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遥感影像已成为林业工作中必不可少的介质,中高分辨率遥感影像的出现带来了更大的机遇。遥感在林业上应用范围很广,包括森林资源调查、森林资源动态监测、荒漠化与沙化土地监测、森林火灾监测、森林病虫害监测、林业生态工程监测与评价等。但是,在应用过程中也存在很多问题,如数据源价格偏高,图像阴影无法去除,树种识别困难和森林蓄积量估测精度不高等。文章提出了建立影像数据库,建立主要树种的波普数据库,建立数学模型,建立植被解译体系等方法来提高中高分辨率影像在林业中的应用。  相似文献   

基于尺度推绎法的森林采伐面积和采伐量估测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用不同尺度的遥感影象数据估测森林采伐面积和采伐量,对于森林资源经营管理十分重要。采用尺度推绎法,对30m分辨率遥感影像、2.5~5m分辨率遥感影像和现场调查资料进行相关性比较分析,并建立相应的数学模型,估测森林采伐面积和采伐量,提高了不同分辨率遥感影像数据的利用效率,为促进森林可持续经营提供理论基础和技术方法。  相似文献   

基于高分辨率遥感影像的森林信息提取方法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的森林资源调查需要耗费大量的人力和物力。高分辨率遥感影像由于具有亚米级的空间分辨率,给森林类型的识别和森林数量因子的测量提供了可能。目前应用高分遥感影像提取森林信息的方法越来越多,通过文献调研,分析高分辨率数据在树高、树冠、树种、郁闭度、蓄积量参数方面的提取方法和存在的问题。对基于高分数据的森林信息提取方法及研究发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

本文根据森林资源调查的要求和陆地卫星TM影像的特点,详细阐述了森林类型及其他土地利用类型的影像特征,同时还评估了此次森林资源卫星遥感调查中TM影像的特点及应用效果。  相似文献   

遥感影像在林业方面的应用范围很广,包括森林资源调查、森林资源动态监测、荒漠化与沙化土地监测、森林火灾监测、森林病虫害监测、林业生态工程监测与评价等。以西林吉林业局二类判读调查工作为例,对遥感影像在森林资源二类调查中的应用进行了研究分析,总结一点经验与建议供大家参考。调查工作充分考虑西林吉林业局森林资源特点,在数据采集、成果形成过程中,运用国内先进的PDA与"3S"即地理信息系统(GIS)、遥感(RS)和全球定位系统(GPS)三者相结合等高新技术,提高了调查成果的科技含量和调查质量,保证了调查数据采集的真实性和准确性。  相似文献   

【目的】针对森林资源遥感监测效果往往受森林类型识别分类方法的影响,提出一种基于元胞自动机的遥感影像森林类型分类方法,以提高Landsat-TM遥感影像的分类精度,为森林资源遥感监测提供技术支持。【方法】以小兴安岭带岭林业经营管理局为研究区,基于2010年Landsat5-TM影像数据和2012年森林资源二类调查数据,采用窗口法获取TM第5波段各待分类别的像元均值作为聚类中心,以元胞自动机的Moore模型为框架,以元胞为基本单位,以像元均值为对象,利用最小距离法求取进化规则(判断准则是中心元胞周围的8个元胞距每类聚类中心的距离最近且像元数量最多,则中心元胞属于该类别),充分考虑影像及地物之间的空间特征,采用元胞自动机分类方法进行森林类型的识别分类。同时,以相同的样本数,采用3层BP神经网络模型对TM遥感影像进行分类试验,并比较2种方法的分类效果。【结果】基于元胞自动机的分类方法总体分类精度为88.712 1%,Kappa系数为0.829 1,针叶林、阔叶林和针阔混交林的用户精度分别为73.60%,92.94%和94.13%,达到了区分针叶林、阔叶林和针阔混交林的分类目的。BP神经网络算法的总体分类精度为86.671 3%,Kappa系数为0.798 4,针叶林、阔叶林和针阔混交林的用户精度分别为69.22%,93.37%和90.76%。2种分类方法均可有效识别森林类型信息。【结论】元胞自动机模型应用于遥感影像森林类型识别分类可弥补因TM影像空间分辨率较低造成的遥感影像分类精度过低的问题,提高分类精度。在森林分布破碎、种类类型多样且结构复杂的带岭林区,该研究结果有助于森林资源监测与管理,可为大区域尺度的森林动态信息监测提供更好的数据及技术支持。  相似文献   

