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Regional differences of water conservation in Beijing’s forest ecosystem   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The water conservation capacities of main forests in Beijing,China were estimated through the quantitative analysis.Various methods developed in published papers on forest hydrology were employed.The forests in Huairou,Yanqing,Miyun,Mentougou and Fangshan districts are the main contributors to water conservation(the cumulative ratio reaches 65%),and the forests in Tongzhou,Chaoyang,Shunyi and Daxing districts have the highest water conservation capacity(3000 m3/ha).Altitude and slope are the key factors to affect the water conservation capacity.The forests located in Plain Area,Hilly Area,Low Mountain,and Middle Mountain contributes 27%,28%,24% and 21% of the conserved water,respectively.The water conservation capacity of forests in Plain Area(2 948 m3/ha),is superior to the forests in other regions.And the forests situated on Flat Slope,Moderate Slope and Gentle Slope constitute the largest proportion(nearly 93%) of water conservation,while the forests on Flat Slope has the highest water conservation capacity(2 797 m3/ha),and the forest on Steep slope has the lowest water conservation capacity(948 m3/ha).  相似文献   

Although agriculture generates 16% of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, it also has the potential to sequester large quantities of emissions through land use management options such as agroforestry. Whilst there is an extensive amount of agroforestry literature, little has been written on the economic consequences of adopting silvopastoral systems in northern Australia. This paper reports the financial viability of adopting complementary agroforestry systems in the low rainfall region of northern Australia. The analysis incorporates the dynamic tradeoffs between tree and pasture growth, likely forest product yields, carbon sequestration and livestock methane emissions in a bioeconomic model. The results suggest there are financial benefits for landholders who integrate complementary agroforestry activities into existing grazing operations at even modest carbon prices.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of agroforestry in Africa from a gender perspective. It examines women’s participation relative to men and the challenges and successes they experience. Particular agroforestry practices examined include fodder production and utilization, soil fertility management, woodlots and indigenous fruit and vegetable production and processing. The review shows that agroforestry has the potential to offer substantial benefits to women; however, their participation is low in enterprises that are considered men’s domain, such as timber and high in enterprises that have little or no commercial value, such as collection of indigenous fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, the degree of women’s involvement relative to men in technologies such as soil fertility management, fodder production and woodlots is fairly high in terms of proportion of female-headed households participating but is low as measured by the area they allocate to these activities and the number of trees they plant. Data on whether women are able to manage agroforestry practices as well as men are mixed, although it is clear that women do most of the work. In cases where they do not perform well, the reasons are mostly due to scarcity of resources. In marketing, women are confined to the lower end of the value chain (retailing), which limits their control over and returns from the productive process. In order to promote gender equity in agroforestry and to ensure that women benefit fully, the paper recommends various policy, technological and institutional interventions. These include (1) facilitating women to form and strengthen associations, (2) assisting women to improve productivity and marketing of products considered to be in womens’ domain and (3) improving women’s access to information by training more women extension staff, holding separate meetings for women farmers, and ensuring that women are fully represented in all activities.  相似文献   

There is an increasing recognition of the contribution of forests to food security of poor and marginalized people. However, empirical findings remain limited on how forests contribute to food security. Drawing on four case studies of community forestry in Nepal, this paper discusses pathways through which forests are contributing to food security needs of local communities. The evidence presented here was gathered through 4 years of action research and draws insights from the past 40 years of Nepal’s community forestry practice, which is often regarded as a successful case of conservation and development. It is shown that there are four distinct pathways through which community forests contribute to food security as a source of: (1) income and employment; (2) inputs to increase food production; (3) directly for food; and (4) renewable energy for cooking. Despite emerging pathways linking forest management to food systems at the local level, forestry policies and institutions have neither explicitly recognized nor strengthened the linkage between forest and food security. The paper highlights that there is a need for a fundamental shift in thinking from the conventional notion of ‘forests for soil conservation’ to ‘sustainable forest management for food security’.  相似文献   

With the development for half a century in China, theproduction and utilization of forest products in Chinacannot be separated from the development ofeconomy and the civil life. Much greaterachievements have been made since China grantedaccess to WTO and became one of the biggestcountries in world trade in forest products from the1990s to nowadays. Along with the start of NaturalForest Protection Program at the time of crossingthe 21st century, importing more forest products willbe needed,…  相似文献   

The jujube tree (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.)/wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) agroforestry system is frequently used in China’s Xinjiang Province. The system improves land-use efficiency and increases economic returns. A field experiment was conducted at the Hetian oasis in southern Xinjiang Province to investigate the relationship between root distribution and interspecific interaction between the two intercropped species. The study included seven treatments: sole-cropped 5, 7, or 9-year-old jujube trees (treatments 1–3); 5, 7, or 9-year-old jujube trees intercropped with wheat (treatments 4–6); and sole-cropped wheat (treatment 7). To determine vertical root distribution, soil cores were collected in 20-cm increments from the 0 to 100-cm soil depth. The cores were collected at horizontal distances of 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 cm from the jujube rows. The results showed that the land equivalent ratios were >1 for the three jujube/wheat intercropping systems. This indicated that these systems were advantageous compared with sole cropping. Tree height, breast height diameter, and mean crown radius were less in the intercropped treatments than in the corresponding sole-cropped treatments. Intercropping reduced the root length densities (RLDs) and root diameters (RDs) of both jujube and wheat at all soil depths. The RLD and RD of 9-year-old jujube trees were greater than those of the 5- and 7-year-old trees, which indicated that the root systems of the 9-year-old trees were more developed. Wheat root growth was inhibited more by older jujube trees than by younger ones. In conclusion, jujube tree/wheat intercropping can be practical and beneficial in the region. However, the mechanisms involved in the belowground interspecific interactions are still unknown. Additional research is needed to provide optimal management strategies and technologies for jujube/wheat intercropping.  相似文献   

