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CASE HISTORY: A skeletal disease characterised by dwarfism, limb deformity and sometimes sudden death occurred over a period of 5 years in lambs born on a commercial sheep farm in Southland. The disease showed variable expression and occurred in crossbred sheep. A genetic aetiology was supported by the birth of affected lambs over two seasons in a flock of putative carrier and affected sheep transported to Massey University. CLINICAL FINDINGS: Affected lambs appeared normal at birth but showed evidence of dwarfism, wide-based stance and exercise intolerance as early as 1 week of age. Most died within the first 3 months of life, often after developing bilateral varus deformity of the forelimbs. Some severely-affected lambs died suddenly of respiratory embarrassment, probably due to tracheal collapse. Mildly-affected individuals had a short, blocky stature and some survived to breeding age. PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Gross and microscopic lesions of variable severity were present in the tracheal, articular, epiphyseal and physeal cartilages. In severe cases, articular cartilage in major joints was eroded from weight-bearing surfaces. The trachea was flaccid, abnormally kinked, and had thickened cartilaginous rings and a narrow lumen. Affected sheep that survived to breeding age eventually developed severe degenerative joint disease. Histologically, chondrocytes were disorganised, surrounded by concentric rings of abnormal fibrillar material, and the matrix often contained focal to coalescing areas of chondrolysis. DIAGNOSIS: Inherited chondrodysplasia of Texel sheep. CLINICAL RELEVANCE AND CONCLUSIONS: This chondrodysplasia differs from those previously described in sheep and is considered to be a newly-recognised, recessively-inherited genetic disease of the Texel breed. A defect in the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans in cartilage matrix is suspected. This disease of sheep may provide a suitable model for studying various forms of therapy for human chondrodysplasias.  相似文献   

A chondrodysplasia characterised by dwarfism and varus deformity of the forelimbs has been recognised over four seasons in Texel and Texel-cross lambs on three related properties. Affected lambs appear normal at birth, but by 2 weeks of age have reduced growth rate, shortened neck and legs, varus forelimb deformities and a progressive reluctance to walk. Most die within the first 4 months of life. Some affected lambs have had normal co-twins. Post mortem examination of two severely affected 3-month-old lambs revealed extensive loss of articular cartilage and exposure of subchondral bone on the weight-bearing surfaces of the proximal humeri and femurs. Articular and physeal cartilages were thicker than normal, suggesting delayed or impaired endochondral ossification. Histopathologically, there was disorganisation of chondrocytes in articular and physeal cartilage of all bones examined. In addition, there were multiple foci of chondrolysis, which coalesced in some areas to form large clefts. The chondroid matrix surrounding chondrocytes had an abnormal fibrillar appearance. One lamb that exhibited early signs of the disease died of an unrelated cause at 3 weeks of age, and although there was no erosion of articular cartilage, characteristic microscopic lesions were present in articular and physeal cartilage. Although most of the affected lambs were born on a commercial property with a mix of different sheep breeds, all had Texel genes on both sire and dam sides of the pedigree. The farmer had been purchasing his Texel rams from the same flock for several seasons. Circumstantial evidence favours a genetic aetiology, characterised by either autosomal recessive inheritance or over dominance. Studies on the genetic and biochemical basis of the disease are continuing.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: A skeletal disease characterised by lameness, limb deformities and reduced growth rate occurred over two successive years in lambs born on a commercial sheep farm in Marlborough. A genetic aetiology was considered likely following exclusion of other known causes of rickets and because of the progressive nature of the disease, even after affected animals were transferred to another property. CLINICAL FINDINGS: Affected lambs appeared normal at birth but developed clinical signs during the first 2 months of life. The most severely affected animals either died or were euthanised within the first year of life, but some survived to breeding age. Serum biochemistry revealed hypocalcaemia, hypophosphataemia and increased concentrations of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D. The mean serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D concentration was similar to that of control lambs. PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Gross lesions included enlarged costochondral junctions, bilateral irregularity of articular surfaces on humeral heads due to collapse of subchondral bone, thickened cortices in long bones and irregular thickening of physeal cartilages. Microscopically, tongues of hypertrophic chondrocytes extended from physes into metaphyseal regions; metaphyseal trabeculae were thick, disorganised and often lined by wide osteoid seams. Osteoclastic activity was excessive both in cortical and trabecular bone. DIAGNOSIS: Inherited rickets in Corriedale sheep. CLINICAL RELEVANCE AND CONCLUSIONS: This disease is likely to be present in several Corriedale sheep flocks in New Zealand and may have been misdiagnosed as arthritis or other diseases causing lameness and/or poor growth. A defect in end-organ responsiveness to 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D is the likely mechanism. This disease of sheep may be a useful model for studying vitamin D metabolism and the treatment of inherited forms of rickets in human beings.  相似文献   

