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The present study examined sex differences and the involvement of gonadal hormones in stress responses caused by road transportation in Shiba goats. In experiment 1, we investigated the stress responses of males and females to transportation. Plasma levels of cortisol (Cor) significantly increased during 1 h of transportation, and those in females were significantly higher than those in males. Plasma glucose (Glu) and free fatty acid (FFA) levels also increased similarly in both females and males by transportation, and there were no sex differences. Food intake following transportation decreased only in males compared with that in the basal session, in which the animals were not transported. Experiment 2 examined the involvement of gonadal hormones in stress responses to transportation using castrated males. Goats were given cholesterol (Cho), 5α‐dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or 17β‐estradiol (Es). The plasma Cor levels increased during transportation regardless of hormone treatment, and those in DHT treated goats were significantly lower than those in Cho or Es treated animals. Plasma Glu and FFA levels also increased during transportation, regardless of hormone treatment, and there were no differences between treatments. Food intake following transportation was significantly lower than that in the basal session only in goats given DHT. In conclusion, gender affects Cor secretion that is increased by transportation and the decrease of food intake following transportation in Shiba goats, and the major cause of these differences is androgen.  相似文献   

为明确紫花苜蓿Medicago sativa的需水量、耗水量、需水强度、耗水强度和水分利用效率的影响因子和范围,对其进行了较为详尽地探讨.不同气候区域和年份紫花苜蓿的需水量和耗水量不同;增加刈割次数可降低需水量;在一定范围内耗水量随着灌溉量的增加而提高,不同灌溉模式耗水量不同.紫花苜蓿全生长季需水量和耗水量的范围分别为400~2 250和300~2 250 mm.不同气候区域、气候年份、刈割茬次及生长发育阶段紫花苜蓿的需水强度和耗水强度不同;需水强度与大气蒸发力成正相关,耗水强度与土壤含水量成正相关;增加刈割次数可降低需水强度;在一定范围内耗水强度随着灌溉量的增加而提高,不同灌溉模式耗水强度不同.紫花苜蓿全生长季需水强度和耗水强度的范围分别为3~7和2~7 mm/d;短期极端最高需水强度为14 mm/d.不同气候区域、气候年份、灌溉量、灌溉模式、施肥量、施肥模式及刈割茬次紫花苜蓿的水分利用效率不同;建植2年及以上高于建植当年;不同品种差异不显著.在相对正常的田间栽培管理条件下,建植当年紫花苜蓿的生物产量和经济产量(含水量14%)水分利用效率的范围分别为8~12和9~14 kg/(mm·hm2),建植2年及以上者分别为12~25和14~29 kg/(mm·hm2).  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate haptoglobin (Hp), serum amyloid A (SAA), and C-reactive protein (CRP) in goats following exposure to heat and transportation stressors. In the heat stress (HS) experiment (4-week period), six goats were exposed to direct solar radiation vs. six goats exposed to shade regimen. In the transportation stress experiment, six goats were transported for 2?h in a vehicle vs. a control group (n?=?6). Blood samples were collected and serum concentrations of acute phase proteins (APPs) were measured. Rectal temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate, and body weight were recorded. All statistical analyses were performed using the proc General Linear Model (SPSS 19.0). Results indicated that Hp and SAA concentrations were significantly affected by HS (P?P?相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the physiological responses of transported Red Sokoto goats (RSG) treated with ascorbic acid (AA). Ten RSG treated orally with ascorbic acid served as experimental subjects, while seven goats treated with sterile water served as the control. The goats were transported for 8 h. The ambient temperature and relative humidity during the study period fluctuated between 21 and 38°C and 51 and 91%, respectively, which indicated that the season was thermally stressful and did not favor transportation of goats. The rectal temperature obtained in the control goats was significantly higher (P < 0.01) than the value in the experimental goats after transportation. There was a significant decrease (P < 0.05) in eosinophil counts and an increase (P < 0.01) in neutrophil counts and neutrophil : lymphocyte ratio recorded in the control goats after transportation, which suggested that the control goats were physically and emotionally stressed. The control goats lost 11.9% of their initial liveweight, while the experimental goats lost only 1.04% after transportation. Multiple stresses, including extreme meteorological factors, acted upon the transported goats and impaired their homeostatic mechanism. In conclusion, AA administration in goats reduced the adverse effects of road transportation stress.  相似文献   

