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CASE HISTORY: A 6-year-old intact male New Zealand Huntaway dog had slowly progressive alopecia that was first observed at 12 weeks of age.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: Patchy alopecia was confined to the black-haired areas of the body, and was most evident on the head and dorsum of the body; tan-haired areas of skin appeared normal. Histological examination of black-haired skin revealed distended melanocytes and large aggregates of melanin within, and surrounding, the hair follicles and the epidermis. Macrophages distended with melanin were also visible within the perifollicular and superficial dermis, and follicular lumina were often plugged by keratin that contained aggregates of melanin. The follicles were dysplastic and few hair shafts were visible emerging from follicular infundibula within the sections.

DIAGNOSIS: The clinical and histological findings were consistent with black-hair follicular dysplasia (BHFD).

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This is the first report of BHFD in a dog in New Zealand, and is the first report in a Huntaway. The most significant effect of BHFD is a predisposition to follicular plugging and secondary bacterial skin infections. Due to the hereditary nature of the follicular dysplasias, breeding from affected dogs should be discouraged. Histological examination of the skin is required to differentiate between the different follicular dysplasias as well as differentiating between follicular dysplasia and follicular atrophy due to endocrinopathy.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: In 2008, six lambs within a flock of Dorpercross sheep were born with musculoskeletal and neurological disease. Clinical signs included hindlimb weakness, and urinary incontinence.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: All lambs had focal, inverted areas of alopecic skin over the caudal sacrum, and short, often kinked tails. Four affected lambs were subject to euthanasia, and necropsied. On gross examination, the arches of sacral vertebrae were absent, and spinal nerves and meninges were adherent to the overlying subcutis. Other gross lesions included narrow, elongated skulls, herniation of the occipital lobes into the caudal fossas, hydrocephalus, and syringomyelia. One lamb had coning of the cerebellar vermis, but cerebellar herniation through the foramen magnum was not identified.

DIAGNOSIS: Spina bifida, with associated malformations of the central nervous system.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Examination of breeding records suggested either an autosomal recessive or partially penetrant autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. Because of the associated tail lesions it is proposed that the pathogenesis of this syndrome involves a defect in development of the tail bud (secondary neurulation), that tethering of the spinal cord resulted in the clinical signs, and abnormal pressure of the cerebral spinal fluid resulted in the defects in the skull and brain.  相似文献   


HISTORY: A similar episodic neurological disorder occurred in new born lambs on two unrelated properties involving disparate breeds of sheep. Because of the number of lambs born, cross-breeding and the fact it occurred in some mating groups and not others, a dominant mode of inheritance was, initially and separately, suspected in each case. The sires of affected lambs were apparently normal. Whereas one was New Zealand Romney, the other was a composite breed with East Friesian genetics, but both rams originated from the same source property. To investigate the pathogenesis of the disorder these two rams were acquired and mated with unrelated sheep, under experimental conditions in a more controlled environment.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: A proportion of lambs born to both sires exhibited a similar neurological disorder. Some lambs were noted to be abnormal at birth, both on home properties and in the experimental flock. They tended to adopt a head and neck extended posture and were slow to get to their feet and suckle when they then became more or less normal. When forced to move, they and other more robust lambs elicited an asymmetric gait, base-wide extensor hypertonia (hypometria) of thoracic limbs and flexor hypertonia (hypermetria) of pelvic limbs. In some there was nystagmus. After several metres of asymmetric ataxic gait they would fall to one side, sometimes adopting a sitting position. Recovery usually occurred in one to several minutes. As lambs aged, it became more difficult to elicit the episodes of dysfunction and by 6 months of age they appeared normal.

DIAGNOSIS: The disorder was diagnosed as a dominant familial episodic cerebellovestibular ataxia inherited as a dominant trait, with incomplete penetration of observed clinical signs and variable expressivity.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A proportion of affected lambs are likely to die in the neonatal period so the specific nature of the disorder may go unrecognised. Because of incomplete penetrance and varying expressivity, many of the lambs carrying this mutation will survive without showing clinical signs and may enter breeding flocks, where the disorder may be perpetuated and contribute to neonatal deaths.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: Thirty adult Marlborough green geckos (Naultinus manukanus) were collected from Stephens Island and held over winter, prior to their translocation. Five adult geckos developed skin lesions after husbandry changes affected the humidity of their enclosures. Two geckos underwent ecdysis and recovered. One animal died and two others progressively worsened and were presented for treatment.

CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: The geckos were in poor body condition and had multiple black powdery lesions and solitary raised white nodules on their skin. Both geckos died despite topical and supportive treatment. Histopathology showed the skin nodules contained branching non-septate hyphae infiltrating necrotic epidermal tissue, and associated dermal inflammation. There was necrosis of several digits and mycotic osteomyelitis. Mucor ramosissimus was cultured from skin biopsies from each animal. Large numbers of motile protozoa, resembling Trichomonas, and another unidentifiable, were recovered from fresh faecal smears, and Nyctotherus sp protozoa were present in the lumen of the intestine of one animal post mortem.

DIAGNOSIS: Mycotic dermatitis with digital gangrene and osteomyelitis due to Mucor ramosissimus, and enteric protozoal parasitism with Trichomonas sp and Nyctotherus sp.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The clinical course and pathological findings of mycotic dermatitis in two Marlborough green geckos involved in a wildlife translocation in New Zealand are reported, and also the first record of the Marlborough green gecko as a host for the enteric protozoa Trichomonas sp and Nyctotherus sp.  相似文献   



An unusual presentation of skin disease was identified in two related neonatal Pedigree Limousin calves presented to University Veterinary Hospital, University College Dublin, following detailed post mortem examination a diagnosis of dermatosparaxis was made. Dermatosparaxis in animals or Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which is the analogous condition seen in humans, is a connective tissue disorder characterised by extreme skin fragility. To the authors’ knowledge this is the first report of such a diagnosis in the Limousin breed and the features of this lethal phenotype were severe in comparison to previous reports of the condition.

Case presentation

Two calves, which were full siblings, a pedigree Limousin bull (Calf A) and pedigree Limousin heifer (Calf B) were examined clinically after presenting collapsed since birth, both had grossly abnormal skin with multiple skin fissures visible and both calves were subsequently euthanised. Both calves underwent gross post mortem examination, after which histological samples were reviewed and electron microscopical examination of selected skin samples was carried out. Histological features of dysplastic dermal collagen were identified. The diagnosis of dermatosparaxis in the Limousin breed was confirmed. Genetic testing was conducted to determine if the current cases had the same mutation as has previously been described in Belgian Blue cattle. Some common parentage was traced but genetic testing did not show a similar mutation to that previously described in cattle. The specific genetic cause in this case is unknown.


This is the first report of dermatosparaxis in the Limousin and the presentation of the dermatosparaxis phenotype has some noteworthy features thus further genetic testing is required to pinpoint the causative mutation or other genetic defect. Given the popularity of the breed and the lethal nature of the phenotype in this case it is important to raise awareness of the condition.


CASE HISTORY: Ovariohysterectomy was performed on an adult Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. The skin that had been clipped for surgery was noticed to be erythematous 8 days later.

CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Poorly defined patches containing multiple papules were visible bilaterally within the clipped skin. These became larger over the following 2 weeks, and samples were collected for histology. Seven days later, the lesions were multiple raised masses, up to 5 cm in diameter. Histology revealed numerous cup-shaped epidermal proliferations extending into the dermis. The presence of keratinocytes with increased quantities of blue-grey cytoplasm, and koilocytosis suggested papillomavirul infection; Canis familiaris papillomavirus (CfPV-2) DNA was amplified from two separate samples. Complete regression was observed 8 weeks after the lesions had been initially observed.

DIAGNOSIS: Multiple inverted papilloma confined to skin that had been clipped for surgery.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This is the first time that the development of canine cutaneous papillomas has been associated with surgery. The nature of the association between surgery and development of the papillomas is uncertain. However, it is possible that damage to superficial skin could promote the formation of papillomas. This is the first identification of CfPV-2 in New Zealand.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: A skeletal disease characterised by dwarfism, limb deformity and sometimes sudden death occurred over a period of 5 years in lambs born on a commercial sheep farm in Southland. The disease showed variable expression and occurred in crossbred sheep. A genetic aetiology was supported by the birth of affected lambs over two seasons in a flock of putative carrier and affected sheep transported to Massey University.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: Affected lambs appeared normal at birth but showed evidence of dwarfism, wide-based stance and exercise intolerance as early as 1 week of age. Most died within the first 3 months of life, often after developing bilateral varus deformity of the forelimbs. Some severely-affected lambs died suddenly of respiratory embarrassment, probably due to tracheal collapse. Mildly-affected individuals had a short, blocky stature and some survived to breeding age.

PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Gross and microscopic lesions of variable severity were present in the tracheal, articular, epiphyseal and physeal cartilages. In severe cases, articular cartilage in major joints was eroded from weight-bearing surfaces. The trachea was flaccid, abnormally kinked, and had thickened cartilaginous rings and a narrow lumen. Affected sheep that survived to breeding age eventually developed severe degenerative joint disease. Histologically, chondrocytes were disorganised, surrounded by concentric rings of abnormal fibrillar material, and the matrix often contained focal to coalescing areas of chondrolysis.

