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Empirical studies have demonstrated the importance of maternal characteristics to egg and larval viability in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and other marine teleosts. The effects of these advantages on total reproductive output of individual fish have not yet been studied. A model of an Atlantic cod population was constructed to determine the contribution of offspring by spawners of different spawning experience. First-, second-, and third-time spawners consisted of cod ages 1-9 years old and experienced spawners consisted of ages 10 and 11. Experienced spawners contributed 10.1-12.4 times more offspring surviving to age 1 than did less experienced spawners. Reproductive efforts by first- and second-time spawners were relatively unimportant. These insights are at odds with traditional maximum sustainable yield based management and lax management, both of which favor a population dominated by young breeders and ignore the large per capita production of recruits by experienced spawners. To be managed for biological survival and commercial viability, northwest Atlantic cod will require legal protection to prevent the harvest of these oldest ages of cod.  相似文献   

Commercial fishing has repeatedly been identified as a major causal factor for global declines in fish stocks. Recently, recreational fisheries have also been considered as having the potential to contribute to fisheries declines. Here, we take a global focus, contrasting the characteristics of commercial and recreational fisheries relevant to conservation and sustainability of exploited fishes in both marine and freshwater environments. We provide evidence to support our assertion that the same issues that have led to global fisheries concerns regarding commercial fishing can have equivalent, and in some cases, magnified effects in recreational fisheries. Contrasts revealed that the issues of bycatch and catch-and-release, fisheries-induced selection, trophic changes, habitat degradation, gear technology, fishing effort, and production regimes are remarkably similar among fishery sectors. In recognition of this conclusion, we present a new vision for recreational fishing that positions it on the same scale and urgency as commercial fisheries. Efforts to manage and conserve fisheries must recognise that issues and threats are similar in these fundamentally and philosophically different fisheries, as may be the solutions. Failure to recognise the similarities will further polarise these sectors and retard efforts to conserve aquatic resources. Fishing activity of any kind, whether commercial or recreational, has the potential to affect negatively fish and fisheries, as well as aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Noninvasive genetic monitoring has the potential to estimate vital rates essential for conservation and management of many species. In a long-term genetic capture-mark-recapture study using scats we evaluated temporal variation in adult survival in a wolverine (Gulo gulo) population in southern Norway. In contrast to most previous studies of large mammals we found evidence for negative density dependence in adult survival in this large carnivore. Both sexes showed the same pattern of density dependence, with higher annual survival rates in adult females than males. In addition, we also found an additive mortality effect of harvesting in the population, resulting in the lowest adult survival rates at a combination of high population density and high harvest rate. The additive effects of density and harvest on adult survival of wolverines have relevance to the conservation and management of solitary carnivores with strong intrasexual territoriality, especially for species where combats among conspecifics can cause serious injury or even mortality.  相似文献   

Coastal kelp forest ecosystems provide important habitats for a diverse assemblage of invertebrates, fish and marine top-predators such as seabirds and sea mammals. Although kelp is harvested industrially on a worldwide scale little is known about the multi-trophic consequences of this habitat removal. We investigated how kelp fisheries, which remove feeding and nursery grounds of coastal fish, influence local food webs and the availability of food to a marine top predator, the great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo). We conducted experimental harvesting of the canopy-forming kelp (Laminaria hyperborea) during a 3 year period (2001-2003) in an area at the coast of Central Norway while synoptically monitoring fish occurrence and cormorant foraging parameters. Our results demonstrate that cormorants preferentially foraged within kelp-forested areas and performed significantly more dives when feeding in harvested versus un-harvested areas suggesting lower foraging yield in the former case. In kelp areas that were newly harvested the number of small (<15 cm) gadid fish was 92% lower than in un-harvested areas. This effect was persistent for at least 1 year following harvest. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the ecological consequences of kelp harvesting have been tested at a multi-trophic level. The results presented strongly suggest that kelp harvesting affects fish abundance and diminishes coastal seabird foraging efficiency. Kelp fisheries are currently managed in order to maximize the net harvest of kelp biomass, and the underlying effects on the ecosystems are partly ignored. This study calls for re-assessment of such management practices.  相似文献   

