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水、磷对紫花苜蓿产量及水肥利用效率的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
【目的】紫花苜蓿作为畜牧业生产中最主要的优质绿色饲料,是发展草食畜牧业的物质基础,同时它也是一种需水需肥较多的作物。如何从技术方面提高单位面积苜蓿产量,实现苜蓿高产栽培是科学研究人员及生产者研究的重点。北京市东南部接壤的蓟县、宝坻及南部接壤的廊坊、武清等地区,是北京市在生态和环境优先发展原则下畜牧养殖业外移的重要承接区域,苜蓿在当地种植缺乏科学指导,年干重产量仅为7500~10000 kg/hm2,盐碱地年产量更低,为4500~6000 kg/hm2。本研究通过苜蓿水肥试验确立紫花苜蓿达到高产的最佳磷肥施用水平和灌水量,为京南地区苜蓿高产及水肥的高效利用提供可借鉴的水肥管理技术。【方法】实验在低磷砂壤土条件下进行,选用紫花苜蓿中苜2号品种,设置全生育期不灌水(W0)、以及返青后及第1、2茬刈割后灌水且每次灌水25 mm (W1)、50 mm (W2)、75 mm (W3)4个灌水处理;每个灌水处理下设置不施磷(F0)、施P2O5 105 kg/hm2(F1)、210 kg/hm2(F2)3个施磷量处理,研究了灌水和施磷对紫花苜蓿产量、水分和磷肥利用效率的影响。【结果】1)灌水对1、2茬苜蓿产量的影响有显著差异,对3、4茬及全年产量的影响无显著差异;施磷肥对第3茬苜蓿产量没有显著影响,但对第1、2、4茬及全年苜蓿产量的影响均存在显著差异。2)灌水和施磷肥对紫花苜蓿的水分和肥料利用效率均有显著影响,随着施磷量的增加,苜蓿的水分利用率逐渐增大,说明施磷可以提高水分利用效率;随着灌水量的增加,苜蓿的磷肥利用效率呈先增加后降低的趋势,说明适当的增加灌水量可以提高苜蓿的磷肥利用效率。【结论】综合考虑紫花苜蓿产量、水分和肥料利用效率等指标,最优试验处理为每次灌水量50 mm,施P2O5 210 kg/hm2,其次为每次灌水量25 mm, 施P2O5 210 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

为探讨硒、钴在提高苜蓿生长影响,在河南省沿黄滩区,开展了硒、钴单施和配施下对紫花苜蓿生长以及产量和品质影响研究。结果表明,硒、钴单施和配合基施均能够显著提高苜蓿从现蕾到开花期的净光合能力,降低呼吸消耗,提高单位叶面积干物质的生产速率,有利于苜蓿花前青干草生产和果实发育;其中,以硒570 g/hm2、钴762g/hm2配施下效果显著,青干草增产8.06%,种子千粒重可提高12.85%。单施钴和硒钴配施还能促进0—20 cm耕层苜蓿根瘤菌的生长和积累,增强苜蓿的固氮能力。说明硒钴合理基施对苜蓿青干草和优质种子生产具有很好的应用效果。  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted to determine the effect of potassium (K) nutrition on alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) growth and metabolism of root total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC) and proteins, and to study whether nitrogen (N) fertilization overcomes N deficiency and low root protein concentrations caused by K deficiency. In Experiment 1, nodulated alfalfa plants were grown in plastic pots containing washed quartz sand and provided minus‐N Hoagland's solution containing 0, 0.6, or 6.0 mM K. Shoot and root K concentrations increased with increasing solution K. Root N concentrations were higher in plants receiving 6.0 mM K than in plants receiving 0.6 or 0 mM K, but shoot N concentrations were similar for all treatments. Plant persistence, shoots per plant, and shoot mass increased as solution K levels increased. Root starch concentration and utilization were positively associated with K nutrition. Total amylase activity was higher, but endoamylase activity was lower in roots of plants receiving 6.0 mM K compared to plants receiving 0.6 or 0 mM K. Root soluble protein concentrations were significantly higher in plants receiving 6.0 mM K than in plants receiving 0 or 0.6 mM K. In Experiment 2, plants were supplied with Hoagland's solution containing 10 mM N as ammonium (NH4 +) or nitrate (NO3) with 0,3, or 6.0 mM K. The addition of N increased root N concentrations only in plants receiving 0 mM K. Plant persistence was reduced by NH4 + application, especially in plants receiving 0 or 3 mM K. Root starch concentrations were markedly reduced in plants receiving NH4 + at all K levels. The addition of NO3 had little effect on alfalfa root carbohydrate and protein metabolism and subsequent shoot growth. Potassium deficiency reduced starch and protein concentrations in roots; factors that were associated with poor persistence and slow shoot regrowth of alfalfa.  相似文献   

