacterial interactions, because it is genetically one of the best characterized plant diseases. We demonstrate here that four different strains of R. solanacearum, two from radishes (Rd4 and Rd15) and two from tomato (Ps21 and Ps95), can infect 27 different ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana, causing different responses. All ecotypes tested were highly susceptible to strain Rd15, which caused symptoms similar to those observed in tomato plants. For example, leaf drooping and discoloration developed just 3 days after inoculation, and plants completely wilted within 1 week. Strains Rd4 and Ps95 were less infectious than Rd15. With these two strains, a variety of disease responses were observed among different ecotypes at 2 weeks after inoculation; both susceptible and resistant ecotypes of A. thaliana were identified. Ps21 was the least infectious of the four strains and caused almost no symptoms in any of the ecotypes of Arabidopsis tested. Direct bacterial isolation and plant skeleton hybridization analysis from infected plants indicated that bacterial colonization was correlated with the severity of symptoms. Growth of bacteria was limited to the infection site in resistant plants, whereas the bacteria spread throughout susceptible plants by 1 week after inoculation.  相似文献   

The emergence and development of A fatua were studied in 23 spring barly fields in 1972 and nine in 1973 nautarally infested with yhe weed. Emergence occurred up to the four-leaf stages of the crop. The mean number of days from drilling to 50% emergence of A fatua plants was 22 in 1972 and 36 in 1973.The majority of seeds were shed by early emerging plants in 1972, 79% and in 1973. 59% of A fatua plants had emerged by the two-leaf stage of the crop and these plants produced 97 and 89% respectively of all the seed shed. In both years, A fatua plants emerging before the crop produced five times as many seeds per plant as those emerging between the crop two and three-leaf stages. The earliest emerging plants were also the heaviest and had most stems per plant.In both years there was a significant relationship between the density of A fatua plants in the crop in spring and their mortality.A large variation occured between the sites in the number of A fatua plants that emerged by a given crop leaf stage. In 1973.insufficient numbers of sites were investigatesd to derive a relationship between time to A fatua emergence and crop yield loss, but in 1972, a given density of A fatua plants emerging at an early stage caused agreater crop yields loss than the same density emerging later. This was also evident to aleser extent in data derived from a similar series of 15 experiments in 1971.  相似文献   

Replicase-mediated tobacco plants are highly resistant to the Fny strain of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and closely related subgroup IA strains. Two of these subgroup IA strains, Fny- and M-CMV, were co-inoculated with different resistance breaking cucumoviruses to nontransformed and transformed tobacco plants. RT-PCR analyses of single CMV RNAs were performed to study potential complementation of the subgroup IA strains by the resistance breaking cucumoviruses. After co-inoculation of M-CMV with PII-CMV, RNAs 1, 2 and 3 from M-CMV were detected in systemically infected leaves of control plants, whereas in noninoculated parts of replicase-mediated resistant plants only M-CMV RNAs 1 and 3 were found. Western blot studies confirmed the expression of M-CMV coat protein after co-inoculation with PII-CMV in leaves of transgenic plants. These plants also exhibited M-CMV typical yellow spots. M-CMV/TAV co-inoculated transgenic plants contained only M-CMV RNA 3, but no M-CMV RNAs 1 and 2. No M-CMV typical yellow spots were observed in these plants. Our data suggest different types of complementation of M-CMV in replicase-mediated resistant plants by PII-CMV and TAV in trans potentially leading to new RNA combinations in transformed plants compared to nontransformed plants.  相似文献   

Maize rough dwarf disease caused by Rice black-streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV) is transmitted by planthopper in China. Identification and development of resistant hybrids are complicated because of the inconsistencies in viral disease pressure every year. Marker-assisted selection can provide means for main-taining virus resistance alleles even in the absence of disease. In this paper a F2 segregation population was constructed to identity the molecular markers linked to the resistance gene using a cross between a resistant and a susceptible parents (Qi319×Ye107). Fifteen-day-old seedlings of F2 population were exposed to small brown planthoppers carrying RBSDV for 3 days in specific inoculation chamber. The inoculated plants were transplanted to screenhouse after removing the insects completely. In plant maturity stage the disease resistance of all the individuals were visually assessed. The results showed that 17, 8, 11, 51 and 122 plants were scaled from 0-4 respectively, in which 0 means no symptoms and 4 represents highly susceptible. Chi-square test demonstrated that the segregation ratio of phenotype was 1∶15 (resistant: susceptible) or 1∶6∶9 (resistant∶moderate∶susceptible) in the F2 population, indicating RBSDV resistance of maize was controlled by two recessive genes. The F2 individuals DNA were extracted and 261 SSR (simple sequence repeat) primers derived from maize genome ten chromosomes were selected from maize GDB database to construct genetic linkage map. The linkage map consisted of 71 polymorphic SSR markers, spanning a genetic distance of 996.6 cM with an average interval of 14.0 cM between adjacent markers. The resistant and susceptible gene pools were set up for BSA (bulked segregant analysis) and 6 polymorphism markers were obtained with BSA-SSR method between the two pools. The F2individuals were further analyzed with 6 polymorphism markers. Chi-square test showed that phi 051, umc1407 and umc1432, mapped on chromosome 7 and 10, exhibited segregation distortion significantly and very significantly in susceptible individuals. These three SSR markers were identified as potential markers linked to the resistant loci.  相似文献   

小麦抗条锈病一致性数量性状位点(MQTL)图谱构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 小麦条锈病是造成小麦减产和品质劣化的最重要病害,定位小麦染色体上一致性条锈病抗性基因/位点/区段是小麦条锈病抗性分子育种的重要基础。本研究对至今分子标记和遗传定位的342个条锈病抗性基因/位点/区段进行数据搜集整理,借助Maccaferr和Andrzej的参考图谱,基于元分析技术进行Meta-QTL(MQTL)检测,共获得194个小麦抗条锈病MQTL,包括74个与严重度(Disease severity, DS)相关,46个与反应型(Infection type, IT)相关、19个与病程曲线下面积相关(Area under disease progress curve, AUDPC)、28个与DS和IT共相关、6个与DS和AUDPC共相关、15个与IT和AUDPC共相关、6个与其他条锈病抗性性状相关。这些抗条锈病一致性QTL定位于小麦21条染色体上,呈非均匀分布,且部分MQTL集中成簇。通过与已发表的正式命名抗条锈病基因比较分析,发现大多数正式命名基因定位于MQTL簇区段,说明这些MQTL簇区段很可能是控制小麦条锈病抗性热点区域。控制小麦抗条锈病一致性QTL遗传图谱的构建为小麦条锈病抗性基因精细定位及抗病育种提供了遗传信息参考依据。  相似文献   

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