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The presence of acid rain in the remote Amazon rainforest of southwestern Venezuela suggests the possibility of long-range transport of industrial pollutants to that region. Heavy metal concentrations were analyzed in samples of bryophytes and epiphyllous organisms growing on leaves and on bark in this forest. Concentrations of Cd, Pb, Ni, and Cr were higher in leaves with epiphylls than in leaves without epiphylls. All heavy metal concentrations in bryophytes from the Amazon basin site were lower than in bryophytes from temperature zones. The results indicate that long-range transport of air pollutants from industrial centers to the remote Amazon basin is occurring at only extremely low rates. Heavy metal concentrations in bryophytes and epiphylls at this site may still be considered close to present day background levels.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted on the concentrations of Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg, Cd, and Fe in 48 samples of the pink shrimp Penaeus notialis caught off the mouth of the Korle Lagoon, the most polluted coastal lagoon in Ghana. The pattern of occurence in order of decreasing concentration was Zn> Fe> Cu> Pb> Hg> Cd. A positive correlation was found between Hg and body weight suggesting its accumulation by shrimp. Comparatively, the concentrations obtained in the present study were similar to corresponding values for shrimp caught off the coast of West and Central Africa. However, they, except Hg, were higher than values for fin fishes from the Ghanaian coast. Results indicate that the shrimp are safe for human consumption.  相似文献   

Trace metal concentrations were measured in the tissues of fish, molluscs, crustaceans and macrophytes from St. Vincent Gulf, South Australia. The concentrations of the measured metals (Cd < 0.025 to 2.1 μg g?1; Cu 0.51 to 9l μg g?1 5 Pb 0.02 to 3.6 ?g g?1; Zn l5 to 110 μg g?1)are similar to those from unpolluted areas and thus give no indication of pollution.  相似文献   

PCBs and organochlorine pesticides were determined in water, sediment and zooplankton of two Himalayan lakes, located at different altitudes and connected to each other in such a way that Superior Lake acts as a sedimentation basin for Inferior Lake. Surficial sediments of both lakes show PCB contamination comparable to lakes of industrialised areas. Biota appear to be the main machanism responsible for micropollutant burial in the sediments of Inferior Lake, whereas inorganic particles are more relevant in Superior Lake. Physical and chemical properties of individual chemicals, particularly Henry's law constant and Kow values, seem to regulate distribution in different environmental compartments.  相似文献   

The carbon sequestration potential of soils plays an important role in mitigating the effect of climate change, because soils serve as sinks for atmospheric carbon. The present study was conducted to estimate the carbon stocks and their variation with altitudinal gradient in the Lesser Himalayan foothills of Kashmir. The carbon stocks were estimated in different land use categories, namely: closed canopy forests, open forests, disturbed forests, and agricultural lands within the altitudinal range from 900 to 2500 m. The soil carbon content was determined by the Walkley–Black titration method. The average soil carbon stock was found to be 2.59 kg m–2. The average soil carbon stocks in closed canopy forests, open forests, and disturbed forests were 3.39, 2.06, and 2.86 kg m–2, respectively. The average soil carbon stock in the agricultural soils was 2.03 kg m–2. The carbon stocks showed a significant decreasing trend with the altitudinal gradient with maximum values of 4.13 kg m–2 at 900–1200 m a.s.l. and minimum value of 1.55 kg m–2 at 2100–2400 m a.s.l. The agricultural soil showed the least carbon content values indicating negative impacts of soil plowing, overgrazing, and soil degradation. Lower carbon values at higher altitudes attest to the immature character of forest stands, as well as to degradation due to immense fuel wood extraction, timber extraction, and harsh climatic conditions. The study indicates that immediate attention is required for the conservation of rapidly declining carbon stocks in agricultural soils, as well as in the soils of higher altitudes.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Hg, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Fe, Mn, Cr and As were measured in groundwaters from the Upper West and Upper East Regions and the Accra Plains of Ghana. Apart from Fe, the trace metal levels for the two Upper Regions were similar. Samples from the Accra Plains had the highest trace metal concentration. However, Hg and As were undetected in all the samples. While the mean Cd, Mn and Cu concentrations for all the 3 study areas fell below the WHO limit, values for Pb and Cr exceeded the WHO limits for drinking water. Iron exceeded the limits in the Upper West Region and the Accra Plains. Overall, the most abundant elements in groundwaters were Zn, Fe and Cr.  相似文献   

