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Sir — The recently published advances by Done (1957 Done, J. T. 1957. Vet. Rec., 69: 13411341.  [Google Scholar]). Done et al. (1957 Done, J. T., Brooksbank, N. H. and Buntain, D. 1957. Vet. Rec., 69: 6767.  [Google Scholar]) and Harding cl al. (1957 Harding, T. D. J., Done, J. T. and Kershaw, G. F. 1957. Vet. Rec., 69: 824824.  [Google Scholar]); ill Great Britain concerning the knowledge of different disease of the central nervous system ot pigs have prompted a closer examination of these diseases by Diagnostic Officers of the Animal Research Division in this country.  相似文献   



Published records of Escherichia coli infection in lambs have appeared with increasing frequency in recent years. Reports have come from Australia (Roberts, 1957 Roberts, D. S. 1957. Anst. vet. J., 33: 4343.  [Google Scholar], 1958 Roberts, D. S. 1958. Anst. vet. J., 34: 152152.  [Google Scholar]; Charles, 1957 Charles, G. 1957. Anst. vet. J., 33: 329329.  [Google Scholar]) and from Britain (Terlecki and Shaw, 1959 Terlecki, S. and Shaw, W. G. 1959. Vet. Rec., 71: 181181.  [Google Scholar]; Rees, 1958 Rees, T. A. 1958. J. comp. Path., 68: 399399.  [Google Scholar]; Hughes, 1962 Hughes, L. E. 1962. Vet. Rec., 74: 350350.  [Google Scholar]). In the Australian outbreaks, the age of affected lambs ranged from three to eight weeks, while in the British outbreaks lambs became affected within one day of birth. In both countries the illness lasted from one to three days. Characteristically, the infection localized in the central nervous system leading to purulent meningo-encephahtis, and in the joints causing fibrino-purulent arthritis.  相似文献   



An infectious epididymitis of rams caused by Brucella ovis (Buddie, 1956 Buddle, M. B. 1956. J. Hygiene, 54: 351351.  [Google Scholar]) infection, first described in Australia (Simmons and Boyes, 1953 Simmons, C. G. and Hall, W. J. K. 1953. Aust.vet.J., 29: 3333. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and New Zealand (Buddie and Boyes, 1953 Buddle, M. B. and Boyes, B. W. 1953. Aust.vet. J., 29: 145145. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) was recognized subsequently in Czechoslovakia (Gdovin et al, 1955 Gdovin, T., Hrudka, F., Chladecky, E. and Koppel, Z. 1955. Shorn, ces. Akad. zemedelsk Ved., 28: 617617.  [Google Scholar]), the United States (McGowan and Shultz, 1956 McGowan, B. and Shultz, G. 1956. Cornel Vet., 46: 277277.  [Google Scholar]), South Africa (Van Rensburg et al, 1958 Van Rensburg, S. W. J., Van Heerden, K. M., Le Roux, D. J. and Snyders, A. J. 1958. J.S.Afr. vet. med. Ass., 29: 223223.  [Google Scholar]), Rumania (Tudoriu, et al, 1958 Tudoriu, C. D., Andrei, M., Draghici, D. and Moldoveanu, P. 1958. Anu. Inst. Pat.Igien. anim. Bucaresti, 8: 55.  [Google Scholar]), and South America (Dr Justo Zomara B, 1961, pers. comm.). As the infection can affect ram fertility and, further, can be responsible for abortion in ewes and perinatal mortality in lambs, attention has been directed to the development, evaluation, and application of control measures in a number of important sheep-raising countries.  相似文献   



Increasing references have been made in the recent veterinary literature to malacic diseases of the nervous system in sheep and other animals. Plowright (1954 Cordy, D. R. 19S4. J. Neuropath., 13: 330330.  [Google Scholar]) and Innes and Plowright (1955 Hartley, W. J. 1956. N.Z.vet.J., 4: 129129. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) have described a focal symmetrical spinal poliomalacia of unknown aetiology in sheep in Kenya. In the U.S.A., Cordy (1954 Haymaker, W., Ginzler, A. M. and Ferguson, R. L. 1952. Military Surgeon, 111: 231231.  [Google Scholar]) has described a focal symmetrical encephalomalacia of horses following the ingestion of a species of thistle, and Jensen et al. (1956 Hurst, E. W. 1940. Aust. J. exp. Biol. med. Sci., 18: 201201.  [Google Scholar]) have described an idiopathic polio-encephalomalacia in cattle and sheep. In New Zealand, Hartley (1956 Innes, J. R. M. and Plowright, W. 1955. J. Neuropath., 14: 185185.  [Google Scholar]) has described a focal symmetrical encephalomalacia (F.S.E.) of lambs that may be related to the sublethal effects of the toxin of Clostridium perfringens (welchii) Type D. Smith (1957 Jensen, Rue, Griner, L. A. and Adams, O. R. 1956. J. Amer. vet. med. Ass., 129: 311311. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]) has described widespread lesions of polio-encephalomalacia together with eosinophilic meningoencephalitis in sodium chloride poisoning of swine.  相似文献   