Off-axis tensile creep tests were conducted on woods taken from Japanese cypress and Kalopanax by changing the angle of load to the grain direction in the longitudinal–tangential (LT) plane. The dependence of the Poisson’s ratio and trend of the viscoelastic Poisson’s ratio on grain angle were investigated. The Poisson’s ratios were found to reach their extrema when the grain angle was around 30°. Moreover, the Poisson’s ratio in the LT plane was observed to be negative when the grain angle was in the range of 15°–45°. Comparing the experimental results with theoretical values obtained from the theory of orthotropic elasticity, it was revealed that, although the Poisson’s ratio reached an extremum in both cases, the specific values did not match, especially when the angle was between 15° and 45°. Furthermore, the temporal variation of the viscoelastic Poisson’s ratio was found to depend on the grain angle and the measurement plane. It also appeared to be affected by the Poisson’s ratio, showing an increasing tendency above a specific Poisson’s ratio (Japanese cypress: 0.196, Kalopanax: 0.102) and a decreasing tendency below it, regardless of the grain angle and measurement plane. Additionally, the increment in the viscoelastic Poisson’s ratio after 24 h of creep was observed to reach its extremum when the grain angle was around 30°. Finally, by improving the six-element Frandsen–Muszynski viscoelastic model, which simultaneously considers the longitudinal and transverse strains, an eight-element model was presented, and the trend of the viscoelastic Poisson’s ratio was well reproduced by this model.  相似文献   

To understand the viscoelasticity of wood three dimensionally, a longitudinal tensile creep test for 12 species was conducted to examine the changes with time in the lateral strain and the viscoelastic, i.e., apparent Poisson’s ratio. The changes in the lateral strain (ɛ T and ɛ R) were similar to those in the longitudinal strain (ɛ L). That is, during creep, the absolute value of lateral strain continued to increase with the gradual reduction in the increase rate; immediately after the removal of the load, it recovered abruptly; then, it recovered slowly and finally reached a certain value. The rate of increase in the longitudinal strain during creep was smaller than that in the absolute value of lateral strains. The apparent Poisson’s ratio became large during creep because the lateral strain increased more than the longitudinal strain. The analysis of lateral strain by decomposition into three components, that is, instantaneous strain, delayed elastic strain, and permanent strain, has revealed that the lateral permanent strain in the transverse direction contributes most to the increase in the apparent Poisson’s ratio during creep.  相似文献   

Fallow with Psiadia altissima is one of the most common post-‘slash and burn’ vegetation successions described in the evergreen forests of eastern Madagascar. Some fallows consist of almost pure stands of this species, of which the leaves produce an essential oil offering international commercial interest. The present research aims to evaluate the production potential of essential oil derived from different fallows rich in P. altissima. The study has revealed that fallows aged 4 and 6 years since the last crop abandonment produce the most essential oil (around 20 l ha−1), but relative to fallow duration, the youngest fallows (1- or 2-year-old) are the most productive, respectively producing 12 and 6 l ha−1 year−1. Additionally, the trees from the youngest fallows have a substantial capacity for regeneration from coppice shoots, on condition that the cut is performed well above the root collar. Although farmers earn five times less from harvesting leaves than from cultivating rice from tavy, the possibility is there for them to complement their income and diversify their production. The overall results show that sustainable exploitation of fallows of P. altissima is a conceivable option. However, this can only be achieved through an integrated approach that takes into account the environmental and social constraints associated with the development of this new activity.  相似文献   

Leaf area index (LAI) is an important parameter to identify the water balance in forested watershed as a biological factor influencing directly on the evapotranspiration in the forest area. The purpose of this study was to estimate the LAI in a small forested watershed in summer and winter by applying the Terra/Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data to the LAI estimation method. In this study, the estimation was based on the absorption and scattering processes of the solar radiation in the vegetation canopy and the spectral reflectance characteristics of soil vegetation. First, we estimated LAI based on Price’s model by application of ASTER data on the forested watershed located in the Tenzan Mountains of Saga, Japan. To validate the results of LAI estimation, secondly, we compared them to the measured LAI obtained by a plant canopy analyzer (LAI-2000) on the observation area inside the target region. This study showed that the LAI estimation method was a feasible and accurate method as indicated by the high relationship (r = 0.97) between LAI derived from ASTER data and LAI measured by LAI-2000. This paper is the first report on LAI estimation using Terra/ASTER data based on Price’s model and field investigation. This LAI estimation method is a reliable and applicable method.  相似文献   