DIAGNOSIS: Inherited chondrodysplasia of Texel sheep.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE AND CONCLUSIONS: This chondrodysplasia differs from those previously described in sheep and is considered to be a newly-recognised, recessively-inherited genetic disease of the Texel breed. A defect in the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans in cartilage matrix is suspected. This disease of sheep may provide a suitable model for studying various forms of therapy for human chondrodysplasias.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: An adult New Zealand falcon was presented with metacarpal fractures in the left wing.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: In addition to the fractures, radiographs revealed an area of opacity in the air sacs. A few days after hospitalisation and initiation of treatment of the fractures, the bird developed signs of respiratory disease; the area of opacity was found to have increased in size and density. Treatment with antibiotics and nebulisation was commenced; the bird initially responded but respiratory signs subsequently worsened and the bird died. At necropsy, air sacculitis and bronchopneumonia were associated with numerous nematodes in the air sacs, which were morphologically consistent with Serratospiculum guttatum.

DIAGNOSIS: Serratospiculosis

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The discovery of this parasite and the associated disease for the first time in New Zealand indicates that it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of respiratory disease in falcons and possibly other raptors in New Zealand.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: Three weanling Thoroughbred fillies were presented during autumn with depression, muscle rigidity and, in one case, colic symptoms and cardiovascular shock.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: All fillies had abnormal physical examinations that included elevated heart rates and respiratory rates coupled with muscle rigidity through the back and rump. Biochemistry revealed markedly elevated creatinine kinase and aspartate aminotransferase which indicated a myopathy.

DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT: All three horses were diagnosed with presumptive equine atypical myopathy. The horses received supportive therapy as per the literature available at the time regarding this condition; two responded to supportive therapy and survived, and one was euthanased due to a rapid deterioration in clinical status.

PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Following post mortem of one case, histology of the trapezius muscle demonstrated an acute, severe myofibre degeneration.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Atypical myopathy and a very similar disorder termed seasonal pasture myopathy in North America are potentially fatal, pasture-related syndromes that have been described in Europe and America but have not been previously described in New Zealand. This report describes three presumptive cases of this unique syndrome in New Zealand for the first time; it outlines the characteristics of the condition; and includes recently published information regarding diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: Outbreaks of mortality in South Island saddlebacks (Philesturnus carunculatus carunculatus) that had been translocated to two offshore islands in the Marlborough Sounds of New Zealand were investigated during the summer of 2002 and 2007. Both outbreaks were associated with a severe decrease in numbers of saddlebacks of up to 60% of approximately 200 birds.

CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Many of the surviving birds were in poor condition, and had skin lesions on the legs and head. Necropsy showed pale liver and lungs, and a swollen spleen. Histopathology revealed schizonts resembling Plasmodium spp. within the cytoplasm of many hepatocytes and splenic histiocytes. The skin lesions consisted of epithelial proliferations containing numerous Bollinger bodies typical of avipox virus (APV) infection. Two different APV were isolated, using PCR, from two different birds exhibiting skin lesions. Each isolate had 100% sequence homology with APV members from either Clade A or Clade B. In addition, PCR analysis revealed that the Plasmodium elongatum present in infected birdsbelonged to a strain that was endemic in the population of North Island saddlebacks (Philesturnus carunculatus rufusater).

