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1提高肉鸡出栏体重均匀度的意义,1.1肉鸡出栏体重均匀度高是鸡健康的重要反映雏鸡均匀度高且均处于健康状态是肉鸡快速生长和出栏时均匀度高的基础,均匀生长是雏鸡均匀且健康的延续,只有均匀健康的雏鸡才可能均匀生长发育,若雏鸡不均匀或有病弱雏存在,随着日龄的增加病弱雏会因食少而生长缓慢、发育滞后和出栏体重低下。1.2肉鸡出栏体重均匀度高是饲料营养平衡且饲喂科学的重要体现。  相似文献   

岑溪市大部分农民过去规模饲养肉鸡,从出壳雏鸡到出栏鸡都习惯将公、母鸡混合在一起饲养,这种饲养方法是不够科学的.从调查大部分养鸡户获益的实践经验中体现出,科学的饲养除了喂料和管理等之外,还应该从出壳雏鸡起将公、母鸡分群饲养到出栏,这样可以提高成活率、饲料利用率、肉鸡商品率,降低饲养成本,提高养殖效益.如马路镇义垌村民黎某,从1988年开始饲养肉鸡至今,每年出栏肉鸡一万多只,盈利五万多元.其做法是从出壳雏鸡起,将公、母雏鸡分开饲养至出栏.由于他养鸡效益好,岑溪市许多养鸡户到他家参观学习.  相似文献   

现代白羽肉鸡的主要特点是生长速度快、饲料消耗少。但只有满足了肉仔鸡生长发育的各种需要,肉鸡遗传潜力才能得到充分的发挥,并获得最佳的生产性能。本文研究了影响肉仔鸡生产性能的一些主要因素。1育雏早期的管理肉鸡生产性能的好坏,与雏鸡的质量有关。据最近的研究表明:孵化后期受精蛋在出雏器中产出的大量的热量,容易导致雏鸡脱水。要保证雏鸡的质量,首先要控制好出雏器和孵化厅的温度和湿度,避免雏鸡的热应激。现代肉鸡第1周末体重的遗传潜力可达到180g,如果种蛋来源于刚开产的父母代鸡群,体重可能稍轻。只要第7日龄体重可达到150~160…  相似文献   

<正>随着遗传育种和饲料营养配方技术的不断改进,肉鸡饲养水平也在不断提高,结合实际工作经验,关于肉鸡前期饲养管理提出新的观点。1.做好雏鸡早期饲喂工作,使雏鸡第一周就获得均匀良好的发育。雏鸡1日龄起,在保证成活率的基础上还要抓整齐度的工作,雏鸡第一周体重和均匀度非常重要,必须达标,否则会影响出栏体重,所以入舍后仔细挑出采食不好或状态不佳的,包括个头较小的鸡,可单独饲喂,给予精  相似文献   

出栏体重是保证商品肉鸡生产效益的主要因素。笔者在指导商品肉鸡养殖户养殖生产中,通过对40余批共10万余只多个品种商品肉鸡饲养实践,总结了几点有效的增重措施,现介绍如下。1提高饲养管理的质量1.1加强环境卫生管理  相似文献   

岑溪市大部分农民过去规模饲养肉鸡,从出壳雏鸡到出栏鸡都习惯将公、母鸡混合在一起喂养,这种饲养方法是不够科学的。从调查大部分养鸡户获益的实践经验中体现出,科学的饲养除了喂料和管理之外,应该是从出壳雏鸡起分公、母鸡分群饲养到出栏,这样可以提高成活率、饲料利用率、肉鸡商品率,降低饲养成本,提高养殖效益。如马路镇义垌村民黎文龙,他从1988年开始饲养肉鸡至今,每年出栏肉鸡一万多羽,盈利五万多元。他就是从买出壳雏鸡起,要种鸡场把公、母雏鸡分开装笼,运到家里分开公、母雏各一个育雏室进行育雏。脱温后放到林果等山坡地上散养,也是各一个山坡饲养到出栏,所以他养鸡效益好,许多养鸡户到他家参观学习,仿他的方法饲养。  相似文献   

肉鸡前期饲养管理改进要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>随着遗传育种和饲料营养配方技术的不断改进,肉鸡饲养水平也在不断提高,结合实际工作经验,关于肉鸡前期饲养管理提出新的观点:1做好雏鸡早期饲喂工作,使雏鸡第一周就获得均匀良好的发育。雏鸡1日龄起,在保证成活率的基础上还要抓整齐度的工作,雏鸡第一周体重和均匀度非常重要,必须达标,否则会影响出栏体重,所以入舍后仔细挑出采食不好或状态不佳的,包括个头较小的鸡,可单独饲喂,给予精心照顾,这项工作没有明显的时间要求。  相似文献   

