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通过对佛坪保护区周边社区扶贫工作现状的调查研究,结合佛坪保护区长期的社区共管工作经验,针对目前的脱贫攻坚工作的现状,提出了推进扶贫工作的措施设想,阐述了贫困的客观存在性,提出了脱贫动力、脱贫民主监督、精英领军人物及储备等观点,并对现行的扶持措施进行了重点探讨,期望对本地区及环境条件相近地区的扶贫脱贫工作具有参考借鉴作用。  相似文献   

自然保护区周边社区对保护区发展有着巨大的影响。通过对广东连山笔架山省级自然保护区及周边社区社会经济状况的调查研究,针对当地的经济发展与生物多样性保护存在的突出矛盾,提出实施社区共管、合理生态补偿、加大宣传教育、发展特色经济和改变生活能源模式等5项建议,促进社区与保护区共同发展。  相似文献   

自然保护区开展社区共管效果好   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 社区共管工作的目的意义社区共管是组织群众共同参与自然保护区管理方案的决策、实施和评估的过程。这是我省实施GEF项目开展生物多样性保护以来,引进国外的一种新思想、新方法。  长期以来,自然保护区生物多样性保护受到保护区内和周边社区生产、生活的威胁,过去我们仅依靠行政命令和法律法规等手段保护自然资源,这远不能适应保护管理工作需要,使保护区与社区的矛盾日益加剧。为了寻求解决矛盾冲突的有效途径,我省5个自然保护区,受到全球环境基金(GEF)资助,开展了生物多样性保护,其中在佛坪、太白、周至3个保护区…  相似文献   

采用参与式评估(PRA)和生态保护知识KAP研究方法,对佛坪自然保护区周边社区社会经济状况和居民的野生动物保护意识进行调查。结果表明:保护区周边社区经济结构单一,对自然资源依赖性高;社区居民文化水平较低,自然保护知识匮乏,野生动物保护意识不强,不良传统习俗和生活习惯等是威胁保护区野生动物保护的主要因子。  相似文献   

阿姆山自然保护区社区共管情况调查分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
阿姆山自然保护区生物多样性极其丰富。采用参与式农村评估方法,对保护区社区共管进行了调查,分析周边社区对保护区构成的威胁,阐述保护区开展社区共管实践中取得的成效,从社区共管机制化、引进资金和技术、提供激励机制、加强自身发展能力等几方面对进一步开展社区共管的措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

曼稿自然保护区社区土地利用方式对资源保护的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用实地调查和3S技术相结合的方法,对曼稿保护区社区土地利用方式进行了调查、统计和分析,得出了曼稿自然保护区社区土地利用状况及利用方式的数据.分析其对保护区内自然资源的影响,提出替代种植、固定生产用地、营造防火隔离带、建立社区共管机制、利用新技术新设备、加强巡护等加强社区生产用地管理的建议.  相似文献   

我国自然保护区大多分布在经济水平相对较落后、自然资源相对丰富的地方,自然保护区与社区的关系问题一直是人们密切关注的问题。应用问卷调查、实地访问和资料调查的方法对河北大海陀自然保护区内及周边社区进行了调查和分析,从社区的经济状况、社区居民对保护区的态度以及参与管理情况方面分析了自然保护区与社区的关系。结果认为,相关社区居民经济收入水平低,收入来源以农牧业为主,保护区内居民收入还略低于保护区外;有约1/3居民参与过保护区相关工作,但都是简单的工作;社区居民希望加强社区共管工作。  相似文献   