森林类型的识别对于掌握森林生态系统和自然环境变化具有重要意义。针对单一时相遥感数据提取森林植被类型信息方法的局限性,以中国东北三省为研究区,探讨了基于多时相MODIS遥感数据,实现主要森林类型识别的方法。将东三省的森林植被划分为非林地、针叶林、阔叶林、针阔混交林、灌木林5种类型,通过分析不同森林类型一年内生长差异,选取多时相NDVI第10期、NDIV第23期、EVI第10期、LAI第20期特征数据,建立了非林地、针叶林、阔叶林、针阔混交林、灌木林的决策树模型,实现了森林类型信息的识别,得出了东三省的森林覆盖率42.39%,植被类型分类总体精度为86.7%,与第八次全国森林资源清查的东三省结果对比,森林覆盖率提取精度高达95.6%。说明应用多时相的MODIS遥感影像可以实现大尺度森林资源信息的快速提取,在大范围的植被类型调查与监测方法具有较大的应用价值。  相似文献   

多源高分辨率卫星遥感影像监测林地动态变化研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
以内蒙古大兴安岭克一河林业局、吉文林业局林地动态变化监测为目标,应用多期国产高分辨率卫星遥感数据,辅以德国Rapid Eye、法国SPOT5和SPOT6、美国TM遥感影像;叠加占用征收林地资料、伐区作业设计、林木采伐许可证、林政案件资料、森林资源二类调查以及林地保护利用规划等专题数据资料。通过目视解译与提取识别,检测林地和林木的变化情况,结果表明:卫星遥感影像对林木采伐、占地、毁林开垦和森林灾害监测效果明显。  相似文献   

森林蓄积量是评价森林资源数量的一个重要指标。结合遥感影像和地面调查数据估测森林蓄积量受遥感影像、遥感因子、预处理方法、估测方法等多方面的影响。为研究国产GF-1遥感影像估测森林蓄积量的最佳遥感因子组合方式和较优估测方法,并绘制森林蓄积量空间分布图,为我国森林蓄积量的研究提供理论基础和科学依据。为研究GF-1遥感影像估测森林蓄积量的遥感因子和估测方法,以湖南省醴陵市为研究对象,以国产GF-1遥感影像为数据源,通过对遥感图像预处理,获取光谱信息、纹理因子、植被指数作为特征变量,结合同时期的二类调查样地数据,从GF-1遥感影像像元与样地不匹配角度出发,应用移动窗口的方法解决像元与样地的对应关系,采用多元逐步回归、偏最小二乘回归和随机森林模型对研究区森林蓄积量进行估测,采用建模精度和估测精度进行分析评价。实验结果表明:1)3个模型选择的因子都包含了NDVI、 Band2、DI3、CO1和DVI等5个遥感因子,说明其对森林蓄积量的估测比较敏感;2)随机森林模型优于偏最小二乘回归和多元逐步回归,其决定系数R2为0.73、估测精度为83.69%。利用GF-1遥感影像结合随机森林模型应用于森林蓄积量的估测结果趋于真实分布,效果较理想;采用移动窗口法,利用国产GF-1遥感影像并结合随机森林进行森林蓄积量估测具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

快速准确识别树种是研究和保护森林资源的基础,通过遥感技术进行树种识别已成为森林调查重要手段之一。激光雷达数据可以提供森林垂直结构的信息,而高光谱遥感数据可以提供树木详细的光谱信息,因此联合激光雷达和高光谱数据能够提高树种分类精度。文中阐述了激光雷达和高光谱遥感在森林树种识别中的研究现状,总结了单一遥感源进行树种识别的优缺点,介绍了联合激光雷达和高光谱遥感数据的树种识别方法,最后从数据平台、数据提取、数据融合及识别模型等4个方面探讨了当前树种识别研究中面临的问题以及未来的研究方向,旨在为提高树种识别精度提供参考。  相似文献   

森林地表枯死可燃物是森林燃烧的基础物质之一,直接影响着地表火行为发生的强度.承德县境内分布着大面积的人工针叶林,林下积蓄的枯枝落叶较多,发生地表火的危险性极高,因此,对影响潜在地表火行为的因子,即地表枯死可燃物的各类载量及含水率进行调查研究(Shan et al.,2002),从而实时掌握不同林分的潜在地表火行为状况,显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

一、林地概况 尖峰岭林区位于北纬18°23′13″—18°52′30″,东经108°46′04″—109°02′43″,在中国植被区划中属琼南丘陵山地季雨林湿润雨林区。植被种类极其丰富,野生高等植物有1500多种,植被可分为四个垂直带,六个类型:1.稀树草原带:(1)稀树草原,(2)砂生植被,2.常绿季雨林带:(3)常绿季雨林,(4)沟谷雨林,3.山地雨林带:(5)山地雨林,4.山顶苔藓矮林带:(6)山顶苔藓矮林。  相似文献   