Each year in New Zealand, many rams are palpated for lesions of the epididymes and testes. Although regarded initially as a method of detecting infertile rams (Crawford and James, 1950 Biberstein, E. L. and McGowan, B. 1958. Cornell Vet., 48: 3131.  [Google Scholar]), the technique is now regarded primarily as a method of detecting infection with the organism for which Buddie (1956 Buddle, M. B. 1956. J.Hyg., 54: 351351.  [Google Scholar]) proposed the name Brucella ovis.  相似文献   



Indirect bacterial haemagglutination was first reported by Keogh et al. (1947 Keogh, E. V., North, E. A. and Warburton, M. F. 1947. Nature (Lond.), 160: 6363.  [Google Scholar]). It depends on the adsorption of bacterial antigens to the surface of red blood cells rendering them agglutinable in the presence of homologous bacterial antibody. A comprehensive review by Neter (1956 Neter, E. 1956. Bact. Rev., 20: 166166.  [Google Scholar]) summarizes the methods used and results achieved with various bacterial antigens. Biberstein (1955 Biberstein, E. L. 1955. Cornell Vet., 46: 144144.  [Google Scholar]) used an adaption of Neter's method of antigen preparation in studying the antigenic relationships of Vibrio species. The objects of the present studywere to determine whether an erythrocyte adsorbable antigen could be obtained from Vibrio fetus, to compare its sensitivity with a formalinized bacterial antigen, and to study its application to the detection of antibodies in bovine vaginal mucus. The work will be described in two sections, the first dealing with the preparation and properties of sheep red cells modified with material derived :from V. fetus, and the second with the detection of antibodies in bovine vaginal mucus.  相似文献   



Recent surveys carried out by the Veterinary Investigation Service in Britain (1959 Veterinary Investigation Service. 1959. Vet. Rec, 71: 777777.  [Google Scholar], 1960 Veterinary Investigation Service. 1960. Vet. Rec., 72: 12401240.  [Google Scholar]) into the causes of mortality in pigs confirmed the general impression that, in spite of advances in therapy and prophylaxis during the last 20 years, the mortality rate in piglets below 8 weeks of age is still in the region of 25 per cent of live births, a figure depressingly similar to, and indeed somewhat above, that obtained by Menzies-Kitchin (1937 Menzies-Kitchin, A.W. 1937. J. agric Sci., 27: 611611.  [Google Scholar], 1938 Menzies-Kitchin, A.W. 1938. Pig Breeders' Annual, 18: 3535.  [Google Scholar]) before the war. The surveys also analysed all deaths by age groups, organs affected and aetiological agent, in an attempt to define as precisely as possible the disease problems in British pigs.  相似文献   



Surveys on perinatal infection in lambs in New Zealand have been reported and the pathology and bacteriology of the conditions described (Hartley and Boyes, 1955 Hartley, W. J. and Boyes, Betty W. 1955. Proc. N.Z. Soc. anim. Prod., 15: 120120.  [Google Scholar], 1964 Hartley, W. J. and Boyes, Betty W. 1964. N.Z. vet J., 12: 3333. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]; McFarlane, 1955 McFarlane, D. 1955. Proc. N.Z. Soc. anim. Prod., 15: 104104.  [Google Scholar]; Hartley and Kater, 1964 Hartley, W. J. and Kater, Joan C. 1964. N.Z. vet. J., 12: 4949. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). Potentially pathogenic organisms were isolated from 58 to 288 lambs from five flocks, Clostridium septicum being isolated from five of these cases (Hartley and Boyes, 1955 Hartley, W. J. and Boyes, Betty W. 1955. Proc. N.Z. Soc. anim. Prod., 15: 120120.  [Google Scholar]). In another survey, 5.5% of lambs born dead or dying up to 4 weeks of age died from navel infection. Clostridium septicum was isolated from 69% of 48 consecutive cases (Hartley and Boyes, 1964 Hartley, W. J. and Boyes, Betty W. 1964. N.Z. vet J., 12: 3333. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). McFarlane (1955 McFarlane, D. 1955. Proc. N.Z. Soc. anim. Prod., 15: 104104.  [Google Scholar]) recorded that 7.3% of perinatal mortality was due to navel infection but no bacteriology was carried out nor was the organism suspected stated. On individual farms, up to 15% of lambs recorded died from navel ill. It should be pointed out that, in this survey, only small numbers of lambs were received from some properties.  相似文献   