Social isolation can increase distress in goats, particularly when they cannot maintain visual contact with conspecifics. This experiment was conducted to determine the behavioral and physiological responses in goats during isolation with or without visual contact with conspecifics. Male Spanish goats (uncastrated, 8 mo old, average weight 29.4 ± 0.59 kg) were randomly assigned to a control (CO) group with no isolation or to one of four isolation treatment (TRT) pens (1.5 × 1.5 m) with: 1) open grill panels but with no visual contact with conspecifics (IO), 2) covered grill to prevent visual contact (IC), 3) open grill with visual contact (IV), or 4) covered grill with a 30 × 30 cm window to allow visual contact (IW), for 90 min of social isolation (n = 12 goats per TRT). Blood samples were collected at 0, 30, 60, and 90 min (Time) from isolated and control goats. The experiment was repeated 1 wk later using the same animals, with each goat being subjected to the same isolation TRT the second time to study the effect of prior exposure to isolation. Friedman’s two-way analysis of variance by Ranks test in SAS showed that the median frequency of vocalization (rank score) in goats was high in the IO group, low in the IV and IW groups, and intermediate in the IC group (P < 0.01). The vocalization rank score was also higher (P < 0.01) during the first 30 min of isolation in goats. The median frequency of visual contact was higher in the IW group than in the IV group (P < 0.01). The frequency of climbing behavior was high in the IC and IO groups, low in the IV group, and intermediate in the IW group (P < 0.01). Repeated measures analysis using general linear models procedures in SAS revealed that plasma cortisol and glucose concentrations tended (P < 0.1) to be the highest in the IO group than in CO, IC, IV, and IW groups. Cortisol levels were also higher (Time; P < 0.05) at 0 and 90 min compared with 30 and 60 min. Norepinephrine concentrations decreased (P < 0.05) with Time, and plasma nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) levels were affected by TRT × Time interaction (P < 0.01). Overall, epinephrine, norepinephrine, glucose, and NEFA concentrations were lower (P < 0.01) and cortisol concentrations and lymphocyte counts were higher (P < 0.01) when goats were exposed to isolation the second time. The results showed that goats with no visual contact with conspecifics during social isolation had greater physiological stress responses and spent more time vocalizing or trying to escape the pen, which may indicate distress.  相似文献   

琚润涛  唐增  高晶 《草业科学》2018,35(3):695-702
本研究对甘肃省2000-2014年居民人均食物虚拟水消耗进行计算。结果表明,甘肃省人均食物虚拟水消耗量从2000-2014年呈上升趋势,很大程度上是因为动物产品的消费量在总的食物消费结构中比重增加。2014年甘肃人均食物虚拟水消耗量是481.83 m3,低于同期的全国人均水平。未来随着经济的发展和居民收入的提高,动物产品消费增加,导致虚拟水消耗增加。若达到《中国居民膳食指南(2016)》要求的膳食平衡标准,未来甘肃省居民年人均食物虚拟水消耗量将增加133.42~423.85 m3,这给原本水资源短缺的甘肃地区带来了重大挑战。基于研究结果,本研究提出通过加强水资源的管理、倡导健康消费和运用虚拟水战略等方式缓解地区水资源压力。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dexamethasone (DEX) on zinc metabolism in goats. In this study, 10 goats were randomly divided into two groups. One group was injected with dexamethasone (Dex group) and the other group was injected with saline (Con group). Dex treatment significantly decreased hepatic zinc levels (< .01) and increased Zn transporters 1 (ZNT‐1) expression (< .05). The concentration of zinc in the cecal and colonic contents was significantly increased (< .05). However, zinc levels were increased only in the colon tissues (< .05) but not in the cecal tissues (> .05). A dramatic increase in Zrt‐, Irt‐related proteins 14 (ZIP‐14) expression (< .05) following Dex treatment was also observed and likely induced the elevated zinc levels in the colon, and a significant reduction in Zip‐14 methylation (< .05) may be responsible for the observed increase in Zip‐14 expression. Together, these results indicate that Dex influences zinc homeostasis by increasing hepatic ZNT‐1 and colonic ZIP‐14 expression. Additionally, these results provide valuable information for the clinical application of Dex.  相似文献   

京郊平原区苜蓿生产能力与耗水规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
根据北京地区气候与苜蓿Medicago sativa生产特点通过定量灌溉控制,设置水分相对充足(WS)、水分中度 (WM)和水分亏缺(WD)3个水分梯度处理,对苜蓿各茬次与全年干草产量、土壤含水量以及干草产量与耗水量、水分利用效率的相关关系进行测定与分析.结果显示,苜蓿干草产量与耗水量和水分利用效率呈正线性相关关系,当灌溉量较大、水分充足时,可增加苜蓿各茬次与全年干草产量,其耗水量与水分利用效率也相应增加,表明相对充足灌水有利于植株的生长发育,特别是在北京相对干旱的2003年,生长时期的自然降水为285.6 mm,仅依靠自然降水并不能获得苜蓿高产以满足生产需要,适当的灌水是有必要的,按返青和每次刈割后灌溉60 mm/次(以保持土壤含水量75%时),全年耗水量530.33 mm,全年可获得苜蓿干草产量17 927.48 kg/hm2.  相似文献   



To investigate physiological and antinociceptive effects of electroacupuncture (EA) with lidocaine epidural nerve block in goats.