该研究旨在初步了解无角陶赛特羊和特克塞尔羊对甘肃榆中地区的适应性,以便为该地区引进推广良种肉羊提供依据。以兰州奉特动物科技有限公司榆中肉羊繁育中心的无角陶赛特羊和特克塞尔羊为研究对象,对其2016—2018年的繁殖性能进行了分析,同时对2018年无角陶赛特羔羊和特克塞尔羔羊从出生到2月龄(断奶)的生长发育性能进行了测定。结果表明:从2016年到2018年无角陶赛特羊、特克塞尔羊的繁殖率、产羔率、双羔率均在逐年提高;特克塞尔羔羊初生重、1月龄重以及2月龄重均高于无角陶赛特羔羊,但差异均不显著(P>0.05);特克塞尔羔羊1月龄胸宽、2月龄胸宽和体长均显著高于无角陶赛特羔羊(P<0.05),其他体尺指标差异均不显著(P>0.05)。说明两个肉羊品种在甘肃榆中地区均有良好的繁殖性能以及较高的生长性能,均可在榆中及其周边地区推广养殖。  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY AND CLINICAL FINDINGS: Two White Dorper lambs from the North Island of New Zealand, 2 and 4 weeks of age, were presented with large skin flaps hanging from the flanks, separation of skin from the subcutis over mobile joints, and de-gloving injuries of the limbs and tail. The lambs were subject to euthanasia on humane grounds.

PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Large skin tears with associated haemorrhage, periarticular S/C oedema and generalised skin fragility were observed in both lambs at post-mortem examination. Histology of the affected skin revealed diffuse hyalinisation of dermal collagen compared with control lambs, protein-filled peri-adnexal clefts and areas of deep dermal and S/C granulation tissue consistent with previous separation of skin from the subcutis. Analysis of hair follicles, collected from one of the lambs, using a commercially available genetic test in Australia was consistent with the lamb being homozygous for the mutation responsible for ovine dermatosparaxis.

DIAGNOSIS: Likely dermatosparaxis.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: These findings strongly suggest that the mutation responsible for dermatosparaxis in White Dorper sheep is present in New Zealand. Dermatosparaxis should be considered when investigating skin fragility in lambs with White Dorper genetics. Confirmation of the disorder is possible through genetic analysis of hair follicles.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: In 2008, six lambs within a flock of Dorpercross sheep were born with musculoskeletal and neurological disease. Clinical signs included hindlimb weakness, and urinary incontinence.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: All lambs had focal, inverted areas of alopecic skin over the caudal sacrum, and short, often kinked tails. Four affected lambs were subject to euthanasia, and necropsied. On gross examination, the arches of sacral vertebrae were absent, and spinal nerves and meninges were adherent to the overlying subcutis. Other gross lesions included narrow, elongated skulls, herniation of the occipital lobes into the caudal fossas, hydrocephalus, and syringomyelia. One lamb had coning of the cerebellar vermis, but cerebellar herniation through the foramen magnum was not identified.

DIAGNOSIS: Spina bifida, with associated malformations of the central nervous system.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Examination of breeding records suggested either an autosomal recessive or partially penetrant autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. Because of the associated tail lesions it is proposed that the pathogenesis of this syndrome involves a defect in development of the tail bud (secondary neurulation), that tethering of the spinal cord resulted in the clinical signs, and abnormal pressure of the cerebral spinal fluid resulted in the defects in the skull and brain.  相似文献   


