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CASE HISTORY Three horses were presented with facial swelling and epiphora.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: All horses had facial swellings and radiographic findings consistent with exostosis at the lacrimomaxillary suture, and ipsilateral epiphora. Positive contrast dacryocystorhinography demonstrated that the site of obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct was located where the duct traverses the lacrimomaxillary suture.

DIAGNOSIS: Lacrimomaxillary suture exostosis.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Lacrimomaxillary suture exostosis should be considered as a differential diagnosis in cases of epiphora in horses. Dacryocystorhinography, preferably retrograde and normograde, may be used as an aid to diagnosis.  相似文献   

Disorders of the horizontal ramus (body) of the equine mandible are well reported, but there is minimal documentation of disorders of the angle of mandible. A retrospective examination of the records of Edinburgh University Equine Hospital (1997–2011) showed that 32 horses were referred due to swellings of the angle of the mandible. The aetiology of these swellings was identified in just 13/32 cases (41%) including fractures (n = 2), traumatic, localised periosteal/cortical lesions (n = 4), traumatic soft tissue lesions (n = 2), neoplasia (n = 3), and inflammation of the adjacent salivary gland (n = 1) and masseter muscle (n = 1).The remaining 19 (59%) cases without a definitive diagnosis showed two patterns of lesions. Twelve cases had localised periosteal/cortical lesions of the ventral aspect of the angle of mandible that were most likely traumatic in origin. The remaining seven undiagnosed cases without mandibular bony changes all had sinus tracts/chronic soft tissue infections on the medial aspect of the angle of the mandible which were believed to be caused by a draining retro-pharyngeal lesion in five cases. Surgical excision of abnormal soft tissues (if present) and bone curettage was the most successful treatment.It was concluded that the aetiology of swellings of the angle of the equine mandible are often obscure; most appear to be traumatic in origin, yet horses seldom develop gross fractures at this site due to the support of the dense surrounding musculo-tendinous structures. A smaller proportion are caused by draining retropharyngeal lesions that respond poorly to medical therapy, but respond well to surgical treatment.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: In 2008, six lambs within a flock of Dorpercross sheep were born with musculoskeletal and neurological disease. Clinical signs included hindlimb weakness, and urinary incontinence.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: All lambs had focal, inverted areas of alopecic skin over the caudal sacrum, and short, often kinked tails. Four affected lambs were subject to euthanasia, and necropsied. On gross examination, the arches of sacral vertebrae were absent, and spinal nerves and meninges were adherent to the overlying subcutis. Other gross lesions included narrow, elongated skulls, herniation of the occipital lobes into the caudal fossas, hydrocephalus, and syringomyelia. One lamb had coning of the cerebellar vermis, but cerebellar herniation through the foramen magnum was not identified.

DIAGNOSIS: Spina bifida, with associated malformations of the central nervous system.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Examination of breeding records suggested either an autosomal recessive or partially penetrant autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. Because of the associated tail lesions it is proposed that the pathogenesis of this syndrome involves a defect in development of the tail bud (secondary neurulation), that tethering of the spinal cord resulted in the clinical signs, and abnormal pressure of the cerebral spinal fluid resulted in the defects in the skull and brain.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop an arthroscopic approach to, and describe the arthroscopic anatomy of, the equine temporomandibular joint (TMJ). STUDY DESIGN: Cadaveric study, after which the technique was tested in horses. ANIMALS OR SAMPLE POPULATION: Ten cadaveric equine heads and 5 normal horses (age, 5-13 years; weight, 425-545 kg). METHODS: Specimens or horses were positioned in right lateral recumbency. After fluid distention of the TMJ, arthroscopic portals were made in the dorsal compartment over the most prominent portion of the joint outpouching (caudodorsal approach) and in rostral and intermediate locations. The joint was explored and photographed. Positional changes in the mandible were made to determine if observation of the joint could be improved. Instrument portals were created to assess the feasibility of surgical arthroscopy. Cadaveric heads were dissected to assess iatrogenic damage, whereas experimental horses were observed for postoperative complications for 30 days. RESULTS: A caudodorsal arthroscopic approach provided the best evaluation of the dorsal compartment of the TMJ. The approach allowed observation of the rostral and caudal synovial pouches and the lateral aspect of the joint including the articular disc. Examination of the medial aspect of the joint was limited to the most rostral and caudal aspects. Access to the lateral aspect of the ventral compartment of the TMJ was precluded by the position of the transverse facial artery and vein. In specimens, iatrogenic damage was minimal and limited to the articular fibrocartilage, articular disc, and penetration of the parotid salivary gland. If the latter also occurred in horses, no adverse effects were noted. In horses, mild fluid extravasation occurred and resolved within 1 day. All horses ate normally after surgery but had periarticular swelling and mild pain upon palpation of the TMJ for 2 days. CONCLUSIONS: A caudodorsal arthroscopic approach to the TMJ allowed adequate observation of the lateral aspect of the dorsal compartment of the joint. Access to the ventral compartment was precluded by the location of the transverse facial artery and vein. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Conditions affecting the lateral and caudal aspects of the dorsal compartment of the TMJ should be visible by arthroscopy.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: A 2-year-old Hereford bull was lame for one week before becoming recumbent.

CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: The scrotum and ventral perineal region were cold and blackened caudally. The semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles were firm on palpation. The bull was subject to euthanasia, and necropsy revealed that the skin and S/C tissues of the caudal half of the scrotum were grey and necrotic. The caudal and distal aspects of the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles were grey and necrotic to a depth of approximately 15 cm, and these changes appeared to track along fascial planes. The tissue had an offensive smell, and large amounts of flocculent, watery, brown fluid and some gas were present. Histology of affected muscle and S/C tissues revealed coagulative necrosis, with oedema and large numbers of bacteria that were predominantly Gram-positive rods. Adjacent blood vessels contained thrombi while the epidermis overlying the affected areas appeared diffusely necrotic, suggesting infarction. Culture of the fluid yielded a pure growth of Arcanobacterium spp., which was identified as Arcanobacterium haemolyticum, using an API Coryne biochemical test strip.

DIAGNOSIS: Necrotising fasciitis and myositis due to Arcanobacterium haemolyticum.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Arcanobacterium haemolyticum has not previously been reported as a cause of necrotising fasciitis in any species. Necrotising fasciitis is probably an under-reported condition in cattle due to its clinical similarity to clostridial disease.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: An outbreak of severe lameness was reported on a 780-cow spring-calving dairy herd in the Manawatu region within 1–3 weeks of calving, which affected over 90% of a group of 150 dairy heifers. Approximately 3 weeks before the planned start of calving heifers had been fed maize and grass silage on a concrete feed pad for 3–4 h per day, and mixed with a group of adult cows.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: During treatment for lameness, the feet of 28 lame heifers were closely examined. Seventy lesions were recorded in the claws of these heifers. The predominant lesion was severe solar and white line haemorrhage, with much of the haemorrhage focussed at the site at which sole ulcers are normally seen. White line disease was seen in nine claws and sole ulcers in four. Additionally, a lesion which is not commonly recorded in New Zealand, a toe abscess arising from separation of the white line from the sole in the abaxial region of tip of the toe was recorded in 11 claws. The clinical impression was that the soles of the affected heifers were very thin. This was supported by examination of the feet of eight heifers using ultrasonography that indicated heifers with hoof horn haemorrhages had very thin soles (estimated mean 4.1 mm) and that these soles were thinner than those in non-lame heifers without haemorrhages.

DIAGNOSIS: The pattern of disease seen in these heifers closely matched that seen in an outbreak of lameness in heifers in Florida, which was linked to thin soles resulting from excess hoof horn wear. The clinical signs and findings of the examination using ultrasonography strongly implicated thin soles as the underlying cause of lameness on this farm. An on-farm investigation revealed a combination of heifer behaviour and prolonged exposure to wet concrete on the feed pad were the primary causes of excess wear that resulted in thin soles.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This was an unusual outbreak of lameness in a group of newly calved heifers. The problem highlights the value of good management during the transition of heifers at pasture to the lactating herd standing on concrete for long periods, in the control of lameness.  相似文献   

At a pig breeding farm with 130 sows, the culling rate in respect of the young replacement stock was more than 50% and was in particular caused by lameness.

