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Although the number of rodents kept as pets is increasing in the United States, much of the veterinary information that is known regarding their care is derived from laboratory animal medicine. This article describes individual species variation of medication delivery methods and the associated risks of antibiotic usage. A comprehensive formulary is also included.  相似文献   

Rodent biology and management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Until today most prion strains can only be propagated and the infectivity content assayed by experimentally challenging conventional or transgenic animals. Robust cell culture systems are not available for any of the natural and only for a few of the experimental prion strains. Moreover, the pathogenesis of different transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) can be analysed systematically by using experimentally infected animals. While, in the beginning, animals belonging to the natural host species were used, more and more rodent model species have been established, mostly due to practical reasons. Nowadays, most of these experiments are performed using highly susceptible transgenic mouse lines expressing cellular prion proteins, PrP, from a variety of species like cattle, sheep, goat, cervidae, elk, hamster, mouse, mink, pig, and man. In addition, transgenic mice carrying specific mutations or polymorphisms have helped to understand the molecular pathomechanisms of prion diseases. Transgenic mouse models have been utilised to investigate the physiological role of PrP(C), molecular aspects of species barrier effects, the cell specificity of the prion propagation, the role of the PrP glycosylation, the mechanisms of the prion spread, the neuropathological roles of PrP(C) and of its abnormal isoform PrP(D) (D for disease) as well as the function of PrP Doppel. Transgenic mouse models have also been used for mapping of PrP regions involved in or required for the PrP conversion and prion replication as well as for modelling of familial forms of human prion diseases.  相似文献   

This article reviews the husbandry, care and normal behavioral preferences of pet rats and mice. It covers recognition of signs of pain, illness and abnormal responses, and describes necessary skills such as handling, blood collection and drug administration. Animal-human responses in owning and caring for rats and mice are considered. Included is advice on suitability of pet rats with children, neutering and dental examinations. The conclusion lists recommended textbooks, pet owner manuals, instructional CDs, and websites.  相似文献   

通过农场鼠患调查,确定优势种群、根据不同优势种群生活情况、行为、种群特点等生物学特性,制定科学地防制原则。防制前圈舍内鼠密度为100%,饲料库鼠密度为70%,综合防控后1月、2月、3月、4月、5月5次持续追踪评估,鼠密度分别降为低密度;在农场防制老鼠过程中,从调查鼠种到综合防控,持续追踪灭鼠效果评估的防控思路是理想的。  相似文献   

1 为什么控制鼠害具有重要性?   因为它们是人类和动物疾病的带菌者;它们会导致建筑物的结构损坏;它们会消耗大量的饲料(每只老鼠每周能吃掉227克饲料);同时每只老鼠每周大约会污染2.27千克饲料.   ……  相似文献   

采用高原鼠兔夹和全自动捕鼠器对高原鼠兔种群数量控制进行了田间试验,二者均具有应用范围广,灵敏牢靠,使用方便,经久耐用,无环境污染,无副作用,对环境、人畜安全等优点.此项试验为长期有效控制草地害鼠,扩展鼠害防治途径提供了依据.  相似文献   

采用高原鼠兔夹和全自动捕鼠器对高原鼠兔种群数量控制进行了田间试验,二者均具有应用范围广,灵敏牢靠,使用方便,经久耐用,无环境污染,无副作用,对环境、人畜安全等优点。此项试验为长期有效控制草地害鼠,扩展鼠害防治途径提供了依据。  相似文献   

In the present study, we histologically and morphometrically investigated species differences in renal structure using laboratory rodents (mice, gerbils, hamsters, rats, and guinea pigs). Morphometric parameters were as follows, 1) diameter of the cortical renal corpuscles, 2) diameter of the juxtamedullary renal corpuscles, 3) percentage of the renal corpuscles with a cuboidal parietal layer, 4) number of nuclei in proximal convoluted tubules (PCTs) per unit area of cortex, 5) semi-quantitative score of the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) -positive granules in PCTs, and 6) semi-quantitative score of the PAS-positive granules in proximal straight tubules (PSTs). Significant species differences were detected for each parameter, and particularly severe differences were observed in the PAS-positive granules of PCTs and PSTs. Granular scores varied among species and sexes. Vacuolar structures that did not stain with PAS or hematoxylin-eosin were observed in the renal proximal tubules. The appearance and localization of these vacuolar structures differed remarkably between species and sexes.  相似文献   

草原上满地的鼠洞,让骏马难再奔驰.刚刚返青的牧草,被老鼠大肆吞噬,让牧民们挠头不已.绿色的草原正在变成黄褐色的荒漠.这一切的根本原因,在于长期过度放牧导致的草原退化.  相似文献   

The climbing ability and propensity of Thallomys paedidcus, Praomys natalensis and Saccostomus campestrls were studied in the laboratory. Thallomys was morphologically and psychologically best adapted to arboreal life, although Praomys had the highest climbing frequency, largely attributable to a greater exploratory tendency. All three species made use of the tail in a prehensile manner, and it was also used as a balancing organ by Thallomys and Praomys. These two species, but more noticeably Thallomys, made use of semi-opposable digits on the hind-feet whilst climbing. Only Thallomys scent-marked branches.  相似文献   

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