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2010年—2014年通过对华安县种植大户的生产基地、专业合作社、收购点、农贸市场抽检的蔬菜,采用快速检测——酶抑制率法进行检测蔬菜中农药残留量,参照福建省"治理餐桌污染"蔬菜农药残留合格率的指标要求评价其安全性。结果表明,2010-2014年对397个涉及绿叶菜类、白菜类等12种类蔬菜中农药残留的合格率平均为98.0%,2011-2014年合格率均不小于97.8%,符合福建省"治理餐桌污染"蔬菜农药残留合格率的指标要求;不同种类的蔬菜、不同时间的蔬菜中农药残留的合格率有均有一定的差异,芥菜类、薯芋类、瓜类的蔬菜农药残留安全性较差,农药残留合格率春节期间大于劳动节期间国庆节期间元旦期间;蔬菜农药残留安全性潜在着很大的风险,不同蔬菜品种的风险程度有很大的差异。  相似文献   

目的:用气相色谱法对人参中主要十六种有机氯农药残留含量的测量不确定度评定。方法:结合人参中有机氯农药的实验方法,对人参禁用的十六种有机氯农药进行检测,建立数学模型,对实验过程中不确定来源进行分析,并对评定过程中应注意的一些问题进行初步探讨。结论:结果表明,人参在进行有机氯农残十六种检测分析时,样品的重复测量和回收率是影响测量结果不确定度的主要来源,在实验过程中应给予格外重视并加以控制。  相似文献   

关于我国茶叶质量安全控制及HACCP对策   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
叶阳 《中国茶叶》2003,25(6):8-10
茶叶质量安全主要包括农药残留、有害重金属残留、有害微生物、非茶异物和粉尘污染等因素,主要涉及到茶叶的原料生产和加工两个过程。 一、我国茶叶质量安全状况 1.茶叶的卫生质量现状 近年来,随着我国启动的“无公害食品行动计划”和在茶叶生产中禁用、停用一大批剧毒、高残留农药,我国茶叶农药残留状况明显好转。 然而,茶叶中的农药残留不容忽视,尤其是欧盟制定了  相似文献   

茶产业是雷山县的支柱产业,茶叶品质独特。为了解雷山茶叶农药残留情况,对雷山市售茶叶采样59份,分别检测63个农药指标和1个化学污染物蒽醌。结果表明:59份茶叶中农药检出率55.9%,根据食品中农药最大残留限量(GB 2763-2016)判定,合格率100%。所检样品均未检出蒽醌。雷山县茶叶品质好,合格率高,但农药残留问题也应引起重视。  相似文献   

我国茶叶农药残留的新特点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
茶叶中的农药残留,除部分源自被污染的环境外,其主要来源是直接施用化学农药.因此,茶叶中农药残留品种及含量的变迁与化学农药品种的衍化更新有着密切的关系.由于50年代中期至70年代早期在茶园中大量使用有机氯农药,导致60年代至80年代初期茶叶中高水平的六六六、DDT残留.有机氯农药被禁用之后,70年代开始在茶园主要使用毒性较低、降解较快的敌敌畏、马拉松、辛硫磷、乐果、杀螟松等有机磷农药防治虫害,代森锌、托布津和波尔多液等防治螨类和病害.80年代初又引进高效低残留的拟除虫菊酯类农药,由于这类农药对害虫天敌的杀伤力强,并出现了抗药性等问题,至80年代末,茶园中开始使用第三代农药,如安全低毒、具选择性的昆虫生长调节剂扑虱灵和除虫脲.目前,我国茶园杀虫剂的品种已比较齐全,与化学防治最发达的国家日本相当,但杀螨、杀菌剂的开发进展缓慢,有的地区为了控制茶树螨害,不得不使用已禁用的三氯杀螨醇,加上茶园经营体制改革后,分散型农户在农药使用方面缺乏指导,在茶园中使用剧毒农药的事件屡有发生.本文通过对近年来全国各地大量茶样农药残留检测结果的分析,试图阐述我国茶叶中农药残留的演替趋势及存在问题,以揭示茶叶中农药残留的新特点,探讨进一步控制农药残留的有效途径.  相似文献   

