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旱稻品种筛选及其水土保持效果的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
干旱缺水是我国水稻生产面临的最大威胁 ,也是制约我国稻作面积扩大和产量提高的首要因素。旱稻是一种抗旱性极强的栽培稻类型 ,可在节约70%用水的情况下取得与栽培水稻相似的产量 ,应用旱稻对于节约水资源、增加粮食产量、减少能源消耗、保护生态环境具有重要的意义。浙江省安吉县地处浙江北部 ,山地丘陵面积占全县总面积的75 % ,有4000hm2 没有灌溉条件的望天田 ,而且安吉频繁出现季节性干旱 (主要出现在6~9月 ,正是作物生长季节 )。因此 ,旱稻在安吉县具有较高的推广应用价值。本研究旨在利用安吉县的自然生态条件 ,鉴定评…  相似文献   

浅谈旱稻节水、高效生产管理技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
干旱缺水是一个世界性的问题。我国农业干旱缺水情况严重。干旱缺水影响了农业的稳步发展和粮食安全。培育抗旱的栽培稻品种,发展水稻旱作,不但节约水资源,而且有利干增产稳产,节约能源和减少环境污染。本文介绍了直播种植旱稻和“水插旱管”的技术要点,介绍了在旱稻生产中存在的问题,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

干旱缺水是一个世界性的问题.我国农业干旱缺水情况严重.干旱缺水影响了农业的稳步发展和粮食安全.培育抗旱的栽培稻品种,发展水稻旱作,不但节约水资源,而且有利于增产稳产,节约能源和减少环境污染.本文介绍了直播种植旱稻和"水插旱管"的技术要点,介绍了在早稻生产中存在的问题,并提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

罗利军 《中国稻米》2022,28(5):14-19
节水抗旱稻(Water-saving and drought-resistance rice,WDR)是指既具有水稻高产优质特性,又具有旱稻节水抗旱特性的一种新的栽培稻类型(NY/T 2862-2015),是在水稻科技进步的基础上,通过进一步整合现代优良水稻与旱稻品种的优良特性而成。节水抗旱稻的节水、抗旱和耐直播能力较强,可采用“旱直播旱管”的绿色栽培模式,可在水田不淹水栽培,大幅度节约灌溉用水,减少面源污染和甲烷排放,也可在旱地或山坡地种植,拓展水稻种植空间。本文简要介绍了节水抗旱稻的概念、特点以及培育与改良策略,表列了团队育成审定的23个节水抗旱稻品种及各自主要特点及适种区域,对节水抗旱稻的产业发展目标进行了讨论。  相似文献   

栽培稻抗旱性研究的现状与策略   总被引:87,自引:4,他引:87  
 水资源短缺正成为制约我国农业发展的重要因素。培育抗旱的栽培稻品种并实现水稻旱作,不但可在很大程度上节约水资源,而且有利于增产稳产,节约能源和减少环境污染。抗旱性包括逃旱性、避旱性、耐旱性和复原抗旱性。形态生理学的研究揭示出大量的与栽培稻抗旱性有关的形态特征和生理特性,如根系和叶片性状、生育期、渗透调节、脱落酸含量与栽培稻抗旱性密切相关,且已利用分子标记对上述性状进行了基因定位(QTL)研究。旱稻品种改良也已取得重大进展。在进行抗旱品种改良的基础上,通过引进相应的栽培技术,节水种植,实现水稻旱作,并达到稳产与增产的目的,是抗旱性研究的战略目标。在增产、稳产和优质的前提下,以培育耐旱性极强的水稻(或旱稻)为中心,建立有代表性的抗旱性研究基地, 进一步加强稻属抗旱基因资源的发掘和创新、抗旱生理学和遗传学的研究、利用现代生物技术实现不同物种间抗旱基因的转移、建立节水种植栽培技术新体系是目前抗旱性研究的主要内容。  相似文献   

