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Temperate Australia’s wheat/sheep zone and much of Western Europe have both experienced dramatic declines in native bird populations associated with agricultural landscapes. We compare recent conservation strategies on private land in the context of each region’s historical agricultural development and the ecology of its bird fauna. Specifically, we consider which aspects of the conservation instruments and practices employed in European agricultural landscapes might be used to augment and inform approaches to private-land biodiversity conservation in Australia. Australian biodiversity conservation activities have focussed predominantly on remnant native vegetation and rarely target the agricultural matrix (i.e. land that is primarily used for agricultural production). However, declining species include those that not only primarily inhabit woodland, but also species for which components of the agricultural matrix are important, or even their main, habitat. In contrast, in Europe a range of conservation activities undertaken through agri-environment schemes focus explicitly on the management of the agricultural matrix. Whilst the different approaches to conservation on private land in Australia and Europe reflect the two continents’ different ecologies, land-use histories and political economies of agriculture, there are a number of parallels between bird population declines in the two regions, and an opportunity may exist to incorporate some of the successful aspects of the European agri-environment approach into emerging stewardship schemes in Australia. We suggest that the long-term nature of European agri-environment agreements, the principle of landholder payments more commensurate with reduced production opportunity and management actions specifically targeted at the agricultural matrix, are features of the European scheme that could benefit both woodland- and matrix-inhabiting bird species in Australian agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

高产农田土壤硝态氮淋失与地下水污染动态研究   总被引:25,自引:5,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
对桓台县区域农田监测研究表明,水肥管理不同的2个监测区域郭家区、李家区高产农田土体内NO_3~--N淋失迁移动态有差异,地下水污染亦不同。春天始土体内NO_3~--N含量趋于持续降低,浅层地下水NO_3~--N含量则持续升高,雨季后地下水中NO_3~--N含量尤剧烈升高,并达年内最高值,表现出农田N肥对地下水的直接污染,这可能与李家区灌溉次数多、土壤质地较轻和地下水位较浅有关。  相似文献   

In countries with high human populations, using agricultural areas as multifunctional systems to produce food for humans and retain wildlife may be an efficient conservation strategy for many species. Inclusion of natural habitat and species requirements on agricultural landscapes explicitly into planning processes are precluded by lack of information on drivers of species persistence. Climate change is an additional emerging complexity, and adaptation plans for agricultural landscapes are biased towards intensification to secure long-range food production. I examine the conservation potential of an agricultural landscape in two districts of Uttar Pradesh, north India where agricultural intensification and altered rainfall patterns are predicted to occur. I assess stressors affecting breeding success over eight years of two large waterbirds of conservation concern – Sarus Cranes and Black-necked Storks. Both species had high breeding success that improved with total rainfall and more wetlands in breeding territories. Agricultural and township expansions deteriorated territory quality and reduced breeding success. Sarus Crane populations were predicted to decline relatively rapidly if development activities continued to displace breeding pairs. Black-necked Storks appeared resilient over the long-term notwithstanding reduced breeding success in low-rainfall years. Waterbird nesting habitats (wetlands and trees) were retained in Uttar Pradesh as community lands by villages and by state government via legal provisions suggesting the utility of multiple conservation approaches. Incorporating species requirements explicitly, alongside traditional land use practices conducive for habitat conservation, into adaptation planning and conservation policy will be necessary to retain long-term multifunctionality of such agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

土壤干缩开裂是常见的自然现象。目前关于土壤干缩开裂的研究主要集中于裂缝的最终形态特征,并且以室内试验为主。本研究通过室外大田试验,结合动态计算机图像分析及水氮运移模拟软件WHCNS,研究土壤干缩开裂的动力学过程、特征及其对农田水氮运移的影响。利用原位熔化石蜡浇筑得到了裂缝三维结构形态,借助三维激光扫描仪量化裂缝的几何特征,发现每平米裂缝平均长度为4.58m,裂缝上表面平均宽度为5.72 mm,平均深度为9.06 cm。基于三维扫描仪提取得到的裂缝几何参数,通过WHCNS仿真模拟,发现相较于无裂隙情况,裂隙的存在分别增加了传统施肥和优化施肥情况下97.40%和256.43%的硝态氮淋失量;与优化施肥模式相比,传统施肥模式更容易造成硝态氮的淋失风险。在模拟灌溉模式对硝态氮淋洗情况的影响时,其差异不明显;强降雨的设置同样增加了硝态氮的淋失风险,导致硝态氮的年均淋洗量增加83.61%。裂缝的存在严重影响农田作物对肥料的吸收和利用,通过优化施肥量、更改灌溉模式以及避免强降雨前施肥都可以减少肥料的损失。  相似文献   