目的对气相色谱法测定人参中十六种有机氯农药残留的方法进行不确定度评定。方法按照《中国药典》2015年版第一增补本人参项下有机氯类农药残留量的测定方法,对人参禁用的十六种有机氯农药进行检测,根据JJF 1059.1—2012《测量不确定度评定与表示》中有关规定,建立了不确定度评定的数学模型,对实验过程中不确定来源进行分析,并对评定过程中应注意的一些问题进行初步探讨。结果该研究测定过程所产生的测量不确定度主要来源于回收率和重复性试验,其他因素影响很小,在实验过程中应给予格外重视并加以控制。结论本评估方法可为气相色谱法检测多组分农药残留量的不确定度评估提供依据。  相似文献   

国家标准GB 2763.1—2018作为增补标准于2018年12月21日正式实施。该标准新增茶叶中百草枯和乙螨唑农药最大残留限量值。百草枯和乙螨唑分别是我国茶园中禁限用农药和未登记农药,不允许在茶园中使用。然而,百草枯曾是我国茶园草害防治的主要化学农药之一,由于其理化特性与环境行为,导致茶叶中仍存在百草枯残留的风险隐患。尽管乙螨唑未在我国茶树上登记使用,但由于茶树害螨发生以及乙螨唑的防治效果,茶叶中存在违规使用未登记农药的潜在风险。因此,国家标准新增两种农药的最大残留限量,应引起业界对茶叶质量安全的重视,实时监测茶叶中百草枯和乙螨唑的残留水平,确保茶叶农药残留低于限量标准,保障茶叶质量安全和茶叶消费安全。  相似文献   

为了解黔东南州茶叶质量安全情况,本研究对黔东南州111份茶叶中的63种农药残留进行了检测分析,并按照膳食暴露评估和英国FSA(Food Standards Agency,英国食品标准局)风险排序体系对茶叶中检出农药进行风险分析。结果显示,茶叶样品的农药检出率为54.05%,检出农药22种,单项农药检出率为0.90%~31.53%。按照食品中农药最大残留限量(GB 2763—2016)判定,合格率97.30%;按照欧盟标准限量判定,合格率87.39%。根据膳食评估公式计算,所检出农药的慢性摄入风险(%ADI)为0.0037%~1.1780%,急性摄入风险(%ARfD)为0.03%~41.42%,表明黔东南州茶叶的慢性摄入风险和急性摄入风险都可接受。农药风险排序得出,农药在低、中和高风险水平的比例分别为45.45%、31.82%和22.73%,其中风险最高的农药是克百威。因此,黔东南州茶叶农药残留风险均在可接受范围,茶叶质量安全情况良好。  相似文献   

为了解芒果质量安全状况,对生产过程的病虫害及用药情况进行实地调研。调研发现:芒果生产者质量安全意识总体较高,生产中主要使用高效低毒农药,生产基本采用套袋技术;农药残留和重金属检测结果显示,芒果农药残留和重金属残留均在安全范围内。提出进一步提高芒果质量安全的建议。  相似文献   

正(2015年第108号)近日,国家食品药品监督管理总局通报我会关于茶叶及相关制品等9类食品共693批次样品抽检情况(2015年第108号),此次共抽检茶叶企业26家,茶叶及其相关制品、咖啡产品65批次主要包括茶叶和砖茶。,抽检项目包括重金属、农药残留、食品添加剂等22个指标。其中,合格样品65批次,合格率100%。具体合格名单如下:  相似文献   

During May and June of 2012 and 2013, a study was conducted to assess losses at the farm, wholesale and retail levels in the supply chain of litchi in India. Changes in fruit quality parameters after harvest and the effectiveness of an improved corrugated fibre board (CFB) box versus conventional wooden box packaging to minimize postharvest losses were also studied. Farm-level samples were collected immediately after harvest from farmers' orchards in the Muzaffarpur district of Bihar state. Wholesale market samples were procured from the Delhi market, and retail samples from the Muzaffarpur and Delhi market. Real-time data on losses and quality parameters of fruits were recorded by transporting litchi from Muzaffarpur to Delhi (distance 1000 km) by truck. Studies indicated that the average loss (fruits discarded at sorting) apparent at the farm level during 2012 and 2013 was 30.4% and 25.8%, respectively. The average loss at the wholesale market level in Delhi was 15.8% and 12.4% during 2012 and 2013, respectively. The highest mean loss (up to 20.5%) was observed at the retail level. The mean fruit weight loss during transport to Delhi was 9.42% and 7.07% during 2012 and 2013, respectively. The mean total loss in the supply chain of litchi ranged from 35.3% to 43.8%. The total soluble solids, respiration and ethylene evolution in litchi fruits were found to increase after transport, whereas acidity and colour parameters (L*, a* and b* values) significantly decreased over time. The predominant pathogen associated with fruit decay was Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler. CFB packaging significantly reduced various losses, thus indicating its effectiveness in its current use in non-refrigerated trucks for transport.  相似文献   