指出了云南轿子山国家级自然保护区位于禄劝县和东川区,保护区内动植物资源多样性丰富,动植物资源稀有性、典型性明显,但也很脆弱一旦破坏极难恢复,因保护区这些特点对保护区动植物资源保护有更高的要求。保护区周边居民位于比较偏远的乡镇,交通不发达离乡镇和县城距离较远,地处山区土壤贫瘠,畜牧业成为社区主要经济来源,畜牧业多采用传统野外放养,使得高山草甸退化严重。保护区内药材、野生菌等生物资源丰富,是社区群众的重要经济来源,群众对这些生物资源采挖,在一定程度上破坏了保护区内的生物多样性。保护区资源的保护和社区经济发展的矛盾日益严重,因此通过参观考察学习其他保护区社区共建共管的先进做法和取得的成效,结合云南轿子山国家级自然保护区的实际,在保护区选择有代表性的村委会建立社区共建共管示范点,在示范点选择有威望、对林业保护事业比较积极的村民及保护区管护局负责社区发展人员成立共建共管委员会,在示范点通过宣传教育相关技能培训、发展新能源替代、产业扶持、建立保护区生态补偿机制、改变传统养殖方式等模式,提高社区居民收入。通过社区共建共管模式达到了保护区的保护和社区经济和谐发展,在提高周边居民生活水平的同时,也让保护区周边居民能主动保护自然保护区的资源。  相似文献   

正1社区共管工作机制结合两河源保护区的实际情况,保护区的共管形式采取建立共管组织、成立共管委员会、通过社区发展项目、设立社区发展基金等方式构建相对稳定的社区共管体系。1.1社区共管组织框架两河源保护区面积大、范围广,地跨2个县。为了便于管理,共管体系设三个层级,即县级层面、乡镇级层面、村级层面,相对应地建立了阿勒泰地区项目协调领导小组,富蕴、青河2个县的共管委员会,以及  相似文献   

指出了云南轿子山国家级自然保护区位于云南省昆明市北部,其在整个云南昆明地区是极具特色和代表性的,保护区内社区居民的生产生活对保护区的管护造成了一定的压力。要通过实施共同社区管理和支持社区发展,努力减弱社区发展对保护区生物多样性保护构成的根本不利因素,从而减少对保护区的生物多样性产生的不利影响等。针对此问题,提出了完善社区共管机制,增强社区群众环境保护意识,做好社区发展规划,提高社区农民收入,建立健全社区发展建设机制,实施产业结构调整,发展生态型产业等有关社区共管的建议。  相似文献   

《Forest Policy and Economics》2008,10(7-8):435-443
This study evaluated the role of rural communities in the conservation of natural resources in South Africa. South Africa has sufficient legal instruments that promote interactive participation of rural people in the management of natural resources. These national laws operate within the policy frameworks provided by the multilateral environmental conventions and protocols to which South Africa is signatory. However, these legal commitments to participatory management of natural resources are not matched by the practice on the ground by South African conservationists. Grassroots conservation officials who are responsible for administering participatory processes primarily focus their attention on the establishment of participatory natural resources management forums. However, these forums typically die out, as they fail to meet local people's expectations. Lack of capacity, experience and innovation underlie the absence of institutional culture for effective integration of rural people's needs into the management of protected natural resources. Strategic recommendations are provided to overcome these inadequacies identified in the implementation of participatory management of natural resources in South Africa.  相似文献   


This compilation of papers explores various aspects related to community-based natural resource management in a comparative analysis of two communities located in different regions of Oaxaca, Mexico: the Chimalapas and the Sierra Norte. The contrasting histories, cultures, and forest ecosystems in the two communities have led to diverse approaches to managing their natural resources. Our analysis highlights the existence of underlying principles driving participatory management approaches, as well as the importance of adapting these approaches to site-specific local conditions. One theme addressed in these papers is the development of appropriate silvicultural techniques that incorporate both the local peoples' needs and experiences with the ecological characteristics of the forest ecosystem. Other land use activities are then discussed that affect management decisions in the regions such as cattle ranching and the collection of medicinal plants within the context of managing for sustainable forest and human ecosystems in the two regions. Finally, the role of community organization and the formation of partnerships with external institutions in strengthening local management and conservation initiatives are also considered. Together, these papers provide a commentary on the potentials and constraints of emerging participatory approaches to managing high priority conservation areas, and which are providing new alternatives where previous models have often failed.  相似文献   