Recognition that one infective agent could cause ram epididymitis and ewe abortion in New Zealand was due to McFarlane et al. (1952 McFarlane, D., Jebson, J. L., Hartley, W. J., Salisbury, R. M., McClure, T. J. and Osborne, H. G. 1952. Aust. vet. J., 28: 226226. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). The organism was not identified at that time, but Buddie and Boyes (1953 Buddle, M. B. and Boyes, B. W. 1953. Aust. vet. J., 29: 145153. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) classified it in the genus Brucella—possibly a variant of Br. melitensis. This finding provided a basis for research on control and treatment of the disease. The present paper describes studies on one aspect of this problem, the chemotherapy of affected rams.  相似文献   



Much work has been, carried out in New Zealand to ascertain the response in young sheep to drenching with anthelmintics (for review see Whitten, 1954 Brown, H. D., Matzuk, A. K., Iives, I. R., Peterson, L. H., Harris, S. A., Sarett, L. H., Egerton, J. R., Yakstis, J. J., Campbell, W. C. and Cuckler, A. C. 1961. J. Amer. chem. Soc, 83: 17641764. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Clarke &; Filmer (1958) Brunsdon, R. V. 1960. N.Z. vet. J., 9: 1313.  [Google Scholar] have also examined response to drenching in their studies on hogget' ill-thrift. As Whitten (1954) Clarke, E. A. and Filmer, D. B. 1958. N.Z. J. agric. Res., 1: 382382. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar] has shown, results of past drenching trials have been extremely variable. In some cases little or no response has been observed, in others considerable increases; in weight gains have been achieved. More recently, Robertson (1963) Gordon, H. McL. 1961. Nature, 191: 14091409. [Lond.] [Google Scholar] has summarized the results of part of an extensive series of country-wide post-weaning drenching trials conducted by the Department of Agriculture with the new anthelmintic thiabendazole. In those trials consistent, weight gain responses were recorded in favour of the drenched animals. However, most of the published data are from trials involving strategic drenching programmes designed to control or limit infestation rather than to suppress completely, patent infestation. Most of these trials have been confined to late summer, autumn and winter, and few have attempted to cover the entire first year of young sheep. Furthermore, little attempt has hitherto been made to correlate responses obtained with the changing degree and species composition of infestation throughout the course of the trial.  相似文献   



Feild outbreaks of acute lameness in sheep in New Zealand are usually attributed to contagious footrot (Fusiformis nodosus) (Beveridge, 1941 Beveridge, W. I. B. 1941. Bull. Counc. Sci. indusir. Res. Aust., 140 [Google Scholar]), foot abscess (Sphaerophorus necrophorus) (Gregory, 1939 Gregory, T. S. 1939. Aust. vet. J., 15: 160160.  [Google Scholar]), or so-called “nutritional scald” Occasionally Erysipelothrix rhusio pathiae is also responsible (Whitten, 1951 Whitten, L. K. 1951. Aust. vet. J., 28: 66.  [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   



The economic importance of vaginal prolapse in ewes depends not only on the incidence, which has been shown to vary from farm to farm, district to district, year to year (Edgar, 1952 Edgar, D. G. 1952. Vet. Rec., 64: 852852.  [Google Scholar]; McLean, 1957 McLean, J. W. 1957. N.Z. vet. J., 5: 9393. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]), and according to topography (McLean, 1957 McLean, J. W. 1957. N.Z. vet. J., 5: 9393. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]), but also upon the outcome of the disease in losses of ewes and Iambs. It must be appreciated that, although it is becoming more common than hitherto for veterinary assistance to besought, by custom and tradition the great majority of cases are still treated by the farmer himself or his shepherd. The kind of treatment that cases thus receive and the conditions under which treatment is given can perhaps best be described as “rough and ready”. The mortality rates in ewes and lambs to be described in this paper are those associated with this kind of treatment.  相似文献   