To study the influence of potassium (K) fertilizer rate on soil test K values, crop yield, and K-leaching in sandy soils, four long-term fertilizer experiments (0–60–120–180 kg K ha?1 a?1) were initiated in 1988 in northern Germany on farmers fields. Clay content of the plow layer was about 4%, and organic matter between 2% and 5%. Plant available soil K was estimated with the double lactate (DL) method. Small grain cereals (rye and barley) did not respond to K fertilization in the 7-year period even though the soil test value of the K-0 plots decreased from ca. 90 to ca. 30 mg KDL kg?1 within 3 years. This value remained almost constant thereafter. Crop removal (including straw) of 75 kg K ha?1 a?1 was therefore apparently supplied from nonexchangeable K fractions. Compared to the optimum, no K application reduced the yield of potato by up to 21%, and that of white sugar yield up to 10%. Maximum potato yield was obtained by annually applying 60 kg K ha?1 which resulted in a test value of 60 mg KDL kg?1 soil. Maximum potato yield was also obtained at 40 mg KDL kg?1 soil, however, with a single application of 200 kg K ha?1. Similar results were obtained with sugar beet. This indicates that for maximum yield, even for K demanding crops, it is not necessary to maintain KDL values above 40 mg K kg?1 soil throughout the entire crop rotation. Soil test values increased roughly proportional to the K fertilizer level. About 120 kg fertilizer K ha?1 a?1, markedly more than crop K removal, was required to maintain the initial KDL of 90 mg kg?1. The K concentration of the soil solution in the top soil measured after harvest was increased exponentially by K fertilizer level and so was K leaching from the plow layer into the rooted subsoil. The leached quantity increased from 22 kg K ha?1 a?1 in the plot without K application to 42.79 and 133 kg Kha?1 a?1 in plots supplied with 60, 120 and 180 kg K ha?1 a?1 respectively. Soil test values around 100 mg KDL kg?1 on sandy soils, as often found in the plow layer of farmers fields, lead to K leaching below the root zone that may exceed the critical K concentration of 12 mg K T?1 for drinking water.  相似文献   


Many soils in Alberta contain insufficient amount of available P and fertilizer P is needed for optimum crop yields. Fields experiments were conducted at two sites (Lacombe ‐ Black Chernozem silt loam and Botha ‐ Thin Black Chernozem loam) in central Alberta to determine the hay yield response of alfalfa (Medicago sativa leyss. cv. Rambler) to P fertilizer applied annually (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 60 kg P ha‐1) or once initially (60, 120, and 180 kg P ha‐1). In the initial application triple superphosphate was incorporated into soil prior to sowing of alfalfa in 1974 and in the annual application the P fertilizer was spread on soil surface for three years at Lacombe and for five years at Botha beginning in the spring of 1975. The hay yield increased with P application, but its magnitude of response to added P was lower at Botha than at Lacombe. The residual effect of large single P applications on hay yield lasted at least for five years.  相似文献   


Recent studies showing a lack of response by alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) to phosphorus (P) fertilization have raised concerns about the efficacy of commonly used P fertilizer materials in the southwestern United States. Studies were conducted between 1982 and 1985 in southeastern New Mexico to evaluate (i) alfalfa yield response to different P sources, (ii) the effect of P fertilizer source on forage total nitrogen (N) content and leafiness, and (iii) the effect of P fertilizer source on soil test P. Nine P sources were applied annually from 1982 through 1984 at a rate of 58 kg P/ha. Alfalfa was grown during 1985 without fertilization to examine the residual effect of P sources. Triple superphosphate (TSP) and monoammonium phosphate (MAP) gave the highest alfalfa forage yields over the 3‐year application period, but no residual fertilizer effects were observed when fertilization was discontinued. Fertilization did not affect forage leafiness. Except for a small N response in forage total N content in 1984, neither P nor concomitant applied N had a significant effect on forage N content over the 3‐year period. Phosphorus fertilization significantly increased average soil test P for the 3‐year period, but there were no significant differences between treatments. Currently used P materials (TSP and MAP) still appear to be the most efficacious for alfalfa production.  相似文献   


Yield and productivity of Concord grapes trained to the Geneva Double Curtain system were examined over a period of three seasons (1986–1988). Factorial rates of N fertilization and the growth regulator, daminozide, were applied. Results showed that daminozide at 750 ppm combined with any N fertilization level in the study increased yield without sacrificing fruit quality or vine growth. Soil N fertilization at the rates applied did not significantly affect growth, yield or quality even though higher N rates increased leaf petiole N contents. During the three year study, no interaction was found between nitrogen and daminozide on yield.