Fishers’ attitudes and perceptions are critical for the success of fisheries protection areas with their associated biota, and a failure to understand fishers’ behaviour may undermine the success of such fisheries management measures. In this study, we examine fishers’ perception of a long-established exclusive fisheries zone around Malta and to investigate if the perceptions depend on fishers’ demographic, economic, social characteristics and fishing activity of the fishers. A questionnaire survey was undertaken to evaluate the demographic characteristics, economic situation (costs and revenue) and fishers’ activity and behaviour, together with their perception of the Fisheries Management Zone (FMZ). A total of 241 interview responses were analysed which was a response rate of 60%. The perception of most fishers was that the establishment of the FMZ has had an overall negative impact on their fishing activity and that the zone is not important for the protection of local fish stocks. When asked about the beneficial effect of the zone for fishers, most fishers from all backgrounds said that the zone does not benefit commercial fishers, but benefits mainly recreational fishers. The most evident differences in the perceptions and attitudes were between the full-time, part-time and recreational fishers. Fishers that have been fishing for more than 35 years and fishers from the main fishing village also had different attitudes from other fishers towards the FMZ. The results of this study suggest that the proportion of individual income derived from fishing was the strongest factor that influenced attitudinal differences, with home port and fishing experience having less important effects. The main differences in attitude among fishers were related to the protection and conservation effects of the zone, enhancement of resources and conflicts among user groups. The heterogeneity among fishers’ attitudes revealed by the present study has important implications for the implementation of spatial closures. Some sectors of stakeholders may require additional incentives to accept restrictions on access if spatial management is to achieve its intended objectives.  相似文献   

Bonefish (Albula spp.) are a widely distributed group of morphologically indistinguishable marine fish species, that provide a recreational sport fishery, that is important for many local economies. Although the majority of angled bonefish are released following capture, little is known about their behavior or post-release survival. Using ultrasonic transmitters and small visual floats, we assessed behavior and mortality of bonefish following catch-and-release angling at spring water temperatures (25.5-27.3 °C) in two regions of the Bahamas with differing shark abundances. All observed mortality occurred within 30 min of release and was a direct result of predation by sharks. In the low shark abundance areas, all released bonefish survived, whereas in the high shark abundance areas, some mortality (39%) was observed. Exhaustively angled fish exposed to air had problems maintaining equilibrium following release. These fish typically spent substantial periods of the first 30 min post-release remaining stationary, then moved in rapid bursts. The results of this study, highlight the benefits of angling and releasing bonefish quickly, minimizing handling and particularly air exposure. Furthermore, when shark predation threat is high, anglers should avoid releasing bonefish in the immediate area. The conservation of exploited recreational bonefish fisheries will depend upon the development and dissemination of science-based catch-and-release strategies.  相似文献   

When long-term, intense levels of harvest nearly extirpated Chinese ginseng (Panax ginseng C. Meyer) in the early 18th century, commercial harvest of American ginseng (P. quinquefolius L.) began and large quantities of the roots were exported to East Asia. Annual export figures have fallen over the past 200 years, but demand for wild American ginseng has not abated. Persistent harvest of long-lived, slow-maturing species can have negative impacts on population growth rates, yet those closest to wild resources are often in a position to be the best stewards of that resource. This study explored the consequences of different harvester behaviors on the population dynamics of American ginseng. Drawing on known behaviors, we developed three harvester ‘types’ and ran demographic simulations on wild ginseng populations, partitioning the sources of differences in population growth rates using a life table response experiment (LTRE). The simulations showed that ignoring size class limits and harvest season onset dates dramatically affected population growth rates. Existing laws in many states are not adequate to protect wild ginseng populations. A stewardship-oriented harvester, who delays harvest onset by two weeks, self-limits harvest intensity and plants ginseng seeds at the time of harvest can reverse declining population growth rates.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》2002,103(3):349-359
In this study we used population projection matrices to evaluate the conservation status of Neobuxbaumia macrocephala, a columnar cactus endemic to a small region in the Tehuacan Valley, in central Mexico. Demographic data included 2-year observations on growth, fecundity and survival of individuals classified by size. Our results indicate that the population is comprised of 70% juveniles. Population growth rate was 0.979 and 0.994 for the 1997/1998 and the 1998/1999 periods, respectively. The slight increase in λ in 1998/1999 was a result of increased fecundity and seedling survival. The highest elasticity values correspond to the survival of large/old individuals. Numerical simulations were performed by changing the value of particular matrix entries and directly evaluating their effect on λ. Population growth rate reached values above unity only when either fecundity or seedling survival probability were increased 10-fold. Given these limitations for population growth, along with its limited distribution range and low population densities, we propose N. macrocephala to be classified as a rare species and to promote its conservation by favoring management practices aimed to increase germination and seedling establishment success.  相似文献   

