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The typical pushed landslide deform becomes stronger when water fills in the Three Gorges reservoir. In order to better recognize the landslides deformation characteristics and prevent the disaster by the water change regulation, the paper takes an example of the features of geological conditions and deformation of Liangshuijing landslide in Yunyang which is the typical pushed landslide in the Three Gorges reservoir, and designs monitoring project. Through monitoring data including the surface displacement, ground fissure, deep displacement, ground water level, rainfall and macroscopic patrol, the variety law and relationship among monitoring data are obtained. The regularity of landslide deformation and its deformation velocity are concluded when the variation of the rainfall and water level change. Combined the variation of bands-stabilization coefficient, deformation laws of the pushed landslide by the rainfall or the reservoir water are obtained. The deformation caused by rainfall is large in the back landslide, while the deformation caused by hydrodynamic pressure is large in the front landslide. The higher the water level, the severelier of the influence. The deformation is largely influenced by hydrodynamic pressure when reservoir water declines sharply in the front landslide, and the deformation is the largest when rainfall and reservoir sharpe water decline happened simultaneously in the whole landslide. The law provides scientific basis for reduction and prevention disaster of the pushed landslide.  相似文献   

城市防灾避险绿地系统的构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
城市防灾避险绿地系统构建是城市绿地系统规划的重要内容。宏观上要在城乡总体规划的框架内,在城市抗震防灾等规划的指导下,构建与城市绿地系统规划空间层次相互衔接、逐级控制的防灾避险绿地规划体系;中观上要根据避险时序及空间关系等要素,对避险绿地、绿色疏散通道、隔离缓冲绿带等各级防灾避险绿地进行定量定位的合理布局;微观上要对每一块避险绿地、绿色疏散通道、隔离缓冲绿带进行深入与细化设计,共同构筑结构合理、层次清晰、分布均衡的城市防灾避险绿地体系。  相似文献   

摘 要:在城市各类防灾系统中,应急避难绿地是一种既能为城市提供自然空间又有助于防灾救援的有效手段。通过对应急避难绿地的概念及其建设条件等内容的分析,结合黄山市屯溪区规划布局特点、灾害类型以及城区防灾避难工作现状调查,提出建立屯溪区绿地避难场所的必要性和规划设计建议。  相似文献   

The geological disasters take place very often in mining mountainous cities because of their special landform and physiognomy.These disasters not only are dangerous to people's life and safety,but also disturb the fast and steady development of the city.So it is important to prevent the geological disaster effectively.This paper try to make plan of urban geological disaster prevention for the mining mountainous cities with taking the case of the urban planning of Wangsheng city as an example.  相似文献   

In the Philippines, calls for creating ‘global’, ‘sustainable’ and ‘resilient’ cities are placing urban poor communities in increasingly precarious positions. These communities have long been the targets of urban development and ‘modernisation’ efforts; more recently the erasure of informal settlements from Philippine cities is being bolstered at the behest of climate change adaptation and disaster risk management (DRM) agendas. In Metro Cebu, flood management has been at the heart of DRM and broader urban development discussions, and is serving as justification for the demolition and displacement of informal settler communities in areas classed as ‘danger zones’. Using Kusno's (2010) interpretation of the ‘exemplary centre’ as a point of departure, this paper interrogates the relationship between DRM, worlding aspirations (Roy and Ong, 2011) and market‐oriented urbanisation in Cebu, and considers the socio‐spatial implications of these intersecting processes for urban poor communities. Through analysing the contradictions inherent in framings of certain bodies and spaces as being ‘of risk’ or ‘at risk’ over others, I argue that the epistemologies of modernity, disaster risk and resilience endorsed and propagated by the state are facilitating processes of displacement and dispossession that serve elite commercial interests under the auspices of disaster resilience and pro‐poor development.  相似文献   

In the Wenchuan earthquake, steep dip bedding slope is a kind of slope that seismic mountain disaster very development and the slope earthquake disaster is often exacerbated by the excavation. In order to reproduce the process and analysis regularity of slope deformation and failure under the action of seismic load. The author chooses San Shuping landslide located Pingwu County as the typical examples of steep dip excavation damage bedding slope, and the indoor physical model test of slope deformation and failure under the action of seismic load are carried out. The results show that slope deformation and failure is intensified by the excavation. Collapse and sliding is the main form of failure and the results consistent with the field investigation. From the whole process of deformation and failure of view, it can be divided into the four stages. First, the initial phase of the earthquake. A wedge rock by excavation small slides along the rock layers and the slope toe stress increase sharply under the action of seismic load in this stage. Second, rock layers by excavation break-bend at slope toe. Third, the rock layers by excavation overall decline stage. Last, the rock slide blocked and dumping.  相似文献   

我国芦荟产业开始于20世纪80年代初,随着芦荟的医疗和保健作用逐渐被人们所认可,近些年在全国出现了芦荟热。为此三峡库区的万州芦荟产业于20世纪90年代中后期应运而生,并取得了一定的成效,然而其进一步发展,必须大力开发芦荟深加工。主要就万州芦荟产业深加工发展的必要性、深加工产业链的选择和深加工的实施条件进行了分析,并提出建设性建议。  相似文献   