The use of the countryside for recreation has increased dramatically in recent years. This has led to concern amongst conservationists about the effects increased human disturbance may have on important wild animal populations. In the UK, recent legislation has widened the level of access to upland habitats, which support internationally important breeding bird populations. Determining the extent to which recreational disturbance affects upland breeding birds is therefore a conservation priority. We used data collected over 13 years to investigate the impact of recreational disturbance on the distribution and reproductive performance of golden plovers breeding in close proximity to the Pennine Way, an intensively used long-distance footpath. Importantly, the Pennine Way was resurfaced in 1994 to prevent further erosion of the surrounding vegetation. We were therefore able to examine if the response of golden plovers to recreational disturbance was influenced by changes in the intensity and extent of human activity resulting from the resurfacing work. Before the Pennine Way was resurfaced, golden plovers avoided areas within 200 m of the footpath during the chick-rearing period. At this time over 30% of people strayed from the footpath and the movement of people across the moorland was therefore widespread and unpredictable. Following resurfacing, over 96% of walkers remained on the Pennine Way, which significantly reduced the impact of recreational disturbance on golden plover distribution; golden plovers only avoided areas within 50 m of the footpath at this time. Despite the clear behavioural responses of golden plovers to the presence of visitors, there was no detectable impact of disturbance on reproductive performance. In many countries, a conflict arises between the use of the countryside for recreational purposes and the protection of habitats or species of high conservation value. However, this study suggests that the implementation of simple measures to influence visitor behaviour can dramatically reduce the impact of recreational disturbance on wild animal populations.  相似文献   

提升农田生物多样性是当前生态农业研究的热点问题。为探讨农田防护林的生物多样性保护功能,本研究在辽宁省昌图县金家镇选取8个农田-防护林单元(每个单元即为1个田块),使用陷阱法调查了不同类型林带(完整型、残缺型、消亡型)相邻的农田中,距林带不同距离处(0 m、50 m、100 m、150 m、200 m)地表节肢动物的分布情况,同时记录林带内的植被群落特征。采用方差分析以及群落排序的方法,分析了林带类型、距离梯度以及林带植被结构对农田地表节肢动物分布的影响。研究结果表明:1)与消亡型相比,完整型和残缺型林带相邻的农田物种多度显著较高,物种多样性在各类型林带农田间无显著差异,与完整型及残缺型林带相邻的农田维持着区别于消亡型林带的地表节肢动物群落结构。2)完整型和残缺型林带相邻的农田物种多度梯度变化显著,随距林带距离的增加均呈由低到高的变化趋势;不同类型林带农田中,物种多样性随距林带距离的增加逐渐递减,边缘效应显著。3)林带中草本层物种多度和乔木层盖度是影响农田地表节肢动物群落分布的主要因子,共解释了35.4%的节肢动物数量变异;不同节肢动物物种对林带植被结构的响应存在差异,步甲和蜘蛛作为当地农业景观中主要的天敌类群,与上述林带植被结构因子关系密切:林带内较高的草本层物种多度有利于增加农田中某些步甲常见种的多样性,而较高的乔木层盖度有利于增加蜘蛛目常见科的多样性。研究结果表明,农田防护林作为研究区主要的非耕作生境类型,能够显著提升相邻农田中地表节肢动物的多度,对于物种多样性的提升作用则不明显;林带内草本层物种多度以及乔木层盖度对蜘蛛、步甲等多类天敌多样性保护具有积极作用。因此,加强农业景观中现有林地的改造和提升,如营造适宜盖度的上层林木以及丰富的林下植被,能够提升现有林地的生境质量,进一步发挥其对农田生物多样性的保育功能。  相似文献   

农业氮磷养分流失已经成为地下水污染的重要原因之一,为了探究和比较麦稻两熟农田和杨树林地氮磷流失对地下水的影响,本文在洪泽湖河湖交汇区设置农田和杨树林监测小区和监测井,进行了为期1年的地表养分流失和地下水水质监测。结果表明:1)林地雨前雨后表层土壤含水量均小于麦田,麦田土壤含水量较雨前平均提高8.95%,林地提高4.05%。2)麦田和杨树林地表层土壤硝态氮、铵态氮及有效磷流失总量分别为63.53 mg·kg-1、5.61 mg·kg-1及57.43 mg·kg-1和16.78 mg·kg-1、2.45 mg·kg-1及0.73 mg·kg-1,稻季田面水硝态氮、铵态氮、可溶性磷和颗粒态磷流失总量为8.32 mg·L-1、27.44 mg·L-1、2.39 mg·L-1和2.99 mg·L-1,监测期内杨树林氮磷流失总量明显低于农田。3)农田表层养分流失量与降雨量存在密切关系,基本随降雨量增大呈对数增长,而杨树林几乎不受降雨影响。4)农田产生径流的理论最小降雨量(麦田:3.3 mm;稻田:4.2 mm)远小于杨树林地(22.8 mm),麦田铵态氮、正磷酸盐浓度,稻田和杨树林地总氮、硝态氮、铵态氮、总磷、可溶性磷、正磷酸盐浓度与降雨量存在显著相关性。5)农田径流中养分浓度与地下水氮磷含量存在显著相关性(P<0.05),而杨树林地地下水氮磷含量保持在相对稳定水平,与径流中养分浓度无明显相关性。与农田相比,林地能够更好地控制径流养分流失,缓解地下水污染,有利于农业面源污染的控制。  相似文献   