Fisheries management agencies around the world collect age data for the purpose of assessing the status of natural resources in their jurisdiction. Estimates of mortality rates represent a key information to assess the sustainability of fish stocks exploitation. Contrary to medical research or manufacturing where survival analysis is routinely applied to estimate failure rates, survival analysis has seldom been applied in fisheries stock assessment despite similar purposes between these fields of applied statistics. In this paper, we developed hazard functions to model the dynamic of an exploited fish population. These functions were used to estimate all parameters necessary for stock assessment (including natural and fishing mortality rates as well as gear selectivity) by maximum likelihood using age data from a sample of catch. This novel application of survival analysis to fisheries stock assessment was tested by Monte Carlo simulations to assert that it provided unbiased estimations of relevant quantities. The method was applied to the data from the Queensland (Australia) sea mullet (Mugil cephalus) commercial fishery collected between 2007 and 2014. It provided, for the first time, an estimate of natural mortality affecting this stock: \(0.22 \pm 0.08\)  year\(^{-1}\).  相似文献   

Eurasian lynx in Scandinavia are subject to regular harvest and lethal control to reduce depredation on domestic livestock and semi-domestic reindeer. Here we introduce the use of total reproductive value to model the effects of current harvest on population dynamics and to propose sustainable harvest strategies for lynx. Demographic stochasticity strongly influences lynx population dynamics. Analyses of the number of lynx shot in relation to the number of family groups registered in annual censuses showed proportional harvest in large parts of Norway because the quotas were higher at larger population sizes. In other areas of Norway the number of lynx shot was independent of population size. The analyses of the model showed that a pure proportional harvest strategy may lead to rapid extinction of lynx populations. In contrast, applying a threshold or proportional threshold harvest strategy in which no harvest occurs below a given threshold can result in the maintenance of viable populations. Thus, this study shows that harvest without any lower threshold for stopping harvest will result in rapid extinction of lynx populations. Accordingly, lynx harvest is not likely to be sustainable if the illegal killing of animals is not controlled because poaching can result in a de facto proportional harvest even at very small population sizes. Under the influence of the large demographic stochasticity in lynx populations this harvest would result in short expected times to extinction. This gives an empirical demonstration that a correct choice of harvest strategy is essential for maintenance of viable populations of harvested species. Our analyses illustrate that parameters determining the viability of small populations can be estimated from individual-based demographic data from a sample of individuals without using time series of fluctuations in population size, which facilitates quantitative analyses of how harvest or removal of individuals, e.g. for captive breeding or translocations, affect the expected lifetime of populations.  相似文献   

Nelson Lake, a moderately acidic (pH 5.7), metal-contaminated (Cu 22 μg L?1; Zn 18 ug L?1) lake, 28 km from the smelters at Sudbury, had a degraded fish community in the early 1970's, with lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) scarce, smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui) extinct, and the littoral zone dominated by the acid-tolerant yellow perch (Perca flavescens). Liming of the lake in 1975–76 increased pH to 6.4, and decreased metal concentrations. Chemical conditions have remained relatively stable in the 10 yr following base addition. Initially, it appeared that neutralization produced dramatic changes in the resident fish community. Yellow perch abundance declined rapidly after neutralization, lake trout abundance increased to the extent that 3.26 kg ha?1 were caught in the winter of 1980, and reintroduced smallmouth bass reproduced and established a large population. However, these changes in the fish community can not be directly attributed to liming, as water quality and the sport fisheries of an unlimed nearby lake also improved. Reduced emissions from Sudbury smelters were responsible for improvements in the untreated lake. Recovery of the lake trout population in Nelson Lake appears to have begun prior to liming. Of the lake trout sampled during the 1980 winter fishery, 65.8% were present prior to the chemical treatment. Predation by lake trout was the likely cause of the perch decline. Our results suggest that chemical conditions producing population level responses in fish have abrupt thresholds and that neutralization of lakes above these thresholds may not produce distinguishable effects.  相似文献   

Prescribed or natural drawdowns occur frequently in reservoirs but their effects on fish populations have been barely studied. As a consequence of a severe drought and the need to optimize water quality, a partial drawdown was prescribed in autumn 2005 to a eutrophic reservoir that provides water supply to a large metropolitan area (Barcelona, Spain). In order to avoid a potential massive fish kill given the reduced oxygen availability and high fish abundance, preventive purse seine fisheries were performed to reduce the fish stock. The fisheries had little effect on the fish assemblage because final population size structure and species composition did not change significantly. The species composition of the purse seine catches varied significantly during the drawdown with higher proportion of bleak (Alburnus alburnus) in pelagic water during the days of worst water quality, confirming that bleak is more tolerant than roach (Rutilus rutilus) to poor water quality and a potential good indicator of water pollution. The weight–length relationship (i.e. condition) of roach and bleak also varied significantly during the drawdown following the same tendency in both species, losing and recovering their weight (4.99% in roach and 5.96% in bleak) in only 16 days. The close relationship found between water quality and fish condition demonstrates that fish condition can be a good metric of the well being of fish, even for extreme short-term changes.  相似文献   

