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永顺落叶木莲开花与结实物候学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次报道永顺落叶木莲开花与结实物候学特征。其花期在3月中旬至5月上旬,果期在4月中旬至10月上旬。其间有3次花周期和3次果实发育期,每次花周期和果实发育期天数不同。低海拔比高海拔开花早,落花期亦早,开花周期较短;低海拔较高海拔的果发育期长,种子散落期晚,果实最佳采集期在9月20日至9月30日。  相似文献   

一担柴,又名野火绳乔木,高达20m,产思茅地区及西双版纳州,生于海拔340~1800m的次生林或疏林中。二球悬铃木,又名英国梧桐落叶乔木,高达35m,胸径达1m。花期4~5月,果期9~10月。云南各县市常见栽培。三叶白蜡树灌木,高达6m。花期6月,果期9月。产于丽江、永胜、大姚、武定、禄劝、峨山等县,生于海拔1500~2700m的干燥山坡或河谷杂木林中。四子野桐小乔木,高达15m。花期5~6月,果期9~10月。产于思茅、景洪、勐海、河口、金平、双江等县,生于海拔130~1300m的山坡或常绿阔叶林下。五蕊柳灌木或小乔木,高达5m。花期6月,果期8月…  相似文献   

福建柏地理种源湖南试点幼林期结果初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
研究表明,福建柏17个地理种源和48个家系幼林期树高、胸径、材积生长在山区、半山区、丘陵区均有极显著差异,其树高、胸径、材积遗传力值分别达0.556 1~0.9034、0.630 3~0.914 0、0.670 1~0.914 3,反映该差异主要受遗传因素影响.种源×地点交互作用显著,其3个主要性状生长量山区>半山区>丘陵区.根据材积遗传增益大于种源平均值15%以上的选择标准,初步选择出适宜不同生态环境造林地的10个优良种源和14个家系,其材积遗传增益分别为16.09%~88.70%、15.19%~184.80%.  相似文献   

适地适树是杉木速生丰产的基础。近年来我省丘陵区改地适树取得了一定成效。但在广大山区,山多人少,改地适树是受到客观限制的,况且改地适树仅能改变土壤条件,不能改变气候条件,在半山区、山区的土壤又较丘陵区肥沃,更适合杉木生长。我县四个林场均地处海拔800  相似文献   

丝绵木(EuonymusbungeanusMaxim)属卫矛科、卫矛属,落叶乔木,树体高达8m,树冠圆形开张,叶片卵圆形,长5~10cm,花期5~6月,果期9月份,种子淡黄色,假种皮桔红色,蒴果粉红色,上部5裂。根系发达,喜光,适宜在淡灰钙土,轻壤质土上生长。在宁夏生长状况良好,病虫害少,春季展叶比国槐早  相似文献   

文冠果育苗技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
崔红 《山西林业》2004,(4):26-27
冠果为落叶灌木或小乔木,高可达8m,胸径达90cm。种子球形,黑褐色,椭圆形,直径约1.0cm~1.50cm,种脐白色。花期4月~5月,果期7月~8月。  相似文献   

稠李(Padus racemosa)是蔷薇科、稠李属的落叶乔木,该树种分布于黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙古、河北、陕西等地,在河北省围场县分布于海拔900~1400m的山坡、沟边、林缘或灌丛中。树皮灰褐色或黑褐色,浅纵裂,小枝紫褐色有棱。总状花序,核果卵球形,花期5~6月,果期7~9月。该树种开花早,白色俏丽,花期较长,树皮可提取  相似文献   

干热河谷地区荒山造林的好树种──膏桐计加辉膏桐属大朝科麻疯树属,又名小桐子、臭梧桐、桐油树等。膏桐属阔叶矮灌木,树高可达5米,小枝肥壮嫩绿色,茎中空;花期5~6月,果期9~10月;蒴果球形,果径2~3厘米;种子长椭圆形,长约1.5厘米左右,每公斤种子...  相似文献   

