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白蚁是建筑物和树木的重要害虫。目前,白蚁的防治主要采取化学防治手段,但过多地使用化学农药带来的环境危机不得不让人们寻找无公害的生物农药,国内在白蚁生物防治农药的研究方面已取得了不少进展。利用微生物、植物提取液、内生菌发酵产物等生物源材料制成的生物农药,已经在园林、建筑、农业领域得到广泛使用。介绍国内外生物农药防治白蚁研究取得的进展,为生物农药的研究提供帮助。  相似文献   

廖耀明 《植物保护》1989,15(5):21-21
白蚁除危害房屋建筑、作物林木、库坝堤塘外,在南方,柑桔园受害也十分严重。主要有土栖的黑翅土白蚁、黄翅大白蚁和从伤损处钻食树干的家白蚁、肖若散白蚁和黄肢散白蚁等。现将防治措施介绍如下:  相似文献   

李凯 《湖北植保》2001,1(2):28-29
建设部 1 999年发布了 72号部长令《城市房屋白蚁防治管理规定》,规定中指出在蚁害区新建、改建、翻建、扩建及装饰装修房屋都必须进行白蚁预防处理 ,这对白蚁防治工作的开展起到了积极推动作用 ,同时也为白蚁防治工作者提出了新的课题。目前我国大量使用的白蚁防治剂仍为氯丹乳油和无机杀虫剂 ,由于这些药剂毒性大 ,残留时间长 ,对土壤、水质、环境造成严重污染 ,欧美、日本发达国家早已淘汰或禁用 ,因此筛选或研制更加优良的杀白蚁剂以取代剧毒高残留的氯丹等药剂已迫在眉睫。武钢白蚁防治站与华中农业大学昆虫资源研究所合作 ,从 1 998年…  相似文献   

物理防治技术在白蚁防治中的研究与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白蚁是破坏性很强的社会性昆虫.白蚁防治方法主要有化学防治、物理防治、生物防治3种方法,目前应用最多的是化学防治法.但随着包括我国在内的国际社会签署的《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》的生效,采用化学防治白蚁的方法受到越来越大的挑战.文章阐述了物理防治技术在国内外的研究及应用现状,并对物理防治白蚁技术的发展前景进行了探讨.  相似文献   

我国生物源农药门类齐全,涉及微生物农药、植物源农药、生物化学农药、天敌生物及农用抗生素等不同品种,目前已登记的有效成分115种,产品近3800个。本文总结了100多项国内已制定的生物源农药相关标准,涵盖产品质量、毒理学、药效评价、环境安全及农药残留等领域。我国生物源农药标准制定工作存在系统性不强、发展不均衡、基础性和通用型标准缺乏等问题,生物源农药的产品质量标准和登记管理配套的试验和评价准则是将来标准制定的重点和发展方向。  相似文献   

我国生物源农药产业现状调研及分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对全国378家生产微生物农药、植物源农药、生物化学农药以及天敌生物等生物源农药的主要生产企业进行了问卷调查。结果表明,生物源农药登记品种共计112个,其中微生物农药30个、植物源农药29个、生物化学农药26个、天敌生物2个、农用抗生素25个(未包含阿维菌素),占整个登记农药品种数量的17%;2012年全国生物源农药年产量(含与化学农药的混配产品)约为29万吨,约占农药总产量的8%。从整体情况来看,生物源农药在整个农药产业中的比重非常低,不同生物源农药品种之间以及不同生产企业之间的发展水平差异较大,生物源农药自身的特性、登记管理政策以及用药成本等因素是制约生物源农药产业发展的主要因素。  相似文献   

山林白蚁的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国约有 50 0余种白蚁 ,但绝大多数生活在山林中 ,严重危害树木 ,我国南方大面积的人工幼林、风景区参天挺拔的数百年乃至千余年的古树遭到白蚁蛀蚀 ,轻则影响树林的正常生长 ,重则造成林木空心或死亡 ,成为森林保护工作中的一大重点。笔者长期在武汉从事山林白蚁的防治工作 ,武汉也是全国白蚁危害的重灾区。武汉地处亚热带 ,雨水充足、植被丰富 ,这些都为白蚁生存繁衍提供了良好的条件。武汉有 7种白蚁 ,危害山林的有土栖白蚁、散白蚁、家白蚁。其中最主要的是土栖白蚁。1 土栖白蚁对林木的危害特征土栖白蚁对林木的危害与家白蚁、散白…  相似文献   

白蚁防治剂的现状和未来   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
简述了白蚁的危害,重点综述了白蚁防治剂的现状。目前研究开发和应用的白蚁防治剂主要为砷制剂类、金属盐类、无机酸类、有机氯(氟、溴)类、有机磷类、氨基甲酸酯类、酰胺类、硅烷类、拟除虫菊酯类、有机杂环类、昆虫生长调节剂和天然源白蚁防治剂等。无机白蚁防治剂和有机氯类的大多数品种在未来的发展中将被淘汰,拟除虫菊酯类药剂将成为主要产品,有机杂环类、昆虫生长调节剂类和天然源防治剂将是今后白蚁防治剂的发展方向。  相似文献   