叶菜类是人们最常见和食用的蔬菜,叶菜类蔬菜一般生长周期短,病虫害种类多,在农药残留检测中农药残留问题较为常见。目前对叶菜农药残留的研究取得了较大进展,为探索不同类农药在叶菜上的残留情况,简述叶菜类蔬菜三大类农药残留的现状,对其原因进行了探析,以期为降解农药残留提供参考。  相似文献   

Formation of a gluten protein network is fundamental for the texture and the overall quality of pasta. Replacement of the gluten network in gluten-free pasta is a major technological challenge, and the conventional technological processes have to be adapted to non-gluten formulations. The wide variety of raw materials and technologies used in the production of commercial gluten-free pasta stems from the – still on-going – search for solutions to these problems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of different commercial gluten-free spaghetti currently available on the market, focusing on starch and protein organisation. Taking into account the chemical and biochemical properties of the samples, and their relationships to the physical characteristics of these products we looked at how some molecular properties relate to the final structure and quality of gluten-free pasta. Phenomena related to starch retrogradation were found to play a central role for the final texture of the products. At the same time, the origin of proteins included in the formulation was found to govern the protein–protein interactions, especially in those samples including proteins from different vegetable sources.  相似文献   

Getting the highest possible yield is of questionable value considering the surplus in many products within the EEC. Of outmost importance, however, are the ‘Common Standards of Quality of the EEC’. They facilitate trade and marketing across the borders and are based on visual characteristics which are easily recognized and were chosen arbitrarily. Two measurable and hence objective criteria are weight and size. However, in most cases there is no relation whatsoever between these criteria and the content in constituents of nutritional value which would justify an increased consumption of fruit and vegetables because of their contribution to a balanced diet and good health. As a rule such desirable substances are noncaloric. Because of the lack of exercise in modern everyday life today's science of nutrition demands that our vegetable foods, which are part of a mixed diet, contain those substances that contribute to our good health. These desirable substances are primarily vitamin C, vitamins of the B-group, as well as provitamin A, the refreshing fruit acids, an balanced ratio between sugars and acids; also essential oils which account for taste, regulate the metabolism, and have certain antibiotic qualities; furthermore minerals, particularly potassium, iron and magnesium. Do the commercial grades fulfill these expectations, i.e. do they primarily provide varieties worthy of production containing desirables substances? Even if the ‘creators’ of these grades did not originally think of them it would be advisable to meet these demands made exclusively with the consumer in mind since they would serve to maintain and enhance the good health of the general public. Since nothing has been done so far to implement measures that would increase production of fruit and vegetables of higher nutritional value new suggestions have been made based on extensive analytical research. The Goal: To improve grading of fruit and vegetables taking nutritional value into consideration. Proposed Procedure: Preference of species for the top grades that would combine high nutritional value and yield, and marketability. Of equal importance should be the choice of species which are less susceptible to disease and pests. This in turn should result in a lower application of pesticides per unit-area and consequently reduce the possibility of pesticide residues on the product. In certain cases the same purpose is served by avoiding excessive use of nitrate fertilizers which increase susceptibility to diseases and pests and therefore necessitate larger quantities of pesticides per ha. and hence increase the possibility of pesticide residues. By means of a number of diagrams the value and marketability of various fruit and vegetable species are compared. They are placed into categories according to their content in nutritional constituents. It is the goal of these comparisons to point out the principle and the possibility of a reform of the existing EEC-standards by taking criteria based on nutritional value into consideration and to start a discussion on among experts.  相似文献   