主要阔叶树种如黄波罗、紫椴、山丁子、水曲柳、垂柳等都是我省造林、更新的重要树种,因此有无足够的、品质优良的种子,是保证造林、更新计划胜利完成的物质基础,而这几种树种又是我省乡土树种,在我省中、东部山区、半山区分布甚广,应充分的利用这一得天独厚的种源条件,积极的科学的进行采种,以满足我省造林、更新对种子的需要。一、采种前的准备工作 1.结实情况调查:为了合理组织采种,应予先进行种子结实丰、欠情况及予产量调查,调查应进行三次,即:花期踏查、果期调查、种子成熟采集前一个月的最后一次调查。  相似文献   

在不同地类杉木连栽地营建福建柏、杉木等树种块状混交林7处,面积67.8 hm2。经5~6年生幼林期调查,福建柏材积年平生长量在山区与杉木基本持平,在半山区和丘陵区大于杉木。福建柏材积年平生长量在山区杉木连栽地存在海拔高差异,其材积年平均生长量600 m>700 m>800 m。在海拔600 m杉木连栽地营建福建柏与杉木混交林,两个树种生产力均较高。  相似文献   

余甘子开花物候特性研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
余甘子所有的品种都是先开雄花后开雌花;一般雌花可授期比雄花散粉期来得晚,且持续时间短.可授期含在散粉期内。余甘子不同品种雄花开花物候期有很大差别,品种间相差最长28d。雌花开花持续时间比雄花要短得多,不同品种在16~21d之间变动;雌花盛花期更短,不同品种在8~12d间。余甘子多个品种存在多次开花结实现象;雄花的第一次持续时间和盛花持续时间都长,在第二、三次则大大缩短。第一次的果实产量是全年产量的主要保证。兰丰和粉甘品种开花同步指数最高.能相互较好地授粉.适合在建园中进行品种配置。  相似文献   

福建柏优树选择及种实表型变异研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在调查研究福建柏资源基础上,制定了福建柏优树选择方法,于1998年6~11月和1999年7~11月在福建省福建柏自然分布区和栽培区以及湖南省道县福建柏天然林中选择出优树175株,其中从天然林中选出57株,从人工林中选出118株。这些优树总体表现较好,生长量大,平均树高、胸径、材积分别为15 49m、28 6cm和0 51263m3,树干通直圆满,树体健康,无病虫害,平均树龄为35 3a。1999年10~11月,采集到129株优树的球果,测定了各优树的种子千粒重、球果出籽率、球果重、球果长、球果宽、球果长×球果宽、球果长/球果宽和苞鳞数等8个指标,结果表明各优树在种实性状上差异比较大,差异最大的是球果重,平均单果重2 757g,变幅为1 342~4 748g,变异系数为27 86%;平均千粒重为6 378g,变幅为3 647~11 349g;平均出籽率为2 56%,变幅为1 62%~4 79%;球果大小相差较大,球果近球形但略长些。相关分析表明,优树各种实性状间的相关性大都达到极显著水平,千粒重与球果重量、大小呈密切的正相关,与出籽率、苞鳞数及球果形状关系不大;出籽率与其他种实性状间相关性很小,可能是个独立的性状;单果重与苞鳞数及球果大小呈高度的正相关关系,与球果形状没有关系。收集选出的175株优树中的162株,在福建省安溪白濑国有林场建成了全国第一个福建柏种?  相似文献   

福建柏木荷混交林生长及生态效益研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对福建柏木荷混交林、福建柏纯林中的福建柏生长量、林分物种多样性及林地土壤理化性质进行对比研究,结果表明,33年生的福建柏木荷插花混交林与福建柏纯林相比,福建柏胸径、单株材积分别增加20.6%、53.2%,林分总蓄积量增加34.9%,差异达显著水平;植物种类和数量增多,土壤更加疏松透气,养分含量也更高。  相似文献   

Abortion of seed cones and production of full seeds have been recorded in an indoor‐potted Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seed orchard at Biri nursery in Norway. Seed cone buds aborted their normal development at much higher frequencies (22–45%) inside isolation bags than in an open‐air (4–12%) greenhouse environment. The grafts had been induced to flower the year prior to seed cone development. Treatment with gibberellin A4/7 in conjunction with heat reduced the proportion of aborted, isolated flowers (13%) compared to treatment with heat alone (22%) in a clonally balanced material. The production of full seeds per cone increased from 3 in 1987 to 50 in 1991. The full seed production is discussed in relation to methods and timing of pollen forcing. It is anticipated that 1 kg of seeds could be produced annually in a 1250 m2 greenhouse.  相似文献   