The concept of Reducing Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) dominates international debates on the role of forests in climate change mitigation, but concrete implementation remains a challenge. In contrast to this general trend, Brazil emerged as a noteworthy exception due to the widespread implementation of major REDD+ initiatives. This research paper aims at understanding the implementation of REDD+ in Brazil from a discursive perspective. The analysis identifies two discourses that are guiding the implementation of REDD+ in different ways. On the one hand, advocates of a sustainable development discourse conceive REDD+ as a centralized mechanism to foster pre-existing deforestation control and sustainable economic activities through centralized mechanisms such as the Amazon Fund. On the other hand, a number of disconnected actors follow a carbon commodification discourse inspired by the idea of neoliberal conservation and create REDD+ projects to provide carbon offset to voluntary markets. The analysis of these discourses reveal that implementation processes do not rely on discursive convergence, but rather culminate in the parallel development and implementation of distinct REDD+ discourses that are at the same time competing, coexisting and collaborating on different levels.  相似文献   

Tree species diversity and population structure at different community types were described and analyzed for primary and secondary lowland moist deciduous forests in Tripura.Overall 10,957 individual trees belonging to 46 family,103 genera and 144 species were counted at ≥30 cm DBH(diameter at breast height) using 28 permanent belt transects with a size of 1 ha(10 m × 1000 m).Four different tree communities were identified.The primary forests was dominated by Shorea robusta(mean density 464.77 trees ha-1,105 species) and Schima wallichii(336.25 trees ha-1,82 species),while the secondary forests was dominated by Tectona grandis(333.88 trees ha-1,105 species) and Hevea brasiliensis(299.67 trees ha-1,82 species).Overall mean basal area in this study was 18.01m 2 ·ha-1 ;the maximum value was recorded in primary Shorea forest(26.21 m 2 ·ha-1).Mean density and diversity indices were differed significantly within four different communities.No significant differences were observed in number of species,genera,family and tree basal cover area.Significant relationships were found between the species richness and different tree population groups across the communities.Results revealed that species diversity and density were increased in those forests due to past disturbances which resulted in slow accumulation of native oligarchic small tree species.Seventeen species were recorded with <2 individuals of which Saraca asoka(Roxb.) de Wilde and Entada phaseoloides(L.) Merr.etc.extensively used in local ethno-medicinal formulations.The present S.robusta Gaertn dominated forest was recorded richer(105 species) than other reported studies.Moraceae was found more speciose family instead of Papilionaceae and Euphorbiaceae than other Indian moist deciduous forests.Seasonal phenological gap in such moist deciduous forests influenced the population of Trachypithecus pileatus and capped langur.The analysis of FIV suggested a slow trend of shifting the population of Lamiaceae group by Moraceae species in secondary T.grandis L.dominated community.  相似文献   

Altitudinal gradient incorporates multiple resource gradients, which vary continuously in different fashions. It is important to study the mountain floristic patterns along altitudinal gradients, which reveal the regular pattern of the flora along the environmental gradients, the changing trend of biodiversity patterns along the altitudinal gradient, and relevance of biological fitness. To explore the compositional characteristics and ecological significance of floristic patterns along altitudinal gradient in China National Nature Reserve of Dawei Mountain in the southeast of Yunnan Province, field investigations have been made to the flora along the two routes of the southwest slope and the northeast slope of the said reserve, including a vertical vegetation transect. Meanwhile, further investigations have also been made to the flora of Dawei Mountain, which has been accounted for in the literature, as Flora Yunnan, The Seed Plant in Yunnan, and so on. The structural characteristics of the flora and the altitudinal distribution pattern of its floristic components were analyzed. By applying systematic cluster analysis, the altitudinal position of the dividing line of floristic changes along altitudinal gradient was detected, and the effects of the montane climate on the vertical variation of floristic composition were studied. Conclusions were put forward. This paper can be summarized as follows: (1) The obvious boundary that differentiates tropical floristic elements is located at the altitude of approximately 1,500 m; it is reasonable to stipulate the boundary line between tropical rain forests and the evergreen broad-leaved forests. (2) The vertical vegetation spectrum made by cluster analysis shows that humid rain forests are below 700 m a.s.l, montane rain forests are between 700 and 1,500 m, monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forests are between 1,300 and 1,800 m, and montane mossy evergreen broad-leaved forests are above 1,800 m a.s.l. Nonrepresentative montane mossy dwarf forests (above 2,100 m) in the area are distributed in windward sides and in barren land on the mountain slopes. __________ Translated from Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 2005, 29(6): 894–900 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