There is mounting evidence that both patch networks and the intervening matrix influence species persistence in fragmented landscapes, though the relative importance of each of these factors in determining spatial population structure remains poorly understood. This study examined this issue using a three-year data set on the distribution of Cabrera voles (Microtus cabrerae) in Mediterranean farmland. The spatial pattern appeared consistent with a metapopulation structure, as voles occupied discrete tall herb patches scattered across the agricultural landscape, where local extinctions and colonizations induced temporal changes in occupancy patterns. Patch dynamics determined deviations from classical metapopulation assumptions, with over half the extinctions resulting from agricultural disturbance or vegetation succession, and recolonizations often occurring after the recovery of suitable habitat conditions sometime after disturbance. Occupancy in undisturbed patches was more stable, with vole occurrence in one year strongly reflecting that in the previous year. Overall, occupancy increased with both patch size and connectivity, but the unique contribution of patch variables to explain variation in vole occurrence was far smaller than that of matrix attributes. Voles occurred more often in patches surrounded by natural pastures, while prevalence declined with increasing cover by shrubland, pine plantations, improved pastures and grazed cropland. It is hypothesised that unfavourable land uses may increase the effective isolation of habitat patches through increased predation risk of dispersing voles. Conservation of the Cabrera vole in Mediterranean farmland should thus strive to maintain lightly grazed fields surrounding well-connected networks of suitable habitat patches.  相似文献   

The ecological processes responsible for the spatial assemblages of breeding bird communities in urban landscapes are more and more investigated. Indeed, understanding these processes is imperative to plan relevant management policies. We investigated breeding bird communities on 67 patches in the suburbs of Paris, France. We examined the role of patch characteristics and geographic distance between patches in determining similarity between bird assemblages. To do this, we proposed a new SØrensen similarity index based on estimators of change in community composition taking into account the detection probability of species. The patch occupancy by sedentary and migratory species was also estimated to compare their sensitivity to urbanization. Patches close to each other supported more similar bird assemblages, suggesting an effect of the spatial distribution of patches on bird dispersal and a posteriori on local community composition. Accounting for spatial location of patches, bird assemblage similarity was related to the similarity of the surrounding level of urbanization but not to the similarity of patch size or to the similarity of patch vegetation. The mean estimated occupancy rate of sedentary species was higher than that of migratory species in the whole study area. While sedentary species occupied patches surrounded by both moderate and high levels of urbanization, migratory ones primarily occupied patches surrounded by moderate levels of urbanization. Human choices in degrees, styles, and extent of urbanization, including designation and design of patches within an urban matrix, affect the composition of local bird communities.  相似文献   

农村宅基地复垦后补充的耕地应兼顾数量和质量,对其进行耕地地力评价可以为全面掌握复垦后耕地地力情况,为复垦耕地的后续培肥、利用及管理提供依据。本文以三峡库区的涪陵区为研究对象,随机采集665个宅基地复垦片块的土壤样品,选取16项参评指标,运用层次分析法、模糊数学法并结合GIS地统计学空间分析功能,综合评价了宅基地复垦后的耕地地力水平及空间分布。结果表明:耕地地力平均等级为3.03等,处于中等水平;3等地最多,占总样本数的52.18%;其次为4等地和2等地,1等地和5等地分布最少。从空间分布来看,由于区域内存在地形地势、自然条件、土壤类型的差异,样点乡镇内部各等级耕地均有分布;沿江、坪上、后山区的平均耕地等别为2.82等、3.15等和3.19等,耕地地力基本沿地形地势、海拔高度的增高呈沿江、坪上、后山区域依次递减的趋势。在提升耕地地力上沿江区应着重改善耕地的灌排和路沟条件;坪上区应注重调整土壤的p H和提高有效磷含量;后山区需增加耕层厚度,提高宅基地拆除物的利用,减少土壤中砾石含量。  相似文献   