HISTORY: A similar episodic neurological disorder occurred in new born lambs on two unrelated properties involving disparate breeds of sheep. Because of the number of lambs born, cross-breeding and the fact it occurred in some mating groups and not others, a dominant mode of inheritance was, initially and separately, suspected in each case. The sires of affected lambs were apparently normal. Whereas one was New Zealand Romney, the other was a composite breed with East Friesian genetics, but both rams originated from the same source property. To investigate the pathogenesis of the disorder these two rams were acquired and mated with unrelated sheep, under experimental conditions in a more controlled environment.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: A proportion of lambs born to both sires exhibited a similar neurological disorder. Some lambs were noted to be abnormal at birth, both on home properties and in the experimental flock. They tended to adopt a head and neck extended posture and were slow to get to their feet and suckle when they then became more or less normal. When forced to move, they and other more robust lambs elicited an asymmetric gait, base-wide extensor hypertonia (hypometria) of thoracic limbs and flexor hypertonia (hypermetria) of pelvic limbs. In some there was nystagmus. After several metres of asymmetric ataxic gait they would fall to one side, sometimes adopting a sitting position. Recovery usually occurred in one to several minutes. As lambs aged, it became more difficult to elicit the episodes of dysfunction and by 6 months of age they appeared normal.

DIAGNOSIS: The disorder was diagnosed as a dominant familial episodic cerebellovestibular ataxia inherited as a dominant trait, with incomplete penetration of observed clinical signs and variable expressivity.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A proportion of affected lambs are likely to die in the neonatal period so the specific nature of the disorder may go unrecognised. Because of incomplete penetrance and varying expressivity, many of the lambs carrying this mutation will survive without showing clinical signs and may enter breeding flocks, where the disorder may be perpetuated and contribute to neonatal deaths.  相似文献   

Reason for performing study: There is limited information on the gross tracheal morphology of donkeys with or without tracheal abnormalities. Objectives: To: 1) examine the morphology of tracheas of donkeys with and without clinical and/or post mortem evidence of tracheal obstruction; 2) record the cross‐sectional dimensions and shapes of tracheal rings at fixed sites; and 3) document prevalence, sites and characteristics of detected tracheal abnormalities. Methods: The tracheas of 75, predominantly aged (median age 30 years, range 7–48 years) donkeys that died or were subjected to euthanasia on humane grounds were examined. Five had severe dyspnoea due to tracheal obstruction (with intercurrent lung disease in 3), while 7 had post mortem evidence of severe tracheal airway obstruction. Every 5th tracheal ring was dissected free and the inner and outer vertical and transverse dimensions and cross sectional areas were measured. Each dissected ring was photographed and the shape of the trachea was classified as normal or, in one of 6 abnormal grades, according to the type and degree of structural abnormality present. Results: The tracheas had a mean of 43 (range 34–50) tracheal rings that tended to be more oval in shape in the distal cervical region. Only 31.2% of rings examined had a circular to oval shape. Dorso‐ventral flattening was present in 0.9% of tracheal rings, dorsal ligament separation in 24.4%, slight cartilage deformity in 26.0%, moderate cartilage deformity in 10.4%, marked cartilage deformity in 1.9% and miscellaneous other abnormalities in 4.9% of tracheal rings. The 12 donkeys with ante or post mortem evidence of tracheal obstruction had significantly increased tracheal abnormality grade in comparison to the remaining donkeys. Conclusions and potential relevance: Structural tracheal abnormalities are present in most old donkeys, but generally do not cause clinical problems in these sedentary animals unless intercurrent pulmonary disease is present.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe an outbreak of congenital microphthalmia in Texel lambs in New Zealand. METHODS: Affected eyes were fixed in 10% formol saline, processed routinely for histopathology and stained with haematoxylin and eosin, Holme's silver and haematoxylin with and without luxol fast blue, and luxol fast blue alone. RESULTS: Macroscopically, the globes and optic nerves were hypoplastic. Histologically, all embryonic components of the eye were present, but the lens, ciliary body, iris and retina were dysplastic. Axons of the hypoplastic optic nerve were poorly myelinated. CONCLUSIONS: Congenital microphthalmia occurs in Texel sheep in New Zealand, and is likely inherited as an autosomal recessive trait.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: A group of 545 pregnant rising 2-year-old Coopdale ewes on a Southland sheep farm were grazed over winter on a fodder beet (Beta vulgaris) crop. Subsequently, 45 out of approximately 750 lambs were born with a variety of skeletal deformities, including shortened limbs, varus and valgus angular limb deformities, palmar grade stance and cranial bowing of the carpus. Analysis of the crop showed the fodder beet contained a low percentage of phosphorus. In addition, 60 out of 460 rising 2-year-old ewes that had been grazed on the fodder beet crop as 1-year-olds had incisor abnormalities and malocclusion.

PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Two affected lambs (1-day-old and 3-days-old) with representative clinical signs examined postmortem were found to have markedly enlarged costochondral junctions, and noticeably enlarged long bone metaphyses. In addition, one lamb had a dense band of metaphyseal sclerosis beneath the physes of all long bones examined. Histopathological findings included small islands and columns of chondrocytes and eosinophilic cartilage matrix present in the metaphysis. Metaphyseal trabeculae were disorganised and often lined by accumulations of pale pink osteoid; similar pale pink osteoid was also present in the cortices. Unerupted molar teeth in the affected lambs lacked a layer of enamel, and the dentine was irregular with globular basophilia.

DIAGNOSIS: The gross and histopathological lesions were consistent with a diagnosis of rickets.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Nutritional congenital rickets has not been previously diagnosed in sheep, but is a recognised disease of human infants with vitamin D deficient mothers. The rickets in affected lambs was most likely associated with phosphorus deficiency as a result of the pregnant ewes grazing fodder beet during gestation. While vitamin D deficiency was not definitively ruled out in these cases, practitioners are alerted to the possible effects of feeding phosphorus-deficient fodder beet to ewes for long periods during gestation and to 1-year-old sheep during important growth periods.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: From 26 days of age, an Antipodes Island parakeet (Cyanoramphus unicolor) was noted to have a severe beak deformity and reduced bodyweight gain compared to its nest mate. The bird was euthanised at 43 days of age.

CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: The beak abnormality consisted of distortion of the right nares and severe shortening resulting in deviation of the upper maxilla to the right and cranially. On sectioning the head, copious mucoid material was found in the infraorbital sinus and the bony sinus architecture was disrupted. Histopathological examination of the infraorbital sinuses revealed a large focus of chronic but active inflammation, bony lysis on the right side and pockets of a mixed population of bacteria.

DIAGNOSIS: Severe beak deformity, likely secondary to bacterial sinusitis.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The case illustrates the need to look for underlying aetiologies to beak malformation, particularly in young parrots.  相似文献   

Limited information is available on differences between sheep breeds with respect to helminth resistance under temperate conditions. The present study was designed to confirm and extend preliminary findings on observed breed differences in resistance to naturally acquired gastrointestinal nematodes in Suffolk and Texel sheep. Three trials were carried out. In trial 1 (1999-2003) lambs co-grazed from birth were faecal sampled at various time points up to 17 weeks of age. Worm burden was assessed at 17 weeks of age from a minimum of six lambs per breed in each of the 3 years. In trial 2, faecal egg count (FEC) was determined on six farms with co-grazed Suffolk and Texel purebred lambs. In trial 3 (2001-2003), ewes were faecal sampled at winter housing. In all three trials, an influence of breed on resistance to naturally acquired trichostrongyle infection was demonstrated. In trial 1, significantly higher FEC and worm burden was observed in Suffolk compared with Texel lambs following natural challenge. In trial 2, FEC recorded in lambs from six farms confirmed the breed differences previously observed. A breed difference in resistance to GI parasites was also observed in older ewes. In both breeds, an age effect on the FEC was observed with younger ewes having greater FEC than older ewes.  相似文献   

本文试验探究特克赛尔羊、哈萨克羊、特哈杂交F1,特哈杂交F2、级近F2、回交F2、横交F2等不同杂交模式下生产的公羔和母羔的生产性能分析和血液生理生化分析。研究结果表明,不同杂交代次绵羊群体血液生化指标存在差异,引入品种和杂交改良群体对本地适应性、抗病力和自身免疫力也存在差异。不同杂交方式产出的羔羊生产性能也有差异,杂交F1代具有最明显的杂种优势,是最经济的杂交方式。为哈萨克羊的肉羊杂交育种提供理论依据。  相似文献   