广东罗定生物化工有限公司针对目前绿色食品生产的需要,开发了新一代的病虫的防治新药,阿维菌素-机油乳油。 本产品属矿物油类与生物源农药的混合体,对作物无害,对果品无污染,对环境安全,是绿色食品生产中理想的病虫防治药物。  相似文献   

有些蚂蚁和白蚁种类是重要的世界性害虫,对人类生活造成显著影响,有关防治工作特别是化学防治一直受到密切关注。本文整理了我国蚂蚁和白蚁防治登记用药,汇总分析了蚂蚁、红火蚁、白蚁等化学防治药剂的基础数据,提出了加强农药登记监管和市场抽检、鼓励有效成分和配方制剂研发、进行应用场景分类和抗性监测等结论和建议,以期能够在指导药剂合理使用、促进农药产品升级、推动新型农药发展等方面发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Termites are worldwide pests causing considerable damage to agriculture, forestry and buildings. While various approaches have been tried to eliminate termite populations, the relevant toxicants are associated with certain risks to the environment and human health. RESULTS: In this study, to combine the merits of effective chemical control by bifenthrin and a drug photoimmobilisation technique, silk fibroin was used as a carrier to embed bifenthrin, which was then photoactively immobilised by ultraviolet treatment on the surface of wood (cellulose). The immobilised bifenthrin embedded in the photoactive silk fibroin was characterised by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy (UV), fluorescence measurement and CHN analysis. The surface structures and biological activity were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) and bioassays respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that the embedded and immobilised bifenthrin has been very well protected from free release and has a long‐term stability allowing slow release with a high efficiency against termites at a low dose of 1.25 µg cm?2. This study provides a novel and environmentally benign technique for termite control by photoimmobilising silk‐fibroin‐embedded bifenthrin on the surface of materials that are otherwise easily attacked by termites. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

园林树木白蚁地上治理新技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首次报道了灌药盖膜法、硅藻土处理法、灭蚁环法新技术对园林树木上黑翅土白蚁、黑胸散白蚁的防治效果。结果表明:处理2个月后,灌药盖膜法和灭蚁环法的防治效果达100%,硅藻土处理法防治效果为82%~99.6%。3种防治方法相比,用0.1%灭蚁素乳胶剂通过灭蚁环技术进行防治,其防治效果好、持效期长、成本低、无需用水、操作简便,且对人和环境安全,适宜在园林风景区及山林中大面积应用。  相似文献   

Formosan subterranean termites, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, were exposed to ? 95% or 50% carbon dioxide atmospheres for intervals of 24-120 h at 26(±3)°C. A 24-h exposure to ? 95% carbon dioxide caused significant termite mortality, but 60 h were required for complete mortality. Exposure to 50% carbon dioxide for 60 h resulted in approximately 70% termite mortality, while complete mortality was recorded after 120 h. When termites were sealed in wooden blocks (90 × 90 × 152 mm), 72-96 h exposure to ? 95% carbon dioxide was necessary for complete control. A limited study with Cryptotermes brevis (Walker) suggested that this drywood termite is also susceptible to carbon dioxide fumigation, although slightly longer exposures may be required than with C. formosanus. Carbon dioxide-modified atmospheres are a viable alternative to conventional fumigants for vault fumigation of termite-infested materials, and may also be applicable to larger-scale fumigations to control structural pests.  相似文献   

广州古树名木白蚁的发生与防治   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刘晓燕 《昆虫天敌》1997,19(4):169-172
广州市古树名木受白蚁为害率为16%,其中以家白蚁为害最大,占总为害率的95.6%,受害树种以樟树为最严重。本文作者使用凯雷牌白蚁粉,彩蚁路施药法,分群孔施药法和钻巢+诱杀法,于4-7月份对受害树木进行防治试验,结果证明分群孔施药法和钻巢+诱杀法处理效果比较理想。作者还对广州市古树名木的保持提出了建议。  相似文献   

我国蔬菜害虫生物防治研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
我国是蔬菜生产、消费和出口大国,蔬菜害虫是影响蔬菜产量和品质,制约蔬菜产业发展的重要因素。传统化学农药的长期大量使用,不仅造成生态环境污染、影响食品安全,还导致害虫抗药性逐渐增强,因此,生物防治成为害虫综合治理的重要措施。我国生物防治技术经过几十年的发展,在天敌昆虫资源的发掘、应用、技术研发和配套措施等方面取得了显著的进步。本文综述了我国蔬菜害虫生物防治的研究和应用进展,并分析了当前存在的问题和发展趋势,以期为今后的害虫研究和防治提供思路。  相似文献   