Study design

Prospective experimental trial.


Forty-eight hybrid male goats weighing 27 ± 2 kg.


The goats were randomly assigned to six groups: L2.2, epidural lidocaine (2.2 mg kg?1); L4.4, epidural lidocaine (4.4 mg kg?1); EA; EA-L1.1, EA with epidural lidocaine (1.1 mg kg?1); EA-L2.2, EA with epidural lidocaine (2.2 mg kg?1); and EA-L4.4, EA with epidural lidocaine (4.4 mg kg?1). EA was administered for 120 minutes. Epidural lidocaine was administered 25 minutes after EA started. Nociceptive thresholds of flank and thigh regions, abdominal muscle tone, mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), respiratory frequency (fR) and rectal temperature were recorded at 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 minutes.


Lidocaine dose-dependently increased nociceptive thresholds. There were no differences in nociceptive thresholds between L4.4 and EA from 30 to 120 minutes. The threshold in EA-L2.2 was lower than in EA-L4.4 from 30 to 120 minutes, but higher than in EA-L1.1 from 30 to 150 minutes or in L4.4 from 30 to 180 minutes. The abdominal muscle tone in EA-L2.2 was higher at 30 minutes, but lower at 90 and 120 minutes than at 0 minutes. There were no differences in muscle tone between L4.4 and L2.2 or EA-L4.4, and between any two of the three EA-lidocaine groups from 0 to 180 minutes. The fR and HR decreased in L4.4 at 60 and 90 minutes compared with 0 minutes. No differences in fR, HR, MAP and temperature among the groups occurred from 30 to 180 minutes.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

EA combined with 2.2 mg kg?1 epidural lidocaine provides better antinociceptive effect than 4.4 mg kg?1 epidural lidocaine alone in goats. EA provided antinociception and allowed a decrease in epidural lidocaine dose.  相似文献   

灌溉与施氮对紫花苜蓿土壤水分动态和耗水强度的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
在甘肃省河西绿洲灌区设计大田试验,研究了不同灌溉量常规灌溉(330 mm)、节水20%灌溉(264 mm)和节水40%灌溉(198 mm)和施氮量0、40、80和120 kg/hm2对紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)土壤不同层次含水量、贮水量动态变化和耗水强度的影响.结果表明:根系层(0~120 cm)土壤含...  相似文献   

北方常用草坪草的蒸散量差异及耗水性评价   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
对不同供水条件下,草地早熟禾、高羊茅、多年生黑麦草、野牛草、结缕草和狗牙根整个生长季的蒸散量差异进行研究.结果表明,草坪蒸散主要与草坪本身的生物学特性有关,同时与水分条件也密切相关.另外,根据测定结果估测了理论补水量,并通过计算坪草系数Kc,与北方常用作物的耗水量进行了比较.  相似文献   

This preliminary trial investigated the effect of transportation and lairage periods on physiological parameters of goats subjected to slaughter. Nine male Boer cross goats aged 8–12 months were transported for 6 h and kept at lairage for 3, 6, or 16 h (n = 3). Blood samples were collected at pre- (pre-T) and post-transportation (post-T), and post-slaughter (post-S) for determination of hematological parameters, serum enzyme, protein, and cortisol concentrations. Electroencephalogram readings were taken at pre-T, post-T, pre-slaughter (pre-S), and post-S to determine the median frequency (F50) and total power (Ptot) values. At post-T, there were manifestations of stress leukogram; increase in hematocrit, total protein, and muscle enzyme concentrations; and decrease in Ptot (p < 0.05). The high pre-T cortisol concentration suggests that the goats were already under stress before transportation. Stress leukogram became less evident after lairage, indicating that the goats had recovered from the stress of transportation. Although the Ptot increased at post-S especially following 3 h of lairage, F50 values at post-S did not differ from pre-L, suggesting that the pre-slaughter stress may have affected the pain threshold. It is suggested that after 6 h of transportation, goats should ideally be placed in lairage for a minimum period of 3 h before slaughter.  相似文献   

The effect of water deprivation on the pharmacokinetic parameters of antipyrine and sulphadimidine in the Nubian goat was studied. Water deprivation, to a level of dehydration at which the animals lost an average of 7.5% body weight, resulted in a significant reduction in antipyrine clearance (p<0.05), and a consequently increased AUC value (p<0.05). No effect was observed on the distribution parameters of the drug. In dehydrated animals which had lost an average of 10% or 12.5% of their body weight owing to water deprivation, significant changes were found in the distribution and elimination pharmacokinetic parameters of antipyrine and sulphadimidine. The volume of distribution was significantly decreased, resulting in elevated plasma levels for the two drugs compared to normally watered animals. Significant decreases in clearance and subsequent prolongation of the elimination half-lives were observed during these periods of water deprivation. These changes in the disposition kinetics of the two drugs may be attributed to the loss of total body water and extracellular fluids and changes in the liver and kidney functions taking place during dehydration.  相似文献   