节水抗旱稻在江西的试验示范及推广   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
节水抗旱稻是同时具有水稻高产优质特性和旱稻节水抗旱特性的一种新型栽培稻品种类型,从2014年开始引入江西种植,面积由2016年的1 330 hm~2增至2017年的13 300 hm~2,极大地促进了农民增产、增收,同时为江西省农业供给侧结构调整提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

福建省超级稻研究进展及今后策略   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
“民以食为天” ,粮食是人类赖以生存的重要物质基础。“食以稻为先” ,稻米是我国 65 %以上人口的主食来源。我国以占世界 7%的耕地养活占世界 2 2 %的人口 ,其中水稻作为我国第一大粮食作物 ,对我国粮食安全作出了巨大贡献。随着我国人口的不断增加 ,耕地面积不断减少 ,如何解决粮食问题就越显得突出 ,其唯一途径就是增加水稻产量。以往水稻总产的提高 ,主要依靠增加复种指数、扩大水稻种植面积、提高单位面积水稻产量等三大措施。但是随着我国经济的快速增长、人口增加和耕地资源减少的趋势不可逆转 ,因而提高单位面积产量是增加水稻总产…  相似文献   

节水抗旱稻是结合了水稻的高产优质和旱稻的节水抗旱特性育成的一种新型水稻品种类型,栽培上采用水种旱管种植方式,具有节约成本、管理简单的特点。介绍了节水抗旱稻水种旱管在各地的示范表现,同时探讨了水种旱管栽培技术,以期为节水抗旱稻种植和推广应用提供参考。  相似文献   

由于种植水稻比较效益低,劳动力成本大幅上升,为了节省水稻种植成本,缓解劳动力短缺矛盾,导致了近年我国水稻种植地区的直播稻面积迅速上升。由于直播稻比移栽稻产量低,出苗与成苗困难,杂草危害严重,容易倒伏,农药与化肥施用量较高等原因,直播稻的盲目发展,已经危及我国水稻生产及粮食安全。今后应更加积极主动应对,防止直播稻盲目发展;积极选育直播稻优良新品种;大力研发直播稻栽培科学技术,变被动防止直播稻为主动应对直播稻发展。  相似文献   

2000/2001年度国内外水稻生产形势与市场展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘桂才 《中国稻米》2001,7(1):40-41
一、2000年我国水稻播种面积减少、总产量减少 ,种植结构调整步伐较大 ,优质稻种植面积增加2000年我国水稻播种面积预计为4.6亿亩 ,比上年减少900万亩 ,减少约2%。水稻产量预计可达1.9亿吨 ,比上年减少4.2 %。水稻种植面积结构的变动特点是 :品质较差的早籼稻继续减少 ,双季晚稻也同样减少 ,而质量好、效益高的中稻和北方一季稻略有增加。种植结构的调整促使水稻产量结构和大米品质发生较大的变化。其中 ,2000年全国早稻总产量为3750万吨 ,比1999年减少8.5 %左右 ,品种结构调整取得较大进展。2000…  相似文献   

The milling potential of hulled barley, hulled oat, triticale, rye and wheat was studied using a long tempering process and a laboratory four-roller mill. Regardless of the investigated cereal, the results indicated a significant influence (p < 0.05) of volume per surface area ratio on the milling yield and ash contents of the flour. The lowest milling yield was obtained in case of hulled oat. Solvent retention capacity profiles were determined for all investigated whole cereals and flours for predicting the contribution of different polymers to the functionality of samples. For all solvents higher values were obtained for the whole cereals compared to the corresponding flour. Thermo-mechanical properties of the whole cereals and refined flours were also investigated. If in case of wheat the gluten proteins play an essential role on dough behaviour during kneading at 30 °C, in case of triticale, rye, hulled barley and hulled oat, the fibers play a major role as well. Thermo-mechanical properties of starch registered a large variation between cereals and/or flours. The lowest torque value corresponding to starch gelatinization (C3) was registered in case of the hulled oat flour, 1.92 Nm, while the highest value in case of rye flour, 2.65 Nm.  相似文献   