It is known that large fragment sizes and high connectivity levels are key components for maintaining species in fragments; however, their relative effects are poorly understood, especially in tropical areas. In order to test these effects, we built models for explaining understory birds occurrence in a fragmented Atlantic Rain Forest landscape with intermediate habitat cover (3%). Data from over 9000 mist-net hours from 17 fragments differing in size (2-175 ha) and connectivity (considering corridor linkages and distance to nearby fragments) were ranked under a model selection approach. A total 1293 individuals of 62 species were recorded. Species richness, abundance and compositional variation were mainly affected by connectivity indices that consider the capacity of species to use corridors and/or to cross short distances up to 30 m through the matrix. Bird functional groups were differently affected by area and connectivity: while terrestrial insectivores, omnivores and frugivores were affected by both area and connectivity, the other groups (understory insectivores, nectarivores, and others) were affected only by connectivity. In the studied landscape, well connected fragments can sustain an elevated number of species and individuals. Connectivity gives the opportunity for individuals to use multiple fragments, reducing the influence of fragment size. While preserving large fragments is a conservation target worldwide and should continue to be, our results indicated that connectivity between fragments can enhance the area functionally connected and is beneficial to all functional groups and therefore should be a conservation priority.  相似文献   

To manage and conserve wildlife populations effectively it is necessary to use methods that identify the often non-linear trends in populations, have an inbuilt assessment of trend quality and can analyse count data from a range of spatial scales. We present a method of trend analysis using generalised additive models. These produce smoothed indices of abundance that can be used to assess population change from one or more sites or time periods, with any number of estimates of abundance per index period. We apply this method to count data collected under the Wetland Bird Survey, a national scheme that monitors waterbirds in the United Kingdom. To highlight declining populations, ‘alerts’ were raised if the population decline was equal to or greater than 50%. Significance was determined using bootstrapped confidence intervals for analyses that included many sites, or a novel Monte-Carlo method for single site analyses. The impact of missing data, species count variability and the number of months used to calculate the population change was greater at individual sites than for national datasets, which were relatively insensitive to changes in the above parameters. For single sites it is essential that three or more counts be made per index period if reliable estimates of population change are required. We propose that the method presented could be applied to a wide range of national or other monitoring schemes for a variety of taxa.  相似文献   

Madagascar is a global biodiversity hotspot threatened by forest loss, degradation and fragmentation, all of which are detrimental to the future survival of forest-dwelling organisms. For conservation purposes it is essential to determine how species respond to habitat disturbance, specifically deforestation. In this study we investigated the impacts of deforestation on three vertebrate communities, lizards, small mammals and birds, in an area of spiny forest subjected to anthropogenic forest clearance. Spiny forest has high levels of endemism, but conservation in this unique ecosystem is hindered by the lack of research. We undertook standardised trapping, time-constrained and timed species searches to assess species richness, species abundance and community composition of lizards, small mammals and birds in six areas of ‘forest’ and six ‘cleared’ areas. From surveys and opportunistic sightings we recorded a total of 70 species of birds, 14 species of mammals and 38 species of reptiles and amphibians. We found forest clearing to have a negative effect on species richness and community structure of all groups and identified loss of canopy cover as a driving factor behind this. However, the response and sensitivity to clearing varied between groups and species. Lizards (50%) and small mammals (40%) had the greatest decline in species richness in response to clearing as compared to birds (26%), although birds showed the greatest shift in community structure. The community in cleared areas contained more generalist and introduced species that have wider geographic ranges and habitat preferences, than those unique to the spiny forest. We found the first suite of species to suffer from forest clearance were those of high conservation priority due to their restricted geographic range. Our findings are discussed in relation to future spiny forest conservation and management.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted from 1983 to 1992 in Tsukuba, Japan to investigate the effects of tillage on soil conditions and crop growth in a light-colored Andosol. Three tillage methods (NT: no-tillage, RT: no-tillage for summer cropping and moldboard plowing for winter cropping, and CT: conventional rotary tillage to a depth of 15 cm) were employed in combination with crop residue application (+R, −R) and fused magnesium phosphate (FMP) fertilization (+P, −P). Under the combination of NT and +R, diurnal variation of soil temperature at a depth of 5 cm was smaller during the summer cropping season and soil temperature in the daytime was lower during the winter cropping season than under CT. Soil inorganic N concentration at a depth of 0–30 cm was +R > −R and NT > RT > CT. The early growth of summer crops was accelerated under NT in comparison with CT, and yields were higher under NT and RT in comparison with CT. On the other hand, winter crop yields were significantly reduced under NT, while they were still higher under RT in comparison with CT. Yields were higher with +R and +P application, respectively, and these effects were more pronounced in winter cropping. The positive effect of FMP fertilization was greater in combination with NT, and that of residue treatment was greater in combination with RT and NT than with CT. In conclusion, the best tillage practice for Andosols on the Kanto Plain is RT, i.e. a combination of NT for summer cropping and CT for winter cropping. The application of NT for winter cropping is not recommended, although the application of phosphate and crop residues could reduce the risk of yield reduction, because of improved soil nutrient status and moderation of diurnal soil temperature.  相似文献   