Received for publication 6/15/91. Salaries and research support provided in part by state and federal funds appropriated to the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, The Ohio State University. Journal Article No. 116–90.  相似文献   

在陕西关中典型土壤——塿土进行了连续25年的定位施肥试验。通过对25年来不同施肥小区土壤肥力差异的分析研究表明,多年连续施肥,可以明显提高土壤中有机质、全氮、全磷、碱解氮、速效磷含量以及作物产量,即单施化肥或有机—无机肥料配合施用,都可以增强土壤养分容量及其供应强度,有利于培肥土壤,提高作物产量,其中又以有机—无机肥料配合施用的效果更好。  相似文献   

通过对供试棉田土壤主要养分限制因子及中长绒陆地棉最佳施肥量研究表明,氮素是供试土壤的第一养分限制因子,其次是磷素和钾素,对中长绒棉产量影响的养分限制因子顺序为氮>磷>钾。平衡施肥的N、P2O5、K2O施肥量分别为207、138、75 kg/hm2时能显著提高中长绒陆地棉的产量。不施肥CK处理相对OPT(氮磷钾最佳施肥处理)减产达33%。通过氮磷钾肥料效应方程得到N、P2O5、K2O最佳经济施肥量分别为203.3、141.7、46 kg/hm2,N∶P2O5∶K2O为1∶0.70∶0.23,最佳经济皮棉产量分别为1474、1550和1516 kg/hm2。  相似文献   


This study was conducted to determine the effects of honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) and bumblebee (Bombus terrestris L . ) on alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) seed production in the west Mediterranean region of Turkey, between 2001 and 2003. The experimental plots (4×3 m) were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications for spring and autumn seasons. Four pollination treatments (caged with bumblebee (BP), caged with honeybee (HP), open-pollinated (OP) and pollinator excluded (EP)) were applied. The effects of honeybee and bumblebee on alfalfa seed yield, number of pods per raceme, number of seeds per pod, and podding rate were investigated. The results of seed yield indicate that interaction between treatment groups and seasons was significant (p<0.01). The highest seed yield in alfalfa was found in OP (66.19kg/ha) in the spring followed by BP (56.48kg/ha), HP (49.20kg/ha) and EP (2.44kg/ha). With regarding to the autumn season, the highest seed yield was found in BP (26.17kg/ha) treatment followed by HP (22.89kg/ha), OP (18.12kg/ha) and EP (1.96kg/ha). The results of this research show that B. terrestris can be recommended as an alternative pollinator to honeybee for alfalfa seed production.  相似文献   

水氮联合调控对小油菜生长、产量及品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用温室盆栽试验,研究了水氮联合调控对小油菜生长、产量及品质的影响。结果表明,灌水水平与施氮量对叶片数、叶面积、叶绿素与产量均有显著或极显著影响,这些指标均随灌水水平的提高而增加,随施氮量的增加呈抛物线趋势,在低氮(0.1 g·kg~(-1))与中氮处理(0.2 g·kg~(-1))达到最大,且差异不显著。中水高氮(田间持水量的75%,0.3 g·kg~(-1))耦合能显著提高小油菜Vc含量;灌水、施氮及其交互作用对可溶性糖与硝酸盐含量影响极显著;增加灌水能减轻高量氮肥对小油菜可溶性糖合成的抑制作用;不施氮处理硝酸盐含量均极显著低于施氮处理,高水低氮(田间持水量的90%,0.1 g·kg~(-1))与中水(田间持水量的75%)下的各个施氮处理硝酸盐含量较低。降低施氮量,适当增加灌水能增加Vc、可溶性糖含量,降低硝酸盐积累。综合考虑小油菜生长、产量及品质,中水低氮(田间持水量的75%,0.1 g·kg~(-1))为最佳水氮处理。  相似文献   