The Condor Bioreserve (CBR) project seeks to promote community-based and participatory forms of conservation at four protected areas in Ecuador. This chapter provides a review of the academic and practitioner literature on participatory conservation, and explores the kinds of participation which occur in the CBR. Three assertions are central to the paper. First, the ways communities are represented by project documents and project planners condition the outcomes of participatory projects. Second, the intense focus of participatory approaches on the community level diverts attention from political and economic realities which constrain the ability of community members to actively conserve natural resources. And third, the chronological point at which communities and local people become involved in decision processes affects the kinds of participation in conservation projects; because problem definition is a key moment in which various participants establish basic assumptions about the nature of problems, the exclusion of local communities from the initial phases of program planning conditions the ways in which communities are likely to participate in conservation efforts. The paper addresses these issues by looking at the cases of management planning activities, the water fund (FONAG), extension efforts in the Sinangoé community, and the Local Participation in the Management of Protected Areas (PALOMAP) external review of participation in the CBR initiative.  相似文献   

浅谈参与式发展理论在自然保护中的运用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
我国自然保护事业虽然取得了飞速发展,但是也面临着来自“保护与发展”的矛盾和冲突。为了探索自然保护区与周边社区共同发展的途径。引进了参与式发展理论。文章探析了参与式发展理论的内涵及其该理论在自然保护区规划和设计、自然保护区管理和保护补偿等具体操作中的运用以及相关的外部保障和支持系统。  相似文献   


Protected area systems (PAs) have the potential to conserve natural resources and provide social and economic benefits to local communities. Establishing and maintaining good governance and associated mechanisms is necessary for adaptive management of PAs. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed the relationships between various stakeholders and the effectiveness of PA governance of Mt. Marsabit forest ecosystem in Kenya. We used social network analysis (SNA) to assess the interactions between actors, and factor analysis to analyze the effectiveness of governance criteria. Governance of Mt. Marsabit forest ecosystem was complex with a multiplicity of stakeholders from diverse interests. Governance was moderately effective (61%) with positive indicators including the regulatory framework, delineation of areas under conservation, and reduction in poaching. The low level of interactions and associations among stakeholders suggest a weakness in the networks that may negatively affect the flow of information and other resources. This weakness was attributed to a lack of institutionalization of the links leading to poor coordination of processes. Local communities were inadequately represented in the governance of this PA despite being important actors. Our study finds that local ownership and strong linkages between actors are important ingredients for effective governance of PAs.  相似文献   

In the contemporary Amazon, ‘discourse’ is increasingly a new means of exercising power, influencing local society and the ways in which natural resources are managed. As society becomes ever more complex, direct means of exercising power no longer enjoy the same legitimacy and efficacy. Discourses are instead now assuming a dominant role in defining governance regimes; the sense of what is correct and socially acceptable, and what is not. This is particularly relevant for the rapidly advancing development frontiers in the Amazon region, where local communities are coming into contact with external players highly interested in their forest resources. This study focuses on understanding how external discourses can restrict the Amazonian communities' options for using their forests, but also how communities can harness these discourses to achieve their own claims and objectives. Empirical evidence from four study areas in the Bolivian, Brazilian and Peruvian Amazon regions is used to show how discourses on sustainable forest management are moulding forestry governance. The conclusion shows that while the discourses used by loggers and development organisations are strongly influencing the way communities manage their forests, some communities are also successfully using these discourses in alliances with environmental organisations to achieve acknowledgment of their demands.  相似文献   

陈羞莎  赖庆奎 《绿色科技》2013,(10):162-164,166
根据收集的国内外社区参与环境治理相关资料为研究基础,对普者黑某村落环境进行了实地调查。运用参与式调查方法,在村民的参与下进行了个体访谈、半结构访谈、村民代表大会、参与式观察等调查形式收集资料,从问题产生的角度出发提出了高效可行的解决方案。把村民参与的治理方案与专家设计的可研方案进行对比,得出了最佳的适合当地实际情况的村落环境综合治理方案。  相似文献   

从关注喀斯特石漠化生态环境恢复重建到关注石漠化农村社区发展是喀斯特石漠化综合防治领域的重大创新和突破;石漠化综合防治可持续性的核心在于满足当地社区具体需求并促进环境、社区及人的综合发展。基于“十一五”国家科技支撑计划课题“喀斯特高原退化生态系统综合整治技术与模式”的研究实践,对贵州花江示范区的参与式社区发展规划与生态重建技术模式进行研究总结,以期提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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