为研究外源褪黑素处理对菜用大豆残留杀菌剂降解的影响,以菜用大豆品种浙鲜12为材料,以多菌灵和百菌清为杀菌剂,通过测定外源褪黑素处理对菜用大豆农药残留量、抗氧化系统、解毒系统的影响,探讨外源褪黑素处理在菜用大豆农药降解中的作用。结果表明:外源褪黑素处理提高菜用大豆中抗坏血酸和谷胱甘肽含量以及抗氧化酶(超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶)活性,有效清除菜用大豆体内活性氧,并且诱导了菜用大豆解毒相关基因的表达,增强其对残留多菌灵和百菌清的解毒代谢,从而促进残留农药的降解,降低菜用大豆中多菌灵和百菌清的残留量。  相似文献   

对2006-2009年厦门市蔬菜农药残留现状进行研究,分析不同年份、不同抽样地点、不同蔬菜品种农残检测合格率,探讨蔬菜农残超标原因及相关对策。  相似文献   

Two statements are our starting point: 1. Food plants, in particular fruit and vegetables contain specific health promoting of diseases of civilisation. 2. The quest for yield maximisation of food plants may lead to questionable results. A consequence of high rate of inorganic fertiliser in particular nitrogen application designed to increase crop yield is high of application of pesticides, herbicides and growth regulators. This in turn may severely affect important plant compounds responsable for the biological value of food plants and may favour at the same time pesticide residues. Little known is the fact that an increase in yield, genetically induced, may lead to similar appropriate consequences. Fruit and Vegetable cultivars are bred partially for maximum yield, easier manuell or mechanical harvesting, for more suitable transport or storage or for various desirable marketing properties. This may inadvertently suffer sometimes appreciable reduction in variety characteristic flavour, in valuable compound and in food components of importance to our health. Experimental evidence from the past and present is provided. Market grades-in particular the E.E.C. Standards are directed towards arbitrary requirements, by no means relevant to the consumer, such as weight, size and attractive appearance. The criteria of a system of market grades mean lack of choice for the producer, pressure to maximise yield through maximum use of chemicals in production with the results detrimental for the ‘inner quality’ of the produce as described above. Practical suggestions are submitted for athorough revision of the present system of marketing grades required by the consumer in the direction of nutritional and hygienic upgrading through the deliberate production of fruit and vegetable cultivars of marketing possibilities, trophic value and optimum disease resistance. In face of the world wide energy crisis — particularly applicable to glasshouse cultivation with its high fuel requirements — the energy should be used for the production of food plants of the highest nutritional and hygienic quality.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查、走访种植大户及田间实地调查等方式,对新疆玉米主产区玉米有害生物发生与用药情况进行系统调查,明确新疆玉米有害生物发生种类、农药使用水平,分析存在问题并提出相应减药对策,从而为新疆玉米有害生物的科学防控及化学农药增效提供指导。结果表明,新疆玉米主要病害6种、害虫36种、杂草38种,主要以"6虫6草"为主。玉米有害生物防治常用农药共26类,其中杀虫剂14类,主要为拟除虫菊酯类、新烟碱类及生物源类;除草剂12类,主要为三氮苯类、磺酰脲类及酰胺。农药使用频次为2~6次/年,制剂施用量为1.938~6.193 kg/hm~2,其中,昌吉州农药使用频次和制剂施用量最高,分别为5~6次/年、4.033~6.193 kg/hm~2;喀什地区农药使用频次和制剂施用量最低,分别为2~3次/年、1.938~3.356 kg/hm~2。  相似文献   

Dietary fibres can play a significant role in GF bread development. Besides their well documented health benefits, dietary fibres can improve the texture, sensory characteristics and shelf life of baked products, due to their water binding capacity, gel forming ability, fat mimetic, textural and thickening effects. Dietary fibres from different sources are discussed in this paper and their role in GF products' making is analysed. The sources of fibres vary: flours, fruit and vegetable processing by-products, isolated ingredients, seeds or mixtures of all of these can be used. Fibres improve the structure and result in dense crumb porosity. Tasty products with soft crumb can be produced, and there are many perspectives in further products development.  相似文献   

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