硒、钴对苜蓿青干草营养水平影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过在苜蓿草地上基施硒、钴物料的田间试验,研究苜蓿对硒钴的吸收、积累和转化特点,以及各种物料对苜蓿青干草中营养成分和微量元素含量的影响。结果表明: (1)硒或钴物料均能提高苜蓿青干草中硒的含量,物料中硒含量越高,青干草中硒的含量也越高。钴能显著提高苜蓿青干草中的钴含量,过量施钴会造成钴料的浪费。虽然硒对草中钴积累量影响不大,但硒钴混合物料可显著提高牧草钴的积累量,物料中硒含量越高草中钴的积累量越多。(2)硒钴的合理混施能显著提高苜蓿对硒、钴的利用率以及物料中无机硒向牧草中有机硒的转化率,提高牧草中硒的有效性和安全性。(3)在所有硒、钴物料中,高硒低钴能提高苜蓿青干草的粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量,对粗纤维和无氮浸出物影响不大。而其他硒、钴物料均能显著提高苜蓿干草中的粗纤维含量,降低粗脂肪含量,对粗蛋白和无氮浸出物含量影响不大。(4)硒钴混合物料能显著提高苜蓿青干草中Mo、Cu、B、Fe、Mn、Zn 6种元素的含量,其中Mo的提高幅度最大为142.34 %~256.45 %, 其次为Fe、Mn和Zn,提高幅度分别为48.16 %~59.45 %、32.88 %~41.66 %和37.10 %~96.39 %。Cu和B的提高幅度最小,分别为13.43 %~37.33 %和14.60 %~39.67 %。  相似文献   

通过对奉化芋艿头的施肥试验 ,研究了施肥对芋艿产量和品质的影响。认为钾素和有机肥是影响奉化芋艿头产量和品质的主要因素。优质高产栽培技术应采用增施有机肥和氯磷钾结合的施肥方法  相似文献   

Crambe (Crambe abyssinica Hochist.) is an oilseed crop high in euricic acid with industrial applications in production of nylon, plasticizers, and lubricants. Little information is available on crambe response to phosphorus (P) and zinc (Zn) fertilization. This glasshouse study was conducted to evaluate the response of crambe to four rates of P and five rates of Zn fertilizer application to a soil with 10 mg/kg NaHCO3‐extractable P and 0.6 mg/kg DTPA‐extractable Zn. Phosphorus fertilizer, but not Zn fertilizer, increased the dry matter yield of plant tops. Phosphorus response was consistent in both 35‐ and 62‐day‐old plants. Zinc response was most consistent in 35 day‐old plants. Significant interactions were observed between P and Zn for dry matter weight, P:Zn ratio, and Zn uptake at 35 days. No significant interactions were observed at 62 days. Analysis of the data showed a negative correlation coefficient between P or Zn treatment and tissue concentration or uptake for the opposite element.  相似文献   


The effect of sulphur application on winter wheat yield and yield components on two different soils in northern Estonia and southern Estonia during 2004–2009 was investigated. Sulphur was applied with NS-fertilizer Axan or Axan Super at the rate of S 10 or 13.6 kg ha?1 accompanied with nitrogen background of N 100 kg ha?1, which effect was compared to effect of ammonium nitrate at the same rate of N. The rates of fertilizers were divided into two portions and applied at the growth stages 21–22 and 25–30. The effect of sulphur fertilization on the formation of wheat yield varied on a quite large scale depending on soil and weather conditions of trial locations. The yield components were closely related: when one component was changed, the other components sometimes compensated for grain yield.

Sulphur deficiency symptoms appeared on the break-stony soil at Saku in a somewhat stronger form than on the pseudopodzolic soil at Auksi. The results of field trials conducted at Saku during the four years can be summarized as follows: the application of sulphur increased the number of ears per unit area by an average of 14.0% and the number of grains per ear by an average of 18.6%. At the same time, sulphur decreased the 1000-grain weight. As a final result, sulphur application on break-stony soil increased the wheat yield by 1.16 t ha?1 on average, i.e. by 23.0%. Sulphur application in trials conducted on pseudopodzolic soil at Auksi during years with different weather conditions in growing season proved highly effective in three of five trials. As an average of all trials in Auksi, the sulphur application increased the number of ears per unit area and the number of grains per ear by 23.9% and 7.7%, respectively. The grain yield increased under the influence of sulphur on the average of all trials conducted on pseudopodzolic soil by 1.25 t ha?1, i.e. by 22.4%.  相似文献   


