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Prevention of inherited disease in companion animals is largely dependent on prebreeding identification of carriers of autosomal recessive disease traits. Molecular diagnosis is emerging as a convenient and reliable method of carrier detection, but few molecular diagnostic tests of inherited neuromuscular disease are readily available. New test development depends on investigations to determine disease genes and the disease causing mutations. A general approach to molecular diagnosis of inherited disorders is discussed.  相似文献   

Inherited disorders of sexual development (DSD) cause sterility and infertility in horses. Mutations causing such disorders have been identified in other mammals, but there is little information on the molecular causes in horses. While the equine genome sequence has made it possible to identify candidate genes, additional tools are needed to routinely screen them for causative mutations. In this study, we designed a screening panel of polymerase chain reaction primer pairs for 15 equine genes. These are the candidate genes for testicular or ovotesticular XX DSD and XY DSD, the latter of which includes gonadal dysgenesis, androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), persistent Mullerian duct syndrome and isolated cryptorchidism. Six horses with testicular or ovotesticular XX DSD and controls were screened. In addition, candidate genes for androgen insensitivity syndrome, persistent Mullerian duct syndrome and isolated cryptorchidism were screened in normal horses. While no sequence variants were uniquely associated with XX DSD, the 38 sequence variants identified can serve as intragenic markers in genome-wide association studies or linkage studies to hasten mutation identification in equine XX DSD and XY DSD.  相似文献   

Canine generalised progressive retinal atrophy (gPRA) is a large and ever-increasing collection of naturally occurring, heterogeneous, progressive disorders. Most are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner and new, breed-specific forms continue to be described. The gPRAs cause photoreceptor cell death and subsequent retinal degeneration, culminating in blindness. In humans, similar inherited retinal dystrophies are recognised as retinitis pigmentosa and macular dystrophy. Molecular biological studies have revealed disease-causing mutations in several genes in humans and also in mice with retinal dystrophies. Recently, molecular genetic techniques have identified the cause of one form of gPRA in Irish setters while important candidate genes have been investigated in other breeds. Identification of mutations responsible for different forms of gPRA allows carrier and pre-degenerate animals to be detected using DNA-based tests. Such genetic tests will greatly facilitate the eradication of these diseases in different breeds.  相似文献   

This perspective considers genetic disorders of domestic animal populations, in particular their epidemiology and control. Inherited disorders of animals share the same basic molecular biology as those of human beings, but they differ in their epidemiology due largely to the breed structure of the various species, human control of breeding and a greater influence of the founder effect, particularly due to extensive use of a limited number of sires, and inbreeding. Control of genetic disorders in animals is also more practical through extensive screening for disease, or heterozygous animals within defined breed populations, followed by exclusion of affected or carrier animals from breeding. This is assisted by the fact that, within a breed, many inherited monogenic disorders are associated with a single mutation. However some of the more important disorders may be inherited in a non-Mendelian manner, being influenced by multiple genes as well as environmental factors. These aspects are discussed and contrasted with similar aspects in human medical genetics.  相似文献   

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is an inherited disease in some feline breeds including the Maine Coon and Ragdoll. In these breeds, distinct causative genetic mutations have been identified. The two breeds appear to have slightly different clinical presentations, including age of diagnosis. The observation that these two breeds may have different clinical presentations, as well as different genetic mutations, suggests that hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a diverse disease in the cat. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is poorly described in the Sphynx. The objective of this study was to phenotypically characterize Sphynx hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and to evaluate for a familial etiology. Records of 18 affected cats (11 female, seven male) were evaluated. Age of affected cats ranged from 0.5 to 7 years (median, 2 years). Four affected cats were from a single family and included an affected cat in each of four generations (three females, one male). Further studies are warranted to evaluate for a causative mutation and better classify the phenotypic expression.  相似文献   

Inborn errors of metabolism are caused by genetic defects in intermediary metabolic pathways. Although long considered to be the domain of human paediatric medicine, they are also recognised with increasing frequency in companion animals. The diagnosis of diseased animals can be achieved by searching for abnormal metabolites in body fluids, although such screening programmes have, until now, not been widely available to the small animal clinician. A comprehensive battery of analytical tools exists for screening for inborn metabolic diseases in humans which can be applied to animals and serve not only for the diagnosis of affected patients but also to detect asymptomatic carriers and further our understanding of metabolic pathways in dogs and cats. Moreover, naturally occurring animal models of inherited metabolic diseases provide a unique opportunity to study the biochemical and molecular pathogenesis of these disorders and to investigate possible therapeutic options.  相似文献   