王家斌 《茶叶》2000,26(Z1):267-268
本文从以法治茶;科技创新,以新品种、新技术、新机械设备,促使茶产品"升级换代;搞活流通;建立"茶市场",规范管理;实施标准,创立名牌;发挥协会、学会、商会的作用.由政府牵头,调动官、企、产、学、研各方面力量,建设浙茶为现代化、产业化的强省,为"入世"作好积极的准备.  相似文献   

Treatment of solvent extracted wheat, rice, rye, and barley straws, maize stems, and fast-growing poplar wood with 60% aqueous ethanol in 0.2 M HCl at 75 °C for 3 h released 51.8, 51.2, 47.2, 43.7, 54.0, and 16.7% of the original lignin, and 44.3, 50.3, 30.9, 36.1, 40.0, and 25.5% of the original hemicelluloses, respectively. It was found that the bulk of p-coumaric acid (PCA) (67.0–83.5%) was esterified at the lignin side chains, while ferulic acid (FA) is linked to lignin side chains through both ether bonds (51.6–68.3%) and ester bonds (31.7–48.4%), indicating that FA may form intra- and/or inter-molecular ester–ether bridges between lignin fragments, which is first proposed in this study. In addition to p-hydroxybenzoic acid esterified to lignins in the cell walls of wheat straw and fast-growing poplar wood, a small portion of ether-linked p-hydroxybenzoic acid in the lignin preparations, obtained from rice, rye, and barley straws and maize stems, was also detected. It was also detected that noticeable amounts of syringic and vanillic acids were predominantly esterified to the lignin molecules in the cell walls of the materials studied.  相似文献   

Guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) is a perennial shrub native to the Chihuahuan Desert. While guayule traditionally has been cultivated for rubber, more recently it is being cultivated for its hypoallergenic latex. Other uses including termite resistant wood products and an energy source have also been identified. However, the effects of various agronomic practices, such as planting and harvesting dates, plant spacing, cutting height and frequency, irrigation frequency, and herbicide application, on latex concentration and yield of newly developed germplasm have not been reported. The objectives of this study were to determine the yield and concentration of latex, rubber, and resin of four guayule lines planted at two populations and two planting dates. Four guayule lines (AZ-1, AZ-3, AZ-5, and 11591) were transplanted at two dates (28 November 2000 and 7 June 2001) and two plant populations (27,000 and 54,000 plants ha?1). Treatments were replicated four times. Each treatment plot was subdivided into six subplots for harvesting at 6-month intervals beginning 1 year after transplanting. Results showed that transplanting date did not affect plant size or latex concentration or yield consistently. Instead, it appeared that the time of harvest (fall vs. spring) was more important. The sixth (last harvest) in the fall planting date and the fifth harvest date in the spring planting date were the optimum for plant biomass and latex, rubber, and resin concentrations and yields. The lines AZ-1 and AZ-3 were larger, whereas AZ-5 had higher latex and rubber concentrations than the control, 11591. The greater plant population (54,000 plants ha?1) had higher biomass, rubber, and resin yields than the lower population (27,000 plants ha?1) at the early harvest dates, but not at the later harvest dates (5 and 6). More studies must to be conducted to determine the optimum plant population and transplanting date for other newly developed guayule germplasm lines.  相似文献   

Pomin VH 《Marine drugs》2012,10(4):793-811
Glycomics turned out to be a very extensive project where its subdivision is consequently emerging. This is seen by the growing number of terminologies used to define subprojects concerning particular classes of bioactive carbohydrates. Sulfated fucans (SFs) and sulfated galactans (SGs) are relatively new classes of sulfated polysaccharides (SPs) that occur mostly in marine organisms, and exhibit a broad range of medicinal effects. Their structures are taxonomically dependent, and their therapeutic actions include benefits in inflammation, coagulation, thrombosis, angiogenesis, cancer, oxidation, and infections. Some red algae, marine angiosperm and invertebrates express SPs of unique structures composed of regular repeating oligomeric units of well-defined sulfation patterns. This fine pattern of structural regularity is quite rare among any naturally occurring long SPs, and enables accurate structure-biofunction correlations. Seeing that, fucanomics and galactanomics may comprise distinguished glycomics subprojects. We hereby discuss the relevance that justifies the international recognition of these subprojects in the current glycomics age associated with the beneficial outcomes that these glycans may offer in drug development.  相似文献   