A baseline ecosystem study was undertaken in a relatively non-industrialized New England river to determine trace metal levels of Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations in water column, sediment, fish, mollusks and aquatic macrophytes. Additional analyses were completed on fish and mollusks for Hg. Results showed metal concentrations in the study area were in general agreement with literature values. Both mollusks and aquatic macrophytes exhibited the highest levels of accumulated metals.  相似文献   


Alpine areas in north-western Italy are subject to high deposition of atmospheric pollutants. Chemical investigations on high-altitude lakes indicate that most of them are recovering from acidification; however, they are still affected by the deposition of pollutants from the atmosphere, especially of heavy metals. This study compares the concentrations of heavy metals in alpine lake waters with those found in atmospheric depositions, to identify the possible contribution of deposition inputs to surface water ecosystems. The results were analysed by multivariate statistical techniques to identify the main emission sources of the various metals. Levels of trace metals in alpine lakes are generally low, and bedrock and surficial geology proved to be a major factor controlling metal concentrations in lake water. In fact, terrigenous elements show a wide range of concentrations while metals of anthropogenic origin, such as lead and cadmium, are often below the detection limits of the method; chrome and nickel are also present in very low concentrations. The median values of heavy metals in Italian alpine lakes are similar to those found in other lake surveys performed in remote areas, especially as regards metals of anthropogenic origin. The Visual MINTEQ model was applied to long-term chemical data of selected alpine lakes, to calculate aluminium speciation and to simulate its change in response to gradual modifications in a unit of pH. The ultimate aim of the modelling was to evaluate the possible threat to aquatic organisms of these highly toxic compounds.



The concentrations of the more‐or‐less strongly retained trace elements present in the root zone of some northern Nigerian soils were determined. The soils were chosen to represent some of the more extensively distributed soil orders under cultivation in the Nigerian savanna zone. Extraction by concentrated HNO3 was used to determine the so‐called “total”; amount of retained Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cd, and B in the soils. Aqueous solutions of the chelating agents, EDTA and DTPA, were used to extract the more weakly retained Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, and Cd; whereas, hot water was used to extract the weakly retained B. The “total”; and the more‐weakly‐retained contents of these trace elements were significantly correlated with the amount of clay, silt, and the oxalate‐extractable oxyhydroxides present in the soils; whereas, only the weakly retained elements were significantly correlated with the content of organic matter in the soil. Both the “total”; concentrations and weakly‐retained Cu, Zn, and B were so low that deficiency problems may develop in these sandy soils if cultivated more intensively on a commercial scale without due precautions. The concentrations of the weakly‐retained toxic elements, Pb, Ni, and Cd, were low indicating that industrial pollution has not yet occurred.  相似文献   

The concentrations of vanadium (V), chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), arsenic (As), selenium (Se), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) in precipitation and on airborne particles were measured at three Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN) monitoring stations on Lakes Superior, Michigan and Erie during 1993 and 1994. These data were used to estimate annual wet and dry deposition fluxes at these sites. In most cases, both wet and dry deposition make an important contribution to the total atmospheric flux of trace metals. Total (wet + dry) annual loadings of Zn and Cr are higher at the Lake Erie site than at the Lake Michigan and Lake Superior sites. Atmospheric loadings of the other metals are similar at all three sites. Wet deposition of metals is more closely related to precipitation amount than to the concentration of metals in the precipitation. Dry deposition fluxes are controlled by the concentration of trace metals on large particles. Total particle mass concentrations are higher during the summer and fall at the Lake Erie site, however no seasonal trends in total particle mass at the other sites or trace metals at any of the sites were detected. The total atmospheric loadings calculated in this work are in agreement with other estimates of metals deposition to the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Lakes within 20 km of Sudbury, Ontario, have significantly higher Cd concentrations in surface waters (geometric mean 122 ng L?1; n = 7) than lakes elsewhere in central Ontario (10.8 ng L?1; n = 57). Cadmium concentrations in water from lakes beyond the Sudbury halo were negatively correlated (r = 0.797; p < 0.001) with pH. A weak correlation between fluoride and Cd concentrations leads to speculation that some Cd may be mobilized from watersheds with Al. Cadmium concentrations in littoral sediments are not elevated near Sudbury. The geometric mean Cd concentration of littoral sediments in central Ontario lakes is 0.08 mg Cd kg?1 dry mass (n = 75). Cadmium concentrations in littoral sediments are strongly correlated with sediment loss on ignition (r = 0.860; p < 0.001). After correction for differences in organic content, littoral sediments are less enriched with Cd than profundal sediments, as reported in the literature. The difference between littoral and profundal sediments, and the sensitivity of Cd concentrations in water to pH, may be due to the importance of Cd binding by Fe/Mn hydrous oxides in the profundal zone, while organic matter binds Cd in the littoral zone. The lack of sensitivity of Cd concentrations in littoral sediments to acidification may be due to the incorporation of much of the Cd in those sediments into organic particulates.  相似文献   