Inherited disorders of hemostasis encompass abnormalities in primary hemostasis, coagulation, and fibrinolysis resulting from genetic mutations. There is significant variation in the phenotype expressed ranging from life limiting to the absence of overt clinical signs. Von Willebrand disease is the most common primary hemostatic disorder in dogs, and hemophilia A is the most common coagulation factor disorder. The diagnosis of inherited bleeding disorders is made by functional and/or quantitative evaluation. Genetic testing has added to the knowledge base, allowing prevention through targeted breeding. Avoidance of trauma and injury is paramount in the prevention of bleeding in animals diagnosed with inherited hemostatic disorders. Current therapeutic options include platelet transfusions, broad replacement of coagulation factors (e.g., plasma), targeted factor replacement (e.g., cryoprecipitate), antifibrinolytic agents and specific factor replacement, and treatment of the symptoms (i.e., bleeding) with blood transfusions.  相似文献   

In the breeding of domestic animals, selection of economically desired traits has been the most important consideration for the improvement of animals, but excluding negative factors in animal production, such as causative genes for hereditary diseases, is also required for the genetic improvement of domestic animals. The incidence of various hereditary diseases has been reported in Japanese beef cattle and these diseases have caused serious problems in the breeding and raising of healthy beef cattle. This article reviews the identification of causative genes for the following three hereditary diseases in Japanese beef cattle: (i) Chediak–Higashi syndrome; (ii) renal tubular dysplasia; and (iii) bovine chondrodysplastic dwarfism. Chediak–Higashi syndrome is a hereditary bleeding disorder reported in Japanese black cattle. To identify the cause of this disease, we cloned and sequenced the bovine LYST gene, which has been found to be involved in Chediak–Higashi syndrome in humans, and found that an amino acid substitution of histidine to arginine at amino acid residue 2015 is the causative mutation in the cattle disease. Renal tubular dysplasia is a hereditary disease of Japanese black cattle showing renal failure and growth retardation. We mapped the locus for this disease to the 4 cM region of bovine chromosome 1 by linkage analysis and found a large deletion in this region. The deleted region contained the PCLN1 gene encoding a tight‐junction protein of renal epithelial cells, and we concluded that deletion of the PCLN1 gene is responsible for the disease. Bovine chondrodysplastic dwarfism is a hereditary disease of Japanese brown cattle, displayed by short limbs and joint abnormalities. We mapped the locus for the disease to a region of bovine chromosome 6 by linkage analysis. By constructing YAC and BAC contigs covering this region and sequence analysis, we identified a novel gene (LIMBIN), which plays an essential role in bone formation in this region, and found two mutations responsible for the disease. The identification of these mutations provided the basis for DNA‐based diagnostic systems for these three diseases, and after development of the diagnosis systems, the incidences of these hereditary diseases have dramatically decreased.  相似文献   

荷斯坦牛凝血因子Ⅺ缺陷症(FactorⅪdeficiency)是一种常染色体单基因控制的隐性遗传疾病。部分患病牛繁殖性能异常,如屡配不孕、发情周期不稳定、卵泡直径小、排卵前血液中雌激素含量峰值降低、卵泡发育不完善和黄体溶解缓慢等,易患乳房炎、子宫炎和肺炎等,产犊率和犊牛存活率降低。本文综述了该遗传疾病的流行性、致病机理及分子诊断方法。  相似文献   

The evolution of sex is one of the most important and controversial problems in evolutionary biology. Although sex is almost universal in higher animals and plants, its inherent costs have made its maintenance difficult to explain. The most famous of these is the twofold cost of males, which can greatly reduce the fecundity of a sexual population, compared to a population of asexual females. Over the past century, multiple hypotheses, along with experimental evidence to support these, have been put forward to explain widespread costly sex. In this review, we outline some of the most prominent theories, along with the experimental and observational evidence supporting these. Historically, there have been 4 classes of theories: the ability of sex to fix multiple novel advantageous mutants (Fisher-Muller hypothesis); sex as a mechanism to stop the build-up of deleterious mutations in finite populations (Muller's ratchet); recombination creating novel genotypes that can resist infection by parasites (Red Queen hypothesis); and the ability of sex to purge bad genomes if deleterious mutations act synergistically (mutational deterministic hypothesis). Current theoretical and experimental evidence seems to favor the hypothesis that sex breaks down selection interference between new mutants, or it acts as a mechanism to shuffle genotypes in order to repel parasitic invasion. However, there is still a need to collect more data from natural populations and experimental studies, which can be used to test different hypotheses.  相似文献   