氮磷钾肥对稻米铁、锌、铜、锰、镁、钙含量和产量的影响   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
 采用田间试验,在四川省西昌市用两个水稻品种研究了氮、磷、钾肥施用量对稻米中铁、锌、铜、锰、镁、钙含量和产量的影响。结果表明,稻米中铁、锌、铜、锰、镁、钙含量均随着施氮量增加先上升后下降,滇屯502的铁、锌、铜、锰、镁、钙含量和产量都以施用90 kg/hm2 N最高,稻谷产量以施用180 kg/hm2 N最高;而合系39的铁、锌、铜、锰、镁、钙的含量以施用180 kg/hm2 N最高,稻谷产量以施用270 kg/hm2 N最高,说明供试籼型品种滇屯502对氮肥的敏感性较粳型品种合系39强;磷肥明显降低了稻米中铁、铜、锰、钙的含量和产量,适量增施磷肥有利于增加稻米中镁的含量和产量;适量施用钾肥有利于提高稻米中铁、锌、铜、锰含量和产量,两供试品种铁、锌、铜、锰含量均以90 kg/hm2 K2O时最高,而钾肥明显降低了稻米中镁、钙的含量和产量。  相似文献   

The unsaponifiable lipid fraction of plant-based foods is a potential source of bioactive components such as phytosterols, squalene, and tocopherols. The objective of the present study was to determine the levels of phytosterols, and squalene, as well as tocopherols (α and β + γ) in selected grains, seeds, and legumes. The method comprised acid hydrolysis and lipid extraction followed by alkaline saponification, prior to analysis by HPLC. In addition, the fatty acid profile of the foods was determined via total lipid extraction, fatty acid derivitisation and GC analysis. In general, β-sitosterol was the most prevalent phytosterol, ranging in concentration from 24.9 mg/100 g in pumpkin seed to 191.4 mg/100 g in peas. Squalene identified in all foods examined in this study, was particularly abundant in pumpkin seed (89.0 mg/100 g). The sum of α- and β+ γ-tocopherols ranged from 0.1 mg/100 g in rye to 15.9 mg/100 g in pumpkin seeds. Total oil content ranged from 0.9% (w/w) in butter beans to 42.3% (w/w) in pumpkin seed and the type of fat, in all foods examined, was predominantly unsaturated. In conclusion, seeds, grains, and legumes are a rich natural source of phytosterols. Additionally, they contain noticeable amounts of squalene and tocopherols, and in general, their fatty acid profile is favorable.  相似文献   

The possibility that sugar accumulation of potatoes stored at low temperatures may be linked to activation of cyanide-resistant respiration (CRR) was investigated. After a lag period of several days, continuous HCN treatment stimulated CO2 production of tubers stored in 20% O2. At 1°C in 20% O2, HCN treatment increased respiration over that effected by low temperature treatment. After several weeks of treatment, cyanide-stimulated CO2 production was greater at 1°C than at 10°C. Sucrose and malate levels of HCN treated tubers were sometimes higher than those of the 10°C control tubers, but they were always lower than those of the 1°C control tubers. This indicated that CRR alone could not account for the sugar increases at 1°C. Storage in 2% O2 blocked the increase in CO2 production and changes in constituents associated with HCN treatments in 20% O2. HCN treatment had no significant effect on chip color. The level of CRR was measured in freshly cut slices from Monona, Norchip, and Kennebec tubers previously stored at 10°, 5°, or 1°C for several months. Slices from tubers previously stored at 1°C had increased CRR, but there was no difference in CRR between the 5°C and 10°C treatments. Sugars accumulated at 5°C, again indicating that sugar accumulation in potatoes stored at low temperatures was at least partially independent of the activation of CRR.  相似文献   

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