对球果损失造成油松良种减产的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
调查了油松种子园、母树林良种减产的原因,主要是由于球果在生长发育过程中的大量损失;而虫害、雌花授粉不良、因缺少水肥造成的落花落果是油松球果损失的主要原因。同时提出了减少球果损失的几点技术措施。  相似文献   

Natural regeneration of stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) stands in the Central Range of Spain can be difficult to attain. The success of this regeneration is affected by factors such as the total amount of seed available, the short dispersal ability of the pinyon, the conditions required for germination, specific problems associated with the establishment, early survival of the seedlings due to severe summer heat and drought, competition for water and mineral resources and grazing damage. This study focuses on seed availability. The amount of available seeds depends on the number and size of the cones and the number of viable pinyons within the cones. In stone pine stands, both variables show great year to year variability. Both cone and seed production, for a given year, are also conditioned by the vigour and health of the tree, its size, the condition and attributes of the stand and the loss of seed through pests or predation. In this study, the main factors which influence cone and pinyon production are identified and a multivariate model to predict annual cone and viable seed production is developed. To consider the correlation among observations coming from the same tree, stand or year, random components are included in the model. The multivariate random structure allows for future calibration of the model for a given year from a small additional sample of observations. It is important to know the total amount of viable seed produced in a stand for a given year since regeneration cuttings for Stone pine should be concentrated in high crop years.  相似文献   

福建柏苗高生长期划分的有序样本聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以福建柏苗高15 d净生长量为样本,采用有序样本聚类分析方法,将福建柏苗高生长过程划分为5个时期:出苗期为3月1~30日,幼苗期为4月1日~5月30日,速生前期为6月1~15日,速生期为6月16日~9月30日,生长后期为10月1日~12月30日。速生前期和速生期的净生长量只占全年总生长量的28.5%,而幼苗期、生长后期的净生长量分别占全年总生长量的30.0%、34.9%。因此结合福建柏的生理特性提出幼苗期、生长后期的管理措施,为培育福建柏优质壮苗提供依据。  相似文献   

To clarify key characteristics of the process whereby dormancy is released in male flowers of Cryptomeria japonica, twigs with male flowers were collected every three days between December 1992 and February 1993. Half of the twigs collected on each date were chilled at 0°C for three days and the cumulative temperatures required by the chilled and non-chilled flowers for florescence were compared. There was no difference in the cumulative temperature required for florescence between chilled and non-chilled male flowers collected before 19 December. However, for samples collected between 21 December and 21 January, the cumulative temperature needed for the florescence of chilled male flowers was 8–68°C lower than that required for non-chilled male flowers. However, there was little difference again in the cumulative temperature required to induce the florescence of chilled and non-chilled male flowers for collection dates later than 24 January. These results suggest that the dormancy of male C. japonica flowers was gradually released by exposure to low temperature and the process was completed by 24 January. The cumulative temperature required for florescence and the sum of the mean daily temperatures between the date of collection and the date of natural pollen dispersal were almost equal after the dormancy of the male flowers was released. The exact day on which pollen will be released can be predicted using the dormancy characteristics of male flowers.  相似文献   

文章对20个不同品种板栗的开花物候进行了观察,并据此设置出了花期相遇情况表,为授粉树种的配置提供了直观且直接的依据。  相似文献   

以城市庭院绿地栽培的樟子松为材料,观察分析球花发育和传粉等开花生物学特性,结果表明:在2013年的气候条件下,群体花期持续10 d,单株传粉变动于5~8 d之间,平均为6.2 d。在不同植株中,雄球花花序大小和着生的小孢子叶球数量有明显的差别,1、2、3号树的雄花序平均长度和平均着生小孢子叶球数量分别为3.2 cm和68枚、2.8 cm和52枚、2.4 cm和44枚。小孢子叶球膨大显露、花粉母细胞减数分裂、群体撒粉初期、群体撒粉结束期4个阶段≥10℃有效积温分别为68℃、141℃、278℃和367℃。  相似文献   

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