现代白羽肉鸡的主要特点是生长速度快、饲料消耗少。只有满足了肉仔鸡生长发育的各种需要,肉鸡遗传潜力才能得到充分发挥,并获得最佳的生产性能。本文剖析了影响肉仔鸡生产性能的一些主要因素。一、育雏早期的管理肉鸡生产性能的好坏,与雏鸡的质量有关。据最近的研究表明:孵化后期受精蛋在出雏器中产出大量的热量,容易导致雏鸡脱水。要保证雏鸡的质量,首先要控制好出雏器和孵化厅的温度和湿度,避免雏鸡的热应激。现代肉鸡第一周末体重的遗传潜力可达到180克,如果种蛋来源于刚开产的父母代鸡群,体重可能稍轻。只要第七天体重可达到150~160克…  相似文献   

近年来,肉鸡养殖因其生长速度快、饲养周期短、饲料报酬高而越来越受到养殖户的欢迎。但是雏鸡饲养管理的好坏,对育成率和整个养鸡生产效益都有很大的影响。因此,在肉鸡养殖中,必须做好育雏准备和饲养管理,以提高雏鸡的育成率,增加肉鸡养殖效益。  相似文献   

现代肉鸡的早期生长速度比过去的肉鸡快得多,1周末的体重大约是初生重的3~4倍。正确地做好前几天的育雏工作,使雏鸡有一个良好的开端,对肉鸡生产具有极其重要的意义。影响肉鸡最终生产成绩的关键因素包括: 鸡舍硬件设施、鸡舍内环境条件和管理。本文将就这三个方面讨论肉仔鸡的早期管理。  相似文献   

选择14日龄肉仔鸡,研究小麦日粮中添加不同配伍酶制剂对鸡生长和一些血液生化指标的影响。结果表明:(1)添加酶制剂可显著提高鸡的增重(P<0.05),不同配伍间差异不明显,但有一定的增加趋势;(2)小麦日粮添加酶制剂有提高鸡血清总蛋白量的趋势(P>0.05);(3)小麦日粮添加酶制剂可显著提高鸡血清谷丙转氨酶和尿酸的量(P<0.05),不同配伍间有出现差异的趋势;(4)小麦日粮添加酶制剂可显著提高鸡血清总胆固醇和甘油三酯的量(P<0.05),不同配伍间有出现差异的趋势。结果显示,酶制剂可提高肉仔鸡生长、采食量和利用日粮营养的能力,适宜配伍酶制剂的效果更为显著。  相似文献   

在肉鸡养殖中,将10%的有效微生物菌群(EM)发酵饲料添加于全价配合饲料里并配合0.2%EM饮水与不加EM做对比试验。试验结果表明,添加EM复合有益微生物制剂,能明显提高肉鸡的抗病力,降低雏鸡胃肠道疾病的发生率,显著提高养殖效益。饲喂10%的EM发酵饲料和饮0.2%EM饮水组的肉仔鸡成活率、只增重、日增重分别比对照组提高了4%、9.15%、9.07%,料肉比下降儿.36%,只均纯收入提高2.72元,经济效果显著。  相似文献   

A large S. infantis infection epidemic in broiler chickens was studied during a period of one year. The outbreak affected three broiler producing companies in Finland. The infection spread to breeding farms according to available data during the summer of 1975. The epidemic still prevailed at the end of the studies on the farms of certain companies.The origin of the infection and the means of its spreading could not be ascertained. Some epidemiological evidence suggesting that a hatchery might have spread the infection was found. Contaminated feed may also have been involved, although the findings do not support feed as the principal vehicle in the epidemic. A complex pattern of transmission is most probable.A microbiological preventive method based on the feeding of a culture of intestinal flora of adult chickens to newly hatched broiler chickens was used on many farms in the study. The feeding of the culture lowered the proportion of infected flocks on the farms and significantly lowered the number of infected birds in those flocks, where the prevention was not complete. kw|Keywords|k]Salmonella infantis; k]infection; k]epidemic; k]broiler chicken  相似文献   

A QTL that explained a large proportion of the phenotypic difference between broiler and layer chickens in an experimental cross was evaluated in a commercial broiler line. A three-generation design, consisting of 15 grandsires, 608 half-sib hens, and more than 50,000 third-generation offspring, was implemented within the existing breeding scheme of a broiler breeding company. Four markers from a candidate region on chicken chromosome 4 were selected for their informativeness in the grandsires and used to genotype the first two generations. Using half-sib analyses, linkage was studied between these markers and 13 growth and carcass traits. The QTL analyses confirmed the presence of significant QTL for body weight (P < 0.01) and residual feed intake (P < 0.05) on chicken chromosome 4. Furthermore, evidence was found for QTL affecting the relative weight of bone and muscle in the thigh. Four more markers were added to increase resolution of the QTL positions. This increased the significance of the QTL for body weight (P < 0.001) and residual feed intake (P < 0.01) and showed evidence (P < 0.05) for additional QTL affecting carcass weight and conformation score. This study showed for the first time that a QTL that explains differences between broilers and layers was segregating in lines that have been selected for body weight over 50 generations. A possible explanation could be a pleiotropic or closely linked effect on fitness-related traits that are not part of the present study. The results demonstrate the feasibility of QTL detection and the potential for marker-assisted selection within a commercial broiler line without altering the existing breeding scheme.  相似文献   