为了探索鲁西平原地区灰霾灾害的发生规律,采用GIS技术、气候倾向率等方法对聊城辖区内8个气象站近53年的灰霾灾害的变化特点和特征进行分析。结果表明:53年来灰霾灾害发生趋势呈波浪态势,1961-1981年呈增加趋势,1982-2010年逐年减少,2011-2013年又急剧增长,2013年灰霾日数最多,达到157天;季节变化中以秋冬较多,夏季最少;月变化呈“V”型趋势,12月最多,1月次之,8月最少。辖区内冠县灰霾灾害出现最频繁,阳谷次之,莘县最少。加强政府间的合作、减少污染源、强化联防机制、优化城市规划、增加城市绿地以及大力发展生态农业建设等措施是防御灰霾的主要手段。  相似文献   

为了优化提取万州种植佛手中橙皮苷和柚皮苷的工艺条件,采用响应面法优化超声辅助进行研究。在超声提取时间、乙醇体积、超声提取温度、液固比单因素试验基础上,研究了超声条件下影响万州种植佛手中橙皮苷和柚皮苷含量的几个因素,采用Box-Behnken试验设计和响应面分析法考察前述4个条件对万州种植佛手中橙皮苷和新橙皮苷含量的影响,采用RP-HPLC法测定万州种植佛手中橙皮苷和柚皮苷的含量。结果表明,最佳超声辅助提取工艺为超声提取时间26 min、乙醇体积分数82%、超声提取温度62℃、佛手与乙醇的质量比1:22 (g/mL),万州种植佛手中橙皮苷和柚皮苷含量分别为0.072%±0.315%和0.082%±0.753%,与预测值相符。本研究对万州种植佛手超声辅助提取的工艺可靠性高,有效成分提取率高,适合于工业化生产推广。  相似文献   

基于信息扩散理论的东北三省农业洪灾风险评估   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了解决农业洪涝灾害风险评估时常会遇到的小样本问题,采用正态信息扩散方法,将单值观测样本点转化为集值样本点,进行了东北三省的区域农业洪涝灾害风险评估,并利用ArcGIS平台制成了该区域的农业洪灾风险图,直观地展示了东北地区农业洪灾风险的空间分布和空间变化趋势。该结果为政府的减灾和应急管理以及保险公司的农业灾害保险方案规划提供借鉴。  相似文献   

渝东北地区作为重庆市“一圈两翼”发展战略的重要组成部分,具有三峡库区的特殊性,该地区农村集体建设用地的集约利用将更加有效地显化农村土地资产、保护库区生态环境。基于此本文对渝东北地区丰都、忠县、垫江、梁平、万州、开县、云阳、奉节、巫山、巫溪、城口等11个区县展开实地调研,并综合运用问卷调查、专家咨询和文献资料等方法,解析了该地区“宅基地置换城镇住房保障”、“城乡建设用地增减挂钩”等多种土地集约利用创新模式,以及产权管理模糊、规划管理薄弱等面临的挑战,最后从完善农村集体建设用地产权、统筹城乡建设用地规划管理2个方面论述了农村集体建设用地集约利用的对策建议。  相似文献   

气候变暖背景下青海汛期暴雨洪涝及次生灾害风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据自然灾害系统理论和暴雨洪涝灾害风险评估原理,基于基础地理信息数据和历史灾情数据,旨在利用青海50个气象站1961—2017年汛期(6—10月)的逐日气温、降水数据,通过对暴雨洪涝致灾因子危险性及孕灾环境易损性的研究,对气候变暖背景下青海省汛期暴雨洪涝及次生灾害的风险进行评估,得出:(1)1961年以来,青海省汛期平均气温升高、降水增加,降水日数及强降水日数增多,极端天气气候事件频发;(2)由短时强降水及连续性降水造成的洪水、渍涝灾害及其引发的滑坡、泥石流等次生灾害呈增多趋势,且7、8月份为青海省暴雨洪涝及其引发的次生灾害的高发期,占汛期灾害发生次数的77.9%;(3)贵德县、兴海县、贵南县、共和县、同德县、化隆县为青海省汛期暴雨洪涝及次生灾害发生次数最多、风险最为严重的县。本研究通过开展暴雨洪涝及其引发次生灾害风险评估工作,对暴雨洪涝的早期预警以及防灾减灾措施的及时制定和实施具有重要意义,可为气象防灾减灾建设工作提供决策信息。  相似文献   

重庆市不同经济区土地利用变化及其驱动力差异性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据1985~2000年土地利用统计、社会经济资料,从土地利用数量变化、土地利用程度变化以及土地利用景观结构变化三个方面,对重庆市经济较发达的北碚区、欠发达的万州区和经济落后的酉阳县3个不同经济区域的土地利用进行了分析。结果表明,15年间不同经济区的各类土地利用变化的速度(率)、变化程度、变化方向存在着较大的差异。经济较发达、人均GDP高、人口密度较大的北碚区比经济欠发达的万州区和经济落后的酉阳县土地利用变化速度快,利用程度广,土地破碎化程度深,受人类干扰强度大; 人口增长、工业化和城镇化进程、第三产业的发展、经济管理机制以及社会行为因素是不同经济区土地利用变化的主要驱动力,不同经济区驱力因子的差异性,导致了不同经济区土地利用变化的差异性。  相似文献   