While deforestation of tropical ecosystems has been shown to have significant impacts on terrestrial habitats, its effects on aquatic habitats are poorly studied. Deforestation dramatically reduces the input of woody debris to streams, and given the importance of large woody debris to fish communities in temperate streams, this might be one mechanism by which logging could affect aquatic ecosystems in the tropics. To examine the effects of large woody debris on the diverse fish assemblage of a tropical stream, we surveyed pools with and without wood at Rio Las Marias, Venezuela. Pools containing wood contained greater numbers of individuals and more species of fish than pools without wood, and the two types of pools differed in their composition. To test whether these results were due to the presence of woody debris, we conducted an experimental wood addition. Pools to which wood was added showed marked increases in both fish abundance and species richness relative to wood-free pools, and the composition of the fish assemblage in experimental pools approached that of pools with naturally occurring woody debris. These results demonstrate that large woody debris plays a major role in structuring fish communities in tropical streams. As a consequence, logging practices that reduce the input of woody debris to tropical streams or directly remove wood from streams could have serious impacts on aquatic habitats, affecting both the diverse fish communities and local economies dependent on stream fisheries.  相似文献   

Although overfishing has been recognized as responsible for the decline of major fish stocks, it has been less easy to demonstrate its indirect and detrimental effects on marine mammals, particularly dolphins. Competition with fisheries for the same food resources has been hypothesized to have led to the decline of several species of dolphins, including the endangered Mediterranean short-beaked common dolphin. Based on an ecosystem model for the Inner Ionian Sea Archipelago, a former hotspot for common dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea, we investigated the effect of increasing fishing effort on common dolphins, its prey and on marine biodiversity and we evaluated the outcomes of different fisheries closures (1 – closure of the purse seine fishery, 2 – closure of purse seine, trawl and beach seine fisheries, 3 – entire area closed to fisheries) ran between the years 2011 and 2030. Our results showed that local fisheries have negatively impacted the marine biodiversity of the ecosystem causing sharp declines of common dolphins and major fish stocks and weakening the robustness of the marine food web. The implementation of fisheries closures would gradually recover fish stocks, while common dolphins would increase more pronouncedly only if the study area was to be closed to all fisheries. As shown in this study, common dolphins have reflected ecosystem changes and degradation over time. Ensuring the survival of dolphin populations is thereby essential to enhance marine ecosystems and ensure sustainable fishing.  相似文献   

Many orchids are currently red-listed due to changes in land use, and their future persistence will depend on management. Traditional land use like mowing is believed to favour orchids through increased survival and reproduction of established individuals, but the lack of data connecting their complex life cycle presently limits our ability to evaluate effects of management. Here we used data from 16 years of demographic monitoring to study how mowing affects population dynamics in two populations of the rare orchid Dactylorhiza lapponica. Both populations were characterized by long-lived individuals, low adult mortality and high seedling mortality. The traditional regime of mowing every second year strongly increased recruitment and reduced seed production in both populations, but had moderate effect on adult survival, growth rate and flowering probability. Population growth rate was positive for all population × treatment combinations. Traditional mowing significantly increased growth rate in both populations, and LTRE-analyses revealed that this primarily was a result of increased recruitment. The results indicate that demographic rates commonly associated with orchid persistence may be insensitive to traditional management, and underscores the importance of seed production and recruitment to maintain population growth in this long-lived species. The combination of low establishment success and no seed bank makes D. lapponica dependent on high seed input. Our results suggest that D. lapponica would benefit most from traditional mowing performed after seed dispersal in the study areas, but also suggest a high probability of future survival in the absence of mowing.  相似文献   

The common hamster (Cricetus cricetus) has suffered a dramatic decline in Western Europe though the species is characterized by an extremely high reproductive potential. An individual-based model was developed to determine the risk factors which lead to population decline and to investigate management actions for viable populations. Demographic stochasticity was considered by (a) describing reproduction on an individual basis and (b) distinguishing behavioural patterns according to age and sex. Unknown model parameters were determined by comparing field data and simulated patterns in a specific multi-criteria fashion. We conclude that disturbances such as agricultural management and highway construction are most dangerous to the common hamster in autumn. Complex land management is required which should aim at reducing habitat-specific mortality and favouring the safeguarding of adult and subadult females to protect the most sensitive component of the population. According to the model results, large habitat size is not sufficient for survival, and habitat connectivity may be even more important. Late timing of the harvest and following cultivations was most favourable for population survival.  相似文献   