The cement industry has been one of the major sources of air pollution in the past and the Turkish Air Quality Protection Regulation has issued limits also to trace elementemissions to minimise the polluting effects of this industrialsector. In the present study, dust samples were obtained isokinetically from 18 main stacks of 10 cement plants locatedin different geographical areas of Turkey. The samples were analysed for trace elements Hg, Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni, Se, Te, TI, V, Sb, Ba, Zn, Co, Sr, Cu, Bi, Mo, Be, and As. The results are presented both as concentration in the dust samples as well as emissions per unit production, and concentration inthe stack gas. The trace element emissions of the main stacksagree to great extent with the values given in the literature. On the other hand, the trace element emissions of the plants considered are well below the limits set in the Turkish Air Quality Protection Regulation.  相似文献   


The relation between Mo concentration of several tropical pasture legumes and their growth response to Mo application has been compared. Lotononis had the greatest ability to take up Mo and its growth was least responsive to Mo application. There were no consistent differences between Mo concentrations in Siratro, desmodium and glycine, even though their growth responses differed.

The concentrations of Mo in plant shoots required for maximum growth were about 0.02 ppm or less for all species. By contrast, critical Mo concentrations in shoots of temperate pasture legumes usually exceed 0.1 ppm.

When Mo was annually applied to soil on which no growth response to Mo occured, Mo concentrations in the shoots of plants reached levels that could be toxic to cattle.  相似文献   

Trace metals such as Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd and Fe were determined in sewage sludge produced at a sewage treatment plant in Bahrain (Tubli) and soils. The soils, both untreated and treated with the sludge, are used for agricultural purposes in Bahrain. The Trace-metals level showed the following range (μg g?1 dry weight); Pb, 242 to 609; Zn, 704 to 836, Cu, 329 to 512; Ni, 23 to 41; Cd, 1.8 to 3.9 and Fe, 1867 to 4284. The data show the degree to which untreated soils have already been contaminated with trace elements. The level of trace-elements found in sludge showed the following range (μg g?1 dry weight); Pb, 140 to 186; Zn, 597 to 836; Cu, 348 to 449; Ni, 47 to 53; Cd 5.7 to 9.2 and Fe, 5950 to 8520. Mean levels were generally close or lower than mean concentration reported in the United Kingdom and the United States for sludge. They were also lower than the suggested concentration limits for application of sludge on agricultural land, which is one of the most cost effective and attractive techniques for sludge disposal. Soils treated with this sludge (after 1 yr) were also analyzed and showed substantial enhancement of the available level of trace elements in the soil. This eventually will lead to an increase in the trace-element level in plants grown for human or animal consumption. This could have phytotoxic effects, and the possibility of toxic effects on live-stocks and human beings.  相似文献   

Based on a review of the literature on metal effects on forest soil invertebrates 100 to 200 mg Pb, < 100 mg Cu, < 500 mg Zn and 10 to 50 mg Cd kg?1 soil or litter are suggested as maximum allowable metal concentrations that will cause no adverse effects. These critical levels, emphasizing effects on abundance, diversity and life history parameters, are considered conservative and tentative, since few of the surveys they rely on were designed for critical level assessment; especially with respect to long-term consequences on decomposition and nutrient regeneration. The variation between animal species and individuals in susceptibility to metals due to differences in uptake, storage and tolerance are addressed.  相似文献   