The effect was investigated of d‐biotin supplementation of the feed on culling percentage, reproduction, claw lesions and lameness of gills (young replacement stock) and sows, and piglet mortality. The young pigs were divided into a group of 23 young replacement pigs aged 2.5 months (12 controls and 11 treated) and a group of 47 gilts aged 7 months (23 controls and 24 treated). Both treatment groups received feed supplemented with 1250 mcg / kg d‐biotin. Furthermore, all sows received feed supplemented with 500 mcg / kg d‐biotin. The basic feed contained 175 mcg / kg biotin, of which about 100 mcg / kg was biologically available biotin.

Biotin supplementation resulted in an increase in the plasma biotin levels from the critical deficiency level of about 50 ng / 100 ml to about 300 ng / 100 ml in young replacement stock, to about 179 ng / 100 ml in the gilts, and to about 123 ng / 100 ml in the sows.

After 2.5 months of biotin supplementation the claw lesion score of the gilts had decreased by 28% (p < 0.001). In the young replacement stock a reduction of the claw lesion score by 52% (p<0.001) was found after 4 months supplementation.

The effect of biotin supplementation was greatest in the soft heel region (improved by 35%) and somewhat less on the claw wall (improved by 23%).

After 11 months’ supplementation with 500 mcg / kg biotin the effects on production performance of the sows compared to the previous year can be summarized as follows: - the overall culling rate dropped from 54.0% tot 30.8%,

- the culling rate due to lameness decreased by 11% from 25% to 14%,

- the culling as a result of ‘insufficient production’ was reduced from 11% to 4%,

- a positive trend in piglet mortality was observed (17.7% compared to 19.2%).

An increase of the biotin content of Dutch pig feeds and regular monitoring of its biotin content would appear to be advisable.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial agents were added to the feed of swine for three weeks to determine the interrelationships of potentially pathogenic agents in the nasal tract, turbinate atrophy and weight gains.

Bordetella bronchiseptica was not isolated from the groups fed the combination of chlortetracycline, penicillin and sulfamethazine. B. bronchiseptica was found in some pigs after the feeding trail, but this organism was not significantly associated with turbinate atrophy at the time of slaughter.

Mycoplasma hyorhinis was not found in the nasal passages of the pigs that received feed containing high concentration chlortetracycline but was found in pigs that received other diets. Hemophilus suis was not significantly reduced by any of the treatments used.

The organisms studied in the pigs were not isolated from the personnel handling the pigs.


CASE HISTORY: A 2-year-old female Siberian Husky was presented with a 6-month history of sneezing and mucous discharge from the right nostril.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: Reduced airflow through the right nostril was evident. Radiographs showed subtle loss of detail of turbinates within the right nasal chamber. Rhinoscopy revealed swollen and erythematous turbinates and a white mass within the caudal aspect of the right nasal cavity. Histopathologically, there was a heavy mixed inflammatory infiltrate in the submus- cosa of the right turbinate, and the presence of fungal hyphae and spores in the white mass. A heavy growth of Scedosporium apiospermum was cultured from the mass.

DIAGNOSIS: Chronic rhinitis of the right nasal cavity and infection with S. apiospermum.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This is the first reported case of S. apiospermum isolated from the nasal cavity of a dog in New Zealand. Fungal culture is necessary to differentiate this fungus from Aspergillus spp.  相似文献   

A Palomino gelding presented for evaluation of a mandibular fracture and physical examination revealed swelling and excoriation of the skin over the ventral mandible. Upon further examination, malalignment of the incisors was appreciated in addition to instability and crepitance of both the rostral aspect and vertical ramus of the mandible. Radiographic examination revealed a comminuted fracture within the interdental space and fractures of both vertical ramii of the mandible. Under general anaesthesia via tracheotomy intubation, the fractures of the vertical ramii were reduced and compression plating techniques used along the caudal‐lateral border of both ramii for stabilisation. Intraoral tension band wires were used for repair of the interdental space fracture. A type II external skeletal fixator using Steinmann pins and polymethyl methacrylate connecting bars was applied to increase stability. The horse was maintained on broad spectrum antibiotics and phenylbutazone and discharged following 6 days of hospitalisation. Radiographs were taken 10 weeks after surgery and revealed evidence of adequate healing. On follow‐up 20 months later, the horse was reported to have no difficulties eating and was maintaining its bodyweight. This case is unique due to the severity of the mandibular fracture. The authors are unaware of any previous reports of such a severely comminuted mandibular fracture and its successful reconstruction employing multiple surgical techniques.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: A 6-week-old German Holstein heifer calf (Case 1) and a 4-week-old Charolais bull calf (Case 2) were referred because of unilateral hind limb lameness. Both had been treated with systemic antibiotics by the referring veterinarian.