DIAGNOSIS: Concurrent infections with Plasmodium spp. haemoparasites and APV were identified as the likely cause of death in the birds examined.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Although the Plasmodium spp. identified is thought to be endemic to saddlebacks in New Zealand, the affected birds were likely to be immunocompromised by concurrent APV infection or through lack of genetic diversity. Both the introduced mosquito Culex quinquefasicatus and the native mosquito Culex pervigilans are likely vectors for both these diseases, and the provision of water supplies less favourable to mosquito-breeding is recommended.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate wool (Dorset and Rambouillet) and hair (Dorper, Katahdin, and White Dorper) breeds for their ability to complement Romanov germplasm in two distinct production systems by estimating direct sire and grandsire effects on lamb growth, survival, and ewe productivity traits. Rams of the five breeds (n = 75) were mated to Romanov ewes (n = 459) over a 3-yr period to produce five types of crossbred lambs (n = 2,739). Sire breed (P > 0.06) did not impact body weight or survival traits of the first-generation crossbred (F1) lambs. The productivity of retained crossbred ewes (n = 830) mated to Suffolk and Texel terminal sires was evaluated at 1, 2, and 3 yr of age in each production system. In the intensive production system, labor and harvested feed were provided for sheep that lambed in March in barns, and ewes were limited to rearing two lambs with additional lambs reared artificially. Ewes in the extensive production system lambed in May on pasture and were responsible for rearing all lambs born with no labor or supplemental feed provided before weaning. A total of 1,962 litters and 4,171 lambs from 2,229 exposures to two terminal sire breeds (Suffolk and Texel) were produced in the experiment. Crossbred ewes in the intensive production system were mated in October, resulting in larger litter sizes than crossbred ewes mated in December for the extensive production system. However, single- and twin-born lamb mortality was similar between the two systems that differed greatly in labor, feed, and facilities. Lambs produced in the intensive system received concentrate feed from an early age and were heavier at 24 wk of age than lambs produced in the extensive system. These outcomes resulted in greater 24-wk litter weight in the intensive than in the extensive system (P < 0.0001). Unexpectedly, the relative performance of crossbred types did not differ importantly between production systems. White Dorper × Romanov crossbred ewes had numerical advantages in productivity in each system; however, differences between ewe types were not significant. In the extensive system, without labor and shelter at lambing or supplemental feed until weaning, 3-yr-old crossbred ewes of all types averaged 1.78 lambs marketed per ewe lambing, and 40% of the ewes that gave birth to triplets weaned their entire litters. These results document that prolific sheep and extensive systems can be successfully combined if appropriate crossbred types are used.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: A 7-year-old cat developed sporadic vomiting, reduced appetite, and weight loss over the previous 3 months.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: Palpation revealed a large mid-abdominal mass and the cat had marked eosinophilia. The cat progressively lost weight over the next 7 weeks when euthanasia was performed.

PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Necropsy revealed a 3?cm diameter firm white intramural mass in the colon and another in the pylorus. Mesenteric and cranial mediastinal lymph nodes were firm, pale, and enlarged. Histopathological examination revealed foci of necrosis surrounded by thick dense collagen trabeculae and predominantly eosinophilic inflammation within the intestine and lymph nodes. Marked eosinophilic infiltration of the liver was also present.

DIAGNOSIS: The lesions were consistent with gastrointestinal eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia (FGESF).

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This is the first report of FGESF in a New Zealand cat and the first time lesions of FGESF have been observed in extra-abdominal tissues. Intestinal neoplasia can be clinically identical to FGESF and histopathology is required for differentiation. Evidence suggests that FGESF has a more favourable prognosis than intestinal neoplasia.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: Lameness and limb pain associated with a laceration in the inner thigh of a Border Collie dog progressed over 4 days to extensive necrosis of the full-thickness of skin and subcutaneous (S/C) tissue. A successful outcome was achieved using surgical debridement and intensive supportive care, followed by limited local closure, axial pattern flap development, and free skin grafting.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: Clinical findings included severe pain, depression, pyrexia and hypoalbuminaemia, and full-thickness loss of skin from the caudal thigh to the hock. Histopathologically, debrided tissue showed extensive necrosis of the dermis, adipose and muscle tissues, and the presence of numerous Gram-negative rods. Escherichia coli was cultured from deep tissue samples.

DIAGNOSIS: Necrotising fasciitis (NF) associated with E. coli infection.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: NF associated with E. coli has not been previously reported in dogs. The importance of early diagnosis and surgical debridement is noted and the relevant medical literature is reviewed.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: A 2-year-old female Siberian Husky was presented with a 6-month history of sneezing and mucous discharge from the right nostril.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: Reduced airflow through the right nostril was evident. Radiographs showed subtle loss of detail of turbinates within the right nasal chamber. Rhinoscopy revealed swollen and erythematous turbinates and a white mass within the caudal aspect of the right nasal cavity. Histopathologically, there was a heavy mixed inflammatory infiltrate in the submus- cosa of the right turbinate, and the presence of fungal hyphae and spores in the white mass. A heavy growth of Scedosporium apiospermum was cultured from the mass.

DIAGNOSIS: Chronic rhinitis of the right nasal cavity and infection with S. apiospermum.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This is the first reported case of S. apiospermum isolated from the nasal cavity of a dog in New Zealand. Fungal culture is necessary to differentiate this fungus from Aspergillus spp.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: A 6-year-old, spayed, female, domestic short-haired cat presented with severe erythroderma and scaling skin. She showed disturbed gait and mild behavioural changes.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: The cat had a generalised, erythematous, scurfy dermatitis with marked, multifocal crusting and skin thickening. The skin was painful and contracted, which appeared to prevent normal freedom of movement.