A recent progress on stature genetics has revealed simple genetic architecture in livestock animals in contrast to that in humans. PLAG1 and/or NCAPG‐LCORL, both of which are known as a locus for adult human height, have been detected for association with body weight/height in cattle and horses, and for selective sweep in dogs and pigs. The findings indicate a significant impact of these loci on mammalian growth or body size and usefulness of the natural variants for selective breeding. However, association with an unfavorable trait, such as late puberty or risk for a neuropathic disease, was also reported for the respective loci, indicating an importance to discriminate between causality and association. Here I review the recent findings on quantitative trait loci (QTL) for stature in livestock animals, mainly focusing on the PLAG1 and NCAPG‐LCORL loci. I also describe our recent efforts to identify the causative variation for the third major locus for carcass weight in Japanese Black cattle.  相似文献   

Congenital renal diseases are present at birth and may be determined genetically; familial renal disorders occur in related animals with a higher frequency than would be expected by chance, and frequently are inherited. The most common familial disorders in cats and dogs include renal amyloidosis, renal dysplasia, polycystic kidneys, basement membrane disorders, and tubular dysfunction (Fanconi's syndrome). This article alerts the veterinarian to commonly observed congenital and hereditary conditions of the kidneys in small animals.  相似文献   

Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) is an inherited disorder of humans, mice, horses, and dogs, in which affected individuals are incapable of generating antigen-specific immune responses. It occurs when lymphocyte precursors fail to differentiate into mature lymphocytes because of mutations within recombinase-activating genes 1 and 2 or within the genes encoding deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK). It also occurs when differentiated lymphocytes are incapable of completing signal transduction pathways because of defects in cell surface receptors for interleukins (IL). A spontaneous mutation in DNA-PKcs of BALB/c mice results in SCID, as do experimentally induced mutations in RAG1 and RAG2. SCID in horses results from a spontaneous mutation in DNA-PKcs. Two molecular mechanisms account for SCID in dogs. Jack Russell Terriers have a mutation within the DNA-PKcs gene, whereas Cardigan Welsh Corgi and Basset Hound have different defects in the gene encoding the gamma chain that is common to the receptors for IL-2, -4, -7, -9, -15, and -21. The location of the mutation within target genes influences the spectrum of diseases observed in affected animals.  相似文献   

Theileriosis is an economically important haemoprotozoal disease with high morbidity and mortality in cattle. Buparvaquone is very effective in the treatment of Theileria infections in cattle. The present study reported an outbreak of bovine tropical theileriosis in Fars Province, southern Iran with buparvaquone treatment failure associated with mutations in drug-binding sites of its causative agent. The infected animals (n=8) exhibited poor condition, fever, anemia, rough coat and superficial lymph node enlargement. Both blood smears and lymph nodes punctures were positive and further molecular examination revealed that these animals were infected with Theileria annulata. Death occurred in seven of the eight infected animals in spite of the buparvaquone treatment. At molecular study, two types of important single-base mutations were observed in the cytochrome b gene of the parasite. These changes resulted in amino acid mutations in the parasite cytochrome b from serine (AGT) 109 to glycine (GGT) for the six dead cases and proline (CCT) 233 to serine (TCT) for one dead case within strongly Q(o) drug-binding sites. In contrast, neither of these mutations was found in the parasite cytochrome b for the buvarvaquone-treated animal. It seems that these mutation sites are associated with resistance to buparvaquone, a hydroxynaphthoquinone compound.  相似文献   

Background: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common heart disease in cats. Causative mutations have been identified in the Maine Coon (MC) and Ragdoll breed in the cardiac myosin binding protein C gene (MYBPC3). HCM is thought to be inherited in other breeds.
Hypothesis: That a causative mutation for HCM in the British Shorthair (BSH), Norwegian Forest (NWF), Siberian, Sphynx, or MC cats would be identified in the exonic and splice site regions of 1 of 8 genes associated with human familial HCM.
Animals: Three affected BSH, NWF, Siberians, Sphynx, 2 MC (without the known MC mutation), and 2 Domestic Shorthair cats (controls) were studied.
Methods: Prospective, observational study. Exonic and splice site regions of the genes encoding the proteins cardiac troponin I, troponin T, MYBPC3, cardiac essential myosin light chain, cardiac regulatory myosin light chain, α tropomyosin, actin, and β–myosin heavy chain were sequenced. Sequences were compared for nucleotide changes between affected cats, the published DNA sequences, and control cats. Changes were considered to be causative for HCM if they involved a conserved amino acid and changed the amino acid to a different polarity, acid-base status, or structure.
Results: A causative mutation for HCM was not identified, although several single nucleotide polymorphisms were detected.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Mutations within these cardiac genes do not appear to be the only cause of HCM in these breeds. Evaluation of additional cardiac genes is warranted to identify additional molecular causes of this feline cardiac disease.  相似文献   