CLINICAL FINDINGS AND DIAGNOSIS: Based on the results of clinical, radiographic and ultrasonographic examination, a diagnosis of chronic purulent septic gonitis with subchondral osteolysis of the lateral femoral condyle was made in both calves. In Case 2 the lateral tibial condyle also showed osteolysis.

TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: Treatment consisted of arthrotomy with debridement of abnormal bone and cartilage via a craniolateral and a caudolateral approach. Case 1 was discharged from with grade 1/5 lameness 60 days after surgery. In a follow-up 15 months postoperatively, the owner reported that it had been bred at 14 months, was not lame and the affected stifle joint appeared normal. Case 2 had grade 2/5 lameness 52 days after surgery, but was sound at the time of slaughter at 22 months of age.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Arthrotomy via a caudolateral approach is a suitable method for the treatment of septic purulent gonitis with osteolysis of the lateral femoral and tibial condyles in calves. In these cases, this treatment resulted in the elimination of localised inflammation, prevented clinically relevant spread of infection to other organs, and restored normal joint function.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY:?A 3-month-old female Warmblood foal was presented after displaying signs of colic with pyrexia for 5 days.

CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS:?The foal continued to show signs of colic, frequently passed urine, and was pyrexic with an elevated white blood cell count. The umbilical stalk was thickened but there was no evidence of purulent material. Exploratory laparotomy revealed an enlarged left umbilical artery remnant tightly adhered to the bladder wall. The left umbilical artery continued to an aneurysm involving the distal aorta. The foal was subject to euthanasia and post-mortem examination confirmed a spherical aortic aneurysm, in the dorsal midline caudal to the kidneys that contained a large thrombus. Histopathological examination revealed inflammation and necrosis of the tunica intima and tunica media of the left umbilical artery with suppuration and bacterial colonies evident in the periarterial tissues.

DIAGNOSIS:?Infected aortic aneurysm presumably caused by an umbilical artery infection.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE:?A previously undetected umbilical infection appears to have resulted in an unusual delayed complication causing signs of colic in a foal. Veterinarians should be aware of this condition, and the possibility that it may be a cause of signs of colic in foals. Diagnosis based on ultrasonography should be possible, but may require sedation, visceral analgesia and careful examination.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: The role of the communicating branch between the medial and lateral palmar nerves of horses (i.e. the ramus communicans) in conveying sensory impulses proximally should be determined to avoid errors in interpreting diagnostic anaesthesia of the palmar nerves. Hypothesis: Sensory nerve fibres in the ramus communicans of horses pass proximally from the lateral palmar nerve to merge with the medial palmar nerve, but not vice versa. Objective: To determine the direction of sensory impulses through the ramus communicans between lateral and medial palmar nerves. Methods: Pain in a thoracic foot was created with set‐screw pressure applied to either the medial or lateral aspect of the sole of each forelimb of 6 horses. The palmar nerve on the side of the sole in which pain was created was anaesthetised proximal to the ramus communicans with local anaesthetic. Lameness was evaluated objectively by using a wireless, inertial, sensor‐based, motion analysis system (Lameness Locator). Lameness was also evaluated subjectively by using a graded scoring system. Local anaesthetic was then administered adjacent to the ramus communicans to determine the effect of anaesthesia of the ramus communicans on residual lameness. Results: When pain originated from the medial or the lateral aspect of the sole, anaesthesia of the ipsilateral palmar nerve proximal to the ramus communicans did not entirely resolve lameness. Anaesthesia of the ramus communicans further attenuated or resolved lameness. Conclusions: Sensory fibres pass in both directions in the ramus communicans to connect the medial and lateral palmar nerves. Potential relevance: When administering a low palmar nerve block, both palmar nerves should be anaesthetised distal to the ramus communicans to avoid leaving nondesensitised sensory nerve fibres passing through this neural connection. Alternatively, local anaesthetic could also be deposited adjacent to the ramus communicans when anaesthetising the palmar nerves.  相似文献   