Floodplain forests of the southeastern United States are species rich, often with a dense and diverse liana community. Long-term trends in the density and distribution of lianas may indicate shifts in the composition of plant functional types in these forests. Liana communities in non-fragmented forests in Panama and across the Neotropics have increased in size and density over the last two decades of the 20th century. Are similar changes occurring in temperate forests? Evidence from long-term studies of liana communities in two floodplain forests in South Carolina support the findings from tropical forests. In second-growth forests of the Savannah River system, data from five 1-ha plots established in 1979 and monitored for 22 years indicate a steady increase in liana size and density. Likewise, in old-growth floodplain forests of the Congaree National Park, liana density has increased over 12 years in six 1-ha plots after Hurricane Hugo disturbed the forests in 1989. The increase in liana density and size in these floodplain forests of the southeastern United States is of sufficient magnitude to suggest that lianas are likely influencing stand dynamics in these forests. Consequently, we argue that lianas should be included in models of temperate bottomland forest development of the southeastern United States.  相似文献   

Environmental functions of tropical forest can serve as criteria for forest conservation planning in the tropics. The objective of this study is to evaluate the environmental functions of tropical forest in Kinabalu Park, Sabah, Malaysia, using GIS and remote sensing techniques. Field data, statistical data, including weather data with geographic localities, maps and satellite image are collected. Linear regression models are developed for forests of different geological substrates, based on the relationships between altitude and biodiversity (Fisher’s alpha index). Biodiversity conservation function map is derived with the statistical models and a digital elevation model. Coupling with extensive literature review, an evaluation matrix for evaluating soil and water conservation functions including landslide prevention, flood prevention and drought prevention functions, is constructed. To evaluate the soil and water conservation functions, a weighted linear combination method is used with GIS layers of topography, geology, soil depth, rainfall and slope. Forest areas in Kinabalu Park are derived with land cover mapping using Landsat-TM image. Areas having high values of biodiversity conservation, flood and drought prevention functions are covered with mainly lowland rain forest. On the other hand, areas with high values of the landslide prevention function are covered with mainly subalpine forests. Using the environmental functions, a conservation index is computed to represent forests that are important to conservation. Based on theCI, the lowland rain forest receives highest priority in protection. In fact, it is located in the boundary areas of the park and thus exposed to illegal activities. This study would not be possibly accomplished without the map data as well as other data.  相似文献   

The effect of forest management on biodiversity is a crucial issue for sustainable forestry and nature conservation. However, the ways in which management affects macrofungal and plant communities and diversity of mountain temperate forests still remain poorly understood. We performed a random sampling stratified by stand age and stand type on the sites of temperate montane fir–beech forests. Diversity of macrofungi and the vascular plant understorey in beech- and spruce-dominated managed stands was investigated and compared to primeval forests located in the Po?ana Biosphere Reserve, Western Carpathians. Both the vascular plant and the macrofungal communities were altered by management, and the response of the macrofungal species (especially wood-inhabiting fungi) was more pronounced in terms of species composition change. Species turnover evaluation seems to be an important tool of forest natural status assessment, because alpha diversity did not change as much as species composition. Certain species of Carpathian primeval forests were confirmed as good indicators for natural forest change; others were proposed. Species pool and mean number of species per plot were the highest in unmanaged fir–beech forests, and species diversity significantly decreased in spruce plantations. The number of species decreased significantly due to the change of canopy tree species composition only in the macrofungal communities. As an outcome for forest management, we recommend keeping mixed forests involving all natural tree species and providing at least a minimal amount of dead wood necessary for wood-inhabiting organisms and leaving some area of unmanaged natural forests within complexes of managed stands.  相似文献   

节水高产优质杨树纸浆材品种综合选育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以10个黑杨杂种候选新品系为试验材料,以当前优良品系108杨和中林46杨等为对照,通过室内和大田水分胁迫试验,同时结合在不同生态区内区域化试验及测定无性系的遗传特性(生长、材性和纸浆性能等),以水分利用效率、产量、材质等指标对候选品系进行综合比较分析,获得了木材纤维长、纤维含量高、木素和1%NaOH抽提物含量低的节水资源高效利用型杨树优良纸浆材新品种J2和J6,为华北、西北地区选育了抗旱、耐盐碱的优良杨树品种.  相似文献   

森林可持续经营的几个经济问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
许多森林可持续经营的行动方案,一方面可能引起社会成本的上升,比如,木材价格上升、就业及收入减少、生产和生态影响的转移等给社会造成的负面影响,如何正确认识这些影响,以寻求弥补措施,是实践中不可回避的问题;另一方面这些方案可能带来森林非木材价值的增加,木材价值与非木材价值都是社会所需要的,在实践中需要有一种有效的分析工具帮助决策者在二者之间作出正确取舍。森林可持续经营是需要所有人都参与的过程,而如何调动森林经营者的积极性是最核心的问题。文章介绍和分析了近年国外对上述问题的研究状况与趋势。  相似文献   

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