马属动物属季节性单胎动物,从母马或母驴出现发情表现到排卵,持续3~13 d不等,该生理特征极大地影响其繁殖效率。hCG作为LH类似物不会受性激素反馈调节机制的制约,广泛应用于马属动物卵泡发育和排卵。从性激素在哺乳动物卵泡发育过程中的作用、马属动物主卵泡波与LH诱导的优势卵泡排卵、外源性激素对马属动物卵泡发育的影响、hCG的结构与功能、hCG在延长母马黄体期的应用和hCG在马属动物超数排卵中的应用6个方面内容阐述hCG促进马属动物排卵的研究进展。  相似文献   

Leptospirosis in horses is often associated with reproductive disorders. In the southern states of Brazil, horses are used for various jobs and cultural practices; nevertheless, serological surveillance for Leptospira is rare. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of Leptospira spp. in horses in southern Brazil, as well as to identify the risk factors for infection and its impacts on reproduction. We performed microscopic agglutination tests for 12 serovars that corresponding 9 serogroup (Sejroe, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Australis, Pyrogenes, Pomona, Canicola, Grippotyphosa, Tarassovi and Ballum) in 595 samples from 60 herds. A brief history was obtained to analyze risk factors for reproductive disorders. A total of 45.9% of the tested horses were seropositive, of which the most frequent serogroups were Icterohaemorrhagiae (Icterohaemorrhagiae and Copenhageni serovars) and Ballum (Ballum serovar). Simple infections were found in 45.4% of seropositive animals, while mixed infections occurred in 54.6% of horses. There was a correlation between seropositivity and age and sex, that is, seropositivity was more frequent in animals over 6 years old and in females. There was no correlation between seropositivity and reproductive disorders. We conclude that there is a high seroprevalence of Leptospira spp. in southern Brazil with predominance of Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup, mainly in older animals. Location, breeds, contact with dogs or other domestic animals are not risk factors, whereas gender is a risk factor. Reproductive disorders are not due to leptospirosis in the study region.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing revolution in medicine that is changing the way that veterinarians will be counselling clients regarding inherited disorders. Clinical applications will emerge rapidly in veterinary medicine as we obtain new information from canine and comparative genome projects ( Meyers‐Wallen 2001 : Relevance of the canine genome project to veterinary medical practice. International Veterinary Information Service, New York). The canine genome project is described by three events: mapping markers on canine chromosomes, mapping gene locations on canine chromosomes ( Breen et al. 2001 : Genome Res. 11, 1784–1795), and obtaining the nucleotide sequence of the entire canine genome. Information from such research has provided a few DNA tests for single gene mutations [ Aguirre 2000 : DNA testing for inherited canine diseases. In: Bonagura, J (ed), Current Veterinary Therapy XIII. Philadelphia WB Saunders Co, 909–913]. Eventually it will lead to testing of thousands of genes at a time and production of DNA profiles on individual animals. The DNA profile of each dog could be screened for all known genetic disease and will be useful in counselling breeders. As part of the pre‐breeding examination, DNA profiles of prospective parents could be compared, and the probability of offspring being affected with genetic disorders or inheriting desirable traits could be calculated. Once we can examine thousands of genes of individuals easily, we have powerful tools to reduce the frequency of, or eliminate, deleterious genes from a population. When we understand polygenic inheritance, we can potentially eliminate whole groups of deleterious genes from populations. The effect of such selection on a widespread basis within a breed could rapidly improve health within a few generations. However, until we have enough information on gene interaction, we will not know whether some of these genes have other functions that we wish to retain. And, other population effects should not be ignored. At least initially it may be best to use this new genetic information to avoid mating combinations that we know will produce affected animals, rather than to eliminate whole groups of genes from a population. This is particularly important for breeds with small gene pools, where it is difficult to maintain genetic diversity. Finally, we will eventually have enough information about canine gene function to select for specific genes encoding desirable traits and increase their frequencies in a population. This is similar to breeding practices that have been applied to animals for hundreds of years. The difference is that we will have a large pool of objective data that we can use rapidly on many individuals at a time. This has great potential to improve the health of the dog population as a whole. However, if we or our breeder clients make an error, we can inadvertently cause harm through massive, rapid selection. Therefore, we should probably not be advising clients on polygenic traits or recommend large scale changes in gene frequencies in populations until much more knowledge of gene interaction is obtained. By then it is likely that computer modelling will be available to predict the effect of changing one or several gene frequencies in a dog population over time. And as new mutations are likely to arise in the future, these tools will be needed indefinitely to detect, treat and eliminate genetic disorders from dog populations. Information available from genetic research will only be useful in improving canine health if veterinarians have the knowledge and skills to use it ethically and responsibly. There is not only a great potential to improve overall canine health through genetic selection, but also the potential to do harm if we fail to maintain genetic diversity. Our profession must be in a position to correctly advise clients on the application of this information to individual dogs as well as to populations of dogs, and particularly purebred dogs.  相似文献   

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