黄羽肉鸡与四川山地黑羽乌骨鸡杂交试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用四川山地乌骨鸡作父本,黄羽肉鸡作母本进行杂交,杂交后代在生长速度、12周龄累计料肉比等方面体现了极显著的杂种优势。屠宰性能得到普遍改善,胸腿肌率得到了显著提高,说明黄羽肉鸡能与四川山地乌骨鸡配套进行仿土鸡的商品生产。  相似文献   

Glycation is a non-enzymatic reaction inducing the bonding of glucose to amino acids and proteins. Glycated amino acids are not useful for protein synthesis, suggesting that glycation reduces the utilization of amino acids. Metformin (MF) is well known as a therapeutic drug for type II diabetes that inhibits glycation. It is possible that treatment with MF raises the utilization of amino acids by the inhibition of glycation, thereby improving the growth performance of chickens. In the present study, therefore, we investigated the influence of dietary MF on the growth performance, and plasma concentrations of free amino acids and Nε-(Carboxymethyl)lysine (CML), which is an advanced glycation end product, in layer (Experiment 1) and broiler (Experiment 2) chickens. From 7 d of age, chicks were allowed free access to one of the experimental diets containing MF at 3 supplementation levels (0, 150, and 300 mg/kg diet) for 14 days. Body weight and feed intake were measured every week. At the end of the experiments, blood and breast muscle (M. pectoralis major) were collected for further analysis. Dietary MF did not affect weight gain, feed intake, or feed efficiency in both layer and broiler chickens. Dietary MF at the level of 150 mg/kg diet increased breast muscle weight in both layer and broiler chickens. Dietary MF increased plasma concentrations of branched chain amino acids and decreased concentrations of CML in layer chickens, although it did not affect plasma concentrations of glucose. The present study suggested that dietary MF might have the potency to increase breast muscle weight of layer chickens with an increment in plasma concentrations of branched-chain amino acids.  相似文献   

The appearance of very virulent strains of infectious bursal disease (IBD) virus at the end of the 1980s made it necessary to develop more effective immunization procedures. To facilitate this, the immunogenicity and the immunosuppressive effect of a mild (G-87), an intermediate (LIBD) and an intermediate-plus (IBDV 2512) IBDV strain were tested after the in ovo inoculation of 18-day-old SPF and broiler chicken embryos. It was established that no noteworthy difference existed between the immunized and the control embryos in hatching rate and hatching weight. The higher the virulence of the vaccine virus strain, the more severe damage it caused to the lymphocytes of the bursa of Fabricius. In SPF chickens, the haemagglutination inhibition (HI) titres induced by a Newcastle disease (ND) vaccine administered at day old decreased in inverse ratio to the virulence of the IBD vaccine strain, while in broiler chickens this was not observed. Despite the decrease of the HI titre, the level of protection did not decline, or did so only after the use of the 'hot' strain. SPF chickens immunized in ovo with a complex vaccine prepared from strain IBDV 2512 and IBD antibody showed the same protection against Newcastle disease as the broilers. In broiler chicken embryos immunized in ovo, only strain IBDV 2512 induced antibody production, and such chickens were protected against IBD at 3 weeks of age. The complex vaccine administered in ovo has been used successfully at farm hatcheries as well.  相似文献   

粗酶制剂添加于大麦日粮中对鸡生长和血液生化值的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
选择7日龄蛋用雏鸡和1日龄肉用仔鸡,研究大麦日粮中添加粗酶制剂对鸡生长和血液生化值的影响。结果表明:(1)添加粗酶制剂于大麦日粮可明显提高鸡的增重(P<0.05)和饲料转化率;(2)大麦日粮添加粗酶制剂可提高鸡血清总蛋白水平(P<0.05),同时可提高肉用仔鸡血清甘油三酯水平(P<0.01);(3)大麦日粮,添加酶制剂使蛋用雏鸡尿酸水平明显提高(P<0.05),却使肉用仔鸡尿酸水平明显降低(P<0.05)。此结果提示,粗酶制剂可提高鸡对大麦日粮的营养吸收能力,促进鸡的生长,但蛋用雏鸡和肉用仔鸡对蛋白质或氨基酸的利用率不同。  相似文献   

通过添加微生态制剂饲喂凤翔肉鸡试验来观测其生长性能,结果成活率提高5%,每只鸡多收入3.10元。笼上饲养凤翔肉鸡,70日龄成活率为99.5%,均重2595g;平地饲养成活乎为94%,均重2150g。相差445g。  相似文献   

采用对比试验,将60只7日龄哈巴特肉鸡,随机分为2个处理组 (对照组和试验组),每组10个重复,每个重复3只,饲养在不锈钢笼中。对照组和试验组分别饲喂基础日粮、基础日粮添加0.24%丝兰花。结果表明,试验期间,鸡的日采食量、饲料转化率、周末体重差异不显著(P>0.05);日增重除14~21日龄和35~42日龄试验组显著高于对照组外(P<0.05),其余各阶段差异均不显著(P>0.05);胸腺、法氏囊、脾脏指数差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

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