DIAGNOSIS: The cat was suspected to have a paraneoplastic syndrome. A mediastinal mass was located and histologically confirmed as thymoma. The cat was diagnosed with a thymoma-associated cutaneous paraneoplastic syndrome.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This is a rare condition with few reports in the literature. The skin changes, both grossly and histologically, were considered to be different from those described in cases of paraneoplastic dermatosis associated with pancreatic neoplasia. The clinical presentation was characteristic and more cases may occur in practice than are recognised. In this case, as in previous reports, the tumour was grossly resectable, which could lead to cure of the clinical condition.  相似文献   

Dermatosparaxis is a heritable collagen dysplasia causing skin extensibility and fragility. In Belgian Blue cattle this mutation has been described as a 3 base pair (bp) change followed by a 17bp deletion in the gene coding for procollagen 1 N-Proteinase (pNPI). An outbreak in a commercial Drakensberger herd in South Africa followed the introduction in late 2000 of a 3-year-old bull that developed skin lesions in 2001 and was culled in 2002. Some of his offspring were similarly affected, 1 of which was kept as a breeding bull after his sire's death. Two affected calves were referred to the Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital in October 2005. Detailed examination revealed only skin abnormalities limited to the lateral extremities of the thorax, abdomen and pelvis, viz. either acute lacerations of varying sizes, slow healing defects or thin scars in chronic cases. During a subsequent farm visit, 13 animals with similar wounds were seen in the herd of 146 animals. Electron microscopic examination of skin biopsies revealed haphazard arrangement and loose packing of dermal collagen fibrils within collagen fibres. The fibrils showed size variation and slightly irregular outlines on cross-section, consistent with mild dermatosparaxis. DNA samples of affected calves were analysed using primers designed to amplify the region of the pNPI gene that contained the mutation described in Belgian Blue cattle, but this mutation could not be demonstrated in any of the animals tested. It is concluded that a form of dermatosparaxis with a different gene mutation from that described in Belgian Blue cattle exists in Drakensberger cattle in South Africa. This possibly also explains the milder and more delayed clinical signs and the milder dermal collagen ultrastructural abnormalities.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: A 2-year-old Standardbred gelding presented with a history of fever over 1 week, anorexia and skin lesions on all four legs. The lesions were associated with severe pruritus and oedema, and there was no response to therapy.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: The horse was in poor body condition, was lethargic and severely pruritic. Skin lesions consisted of diffuse alopecia and crusting of the distal extremities. Initially it was slightly febrile, but subsequently its temperature increased up to 40°C. Ten days after admission it developed profuse watery diarrhoea and the skin lesions progressed. Skin biopsies revealed superficial and deep perivascular dermatitis with lymphoplasmacytic and eosinophilic predominance. Based on the poor prognosis the horse was subject to euthanasia.

PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: The most notable lesions included ulcerative gastritis, typhlitis and colitis with prominent oedema of the intestines, marked subcutaneous oedema and severe thickening of the large bile ducts. Histopathology showed marked eosinophilic and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of various tissues including the skin, gastrointestinal tract, mesenteric lymph nodes, large bile ducts, pancreatic duct and kidney. Immunohistochemistry revealed a clear predominance of CD3-positive cells in the lymphocytic infiltrations.

DIAGNOSIS: Based on the clinical findings and histopathology a diagnosis of multisystemic eosinophilic epitheliotropic disease (MEED) was made.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Multisystemic eosinophilic epitheliotropic disease is rare in horses, and usually chronic. In the current case the horse showed an apparently acute onset with high fever and rapid clinical deterioration. A diagnosis of MEED should be considered in horses presenting with weight loss and skin lesions with or without fever. A final diagnosis is based on histological results of biopsy specimens from affected organs.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: Two crossbred, castrated male goats, a 5-month-old and an 8-month-old, were observed ingesting Vestia foetida (Solanaceae). Later, the goats were seen standing splay-legged and apparently disoriented.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: When examined, both goats were in sternal recumbency and had mydriasis; the younger goat had a diminished menace response. When the goats were made to stand, they were ataxic and had muscle fasciculations of the hindquarters and face. Both had halitosis consistent with the odour of crushed Vestia leaves. The animals were treated with a mixture of vitamins and intravenous diazepam. The older goat recovered but the younger goat died and was necropsied. This animal had severe periacinar necrosis and fatty change in the liver, as well as fatty nephrosis.

DIAGNOSIS: Probable Vestia foetida poisoning.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The introduction of Vestia foetida to New Zealand and the apparent palatability of the plant necessitate that veterinarians and owners be knowledgeable about its potential toxicity. Differential diagnoses for the liver lesions (in New Zealand) would include Cestrum poisoning, acute seneciosis, acute blue-green algal poisoning, and acute and chronic copper poisoning.  相似文献   

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