Zinc (Zn) deficiency is common worldwide and is a major limiting factor in the cultivation of Platycodon grandiflorum because most P. grandiflorum is cultivated on soils with slight or severe levels of Zn deficiency in China. To investigate the effects of soil Zn fertilization on P. grandiflorum and its residual effects on soil characteristics, a randomized complete block design was conducted at the experimental station of Shandong Agricultural University China in 2016–2018. In 2016, ZnSO4 · 7H2O was used as Zn fertilizer. The fertilizer levels of Zn fertilizer were designed as 0, 4, 6, 8 and 10 kg ha?1 and were denoted as CK, Zn4, Zn6, Zn8 and Zn10. No Zn fertilizer was used in 2017 and 2018. The results showed that soil Zn fertilization increased the quantity of soil bacteria, and actinobacteria, Zn8 and Zn10 treatments increased the soil fungal quantity in 2017, whereas the effect was observed only in the Z10 treatment in 2018. Soil Zn fertilization enhanced the activity of polyphenol oxidase, decreased that of phosphatase, and did not influence the invertase activity in both 2017 and 2018. Both the yield and the quality of P. grandiflorum in the succeeding three years increased due to the soil Zn fertilization in 2016. Overall, soil Zn application is a suitable approach to the cultivation of P. grandiflorum, and the residual effects of a one-time soil Zn fertilization could last at least two years.  相似文献   

在陕西关中典型土壤——蝼土进行了连续25年的定位施肥试验。通过对25年来不同施肥小区土壤肥力差异的分析研究表明,多年连续施肥,可以明显提高土壤中有机质、全氮、全磷、碱解氮、速效磷含量以及作物产量,即单施化肥或有机-无机肥料配合施用,都可以增强土壤养分容量及其供应强度,有利于培肥土壤,提高作物产量,其中又以有机-无机肥料配合施用的效果更好。  相似文献   


Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) does not grow as well as it used to in areas of Canada and northwestern United States. Affected plants have nitrogen (N)‐deficiency symptoms, few or no nodules, and respond to N fertilizer. For lack of a good explanation, such plants are called “sick”;.

Six commercial inoculant products were tested with alfalfa grown on cores of eight soils in which alfalfa establishment and stand duration have been problems, to determine if inoculant quality influenced development of any sick‐alfalfa symptoms. Percentages of nodulated plants ranged from 35 to 82 after 5 to 8 weeks’ growth, and corresponded closely with estimated rhizobia numbers in the products. Dry forage yields were not closely related to percentage nodulation, however, because of residual soil N levels that supported seedling growth. Inoculant products containing inadequate numbers of rhizobia to promptly and effectively nodulate plants resulted in poor nodulation that may lead to establishment failure or sparse, weak stands.

Contribution from the Central Oregon Exp. Stn. and Dep. of Microbiology, Oregon Agric. Exp. Stn. Journal Article No. 4910.  相似文献   

Soybean isoflavone concentrations vary widely, but the contribution of soil fertility and nutrient management to this variability is unknown. Field experiments from 1998 to 2000 on soils with low to high exchangeable potassium (K) concentrations evaluated K application and placement effects on isoflavone concentrations and composition of soybean in various tillage and row-width systems. Soybean seed yield and concentrations of daidzein, genistein, glycitein, leaf K, and seed K were measured. Significant increases in daidzein, genistein, and total isoflavone were observed with direct deep-banded K or residual surface-applied K on low-K soils. Positive effects of K fertilization on isoflavones were less frequent on medium- to high-testing K soils. Both individual and total isoflavones were often positively correlated with seed yield, leaf K, and seed K on low-K soils. Appropriate K management could be an effective approach to increase isoflavone concentrations for soybeans produced on low- to medium-K soils.  相似文献   

不同氮营养水平对茶叶产量和品质的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
采用田间试验,研究了年施纯N 90 kg/hm2、180 kg/hm2、360 kg/hm2、720 kg/hm2 4种不同氮素营养水平对茶叶干物质产量和品质的影响。结果表明,氮肥对茶叶的干物质产量和品质有明显的影响,合理的施氮量能显著提高茶叶产量并改善其品质。所有处理中,年施纯N 360 kg/hm2获得了最高干物质产量,超过这一施肥量,产量便开始下降。在同一基础肥力土壤条件下,茶叶干物质产量表现为随施氮量的加大先增加后降低,呈抛物线趋势。品质结果分析显示施用适量氮肥能明显提高茶叶中的游离氨基酸、咖啡碱和水浸出物含量,而茶多酚含量降低; 茶树叶片中的叶绿素含量也呈升高趋势。在4种施肥水平条件下,茶叶增产幅度为19.59%、25.19%,平均22.39%; 茶叶品质成分,特别是游离氨基酸含量有明显提高。  相似文献   

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