Enzootic nasal tumor (ENT) is a contagious neoplasm associated with enzootic nasal tumor virus (ENTV), which may induce disease in sheep (ENTV-1) and goats (ENTV-2). This study aimed to describe the occurrence of ENT in two Texel sheep (Ovis aries) from a 75-sheep flock, located in the city of Gravataí, southern Brazil. Animals used to be purchased from different origins, and no specific tests for disease monitoring or quarantine procedure were performed. Affected animals presented respiratory distress, anorexia with severe weight loss, and mucopurulent unilateral nasal discharge. Necropsy was performed in both animals and nasal cavity masses were observed. Histopathological analysis demonstrated an epithelial neoplasm compatible with nasal adenocarcinoma. PCR using a protocol that amplifies a 591 bp sequence of 5’LTR-gag region of ENTV1 was performed followed by DNA sequencing. Both samples were positive, and the sequences obtained presented highest identity (97%) with ENTV strain TN28 (GenBank accession number MH899613) detected in a Texel sheep from Scotland. This is the first report of ENTV-1 leading to enzootic nasal tumor in sheep in Latin America, which confirms the presence of the retrovirus in sheep flocks in the Brazilian territory.


CASE HISTORY AND CLINICAL FINDINGS: A 3.3-year-old male alpaca, weighing 60?kg was referred for investigation of a severe left forelimb lameness of 4 weeks duration. A scapulohumeral subluxation had been diagnosed radiographically by the referring veterinarian.

CLINICAL FINDINGS AND DIAGNOSIS: Based on clinical, ultrasonographic and radiographic findings the diagnosis of cranio-lateral subluxation of the left humeral head was confirmed. In addition, a full thickness lesion (approximately 1?×?1?cm) of the articular cartilage on the caudomedial aspect of the humeral head was diagnosed by arthroscopy.

TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: Treatment included open reduction with internal fixation. Severe muscle contraction and local tissue fibrosis around the scapulohumeral joint (SHJ) required osteotomy of the acromion 3?cm proximal to the distal acromial edge, to allow adequate access. Internal stabilisation was achieved by placing tension band sutures between one cortical screw in the scapular neck and two cortical screws, with washers, craniolaterally on the greater tubercle of the humerus. Post-surgery, a carpal flexion sling was applied with the carpus maintained in 70° flexion for 4 weeks to avoid postoperative weight-bearing. An exercise programme was started 8 days after surgery and continued for 12 weeks. The alpaca had an uneventful postsurgical recovery and showed no lameness after 8 weeks. The long-term outcome was excellent; 21 months after surgery the alpaca was sound and the range of movement of the left SHJ was equal to the right SHJ.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Even in this chronic case of subluxation of the SHJ of 4 weeks duration, surgical treatment using osteotomy of the acromion, open reduction and internal fixation with extracapsular scapulohumeral tension sutures resulted in an excellent long-term outcome in this alpaca, despite the presence of a cartilage lesion.  相似文献   

A suspected inherited form of rickets was diagnosed in Corriedale sheep on a commercial sheep farm in Marlborough. Affected lambs were normal at birth but showed a reduced growth rate and a range of skeletal abnormalities, including both varus and valgus deformities and a characteristic dip in the shoulder region. Up to 20 affected lambs had been born on the property over the last two seasons. Skeletal lesions in affected lambs included swollen costochondral junctions, moderate to marked thickening of physes in long bones, and collapse of weakened subchondral bone, particularly in the proximal humerus. These lesions, together with the microscopic changes, strongly suggested a diagnosis of rickets. Affected lambs were hypocalcaemic and hypophosphataemic, consistent with a deficiency of vitamin D.

Vitamin D assays revealed significantly higher 1,25(OH) vitamin D concentrations in affected lambs than in controls, suggesting a defect in the vitamin D receptor as the likely mechanism. DNA testing revealed that 4/10 Corriedale rams used during the previous season had sired affected lambs. Studies aimed at confirming the genetic nature of the disease and the mechanism are continuing at Massey University.  相似文献   