Interactions between cetaceans and fisheries are a major concern of cetacean conservation and fisheries management, as by-catch and resource competition occur as a result. To assess potential interaction between porpoises and fisheries in the German Bight, high-resolution spatial and temporal data were analysed in order to reveal association patterns between cetaceans and fisheries in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the North Sea. To facilitate interpretation of resulting patterns, additionally, relationships of fish assemblages were analysed. Vessel monitoring system (VMS) data from 2006 and fisheries surveillance data from 2002 to 2006 were acquired to calculate fishing effort, aerial survey data from 2002 to 2006 to evaluate porpoise distribution, and trawl survey data from 2000 to 2007 to assess fish assemblage. Relationships were analysed in terms of seasonal association and overlap. Results showed that porpoise distribution was positively associated with sandeel fisheries in all seasons and with gillnet fisheries in summer. Overlaps for sandeel and gillnet fisheries were high in summer, while negligible in spring and autumn. In spring, high overlap was found for large beam trawlers targeting sole and plaice. In parallel, porpoise distribution was positively linked to fish assemblage components representing sandeel and poor cod in summer and flatfish in spring. Our results suggest that, especially in summer, resource competition between porpoises and industrial sandeel fisheries is likely and the risk of by-catch in gillnets is increased. In spring, interference with sole and plaice fisheries is to be expected.  相似文献   

Patagonia fishless ponds have been stocked with fishes for recreational purposes since early in the 20th century. We carried out a summer plankton sampling in 18 Patagonian lakes; 12 fishless, 5 with introduced fishes and 1 with endemic fish fauna. The lakes are situated on a latitudinal gradient from 39° to 49°S. Zooplankton and phytoplankton composition, phytoplankton relative abundance, and zooplankton body size and mouthpart morphology were analyzed. Results showed differences between lakes with and without fishes; in the presence of fish zooplankton size spectrum tended to be narrower because of the disappearance of Daphnia and large centropagid copepods. Zooplankton composition changed: centropagid species richness decreased and rotifers dominated. Contrarily, in fishless lakes 3 or 4 centropagid species, differing markedly in body size and exploiting different food niches, were observed co-occurring. These changes in zooplankton seemed to cascade down to phytoplankton. Fish introduction increased the phytoplankton similarity in lakes even belonging to different basins in a latitudinal gradient. Indeed, cyanobacteria dominated only in lakes with introduced fishes. Probably the elimination of Daphnia favored cyanobacteria proliferation due to nutrient rebalance. As a consequence, water quality decreases and the value of sport fisheries is reduced. Fish introduction in Patagonia is a practice that should be re-evaluated by governments and NGOs due to its potentially negative impact on lakes and local economies.  相似文献   

We measured Hg concentrations in northern pike (Esox lucius) from 17 small lakes in Evo forest area, Lammi, southern Finland. The mean Hg concentration in muscle tissue of a 1 kg pike ranged from 0.15 to 1.36 μg g−1 (ww) in the lakes. There was a trend towards higher concentrations in acidic and humic lakes than in circumneutral and clear-water lakes. The Hg content of pike from successive lakes of a lake chain was similar, whereas there were clear differences in the Hg concentrations among seepage lakes and the uppermost lakes of other lake chains. The latter was probably due to special characteristics of the lakes: in one lake pike was the only fish species, two of the lakes were regulated by beaver, and one lake was a groundwater or spring lake. Our observations indicate that Hg concentrations in pike can vary considerably from lake to lake in a small geographical area and that the variation among lakes in the accumulation of Hg in fish largely depends on lake characteristics and on the diet of pike.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews the status and distribution of populations of freshwater fishes in the British Isles and their worth as a resource. The total value of freshwater fishes to the community is far greater than is normally appreciated and includes, in addition to the economic sport and commercial fisheries, amenity, recreational, educational, and scientific, aspects as well as a potentially useful store of genetic material for the future. The main human pressures on existing fish stocks are discussed under the headings of fisheries, pollution, and land-used. The principal trends in the British Isles are away from natural and stable mixed fish populations towards artificially maintained, unstable stocks of a few species of sporting or commercial value. In particular the rarer, more sensitive, fish stocks with poor powers of distribution are being eradicated and replaced by commoner, more robust forms with greater powers of distribution. The rarer species and genetic strains can only survive if constructive conservation projects are initiated expeditiously at a variety of levels.  相似文献   

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