Over a 3-year period, seven batches of growing-finishing pigs in groups of 16 pigs (total 672 pigs) were fed using one or two singlespace feeders. The pigs with access to two feeders had a significantly lower number of skin lesions (P<0.0001) and higher daily weight gain than did the pigs with access to one feeder (863 vs. 837 g day- 1 , P<0.05). The within-pen variation in daily weight gain was higher in the pens with one feeder than in the pens with two feeders (SD 139 vs. 106g day- 1 , P<0.0001). The pigs with access to two feeders consumed more feed during the period when they were allowed to eat ad libitum , in comparison to the pigs with access to one feeder (2.07 vs. 1.97 kg day- 1 , P<0.05). The feed conversion ratio of the pigs did not differ between the two treatments. No differences in carcass meat percentage, health or number of remarks at slaughter were detected. A comparison was made between using computerized IVOG® feeders, with individual recording of feed intake, and conventional feeders. The feed conversion ratio was poorer for the pigs fed with the IVOG-feeders than for those fed with conventional feeders. The automatic recordings from the IVOG-system showed that there had been a higher daily feed intake during the ad libitum period. During the restricted period the pigs had a lower daily weight gain than with the conventional feeders.  相似文献   


This report investigates the effects of disintegration method (grinding or rolling of the cereal part), feeding method (feeding twice a day or ad libitum) and straw as bedding (with or without) on empty stomach weight, volume, content, and the prevalence of gastric lesions in the pars oesophagea as well as on the performance in growing pigs. Four hundred growing pigs were included in the experiment. The grinding of the cereal was performed on a hammer-mill, mounted with a 3-mm screen or rolled on a roller mill. Performance was only slightly influenced by the disintegration method and the use of straw as bedding material. Ad libitum fed pigs, however, had a 5.5% higher (P<0.001) daily weight gain and a 0.6 percentage unit lower (P<0.01) lean meat percentage compared to pigs fed twice daily. Feed with rolled cereals increased (P<0.001) the empty stomach weight by 13%, but only in pigs not receiving straw bedding. Ad libitum feeding reduced (P<0.001) the empty stomach weight and volume by 15% and 37%, respectively. Feed with rolled cereals increased (P<0.001) the dry matter content of the stomach by 23%. The general level of gastric lesions in the pars oesophagea was low in this experiment, which most likely was due to the high content of barley in the feed mixture. The pigs receiving straw bedding, but also the pigs receiving rolled cereals but no straw bedding, had nearly no gastric lesions (average score=0.1), contrary to the pigs receiving ground feed but no straw bedding (average score=1.0). This interaction in gastric lesions between disintegration method and straw as bedding material indicates that feeding rolled cereals has similar preventive effects on gastric lesions as straw eaten.  相似文献   

In a survey of 2500 market weight pigs in a Saskatchewan abattoir, 37% were infected with adult Ascaris suum and in 46% there were milkspot hepatic lesions. A total of 60% of the pigs examined had some evidence of A. suum infection. Most infected pigs contained less than 50 adult ascarids.

In a second abattoir survey of a further 2500 market weight pigs, 44% of the animals had milk-spot hepatic lesions. In approximately 12% of the affected pigs these lesions were very severe and a very similar proportion of pigs' livers were condemned or sent for use as animal feed.

The results of these surveys are discussed with particular reference to the significance of A. suum infection in growing pigs in Saskatchewan.



AIM: To investigate the cause of classical swine fever (CSF) virus-seropositive animals in a nucleus pig-breeding herd in New Zealand, where porcine circovirus-associated disease had been diagnosed.

CASE HISTORY AND CLINICAL FINDINGS: An exotic disease investigation was undertaken to exclude CSF and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) on a nucleus pig-breeding herd comprising approximately 300 breeding sows, 1,000 weaners, and 650 grower pigs. The herd was experiencing poor reproductive performance in sows, and breeding records showed a declining farrowing rate attributable to a single manager. The growing pigs (10–15 weeks old) were experiencing respiratory disease and wasting, and the mortality rate by pen varied between 9 and 20%. Post-mortem changes in affected grower pigs were consistent with circovirus-associated diseases.