A holstein calf with congenital chondrodysplastic dwarfism was histopathologically examined. The head of the calf was relatively flat giving a dog-like appearance with its short nose and sloping forehead. Limb bones were dumbbell-like with short diaphysis and hypertrophied metaphyses. Bone marrow was pale, whitish and fatty. In the metaphyseal plates most of chondrocytes were pyknotic with swollen and ghost-like cytoplasm, and were irregularly arranged. Column of calcified cartilage were poorly formed losing comb-like structure. Bone marrow was ischemic with poor hematopoiesis and was moderately replaced by adipose tissue. In articular cartilage, most of chondrocytes were degenerated with ghost-like cytoplasm. Many cartilage canals and occasional bone marrow-like structure were formed. The characteristics lesions of the calf were chondrodysplasia and dyshematopoiesis.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess and compare the growth performance, feed efficiency, and carcass traits of Pantaneiro sheep and their Texel and Santa Inês crossbreds. Ninety-six lambs, fifty-one males, and forty-five females, with a mean weaning weight of 15.21?±?1.25 kg and 78?±?13 days of age, were slaughtered at a 32-kg body weight. The results showed better production efficiency from males compared with females. Texel-crossed lambs had a better growth performance than the other genotypes. The Texel?×?Pantaneiro lambs were more efficient with a better feedlot performance, higher ribeye muscle area, and better carcass characteristics with an adequate amount of fat cover. Pantaneiro lambs and their crosses with meat breeds could be useful in meat production systems under Savanna environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Haematological and biochemical examinations were carried out in 284 clinically healthy lambs aged from birth to nine month. The 122 male and 164 female animals belonged to the following breeds: German blackheaded mutton sheep (n = 114), Merino (n = 21), Frisian milksheep (n = 98), Texel (n = 31), Bentheimer landrace (n = 16) and Leine sheep (n = 5). The lambs were selected from a larger number of probationers by use of outlier tests. No differences were found between sexes for any of examined parameters. For the period from two to eight weeks of age breed differences could be proven for glutamate dehydrogenase and creatinin. Many parameters showed a strong dependence on the age of the lambs in a linear or polynomial function. While lymphocytes, protein, urea, creatinin, 3-hydroxybutyrate and copper increased, bilirubin, glucose, calcium, inorganic phosphate and the activities of alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyl-transferase decreased with age. Body weight had no influence on any examined parameter within the age dependence. Reference values (limits) are defined for healthy lambs and for healthy ewes, summarized from former studies.  相似文献   

Objectives were to estimate effects of sire breed (Dorset, Finnsheep, Romanov, Texel, and Montadale), dam breed [Composite III (CIII) and northwestern whiteface (WF)], mating season (March and May), and their interactions on reproductive traits of mature F1 ewes in spring mating seasons. A total of 1,099 F1 ewes produced 1,754 litters of 2,995 lambs from exposures to Suffolk rams during March and May mating seasons in 1995 through 1999. Fertility rate and ewe longevity were measured. Number born and litter birth weight were recorded, and number and weight at weaning and 20 wk of age were analyzed separately for dam- and nursery-reared litter mates. Total productivity from 4 to 6 yr of age for each ewe entering the breeding flock was calculated as the sum of 20-wk weights for dam-reared lambs and separately for nursery-reared lambs. Interactions of sire breed x mating season, ewe age x mating season, and ewe age x dam breed were often significant. Interactive effects of sire breed and mating season on fertility rate (P < 0.001) were primarily due to differences in magnitude. Fertility rates of sire breeds for March and May matings, respectively, were 92 and 89% for Romanov, 91 and 72% for Finnsheep, 90 and 52% for Texel, 88 and 52% for Montadale, and 83 and 62% for Dorset. Sire breed x mating season also affected number born (P < 0.03); March and May values were 2.12 and 2.05 for Romanov, 2.00 and 1.94 for Finnsheep, 1.39 and 1.41 for Texel, 1.37 and 1.51 for Montadale, and 1.37 and 1.55 for Dorset, respectively. Interaction of sire breed x dam breed on fertility rate (P < 0.01) was due to change in rank as well as magnitude. Romanov- and Dorset-sired ewes out of CIII dams had greater fertility rates than Romanov- and Dorset-sired ewes out of WF dams. The opposite situation existed for ewes by Finnsheep, Texel, and Montadale sires. Differences between dam breeds (CIII and WF) in total productivity of dam-reared lambs were not detected, whereas ewes exposed in March (78 kg) were more productive (P < 0.01) than those exposed in May (68 kg). Means of sire breeds for total productivity of dam-reared lambs were 47, 65, 70, 70, and 111 kg for Texel, Montadale, Dorset, Finnsheep, and Romanov, respectively (P < 0.001). Superior reproduction of Romanov sired ewes was primarily due to greater fertility rate and prolificacy at each mating season and ewe age. Use of Romanov-crossbred ewes would increase fertility during spring mating, an important constraint of the sheep industry.  相似文献   

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