As a municipality directly under central government, Chongqing has a dual economic structure. We can't break away from its history and realistic condition while studying its urbanization development model. In this paper, taking the theory of urbanization development as the foundation, fully using the experience in urbanization of developed area for reference in combination with the reality in Chongqing, the urbanization development model for Chongqing is put forward as "metropolitan area + dot-axle type town strap", that is, taking metropolis area as the center and Yangtze river and Line 319 (Yuhai Railway) as the development axle and the towns along the axle as the node, the development is carried out like a string of beads to form a network type urban system with metropolitan area as center and cities such as Wanzhou, Fuling and Qianjiang etc along Yangtze River as the regional center.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of seismic damage effect and induced secondary disasters on urban gas piping systems, the seismic damage characteristics and influencing factors were discussed, such as seismic intensity, geologic conditions and piping system characteristics. Moreover a series of earthquake disaster mitigation approaches were proposed for urban gas piping system, including:(a)aseismatic design of urban gas facilities; (b)erosion monitoring and replacement of old pipelines;(c)automatic gas shut off system and district gas supply; (d) gas supply recovery after fault finding and treatment of damage pipelines; (e)establishment of real time seismic data acquisition and rapid pipeline damage estimation system; (f)establishment of emergency response management system; (g)establishment of urban gas network seismic disaster risk assessment and simulation system.  相似文献   

With the improvement of urbanization's level, the destroys of land resources become severer and severer, and the expense is huge. According to their features, land resources can be classified as environmental loss, available ecological loss and land restoration costs. By studying the principle and technique of evaluating these three losses, we put forward quantification pattern of ecological loss of land resources. The research of Wanzhou district, Chongqing city indicates that the number of total ecological loss of land resources during the urbanization from 1995 to 2001 is about 344.70 millions yuan, it is 4.70% of GDP in 2001. In the mass, Wanzhou district is not in a sustainable development because the ecological loss of land resources during the urbanization continually increased.  相似文献   

为确定冬小麦灌浆期连阴雨灾害等级指标,利用1980—2012年安徽省冬小麦灌浆期间逐日气象观测数据、连阴雨灾害样本和灾情资料,遴选出连阴雨灾害过程的阴雨日数、累计雨量和日照时数3个主要致灾因子,采用主成分法(PCA)、有序样本最优分割法等数理统计方法,构建了冬小麦灌浆期间连阴雨灾害综合指数(D),并结合危害特征和产量损失情况进行了灾情等级划分。结果表明,冬小麦灌浆期间的连阴雨灾害可由连阴雨综合指数(D)表达,并划分为轻、中、重、严重4个等级,对应的连阴雨综合指数(D)的分级阈值分别为:<0.2、[0.2, 0.4)、[0.4,0.6)、≥0.6。经对典型连阴雨年的验证,研究中构建的连阴雨等级指标较单要素指标,对连阴雨灾害具有较高识别能力,可作为冬小麦灌浆期连阴雨灾害监测与评估业务指标使用。  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization has brought various water-concerning problems to cities, such as water source scarcity, water pollution, fl ood disaster, and habitat loss of aquatic life, Low Impact Development(LID) is a signifi cant approach of solving these problems. Through sorting out causes and connotations of LID and urban spongy park, this proposed that fl exible design is the core content of spongy park construction, and on this basis analyzed objectives, contents and approaches of urban spongy park construction, put forward strategies suitable for the construction of urban spongy parks in China, in order to instruct future construction of domestic urban spongy parks and promote the development of ecological civilization.  相似文献   

摘 要 福建省气象灾害种类繁多,但对农业生产的影响程度并不相同,只有通过权重的科学确定才能正确评价农业气象综合灾情。如何确定灾害权重,是进行农业气象灾害综合评价的核心问题。本文将主、客观赋权方法(层次分析法、灰色关联分析和熵权法)应用于福建农业气象灾害综合评价中权重的确定,探讨和比较它们在计算气象灾害权重方面的适用性,并在此基础上提出同时体现主观和客观信息的组合赋权法,得到福建农业气象灾害的组合权重,由大到小依次为低温冻害、旱灾、洪涝、风雹。结果表明,由组合赋权法计算的各灾害指标组合权重相比任何一种主、客观方法都更为合理和可靠。  相似文献   

Green spaces in Wanzhou District, Chongqing Municipality were not closely linked and failed to form an integrated ecological network, this paper analyzed and assessed current situation of green spaces in the local area from the perspective of landscape ecology, and then established the landscape ecology-oriented ecological network construction, restructured green paces in Wanzhou District using the landscape composition of "patch–corridor–matrix", and connected the scattered green patches using green corridors, so as to form a reasonable ecological network of green spaces.  相似文献   

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