The Great Xing’an Mountains boreal forests were focused on in the northeastern China.The simulated future climate scenarios of IPCC SRES A2a and B2a for both the baseline period of 1961-1990 and the future scenario periods were downscaled by the Delta Method and the Weather Generator to produce daily weather data.After the verification with local weather and fire data,the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System was used to assess the forest fire weather situation under climate change in the study region.An increasing trend of fire weather severity was found over the 21st century in the study region under the both future climate change scenarios,compared to the 1961-1990 baseline period.The annual mean/maximum fire weather index was predicted to rise continuously during 2010-2099,and by the end of the 21st century it is predicted to rise by 22%-52% across much of China’s boreal forest.The significant increases were predicted in the spring from of April to June and in the summer from July to August.In the summer,the fire weather index was predicted to be higher than the current index by as much as 148% by the end of the 21st century.Under the scenarios of SRES A2a and B2a,both the chance of extremely high fire danger occurrence and the number of days of extremely high fire danger occurrence was predicted to increase in the study region.It is anticipated that the number of extremely high fire danger days would increase from 44 days in 1980s to 53-75 days by the end of the 21st century.  相似文献   

The management of forests for multiple purposes coupled with a varying socioeconomic profile of forest users can result in attitudinal differences towards forest management. This study examines the attitudes of rural people in South Africa towards the management of tribal forests. Attitude towards forest management was analysed with respect to five forest management objectives: 1, forest management for rural livelihood resilience to climate change; 2, forest management for reduction and management of forest fire risk; 3, forest management for sustainable forest-based livelihood; 4, forest management for household socioeconomic wellbeing; and 5, forest management for community-based climate change adaptation initiative. A household questionnaire survey was used to elicit information from 155 rural households using the proportionate random sampling procedure. Chi-square test was used to analyse data from the household survey. Factorial analysis was used to analyse variance in attitude towards forest management. The results showed that rural people generally have positive attitudes toward the management of tribal forests. Factor analysis isolated 2 major factors that explained 61% variance in attitude. Based on the findings we conclude that centralising forest management around the four management objectives (1, 3, 4 & 5) are likely to promote inclusive forest-based development in the study communities.  相似文献   


? Context

Biomass expansion factors (BEFs, defined as the ratios of tree component biomass (branch, leaf, aboveground section, root, and whole) to stem biomass) are important parameters for quantifying forest biomass and carbon stock. However, little information is available about possible causes of the variability in BEFs at large scales.

? Aims

We examined whether and how BEFs vary with forest types, climate (mean annual temperature, MAT; mean annual precipitation, MAP), and stand development (stand age and size) at the national scale for China.

? Method

Using our compiled biomass dataset, we calculated values for BEFs and explored their relationships to forest types, climate, and stand development.

? Results

BEFs varied greatly across forest types and functional groups. They were significantly related to climate and stand development (especially tree height). However, the relationships between BEFs and MAT and MAP were generally different in deciduous forests and evergreen forests, and BEF–climate relationships were weaker in deciduous forests than in evergreen forests and pine forests.

? Conclusion

To reduce uncertainties induced by BEFs in estimates of forest biomass and carbon stock, values for BEFs should be applied for a specified forest, and BEF functions with influencing factors (e.g., tree height and climate) should be developed as predictor variables for the specified forest.  相似文献   

Journal of Pest Science - The development of an integrated rodent pest management strategy requires the adoption of protocols that should be based on a good knowledge of species–habitat...  相似文献   

We used the portfolio method to examine how a forest company can lower investment risk by producing a mix of timber products. We derived optimum combinations of pine (Pinus patula) saw timber production and eucalypt (Eucalyptus grandis) pulpwood production at landscape level. Our results indicate that producing a product mix rather than a single product improves aggregated financial returns and lowers investment risk over multiple rotation periods. The optimum mixture depended on past timber price correlations for pulpwood and sawn timber in South Africa between 1980 and 2011. This ideal mixture is comprised of areal ratios of about 45% saw timber and 55% pulpwood. Our example shows how economic risk of a forest investment can be reduced by creating a portfolio of a number of products. The risk that an investor has to accept for each monetary unit that is expected in return can be reduced by over 40% when comparing the risk–return combinations of a pure pine saw-timber stand with that of a portfolio of forest products. The risk associated with the production can be reduced by 20% when growing a portfolio of products rather than eucalypt pulpwood only.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze the level of dependency of rural households on forests, based on the economic status of the households and the property regimes of forests. The analysis of household-level dependency suggests that large numbers of rural households are benefiting regularly from their community forests. Out of three forest property regimes examined, community forests were found to be the most prominent sources for supplying forest products to local households. Analysis of the degree of forest-products dependency and the economic status of households shows that the low economic status households rely more on the community forest than the economically better-off households. In addition, a 2 analysis indicates that the economic status of households affects the degree of forest-product collection activities. The results show three types of property regime with respect to forest management in Chitwan. Each regime holds its own ownership rights, which control the harvesting of forest products and provides incentives to the local households.  相似文献   

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