Improvements in the field sampling, preservation, and determination of trace metals in natural waters have made many analyses more reliable and less affected by contamination. The speciation of trace metals, however, remains controversial. Chemical model speciation calculations do not necessarily agree with voltammetric, ion exchange, potentiometric, or other analytical speciation techniques. When metal-organic complexes are important, model calculations are not usually helpful and on-site analytical separations are essential. Many analytical speciation techniques have serious interferences and only work well for a limited subset of water types and compositions. A combined approach to the evaluation of speciation could greatly reduce these uncertainties. The approach proposed would be to (1) compare and contrast different analytical techniques with each other and with computed speciation, (2) compare computed trace metal speciation with reliable measurements of solubility, potentiometry, and mean activity coefficients, and (3) compare different model calculations with each other for the same set of water analyses, especially where supplementary data on speciation already exist. A comparison and critique of analytical with chemical model speciation for a range of water samples would delineate the useful range and limitations of these different approaches to speciation. Both model calculations and analytical determinations have useful and different constraints on the range of possible speciation such that they can provide much better insight into speciation when used together. Major discrepancies in the thermodynamic databases of speciation models can be evaluated with the aid of analytical speciation, and when the thermodynamic models are highly consistent and reliable, the sources of error in the analytical speciation can be evaluated. Major thermodynamic discrepancies also can be evaluated by simulating solubility and activity coefficient data and testing various chemical models for their range of applicability. Until a comparative approach such as this is taken, trace metal speciation will remain highly uncertain and controversial.  相似文献   

Tomato packinghouse wastewater is often applied to land in Florida, but the sandy soils, low levels of organic matter, shallow groundwater and abundant rainfall present favourable conditions for leaching of wastewater‐borne trace metals. We investigated the leaching of copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) from a sandy siliceous, hyperthermic Oxyaquic Alorthods packed in two distinct soil horizons (Ap and A/E) in 12 polyvinyl chloride soil columns (30 cm internal diameter × 50 cm length). Thirty leaching events were conducted by daily applying tomato packinghouse wastewater at low (0.84 cm/day), medium (1.68 cm/day) and high (2.51 cm/day) rates for 30‐days period. Control treatment received de‐ionized water at the same application rate as the medium treatment (1.68 cm/day). Application of wastewater at three rates did not affect the mean concentrations of Cu in leachate (0.19–0.2 mg/L) because of retention of Cu in the soil profile. However, leachate Zn concentrations were twice as much (0.3–0.32 mg/L) following wastewater application than for the control (0.13 mg/L) treatment. Leaching losses of Cu and Zn were smaller with the medium wastewater treatment (similar to control treatment) than for the high wastewater treatment. Concentrations of Cu and Zn at the 50 cm soil depth were much less than the drinking water standards, suggesting a minimum risk of groundwater contamination under fields to which wastewater was applied. Our results imply that tomato packinghouse wastewater can be safely land‐applied at 1.68 cm/day to Florida’s Spodosols under vegetable production without concerns of significant trace metal leaching.  相似文献   

Surficial sediments (0 to 2 cm) from 189 sites in 52 Quebec and Ontario lakes were analyzed for Al, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn by atomic adsorption spectrometry after extraction in dilute aqua regia. Empirical models using sediment texture (water content), site morphometry (depth) and geology (categorical variables) as predictors explain 82 to 87% of the between-site and between lake variation in sediment concentrations of Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn, and 52 to 68% of the variation of Al, Co, Fe, and Mn. Over a broad geologic range, geologic variables are only significant in models predicting Co, Cr, and Ni. These three elements are low in concentration in lakes with catchments on the Grenville shield, while Cr and Ni are enriched in catchments containing ophiolite geology. These models explain both between-site and between-lake variation in sediment metal concentrations, and due to the lack of geologic influence on most metals, may be valid for other regions. The models appear promising as a means to identify point source contamination without assumptions about the relevant sediment fractions or inter-element relationships.  相似文献   

Concentrations of 29 elements were detected in the axial muscle, and 44 elements were detected in the gut contents of white suckers (Catostomus commersoni) and yellow perch (Perca favescens) from three lakes located in the New York State Adirondack Preserve. The study lakes were acidic Darts Lake, variable pH Lake Rondaxe, and circumneutral Moss Lake. For the majority of the elements, there were no clear differences in the muscle concentrations among fish inhabiting the three types of lakes. Two notable exceptions were Hg and Pb. With some exceptions, the highest muscle tissue Pb concentrations were found in fish from the acidic lake. For both species, the Hg was higher in the muscle than in the gut regardless of lake acidity. Other elements potentially toxic to humans (As, Cd, Ga, Pb, Se, and TI) were not accumulated in the muscle relative to the gut.  相似文献   

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