Soil insecticide barriers have been the single most important tool for subterranean termite control in the last half century, but limitations with current soil termiticides have provided the impetus to look for alternatives in recent years. One such alternative is the monitoring--baiting programme. Monitoring stations to detect termites are placed in the soil surrounding a structure. Once termites are found in the stations, monitoring devices are replaced with slow-acting baits such as the chitin synthesis inhibitor, hexaflumuron. Field studies have indicated that termite colonies were eliminated using less than 1 g of hexaflumuron. After the elimination, monitoring resumes and bait is applied if new termite activity is detected. The monitoring and baiting procedure form the basis for an ongoing programme to protect structures from subterranean termite infestation. Although the cost--benefit model developed for agricultural integrated pest management cannot be applied directly to termite control, the underlying concept for using a cost-effective approach remains the same. The benefits of the monitoring--baiting programme over conventional soil treatment are a reduction in pesticide applied per unit and the elimination of termite populations near structures, resulting in the reduction of liability and damage potential. It is expected that the data management system when used in conjunction with the monitoring--baiting programme will provide a database to improve its cost-effectiveness continuously.  相似文献   

Destruction of yam (Dioscorea spp.) tubers by termites is a major constraint to yam production in Central Benin. To obtain the basic information for the development of appropriate strategies of termites management in yam, a structured questionnaire was used to interview 142 farmers about their knowledge of termite species of yam, susceptibility of yam landraces, and management practices in 14 villages through the study area. A total of 45 vernaculars names of termites were recorded corresponding to 10 species. All the names given to termite species had a signification, mainly related to morphological aspects, type of damage, and termite caste. Eleven features were used by farmers to identify yam termites. The infestation of yam fields mostly occurred from October to April with Amitermes evuncifer and Trinevitermes oeconomus being the most damaging termite species. Overall, eight factors were identified by farmers as favouring the proliferation of termites in yam fields with drought being the most frequently reported factor. Farmers identified 11 yam landraces that were highly susceptible to termites attack, while 12 yam landraces were listed as resistant. Application of chemicals was the most commonly reported control method, followed by destruction of termite nest, and application of botanical extracts. According to farmers, the high multiplication rate of termites is the most important constraint in managing the issue of termites in yam.  相似文献   

几丁质合成抑制剂在白蚁防治中的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘炳荣  钟俊鸿 《昆虫天敌》2006,28(4):180-187
昆虫生长调节剂是一类新型的第三代杀虫剂,能阻碍或干扰昆虫正常的生长发育,活性高,残毒小,对环境污染少,大量应用于农、林、卫生害虫防治。其中,应用比较广泛的是几丁质合成抑制剂,能阻碍白蚁新表皮的形成,抑制白蚁的蜕皮而致死。目前,几丁质合成抑制剂如氟铃脲、杀铃脲、除虫脲、氟啶脲等已应用于白蚁群体防治,对白蚁有显著的控制作用,是目前砒剂和灭蚁灵较理想的替代物。  相似文献   

森林健康与森林病虫害科学防控的浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王玲  聂林 《江西植保》2006,29(2):83-85,82
森林健康是现代林业的经营理念,本文分析了森林健康与森林病虫害的各种关系,阐述了森林病虫害可持续控制的策略和措施,以促进森林健康的质量,实现森林病虫害的科学防控。  相似文献   

The potential of vetiver oil and nootkatone as wood treatments against Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki was examined by assessing the effects on termite tunneling, feeding activity and survival, and the consequences on the symbiont protozoa responsible for wood digestion. Comparisons were made with non-treated wood (control), wood treated with the borate compound Tim-Bor (a commonly used lumber preservative) and absence of a food source (starved termites), using choice and no-choice tests. All wood slices were prepared at the same time using a 10 g liter(-1) solution of each substance and were tested in four different sessions over one year to investigate longevity of the effects. Termites had to tunnel through sand to exploit the food sources, consisting of two wood slices, placed on opposite sides of the experimental enclosure. No-choice tests showed that in the presence of vetiver oil or nootkatone, tunneling activity was always the lowest; wood consumption, termite survival and flagellate numbers and species distribution were significantly different from the control and similar to the results obtained for starved termites and with Tim-Bor-treated wood. Nootkatone negatively affected termites for 12 months and was longer lasting than vetiver oil. In choice tests, when vetiver oil or nootkatone were present, termites exhibited a significant preference for non-treated wood. Our results confirmed both the toxicity and absence of repellency of Tim-Bor. Vetiver oil and especially nootkatone affected Formosan subterranean termites and their protozoa, acting as arrestants, repellents and feeding deterrents, and represent a promising natural alternative for the control of this invasive pest.  相似文献   

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