Landscapes are considered to be complex systems that are hierarchically structured and spatially scale-dependent. Geopedology allows a systematic approach in geomorphic analysis for soil mapping that extrapolates the results obtained at sample areas up to similar units. This paper examines the influence of sampling intervals on the accuracy of geopedological results in the Borujen region, Central Iran. After a primary interpretation of the study area on air photos (1:20 000), a geomorphic unit that encompassed the maximum surface of the sample area (and also the study area) was selected and was surveyed at three different scales: 500, 250 and 125 m intervals. The credibility of generalization of the results of the geopedological approach for the studied unit was tested by comparison with three profiles in a similar unit outside the sample area, named the validation area. Although the type of mapping unit in the sample area and the validation area was the same (complex) at the three different scales, the dominant soil in the validation area was different in comparison with the sample area at 125 and 250 m intervals. The results indicate that the geopedological approach to soil mapping is better carried out in reconnaissance or exploratory surveys. Comparison of soil types between the unit in the sample area and the validation area at three scales indicated that by increasing the taxonomic accuracy, the hidden aspects of the soils may be more identifiable. Therefore, although the geopedological approach tries to distinguish more homogeneous soil mapping units, it still is not able to fully define and represent the variability and apparent chaotic nature of the soils. We recommend further investigations on different techniques of stratifying the landscape in order to better analyze and understand the soil forming processes and soil variability and to improve sampling and mapping approaches.  相似文献   

Although well-studied vertebrates such as the Northern Spotted Owl (NSO) are often used as focal species in regional conservation plans, range shifts associated with climate change may compromise this role. I used the Maxent (maximum entropy) method to develop NSO distribution models from data on NSO locations, forest age, and an ensemble of climate projections. NSO presence was positively associated with the proportion of old and mature forest at two spatial scales. Winter precipitation was the most important climate variable, consistent with previous studies suggesting negative effects on survival and recruitment. Model results suggest that initial niche expansion may be followed by a contraction as climate change intensifies, but this prediction is uncertain due to variability in predicted changes in precipitation between climate projections. Although new reserves created by the US Northwest Forest Plan prioritized areas with greater biological importance for the NSO than did pre-existing reserves, the latter areas, which lie predominantly at higher elevations, increase in importance under climate change. In contrast with previous analyses of the region’s localized old-forest-associated species, vegetation rather than climate dominated NSO distribution models. Rigorous assessment of the implications of climate change for focal species requires development of dynamic vegetation models that incorporate effects of competitor species and altered disturbance regimes. The results suggest that, lacking such data, models that combine climate data with current data on habitat factors such as vegetation can inform conservation planning by providing less-biased estimates of potential range shifts than do niche models based on climate variables alone.  相似文献   

The incorporation of organic amendments from pruning waste into soil may help to mitigate soil degradation and to improve soil fertility in semiarid ecosystems. However, the effects of pruning wastes on the biomass, structure and activity of the soil microbial community are not fully known. In this study, we evaluate the response of the microbial community of a semiarid soil to fresh and composted vegetal wastes that were added as organic amendments at different doses (150 and 300 t ha−1) five years ago. The effects on the soil microbial community were evaluated through a suite of different chemical, microbiological and biochemical indicators, including enzyme activities, community-level physiological profiles (CLPPs) and phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA). Our results evidenced a long-term legacy of the added materials in terms of soil microbial biomass and enzyme activity. For instance, cellulase activity reached 633 μg and 283 μg glucose g−1 h−1 in the soils amended with fresh and composted waste, respectively. Similarly, bacterial biomass reached 116 nmol g−1 in the soil treated with a high dose of fresh waste, while it reached just 66 nmol g−1 in the soil amended with a high dose of composted waste. Organic amendments produced a long-term increase in microbiological activity and a change in the structure of the microbial community, which was largely dependent on the stabilization level of the pruning waste but not on the applied dose. Ultimately, the addition of fresh pruning waste was more effective than the application of composted waste for improving the microbiological soil quality in semiarid soils.  相似文献   

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