DIAGNOSTIC TESTING: Serological screening using an IDEXX-ELISA gave negative results for PRRS virus antibodies, but two grower pigs and one sow tested positive for CSF virus antibodies. These three seropositive animals remained positive to CSF virus, using three commercial ELISA test kits, over 27 weeks. A newly developed virus neutralisation test (VNT), using a New Zealand isolate of border disease (BD) virus, demonstrated that the seropositive pig sera had higher antibody titres to BD virus than to bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) virus and CSF virus.

PCR performed on tonsil, kidney, ileum and spleen gave negative results for CSF virus, and histopathology on lymph nodes, intestine, lung, kidney, liver and brain showed no evidence of the disease. Virus isolation performed on a number of samples was negative.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The seropositive samples for CSF virus found in this investigation were likely to be a cross reaction to a pestivirus other than CSF virus. The finding of a possible endemic pestivirus capable of being transmitted between sheep and pigs on this farm may explain findings from previous serological survey work in New Zealand, and supports experience elsewhere, where BD virus was found to be the predominant ruminant pestivirus infecting pigs. The results show that pestivirus cross reactivity can result in unexpectedly high titres, and that testing with a full set of (local) pestiviruses is necessary to reach the correct conclusion. The investigation has direct relevance where pig herds with a low seroprevalence are encountered during surveillance for CSF.  相似文献   


Studies on the efficacy in pigs of low level in‐feed medication with the anthelmintic thiophanate at a minimum intake of 6 mg/kg/day for fourteen days are reported. A trial was conducted to compare a group of medicated fattening pigs with a similar unmedicated group on premises known to have a high challenge of Ascaris spp. Daily growth rate was improved whilst feed conversion ratio and the liver condemnation rate were reduced in the treatment group.

Routine medication of a whole herd using this regime contributed to a great improvement of the herd production when assessed by the above criteria. User studies in various geographical areas of the Netherlands involving 1500 adult pigs and 1200 fattening pigs medicated with thiophanate in‐feed for fourteen days demonstrated that the compound eliminated the faecal worm egg output and was readily accepted and tolerated by pigs.  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION: A 2.5-year-old spayed female Persian cat was evaluated for acute inability to close its mouth. CLINICAL FINDINGS: A wry-mouth malocclusion was evident, and the right side of the mandible was longer than the left side. The right mandibular tooth row appeared to be lowered. The lower jaw was persistently maintained in an open position. The presumptive diagnosis was open-mouth jaw locking. Diagnostic imaging with computed tomography and 3-dimensional reconstruction was performed for definitive diagnosis and to achieve a better understanding of the lesions. Imaging revealed locking of the right ramus of the mandible, which was displaced ventrolaterally, causing the coronoid process to impinge on the right zygomatic arch. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: A bilateral partial ostectomy of the rostroventral margins of the zygomatic arches with an autogenous fat graft implantation was performed. The cat recovered without complications and by the following morning was bright, alert, and responsive and eating canned cat food comfortably. One year after surgery, the owner reported that the cat had continued to function well, was eating normally, and had not had any observed locking episodes since surgery. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Unlike radiographic imaging, computed tomography may be used to create 3-dimensional reconstructions of structures in cases of suspected open-mouth jaw locking; improve evaluation of the lesions; and improve decision-making and client education for diagnosis, treatment options, and prognosis.  相似文献   


Ten batches of pigs (608 pigs) were used in this investigation (live weight interval 20-120 kg). Four different feeding systems were tested: one dry feeder, four dry feeders, trough feeding or one wet/dry feeder per pen of 16 pigs, respectively. The one dry feeder treatment led to an increase in skin injuries, a more spread feed intake pattern, an increased variation in carcass meat percentage and an increased variation in daily weight gain (DWG) when the pigs were restrictively fed, compared with observations for the pigs in the four dry feeders treatment. The effect of a reduced number of feeding places was most pronounced when the pigs were fed restrictively. Besides the possible negative financial effects for pig producers, these findings indicated that competition for feed impaired the well-being of the pigs. Pigs fed in a trough had a lower DWG and higher feed conversion ratio than did those fed using four dry feeders, probably due to feed spillage and the different feed intake pattern. Giving pigs the possibility of adding water to the feed increased the daily feed intake when feeding ad libitum, resulting in a higher DWG. It also reduced the negative effects of competition on performance, but not the negative effects on skin injuries.  相似文献   

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