不同年限紫花苜蓿(生长)水分利用效率和耗水系数的差异   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
采用小型蒸渗仪法,在北京平原区研究了一年生和二年生紫花苜蓿Medicago sativa水分利用效率和耗水系数的差异。研究结果表明:二年生紫花苜蓿的生物产量和经济产量水分利用效率[14.7和17.1 kg/(hm2·mm)]显著高于一年生紫花苜蓿[12.6和14.7 kg/(hm2·mm)](P<0.05);生物产量和经济产量耗水系数(679和584)显著低于一年生紫花苜蓿(793和682)(P<0.05)。研究表明生长年限对紫花苜蓿的水分利用效率和耗水系数具有影响。  相似文献   

北京地区紫花苜蓿建植当年的耗水系数和水分利用效率   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用小型蒸渗仪法研究了北京地区中苜1号和WL323紫花苜蓿建植当年的耗水系数和水分利用效率。结果表明,中苜1号和WL323的生物产量耗水系数分别为915.0和939.7,经济产量耗水系数分别为786.9和808.1,2个品种之间差异不显著;不同茬次之间差异显著(P<0.05),第2茬最低,第3茬最高;中苜1号和WL323的地上部生物产量的水分利用效率分别为11.0和10.6kg/(mm.hm2),全部生物产量分别为19.2和17.9kg/(mm.hm2),经济产量水分利用效率分别为12.8和12.3kg/(mm.hm2),2个品种之间差异不显著;不同茬次之间差异显著(P<0.05),第2茬最高,第3茬最低。  相似文献   

试验研究了日粮添加复合异位酸对山羊小肠氨基酸流通量和表观消化率的影响。采用3×3拉丁方试验设计,选用3头安装有永久性瘤胃瘘管、十二指肠近端瘘管和回肠远端瘘管、平均体重为(25.4±0.75)kg的健康麻城黑山羊为试验动物。I组为空白对照,饲喂基础日粮。II组、III组分别饲喂含0.3%和0.6%复合异位酸(钠盐形式)的试验日粮。采用Co-EDTA标记法测定小肠氨基酸流通量和表观消化率。结果显示:III组缬氨酸和异亮氨酸十二指肠流通量极显著高于对照组(P0.01),亮氨酸和必需氨基酸显著高于对照组(P0.05);缬氨酸和丙氨酸的小肠表观消化率显著高于对照组(P0.05)。II组缬氨酸和异亮氨酸十二指肠流通量显著高于对照组(P0.05)。III组异亮氨酸十二指肠流通量显著高于II组(P0.05)。  相似文献   

An investigation was made of the relationship between the water and food consumption of healthy and sick chickens. Using coccidiosis as a disease model, and uninfected chickens as healthy controls, male birds of an egg-production breed and males and females of a meat-production breed were found to have simultaneously reduced water and food intakes 4 days after infection with Eimeria acervulina or E. maxima, and from 4 to 6 days after infection with E. tenella. This phenomenon was associated with reduction of weight gains and poor food conversion ratios. Whether birds were healthy or sick, and regardless of the degree of reduction of dietary intake, there was a more or less constant relationship between their food and water consumption. The ratio of the weights of water and food consumed had a value of about 1.9, with a range of 1.1–2.4. It is concluded that neither water nor food has an advantage over the other as a vehicle for chemotherapy. However, other factors, such as ease and speed of administration, and avoidance of adsorption onto food particles, favour the drinking-water route.Abbreviations FCR food conversion ratio - WFR water-food intake ratio  相似文献   

In this study we used a single‐unit activity (SUA) recording electrode to investigate the existence of appetite‐regulating neurons in the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) in goats. Five male Japanese Saanen goats were used. The animals were fed at 10.00 hours with alfalfa hay cubes, and at 16.00 hours with concentrate feed and hay. The animals were allowed free access to drinking water. The present experiment consisted of two treatments, non‐infusion (NI) and an intra‐ruminal water infusion (RWI). The SUA recordings were carried out continuously over a 130 min period beginning 10 min prior to the commencement of morning feeding. In the RWI treatment, warm water was infused intra‐ruminally before the SUA recording. Eating rates in the NI treatment decreased sharply by the time 40 min had elapsed and then remained at low levels. In the RWI treatment, eating rates decreased by the time 50 min had elapsed and then remained at low levels. This study recorded 19 units, of which four units increased their firing rates when the animals became satiated (i.e. when eating rates declined to low levels) in both treatments. The four units were located in the VMH. The results suggest that cells located in the VMH of goats are active in the control of hay intake.  相似文献   

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