In New Zealand, cobalt-containing drenches are recommended for the field diagnosis of cobalt deficiency, but find little use as a routine method of controlling the disease. For the latter purpose, cobaltized licks have a place on extensively-grazed untopdressed hill country. Otherwise, topdressing pastures annually with cobalt sulphate, usually as cobaltized superphosphate, has proved the best method of prevention (N.Z. Dept. Agric, 1954 N.Z. Dept. Agric. 1954. N.Z. Dept. Agric. Bull.,  [Google Scholar]; Andrews, 1956 Andrews, E. D. 1956. N.Z. J. Agric., 92: 239239.  [Google Scholar]). In Australia, however, greater reliance has been placed on drenches and licks, partly because cobalt topdressing is regarded as uneconomic on the extensive undeveloped holdings usually associated with cobalt deficiency in that country, and partly because the effects of cobalt applied to the land have often proved ephemeral, particularly on the acutely-deficient calcareous coastal sands (Lee, 1950 Lee, H. J. 1950. Aust. vet. J., 26: 152152. [Crossref], [PubMed] [Google Scholar]; Bennetts, 1955 Bennetts, H. W. 1955. J. Agric. West Ami., 4: 4242.  [Google Scholar]). However, recent work in South Australia opens up an entirely new approach to the control of cobalt deficiency disease. Dewey et al. (1958 Dewey, D. W., Lee, H. J. and Marston, H. R. 1958. Nature (Lond), 181: 13671367.  [Google Scholar]) report that when semi-porous pellets containing cobaltic oxide are administered to sheep they are retained in the reticulum, or less commonly in the rumen, and release a continuous and adequate supply of cobalt to the animal. Phalaris staggers and cobalt deficiency disease can be prevented in this way.  相似文献   



Tutu (Coriaria arborea Lindsay) is a small tree or shrub, variable in height, with leaves lin. to 3in. long, oblong and sessile, which has many flowers in long, drooping racemes. The fruit is purplish-black and is enveloped by juicy, persistent, and enlarged petals. It is a shrub that is found abundantly on certain river banks, bush, scrub, and tussock grassland throughout New Zealand (Connor, 1951 Aston, B. C. 1934. N.Z.J. Agric, 49: 150150.  [Google Scholar]). The green fruit and associated racemes, and also the flowering racemes, are highly toxic. The ripe fruit is relatively not as toxic (Easterfield, 1901 Christie, L. 1890. N.Z. med. J., 4: 11.  [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   



The ciliate protozoan parasite Balantidium coli is considered by Hagan (1947 Hagan, W. A. 1947. The Infections Diseases of Domestic Animals, Ithaca, N.Y.: Comstock Publishing Co. Inc..  [Google Scholar]) commonly to infest swine, in which it occasionally produces, ulcerative colitis and diarrhoea. Humans are subject to infestation only rarely, and those most commonly affected associate with swine. A preliminary report by Norgarin (1957 Hayes, F. A. and Jordan, H. E. 1956. J. Amer. vet. med. Ass., 126: 161161.  [Google Scholar]) records the occurrence of B. coli in cattle, and Hayesand Jordan (1956 Norgarin, S. 1957. Veterinaria Milano, 6: 201201.  [Google Scholar]) record its presence in worm infested dogs.  相似文献   



In considering any system of parasite control by management, it is useful to have a reasonably clear conception of the problem involved. Taylor (1957) Taylor, E. L. 1957. Vet. Rec., 69: 557557.  [Google Scholar] has given some idea of the enormous biotic potential of the gastro-intestinal parasites of sheep. A sheep carrying quite a moderate infestation will distribute some 500,000 worm eggs each day on to the pasture it is grazing. Moreover, with present-day trends in farming efficiency, it is as well to know that, on any given area, these parasites tend to increase as the square of the number of animals depastured on it.  相似文献   



A report in the recent literature of lympho-sarcoma in an Aberdeen Angus × Shorthorn × Guernsey heifer calf, 3 weeks old (Simon and Brewer, 1963 Simon, J. and Brewer, R. L. 1963. J. Amer. vet. med. Ass., 142: 13881388.  [Google Scholar]), has prompted the writer to record a case encountered in 1960.  相似文献   



It would seem from the recent report by Murray et al. (1958 Murray, J. E., Merrill, J. P. and Harrison, J. H. 1958. Ann. Surg., 148: 343343.  [Google Scholar]) that success has at length attended the many attempts by workers at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital (U.S.A.) to achieve functional renal homografts. In experimental surgery extending over a period of some thirteen years, numerous endeavours have been made to overcome the inherent obstacles to successful kidney transplantation; some transplants have worked for a month or so, but ultimately all have ended in failure, and it appeared that the mutual immunological reactions of host against graft, and graft against host, were so formidable as to defy solution.  相似文献   



Robins and Shapcott (1954 Robins, J. H. and Shapcott, R. 1954. N.Z. vet. J., 2: 5555. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) recorded cases of presumed acorn poisoning in sheep.  相似文献   



Drake et al. (1960 Drake, C, Grant, A. B. and Hartley, W. J. 1960. N.Z. vet. J., 8: 77. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) have shown that selenium will control outbreaks of lamb and hogget ill-thrift on the pumice soils of the Rotorua-Taupo area. As an ill-thrift problem also exists in calves on the newly-broken-in farms in the same area, it was decided to investigate the effect of oral selenium and other minerals in the control of this problem.  相似文献   

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